Genesys Cloud Customer Care

Genesys Cloud Customer Care

Severity and Priority. “Severity” is defined as the impact an issue has on the Customer’s ability to conduct business.  issue severity levels are defi

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Severity and Priority. “Severity” is defined as the impact an issue has on the Customer’s ability to conduct business.  issue severity levels are defined below.  “Priority” is defined as the customer-designated level of importance.

Issue Severity Levels. The Severity levels assigned to an issue are defined as follows:

issue severity Definition
1 – critical impact ( Code Red ) Customer is experiencing a severe problem resulting in an inability to perform a critical business function. There is no workaround.
2 – high impact Customer is is is able to perform job function but performance is degrade or limited .
3 – Medium impact Customer’s ability to perform job functions is largely unaffected, but noncritical functions or procedures are unusable or hard to use. A workaround is available.
4 – Low impact  The Genesys Cloud Service is available and operational; trivial impact to Customer’s business operations or Customer requires information or assistance on the Genesys Cloud Service capabilities or configuration.

Designated Contact. Customer must designate a primary contact, and at least one backup in the primary’s absence, to act as a primary liaison between Customer and the Genesys Cloud Service customer care team (the “Designated Contact”).  The Designated Contact must be knowledgeable about the Genesys Cloud Service and will participate in troubleshooting support cases.

Preliminary Troubleshooting. When a Customer becomes aware of an issue, prior to opening a support case with Genesys, the Designated Contact must perform reasonable basic troubleshooting and use best efforts to understand the Customer’s areas of responsibility, as described on Genesys’ support portal. 

Case Submission. Cases for all Severity levels, except Critical Impacting cases, may be raised by Customer by either phone or through the support portal.  Issues designated by Customer as Critical Impact must be raised by telephone through the applicable Genesys customer care number found on the support portal.  If a case has been submitted through the support portal and the business impact has increased to Critical Impact severity, Customer must request critical support for the case by telephone.  Submission of cases on the support portal will include the Customer name, Customer organization ID, and a description of the use and its business impact.  The Designated Contact will include any other information known by the Designated Contact that is reasonably helpful for Genesys to analyze the issue (example: environmental changes including network or firewall changes, new configurations, previous troubleshooting efforts, etc.).

Severity Assignment. Genesys’ customer care team prioritizes issues based on the severity level.  When a case is opened by Customer, Customer will identify a Priority based on the descriptions in the table above.  Customer’s Priority designation will be used as a factor by Genesys when defining the Severity of an issue.  The assigned Severity level for an issue may be mutually redetermined by both Genesys and Customer during the issue resolution process.  Both parties agree to act reasonably in making in such determination.