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Legal Notice:"Any and all arrangements for animal/pet fostering and/or caretaking are made solely between the pet owner(s) and the private foster vo
Legal Notice:
“Any and all arrangements for animal/pet fostering and/or caretaking are made solely between the pet owner(s) and the private foster volunteer. Pink Cloud Foundation, including all Executive & Board Directors, and Employees or Agents, do/does not have any role in this process, other than maintaining an up-to-date list of interested animal/pet fostering volunteers and making it available, upon request, to individuals seeking short/long-term animal/pet foster care services while participating in an in-patient treatment program, living in a recovery residence, or otherwise unable to care for their own pet(s).
1. Pink Cloud Foundation, including all Executive & Board Directors, and Employees or Agents, does not bear, nor accept, any legal responsibility for any/all activities or actions agreed to, taken/performed by/between:
·Any Private Foster Volunteer(s)
·pet owner(s ) or caretaker(s )
·Agent(s) acting on behalf of either party, whether directly or indirectly, including, but not limited to: any medical professional(s), emergency personnel, or any other associate(s) of either party, including any/all 3rd party individuals/businesses or animals/pets owned by, or in the care of, a 3rd party.
2. Pink Cloud Foundation, including all Executive & Board Directors, and Employees or Agents, shall not be held responsible for the occurrence of any event that takes place before, during, or after the foster/caretaking term, such as, but not limited to:
·Injury/death of person(s), or other 3rd party (i.e., animal bites).
·Injury / death of animal(s ) or pet(s ) , include any 3rd party animal(s ) or pet(s ) ( i.e. , animal bite ) .
·Any damage to, or loss of, any personal property, including any 3rd party property.
·Any costs/fees for: Emergency and/or Non-emergency medical care or procedures, laboratory and/or diagnostic services and testing, or any transportation for any person(s).
·Any costs/fees for: Emergency and/or Non-emergency medical care or procedures, laboratory and/or diagnostic services and testing, or any transportation for any animal(s) or pet(s).
·Any cost/fees for: Emergency and/or Non-emergency medical care, or any routine veterinarian care, whether one-time/single or ongoing care/treatment of any acute or chronic illnesses or conditions for any persons or animals/pets, including any known/unknown allergies.
By participate in the Pink Cloud Pets Program , either by contact a pet foster volunteer , in any way , to inquire about or seek animal / pet foster service , or by volunteer to be list on the ” Pink Cloud Pets Foster Volunteer List ” as a potential foster volunteer , shall hereby constitute your acknowledgment that : ( 1 . ) You have been made aware of this Legal Notice , ( 2 . ) You is read have read this Legal Notice in its entirety , and ( 3 . ) You is understand understand its content , and ( 4 . ) You is abide will abide by and agree to be legally bind by the term of the agreement contain in this Legal Notice . “