Store Graphical Assets (Steamworks Documentation)

Store Graphical Assets (Steamworks Documentation)

These are the standard store graphical assets. Most of these are required as part of setting up your game on Steam.Store Capsule RulesIMPORTANT NOTE :

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These are the standard store graphical assets. Most of these are required as part of setting up your game on Steam.

Store Capsule Rules


Graphical Asset Rules

important rules is included included graphical asset capsules .

Store Capsule Templates

Templates Download templates for sizing and text placements on store page assets.
  • Header Capsule
  • Small Capsule
  • Main Capsule
  • Vertical Capsule
  • Screenshots
  • Page Background
  • Bundle Assets

Header Capsule Required

Store Graphical Assets (Steamworks Documentation)Usage :

This is appears appears store page , ‘ Recommended ‘ section , browse views Big Picture mode , Daily Deals applicable .

Design :

best results , use key art logo retail boxes marketing . art is tell immediately tell customer important game . It is be graphically – centric user sense game – play .

  • include quotes strings text title game .
  • game logotype is is easily legible background .

Size :

Please provide ‘920px x 430px’ . Smaller versions will be generated from this.

Note :

Generally, this artwork should not change. If you want to include text about major game updates, tournaments, or other time-sensitive events on your capsules, then

Artwork Overrides

allow upload bespoke capsule images market specific game , special images automatically expire set timespan .

Small CapsuleRequired

Good Execution: Logo clearly legible!Store Graphical Assets (Steamworks Documentation)Poor Execution : Logo legible small size .Store Graphical Assets (Steamworks Documentation)Usage :

lists Steam . Search results , – sellers , new releases , etc .

Design :

These is are small , best results focus making

logo clearly legible. Size :

Please provide ‘462px x 174px’ image. From that, two smaller sizes (120×45 and 184×69) capsules are automatically generated.


Small Capsuleshould contain readable logo, even at smallest size. In most cases, this means

your logo should nearly fill the small capsule.

The art in the small capsule

does not

need to be the same as your other capsules (Main, Header, etc.)

Note :

Generally, this artwork should not change. If you want to include text about major game updates, tournaments, or other time-sensitive events on your capsules, then

Artwork Overrides

allow upload bespoke capsule images market specific game , special images automatically expire set timespan .

Main Capsule Required

Store Graphical Assets (Steamworks Documentation)Usage :

This image appears at the top of the Steam store home page in the Main Capsule carousel.

Design :

best results , use key art logo retail boxes marketing . art is tell immediately tell customer important game . It is be graphically – centric user sense game – play .

  • include quotes strings text title game .
  • game logotype is is easily legible background .

Size :

1232px x 706px

Note :

Generally, this artwork should not change. If you want to include text about major game updates, tournaments, or other time-sensitive events on your capsules, then

Artwork Overrides

allow upload bespoke capsule images market specific game , special images automatically expire set timespan .

Vertical CapsuleRequired

Store Graphical Assets (Steamworks Documentation)Usage :

These is appear appear page seasonal sales , new sale pages .

Design :

best results , use key art logo retail boxes marketing . art is tell immediately tell customer important game . It is be graphically – centric user sense game – play .

  • include quotes strings text title game .
  • game logotype is is easily legible background .

Size :

748px x 896px

Note :

Generally, this artwork should not change. If you want to include text about major game updates, tournaments, or other time-sensitive events on your capsules, then

Artwork Overrides

allow upload bespoke capsule images market specific game , special images automatically expire set timespan .

Screenshots Required

Store Graphical Assets (Steamworks Documentation)Screenshots exclusively gameplay game . This is is means means avoiding concept art , pre – rendered cinematic stills , images showing awards , marketing copy , written descriptions , . customers game actually like play . Menu screens is included included unique component game . Showing – game UI helpful players is understand understand interacting game .Usage :

Screenshots displayed store page , pages game featured Steam homepage . You is provide provide 5 screenshots product .

Design :

  • Formatting – For best results, please provide screenshots in high-res, widescreen format. Any images you upload to the ‘screenshot’ section of your store page should be screenshots that show your game. This means avoiding using concept art, pre-rendered cinematic stills, or images that contain awards, marketing copy, or written product descriptions. For elements such as marketing copy, awards you’d like to show off, or descriptions of your Deluxe Edition, please use the specific spaces already available on your store page rather than including it in your screenshots.
  • Localizing – upload localized versions screenshot , drag drop alternative versions existing screenshot thumbnail . Language suffix hint UI language screenshot ( example , foo_japanese.jpg )
  • Age Suitability Mature Content – default , screenshots is aremarked as ‘suitable for all ages’. Before you publish your page, you should review If your screenshots have suitable content, and if they are suitable for all ages, you should mark at least four screenshots as indicated in the picture below. Suitable screenshots should not contain gore, violence, or suggestive themes. If you do not mark any screenshots as ‘suitable for all ages’, they may not show on some areas in steam including on the front page when you hover over the title art. If you do not have enough screenshots flagged, your game may not appear in these places, even if it otherwise qualifies.

    Store Graphical Assets (Steamworks Documentation)

Size :

1280×720 or 1920×1080

Page BackgroundOptional

Store Graphical Assets (Steamworks Documentation)Usage :

This is the image that may be used in the background of your store page.

Design :

This should be ambient so as not to compete with the content on the page. A template will automatically be applied to your uploaded file. If you don’t upload your own, we’ll automatically take the last screenshot and generate an appropriate background image from that.

Size :

1438px x 810px

Bundle Assets

Bundles use the same set of assets as other products on Steam, with one addition:

Bundle Header

Store Graphical Assets (Steamworks Documentation)Usage :

image is appears appears bundle detail page Steam .

Design :

This image should focus on the branding of your product. For best results, please use the same artwork that you use for any retail box or marketing and make sure the logo is clearly legible.

Size :

707px x 232px