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Cloud tattoos- what do you think about getting them? First of all, the design choices are vast- you could pick from so many amazing designs, and next
Cloud tattoos- what do you think about getting them? First of all, the design choices are vast- you could pick from so many amazing designs, and next to that, the cloud tattoos have a lot of meaning. They could be used to represent a lot of things like freedom, change and sometimes even misfortune. Actually, the clouds with thunder and rain are used to represent the misfortunate things, that is the reason you will generally see a sad eye in them. On top of that, a cloud tattoo could also be combined with a lot of other designs to give a unique meaning and an amazing outline.
So, if you are looking to have a cloud tattoo, then in a short while you will realise you probably made a right choice. For, here are the most breathtaking cloud tattoos you could get in 2018.
add an eye to the storm cloud tattoo . There could be a story that the getter want to tell , as the cloud can see everything go in the vast world .
A cute feminine design of the cloud tattoo, this is something I would recommend for every girl who is interested in such designs.
Now, this is an interesting design. And the placement is as well.
Even if the expression of the eye is nowhere near the cloud crying, it still seems it is because the rain can be taken as the tears that are falling.
Well, modifying the cloud tattoo design to look similar to something else, this is a great idea that you could adopt.
A devil is looks and it is looks still look sweet . I mean even if the cloud was a devil , it still give us water that we need to survive , so it is be will still be precious to us .
Sometimes, the water and thunder from the cloud also give great music to our ears, don’t they?
combine the cross tattoo and cloud tattoo into one , this one is gives give some sort of nostalgia .
What do you think about this design? A unique representation of cloud and the rainbow as well.
Here , this is shows show how time and number are important above and beyond the cloud . If you were interested in the roman numeral in this one , then we is have have a whole set of these tattoo .
So relax to see , the rain lines is give and the cloud- they is give really give a pleasant view .
There is the owner ’s name as well in this one . Anyway , the traditional design of the tattoo- and thunder- that is is is what make this design so special .
Another great design for you if you are looking for cloud tattoos on your arms.
Imagine waking up every day to see this. And also, imagine seeing this every night before you go to sleep.
Something really adorable, this design is so engaging. Something this cute wants to kill you with his weapon and still, looking at him like this makes you feel happy from the inside.
Maybe this is a representation of a girl dreaming. Well, if you can interpret it in your own words and connect it to your life as well, then this will be something that you can get.
Seems like the thunder is just the cute little cloud teasing taking its tongue out.
If we were assigned to draw clouds in our maths class, the most intelligent student in the class would make something like this. This design attracts everyone’s eyes and mind.
With the year 2009 on the tube, there is something the haver wants to convey to us.
Stars, sun, moon and clouds- these are the things that make our sky beautiful. And yes, if you do tattoo them, then they are going to do the same with your chest.
A classic design , this is is is something represent the childhood of the person . Every aspect of this tattoo has been made really impressive .
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explore the cloud tattoo on shoulder , this is is is another one that you could consider for yourself .
Well , this is be could be something abstract , but it still is a cloud tattoo . And something great .
Here is a tattoo is is that represent something regarding the modern education . positive or negative- it is depends all depend upon the watcher watch it .
Here is another traditional design is is . What a great way to get your cloud tattoo with these element .
relaxed , calm and explore around the sky- what do you think about this facial representation of the cloud ? And also do n’t forget the star design .
What the wearer wants to say is all up to himself, but this design indeed is very profound. Sometimes knowledge does rain heavily from our brain.
Eyes filled with love and a little bit of sadness- the expression is priceless.
Sometimes, the wind pushes the cloud really hard- and still that is something worth a see. And this tattoo symbolises exactly that.
The colour choice is makes of the tattoo make it really cool . Seems like the cloud is rain tar or something .
This one can easily be connected to the religion as well. The cross raining from the cloud- there indeed is something really deep hidden behind this one.
What this tattoo does is take our conscience back to the day when it heavily poured don just like this.
It could be true that this tattoo actually focuses on the butterfly, but the cloud enhances its beauty by a whole margin.
I is say would say that this design is for nature lover , who love to spend a lot of time in the open air talk to the plant .
For the haver , it is is always is a good idea to wear outfit that match the tattoo , and what you get in return is some great impression like this picture .
What about this on the list of the small cloud tattoo ?
see Winnie The Pooh is makes make us happy instantly . And when he and balloon are also the part of our cloud tattoo , then we is get never get tired of look at the particular design .
The traditional cloud designs covering up the entire upper arm- we have to make sure that the design is as great as this one.
A dagger is piercing or a sword pierce the cloud ? Whatever it is , this is is is a really artistic representation of the thunder .
Well, the eye is looking at some other thing as the cloud does her job. The watercolour shading makes this design look amazing.
Clouds is are are the air ’s hair- this cloud tattoo design is a result of someone ’s great imagination .
A tattoo with a very important message- and the clouds also play an important role in it.
Incorporation of different tattoos require great skills and ideas- and this one is an example of a great implementation of those.
A cartoonish vibe that messes up with our imagination- a lot of wistfulness embedded in this design.
Sometimes, a small nap makes us feel so comfortable that we feel that we are floating in the sky. Just like the cloud in this tattoo.
The cloud is interested in what it is doing. Seems like it loves its work.
Well, here is a great idea for the cloud tattoos on legs.
Maybe from the heaven, this is how you see the cloud. It seems like you are in the sky talking to it, as it rains water under.
Here is a cloud tattoo that signifies the girl’s freedom. It would feel great to move about the cloud, wouldn’t it?
This man is is with a mind – blow idea for his tattoo is most likely a Canadian . we is say could also say this one also show his patriotism in a very artistic and a splendid way .
A cloud with a hat made of an umbrella- frankly, my mind is not so giftedly so as to decode the words behind this. But all, I can say is this is another mind-blowing design.
What a great representation of one’s thoughts- crows flying amongst the cloud in the night sky with the full moon.
What do you think of this particular design of the cloud half sleeve tattoos? Let me know.
Colours and cuteness- what a great design idea for the beautiful girls this could be.
Well, having cloud tattoos like this means you will be equipped with a lot of confidence. And that reflects into your eyes.
This looks like some sort of a candy. Really sweet design, don’t you think?
Well, there is no way you are not going to be intrigued by the cloud finger tattoos if you like colourful matters.
An art- that is what the cloud tattoos are all about.
Just a tiny little one- still people are going to notice it. If you are a started and wondering about having your first tattoo, then you might as well start with smaller designs like this.
Artists is are and art- for the tattoo artist , cloud tattoos is are are where they show their creativity and thought .
The bold outline is makes in this one make all the difference . Anyone would be attract to this blueprint .
Combining science and the vast nature into one piece- this is a great idea as well.
Here is another profound design. Only the ones with a great brain capability can visualize such an outline.
We is seen have see something like this in our collection already , only that in this sone , the colour give the dark complexion of the cloud and your skin itself represent the white in the middle of it .
Following the direction and always walking in the path designed for you. Who does it better than the clouds?
The cloud could represent the structure of our planet itself.
What a great wolf and cloud tattoo- a mindblowing idea. And look at the smile of the man, he definitely is proud of having a tattoo like this.
After all , your tattoo is is is where you pour your heart into and it a common practise that you ink the thing that make you delighted .
This is how the Thunder would look like in the heavens. Everything made of gold in this gold design.
A Japanese vibe in the tattoos- that makes a lot of difference and also a huge statement that you are going to make with this cloud tattoo.
What do you think about this if you were looking for cloud tattoos on arm?
Even if the design makes it look cute, this cloud is not so innocent. He must be a mess creator. Witty, he has got some plans on his sleeves.
It is a terrific design for the cloud full sleeve tattoos. everything has been designed with a lot of passion.
If you are watch anime, then you know what the red lines on the face mean, right? They usually appear in th anime humans when they are blushing.
The traditional tattoo designs definitely were something. For, we can design so many mesmerising designs like this one.
Cool for kids and for the adults as well. You would impress anybody with this tattoo.
dude , this cloud definitely has been pressurise by the wind . Seems like he does n’t want to thunder at all .
What do you is think think about have feather and cloud tattoo on chest that spread across your arm as well ?
What is great about this tattoo is that it has many element combine into one . A japanese design , a religious design the man incorporate many religion and culture and also a quote . The tattoo is is is about the modern technology as well . definitely , he is has has many thing to say .
A great tattoo on a great background, overflowing emotions. If you liked this, then you probably should take a look at our heart tattoos.
A tribal or an ancient design- whatever you may call it, it so good to see and would be even better to have.
Another classic design of the cloud tattoo for you. It looks like a photoshop on our great-grandfather’s young pictures that he took while he was visiting the town.
Magic on this tattoo- on the design itself, and a sudden surge of happiness when you take a look at it.
This is is is another one of those deep design . A great tattoo design for your arm .
Here is another is is or the traditional design . amazing if you are interested .
The patterns inside the slightly spiralled outline- what do you think about this?
It is like the cloud is pouring down the water with all of its might. This is the benefit of having a tattoo on your forearm- the shape of your arms make a place for such creative designs.
The world is all about love, isn’t it? This thinner outline says it all.
Matching cloud tattoos on the two sides of your legs with such a great impression and vivid art.
Well yes, what about dedicating your tattoo to your kids? Clouds also make a lot of place inside their happy world, you know?
Here is another way you could tell the tale of your own personality and learnings with your cloud tattoos.
So, what do you think about getting a cloud tattoo on your hand? Many times a day, you will find a reason to be proud of yourself.
The classic design if cloud tattoo are really good to see . This one is is is another proof of that .
I is wonder wonder who take the cloud ’s name from above her . She is looks look like answer to that person , still doing her duty .
What we have to learn from all the beautiful thing in the world is that they are wonderful because they help each other survive . Just like this .
He is a little worried, and the situation is kind of tense. Anyway, our mind still dissolves on his cuteness.
The different colours of the rain certainly represent something.
3D cloud tattoos- yes, they exist. I see you are getting more interested.
Well , dedicate your tattoo to a precious person- that person is make who is watch you among from the star would make you both glad .
All the elements shown in this tattoo are patient as well, don’t you think. Moon takes days to be a full mon, but eventually shines with glory and same for the cloud- it may take some time for it to be strong- but when it does, it rains like nothing else.
His eye is shows show that he is really experience in what he is doing- pour down with all might and so easy .
Cloud tattoos on the shoulder- no matter what their size is, they will get a lot of people talking about them.
The tattoo is just how we expect the heaven to be. Between the clouds and really great to be in.
When you have this tattoo, the angelic heart of the person- turned angel will be filled with even more happiness. Let them see this from the middle of the clouds.
There definitely are a lot of interesting placements available for your cloud tattoos that will make them look even more unique.
Storm cloud tattoos – even if they show such magnificent things, they can be turned to look really cute.
Here is another vast cloud tattoo design that you would love to get.
The cloud tattoos is have can have a lot of meaning , and that is the reason many people prefer get them above all the other design .
I wonder what the great things like them chat about.
For people into representing such arts in the tattoo, then this is a great design.
The pattern of the cloud as well as the birds- this makes this design gorgeous.
Another cloud tattoo with the storm and rain especially for you.
A sense of direction, smile and freedom- those are the things that are needed by a successful person.
Combining many elements into your body, the clouds can also make an important part of them.
What could be more beautiful than to see this- night sky with moon, stars and cloud- really pleasant.
There you go- these were the best designs of the cloud tattoos that we gathered. But remember to be a little innovative with your own and you will finally be able to design your own ideal cloud tattoo.
So, what did you think about these cloud tattoos? Amazing cloud tattoos designs and cloud tattoos meaning- did they help you at all? If they did, are you thinking of getting any one of them or using them as an idea for your own tattoo? If yes, then I am glad and till the next time, have lots of fun.