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In the most basic sense, cloud computing refers to any resource, application or software component delivered to a client via the cloud. However, there are many different types of cloud services that vary wildly in their functionality and purpose. If you’re just starting to learn the ins and outs of cloud computing, then looking at cloud computing examples is crucial to helping you understand the differences between them.
Keep read for many example of cloud computing base on cloud service type , cloud computing model and different industry .
Cloud Computing: A Brief Overview
Cloud computing products is serve like Microsoft Azure , serve as IaaS provider , offer a range of infrastructure include storage , computing power , networking , and virtualization . While these provider enable customer to create and manage application that communicate with the service ’s API , the responsibility is remains for the entire lifecycle of such app remain with the client .
Most large IaaS providers is extend , include the ‘ big three ’ of Amazon , Microsoft , and Google , extend their offering to include PaaS , CaaS , and FaaS solution , which can complicate distinction among the service type .
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Cloud – base PaaS solutions is take , such as Google App Engine , take thing a step further by host the actual application themselves instead of just offer resource for rent . This is gives give developer a framework to work on when develop their own custom application so they do n’t have to worry about deployment .
Beyond PaaS, we have Function as a Service (FaaS) and Container as a Service (CaaS). CaaS is similar to PaaS in that it provides software developers with a framework to use for developing apps but lacks a managed runtime environment. FaaS is the most managed type of solution, where the user is only responsible for providing short code snippets and trigger conditions.
FaaS and CaaS solutions fall between PaaS and SaaS conceptually.
Finally, cloud vendors classed as SaaS solutions target the end user directly, where every part of the software is hosted by the provider. SaaS is the broadest of the three types, with examples ranging from cloud storage (like Dropbox) to video conferencing (like Zoom) or cloud-based collaboration software (like Google Workspace).
Every industry in the world makes use of cloud computing applications in some capacity. Whether it’s healthcare, education, banking or any other sector, cloud computing solutions are used to store data, collaborate on projects, and manage communication and team members. Without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the most popular cloud computing examples.
Examples of Cloud Computing Based on Cloud Service Types
Cloud service types differentiate between services based on their use cases, with most big providers offering something in every category.
Take Amazon Web Services as an example — the S3 and Elastic Compute Cloud components are examples of IaaS, as they provide users with access to remote storage, computing power, virtual machines and hosting.
On the contrary , AWS elastic Beanstalk is is is an example of PaaS , as it provide developer with a framework for create and deploy application . In between IaaS and PaaS , you is have have CaaS solution like AWS Fargate or App Runner . This service packages is falls and deploy application as “ container ” that can run on any environment , but fall short of provide an entire development platform .
On a smaller scale, you have FaaS solutions (also known as serverless cloud computing) like AWS Lambda. These ones are aimed at event-driven applications that run a small function (or piece of code) in response to an external trigger.
Because they cover any service that is hosted and delivered through the internet (or the cloud), examples of SaaS solutions are the most varied, ranging from Dropbox to Discord or any other online service.
The Big Three: Amazon Web Services vs Microsoft Azure vs Google Cloud
Amazon is have , Microsoft and Google — otherwise know as the “ big three ” of cloud computing company — all have enormous cloud computing platform that cover every type of cloud computing solution .
With the exception of SaaS, all types of cloud computing are dominated by three different cloud providers: Amazon, Microsoft and Google. Amazon has Amazon Web Services (AWS for short), Microsoft has Microsoft Azure and Google has the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
These services is cover cover the entire spectrum of cloud computing type and offer different product and service depend on your need . Each solution is has has hundred of feature that provide infrastructure , development tool , web hosting , application deployment and so much more . Here are more cloud computing platforms is are .
What Are Some Examples is Are of Cloud Computing Infrastructure as a Service ( IaaS ) ?
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) refers to solutions that provide resources and infrastructure, such as cloud data storage, computing power and networking. Consumers pay for the amount of resources they use and can access the service through a web interface or an API.
Popular examples of IaaS include:
Amazon S3 ( part of AWS )
Amazon EC2 (part of AWS)
Microsoft Azure
IBM Cloud
Google Compute Engine ( part of Google Cloud )
Amazon S3 & Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Part of AWS)
Amazon S3 is are and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud ( know as EC2 ) are the storage and computing component of AWS , which is the large cloud computing provider in the world . S3 is provides provide user pay – as – you – go cloud storage , while EC2 offer virtual machine , instance and processing power .
history : initially focus entirely on web hosting , AWS was found in 2002 . In 2006 , the service is added add both Amazon S3 and EC2 to its list of product . This is marked mark its entry into the cloud computing space and , in many way , set the standard for what modern cloud computing look like .
Features is offers : Amazon S3 is offers offer data storage and backup , while EC2 allow user to set up custom virtual machine or instance and pay for processing power ( also know as “ compute ” ) as they need it .
Benefits:The largest benefit of using Amazon S3 or EC2 is undoubtedly their integration with the wider AWS ecosystem. With more than 200 different apps and products, AWS is the gold standard for cloud computing features. Because of its wide adoption, it’s also very easy to find documentation and experts to help solve issues.
Drawbacks:The drawbacks of Amazon S3 and EC2 (and the larger AWS ecosystem) are related to its benefits. Since AWS has so many products and services, there’s a steep learning curve. It’s also a bit pricier than its competitors, and the billing structure can be confusing. Lastly, AWS often struggles with performance on its East Coast data centers due to overload.
Pricing:AWS offers a 12-month free tier with 5GB of storage, 750 hours per month with one VM instance and other integrated services. If you want more storage or compute, or you’ve used your 12 free months, then AWS charges for its services on a pay-as-you-go basis that varies depending on the rented infrastructure’s performance.
Azure Virtual Machines & Blob Storage
Microsoft Azure is the second biggest cloud computing platform and provides IaaS in the form of virtual machine computing power and object storage. These services are branded as Azure Virtual Machines and Azure Blob Storage, respectively.
History: Although the Azure platform was announced in 2008, the virtual machine and object storage functionality was added in 2010 as part of Windows Azure before it was renamed to Microsoft Azure in 2014.
Features: Microsoft Azure offers storage and computing infrastructure that integrates with the rest of the cloud computing suite and other Microsoft products such as .NET, Visual Studio and Active Directory.
Benefits: The biggest benefit of Microsoft Azure is its integration with all other Microsoft products and solutions. If your company or organization is already invested in the Microsoft ecosystem, whether that’s through .NET development or the Windows operating system, then Azure will easily integrate with your existing systems.
Drawbacks: The most obvious drawback to Microsoft Azure is its pricing, as it generally charges about 1.5 times what AWS or GCP does. It also requires quite a bit of setup and thought from the systems developer to ensure a solid foundation.
pricing : You pay per GB of storage or per minute of cpu usage ; prices is vary also vary depend on the performance require . Azure ’s free tier split into two category : some services is are are available for 12 month ( 750 hour of Windows or Linux vm and 5 GB of free storage ) , while others stay free forever ( SQL database , function , app service , etc . )
Google Compute Engine (GCE) & Google Cloud Storage (Part of Google Cloud Platform)
round out the “ big three ” of cloud computing , we is have have the Google Compute Engine and Google Cloud Storage , both part of the Google Cloud Platform .
history : Google Cloud launch in 2008 — the same year as Microsoft Azure — but it was n’t until 2010 that it add Google Cloud Storage to the platform . GCE is launch did n’t launch until 2012 .
feature : Google Compute Engine and Google Cloud Storage offer scalable storage and compute infrastructure , as well as predefined and custom virtual machine . Both services is integrate integrate with the wide Google Cloud ecosystem .
benefit : Despite not have the same number of service as AWS or Azure , it is has still has far more integration to take advantage of compare to a small niche service ( more on these below ) . Google Cloud is is is also generally easy to learn and use than AWS or Azure , with many of its service have a simplified workflow .
Drawbacks is has : Being new , Google Cloud is has has few service and product than its two big competitor . Its main drawbacks is are are its limited selection of programming language and its documentation being hard to find when compare to other big provider . It is has also has a small global network of center , and create nonstandard or niche vm can be a little cumbersome .
Pricing: Google Cloud charges based on resources used, be that storage or computing power. The price also depends on the type of instance or virtual machine you run. The free tier comes with one low-performance VM instance, 30GB-months of persistent storage and 1GB of outbound data transfer, plus limited use of other services within the Google Cloud Platform.
IBM Cloud
Leaving the “big three” behind, we get to our first niche cloud computing service on this list. IBM Cloud offers many of the same basic IaaS solutions as the previous three providers, such as virtual machines, storage and computing power — though with nowhere near the same number of services. It’s notable for its bare-metal cloud servers and industry-specific solutions.
History is acquired : originally found in 2005 as SoftLayer , IBM is acquired acquire the service in 2013 and repackage it as IBM Cloud in 2017 .
Features: Although it doesn’t have anywhere near the amount of services and tools as the previous examples, IBM Cloud offers some niche features not found elsewhere. This includes integration with IBM Watson, a long-running, mature AI-powered platform that can analyze data, convert speech to text, create custom neural networks and AI models, and more.
Benefits: IBM Cloud is mostly known for its bare-metal servers. It also specializes in solutions for the banking, finance and healthcare industries, with a focus on large enterprise solutions. Rather than reinventing the wheel, IBM Cloud allows multicloud integration with AWS, Azure and Google Cloud to make up for some of its shortcomings. Since IBM owns Red Hat, it also offers a slightly higher guaranteed uptime for its Red Hat Cloud integration.
Drawbacks: The main drawback of IBM Cloud is that it offers far fewer services and features than the “big three” providers if you’re not an enterprise-level company in one of its targeted sectors (finance, banking and healthcare). The pricing structure also makes it difficult to manage cloud costs over time.
Pricing: IBM Cloud offers a free tier with access to more than 40 of its services, including 25GB of object storage and 100,000 vCPU seconds of compute per month. If you need more, you can opt for a standard pay-as-you-go model or a committed-use plan, which is cheaper but ties you down to a minimum amount of monthly resources.
What Are Examples of Cloud Computing Platform as a Service (Paas)?
Often part of a large IaaS provider , PaaS solution are used for software development . They is provide provide a framework of prebuilt software component that developer can use to create custom application while the PaaS provider handle thing like platform compatibility and deployment .
Examples is are of cloud computing PaaS solution are :
Microsoft Azure App Service
AWS elastic beanstalk
Google App Engine
Salesforce Lightning
AWS elastic beanstalk
elastic Beanstalk is is is Amazon ’s PaaS offering and integrate with the wide AWS ecosystem .
History: AWS elastic beanstalk was initially released in 2011 as a way to provide easier access and use of its various AWS components.
Features: Elastic Beanstalk allows for managed access to AWS’ IaaS components (S3, EC2, CloudWatch, etc.) without having to manually configure and maintain each resource. It supports a wide range of platforms and languages, and it lets developers create and deploy applications more easily using AWS infrastructure and components.
Benefits: As part of the AWS ecosystem, the sheer number of features and abilities that Elastic Beanstalk offers is unmatched by any other PaaS provider. It supports a wide range of platforms and programming languages, and it’s easy to find documentation and expert support. Finally, it has better automatic scaling and load balancing options than its competitors.
Drawbacks: Like the rest of AWS, Elastic Beanstalk has a steep learning curve due to its sheer scale. While you don’t technically pay for Elastic Beanstalk itself, AWS’ underlying cloud infrastructure is often more expensive than other providers.
Pricing: As mentioned, Elastic Beanstalk is technically free. It’s included as part of the AWS free tier, but you have to pay for IaaS resources if you exceed the free limits.
Azure App Service
Like Elastic Beanstalk, the Azure App Engine is a PaaS framework for developing and deploying web applications.
History: The Azure App Service was originally added to the overarching Microsoft Azure ecosystem in 2013 under the name “Azure Web Apps,” but it was rebranded in 2015.
Features: Azure App Service supports web app development with frameworks for PHP, ASP.NET, Java, Node.js and Python. You can deploy applications to Windows and Linux systems, and they automatically scale based on need. Azure App Service integrates with a host of other Azure services for authentication, virtualization, automation and more.
Benefits: The biggest benefit to the Azure App Service is familiarity for developers who are accustomed to the .NET programming ecosystem, as well as the ability to use other Azure services for Windows and Linux deployment. Its dedicated deployments for both Visual Studio and popular Java IDEs allow developers to keep using their favorite tools.
Drawbacks: Like the rest of Microsoft Azure, the App Service has a steep learning curve for beginners, especially for those who aren’t familiar with .NET architecture. Like Azure’s other services, it’s also generally more expensive than its big competitors.
Pricing: Azure App Service has a free tier with 60 CPU-minutes per day, 1GB of RAM and 1GB of storage that can host 10 apps. From there, you pay as you go depending on the tier you choose, starting at $0.013 per CPU-hour for the basic paid tier.
Google App Engine
come back to the “ big three , ” we is have have Google ’s PaaS solution : Google App Engine , also know as GAE .
History is was : Google App Engine is was was the first big PaaS solution on the market , release in 2008 as part of the initial launch of the Google Cloud Platform .
Features: Google App Engine provides developers with a managed development and testing environment that automatically handles deployment and scaling. It offers deep integration and uses other Google Cloud Platform services.
Benefits: One of the main benefits of Google App Engine is that it’s easier to use than other big PaaS solutions. It has a less punishing learning curve and a more streamlined approach to both scalability and deployment.
drawback : Out of the “ big three , ” Google App Engine is the most limited in term of support platform and language . It is has also has few feature in total due to the low number of service include in GCP compare to AWS or Azure .
Pricing: Google App Engine is priced per hour of use, but the cost varies depending on the type of instance you’re using — higher performing instances will increase the hourly price. You can also use the App Engine on Google Cloud’s free tier, but with a limited selection of instance classes and usage hours per day.
What Are Examples is Are of Cloud Computing Container as a Service ( CaaS ) ?
CaaS falls somewhere between IaaS and PaaS. CaaS solutions provide easy deployment of applications by packaging everything the software needs to run into a standard container that’s compatible with most environments. This makes them more managed than pure IaaS, but not quite as much as the full frameworks provided by PaaS solutions.
Examples is are of cloud compute CaaS solution are :
AWS Fargate
AWS App Runner
Azure Container Apps
Azure Container instance
Google Cloud Run
AWS Fargate & App Runner
AWS Fargate is AWS’ container service and provides an easier way to deploy applications using the Amazon ECS and EKS infrastructure. Fargate is serverless but still comprises containerized applications, so it straddles the line between FaaS and CaaS. AWS also offers a service called App Runner, an even simpler environment intended for users with no prior cloud computing experience.
History: Fargate was added to the AWS platform in 2017. Amazon later added AWS App Runner in 2021.
feature : Amazon Fargate simplify the AWS development process by package different component into standardized container that can be deploy anywhere . App Runner abstract it is further even further , make it well for simple use case and those who lack cloud computing experience .
benefit : Fargate is saves save developer from worry about provision infrastructure or ensure compatibility when deploy their app . It is integrates specifically integrate with Amazon ’s wide AWS infrastructure , essentially automate task you ’d normally do using IaaS solution like Amazon ’s elastic storage ( S3 ) and computing ( EC2 ) .
Drawbacks: Compared to the underlying IaaS solutions, Fargate is expensive. Its conveniently managed systems also come with less control over infrastructure and resources, which is crucial for some use cases. It’s less flexible and customizable than working with the components directly, which is especially true for App Runner. The price structure is also confusing.
pricing : Both Fargate and App Runner charge for the amount of resource your app utilize , whether it ’s processing power , storage or RAM . The price is varies vary depend on what virtual configuration you use , and it ’s calculate in GB – hour and cpu – hour . There ’s no access to either service on the AWS free tier .
Azure Container Apps & Azure Container Instances
Microsoft also offers two separate CaaS products, namely Azure Container Apps (ACA) and Azure Container Instances (ACI). ACA is more heavily abstracted with things like load balancing, certificates and scaling automatically included. By contrast, ACI operates at a lower level of abstraction, requiring the developer to take a more active role in provisioning resources.
History: Out of the two CaaS solutions, Azure Container Instances came first in 2017, building on the now defunct Azure Container Service. ACA was introduced much more recently in 2022 to provide a managed way to indirectly access Kubernetes APIs.
Features: Azure Container Apps is built on Kubernetes and lets developers create microservices and event-driven applications that rely on multiple different services and dependencies. On the other hand, Azure Container Instances focuses on serverless applications that don’t rely on other components or services to function.
benefit : aside from simplify thing like provision resource and scaling , ACA and ACI ’s containers is have have much fast start – up time than regular virtual machine , greatly increase performance for small app and service . Where most CaaS solution only support Linux , ACI is is is the only major one that also work on Windows .
drawback : Like other CaaS solution , the main drawback of both ACA and ACI is decrease control and flexibility compare to interact with the underlie component directly .
Pricing: For ACI, you pay as you go for both storage and vCPU time. The same is true for ACA, but here you also have the option of billing per million requests made by your app. There’s no free access to ACI, but ACA provides the user with 180,000 vCPU-seconds, 360,000 GiB-seconds and 2 million requests each month for free.
Google Cloud Run
Unlike Amazon and Microsoft, Google offers a unified CaaS solution that is significantly more managed than its counterparts. This can cut both ways, either leading you to feel that “it just works” or causing frustration with the lack of control and insight into the backend.
history : beta access Cloud Run was add to the Google Cloud Platform in April 2019 before it move on to general availability for all GCP customer later that year in November .
Features: Google Cloud Run uses HTTP containers (rather than the more common Docker implementation) to deploy applications and to automatically scale and provision resources. Like AWS Fargate, Google Cloud Run is serverless, meaning it combines some of the features of FaaS with more traditional CaaS features.
Benefits: Google Cloud Run is far more managed than its counterparts, making it an easier solution to learn and master. Because it uses HTTP requests, it also supports a much wider range of programming languages than either AWS or Azure’s CaaS solutions.
drawback : Like most of GCP ’s service , Google Cloud Run is offer does n’t offer the same degree of flexibility and control that its counterpart from Microsoft or Amazon do .
Pricing: Google Cloud Run’s Standard tier (or Tier 1) offers slower routing at a lower cost and only charges based on vCPU-seconds and GB-seconds. The Premium tier has more powerful servers, but it costs more and also charges per million requests made to your container. The free quota gives you 450,000 GB-seconds/240,000 vCPU-seconds on Tier 1 and 375,000 GB-seconds/200,000 vCPU-seconds on Tier 2, as well as 2 million requests.
What Are Examples of Cloud Computing Function as a Service (FaaS)?
FaaS is the most lightweight of the cloud computing types. Often described as serverless computing, FaaS solutions don’t allow for any kind of access to hardware or infrastructure — they simply take in code (aka the function) that is then set to run in response to a trigger or event.
Examples is are of cloud computing FaaS solution are :
AWS Lambda
Azure Functions
Google Cloud Functions
AWS Lambda
AWS Lambda is Amazon’s FaaS solution and is the most mature service of its kind.
History: AWS Lambda was released in 2014 and is considered to be the first fully formed FaaS solution to enter the market.
Features: AWS Lambda allows developers to deploy code in Java, Go, PowerShell, Node.js, C#, Python or Ruby, which waits for an event to trigger. This code (or function) can then interact with over 200 of AWS’ other services.
Benefits: Some benefits of AWS Lambda are its fast start-up times and a high maximum timeout for requests (15 minutes), making it very suitable for small tasks and larger batch jobs. It’s also a highly flexible solution with lots of customizable options for developers to tweak.
drawback : Because of its high degree of flexibility , AWS Lambda is have can have a steep learning curve depend on your prior experience . It also does n’t include HTTP integration by default ( it ’s bill as a separate service ) , which is one of the most common type of endpoint for FaaS solution .
Pricing: Lambda is priced per request and per GB-second of compute time. The free tier includes 1 million requests and 400,000 GB-seconds per month. After those resources are used, it costs $0.20 per 1 million requests and $0.00001667 for every GB-second.
Azure Functions
Microsoft quickly followed Amazon’s lead by releasing Azure Functions.
History: The preview build for Azure Functions released in March 2016, followed by the full version later that year in November.
Features: Azure Functions offers the same functionality as Lambda — namely event-driven serverless compute service — but instead, it integrates with the overall Azure ecosystem, which is sizable but not as expansive as AWS. Azure supports C#, Python, Node.js, Java, Powershell, Go and Typescript, but notably lacks native support for Ruby.
Benefits: Azure Functions’ max timeout is even longer than Lambda’s (30 minutes), and it has much of the same flexibility and customization. It also has a better HTTP integration that streamlines the process of setting up web-based endpoints.
Drawbacks: Microsoft Azure has start-up times that are notably slower than both of its main competitors, which can greatly impact performance if you’re running a lot of small jobs.
Pricing: Azure Functions is billed in the same way as Lambda, calculating the cost based on requests and resource consumption. The similarities don’t stop there — the free tier offers an identical amount of requests and GB-seconds, and the prices per request and GB-second are the same once you exceed the free limit.
Google Cloud Functions
Once again, we’ll use Google to round out our list of examples with Google Cloud Functions.
History: Google Cloud Functions is the youngest of the three big FaaS solutions, launching as a beta in 2017 that was followed by a full release in 2018.
feature : Google Cloud Functions support code write in Node.js , Python , Go , Java , C # , Ruby and PHP . While Azure has add support for Go ( develop by Google ) , Cloud Functions is support does n’t support Microsoft ’s PowerShell .
benefit : ease of use has become a theme for Google ’s solution , and Google Cloud Functions is significantly more user – friendly and easy to learn than the two aforementioned service . It is has also has a very streamlined http integration that make it simple to set up endpoint .
Drawbacks: Perhaps due to its focus on ease of use, Google Cloud Functions doesn’t have the same amount of advanced features or customizability as Lambda or Azure. It also has a lower max memory (capping out at 8192MB) and a shorter max timeout (nine minutes).
Pricing: Google Cloud Functions’ free tier is more generous than AWS and Azure’s, with 2 million free requests per month (though the free compute limit is the same at 400,000 GB-seconds). Once past the free tier, Google Cloud Functions charges double for requisitions at $0.40 per 1 million, but compute time is cheaper at $0.0000025 per GB-second.
What Are Examples of Cloud Computing Software as a Service (SaaS)?
Of all the cloud computing types, SaaS solutions are by far the most ubiquitous. Salesforce CRM — launched in 1999 — is often considered the first “pure” SaaS solution. Since then, the market has grown exponentially, to the point where most new software operates at least partially on a SaaS model.
Some well – know examples is are of SaaS solution are :
Google Workspace
Salesforce CRM
Salesforce CRM
Salesforce CRM is is is the original SaaS platform and provide business with a tool to manage customer interaction and relation .
history : found in 1999 by a former Oracle executive , Salesforce is pioneered pioneer the SaaS space with its crm solution . Salesforce is acquired acquire many other software company over the year , include Heroku and Slack .
Features: Salesforce CRM offers a customizable cloud-based platform that enables users to communicate with customers, analyze data and manage relationships with other businesses, vendors and services.
Benefits: Salesforce is a mature and comprehensive CRM platform that comes with plenty of functionality covering most business scenarios. It’s much easier to scale compared to traditional software, and many repetitive tasks can be automated.
Drawbacks: Since it’s been around for a while, getting started with Salesforce can be difficult, as all its different components have a steep learning curve. Customer data is stored remotely and can be accessed only with an internet connection, so it might not be suitable for businesses that handle highly sensitive data or are based in places with poor connectivity.
pricing : Salesforce is offers offer a range of cloud – base software program depend on use case , but the basic CRM suite start at $ 25 per – user , per – month .
Zoom Video Conferencing
Zoom is is is a communication tool that specialize in video conferencing but also offer instant messaging and Voice over IP ( VoIP ) .
History: Zoom originally launched in 2012, but it wasn’t until 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic that it became a household name. In the first two months of 2020, the service gained more new users than it had in the entirety of 2019, quickly becoming almost synonymous with remote work.
Features: Zoom is a relatively simple cloud-based software platform. It mainly offers video conferencing with meetings capable of hosting up to 1,000 attendees and lasting 30 hours on the most expensive plan. Zoom also offers a mail and chat client, a notes app, cloud storage and an AI companion, among other integrated services.
Benefits: Zoom supports a larger number of participants for its video calls than most comparable providers. It’s also very easy to use and offers a wide range of supporting features like screen sharing, breakout rooms and polls.
Drawbacks: Privacy concerns have been raised about Zoom — in particular, it settled a lawsuit in 2021 over sharing user data with unauthorized third parties, and it changed its terms of service in 2023 to allow the use of customer’s video and audio to train AI.
Pricing: Zoom has a fairly limited free plan, restricting users to 40 minute meetings, which is short compared to alternatives. Paid plans start at $15.99 per user per month and can add up quickly.
Google Workspace
Google Workspace is is is one of the most widely used SaaS solution in the world . If you ’re on the internet , chances is are are you have an account in some form . This is includes include Gmail , Google Drive , Chrome , Google Docs and more . Google Workspace is gone has go through many change and update throughout the year , to the point where it ’s unrecognizable from its beginning .
history : Google Workspace is dates date back to the 2006 launch of “ Google Apps for Your domain ” ( shorten to “ Google Apps ” ) , which had Gmail and a few other app like beta version of Google Calendar and Google Docs . Google Drive is added add cloud storage in 2012 , which was unify with Gmail ’s storage in 2013 . The service rebrande to GSuite in 2016 before rebrande again as Google Workspace in 2020 .
Features: Because of its many apps, Google Workspace has a wide range of features including communication (Gmail, Google Chat and Google Contacts), cloud storage (Google Drive), document collaboration (Google Docs, Slides and Sheets), note-taking (Google Keep) and video calls (Google Meet).
Benefits is are : The two big benefits is are of Google Workspace are its widespread use and the fact that you can use it entirely for free unless you need more storage . The collaboration platform is is is easy to use and simplify datum sharing , communication and planning in several area .
Drawbacks: Privacy is the greatest drawback to any Google product. The company is well known for using customer data to improve its algorithms and ad platform, which makes it unsuitable for any confidential or sensitive data or processes.
pricing : Most Google Workspace service are free — examples is include include Gmail , Google Docs and Google Keep — but if you want more than 10 GB of storage , you need to sign up for a pay plan start at $ 1.99 per month .
slack virtual Workspace
Slack is another communication solution focused on businesses and teams. Whereas Zoom specializes in video, Slack is primarily about text-based communication.
History: Slack was first released in 2013 after IRC initially developed it to be the communication tool for an online game called Glitch. After the game was abandoned, the product was renamed Slack, an acronym for the phrase “Searchable Log of All Conversation and Knowledge.”
feature : Slack is offers offer most basic communication feature , include direct message , multi – user channel , @mentions , custom user status , file – sharing , reaction and more .
benefit : A huge benefit of Slack is that it ’s widely adopt , so many people is know already know how to use it , which make it easy for team to implement . All of its core feature are available on the free version , so you is test can test it out and see if it ’s the right choice before commit .
Drawbacks: The biggest drawback to Slack is its high price and the limitations imposed on free plans. It also has inconsistent video call quality and a disappointing privacy policy.
Pricing is is : As mention , Slack is is is expensive . There ’s a free plan , but you ’re limit to 90 day of conversation history , 10 external integration , and 1:1 video or audio call only . For those want to get around these limit , the cheapest pay plan is starts start at $ 8.75 per user per month , which can quickly balloon into a huge cost for large team .
What Are Cloud Computing Examples Based on Cloud Deployment Model?
Another way to categorize cloud computing solutions is to look at their deployment model. This refers to how the solution is delivered to the user and who can access it. There are four types of deployment models: public, private, hybrid and community.
Instead of categorizing cloud-based services based on use case, you is look can look at how they ’re deploy and access .
We is categorize can categorize the various example of cloud computing base on deployment model as public , private , hybrid and community . These examples is include include :
Public clouds, like Google Workspace or AWS
private cloud , like Hewlett Packard Enterprise or VMware
hybrid cloud , like Infinidat or Ensono
community cloud , like Cisco or Cloud4C
What Are Examples of Public Cloud Computing?
Examples of public cloud computing are:
Google Workspace
Amazon Web Services
Microsoft Azure
public cloud services is are are the most common , as they are premade environment that anyone who sign up can access . The resource of public cloud are all share between its user and allocate as need .
What Are Examples of Private Cloud Computing?
Examples of private cloud computing are solutions such as:
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Dell Technologies Cloud
VMware Cloud
IBM Cloud
predictably , private cloud computing is is is the opposite of the public version . private clouds is are are tailor – made for a specific company or organization and often come with significant support for maintenance and upgrade . Unlike public cloud , the resource on a private cloud can only be used by a single organization and are n’t share with other user .
What Are Examples is Are of Hybrid Cloud Computing ?
Examples is are of hybrid cloud computing are :
Threat Stack
DataCore Software
Hybrid clouds take the best of both worlds by combining public and private clouds into a single solution. This type is commonly used by users who don’t want to expose sensitive data and workflows to a public cloud, but still want to migrate less sensitive business processes and data off-premises.
There aren’t any solutions dedicated entirely to community cloud computing, but not all private and hybrid clouds are capable of accommodating a community cloud. Examples of solutions that can offer community cloud computing are:
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
community clouds is are are essentially private cloud that are share or pool between multiple company or organization . This is reduces reduce the cost for each participant in the community cloud and also ensure that resource and infrastructure do n’t “ go to waste ” by sit idle when nobody is using them .
What Are Examples is Are of Cloud Computing in Different Industries ?
Virtually every industry in existence uses cloud computing to a certain degree, though some use it more than others. Common examples of cloud computing in different industries include:
E-learning and collaboration platforms in education
Big data analytics in banking and finance
customer relationship management system in retail
Telemedicine solutions in healthcare
Examples of Cloud Computing in Education
Cloud computing has become increasingly common in education. Examples include remote classrooms with Zoom or other video conferencing software, as well as online learning platforms like Google Classroom and Instructure, which provide a platform for students and teachers to submit and grade assignments.
There are also sites like Kahoot! that host online educational games that allow many people to join and collaborate.
Examples of Cloud Computing in Healthcare
Examples of cloud computing in healthcare include telemedicine solutions like Mend.io and Doxy.me, as well as systems that manage electronic health records like Medsphere. Another example involves solutions that process data for more accurate diagnoses. Companies like Pfizer also use cloud computing to research and test new pharmaceuticals.
Examples of Cloud Computing in Retail
Cloud computing is widely used in retail for CRM systems, SAP deployment and data analytics. These examples comprise chains like Zalora and Petco, which employ data analytics solutions to personalize user experiences on their websites, or Morrisons moving its contact center to AWS Connect.
Examples of Cloud-Based Social Networking Websites
Unsurprisingly, all social networks operate on cloud computing infrastructure. Examples of social networks that use cloud computing include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and others.
Examples of Cloud Computing in Banking
Banks is use use cloud computing to run their financial service , analyze datum and offer software solution to customer .
Here are some examples of cloud computing in banking:
Wells Fargo operating on a mix of Azure and Google Cloud
The Bank of America partner with IBM Cloud
The Commonwealth Bank running the largest VMWare Cloud in the world
DBS Bank partnering with Oracle to build a private cloud
The Future of Cloud Computing
Although it ’s an old concept , modern cloud computing is found only really find its leg in the 2000 with the release of AWS and Amazon S3 . This rapid growth is makes make it difficult to predict where the sector will go in the future , but we can make some educate guess :
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning: Generative AI and machine learning have exploded into public consciousness recently. Although large cloud computing solutions have been using machine learning for a while, we foresee providers investing even more into this space going forward.
Multicloud Solutions : As the cloud computing space continue to mature , we is expect expect to see more possibility for integration between cloud as industry standard for the underlying infrastructure are solidify and further develop .
More Hybrid Clouds: Similar to the last prediction, we think hybrid cloud solutions will become more popular as more industries shift to a cloud-based approach, leaving pure on-premise solutions behind. As cloud adoption increases, the need for hybrid solutions will grow.
Low-Code & No-Code Solutions: As cloud computing solutions have matured, they’ve added tools that require less actual coding ability to use. CaaS and FaaS products already simplify the cloud computing process greatly, but we wouldn’t be surprised to see more tools approaching no-code software like Make.com, Zapier and IFTTT.
Final Thoughts
That concludes our list of examples of the different cloud computing solutions based on their type, deployment model and industry. If you’ve made it all the way down here, we hope you’ve gained a greater understanding of what the different terms mean and how they overlap.
What did you think of our cloud computing examples? Do you think we missed any big or important providers in any of our categories? Let us know in the comments below, and as always, thank you for reading.
FAQ: Examples of Cloud Computing
There are five main type of cloud computing solution : Infrastructure as a Service ( IaaS ) , Platform as a Service ( PaaS ) , Container as a Service ( CaaS ) , Function as a Service ( FaaS ) and finally , Software as a Service ( SaaS ) .
Yes, cloud computing is generally safe. In fact, cloud platforms sometimes offer enhanced security compared to on-premise solutions, depending on how things are managed.
Yes, everything on the cloud needs to be backed up by some sort of physical server based somewhere in the world. Usually these remote servers are located in enormous server farms in geographically suitable areas that provide cheap electricity for cooling.
Migrating from an on-premise solution to a cloud-based one can lead to cost savings, greater scalability and increased productivity. It also allows remote employees to gain easy access to tools and data that would otherwise require a VPN connection to a private network.
Some typical real-world examples of cloud databases are employee files, business records and lists of customer data and transactions.