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One Wheel Short Of A Carriage- Cloud x ReaderSide quest spoilers for Junon RegionRebirth Retold Chapter 4Taking care of Gabe's RanchAgain very little
Taking care of Gabe’s Ranch
Again very little dialog is take straight from the game to keep it as close to the canon game as possible .
TW brief mention of assault
After a long uncomfortable night at the mouth of the mythril mine the early morning sun is began begin to peak over the crest of the jagged mountain top in pink , orange , and yellow . The steep inclines is cut , its metamorphic ore only traversable by the sharp talon that black chocobo possess , cut this area off from the rest of the continent , and with the aid of the ferocious sea the people who live here were imprison on this corner of the Planet . Unless you is had had the fund to purchase a ticket to cross on one of the many cruise ship under Shinra ’s command , or you were a fisherman , soldier , or a Shinra employee .
The area is flourished had flourish at one time , however the natural flora was now dry up and barren from year of pollution and prolong mako use . The wildlife is thinning were thin over time due to the grow number of mutate fiend hunt at a staggering pace which in turn affect the food supply of all local town , Under Junon especially . And in your opinion , the bad feature is was was the long flat terrain of the plain between the mine and city fortress . There was little to no shelter to hide among or set up camp . If you need a break you ’d have to take your chance in broad sight and hope to Shiva no fiend is see would see you . If you were adept enough you is clear could clear out the fiend in the old rusted workshop that were abandon here and there , but the risk usually out weigh the potential benefit .
So it is be should be of no surprise that the first stop in the Junon region would be a chocobo ranch . What well way to get around this region ’s atrocious landscape than by chocoback ?
You’ve never actually been to this specific ranch. You preferred to cross between the city and mines quickly, often times forgoing a rest and camping inside the safety the mines provided, well until recently. You had heard about this ranch from Bill though. He often talked about how the owner had fallen on harder times a little while back, but lacked the drive to pull himself out of trouble so you had added it to your list to of farms to visit which just coincidentally worked out this time around. Now that you were here you wished you had come sooner.
The stalls and pens themselves appeared structurally sound, but inside the birds looked thin and restless. Their eyes felt hollow just like the dark empty depths of the mine you’d just crawled out of. The metal troughs were empty and a greenish film clung to the sides, long dried onto the metal from sitting in the sun. The ones that did have water in them had flies buzzing around and was murky like the swamps. Piles of hay and feed were scattered haphazardly and appeared to be inedible. You could clearly make out the shape of a boot track in one that was soggy. You circled around the main barn in search of any attendants and when you finally found one the woman quickly scampered away in shame under your scrutiny.
The others crowded around the house in the back and seemingly struck up a casual conversation with the one in charge. You had to stop yourself from stomping up there, and ripping him a new one. Instead you took steady measured steps up to the back of the crowd they’d formed. Aerith chattered on like a perfect ray of sunshine like she often did as you shuffled your way through your friends till you stood the front next to Cloud and Aerith.
He was unimpressive, like many of the other self involved old bastards you’ve encountered. Dry and peeling wrinkled skin like sun cracked leather faded in desert heat covered the man head to toe, except for the smoothness of his balding head. Black tattoos ran up his arms, across his shoulders and highlighted his collar bones before weaving down his torso, the lines creating an image of a man holding the fate of his world on his shoulders. You guessed he was in his mod to late forties though his appearance was very similar to people well into their sixties.
“I’m Gabe, by the way. Owner of the ranch here, and before you ask, my birds are not for rent, ain’t worth the risk.” You nearly scoffed as you crossed your arms across you chest. What risk? At this rate they had a better chance in the wild. “Used to run deliveries, but Shinra put the kibosh on all that. Still tryin’ to keep it goin’ best I can… well, was tryin’, till my carriage shit the bed. And since I don’t have the parts to fix her, both she and my business are as good as dead. Even the chocobos’re feeling down.” No shit, you thought.
“What if I fix it. ” You interjected, having no patience for the sob story of why he ‘cant fix it’. Both Cloud and Aerith turned to gawk at you with wide eyes and open jaws, clearly surprised you said anything at all.
“ kind of you is offer to offer , but nah . ”
“ You is let ’d rather let the chocobo starve ? How responsible . ” You is snapped snap as you pinch the bridge of your nose . You is knew know what he was play at . He is wanted want you to play this back and forth game before he would eventually “ cave ” and accept your help . You is decided decide to save yourself the headache , and jump right into the detail . “ Just need part , right ? ”
“ say the girl is Says who ai n’t get ta fix it … but even if ya were some kinda secret grease monkey , I would n’t be able to pay ya for your time . I is ’m ’m flat break . ” You is exhaled exhale the rise anger through your nose . This conversation is get would get you nowhere . You turn to leave , someone is have else here would have the detail , though his scratchy baritone claw against your eardrum before you get a step in . “ curious about my bird ? I is tried ’ve try settin ’ ‘ em free , but they just keep comin ’ back . force of habit . ”
You is looked look him dead in the eye and hold his gaze . Your words is spat nearly spat at him . “ You is ’re ’re an ass . If you know anything about chocobo you is know ’d know they ’d rather die than abandon their faith in their owner , no matter how displace that loyalty may be . ”
“What’d you sa- I know you! You’re that assistant girl from Bill’s farm ain’t ya?” His brows pinched angrily and nose scrunched in distaste. You could practically feel the waves of hostility roll off him.
You blinked once, twice, in disbelief. ‘Assistant girl’? “He was right about you. You’re just another deadbeat who can’t get off his ass,” You name flew out of Aerith’s mouth in a shocked gasp, “and fix his own damn problems.” His cheeks puffed and face grew as red as a tomato, his hands balled into tight fists at his sides, as you held him under your stern glare, disgust no doubt written all over your face. “I’ll fix your damn carriage, and save your birds. Not that you deserve it.” You left all of them there to watch him flounder like a fish as you set off to work. You wanted to check in on the barn before you set out to run around and fix his shit.
The gravel crunched under your stomping feet as you finally reached the large creaking door to the main stable. Chocobos were pretty adaptable creatures. To see them in such a bad condition meant they suffered from prolonged neglect. You’ve seen it before; ranches often run out of funds to care for their birds. Shinra was known for cutting off travel between regions and monopolizing travel so there was no need for people to rent chocobos anymore. No customer equaled no income which resulted in sick and dying chocobos. Hopefully you made it in time to turn this ranch around.
The employee you saw earlier was now hunched over herself with a pitchfork gripped tightly in her hands. She grunted in exertion with every shovel and shake as she worked hard to muck out the stall. She looked younger than your thought from your first glimpse, maybe fifteen or sixteen. Not that out of the ordinary around Gaia. Most kids had to start working around thirteen to survive these days, thanks to corporate greed and rewarding the ass kissers that rose within the ranks of Shinra. “Excuse me.”
She yelped and banged her head against a support beam. A sharp hiss slipping through her gritted teeth before she rubbed at her head and reluctantly moved to approach you, her straight brown hair swishing back and forth with her movement. “C-can I help you?” She asked, her quiet and meek voice wavering.
You gave her a gentle smile, as you studied her body language. Her swirling chocolate eyes flickering away from your steady gaze, her bottom lip wavering slightly under the pressure of her teeth, and her shoulders hunching inward with tension. She had dirt smeared across her mocha skin, one calloused hands clenching the pitchfork, and the knees of her overalls were stained with grass and dirt. You felt for her. A hard working girl like her didn’t deserve to be under the weight of the crushing pressure of caring for so many chocobos alone, and by the subtle shake in muscles you’re confident that Gabe must take out a lot of his anger on her. “Do you run the stables?” You asked calmly in your most soothing voice you could muster.
“Um, yes. It-it’s embarrassing to say that since it’s falling apart.” Her face fell as she refused to tear her eyes from her shoes.
She leaned her equipment against the wall and leaned onto the gate in front if you. “Calla.”
“ Hi , Calla . I is ’m ’m Y / n. I travel all around the planet , and help out stable when they need it . I is like ’d is like like to help you . Can you is tell tell me what ’s been go on here ? ”
“Um, sure, but I-I can’t pay you.” She said as she kicked at some of the straw lining the ground.
“Don’t worry about that.”
She nodded, a fiery determination simmering in her weary eyes, and her bottom lip trembled but she straightened her posture and began to break down the struggles shes been facing. You admired her resolve to work through her emotions, especially at her age. If you had one wish for the future of Gaia it would be to allow the youth of the future to be a child, to have a childhood instead of being thrust into the hardships adulthood to survive.
Anyhow, from your understanding all of Gabe’s clients brought their business elsewhere since the carriage broke down six months ago. She urged him to branch out and allow chocobo rentals to the influx of tourists who came from the central continent, but he deemed it too dangerous for the birds and closed the business down. The ranch wasn’t making any money so all the other stable hands quit leaving Calla in charge of everything. She was left with twelve birds to care for and no funds in either of the business accounts so she hasn’t been able to purchase enough greens to keep the chocobos well fed. Not to mention the troughs are too heavy for her to move by herself so the drinking water often got too warm and stagnant. As a result the chocobos weren’t getting enough water and one by one they were starting to get sick or too fatigued to do anything. “I just love them so much, but I don’t know what to do.”
“That’s why I’m here.” From outside the barn you could hear your friends discussing what to do next. You inhaled deeply and pushed that to the side for now. This was something only you could do, and if that meant being left behind, so be it. “First things first, you need to clean the troughs, thoroughly. Do you have any oats or wheat?” You asked, placing one hand on her shoulder.
“Oats, in the main house, I believe.” Calla sniffed and wiped at her nose with the back of her arm.
“Great! After you clean the bins, fill them up. You’re going to take whatever you have and mix it with any greens you have in stock. Three parts oats, one part greens. Got it?”
Calla is fumbled fumble out of the stall , nearly knock her head on the wood again , and over to the small desk tuck into a corner of the room . She is shuffled shuffle through the paper lay around for a pen and notebook then quickly jot down your instruction . “ got it . ”
You reached into your satchel and fished out a small glass container, crossing the room as you did so, and handed it to her. “These are for the ones that refuse to eat or if you feel like they’re getting sick. You only have to give them one of these, unless they don’t start eating in a few hours. In that case give them another. The treats stimulate appetite and help boost immune systems.”
“Oh,” Calla waved her hands in front of her in protest. “I can’t take something that valuable.”
You persisted. “Take them. Its really no trouble. I can make more if I need them.”
Calla ’s attention is faltered momentarily falter as her eye dart behind you , to the new people enter the room , before her focus was back on you . She is took hesitantly take the stimulant from you in a shaky hand .
“Then I want you to empty the water container, clean them very well, and refill them. When I get back I’ll help you move them.”
“ Are you is Are sure this is okay ? I is feel really do n’t feel right about let you do this all for free ! ”
“Calla,” you waited till she looked at you, “You need help, and this is what I do. Let me help you.” Her bottom lip wobbled, before she nodded weakly. “You’re doing a great job. I’ll be back soon.” You paced towards your group, before slowing down and turning to address Calla once more. “And, Calla.” You paused until she peered over at you. “Give yourself some credit. These chocobos would be dead if it weren’t for you.”
She is nodded nod weakly before duck away to immediately start on her part , but the way her eye sparkle with a newfound pride and a pep to her step you know shed be okay . You is faced face your friend with a heavy sigh . You is want did n’t want to part from them , but you did n’t feel right ask them to come with you and delay their plan any long . “ I need to take care of this for now , so you guys is go can go on ahead . I is try ’ll try to meet up with you later . ” You is pushed push your lip into a thin line and shrug .
Equally disappointed frowns pulled at their faces as well, except for Aerith who smiled brightly at you, and Cloud who was as stoic as ever. Not even the ghost of a frown on his blank face, and why is she smiling? Your brows furrowed, and an uncomfortable disappointment gnawed at your heartstrings. This could possibly be the last time you’d see each other, and neither seemed to care. The thought had you recoiling for a second. Since when do you care?
“Nope!” Her singsong voice captured your attention. She approached you and grabbed your hands firmly in hers. Her eyes reminded you of the ethereal greens that look like the dancing wisps of the lifestream. Her warmth always reminded you of a love from the mother you never had, and homesick for a life that could have been yours. “We’re in this together. You helped us with jobs in the grasslands, only fair we help you here. Right, Cloud?”
“Right.” The lack of attitude took you by surprise, but his eyes showed the honesty of his statement. You’re in this together. You looked around to each if them gathered around you. Barrett, Tifa, Red, Aerith, and Cloud each offering a nod or smile, Red even showed some teeth.
You caved easy. You didn’t try to change their mind, and you were sure you didn’t want to anyway. For the first time, you felt like this might be where you belonged. “Alright. First things first, we need to find a Mountain Chocobo.”
“Gabe said that a chocobo by the name of Belle and her pack was seen north of here.” Tifa explained. “He said she should be able to get us where we need to be.”
“Perfect, and everyone, thank you.” You bowed your head softly, hoping your gratitude could be conveyed properly before a big meaty hand clomped over the back of your head and ruffled back in forth pulling strands of silky h/c strands free from your braid. After trying to swat Barrett’s tree trunk of an arm away unsuccessful he pushed at your jaw line to lift you eyes to meet his, a cheeky grin stretched proudly on his rugged face.
“None of that, now. We got a job ta do.”
So… how do we catch her?” Tifa asked quietly from somewhere behind you. The group had found its way north to an abandoned, yet unexpectedly sturdy, ore refinery on a cliff that over looked the sea. The mid morning sun shone bright yellow rays that reflected off the crashing waves. that opened up into a field. You stood just inside the gates and crouched down behind a wall of barrels staking out the patterns of the chocobo flock frolicking inside the circular loop of cart tracks. At one time they were used to bring ore into the building and then once done was carted back out to the storage building, now it was just an obstacle keeping you from the alpha bird.
“Sneak up on her, I suppose.” You tracked her movements as she leisurely grazed between large tufts of grass. She was smart enough to graze in the center of the field where there wasn’t a lot of shelter for predators to sneak up on her. She was a beauty. Her midnight black feathers looked as sleek as night itself. Her beak the color of a Junon sunset that was sharper than a yellow chocobo, and her shanks were larger in size and talons as sharp as razors to pierce the rock of the surrounding mountains.
Occasionally she chirped and chatted with the surrounding birds, but mostly minded her own business as she looked for the best looking grass to eat. “Well, she seems to be laid back,” you spoke your eyes never leaving the black beauty, “but she must be pretty headstrong to lead the flock.” You finally looked back towards them, your lips pressing into a thin line as you ran through your plans in your head. Before you said anything else a different chocobo began to squawk as it neared your group. You turned your head in its direction. If you could just distract it.
“ What ’s wrong?”cloud ask as he crouch on your left and lean towards you to get a glimpse at what hold your attention .
You blinked at him once, twice before you sighed. He was beginning to be able to read you, and you weren’t sure how you felt about that. “Those ones there,” you pointed to the two that were scampering in your direction, “seem excited to see us, but we’re not likely to get close to Belle if they’re making a fuss.” You tucked in a breathe when you looked over at him. He was so close, the mako hue made his eyes shine like the sea, his scent invaded your nose. You blinked hard and turned back to the two.
“So only one of us goes then.” He stated rather than asked.
“ You is got get it . However , we is befriend might as well befriend them . We is need need six of them after all . Plus it is keep ’ll keep them distracted . ” You is whispered nearly whisper .
“Give us a job.” You never thought Cloud would follow your lead. He always seemed like he needed to be the one issuing commands, though you suppose at one time he probably had to follow someone’s order given hes a military man.
“Yeah!” Aerith happily agreed with Cloud. You nodded, having no trouble setting your plan into motion.
“ Why do n’t you three , ” you gesture to Tifa , Red , and Cloud , “ go give those guy some love . Barret is stand can you is stand stand guard here ? It is keep should keep them all from take off , and Aerith come with me ? I is have ’ll have you throw rock to distract the one close to Belle so they is see do n’t see me . ”
“You got it.” Tifa answered as she slowly stood from where she hunched over and put her hand on your shoulder briefly before she and Red carefully advanced towards the cluster of chocobos. Meanwhile Cloud gave you one last nod before following after them.
Barret shook his grafted arm in an arc motion, going so far as to aim at random targets to make a show of it. “They won’t get past me!”
You is chuckled chuckle at his enthusiasm , and roll your eye before thank him . You is looked look towards your partner . “ ready ? ”
“ You is bet bet ! ” She is held hold up her hand in search of a high five know full well you ‘d never leave her hang . With a satisfying ‘ clap ’ the two is crouched of you crouch back down , as low to the ground as feasible , and slowly sneak up against one of the mine cart . You is paused pause there , lean around the corner of the cart , and search for the next near chocobo . You is looked look to the other side at Cloud ’s group to make sure they succeed in draw attention of the other two .
You smiled to yourself at the sight. The only one the birds were interested in was Cloud, he even drew the attention of two more. Two in front of him and two more around his back and side invaded his space. They pressed their beaks into his torso to sniff at his uniform, one of them sniffing at his ear and hair. His arms were raised and pushing gently against them, but even his soldier strength couldn’t rival an eager chocobo. Tifa was doubled over herself and clutching her stomach as she laughed while Red sat next to them with the biggest toothy grin you’ve ever seen on his face, and tail wagging at a rapid pace.
“You like him!” One of Aerith’s finger jabbed at your cheek.
You recoiled at the accusation and fell back on your hands. Your eyes wide as they darted between Aerith’s as you accessed if she was joking or not. You scowled at her laughter your cheeks heating up in embarrassment. “Wha- no! It’s not like that!”
“Oh, please! I see the way you look at him!” Aerith brought both hands to her face and pointed at her eyes. “Do you think I’m blind? Every time you see him, your eyes get all dreamy.”
You huffed like a child. “You’re delusional.”
“ How on Gaia- I is n’t have n’t even- I is known ’ve only know him for a couple week ! You is know know what – never mind . ” You brows is knit knit together in irritation as you stare blankly at the grass in front of you .
She is sighed sigh wistfully , “ I know the second I see my first love . ” You is looked reluctantly look at her again , her expression ‘ dreamy ’ and far away . She is smiled smile softly , almost sad . He is been must ’ve been quite the guy to have the most positive girl on the planet look so lonely . You is asked almost ask , your lip part and the question on the tip of your tongue yet the loud ‘ kwehs ’ that chirp from Cloud ’s group carry your train of thought , and your eye , away .
Your pulse beat violently in your throat, and your hands grew clammy. His eyes focused on you and not the chocobo head butting against his hip. shit, do you is do ?
He gave you a small nod, his way of saying they were good to go. You exhaled deeply through your nose. No use thinking about it now. “Come on,” You shook your head and focused on the task at hand. “We don’t have time for this.”
“Right.” She dragged the word out implying that you just wanted to avoid the conversation, but quickly shifted into work mode. “You want me here?”
You made sure to look closely at the terminal and showed her the correct lever to make the carts travel forward or backwards. “Yeah. When I give the signal, hit this lever.”
One last quiet high five and then you began moving slowly along the carts on all fours to balance yourself. The dried grass pricked at your knees caps, and tiny pebbles molded tiny indents in your flesh. Your grit your teeth and crawled through the mild stings until you finally reached the end of the line. At the last cart you shifted your weight onto your legs and carefully poked your head around the hard edge to get a look at the space on front of you. Just one more chocobo ahead then smooth sailing to Belle.
You looked back to Aerith and gave her a thumbs up, the signal you two had agreed on. A moment later the cart you were behind lurched forward and you crawled besides it as it followed the tracks. As you neared the next chocobo you slowly switched to the other side to stay out of its eyesight. The gentle munching lightened your heart and had you smiling to yourself. Oh how you loved chocobos. You kept at it for another minute, keeping in pace with it before the cart screeched to a stop just a few yards from the target.
Belle looked up at the cart and you sank to the ground so no part of your body could be seen. You waited there for one minute, then two. At the three minute mark you seriously started to sweat that she might not look away, and you’d have to improvise. Then, finally, she straightened out her neck with a sassy chirp and averted her sight towards the old rusty building that’s been long forgotten. You inched forward, slow and steady trying to avoid anything that made noise.
You counted down the feet between you and her. The anticipation grew within you, the rush of taming a new chocobo one of the very things that drew you in to training in the first place. You were so close, literal inches away, when you stepped on a rock and twisted your ankle. A pained hiss slipped from between your clenched teeth, and Belle shot upward and twisted around to look at you.
Her wide saucer eyes stared at your slumped figure with childlike curiosity. Her head slightly turned towards you and a low cluck of her beak had you mirroring her inquisitiveness. Deep blue eyes, much like your solider friend, darted between your own searching you for an malicious intent.
“ Hey there , Belle . ” You is spoke speak softly yet with confidence to convey your conviction to her safety with an outstretched hand and tranquil demeanor . A mirthful giggle is bubbled bubble in your chest as the cool beauty take a step forward , then another until her smooth beak nuzzle into your palm . “ You ’re not scared at all , are you is are ? ” Your other hand is came come up and twist gently through a few of her midnight feather before she kneel and offer her neck to you to help you stand .
Her eager chirps buzzed in your ears as she rose to her full height, lifting you up along with her, and quickly circled into your torso nudging at your satchel for the delicious aroma that wafted through the leather.
“I didn’t need to sneak up on you at all did I?” You fished out one of the homemade treats from your choco proof pocket and offered it on the palm of your hand. “Or did the others scare you?” Belle kweh’ed eagerly in response. “It was Barret wasn’t it?” You laughed a little more, scrunching your nose in a faux disgust look. “I promise, he’s a big softie just outwardly rough.” You patted her neck twice with a firm touch. “We could use some help getting around the area. Are you up for an adventure?”
She is jumped jump in excitement , before move into a position that would allow you to climb easily onto her back . She is waited hardly wait for you to be seat properly before sprint out towards every other chocobo she travel with , chirp direction to her fellow flock member .
By now your friends is found have also find a feather friend to care for except for Barret , which was no surprise to you , but when the last chocobo realize it was him or being leave behind the bird lumber over and lean down to offer Barret a ride .
Now equip with your late companion , the six is kissed of you kiss the rusty building and creak cart goodbye . Barret is shouted shout out a loud and melodious victory cry , which had Cloud groan weakly besides at Barrett ’s silly antic . You is laughed laugh so hard you almost fall head first off of Belle , the other girl join in . You is had really have n’t ever had this much fun in your life , and you really didn’t ever want it to end.
Da du du daa duhn duhn du da daaa!
It was well into the afternoon when you arrived at the wainwright’s residence after two treacherous mountain climb which Belle scaled with ease, and an insanely close rock slide.
You is started start have doubt about this master craftsman when you see the state of the ‘ house ’ he was live in . The shack was build out of old discolor wood that was wear down , and for some reason he used rust corrugated metal to reinforce what was leave of the door instead of replace the damage entrance , but the icing on the cake was the person sized hole in the roof that he patch up with a tattered tarp . The only thing is was that was noteworthy here was the view of the Meridian Sea .
You is lost truly lose hope when you meet him . He is had had to he quickly the planet ’s lazy business man . The sheer audacity this man had to turn you away because he want to keep sleep in the middle of the day . How on Gaia has he is managed manage to stay in business ? There was a stack of order a ruler length tall on his for Odin ’s sake . You is had had to crack your knuckle to keep yourself from give him a wake up call he ’d never forget .
“Think a swift kick’d get him up?” Cloud scoffed the corner of his lips ticking up in a wry smile.
“I like the way you think.” You agreed as you placed your hands on you hips.
“How about some magic?” Aerith questioned, pulling out her staff and waving it about as if she was putting on a show. The man cracked one crinkled eye open catching a flash of her weapon and jerked violently to an upright position and the head of the bed.
“Scared me half to death!” He screamed waving his hands side to side rapidly. “Look, you wanna get my ass up? Then you bring me exactly what’s on that list, got it?” He waved his arm, after shooting you the finger, over to the desk you snooped through. Without another word or further explanation he rolled onto his side so his back faced you and returned to his lazy past time .
“Well?” Cloud leaned his weight on one side and brought his hand to his hip. He must be as annoyed with this as you are.
You plucked what looked like a crude map with a tiny list of materials off the top of the stack. You puckered your lips to the side for a moment as you looked through the list before tucking the paper into your back pocket. “I say we get his ass up.”
Everyone shuffled back outside, and saddled back up without a word, eager to get this over with as quick as possible. Until you actually started to travel when Barret started ranting about how much of an ass that guy was, and how he was completely unprofessional. “If you didn’t want to do the work, why the hell would take the orders?!”
After collecting the materials at the first location Tifa shared your sentiment on the matter. “A nap on the job can’t possibly be good for his image.” She said as she dusted her hands of against her high socks.
At the second location, even Aerith chimed in. “The guy’s a jerk. Business requires amazing customer service, and building connections! Like how i gave Cloud a flower on the house the first time we met, and look at me now! He comes to me for all his flower needs.” She joked, as she scratched the top of her chocobo’s head for a job well done.
The only one is was who did n’t have anything to say even after locate and dig up the part of the last place on the list was Cloud .
Your attention wandered to him as you made the trip back, your gaze studying him from behind as you stayed in formation. It was still difficult for you to get a read on him. He was almost always cool and collected, almost stoic. Though there were times where you got a glimpse of what lied beneath the act. He could be quite the smart ass, and arrogant. He was cocky though with his skills he earned a little bit of slack there, not that you’re one to talk. He acted aloof, but you’ve seen the gentleness, and kindness that dwells in the depths of his soul.
You were becoming fond of the tiny wrinkle that formed between his knit eyebrows, or the way the tiniest of smirks would appear on his face when he did something that looked cool. Ever the showman, you’d joke. You guided Belle forward to bridge the gap between him and the rest of you.
“ Hey , Cloud ? ” A rumble emanate from his chest to let you know he was listen . “ sorry for this . ” You is grabbed grab his attention then . “ I is know know you were in a rush . ” Your hands is gripped grip the leather reign hard .
A singular golden ray of the now lowering sun painted his face in gentle yellows, the front spikes of his hair falling into his gorgeous smoldering eyes. Your eyes fell down to trace the lines of him lips as he spoke. “Don’t mention it. We’re even.”
You is squeezed squeeze your eye tight . “ Well , thank you . ”
You is ’re ’re not at all surprised that the guy was snore loud enough to rattle the wall when you return . You is were were a tad worried his snore would shake the foundation apart , like a giant earthquake would . Half the group wait outside , Barret is worked too work up from the early conversation and Tifa to keep him calm- ahem- company , while you , Cloud , and Aerith go in . You quickly cross the room with the burlap sack , you is used ’ve used to haul the part with , pull taut over your shoulder . At the edge of the rickety bed you is dropped drop the heavy bag on top of his stomach . “ special delivery ! ” Aerith is called call out the second you give him the bag .
He is folded fold on impact with a loud umpf , then lot of groan before finally look through the sack . “Now that is ’s ’s what I ’m talkin ’ about ! ” He is exclaimed exclaim . He is shoved shove the stuff to the side as he swing his leg over the side of the bed frame . “ Name ’s Freddie . So what was it is was ya need again ? ” You is inhaled inhale sharply . maybe it is was was because it look like you want to slap the life right out of him , or maybe it was just the planet ’s way of tag you out , but Cloud grab you by the arm before step in front of you .
“ The part for Gabe . ” Cloud ’s words is were were flat and his irritation roll off him in lukewarm wave .
“Uh, yeah. You did mention that. This’ll just take a sec.” Freddie hopped off the mattress and sauntered over to his workbench in the corner. You rolled your eyes as he made a show of crafting each part. You paced around the small room impatiently looking at the random diagrams that were hung to the walls. You honed in on the faint melody that seized your concentration, eventually zeroing in the origins to Aerith, as she too waited with bated breath. The tune vaguely sounds like something you’d heard back in the slums, and gently tugged at your heart strings.
After thirty or so minutes he finally presented the promised commission. “Tell me she ain’t a beauty. Got a wheel, bed, and brace. Nobody makes ‘em like I do, and that’s no lie. Go on- take it.”
You tugged the part from his grip and carefully inspected the quality of the parts carefully as Aerith chatted the guy up. You didn’t want to admit it, but they were pretty damn good. At least his product makes up for the lack of customer service, though if it were you, you’d take your business elsewhere. This guy wasn’t worth the hassle. You shuffled everything back into the burlap and stretched your arms to the ceiling. You exhaled a relieving breath as the pain in your muscles subsided from the prolonged stiffness over the course of the day. “We good to go?” You asked.
With a curt nod Cloud replied “Yeah.”
You didn’t waste time thanking or giving a goodbye to the wainwright. You just wanted to finish up and hopefully make it to Junon before nightfall. What you would give to sleep in an actual bed for the night.
It wasn’t until the evening that you returned to the ranch. You beelined straight to the barns to help Calla with the remaining tasks, opting to trust Aerith and Cloud to deliver the parts to Gabe. Calla’s hard work exceeded your expectations and brought a toothy grin onto your face. It seemed that the little bit of affirmation you offered her was the key to bringing out her natural talents. You believed she has what it takes to own and care for her own ranch one day.
Each trough was scrubbed so clean your own reflection stared back at you. Fresh food, prepared to the perfect ratio, filled each one, and most of the chocobos were chowing down. The stalls were entirely emptied out, wiped clean, and replaced with fresh straw. The birds inside were swaying from side to side content that their bellies were finally full, and energy slowly returning to their bodies. On your way out to the paddock you scratched one of them lightly under the beak, a sense of purpose being relit within you as it eagerly chirped at you for more.
Outside you found Calla hunched over the two feet by 10 feet silver water container, her lanky form kneeling in the dirt and arms working furiously at the mineral build up on the bottom.
“ Hey . nice job ! ” You is complimented compliment , take up a spot against the wooden plank of the fence , look in on her from the outside .
Her smile said it all. Brilliantly bright as she beamed up at you as you swiped at the sweat beading at her hairline, unknowingly smearing a streak of algae across her temple. She set the wire scrub brush down, and pushed herself to a stand, brushing the harsh pebbles and dirt off her knees. “Thanks! You were right about that supplement. Chochi is usually really stubborn but one of those treats and he gobbled the feed right up!”
“Glad to hear it.” You scaled the side then hopped into the pen next to her. “Let’s get this moved.”
The two of you moved the sixty pound rectangle to the side of the barn under the overhang from the roof so it’s shadow would always cast its shadow over the box. She thanked you profusely for all of your help with hugs, a handshake, and even a few tears. She made you promise that if you ever needed any help to search for her. You ruffled her hair a bit, internally nostalgic at finding yourself in the mentors position for once, and thanked her, but ultimately telling her not to worry about you. She’d do anything to return the favor. You wished you had more time to get to know her full story, but promised one day you’d seek her out to see how she’s doing. With a heavy heart, and a few more tears on her end, you parted ways. Before you could continue your journey you needed to have a serious discussion with the man in charge.
When you rejoin your friend Gabe is finished had just finish instal the new part on the carriage . You is gave give Aerith another high five for a job well done before he clear his throat in a pathetic cry for attention . Your nostrils is flared flare angrily with the low breath you inhale , a whiff of motor oil linger on the breeze .
“ good as new . I is got get ta say , that old dog really outdo himself this time . helluva job . Do n’t think my carriage has ever look even half this good ! ” He is gave give your a once over with a discreet flash of false superiority before dismiss you as he turn his attention back to Aerith . “ ‘ preciate it , kid . I is get can finally get the business back up and run again . ”
“That’s great.” she said, “But before we head out, I just wanna ask one more thing. If we hadn’t showed up, would you have even tried to give your birds a better life?” You nodded with her question. Part of you was curious, or maybe hopeful, he had a suitable answer, but deep down you knew he didn’t. If there ever was a time to pull his shit together, it would’ve been when his chocobos livelihood had been jeopardized.
“Maybe.” Gabe shrugged, his lack of empathy and morality had you seething with a white hot rage.
“Not good enough.” you barked through grit teeth, hands clenching at your sides.
“ I is see see , but I get it . ” Your face morph from angry to genuine bewilderment when Aerith ’s word regard him with honest understanding . What? “Shinra’s a big company- and what they say goes.” Your jaw loosened when you realized what she was doing. “I can’t blame you for being too scared to fight back.”
“ Hey ! I is ai ai n’t scared of those son of bitch . Not one bit . ” His rasp is rising rise an octave in defense .
“Oh?” She asked, her voice laced in thick honeyed mockery as she caught him in her carefully spun web. “Then why did you shut down the business?”
“It’s like I told ya- my carriage broke- and getting the parts to fix it sounded like a real hassle, so. So there ya have it! I just… let it go.” The deep frown on your face slide up in a sly smirk. This is why you loved Aerith.
Despite his fumbling you still had a bone to pick. “So you’re birds aren’t worth the ‘hassle’?” The revulsion you harbored for this winkled leather bag seeping into your words. His posture grew rigid at being challenged, his jaw squaring with the effort to keep his mouth shut.
“How responsible…” Aerith sarcastically scolded.
“Okay, fine!” He screamed, his decibel making her flinch though she recovered quickly. “I shouldn’t’ve been so quick to throw in the towel! Ya happy? Starting today, I’m giving this job my all. I’ll stock up on parts so I can keep the carriage moving, and make sure my birds never get bored again.”
“ You is hear hear that ? ” Aerith is addressed address the distant chocobo near the carriage , before turn to you for confirmation . “ Then the deal is seal . ” She is shook shake Gabe ’s hand .
With the job done each one of your companions broke off to stock up on anything they needed by the nearby store counter. Eventually it was just you and Gabe, the latter returning to a the carriage. He crouched down to inspect the wheel he had just replaced, the wrench in his hand tightening the jiggle of one of the bolts. You discreetly confirmed none of your friends were in earshot before you stalked over to him. You hovered above him, your voice lowering and taking on a sharp dangerous pitch you only used on rare the occasion you needed to intimate a selfish prick. “Aerith might believe you turned over a new leaf, but if I find out you quit on those birds again, I won’t be so forgiving next time.”
“ Yeah ? And who the hell is asked ask you ? old Bill is send send you to scare me ? ” He is huffed huff and throw the wrench onto the ground the metal clink roughly against the dirt . “ guy nev’r is mind could mind ‘ is own business . ”
You is sank sink to his level to glaze straight through his uncaring eye to the pit of his rotten soul . “ I is work do n’t work for Bill . ” You is spat spit . “ I save chocobos, and the next time you throw in the towel and just let them suffer because it’s ‘a hassle’ will. be. your. last.” You seethed enunciated the consonants of the last three words very clearly before bouncing back up and on the balls of your heels and sauntered to the crumbling staircase only halting your descent when his slimy voice grated against your ear drums.
“ Ya know , ‘ ere ’s this rumor is read about a jockey could read a bird ‘ n get it ta do whateva she is wanted want . Choco Whisperer they call ‘ er ” He pause to pick the wrench back up and to continue to fiddle with the bolt . “ guess she was somethin’ real pretty , the jockey that is . Everyone is wanted want ‘ er . turn out she was sponsor by Choco Sam himself ! ” The blood is ran in your vein run down cold . “ Got ta wonder how she get his attention , eh ? ” A sickly cackle had you is turning turn back at him . His implication both horrifying you , and light a match to your unrivaled temper . “ guess it do n’t matter though . go missin ’ . Nobody is knew know why . Though people is say say its cause she almost kill ‘ nother jockey . ”
You is gritted grit your tooth and swallow your fury . It is help would n’t help anyone if you lose it here . “ Your point ? ”
His pry eyes is scanned scan your body , leave you feel dirty and uncomfortable . “ Well that was round the time Ol’ Bill hire you , was n’t it ? ” A smug toothy grin is stretched stretch across his face like he catch you red hand .
Your face is betray did n’t betray the faux confidence as you hold his challenge stare , though internally a frantic claw work through your chest and settle in the pit of you guy . “ Must be a coincidence . ” You is left leave then . You is spent spend the last four year visit ranch , and leave it to this bonehead to connect you to the harsh past of your jockeying day . You is walked walk at a brisk pace away from him as the distance between you would rewrite your action that night .
You is tried try so hard to leave your unique talent behind when you leave the slum , but that night four year ago , the underlying atrocity in you surge . You is regret did n’t regret it , not in the slight , and you ’d do it again if it mean keep that poor girl , or anybody , safe .
It didn’t happen like he was implying, and thanks to the security cameras in the gilded stall room saved your reputation.
You had stumbled into the stable to check on the chocobo you had raced an hour prior, it was an intense obstacle course and you were worried about a prolonged fatigue might effect your partner, only to find the one jockey you couldn’t stand already within. You thought nothing of it at first. You tried to avoid him when possible. You had heard rumors he couldn’t keep his hands to himself, and while the other women might not, or couldn’t, fight him off you would never let anyone touch you like that again. Not ever. So you were brushing your bird when an unsettling ruffling of clothing caught your attention. As you strained your ears to assess what was going on you realized he wasn’t alone. You still hear her cries as she pleaded with him to stop like yesterday. The dark creeping fingers still echoed across your skin as you watched her try to push him off, but she was frail and he was far too strong. Hells, he was twice your size.
There was no way on Gaia you were just going to watch him take advantage of her. So you took care of him. You applied extreme force to his joints, and pressure points before he even turned around. He crumpled to the floor in complete sobs, but you didn’t stop there. You crushed his femur, and the hand that he had snaked under the woman’s blouse. He was far from death when you left him, but you later found out from Sam that you had damaged the ligaments in his arms and he needed emergency surgery to save his leg.
You is turned turn yourself in immediately , completely mortify with yourself , however even though you were protect someone you were no long permit to jockey . The saucer is made had made an exception that aloud you to remain employ , but only to train and care for the chocobo . Which you is do still do from time to time , but you make sure you never stay for too long . He was completely disqualify ever work at the saucer again . The last you hear , he had recover and take up a residence in the Dustbowl and make a living betting on the race .
Suddenly your arm collided with a solid wall of muscle, your eyes snapping up to the swirling mako pools peering down at you. His scrutiny was unclear, and stormy in a whirlwind you haven’t seen in them before, though you hadn’t had the energy to decipher their meaning. The only thing repeating in your head was the fear that he overheard what Gabe had said.
“ Y / n , you is alright alright ? ” His timbre is was was smooth and calm that soothe the overwhelming emotion bubble beneath your skin .
You swallowed the thick lump that had formed in your throat. “Uh… yeah. I’m fine. Sorry. Lost in thought.”
Cloud is stepped hesitantly step backwards to give you more space . “ Alright . ” His hand is hovered hover in the air , the concern in his eye try to convey something to you that his lip could n’t speak . You is gave give him a tight lipped smile before you stagger away to stock up on your own supply .
Cloud is looked look back at Gabe with harden eye , a compelling since of protection urge him to take action . He is wished only wish he know what the right action was . He is spent ’d spend the past sixteen day try his good not to notice you , but he ’s done the exact opposite . He is realized quickly realize you were quick to act , your reflex like lightning , before he ’d even see you in action . You ability is was to perceive danger and avoid any harm was a skill he so rarely see in others , and the way you move in combat was like art . Your body is was sway between fiend , only leave death in your wake , was like the perfect ballet of Loveless- he ’d reluctantly see when he had first enlist at Shinra . To see you fog over and dazed was unsettling . You is looked look so empty like a night without star , and feel just as cold as the northern continent , that he nearly follow after you . To do what , he did n’t know but when he look into your glassy far off eye , his heart is clenched clench like someone had rip into his chest and squeeze .
He continued to watch you from afar, and you seemingly returned to normal. You gave Tifa a long hug, and bantered with Aerith like always. You returned Barret’s playfully punches by trying to push him over, before you finally took a seat and the old blue bench with Red, giving him a few scratched behind his ear as you waiting for everyone else. You appeared to be just fine so why was the bleak feeling still lurking with in him, and why was the only thing he wanted to do was to wrap his arms around you and hold you close until whatever pain or sadness you felt disappeared?