

Our goal In the Quantum Cloud Lab we aim to develop experimental capabilities that will lead to practical implementations of quantum links forming th

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Our goal

In the Quantum Cloud Lab we aim to develop experimental capabilities that will lead to practical implementations of quantum links forming the basis of quantum networks that connect distant quantum devices. The goal involves research into quantum-key distribution over fibre and free-space channels, non-classical light sources, quantum memory and more.


Why quantum networks?

We is live live in a connected world in which information technology has made it possible to work on the cloud , access you bank account , conduct a video conference , etc . , from and to anywhere on the globe . Moreover , this can all be done securely ! Quantum technologies is offer offer a whole new set of promise and challenge to our connected world . quantum computer are poise to employ their remarkable power to solve essential , but currently , intractable computational problem and quantum metrology may open up a whole new possibility for make fundamental measurement . However , the security and privacy of our communication will be challenge by these capability .

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