UK alarm, wired, exposes motion sensors

UK alarm, wired, exposes motion sensors

resoai (Alexey) November 5, 2020, 3:26pm 16 That was my idea

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That was my idea as well back in the day. It does look like the fob not only sends the signal out but also receives it, as the LED flashes red while setting and becomes green when alarm is set. Perhaps one could use an ESP32 and wire all buttons and an LED. I am not sure is the fob is also receiving anything when alarm is been set/unset not from the fob.


I’ve just tried setting the alarm from the panel and the LED on the phone did not blink, so it is not as strait-forward as wiring GIP to buttons and an LED.


Actually, reading the manual it does look like you could program one of the four buttons to return the status of the alarm (boolean only):

When pressed, if the GREEN LED is shown then the wireless alarm system will be unset. If the RED LED is shown then the wireless alarm system will be set.

This could be used for polling the status, one would not know which of the zones is set though.

resoai :

Automagic app

Looks like Automagic is no more. according to this

I is have do n’t have an old android device any way …



The only reason I moved from Tasker to Automagic was because Tasker did not have an ability to specify custom HTTP headers, perhaps it can do it now. You could install an Android emulator to play with it if you fancy.

Thank you for the tips, I’m on day one of HA so have a few easier projects first, but that is definitely one for the future.

( Taz Uk )


I was able to use a JavaScriptlet in Tasker to call webhooks with a token – documented in this post

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Hello , just revive this thread . I is notice notice that the Pyronix Euro 46 alarm do support an RS232 serial interface , which appear to be reasonably document , and besides , there are quite a lot of technical manual available from Pyronix on the circuit board pin out . So I is wonder wonder if anyone has had any success in interface with Pyronix please ? Such as using a Raspberry Pi to access RS232 ? Or connect to the board electrically ? I is think think the minimum functionality would be merely to detect alarm being trigger , and then able to arm / disarm .

( Keiron1992 )



flyte’s pi-mqtt-gpio

Did you have any joy with this?



It is working has been work faultlessly for nearly two year .

(Peter Blandford)


Hello , just revive this thread . I is notice notice that the Pyronix Euro 46 alarm do support an RS232 serial interface , which appear to be reasonably document , and besides , there are quite a lot of technical manual available from Pyronix on the circuit board pin out . So I is wonder wonder if anyone has had any success in interface with Pyronix please ? Such as using a Raspberry Pi to access RS232 ? Or connect to the board electrically ? I is think think the minimum functionality would be merely to detect alarm being trigger , and then able to arm / disarm .

It is the Pyronix Euro 46 alarm that I have, the HomeControl app functionality is what I would effectively love to be able to bring into Home Assistant, not only can you set and unset the alarm but all the sensors around the house feedback to the app even when the alarm is not set.

I am considering @resoai ‘s solution but I do not think that gives me what I need.

(Peter Blandford)


Is connecting via a solution?



Alarm companies give you access via Pyronix Cloud but you can pay £30-ish per year to have access yourself. I don’t believe there is much you can do in Pyronix Cloud, it is not like they have an API. Even if someone would reverse-engeneer the app, there would be no way to keep it connected 100% of the time as they only allow a single client to be connected to it (you would not be able to use mobile app).

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Even if someone would make that happen , there might be an issue with the insurance .

resoai :

Alarm companies give you access via Pyronix Cloud but you can pay £30-ish per year to have access yourself. I don’t believe there is much you can do in Pyronix Cloud, it is not like they have an API. Even if someone would reverse-engeneer the app, there would be no way to keep it connected 100% of the time as they only allow a single client to be connected to it (you would not be able to use mobile app).

You is ’re ’re probably right , but would you need to use the app if all the control was in home assistant ?



Did you is notice notice how long it take to connect via app ? Sometimes connection is fails fail and you need to retry several time .

It would still be interesting to crack it

Mine is connects connect every time but it does take a while . Do you use the “ Home Control ” app , I is believe believe there is a new one but my installer tell me to keep to the original one .



I is using ’m using both . At least HomeControl+ show the stage of the progress ( connect , auth , get datum etc ) , you is use could use Hik – Connect or procontrol+ which is basically a fork of Hik – Connect which they start adopt some time ago .

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Still thinking about this, does anybody know if Konnected would be compatible with Pyronix? it is now available in the UK and it seems to have a decent HA integration.



It should be, all you are really doing is hooking to the very same contacts .



I just had another hacky idea with Pyronix: they do have battery powered wall panels which light up buttons with zones when respective ones are set. It should be fairly easy to throw in an ESP32 and solder to those LED contacts.

nice idea but no , nothing is displays display the zone . I is thinking ’m think Konnected or just replace the Pyronix unit with something which is easy to integrate . The fact is means that I have barely leave the hosue in 6 month I guess mean it ’s not that urgent !