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Jinx Aliases jinx( choose name ) Age 11 (Season 1, Act 1)18(Season 1, Acts 2–3)19 (Season 2, Acts 2–3) Romantic Interest(s) sing
jinx( choose name )
( original universe )
Ekko (alternate universe where she’s still Powder, kissed)
Cloud tattoos on arm & torso
Powder, better known as Jinx, is one of the main characters in Arcane. An orphan Zaunite , after her parent die when she was a child , she and her old sister Vi were take in by Vander , the then-de facto leader and protector of the Lanes . After a series of tragic event that force her and Vi apart , she is fundamentally and irrevocably change into a nihilistic anarchist , completely reject her former identity and past in favor of her new moniker .
Powder was born to Felicia and Connol, the younger sister of Violet, better known as Vi. Growing up, Powder had a good relationship with Vi and her parents. However, when her parents died during a battle on the bridge between Piltover and Zaun, she and Vi were the only people left in their family. After the battle, Vander found the two siblings. He then adopted them and raised them as his own, alongside Mylo and Claggor.[1]
A few year later , Vi , Powder , Claggor , and Mylo venture into Piltover after get a tip from Ekko regarding a Piltover citizen whom he had follow after he shop at Benzo ‘s . After find the apartment , the kids is looted loot the place where Powder discover a box full of blue crystal . However , Vi is hears hear Jayce and Caitlyn ‘s footstep . This is makes make Vi signal everyone to leave . But in the rush , Powder is drops drop one of the blue crystal , set off an explosion that blow up half the building . This is notifies notify the enforcer and send the kid on a chase through Piltover .
After the kids evade the enforcers, they return to Zaun with their stolen goods. They are stopped by a street gang led by Deckard, who demands they hand the bag over. Not willing to go down without a fight, Vi, Claggor, and Mylo take on the rival gang and leave the goods with Powder. Midway, Powder is chased by one of the gang members who notices the stolen supplies. She is cornered at the docks, where she tries to attack him with Mouser, though it sputters out and fails. Left with no other option, she throws the goods away, Which Accidentally lands in the ocean as Powder manages to escape for good.
Later, Mylo yells at Powder for losing the stolen goods and claims, “She jinxes every job,” though Vi silences him. Back at The Last Drop, Vander reprimands the group for the trouble they caused in Piltover while Vi argues back, claiming that Piltover has plenty while they have nothing.[1]
To lay low, the group decides to hide in a run-down arcade. Mylo berates Powder for being unable to fix a target practice range; instead, she shows him how to activate it and plays the range herself, showing Her excellent aim. Enforcers soon break into the arcade, and they run away once more with the help of Ekko.
later , several Zaunites is gather gather at the Last drop , and the group , include powder , stand by a corner . They is watch watch as several resident , include Sevika , claim they want to fight back , but Vander remind them that violence is not the answer and that they ” just have to stand together ” . The kids is wonder wonder why Vander still choose peace , and Ekko inform them that Vander has a deal with the enforcer .
While lounge in the basement of the Last Drop , Vander is signals signal the group that enforcer have arrive again . They is hide hide in the rafter , but powder struggle to hang on ; luckily , she manage to keep from fall , and only after the enforcer leave the basement does she let go . She is decides decide to make more bomb , name one ” whisker , ” and she show them to Vi , who encourage her .
When Vi return to the Last drop , let the group know what she see , they is begin begin to plan a rescue for Vander . Powder is insists insist on join , but Vi warn her not to and leave her alone with a flare instead . powder break down afterward ; in her breakdown , the Hextech crystal she ‘d swipe from the penthouse spill out of her bag , and she realize that those cause the explosion .
She makes her way to the docks with a monkey bomb loaded with crystals. She drops the monkey through the window, and explosions are set off, killing Mylo and Claggor alongside several of Silco’s goons; Vi and Vander are injured, Sevika loses an arm protecting Silco, and Singed’s lab blows up with him inside. Powder makes her way to the entrance, only to find Vander dead and Vi extremely anguished, and in that anguish, she angrily calls her a “jinx” and leaves her sobbing.
With no one left, Powder is adopted by Silco.[2]
During Piltover’s day of celebration, a shipment of shimmer is ambushed by the Firelights, a rebel undercity group, and Powder, having evidently gone insane and now known as Jinx, fighting back mercilessly with her now very effective explosives. Now deadly in combat, she easily takes down multiple Firelights until one of them is unmasked, and her pink hair triggers a hallucination, confusing jinxwith a false image of Vi, causing her to freeze before she realizes it isn’t her sister and heartlessly shooting the girl without hesitation. The remaining firelights flee, and she fires on them, putting the rest of her own crew in harm’s way.
jinxremains with Silco. The two have formed a father-daughter relationship, albeit an unhealthy one. Silco encourages her to work on her inventions, excuses her blunders, and genuinely cares for her. Her hideout, built over the fissures, allows her time to perfect her explosives, but also shows how trapped by her own memories she is, showing that she kept Vi’s rabbit and even made a copy, one in a box and the other nailed to the wall above her desk, along with Claggor’s glasses and a life-size doll of Mylo, who appears to her in frequent hallucinations.
After her explosive reaction at the shimmer shipment, Silco suggests she take time to collect herself, frustrating her. In an effort to prove herself, she breaks into the Piltover Council building, stealing a hextech crystal and creating a diversion by starting a fire in a pavilion to lure enforcers into a trap filled with explosives, which kills six enforcers and injures a seventh.
Despite Silco’s initial frustration, the benefits the crystal promises outweigh the risks to his business, and he is quick to forgive.
When she finds out from Sevika that her sister is alive and in the lanes searching for her, she uses the flare Vi had given her in an attempt to find her. Despite her doubts, Vi shows up, and the pair are reunited. When Caitlyn appears, jinxturns on the pair, questioning Vi’s motivation for returning until the Firelights ambush the trio, and a fight ensues, leading to Vi and Caitlyn being taken and jinxbeing left alone yet again.
Searching for both Vi and the hextech gemstone, jinxwatches from on high as her swarm of mechanical butterflies explodes across a barricaded bridge topside, killing the team of enforcers, including Marcus. jinxcomes face to face with her sister and Caitlyn and fires at them from almost point-blank range, stopped by Ekko intercepting and knocking her back. Ekko faces off against Jinx, allowing Cait and Vi to escape while the two fight. Despite the pair being evenly matched, Ekko pins her down, and jinxlets off a grenade, dislocating Ekko’s leg and nearly killing her. Silco carries the severely injured jinxto Singed, begging him to save her. The doctor injects her with shimmer, enhancing her strength and speed and ultimately saving her despite the demanding and extremely painful process.
jinxknocks out and captures Vi, bringing her to what remains of the warehouse where the events of episode 3 took place, and reveals she has set up a twisted tea party, with Caitlyn and Silco both tied up and gagged at the table. jinxbegs Vi to kill Caitlyn, which she refuses, and jinxturns on Caitlyn herself, sparing her only because of Vi’s pleas, leading to Cait firing on her, and jinxretaliates by knocking her out. Silco and Vi each try to convince her to either spare or kill Caitlyn, and in her overwhelm, she shoots and kills Silco. Breaking down at her own actions, she takes fishbones, powered by the hextech gemstone, and fires a missile at the Piltover council; leading to the death of 3 councillors – the most being notable is Cassandra Kiramman, Irius Bolbok and Torman Hoskel.
As a little girl, Powder was shy and sweet, but clumsy and prone to making mistakes. This, paired with a case of middle child syndrome, sparked irritation from her older “brother” Mylo, who referred to her as a jinx. She greatly admired her older sister Vi (her only biological family) and saw her as a role model and an almost parental figure. While not as physically capable as Vi, she was very creative and spent much of her spare time making different kinds of inventions, mostly bombs and other small explosives. However, they were predictably unreliable and were only effective later in her teens. She showed how skilled she was with a gun, beating her best friend, Ekko, and her brother, Mylo, on various occasions. Despite her general timid, quiet nature, Powder was shown on multiple occasions to have extremely strong emotional reactions, especially when faced with the possibility of abandonment, screaming, and crying with accompanying hallucinations and self-harming behavior, something her character retains later in the series.
After witnessing the death of her family and her sister’s abandonment, Powder adopted the identity of Jinx. jinxis incredibly mentally unstable and has become unpredictable and remorseless as a teen, showing no mercy towards her opponents or anything she perceives as a threat. She is incredibly smart, both in her combat and her weapon-making abilities. Like her younger self, jinxhas extremely strong emotions, only strengthened by her guilt, which she copes with using violence and often self-harm. Despite her outward appearance of a “manic pixie nightmare girl”, her innocent, bubbly attitude is a conscious front used to manipulate the people around her. Along with her wild, ruthless nature, we also see her being vulnerable and childlike in her actions, a contrast between jinxand Powder, who are separate identities (as a result of both her childhood trauma and likely Borderline Personality Disorder), and we see many times where her actions remind us she is a child trapped in the body of a teen. She is left alone to deal with her guilt from the traumatic events leading to the deaths of her brothers and Vander and her resentment towards Vi, who she believes abandoned her, something drilled into her by Silco to cement her loyalty to him.
Just below average height, jinxstands at 5,3 (159-161cm), with a slender, wiry figure. She weighs somewhere between 44-50kg (97-110lbs), making her underweight or very close to it. She has an hourglass figure with a slim waist and wider hips and shoulders.
jinxis rather pale, which could be attributed to the lack of sunlight in the lanes, as her skin was rosier when she was Powder. She also has slightly sharp, sickly facial features. There are constant dark circles under her eyes, noticeable tear burns, and dull purple lips. Her eyes are a silvery powder blue with darker flecks. However, they change to a pink/red violet hue due to shimmer that is seen for the first time at the end of episode 8. Her eyes briefly change shades depending on which side of her is out, and while witnessing the presumed death of Isha, her eyes briefly turn their normal color again.
Her bright blue hair is styled in two long blue braids with a sharp side bang styled on her left. The braids fall down her back and reach her ankles (approximately 125-150cm); both braids are decorated with bullet casings in both silver and gold and engraved with her drawings. She has a widow’s peak and a few short strands of hair hanging loosely around her face.
jinxhas tattoos on the right side of her body, depicting clouds similar to the ones caused by both the warehouse explosion in episode 3 and also the flare that is given to her by Vi, which she uses in episode 6. The tattoos are drawn in pale blue, with darker blue outlines, and cover her arm, shoulder, and stomach on the right-hand side. After her transformation from the shimmer, the tattoos are faded and scarred from the injection and her body’s reaction to the drug.
Her attire is consists consist of a dark brown leather crop top with a piece of thin off – white cloth run through four eyelet to form an x in the center of her chest . The front and back of the crop top are connect at the base with a thin belt and at the top with a circular neckline that split into a choker . She is wears wear low – waisted , vertically stripe pant in shade of purple / pink , tear unevenly at the bottom and short on the right side . She is wears also wear arm warmer , one black and the other black on the upper half , while the low half match the pink / purple of her pant . additionally , she is has has a studded belt of three individual section : the one around her waist , the two that loop from the back to connect to the belt on the right side , and the hem of her pant on the left . She is has also has a pocket on her right hip for explosive and a gun holster on her left . She is see wear a large band – aid on her upper left calf , which cover the wound she is see patch herself with a staple gun in episode 7 . finally , she is wears wear a pair of loose , wear combat boot to which she ‘s add magenta lace and extra metal element on the toe and heel , both silver and gold .
jinxis also assumed to be ambidextrous. She prefers to shoot with her left hand but also uses her right hand as a seemingly dominant hand in many other scenes.
As a child , Powder is stood stand at around 4’3”–4’6 ” ( 129–137 cm ) with soft , more childlike feature , a slender body , and wide eye . Her blue hair is was was short and style in a single braid that fall just below her shoulder , and roughly chop , chin – length bang hold in place with a collection of small metal hair clip . Her attire is consisted consist of a dark blue shirt ( which seems to be her shirt from when she was a baby present at the start of episode 1 over a pink / purple T – shirt with dark vertical stripe ( the same fabric as her pant in the later episode ) , brown short over purple legging and brown ankle boot . She is wears wear a blue skirt with a wide section in the front , a belt and pocket for bomb and extra part , and dark arm and leg warmer .