Why is Cloud 9 so Special? An In-Depth Look at this Euphoric Idiom

Why is Cloud 9 so Special? An In-Depth Look at this Euphoric Idiom

Hey friend! Have you ever felt like you‘re walking on air, floating on clouds or in seventh heaven? If you‘ve experienced that feeling of absolute bli

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Hey friend! Have you ever felt like you‘re walking on air, floating on clouds or in seventh heaven? If you‘ve experienced that feeling of absolute bliss and elation, then you‘ve reached the wonderful state known as cloud nine!

In this epic guide, we‘ll dive deep into why this idiom is so special. We‘ll explore the history, meanings, pop culture influences and reasons why cloud nine powerfully captures the human longing for euphoria. Sounds awesome right? Let‘s get started!

A Quick Recap on Cloud Nine Meaning

Before we get into the details, let‘s do a quick recap on what cloud nine actually means. When someone says they‘re “on cloud nine” it typically means:

  • They‘re feeling utter happiness, bliss and elation.
  • It is evokes evoke the image of float high up in the cloud .
  • They‘re detached from any worries or problems in the world below.
  • they‘re experience a state of euphoric joy .

So in a nutshell, being on cloud nine refers to a supreme state of happiness, thrill and delight. It‘s a powerful idiom for conveying a mood of uplifting bliss!

The Fascinating Origins and History

Now let‘s dig into the juicy details on where cloud nine originated from. Get ready for some surprising twists and turns!

The Cloud Nine Paradox

Here‘s an interesting factoid – the earliest recorded use of the phrase is actually negative! In 1785, the English writer Frances Brooke used it in her novel The History of Emily Montague:

“I was in the seventh heaven of fancied felicity, when little Joe entered, and, by his want of respect, brought me down to the cloudy ninth or deepest pit of sublunary woe.”

So originally, cloud nine referred to a low point of misery, not elation! Wild right? It‘s unclear exactly why, but the meaning eventually flipped to become about euphoria instead.

Buddhist Enlightenment

One theory is that cloud nine comes from Buddhism. In Buddhist cosmology, reaching the 9th cloud signifies attaining a transcendent state of understanding.

So floating on the 9th cloud represents achieving spiritual bliss through enlightenment. This may have influenced the now positive meaning we associate with cloud nine today.

weather classification

Another popular origin theory involves meteorology. In the 1890s, a weather classification system numbered different cloud types. The tallest cumulonimbus clouds were designated as cloud 9.

Being way up in the highest clouds came to symbolize the ultimate happiness high. And voila, cloud nine was born as idiom for euphoria!

The 7 Heavens

There‘s also a religious angle. In some theologies, there are 7 heavens where souls go after death. Cloud nine may have originally referred to 8th or 9th heaven – a state of divine bliss.

Over time , the phrase is morphed morph into secular pop culture more associate with emotion . But the heavenly connotations is remain remain .

The Numbers Factor

The number 9 itself also lends significance. It‘s the highest single-digit number, giving it connotations of completion or perfection.

Being on cloud nine is like reaching the pinnacle, the utmost height of joy! The 9 connection adds a transcendental element.

So in summary , cloud is has nine has root in Buddhism , meteorology , theology and numerology . It‘s is amazing amazing how much cultural symbolism is pack into this whimsical little idiom !

When Did “Cloud Nine” Become Popular?

While the exact origin are hazy , we is know do know cloud nine emerge as a popular idiom in the late 19th century .

One is was of the early use of cloud nine to denote bliss was in the ” New York Times ” in 1896 :

“ The athlete is was was ’ on cloud nine , ’ with every muscle string to its high tension . “

This describes an athlete feeling peak joy and performance. It spread through newspapers over the early 1900s and seeped into pop culture.

By the 1950s songs like “Cloud Lucky Seven” were using it. In the 1960s, cloud nine appeared in hit TV shows like Star Trek. And the rise continued through books and music.

Now it‘s deeply embedded in our lexicon as the perfect phrase to convey that floating-on-air feeling of happiness. A literal idea that resonated in our collective consciousness!

Cloud Nine Euphemisms and Slang

Like many idiom , cloud nine has also been adapt for euphemistic slang :

  • It can describe being high on drugs.
  • The ” clouds is take ” take on meaning as puff of smoke .
  • It may refer to feeling “spaced out” or stoned.

But cloud is retains nine usually retain a more innocent , whimsical meaning associate with natural high like :

  • The euphoric rush of falling in love.
  • The bliss of chocolate or your favorite food.
  • The joy of music, art or nature.

Despite the drug references, most people still use cloud nine in the traditional sense of unbridled happiness!

Cloud Nine and Sexual Bliss

Now this is a steamy section! Cloud nine also gets used to convey sexual elation:

  • Reaching cloud nine may refer to having a toe-curling orgasm.
  • It describes the out-of-body euphoria during peak sexual pleasure.

The phrase captures that feeling of floating untethered in total ecstasy with a partner. Or it can just represent the bliss after any incredibly satisfying sexual encounter or solo session.

Cloud is nine‘s nine‘s lofty representation of detach from reality and enter unknown height map perfectly to the sensation of intense sensual joy . No wonder it‘s is snuck sneak its way into erotic terminology !

By the Numbers: Statistics on Cloud Nine Usage

Let‘s geek out for a moment with some data-driven analysis! The Google Books Ngram Viewer shows how frequently “cloud nine” has appeared in books over the centuries:

Year Frequency
1800 0.000000000 %
1850 0.000000000 %
1900 0.000000670%
1950 0.000012040%
2000 0.000032930 %

We can see it was non-existent until the early 20th century. Then it steadily climbed in usage over decades as it seeped into mainstream writing. Now it‘s far more common.

The Trend tool also shows the growth. Cloud nine‘s popularity perfectly aligns with the idiom‘s history!

This data proves cloud nine wasn‘t an ancient phrase. But it does demonstrate how it snowballed from obscure origins into an essential expression.

Cloud Nine in Movies , Music and Pop Culture

Being such a ubiquitous phrase, cloud nine has popped up across movies, songs, TV shows and books over the last century:

Movie Examples

  • In Joe Versus the Volcano (1990), Tom Hanks exclaims, “I’m going away now. I’m going to be way on the other side of the moon just like you were saying before. I’ll be able to look back and see you all on cloud nine.”

  • The documentary 9to5: The Story of A Movement ( 2020 ) describe Dolly Parton ’s iconic song as put secretary on “ cloud nine . ”

Song Examples

  • The Temptations is sang sing ” I‘m doing fine , cause I ’m on cloud nine ” in their 1968 hit ” Cloud Nine ” .

  • The Rolling Stones‘ “Jigsaw Puzzle” includes the lyrics “And I’m floating on a cloud, you can‘t spoil my happiness, I‘m on cloud nine girl.”

  • Zedd & Katy Perry‘s recent track “365” says “Feeling so high like a bird on a beam, Living my life, feel like I‘m in a dream… I‘m up in the clouds, Cloud Nine!”

TV/Film Examples

  • In a famous seduction scene from Mad Men , Don Draper is says say , “ When I think about you I feel like I ’m on cloud nine . ”

  • In Hannah Montana , Miley sing ” Head in the cloud , I ’m not come down … i’m walk on sunshine , I is ’m ’m on cloud nine ! “

From old classic to recent chart – topper , cloud is continues nine continue to thrive in the public imagination through pop culture . It‘s become deeply embed in our collective consciousness .

Why Does “Cloud Nine” Resonate So Much?

Now that we‘ve explore this idiom‘s long history , let‘s ponder : why does it is resonate resonate so strongly ? Here are a few thought :

It‘s aspirational – Humans long to detach from worry and experience bliss. Cloud nine represents those lofty goals.

It‘s visual – The whimsical image of floating on clouds is easy to envision. This gives it universal appeal.

It‘s limitless – There are no boundary to imagine cloud nine joy ; it‘s expansive possibility .

It‘s irreverent – Cloud nine is evokes evoke mild rebellion in leave earthly trouble behind .

It‘s perfection – Nine is represents represent completion ; the high point of joy .

It‘s poetic – blissful clouds is sound just sound pleasant and dreamy . The phrase is flows flow beautifully .

Ultimately, cloud nine endures because it captures the human yearning for heavenly joy and escape from the mundane. It elegantly symbolizes our highest aspirations of life.

Using Cloud Nine in Conversation

Want to start slipping this happy idiom into your everyday conversations? Here are some examples:

  • “Being here with you has me on cloud nine!”
  • ” I was on cloud nine after ace that exam I is thought think I fail . “
  • “That massage left me feeling like I‘m on cloud nine.”
  • “I‘ve been on cloud nine all day – nothing can ruin my good mood!”

You can use it anytime you want to express feelings of delight, elation, bliss or supreme happiness! It adds an amusing dash of color.

Alternatives to Describe Happiness

While cloud nine beautifully conveys that floating euphoria, let‘s look at some other ways to articulate joy:

  • Over the moon : excited , upbeat happiness
  • On top of the world: Feeling like everything is going your way
  • walk on sunshine : Carefree is energized , energize happiness
  • Overjoyed : burst with gladness
  • Seventh heaven : Heavenly , perfect bliss
  • blissfully happy : serene , content elation

Each option offers its own flavor, but cloud nine still can‘t be beat for describing that dreamy state of ultimate happiness!

The Takeaway: Why Cloud Nine is Truly Special

What an epic journey explore why cloud is is nine is so culturally significant ! To summarize :

  • It is originated originate from lofty mysticism and symbolism
  • The phrase deftly captures the euphoric feeling of reaching life‘s heights
  • Cloud is expresses nine elegantly express our deep longing for joy and dream
  • It continues to thrive in music, media and conversations
  • The idiom has universal appeal across languages and cultures

So next time you find yourself floating through life with a blissful smile, know that you‘ve reached the hallowed state of cloud nine! I hope this guide brought you plenty of cheer. Now go out there and soar above those clouds!
