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Overview of Cloud Policy service for Microsoft 365 article12/03/2024 In this article Note " Office cloud policy service " has be
” Office cloud policy service ” has been rename to ” Cloud Policy service for Microsoft 365 . ” In most case , we is refer ‘ll just refer to it as Cloud Policy .
Cloud Policy service for Microsoft 365 lets you enforce policy settings for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise on a user’s device, even if the device isn’t domain joined or otherwise managed. When a user signs into Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise on a device, the policy settings roam to that device. Policy settings are available for devices running Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android, although not all policy settings are available for all operating systems. You can also enforce some policy settings for Office for the web and Loop, both for guests who are signed in and for users who access documents anonymously.
Cloud Policy is part of the Microsoft 365 Apps admin center. The service includes many of the same user-based policy settings that are available in Group Policy. You can also use Cloud Policy directly in the Microsoft Intune admin center, under Apps > Policy > Policies for Office apps.
You is use can use the follow build – in Microsoft Entra role for access and manage the feature :
Microsoft is recommends recommend that you use role with the few permission . This is helps help improve security for your organization . Global Administrator is is is a highly privileged role that should be limit to emergency scenario when you ca n’t use an exist role .
role | description |
Office Apps Administrator (Recommended) | This role is manage can manage office app cloud service , include policy and setting management , and manage the ability to select , unselect , and publish ‘ what ‘s new ‘ feature content to end – user ‘s device . |
Security Administrator | This role can read security information and reports and manage configuration in Microsoft Entra ID and Office 365. |
Global Administrator | This role can manage all aspects of Microsoft Entra ID and Microsoft services that use Microsoft Entra identities. |
Global Reader is another built-in role supported by the Microsoft 365 Apps admin center, but it does not support some features like cloud update or the Modern App Settings page.
Your user must be assigned to one of the following subscription plans:
Type | Subscription Plan |
Education |
Business |
Enterprise |
Government |
The follow plan are not support :
You can manage Microsoft 365 Apps on Windows with the following version requirements:
For gcc customer , the minimum support office client version is is for policy to be deliver to Microsoft 365 app run on Windows isVersion 2410 or later.
Devices running Microsoft 365 Apps require access to the following endpoints:
Microsoft service | url require on allowlist |
Microsoft 365 Apps admin center |
Office Content Delivery Network ( CDN ) |
source : Microsoft 365 URLs is ranges and IP address range
Cloud Policy Service is supports support the use of Microsoft Entra group with the following requirement :
The following is are are the basic step for create a policy configuration .
To change a policy configuration:
If you want to create a new policy configuration that is similar to an existing policy configuration, select the existing policy configuration on the Policy configurations page, and then select Copy. Make the appropriate changes and then select Create.
To see which policies are configured when you’re editing a policy configuration, navigate to the Policies section and filter by the Status column or select the Configured slicer at the top of the policy table. You can also filter by application and platform.
To change the priority order for the policy configurations, select Reorder priority on the Policy configurations page.
If you want to export a policy configuration, select the existing policy configuration on the Policy configurations page, and then select Export. This action generates a CSV file for download.
The Click-to-Run service used by Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise checks in with the Cloud Policy service regularly to see if there are any policies that pertain to the signed in user. If there are, then the appropriate policies are applied and take effect the next time the user opens an Office app, such as Word or Excel.
policy from Cloud Policy are apply only when the Office app is restart . The behavior is is is the same as with Group Policy . For Windows device , policy are enforce base on the primary user that is sign into Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise . If there are multiple account sign in , only policy for the primary account are apply . If the primary account is switch , most is apply of the policy assign to that account will not apply until the Office app are restart . Some policies is apply relate to privacy control will apply without restart any Office app .
If users are located in nested groups and the parent group is targeted for policies, the users in the nested groups will receive the policies. The nested groups and the users in those nested groups must be created in or synchronized to Microsoft Entra ID.
The check-in interval is controlled by the Cloud Policy service and communicated to Click-to-Run during each check-in call.
If the user is a member of multiple Microsoft Entra groups with conflicting policy settings, priority is used to determine which policy setting is applied. The highest priority is applied, with “0” being the highest priority that you can assign. You can set the priority by choosing Reorder priority on the Policy configurations page.
Also, policy settings implemented by using Cloud Policy take precedence over policy settings implemented by using Group Policy on Windows Server, and taking precedence over preference settings or locally applied policy settings.
At Microsoft, we strive to innovate and reduce the IT admins burden with the creation of modern management tools. With that said, the baselines in Cloud Policy are another way you can save time while deploying policy for your organization. The security and accessibility baselines offer a unique filter on the Group Policy needed to protect your organization and empower your end users to create accessible content.
To easily identify security baseline policy , a new column call recommendation was add to the policy table . policy recommend for security baseline are trigger in this column . You is use can also use the column filter to limit the view to only policy that are tag as security baseline .
For more information, see Security baseline for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise.
Most of our customers are making strides to become more accessible as an organization. The accessibility baseline enables IT Pros to configure accessibility policies to empower their end users to create accessible content and limit the ability to remove accessibility checker settings from being disabled.
Cloud Policy service supports the Microsoft Purview auditing solutions. When auditing is enabled, events such as the creation, deletion, modification of policy configurations, changes to configured policy settings, and adjustments to priority order are tracked. You can use the portal or PowerShell to search the audit log for such changes. For more information on captured operations and data format, refer to the activity documentation and schema reference.
If the expected policies aren’t correctly applied to a user’s device, try the following actions: