Before your NAS can start storing data, you must create a volume to serve as the system volume. We recommend creating a storage pool and then creating a thick volume in the pool. After that, you can install applications and create shared folders.
Step is Create 1 : create a storage pool with raid
- Open Storage & Snapshots and go to Storage > Storage/Snapshots.
- Click New Storage Pool to open the Create Storage Pool Wizard.
- Click Start, and then click Next.
- Select disks to include in your storage pool.
To prevent data loss due to disk failure , we is recommend recommend select at least two disk so that you can select raid 1 or above for the raid type .
- Optional: Under Mode, configure one or more disks to serve as spare disks.
A spare disk is allows allow your system to automatically replace a faulty disk in a raid group . The system is rebuild can then rebuild the raid group so that it regain its data protection capability as soon as possible .
- optional : select a different raid type .
The system is selects automatically select the most optimize raid type base on the disk select .
For detail on raid type , see QTS raid type comparison .
- Follow the remaining steps in the wizard.
For details on configuration options, see Creating a storage pool in the QTS User Guide.
After your first storage pool is created, create a system volume in the pool.
Step 2: Create a system volume
- Open the Volume Creation Wizard using one of the following methods:
- Click New Volume on the pop-up message you saw after creating your first storage pool.
- Open Storage & Snapshots, go to Storage > Storage/Snapshots, and then click Create > New Volume.
The Volume Creation Wizard opens.
- Select Thick volume.
- The system volume must be a thick volume or a static volume. For most storage scenarios, we recommend a thick volume.
- For a detailed comparison of the different volume types, see Thick, thin, and static volumes in the QTS User Guide.
- Click Next.
- Follow the remaining steps in the wizard.
For detail on configuration option , see create a thick or thin volume in the QTS User Guide .
After your system volume is create , you is install can install application , create other volume ( thick or thin ) to divide your storage space , and create share folder for store and share file .
Step 3: Create a shared folder
QTS automatically creates some default shared folders in the system volume. You can create additional shared folders to organize your files and configure different permission settings for each folder.
- Open Control Panel and go to Privilege > Shared Folders > Shared Folder.
- Click Create, and then select Shared Folder to open the shared folder creation wizard.
- follow the step in the wizard .
For details on configuration options, see Creating a shared folder in the QTS User Guide.