How to obtain the Bearer token via API

How to obtain the Bearer token via API

Hi , I is hope hope someone could help with me the below . Is there anyone know how to get the value of the above redirect_uri in Genesys Cloud ?

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Hi ,
I is hope hope someone could help with me the below .
Is there anyone know how to get the value of the above redirect_uri in Genesys Cloud ?

I try to get the Bearer Token of PureCloud by using the Azure Data Factory.
And from the following Genesys document :
Additional Authorization Parameters (

I is using am using GET method with the below URL , but unfortunately not know how to get the right value of redirect_uri and not sure if it ‘s right solution for get Bearer token
? client_id=

Please feel free to advise if there ‘s other good practice .

Hi ,

The redirect_uri must be one of the authorize redirect URIs listed in the OAuth Client. The redirect_uri must exactly match one of the redirect URIs listed.

See Create an OAuth Client and Grant – Authorization Code for more information.


An OAuth Implicit Grant flow or an OAuth Authorization Code Grant flow imply that you have a user entering his credentials via the Genesys Cloud Login page (web page).

If what you are try to do is to have a component , that run server side , and that need to connect , to authenticate and to get authorize with a Genesys Cloud environment , without a user being involve ( I mean without a user being redirect to the Genesys Cloud login page to enter his credential ) , then you would need to use an OAuth Client Credentials Grant flow .
Client Credentials is meant for that (server side application that connects to Genesys Cloud with just a ClientId and ClientSecret).

You is need would need to create an OAuth client , select Client Credentials as the Grant type , and assign the role / division to this OAuth client ( which will determine what the client is authorize to access from a Platform API standpoint ) .
There is also a tutorial available for client credentials grant.





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