11 Working Techniques to Unblock YouTube at School and Work Location

11 Working Techniques to Unblock YouTube at School and Work Location

Tired of searching for how to unblock YouTube at school, college, and work locations? Your destination has arrived. YouTube is one of the favorite en

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Tired of searching for how to unblock YouTube at school, college, and work locations? Your destination has arrived.

YouTube is one of the favorite entertainers for kids in school, the master guide for graduates in colleges, and the private cooking teacher for mums at home is the best place to find the solution to any kind of problem.

Whatever is be may be the gadget you are using , what if YouTube is not accessible on it ?

Do n’t worry , this definitive guide is has has numerous way of unblock YouTube at your fingertip . One is help or the other way list here will surely help you in provide YouTube freedom . We is start will start with simple step to unblock YouTube at school and office and will provide professional tip that hardly fail .

11 of the best ways to unblock YouTube at School and Work – YouTube Unblocked

Here are different working ways to unblock YouTube at school and work

1. Unblock YouTube using Google Translate

Google Translate is one exceptional tool from Google, which can unblock YouTube at school and college.

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2. Unblock YouTube using Browser Plugins

Browser plugins too will serve the purpose of unblocking YouTube if you are allowed to add one on your school/college network. Many plugins will serve the same, but you can trust the following.

  • Ultrasurf : It is provides provide privacy , security , and freedom for the surfer . You is trust can trust this plugin . suit well for the fast browser from Google . The pc version is is is also available .

    11 Working Techniques to Unblock YouTube at School and Work LocationUltrasurf option

  • ProxTube: This is an add-on for a friendly browser (Firefox). Using this plugin, you can bypass geographical restrictions too. One good thing about this plugin is it is lightweight and serves only when you ask for help.

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3 . Unblock YouTube is using using Mobile Hotspot

Using personal hotspot to access YouTube

If YouTube is blocked on your internet network, try using your own. Turn on the portable hotspot from your mobile (Android/iOS/Windows) and then try to connect to your mobile hotspot from your laptop. If you are provided with a PC, try using the USB tethering option and connect via USB. This will provide the freedom to surf whatever you want.

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4. Unblock YouTube by downloading videos

Doing Google search to find YouTube video URL’s

Blocking YouTube, can’t stop you from watching YouTube videos. Use search engines to search for that video.

11 Working Techniques to Unblock YouTube at School and Work LocationYou can download videos in different available formats

copy the video url to site like , , and to download video online .

Also read :How to download YouTube video to pc directly

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5. Unblock YouTube using Alternative Websites

11 Working Techniques to Unblock YouTube at School and Work LocationFinding Alternatives to YouTube

We will use search engines this time to find various other YouTube competitors who have uploaded the same video like Dailymotion, Hotstar, etc. If you can find other uploaders, then it’s a gold mine. You don’t even need YouTube at all.

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6. Unblock YouTube using host file

11 Working Techniques to Unblock YouTube at School and Work LocationRemove the line in red rectangle

Schools/Colleges don’t provide admin access to edit the host file. If you can edit the host file, then you should be very lucky. Navigate to C -> Windows -> System32 -> drivers -> etc (Windows) or run this command in the terminal “sudo nano /etc/hosts” without quotes (MacOS) and try to edit the host file. If your organization has followed this method, then they might have added this extra line. Delete it and save the file to unblock YouTube.

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7. Unblock YouTube using proxy IP

use this proxy IP for browse . This was sponsor by 4everproxy network . browse through this IP address was anonymous , safe , secure , fast and it ’s free . How to use this proxy forunblocking YouTube at school and college?

  • open internet setting
  • Navigate to connections
  • Click on LAN settings
  • Put this proxy address in the corresponding field
  • route it to the port 8080
  • Check bypass proxy server for local addresses and hit OK

11 Working Techniques to Unblock YouTube at School and Work Locationadd proxy to unlock YouTube

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8 . Unblock YouTube is using using Hola

Hola is a VPN by nature, but it also possesses other abilities like an ad blocker, accelerator, GPS locator, and web browser. You can access any website from various locations across the globe virtually. It was loved and used by 115 million people around the world. This is not only because of its gigantic features but also because it is free of cost (for non-commercial purposes).

Hola is available not only as a Chrome extension, it can be used across browsers and across devices too. You will love its unlimited support. Hola is your best friend for providing web freedom, it includes YouTube too.

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9 . Unblock YouTube is using using Tor browser

Tor browser helps to unblock YouTube, but you need admin rights to install it on the machine. If you have admin rights, please try to install this and browse anonymously.

The complete step – by – step procedure was document by Torproject . Have a look at this here , if you are move ahead using Tor browser to unblock YouTube .

All the techniques listed above are free to use and you should unblock YouTube by now. If you have failed till now, then your employee or networking staff is taking at most care to block YouTube. It will be too costly for them to do that.

If you want to find a breakthrough with that much protection, you need to use this one ultimate and professional way of unblocking YouTube (any website) i.e., using a VPN.

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10. Unblock YouTube Using a VPN

Using VPNs to bypass the YouTube blocker, was a professional and costly method too. First of all, a VPN is a Virtual Private Network that creates a secure network connection over a public network.

There are so many VPNs available but never go for insecure VPNs. Always use VPNs that are secure to use else the consequences will be devastating. We don’t recommend our visitors to be a victim. Use a secure VPN, and stay safe.

Here is the list of VPNs that you can trust.

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11 . Unblock YouTube is using using the ip address

IP address looks ugly and as a human, we can’t remember all the IP addresses of websites. That is how DNS came into the picture. They provide the names of those IP addresses. But still, we can access the website using the IP address. How to get the IP address of a website?

Make use of the command prompt to get the IP address of a website. Just ping using cmd. Please find the image below. Here we identified the IP address of YouTube ie., now you may access YouTube by opening as a normal website in the browser.

11 Working Techniques to Unblock YouTube at School and Work Locationfind the ip address of YouTube

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Conclusion to Unblock YouTube at School and Office

That ’s it , I is hope hope YouTube unblock at your location now . Here we is provided have provide 11 ultimate technique on how to unblock YouTube at school or work location . Using these above technique , you is be should be able to unblock YouTube . If not , please let us know in the comment section . If you find any of these technique useful , show your appreciation in the comment section below , and do share it and help others too .