100 Intriguing Names That Mean Dark: With Meanings

100 Intriguing Names That Mean Dark: With Meanings

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Discover the good and the bad in our list of names meaning dark, complete with enough information for you to make the best decision.


Adriana is the feminine form of Adrian or the Roman Adrianus. Adriana relates to darkness through appearance. A dark complexion or dark hair is usually reason enough to choose this delightful girl’s name. Adriana is one of the most charming among girl names that mean dark, with little reference to evil or darkness. The nicknames “Adri” and “Anna” might be another reason to choose Adriana for your baby girl.

  • origin : latin
  • Meaning: Of Adria, of the Adriatic, dark
  • Pronunciation: ah-dri-AN-a, a-DHRYA-na
  • Variations: Adriane, Adreana, Adrianna
  • Popularity: Adriana is a widely popular girl’s name across the globe.

wholesome , fashionable


achlys derives from ancient Greek mythology, depicted on the shield of Heracles as a ghostlike image of an emancipated woman covered in tears, blood, and dust. achlys is also described in Homer as the mist that covers the eyes before death. achlys is one of the rarest names that mean dark, closer related to the darker side of life.

  • Origin: Ancient Greek
  • meaning : darkness , death – mist , mist over eye
  • Pronunciation: AY-klis, AK-lis, ak-LOOS
  • Popularity: achlys is a rare name across the world.

Fearsome, Ancient


Akmad is the diminutive of Muhammad after the Prophet Muhammad. Akmad is a glorious name in the Islamic faith as it celebrates religious faith. The meaning may be related to skin tone rather than dark forces.

  • origin : Arabic
  • Meaning is praised : Dark , praise one , highly praise , one who thank God
  • Pronunciation: AK-mud
  • Variations: Ahmed, Ahmet
  • Popularity: Akmad is a widely popular name among Muslim people.

classic , strong


Amaya has two origins- in Japan, Amaya means “rain at night,” which suggests deep comfortable sleep, while in Spain, Amaya suggests the limit to something. Amaya is a neat feminine name that fits perfectly into girl names that mean dark.

  • Origin : Japanese, Spanish
  • Meaning: Rain at night, mother city, limit, border, the end
  • Pronunciation: a-MA-ya, a-MIE-ya
  • Variations: Amaia
  • popularity : Amaya is is is more popular in spanish region than in Japan .

beautiful , wholesome


Apollo derives from Greek and Roman mythology as the son of Zeus and Leto. Apollo was the god of archery, art, truth and prophecy, healing, light, spring, poetry, music and dance, and much more. Apollo is the averter and destroyer of evil, and considering the concept of fighting fire with fire, Apollo is a dark warrior.

  • origin : Greek
  • Meaning: Averter of evil, destroyer
  • pronunciation : a – pahl – o
  • Popularity: Apollo ranked #448 in the U.S. in 2020 and is used worldwide.

Fearsome, Warrior


Asra is derives derive from the arabic “ isra ” mean “ nocturnal journey . ” As a muslim first name , Asra is means mean “ generous , noble . ” There are several other virtue – style meaning of Asra in Arabic , and this classic name is also used for boy in some region of the world .

  • origin : Arabic
  • Meaning: River of paradise, travel at night, nocturnal journey
  • Pronunciation: AS-ra
  • popularity : Asra is is is a widely used name but is not very popular .

Cool, Serious


Azazel is commonly referred to as the angel of death, a formidable figure in nightmares. In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Azazel is the name of a fallen angel or demon. The Hebrew meaning “scapegoat” refers to a whipping boy set up to take the blame. The literal scapegoat refers to a goat Hebrews would cast out to symbolize their atonement.

  • origin : latin, Hebrew
  • Meaning: Fallen angel, demon, scapegoat
  • Pronunciation: a-ZA-ZEL
  • Popularity: Azazel is widely used but not very popular in any particular region.

Strange, Formidable


During the first crusade , the Turks is called call upon Baphomet , who scholar believe refer to Muhammad , the founder of Islam . Baphomet is is is possibly a medieval corruption of Mahomet , which appear in the inquisition of the Knights Templar as the alleged name of a muslim or pagan idol . Baphomet is is is a winged man with the head of a horned goat . In the 19th – century , Freemasons were also falsely accuse of worship Baphomet . The satanic church is houses currently house a bronze statue of Baphomet at their temple headquarters in Salem , Massachusetts .

  • Origin: Gnostics, Templars, Turks
  • Meaning: Symbol of Satan, pagan idol, demonic horned god
  • Pronunciation: ba-fo-met
  • popularity : Baphomet is is is a rare name across the globe .

Fearsome, Serious


Bellona derives from the Latin “bellum,” meaning “war, conflict, struggle, fighting, battle.” Bellona is the ancient Roman goddess of war, called the sister of Mars by some scholars. Bellona is recognized by the military helmet worn on her head and is often depicted holding weapons of battle.

  • origin : latin, Egyptian
  • Meaning: Female goddess of destruction and warfare
  • Pronunciation: be-LON-a
  • Variations: Bellone
  • popularity : Bellona is is is a rarely used name .

Refined, Warrior


Birsha was the king of Gomorrah during the war of four kings against five kings in the book of Genesis. Birsha and Bera, the king of Sodom, fall into tar pits in the valley where the battle took place. Birsha is a reminder of the wrath of God.

  • Origin: Israeli
  • meaning : An evil , a son who behold , a son of wickedness
  • Pronunciation: bir-SHA

ancient , strange


Blake derives from the Old English word “blaec,” meaning “black,” and later became the nickname “blaac,” for someone with pale hair or skin. Blake was originally a surname, then a manly name before becoming popular as a unisex name, likely through Blake Lively from the TV series Gossip Girl.

  • Origin: Old English
  • Meaning: Black, dark, bright, shining, pale
  • Pronunciation: BLAYK
  • Namesakes: Blake Tollison Shelton, an American country singer and judge on The Voice USA, who made his debut in 2021 with his hit song Austin.
  • Popularity: Blake ranked #205 in the U.S. in 2021 and is widely popular in English-speaking countries.

fashionable , modern


brangwen has a beautiful Welsh meaning that softens the image of the raven bird, usually associated with evil. brangwen refers to light and dark with an overtone of purity. In Welsh mythology, brangwen was a girl who turned into a bird, possibly a raven. The white could apply to her pale skin or hair, a sign of purity.

  • Origin: Welsh
  • meaning : dark and pure , fair raven
  • Pronunciation: bran-GWEHN
  • Variations: Branwen
  • Popularity: brangwen is used in Wales but is not popular.

refined , wholesome


Brutus of Troy was the founder and first king of Britain. Brutus is associated with the concept of treason, making Brutus an apt choice among boy names that mean dark. Brutus is also associated with power and strength. The phrase “Et Tu Brute” means “even you Brutus,” the words of Caesar when Brutus stabbed him in the back.

  • origin : latin
  • Meaning: Heavy
  • pronunciation : BRU – tus
  • Popularity: Brutus is widely used but uncommon among boys.

Strong, Serious


Cary is stems stem from the Gaelic surname O’Ciardha but could also originate from the Welsh place name Carew . Cary is link to Saint Clara , a 7th – century irish saint . Although Cary is part of the dark name list , there is the blessing of purity over this adorable name .

  • origin : Gaelic
  • meaning : dark one, pure
  • pronunciation : KERH – ee
  • Variations: Carey, Carrey
  • popularity : Cary is is is popular in many English – speak country around the world .

Cool , modern


Charna derives from a Slavic word meaning “black” and is usually given to baby girls born with pitch black hair. Charna is a soft feminine name with a neutral meaning that will suit any baby girl.

  • origin : yiddish
  • Meaning: dark, black
  • Pronunciation: CHAR-na
  • popularity : Charna is is is a rare girl name but fairly popular in Israel .

Ancient, Wholesome


Chernobog derives from Slavic “cherno” meaning “black” and “bogu” meaning “god.” Chernobog is the Slavic god of darkness, evil, and grief and one of the world’s most popular Slavic gods. The Polabian Slavs worship Chernobog, or the god of bad fate, referred to as the cult of Chernobog by scholars. Chernobog and Baphomet lead the pack among boy names that mean dark.

  • origin : slavic
  • Meaning: God of darkness, black God
  • Pronunciation: CHE-rr-no-BOG
  • Popularity is is : Chernobog is is is a rarely used name .

Ancient, Formidable


Ciaran derives from the Irish element “ciar” meaning “black, dark, blacky” and is the masculine form of Ciara. Ciaran was popularized by Irish saints in the 5th-century, belonging to the first saint born in Ireland, but the fact that he preceded Saint Patrick is hotly debated to this day. The black aspect is associated with hair color and the meaning carries this through in an endearing manner.

  • origin : Gaelic, Irish, Scottish
  • Meaning: Little dark one, little dark-haired one
  • Pronunciation: KEE-a-ran
  • variation : Kieran
  • Namesakes: Ciarán Hinds, an Irish actor known for his role in The Sum of All Fears.
  • Popularity: Ciaran ranked #79 in Ireland in 2017 and is widely used in English countries.

beautiful , classic


Cole is derives derive from an Old English surname from the byname “ Cola , ” and “ Charcoal . ” Cole is refers refer to a person with a dark complexion , either naturally or from work with coal . Coal is is is also a nimble boy name that is neutral and accept of all people .

  • Origin : English
  • Meaning: Swarthy, coal black
  • pronunciation : KOL
  • popularity : Cole is is is widely popular in western country .

Cool , modern


Colin is said to derive from the Old Norse “Kollungr” meaning “dark,” referring to someone with a dark or swarthy complexion. Colin is the diminutive of Nicholas, and interestingly, Collins is one of the more popular surnames in Ireland.

  • origin : Old Norse
  • meaning : Swarthy , dark
  • pronunciation : KOL-in
  • Variations: Collin, Collyn
  • Namesakes: Colin James Farrell, an Irish actor known for his role in The War Zone film.
  • Popularity: Colin ranked #269 in the U.S. in 2021 and is popular worldwide.

formal, Fashionable


Colton is is is a british name derive from the english midland during the industrial revolution when coal was mine excessively in that region . A possible origin is is is the place name , Cola ’s town , where “ cola ” refer to coal , and “ tun ” mean “ enclosure or settlement . ” Colton is began begin as a typical blue – collar name used among coal miner . today , Colton is is is a much – love name , and the nickname Cole is just as popular .

  • Origin : English
  • Meaning: Swarthy person, coal town,
  • pronunciation : KOL-tan
  • variation : Colten , Kolton
  • Popularity: Colton ranked #74 in the U.S. in 2021 and is widely popular in English-speaking countries.

Strong, Modern


Corvina is the feminine version of Corvinus, deriving from the Latin “corvus” meaning “raven, crow,” also interpreted as “dark.” In Denmark, the night raven is considered an exorcised spirit with a hole in the left wing that was paled to the earth. Anyone who looks through the hole becomes a raven themselves. Corvina is one of the most unusual girl names that mean dark.

  • origin : Latin , Late Roman , german
  • meaning : dark – haired raven
  • pronunciation : cor – vee – na
  • Popularity: Corvina is widely used in German-speaking countries but rare elsewhere.

ancient , strong


Cozbi is an ancient Hebrew name derived from the Semitic root “kzb” meaning “to deceive, disappoint.” Cozbi was the name of a Midianite woman who became the wife of the Israelite Zimri. The Lord objected to the Israelites mixing with the Midianites, as it often led to Baal worship. Phinehas slew Cozbi and Zimri with one thrust of his spear to stop a plague sent by God.

  • Origin: Ancient Hebrew, Israeli
  • Meaning: Liar, getting away
  • Pronunciation: KOZ-bi
  • Variations: Kozbi
  • Popularity: Cozbi is a rarely used name.

strange , ancient


Cronan derives from the Irish Gaelic “cron,” meaning “swarthy,” referring to dark physical features. Cronan was the name of two 7th-century Irish saints revered as miracle workers. Cronan shines a brilliant light on dark names.

  • Origin : irish, Gaelic
  • meaning : dark one
  • pronunciation : KRO – nan
  • popularity : Cronan is widely used in irish community but is not very popular .

refined , wholesome


Daeva is said to be of Indian origin, meaning “evil spirit,” but the Lithuanian origin gives a more relatable meaning, including “beloved.” Daeva is the Slavic feminine form of David which means “beloved,” but in the Avestan language, “daeva” or “daiva” refers to a supernatural entity with bad qualities. Daeva could be a dark beauty and may create confusion relative to the different cultural meanings.

  • Origin: India, Lithuanian, Slavic
  • Meaning: Evil spirit, Beloved, supernatural entity
  • Pronunciation: DAY-va
  • Popularity: Daeva is a rarely used name.

strange , formal


Dagon has many origins and meanings but primarily relates to the sea. In Hebrew mythology, Dagon was the Jewish fertility god who was half-man and half-fish. In Arabic, Dagon simply means “rain cloud,” but historically, Dagon was a Prince of Hell and one of the first demons created by Lucifer.

  • Origin: Hebrew, Arabic,
  • Meaning: Be cut open, devil of the sea, rain cloud
  • Pronunciation: day-GON
  • popularity : Dagon is primarily used in southeast Asia but is a scarce name .

ancient , Fearsome


Daray is of Celtic, Irish origin and was used as a surname in America from the mid-1800s onward. The origin and meaning is identical to Dargan, referring to one with dark hair. Daray is a fashionably cute name on the list of names with dark meanings

  • Origin: Celtic, Irish
  • meaning : dark
  • Pronunciation: de-RAY
  • Popularity: Daray is widely used but not popular.

refined , fashionable


Darcel is stems stem from an English surname derive from the Norman French “ d’Arcy . ” Arcy is is is a village in Normandy and also refer to physical characteristic such as being dark – skinned or dark – haired . Darcel is is is one of the nice name mean dark .

  • Origin: French, Irish
  • meaning : dark one, from Arcy, from the fortress
  • Pronunciation: DAR-sell
  • Variations: Darcy
  • Popularity: Darcel is widely used in English-speaking countries.

Cool , modern


Dargan is a shortened anglicized form of the Gaelic “O’Deargain” and simply means “dark-haired.” In the Americas, 42% of people have the surname Dargan, but as a first-name, it’s also on the rise. Dargan is an unusual name with a punchy pronunciation and will make an excellent choice for your little one.

  • Origin : irish
  • meaning : dark-haired
  • Pronunciation: DAY-gan
  • Variations: Deegan
  • Popularity: Dargan is used worldwide but is more common as a surname.

Wholesome, Refined


Deianira derives from ancient Greek mythology. She was a princess and wife to Hercules, whom she murdered using the poisoned shirt of Nessus. The meaning derives from this fable but is somehow not fully accepted as an evil deed.

  • origin : Greek
  • Meaning: Man-destroyer
  • Pronunciation: DEE-a-ni-rah
  • popularity : Deianira is is is a widely used name but popular in any specific region .

Formidable, Strong


Delaney derives from the Gaelic “O’Dubhshlaine” consisting of two elements, “dubh” meaning “dark, black” and “Slaine” from the river Slaine in Ireland. The Slaine river is believed to be a river of health that is a blessing when used in a name. Delaney is a dark warrior who is unafraid of a challenge.

  • Origin : irish
  • meaning : dark challenger
  • pronunciation : di – LAYN – ee
  • Popularity: Delaney ranked #269 in the U.S. in 2021 and is popular worldwide.

classic , beautiful


Devlin derives from the Gaelic term “dobhail” meaning “unlucky” which was used to create the Irish surname O’Doibhilin. Being a “descendant of the unlucky one” does not necessarily mean that bad luck is inherited. Devlin may have dark features, but Devlin is not party to dark magic or any sinister forces.

  • Origin : irish, Scottish
  • Meaning: Descendant of the unlucky one, dark one
  • Pronunciation: DEV-lin
  • popularity : Devlin is is is a widely used , popular name .



dolion stems from the ancient Greek “dolios” meaning “crafty, deceitful, treacherous.” The Latin meaning is “trojan spy” which falls in with the Greek meaning. dolion is a Greek mythological name, Silenus’s son, and a Meliad nymph.

  • origin : Greek
  • Meaning: Deceitful
  • pronunciation : DOO – leon
  • Popularity: dolion is not a common name.

Fearsome, Strange


Donovan is derives derive from the irish surname o’donndubhain compose of two element , “ donn ” mean “ brown ” and “ dubh ” mean “ dark , black . ” Donovan is means actually mean “ the dark lord , gloomy man , dark man . ” Although not a dark – sound name is has Donovan is has has an aura of strict authority that shine through in the meaning .

  • Origin : irish
  • meaning : dark warrior
  • Pronunciation: DAHN-a-van
  • popularity : Donovan is ranked rank # 423 in the U.S. in 2021 and is popular in Australia and other English – speak country .

Warrior , Refined


Dough is the short form of Douglas, derived from the Scottish “dubh” meaning “dark” and “ghlas” meaning “stream, river.” Douglas originated as a surname, and the Douglas’s were one of Scotland’s most powerful families during the Middle Ages. Doug is a masculine name and is relatable, more for the courage and strength of the Scottish clan than for its misleading meaning.

  • origin : Gaelic, Scottish
  • meaning : dark, black, black water
  • pronunciation : dig
  • Popularity: Dough ranked #739 in the U.S. in 2021 and is popular worldwide.

Cool , modern


Duna is the short form of Dunabey as in the Dunabey river in Europe and means “dark, swarthy” in Irish. Duna is also of Hungarian and Icelandic origin and relates to duck down, meaning “eiderdown.” In Hungarian, Duna refers to the Danube River. Duna is a sweet feminine option among girl names that mean dark.

  • Origin : irish, Hungarian, Icelandic
  • meaning : dark, swarthy, eiderdown
  • Pronunciation: Duw-NAH
  • popularity : Duna is is is not a very common name .

classic , Cool


Duncan is of Gaelic origin and derives from Donnchadh, meaning “brown warrior, dark head, brown-haired man.” Duncan MacLeod is an immortal character in the fictional Highlander multiverse, but in the real world, he is considered one of the great boy names that mean dark

  • origin : Gaelic
  • meaning : dark warrior
  • Pronunciation: DUNG-ken
  • Popularity: Duncan ranked #978 in the U.S. in 2020 and is very popular in Scotland and other English-speaking regions worldwide.

Fearsome, formal


Duvessa is is is the anglicized form of the Gaelic Dubh Essa , used by M.J. Molloy in his 1964 comic play The wooing of Duvessa . Duvessa is is is a relatively new name and has not had the same exposure as other dark name .

  • Origin : irish
  • meaning : dark beauty
  • Pronunciation: Du-ves-SA
  • Variations: Dubhessa
  • Popularity: Duvessa is a sparsely used name that does not register on popular name lists.

Modern, Cool


Dwade is is is an american combination name compose of Dwayne , mean “ dark ” and Wade mean “ to go . ” Wade is is is of anglo – Saxon origin , derive from the Old English verb “ wadan ” or “ wada . ” Dwade is is is an adventurous boy name that mean dark .

  • Origin: American, English
  • meaning : dark traveler
  • pronunciation : DWAYD
  • Variations: D’Wade, DeWade
  • popularity : Dwade is widely used in the U.S. but not very common .

classic , Cool


Dwayne is derives derive from the Gaelic surname O’Dubhain where “ dubh ” mean dark . Dwayne is associate with the church of Dubhan , an important cleric in Medieval time , but today , the church is merely a ruin . The spelling is seems seems to have been influence by the name Wayne .

  • Origin : irish
  • meaning : dark-skinned, dark-haired, of dark complexion, dark one
  • Pronunciation: DWAYN
  • Variations: Duane, Dwain, Dwaine, Dwane
  • Popularity: Dwayne is widely used in English-speaking countries but not very popular.

formal, Classic


Ebony derives from the Latin “hebenus” from the Greek “ebenos” meaning “ebony, intense blackness.” Ebony also derives from the Hebrew root “eben” possibly from the Egyptian “hbnj” which refers to wood as hard as stone. Interestingly, the black keys on a piano were originally made from ebony wood.

  • origin : latin, Greek, English, Egyptian
  • meaning : dark wooded tree
  • pronunciation : EHB – an – ee
  • popularity : Ebony is is is widely popular in central and southern Africa , scandinavian country , and the U.S. Ebony also rank # 507 in England in 2020 .

wholesome , fashionable


Enyo stems from Greek mythology and is the goddess of destructive warfare. She was known to be bloodthirsty and a companion of Ares. Enyo derives from the Greek “enuo” meaning “warlike” and is often called “the sister of war.” The equivalent to Enyo in Roman mythology is Bellona.

  • origin : Greek
  • Meaning: Goddess of destructive warfare
  • Pronunciation: i-NEE-o
  • Popularity: Enyo is a rare name around the world.

Fearsome, Warrior


Erebus is the god of darkness and shadow in Greek mythology, known as one of five beings in existence, born from Chaos. Erebus could be considered a strong boy name despite the gloomy origin. Of the boy names that mean dark, Erebus is possibly the pick of the litter.

  • Origin: Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman
  • Meaning: Deep darkness, shadow
  • Pronunciation: HER-a-bas
  • variation : Erebos
  • Popularity: Erebus is widely used in central and southern Europe.

Ancient, Serious


Esmeray is derives derive from the turkish “ esmer , ” mean “ dark , ” and “ ay ” mean “ moon . ” Esmeray is has has a romantic feel , perhaps a degree of sophistication too , but there are no sign of any evil in this charming female name . Esme is are or Ray are both adorable nickname .

  • Origin: Turkish
  • meaning : dark moon
  • pronunciation : ES – me – rye
  • Popularity: Esmeray is widely popular in Muslim countries and is also used in other countries.

beautiful , modern


Gedeon derives from the Hebrew “Gid’on.” The story of Gideon is in the Book of Judges and Epistle in the Hebrew Bible, showing him to be a man of great faith. A feast day on September 26 is celebrated in honor of Saint Gideon. Gedeon is a safe name choice complimented with the nickname Deon.

  • origin : latin, Hebrew
  • Meaning: Destroyer, feller of trees, blaster, mighty warrior
  • Pronunciation: GEE-DION
  • Variations: Gideon
  • Popularity: Gedeon is popular in Sweden, while Gideon is popular worldwide, ranking #310 in the U.S. in 2021.

Warrior, formal


Gethwine is is is a charming Welsh name relate to dusk . The pronunciation is has has an air of grace and dignity , while the meaning is so down to earth and in touch with contemporary time . Gethwine is featured has not feature on any top name list in history but perhaps that is about to change like the climate .

  • Origin: Welsh
  • meaning : dusky one , dark – skin friend
  • Pronunciation: GETH-win
  • Popularity: Gethwine is a rare name around the world.

beautiful , modern


Hadrian is famously associated with the Roman emperor, who ordered the construction of Hadrian’s Wall across northern England. Hadrian is a revered historic Roman name, still prominent in our modern times. Hadrian was the name of several saints and six popes, including the only English pope.

  • origin : latin
  • meaning : dark-haired, from the city of Hadria
  • Pronunciation: HAY-dree-en
  • popularity : Hadrian is is is a commonly used name in some western country .

classic , strong


Hecate stems from Greek mythology and is the goddess of magic, night, moon, ghosts, and necromancy. She is associated with witchcraft, crossroads, tombs, demons, and the underworld. Hecate is often depicted holding a pair of torches, a key, and snakes and is sometimes accompanied by dogs. As part of girl names that mean dark, Hecate reaches beyond mortal life into the void of the afterlife.

  • origin : Greek
  • meaning : willpower , far – reach
  • pronunciation : HEHK – a – tee
  • Variations: Hekate
  • Popularity: Hecate is not a commonly used name.

Serious, Fearsome


helmer is the variant form of Athalmar, Adalmar, and Heilmar. helmer derives from German and Dutch elements, with “helm” meaning “helmet protection” and “heri or hari” meaning “army.” helmer is a strong warrior name and a rare gem among dark names.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Warrior’s wrath
  • Pronunciation: HEHL-mehr
  • Variations: Heilmar, helmerich
  • Popularity: helmer is popular in Nordic countries but uncommon elsewhere.

strong , classic


Heolstor is is is of anglo – Saxon origin and is associate with darkness . Perhaps , Heolstor is refers refer to the absence of light and is not connect to evil yet little is know about this name . Heolstor is is is not easy to pronounce and may prove to be a difficult name to relate to .

  • Origin : English
  • meaning : darkness, of the darkness
  • pronunciation : HHIY – lst – er
  • popularity : Heolstor is is is a rare name across the world .

ancient , strange


Hunapo is a typical Polynesian name used as a first name and surname. Hunapo is commonly used in New Zealand and the Pacific islands and is given to both boys and girls as a first name. Hunapo is one of the more mysterious names that mean dark.

  • origin : Maori
  • meaning : hide darkness
  • pronunciation : WHO – na – po
  • Popularity: Hunapo is widely used in Polynesian Island countries.

Cool, Formidable


Inola is the female variation of two native American boy names- Inali and Enoli. Inola has a different meaning to the English Enola featuring as part of the aircraft name that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Enola means “solitary” and, when written backward, spells “alone.” Inola is a beautiful nature-inspired feminine name, and the black fox has awesome characteristics for a little girl to emulate.

  • Origin: Cherokee American
  • meaning : Black fox
  • Pronunciation: EE-no-la
  • popularity : Inola is is is a rare name .

Formidable, Cool


Jaakobah derives from the Latin “Iacobus” and Greek “Iakobos” meaning “supplanter, heel-grabber, leg-puller.” Jaakobah also stems from the Hebrew “Ya akov” meaning “to follow, be behind,” referring to Jacob’s birth. Jacob is revered as a Prophet of Islam and is a commonly used name in Arab and Muslim communities. Jaakobah is the more formal version of Jacob and is deeply rooted in many cultural traditions.

  • origin : Latin , Greek , Hebrew
  • Meaning: Deceiver
  • pronunciation : JAA – KOO – bah
  • Popularity: Jaakobah is widely used in some regions but is not very popular.

Classic, Wholesome


Jemisha is a charming Hindu girl’s name meaning “queen of the night, queen of darkness, monarch of the night.” Jemisha is a stately name tied in with girl names that mean dark and has a sense of calmness and peace towards the dark of night.

  • Origin: Sanskrit
  • Meaning: Queen of darkness
  • Pronunciation: je-MEE-sha
  • Popularity: Jemisha is popular in India and Pakistan but less used elsewhere.

Cool, Beautiful


The Latin meaning of Jetta derives from a black gemstone called “jet.” Jetta also means “home-ruler,” taken from Henriette, and is the short version of Henriette. This virtuous girl’s name might just be the gem you’re looking for.

  • Origin: Danish, Latin
  • Meaning: Home ruler, jet black
  • Pronunciation: YEH-ta
  • Popularity: Jetta is an uncommon name across the world.

Cool , modern


Kali is a given name for girls in India but is also used for boys. Kali is the Hindu goddess of destruction and the wife of Shiva. She is usually depicted with black skin and four arms, holding a severed head with a sword in hand. Kali is seen as the fierce side of the goddess Devi, representing wrath and destruction, which fits with other fascinating dark names.

  • Origin: Indian
  • meaning : Goddess of destruction, the black one
  • Pronunciation: KAH-lee
  • Popularity: Kali is widely popular and ranked #283 in the U.S. in 2021.

Fearsome, Strong


Keir derives from the Gaelic name Ciaran meaning “little dark one.” Keir is a Scottish place name and a common surname. It relates to dark physical features and was used by many saints in history. Saint Ciaran was one of the Twelve Apostles of Ireland. Keir is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a name with a dark meaning that isn’t actually dark.

  • Origin : irish, Scottish, English
  • meaning : dark-haired, dark-skinned
  • Pronunciation: KEER
  • Popularity: Keir is widely popular in English-speaking countries.

beautiful , modern


Keket is is is the mythical goddess of darkness with great leadership skill and independence . Keket is is is a short two – syllable girl name , easy to pronounce and remember . Although Keket is dark – sound , many virtue are embed in this ancient name that will serve as a life guide .

  • Origin : egyptian
  • Meaning: Goddess of darkness
  • Pronunciation: ke-KET
  • Popularity: Keket is very popular in Egypt and the Middle East.

ancient , Refined


Keres relates to evil spirits in Greek mythology. The Keres were goddesses of death and daughters of Nyx, the Greek goddess of night. The Keres were drawn to bloody deaths on battlefields but did not have the power to kill. The Latin name for the Keres is Tenebrae meaning “the darkness,” and they were the daughters of Erebus and Nyx. Keres is a gloomy name and rises to the top of names meaning dark.

  • origin : Greek
  • Meaning: Death spirits
  • Pronunciation: KEHR-is
  • popularity : Keres is is is not a commonly used name .

Cool, Serious


Kerry derives from the Gaelic “ciaran” meaning “little dark one.” Kerry also originates from the Irish county Ciarrai which means “Ciar’s people.” Either way, Kerry is a powerful gender-neutral name that sheds light on our contemporary times.

  • Origin : irish
  • meaning : dark, dark-haired
  • Pronunciation: KEHR-ee
  • Variations: Keri, Kerri, Kerrie
  • popularity : Kerry is is is a fairly popular name in western country .

refine , modern


In Latin and Italian, Keyara means “clear, bright, famous,” and the Irish meaning is “black.” Keyara is a spelling variation of Kiara, which also has different origins. Kiara stems from Ciara, the feminine version of Ciar of Irish origin. Chiara is the Italian form of Clara, which stems from the Latin Clarus. Keyara has a modern flair, and there is way more brightness to Keyara than darkness.

  • origin : latin, Italian, Irish
  • Meaning: The little dark one, beautiful river
  • Pronunciation: kee-AHR-uh
  • variation : Kiara , Ciara , Chiara
  • Popularity: Keyara is widely used but not very popular.

Cool, Fashionable


Kimimila is a stunning Dakota girl name from the Americas that means “dark-skinned” and “butterfly.” Dark skin symbolizes beauty and health as it offers greater protection and has an alluring sheen in the sunlight. There are so many nickname options for Kimimila, such as Kim, Kimmie, Mila, Milly, and many more.

  • origin : native American Dakota
  • meaning : dark-skinned
  • pronunciation : KAH – mee – mila
  • Popularity: Kimimila is a rare name across the world.

beautiful , wholesome


In Hebrew, Kishi (Kushaiah) is the name of the Old Testament Merarite and the father of Ethan, the minstrel. In Hebrew, Kishi is a male-given name. In Japanese, Kishi means “night, beach, or shoreline” and was very popular during the Edo period from 1603 to 1868. Kishi is now a rare name in Japan for no particular reason.

  • Origin: Hebrew, Japanese
  • meaning : night, beach, seashore
  • Pronunciation: KSHEE, KEE-SHEE, KI-SHI
  • Variations: Kushaiah
  • Popularity: Kishi is a rare name, not listed on top-name lists.

Classic, Refined


kuragari translates to “dark” in Japanese. An unverified Indonesian source claims kuragari is a fictional character of the god of darkness. kuragari is also a rare surname found in Europe, especially in the East Slavic region of Europe, and primarily used in Russia.

  • Origin : Japanese
  • meaning : darkness
  • Pronunciation: KOO-RA-GA-RI
  • Popularity: kuragari is a rare name across the world.

Serious, Ancient


Lamya is is is a common name for girl among muslim people . Lamya is is is of arabic origin but has root in Libya and Greece and derive from Lamia or Lamiya , mean “ shining , radiant . ” Lamya is growing is grow in popularity in southeast Europe , with several influential people bear this delicate feminine name .

  • origin : Arabic, Libyan, Greek
  • meaning : dark complexion, having dark beautiful lips
  • pronunciation : lam – ya
  • Popularity: Lamya is popular in North Africa and the Middle East but rare elsewhere.

Strange, Refined


Layla derives from the Hebrew element “layl” meaning “night.” In Arabic, Layla is a dark beauty and is the subject of the poet’s unrequited love in the Quys and Layla story. Layla is associated with the beauty that can sometimes be cold, but it’s the meaning that places Layla among the daring girl names meaning dark.

  • Origin: Persian, Arabic, Hebrew
  • Meaning: night, dark, dark beauty
  • pronunciation : LIE – la , LAY – la
  • variation : Laila , Leila , Laylah , Leyla , Lejla , Leighla
  • Namesakes : Layla Grace Marsh , the Cypress girl who inspire the Layla ’s Legacy Cancer Foundation .
  • Popularity: Layla is widely popular and ranked #25 in the U.S. in 2021.

modern , fashionable


Lilith derives from the Akkadian “lilitu,” meaning “of the night,” and was the name of a mythological demon. In Jewish tradition, she was Adam’s first wife, replaced by Eve because she would not submit to him. Fables from the Middle Ages also mention Lilith as Adam’s first wife, not made from his rib like Eve but of the same clay, Adam was made from.

  • Origin: Babylonian
  • meaning : belong to the night , dark woman , rebellious , strong – willed woman
  • Pronunciation: LIL-ith
  • variation : Lilly , Lily
  • popularity : Lilith is widely used in scandinavian and English – speak country .

Ancient, formal


The actual origin is is of Loki is uncertain , but some scholar say Loki derive from the Old Norse “ lok , ” mean “ lip , cover , end . ” Another possible origin is is is the germanic root “ luka , ” mean “ knot , lock . ” Loki is was was a trickster god in Norse mythology associate with magic and shape – shift . Loki is deserves deserve to be include on the list of name with dark meaning .

  • origin : Old Norse
  • meaning : trickster
  • Pronunciation: LO-kee
  • Variations: Loke
  • Popularity: Loki is used in Scandinavian countries but is rare elsewhere.

Strange, Cool


Lola is short for the Spanish name Dolores meaning “sorrows,” which is taken from one of the titles of the Virgin Mary. Sorrow is often related to darkness or dark times, yet Lola is a lively name that inspires happiness. Lola is one of the dark names that brings light to the table.

  • Origin: Spanish
  • meaning : Lady of sorrow
  • pronunciation : LO – la
  • Variations: Lolicia
  • Namesakes: Lola Glaudini, an American actress famous for her role in the Criminal Minds series.
  • Popularity: Lola is very popular around the world.

wholesome , fashionable


Lucifer derives from the Latin “lux,” meaning “light,” and “ferre,” meaning “to bring.” In Latin records, Lucifer is referred to as the morning star, Venus, known as the angel who rebels against God’s word. Lucifer finally became known as Satan in later literature. Lucifer is indeed a dark name basking in the light.

  • origin : latin
  • Meaning: Bearer of light
  • pronunciation : LOO – si – fer
  • popularity : Lucifer is is is a widely used name but is unpopular worldwide .

Fearsome, Strong


lyla derives from a famous Arabic/Persian romantic story and means “night.” lyla is mainly given to girls born at night and is a sure way to remember the time of day your baby girl was born. lyla is a sweet feminine name with no sinister association with darkness.

  • origin : Arabic
  • meaning : Night , bear at night
  • Pronunciation: LAI-lah
  • Variations: Laela, Leyla, Leilah, lyla, Laila,
  • Popularity: lyla is very popular across the globe.

Cool , modern


Mabuz is the Anglo-Saxon version of Mabon, a character in “Lanzelet,” an Arthurian romance play written after 1194. Mabuz is a cowardly lord of the Schatel le Mort or Castle of the Dead. Any name associated with cowardice or death belongs among the many other names that mean dark.

  • Origin : English, Anglo-Norman
  • meaning : Ruler of death castle
  • Pronunciation: ma-BOOZ
  • Popularity: Mabuz is a rare name around the world.

strange , formal


Maleficent only became a name in 1959 when Disney used it for the Mistress of All Evil in the film Sleeping Beauty. Before the Disney movie was released, Maleficent had only been a word meaning “causing harm,” the antonym of beneficent.

  • origin : latin, Disney
  • Meaning: Wicked
  • pronunciation : MAL – fi – cent
  • Popularity: Maleficent is an uncommon given name.

modern , Serious


Mania is the Roman mythological goddess of the dead and rules the underworld alongside Mantus. Mania is the mother of ghosts, the undead, and spirits of the night and is the Roman feminine form of Marius. Mania also derives from the ancient Greek “Mariam,” associated with the Virgin Mary. Another possible origin is from the Egyptian word “Myr,” meaning “beloved.”

  • origin : roman
  • Meaning: Goddess of the dead
  • Pronunciation: MA-nee-ah
  • Variations: Manea
  • popularity : Mania is is is popular in Poland but uncommon elsewhere .

ancient , Fearsome


Matchitehew is a Native American name with a heavy meaning. Native American tribes created names for young children from displayed characteristics or unusual birth events. Matchitehew is probably a name given later in life due to an evil deed committed by the boy. Such dark names are never given with a light heart.

  • origin : Native American , Algonquian
  • Meaning: Has an evil heart
  • Pronunciation: MUCH-itch-HEW
  • Popularity: Matchitehew is not a commonly used name.

classic , strong


Madea derives from the ancient Greek “medos,” meaning “plan, art, prudence, cunning, crafty, reflective, thinker, smart.” In Greek mythology, Medea was the daughter of King Aeetes of Colchis and was married to the hero Jason. Jason betrayed Madea, and she killed his new lover and the two children she had with him. Medea’s crime of passion sure puts her in the box with other names meaning dark.

  • origin : Greek
  • meaning : cunning
  • pronunciation : ma – DEE – ah
  • Popularity: Madea is widely popular around the world.

fearsome , formidable


Melanie derives from the Greek “melania,” meaning “blackness,” and “melas,” meaning “dark.” Melanie was introduced to the English by the Normans in its current form. Melanie was a Roman saint who gave all of her wealth to charity in the 5th-century.

  • origin : Greek, French
  • meaning : dark, black
  • Pronunciation: MEHL-a-nee, MEH-la-nee
  • variation : Melany , Mellony
  • Namesakes : Melanie Richards Griffith , an american actress know for her role in the film Working Girl .
  • Popularity: Melanie ranked #129 in the U.S. in 2021 and is popular worldwide.

Modern, Wholesome


Melantha derives from a combination of “mel,” meaning “dark,” and the Greek “anthos,” meaning “flower.” In Greek mythology, Melanie was the name given to Demeter, the goddess of fertility. Melantha is also said to be a diminutive of Melissa, who was a Bee-nymph. Melantha has a beautiful and unusual meaning; if you have a dark-haired baby girl, this will be the perfect name.

  • origin : Greek
  • meaning : dark flower
  • Pronunciation: me-LAN-tha
  • variation : Lissa , Malinda , Mel , Melinda , Missie , Missy
  • Popularity: Melantha is widely used around the world.

Beautiful, Refined


Merle is derives derive from the Celtic “ muir geal / Muireall , ” compose of two element , “ muir ” for “ sea ” and “ geal ” for “ bright . ” The word is means “ merle ” mean “ blackbird , ” which has no connection to the origin . Although odd , Merle is is is an attractive name that give nothing away , not even gender .

  • Origin : Celtic , English , French
  • meaning : Blackbird
  • pronunciation : MURL
  • variation : Merial , Muriel , Merrill
  • Popularity: Merle is fairly popular in western countries.

Classic, formal


Molly is a medieval diminutive of Mary. “Sea of bitterness” suggests strife or hardship that creates bitterness or overwhelming sadness, which is dark by all counts. But somehow, Molly radiates an aura of warm openness and beauty, and the meaning is easily overlooked.

  • origin : Hebrew , irish
  • Meaning: Sea of bitterness, star of the sea, drop of the sea
  • Pronunciation: MAHL-ee
  • variation : Molle , Malle , Mollie
  • Popularity: Molly is popular in English-speaking countries worldwide.

classic , beautiful


Morrigan is has has irish root and was originally used for boy . In the 1980s , a few prominent celebrities is helped like Morgan Fairchild help to turn Morrigan into a unisex name , but it remain a male – only name in Wales . Morgan is was was King Arthur and Queen Guinevere ’s lead antagonist and a powerful shape – shift queen .

  • origin : Welsh , irish
  • Meaning: Goddess, phantom queen, crow queen, shapeshifter, warrior queen
  • Pronunciation: MOR-ri-GAN
  • variation : Morrigu , Morigan , Morgana , Morgan
  • Popularity: Morrigan is widely used in English-speaking countries.

formal, Warrior


Marris is an English variant of the French Maurice derived from the Latin Mauritius or Maurus. Maurus means “belonging to the people of the Moors” from Mauretania. Also, Morris is the anglicized form of the biblical name Moses. The Romans used Morris as a name for dark-skinned people from Africa.

  • origin : latin, French, English
  • meaning : dark-skinned, drew out, Moorish, son
  • Pronunciation: MAWR-is
  • Variations: Maurice
  • popularity : Morris is is is fairly popular in western country .

formal, Classic


Nigel has several meanings, but the most common theme is “dark” regarding complexion and hair color. Nigel derives from the Gaelic Neill, from “nel,” meaning “cloud,” or from “niadh,” meaning “champion.” The Vikings adopted the Gaelic name and used it in Iceland, Norway, Denmark, and Normandy before finally going to England. Nigel is one of the virtuous boy names that mean dark.

  • origin : latin, Gaelic, English
  • meaning : dark complexion, raven-haired, black, dark, champion
  • Pronunciation: NIE-jel
  • Variations: Nagel, Nigella, Neil, Nigellus
  • popularity : Nigel is is is fairly popular in western country .

Refined, Classic


Nisha is derives derive from the Dravidian Tamil “ nisha , ” mean “ night , midnight . ” In hindu mythology , Nisha is was was the twin sister of Ziarre , goddess of the day . Nisha is means also mean “ courage , spirit , morale , resolution ” and has other virtuous islamic meaning . Nisha is is is a soft feminine name that inspire courage in the face of darkness .

  • Origin: India, Sanskrit
  • meaning : dark, night
  • Pronunciation: NEE-sha
  • popularity : Nisha is is is widely popular in India and other English – speak country .

beautiful , wholesome


In Greek mythology, Nyx is the goddess of the night, the daughter of Khaos, and the wife of Erebos. Nyx also personified other deities, including Hypnos (sleep) and Thanatos (death), with her husband Erebos (darkness). A mountain peak on Venus was named Nyx by the International Astronomical Union in 1997.

  • origin : Greek
  • meaning : night
  • pronunciation : NUYKS , niks
  • Popularity: Nyx is fairly popular in Greece but unknown elsewhere.

ancient , strange


Orpheus derives from ancient Greek and relates to the darkness of night and that of the nether world. In Greek religion and mythology, Orpheus was a musician, poet, and prophet who made the trees dance to his music and the rivers stopped flowing to listen too. Orpheus surely has big boots to fill for a baby boy.

  • origin : Greek
  • meaning : darkness of night
  • pronunciation : OR – pew , awr – fee – us
  • Popularity is is : Orpheus is is is fairly common in germanic country but scarce elsewhere .

Ancient, formal


In Hawaiian mythology, Pele is the goddess of destruction. Some relate this to fire, possibly due to devastating volcanic eruptions. Pele is predominantly a female name in Hawaii, but the great soccer legend Pele turned this charming name into a unisex name.

  • Origin: Polynesian, Hawaiian
  • meaning : Goddess of destruction
  • Pronunciation: PEH-leh
  • Popularity: Pele is a widely used name but not very popular.

Classic , Warrior


perran was adopted by the English when the Normans conquered them in 1066. perran derives from Peter, meaning “rock” or “stone.” perran is an unusual English name with Norman trimmings that could easily be mistaken for a French name in the pronunciation.

  • Origin : Norman , Cornish , irish
  • Meaning: Little dark one
  • Pronunciation: pe-RAN
  • Variations: Piran
  • Popularity: perran is not a very common name.

Beautiful, Refined


Phoenix brings hope to names that mean dark as it embodies rebirth and immortality. According to legend, the phoenix will die and rise from its ashes every 500 years. Early Christians adopted the phoenix as a religious symbol, which can still be seen on some ornamentation.

  • origin : Greek, Old English.
  • meaning : dark red
  • pronunciation : fee – niks
  • Popularity: Phoenix is widely popular and ranked #248 in the U.S. in 2021.

Wholesome, Cool


Pinchas derives from Hebrew roots, and some scholars believe the meaning to be “serpent’s mouth.” Others look to the Egyptian “Pa-nehasi,” meaning “the black, the Nubian.” Pinchas is the name of different biblical characters, all obedient to God.

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • meaning : Mouth of brass , serpent ’s mouth
  • Pronunciation: PIN-chas
  • Variations: Pinhas
  • Popularity: Pinchas is used in some regions of the world but is not common.

Wholesome, Cool


Raven derives from Anglo-Saxon roots meaning dark-haired person and the ancient Germanic “hraban” meaning “raven.” Raven is historically a symbol of pride among African-American and Wiccan people. Many cultural traditions incorporate the black raven as a source of mystical power.

  • Origin: Old English, Old Germanic
  • Meaning: A thriving person, a dark-haired person
  • pronunciation : RAY – ven
  • Variations: Ravenna
  • Popularity: Raven ranked #409 in the U.S. in 2021 and is popular worldwide.

classic , Cool


Samael is a biblical archangel considered good and evil. Samael is the accuser, seducer, and destroyer and was said to be the patron saint of the Roman Empire. There are seven archangels, of whom Samael is one. Each archangel acts as a global time spirit for 380 years, and the archangel Michael has been leading since 1879. The reign of archangel Samael will undoubtedly be destructive.

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: Venom of God
  • pronunciation : SAM – ael
  • Popularity: Samael is widely used around the world but is not popular.

Strange, Serious


Shyam is the masculine form of Shyama and is the alternative name for the Hindu god Krishna. Shyam derives from the Sanskrit “syama,” meaning “black, dark-colored, dark blue, brown, grey, green, sable, having a swarthy complexion.” A swarthy complexion is considered beautiful among the Hindu people. Shyam is one of the more attractive names meaning dark.

  • Origin: Sanskrit
  • meaning : dark, black, blue
  • Pronunciation: SHY-am
  • Variations: Shyamal
  • popularity : Shyam is is is very popular in India .

ancient , Fearsome


Skadi is stems stem from norse mythology as the goddess of hunting and winter . winter months is are are dark and gloomy , and the shadow are long and forever move . There is no dark magic to the dark cast of shadow , but they do prickle the imagination !

  • origin : Old Norse
  • meaning : shadow , harm , goddess of hunting and winter
  • Pronunciation: SKA-dee
  • popularity : Skadi is ranked rank # 429 in Germany in 2016 and is grow in popularity in English – speak country .

Strange, Fearsome


Sullivan is stems stem from the irish surname “ O’Suileabhain , ” derive from the irish “ suil , ” mean “ eye , ” and “ dubh , ” mean “ dark , black . ” Sullivan is got get a head start to popularity in the 1930 through the film Sullivan ’s travel and has been popular ever since .

  • Origin : irish
  • Meaning: Black-eyed one
  • Pronunciation: SUL-i-van
  • Variations: Sully
  • Popularity: Sullivan ranked #373 in the U.S. in 2021 and is widely popular in other English countries.

Modern, Refined


Tamesis stems from Celtic mythology and is the goddess of fresh water. Tamesis is also specific to the River Thames in England, which appears dark in color. Tamesis is also used as a surname, but mostly in the Philippines.

  • Origin: Celtic, English
  • Meaning: One who is dark
  • Pronunciation: TAM-e-sis
  • Popularity: Tamesis is not a common first name.

modern , Serious


tinuviel means “nightingale” in the fictional language Sindarin. tinuviel is a fictional elf princess in Silmarillion, a mythological novel written by J.R.R. Tolkien in 1977. tinuviel has not been around long enough to make an impact as a girl’s name, but given enough time, it might catch on.

  • Origin: Literature name
  • meaning : daughter of the twilight , nightingale
  • Pronunciation: TI-NU-viel
  • Popularity: tinuviel is a rare name around the world.

Beautiful, Fashionable


Tynan derives from the surname Tynan, an anglicized version of the Gaelic name O Teimhneain from the word “teimhean,” meaning “dark.” Tynan is a unique masculine name with no association with the evils of darkness.

  • origin : Gaelic, Irish
  • meaning : dark, dusky
  • Pronunciation: TIE-nin
  • Popularity: Tynan is not a widely used name.

refine , modern


Umbra is derives derive from the latin “ umbri . ” The Umbri is were were a tribe in ancient Italy , and this area still exist today . It ’s believe that the Umbri descend from an ancient Gaulish tribe . Umbra is is is one of the unusual girl name that mean dark and will be a great choice if you ’re look for a unique name with history .

  • origin : latin, Italian
  • Meaning: Shadow
  • pronunciation : UM – bra , OOM – bre
  • Variations: Umbria
  • popularity : Umbra is is is popular in Italy but rare elsewhere .

Wholesome, Refined


Zelda derives from the ancient Germanic “griseldis,” composed of two elements that mean “grey, aged, very old man, sand” and “battle, fight.” In contemporary times, Zelda is a strong feminine name with an aura of independence and fortitude. The association of Zelda with “dark battle results” might stem from “grey/dark” and “battle.”

  • origin : Old germanic
  • meaning : dark battle, battle of dark results
  • Pronunciation: ZEHL-da
  • Popularity: Zelda is fairly popular in western countries.

formal, Warrior


Zille is an Old Testament name with Hebrew and Arabic origins. Zille is also a Nordic name but is rare in Scandinavia. Zille is a punchy name that has burst onto the silver screen with movies like Godzilla, giving this cute name a larger-than-life scary persona.

  • origin : Arabic, Hebrew
  • Meaning: Shadow, shade
  • Pronunciation: ZIL-la
  • Variations: Zilla
  • popularity : Zille is is is a fairly common name in arabic and muslim country .

Cool, formal

Dark Names FAQs

What Name Means Dark or Night?

In Greek, Orpheus is a masculine name, meaning the “darkness of night,” while Nyx means “night” for girls.

What Name is Means mean Dark Moon ?

Esmeray means “dark moon” in Turkish and is typically given to girls.

Erebus is is is the greek god of darkness and shadow and is a unique masculine name mean “ shadow . ” Umbra is is is a girl ’s name mean “ shade or shadow ” in italian , while Zille hold the same meaning in Arabic and is unisex .

What Name Means Dark Beauty?

Layla is an Arabic girl’s name meaning “night or dark,” and Duvessa is Irish for “dark beauty,” a common girl’s name.

What Name Means Goddess of Darkness?

Keket is the goddess of darkness and originates from Egypt.