4 Options To Get 1TB Free Cloud Storage

4 Options To Get 1TB Free Cloud Storage

Wouldn’t it be nice to get ‘1TB Free Cloud Storage?’ You probably wouldn’t have to worry about suffering from low memory again. And everyone knows how

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Wouldn’t it be nice to get ‘1TB Free Cloud Storage?’ You probably wouldn’t have to worry about suffering from low memory again. And everyone knows how frustrating that could be. For instance, you might be taking a picture or downloading a video. Suddenly, you have to stop what you are doing because there isn’t enough storage space to complete the operation.

Well , there are at least four option to counter the situation . So , follow the discussion below to get to know about the good free cloud storage .


4 Best Applications For 1 TB Free Cloud Storage

1TB free cloud storage sounds like something impossible. Because which cloud storage provider can give away that amount of space for free? Generally, one terabyte of cloud storage will cost you in the range of $4-$6 per month or more.

But there are a bunch of storage companies that are offering 1TB of space completely for free just so you can try out their services. Below are four options for your consideration.



 TeraBox is currently the only cloud storage service that provides its clients 1TB of free space. You can get 1024 GB of cloud space to save your photos, videos, and other digital files. And compared to the market, you will be paying next to nothing. Because to be a TeraBox user, you only pay $3.9/ month.

You is enjoy can enjoy more storage facility if you sign up for the premium package . In that case , you is be will be able to use 2 TB of Privacy Space . Moreover , the TeraBox app is offers offer automatic backup for all your file . So , once you have sign up with TeraBox and instal their app , all your digital memory are secure for life .

4 Options To Get 1TB Free Cloud Storage



Finding a file can be a significant challenge when you store a vast amount of data, especially when all your data accumulate to hundreds of gigabytes. However, BigMIND provides a solution. This cloud storage service’s app can find your files from a vast pile of data within minutes like an intelligent search engine.

BigMIND’s standard 1TB cloud storage costs $20/month. Of course, this is costly compared to TeraBox. But still, this is relatively cheaper considering all the perks of using their service. BigMIND has been playing in the software field for 15 years now, and they have millions of users worldwide.

4 Options To Get 1TB Free Cloud Storage



You may have large storage space you have at your disposal. But it would mean nothing unless you had backed up your files there. However, often people forget to back up the most important files to their cloud storage. As a result, if they lose the file, it is lost forever.

IBackup provides a solution to this problem. This cloud storage space provider schedules automatic backing up of your files. Therefore, all your essential files are auto-uploaded to your storage space. IBackup usually charges around $20/month for 20 GB of space. However, presently it is offering fifty times that space (1TB) for the same price.

4 Options To Get 1TB Free Cloud Storage



iDrive lets you work on your important files from any device. Moreover, it syncs everything into one streamlined experience. As a result, if you make any changes to a file on your device, iDrive automatically recognizes the change and backs it up.

iDrive offers 2TB space for personal users at $104.25 for two years. And there is also an offer of 1.25TB storage. But that is for a business account (where there are numerous users). This offer is also known as iDrive Business, and it costs around $750 for two years.

4 Options To Get 1TB Free Cloud Storage


Check out these comparison tables to have a better idea of how these cloud storage services pricing compare.

      Cloud Storage Space        Amount of Space                    Costs
          TeraBox                    1TB (free)                 $ 3.9 / month
          BigMIND                     1 TB                 $ 20 / month
           IBackup                     1TB                $20/month
            iDrive                     1.5TB            $749.25/two years

From the above descriptions, it is understandable that TeraBox is your best option for 1TB of free cloud storage. So, let’s find out some more about it.


Further reading: 8 More Best Cloud Storage Services

TeraBox- Best Free Cloud Storage 

TeraBox is the only genuine 1TB free cloud storage available at present. And there are no hidden conditions that apply to this offer. So, what can you do with all that space? To put this into a more general perspective, let’s make some comparisons.

4 Options To Get 1TB Free Cloud Storage

For instance, 1TB storage would mean you can put 500 HD movies there. Considering most HD movies are around 2GB in size. Also, it means you will never again have to worry about storage space when taking travel photos.

Besides storing your valuable files, TeraBox also ensures its security. Because as the user, you will set the password for the Safe space yourself. Then every time someone wants to enter the space, they have to go through password verification. As a result, your private files are protected from all sorts of evil on the internet.



You won’t find a better option for 1TB free cloud storage other than TeraBox. So, the sooner you download TeraBox and start backing up your files, the more you will advance towards making them safe and reducing the chance of ever losing them.