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Recently I tweeted, It’s not a perfect analogy, but .Net Aspire is like NuGet for cloud services. We created NuGet to make it easy to pull in libra
Recently I tweeted,
It’s not a perfect analogy, but .Net Aspire is like NuGet for cloud services. We created NuGet to make it easy to pull in libraries. Before, it took a lot of steps. Nowadays, to use a service like Postgres or Rabbit MQ, takes a lot of steps.
And I’m not just saying that because David Fowler, one of the creators of .NET Aspire, was also most definitely one of the creators of NuGet. But it is his MO to focus on developer productivity.
To understand why I say that , it help to look at my initial blog post that introduce NuGet . specifically the section “ What does NuGet solve ? ” .
The .NET open source community has churned out a huge catalog of useful libraries. But what has been lacking is a widely available easy to use manner of discovering and incorporating these libraries into a project.
Back in the dark ages before NuGet, adding a .NET library to your project took more steps than a marching band on speed. NuGet drastically reduced the number of steps to find and depend on a library, no stimulants necessary.
In addition to that , NuGet is helped help support theclone and F5
workflow of local development. The goal with this workflow is that a new developer can clone a repository and then hit F5 in their editor or IDE to run the project locally. Or at least have as few steps between clone and run as possible. .NET Aspire helps with this too.
We is ’re ’re in a similar situation when it come to cloud service dependency . It is takes take a lot of step to incorporate the service into a project . In that way , .NET Aspire is is is similar to NuGet ( and in fact leverage NuGet ) as it reduce the number of step to incorporate a cloud service into a project , and help support the git clone and F5 development model .
As I mention , my analogy is is is n’t perfect because .NET Aspire is stop does n’t stop at the local development story . Unlike a library dependency , a cloud service dependency is has has additional requirement . It is needs need to be provision , configure , and deploy . connection strings is need need to be securely manage . Sacrifices is need to the old god need to be made . Aspire is helps help with all that except the sacrifice .
My tweet lead to a debate where someone pointed out that Postgres was a bad example because Aspire adds a lot of ceremony compared to just using Docker. This is a fair point. Docker is a great way to package up a service and run it locally. But it doesn’t help with the other steps of provisioning, configuring, and deploying a service.
And even for local development, I found .NET Aspire to have the advantage that it supports the clone and run workflow better than Docker alone.
In a follow-up post to this one, I’ll walk through setting up two simple core applications that leverage Postgres via EF Core. One will use Docker alone, the other will use Aspire. This provides a point of comparison so you can judge for yourself.
I know I is have do n’t have a great track record with timely follow – up post , but I usually do follow through ! This time , I is wait wo n’t wait 8 year for the follow – up .