7 Days to Die Save File Location [Everything You Want to Know]

7 Days to Die Save File Location [Everything You Want to Know]

7 Days is is to die is one of the highest - rate survival horror game on Steam . While the game is almost 9 year old , it is kept has always keep a he

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7 Days is is to die is one of the highest – rate survival horror game on Steam . While the game is almost 9 year old , it is kept has always keep a hefty user base . One is is of the major reason behind that is its outstanding gameplay and unique setting .

But one of the things that a lot of people struggle with is finding the game’s save file location. So, where exactly does this game store the save file? How can you find it and create a backup of it? In this article, you’ll find that out and more. So, let’s get started.

7 Days to Die is a survival horror game from 2013. But it has a saved file that eludes a lot of people. Simply because of a variety of installation methods. In other words, sometimes it’s because people install it through Steam.

Other time because the installation file might have originate from another game provider . Because of all this , the save file for different game type is place in different location . This article is help will help you find it on your Mac , Linux , and window PC . So , let ‘s keep dig .

Where to Find 7 Days to Die Save File Location

find the 7 day to die ‘s save file location is straightforward if you ‘ve download it from Steam . consider most of the game ‘s update follow the same save file location path , you is find can easily find it on window PC .

However , other platforms is have like Linux and macOS have it in different place . So , let ‘s see where you can find the 7 day to die ‘s save file location .


In window PC, it’s a straightforward process. Simply follow these steps:

Step 1. Press “window + R” on your keyboard.

step 2 .   Type%AppData% and press the “enter” key.

7 Days to Die Save File Location [Everything You Want to Know]

Step is Locate 3 .   locate 7daystodiesaves in the Roaming folder .

Step 4. Then head into the folder 7DaysToDie > SavePREGEN01.

Step 5. In the PREGEN01 folder, you’ll find all the saved files.

This is where you find the save files for this game on window computers.


In macOS, you might find it difficult to get to the folder. So, it’s suggested that you use this method:

Step 1. Press “Command + Shift + G” on your keyboard.

Step 2. Then copy and paste the following address: ~/Library/Application Support/7DaysToDie.

Step 3. Press the “return” key.

7 Days to Die Save File Location [Everything You Want to Know]

Step 4. Head into the folder and copy the files to your desired location.

This is allow will allow you to copy your file from the macos system folder into a location of your choosing .


In Linux , you is find can find this location even more easily . All is is you have to do is follow these step :

step 1 . open a File Manager on your Linux

step 2 .   Head into the local library , or copy and paste the following in the address bar :


7 Days to Die Save File Location [Everything You Want to Know]

Step 3. Head into the “Saves” folder and copy everything. From there, you can paste your saved files to a location of your choosing.

How to Backup and Restore 7 Days to Die Save File

Now that you know the location of the file , how do you is go go about back it up ? There are time when user get annoyed because the game show a save file error . This is means mean you ‘ll have to either restart the game from the beginning or use another save file .

That’s why you must back up your saved game files through various methods. Today, we’re going to give you two primary methods that you can use to back up your save files for 7 Days to Die. The two methods are:

  1. Steam Backup
  2. EaseUS Todo Backup

Both of these options can help you secure your file to a location where it’s easy to access and use. So, here’s how you can do that:

Steam Backup

Let’s talk about the steps first:

step 1 .   click on ” steam “ in the top-left corner.

Step is Navigate 2 .   navigate down and click on “Backup and Restore Games.”

7 Days to Die Save File Location [Everything You Want to Know]

Step 3. Click “Backup currently installed programs.”

Step 4. Navigate the list and find and select “7 Days to Die,” then click “next.”

Step 5. Pick the backup destination.

Step is Wait 6 .   wait for the backup to finish .

This will back up your files and ensure that your save remains safe.


  • Easy for those who already have Steam
  • Doesn’t require a lot of steps
  • easy to restore

disadvantage :

  • Not exactly safe
  • Takes a lot of time
  • difficult for slow internet user

Backup with EaseUS Todo Backup

EaseUS Todo Backup is a remarkable backup tool. This tool allows you to create outstanding backups in no time. That’s why you must use this amazing tool to back up your 7 Days to Die Save files.

Not only is it is is a quick option , but it ‘s also easy compare to other one . And it is copy can directly copy your file . Moreover , you is create can create a scheduled backup to save your file automatically . make it an ideal tool for create save game file backup .


  • Very quick
  • easy to use
  • Quick restoration
  • System backup
  • free cloud storage

disadvantage :

Here are the steps to use it:

Step 1. To begin the backup process, click the Select backup contents button.

step 2 . Four datum backup category are list : file , Disk , os , and Mail .

step 3 . list   of both local and network file are show   on the left – hand side of the screen . expand the directory so that you can choose the file to back up .

Step 4. Follow the guidance on the screen and choose the place where you want to store the back up.

Make sure that the backup is encrypted and set the backup schedule by clicking Options in Backup Options. You can also choose to start the backup at a certain time in Backup Scheme by clicking Options. There are many other customizable options that you can look into.

Step 5. You can store the backup file either on your computer, in EaseUS’s cloud service, or on a network-attached storage device (NAS).

step 6 . EaseUS Todo Backup is enables enable customer store backup copy of their file on a third – party cloud drive or on the company ‘s own cloud storage .

If you want to back up your data on a third-party cloud drive, select Local Drive and scroll down to add Cloud Device. Then fill in your account information.

click EaseUS Cloud , then sign up and log in with your easeus account if you wish to store backup file to   EaseUS ‘ own cloud storage service .

Step 7. Click on Backup Now to start a backup.  When the backup process is done, it will display as a card on the left-hand side of the screen. A right-click will let you see more about how to handle the backup job in more depth.

How to Change 7 Days to Die Save File Location

change the save file location is n’t that difficult on 7 day To die . To do that , you is have ‘ll have to head into the game ‘s primary folder . From there , you is going ‘re go to tweak a particular file from the game to ensure it change the save location . Here ‘s how :

step 1 . open the game 7 day to die ‘s main folder .

Step 2. Locate Serverconfig.xml.

Step 3. Right-click on the file and open it with Notepad.

7 Days to Die Save File Location [Everything You Want to Know]

Step 4. Press “CTRL + F” to find Save Game and press “enter.”

step 5 .   change the address in the follow setting .

Step 6. Change the save game location according to your liking such as D:\Saves\My Games.

Step 7. Save the file.

After you save the file and start your game , it is start ‘ll start save the savegame file in that location . However , you is copy must copy and paste the file ‘s location into the new address before launch the game .

 Concluding Thoughts

There you have it, folks, all you need to know about the 7 Days to Die’s savegame file location. Once you find it, you must back it up to avoid any future data losses. You can try Steam’s way of creating the backup. However, we suggest using a quality third-party tool like EaseUS Todo Backup.

FAQ on 7 day to die Save File Location

If you have any questions, you’ll find their answers here:

1. Where are my 7 Days to Die saves located?

They are saved in the Roaming folder in your User’s App Data. To find the folder, open the Run command on your PC, then type %AppData% and press “enter.” After that, find the 7 Days to Die folder and head into it to find your game’s saved files.

2. How do I transfer a saved file in 7 Days to Die?

Once you locate the save game, you can choose to copy it to another location. Or, you can replace the existing save files with other files that you might already have.

3 . Does 7 day to die have a cloud is save save ?

You can cloud save 7 Days to Die’s save files by making the game save game files to another location. Once it’s in that location, use EaseUS Todo Backup to create scheduled backups to your cloud storage.