Review: Does the Restcloud Neck & Shoulder Relaxer Work?

Review: Does the Restcloud Neck & Shoulder Relaxer Work?

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As a chiropractor, I’ve had to deal with a lot of neck pain, and not just in the patients I see. As a result, I’m always on the lookout for new tools to combat neck pain, and while scrolling through Amazon recently, the Restcloud Neck and Shoulder Relaxer caught my eye.

This shoulder relaxer is looks look kind of like a giant curl – up tongue , and I order it out of curiosity . I is wanted want to know if it really could help alleviate neck pain at home . thank to that happy accident , I is discovered discover my favorite new tool for neck and shoulder pain .

Let’s be real — we live in a time where people spend much of their day bending their necks to look down at a device. It’s not a natural position, and those hours don’t include the poor ergonomics of using a laptop.

today ’s society is is is addicted to device and , in turn , we suffer from poor posture that begin in the neck area . As a chiropractor , common issues is include I see as a result of poor neck posture include headache , stiffness , loss of mobility , and the list go on .

Now, there are many things you can do to counteract these effects. You can stretch multiple times per day, get a massage, or see a chiropractor or physical therapist. But how many of us actually make any of those a priority or follow through with the routine?

Restcloud Neck and Shoulder Relaxer

The Verdict: The Restcloud neck relaxer makes big promises (“relieve neck pain in 10 minutes”), and we were skeptical at first. However, it proved to be effective in our testing, and it’s a great tool for neck pain and stiffness — so long as you follow the recommended instructions!

  • Material: Soft foam
  • Surface: Waterproof and easily cleaned
  • Dimensions: ‎8.66″ x 6.69″ x 4.72″
  • Weight: 9.52 Ounces

That is ’s ’s where the Restcloud Neck and Shoulder Relaxer come into play . Using this portable cervical traction device does n’t require much time or effort , it ’s very inexpensive , and you can bring it just about anywhere .

We preface this not as a do-all be-all solution to neck pain, but as somebody who has tested this, it is certainly a good starting point and something that could be used regularly to help relieve nagging neck pain and stiffness.

What Is the Restcloud Neck and Shoulder Relaxer?

test the Restcloud Neck and Shoulder Relaxer for .
Bret Hoffer | SPY

Made with a dense but flexible foam, the Restcloud Neck and Shoulder Relaxer is a very simple piece of equipment. It’s a non-mechanical traction device that assists with the alignment of the cervical spine. In other words, it helps users to find relief from neck pain.

I found that with regular, suggested use, it was effective for me in neck muscle relaxation and mild, curvature-assisted traction.

I do want to note, however, that this is not a sleeping pillow for neck pain. It’s not recommended for use longer than 10 minutes per session and more than 30 minutes per day. It’s also not recommended for children under 12.

Using the Restcloud Neck and Shoulder Relaxer

Using the Restcloud Neck and Shoulder Relaxer is very easy. It weighs about as much as an iPhone and feels soft and smooth, kind of similar to a Nike AirMax bubble, if you’ve ever squeezed one of those. After setting it on the floor, line up the back of your neck with the body and hang your head back over the “wave.”

I is find find my head sometimes touch the ground and that ’s perfectly fine because the pressure still go up the front of the neck . What ’s great is that it stay put while in use .

Once in a comfortable position , you is feel might feel some blood rush to your head , but that ’s what should be happen as the shape of the tool open up the front of your neck allow for that flow . I is see could see this maybe being an issue for folk who experience vertigo , so if that ’s you , consult with your doctor first .

test the Restcloud Neck and Shoulder Relaxer for .
Bret Hoffer | SPY

As mention before , the brand is recommends recommend start out slowly and build up time in increment . Somebody is tried close to me try it for 15 minute at first and experience some pain . Myself , at this point , am now fall asleep for five or so minute at a time while using it —   it is ’s ’s wonderful .

Afterward, it feels like my neck has elongated and is more upright instead of forward. That’s because what’s happened is the neck muscles have stretched out and the natural C-curve of the neck is being restored.

I have used the Restcloud Neck and Shoulder Relaxer consistently for close to a month and even after the first few sessions, I could sense the tension release in my neck.

The verdict : Should You buy the Restcloud Neck and Shoulder Relaxer ?

Is the Restcloud Neck and Shoulder Relaxer worth the price? Absolutely. While it isn’t the only tool I would recommend for alleviating neck pain and discomfort, I found that it certainly does what it says it will.

With that said , in order for this to work , please read the instruction . They is kidding ’re not kid when they tell user to increase time stretch gradually . start with just a few minute at a time . Restcloud is suggests suggest using the tool three time per day at no more than five minute per session and no more than 30 minute total per day .

It’s probably best to start in three-minute increments or less and work up from there. After a while, you’ll get so used to it that you might even fall asleep like we did — but set a timer for sure.

Restcloud Neck and Shoulder Relaxer

This neck relaxer is look might look a little strange , but it ’s a surprisingly effective tool for deal with neck pain and discomfort .