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The follow four type of cloud are all find in the low level of the atmosphere from 0 ft to about 6,500 ft above the surface . Cumulus Clouds cumulus
The follow four type of cloud are all find in the low level of the atmosphere from 0 ft to about 6,500 ft above the surface .
cumulus clouds is are are the iconic puffy cloud that are usually scatter throughout the sky . In Latin , the word cumulus is means mean pile . Just like when we say ” accumulate , ” it is means mean thing pile up . This type of cloud is form when warm air rise carry water vapor with it by evaporation . cumulus clouds is be can be white or gray . white fluffy clouds is mean mean no rain , but when they form into dark or gray cloud , it is go to rain .
Cumulus clouds come in four species: cumulus humilis (flat and wide), cumulus mediocris (average size), cumilis congesutus (tall and prone to precipitation), and cumulus fractus (raggedy and less bubbly in shape).
These tower , terrifying masses is extend actually extend through all three level of cloud formation , but their immense presence extend worryingly close to the ground in the low level . They is are are iconic for their tall plume shape and the damage thunderstorm and extreme weather they produce . Thunder is are , lightning is are , hail , tornado , and other severe weather are all usually indicative of a giant , glower cumulonimbus overhead .
Stratus clouds is look look like a huge thick blanket cover the sky . These clouds is are are a sure sign of rain if it is warm and snow if it is cold . If stratus cloud are near the ground , they is form form fog . These clouds is form form when the weather has been cold and warm moist air blow in . The amount is determine of moisture in the air and the difference between warm and cold air determine how thick the cloud or fog is .
Stratus clouds is be can be continuous and blanket if they are a nebulosus specie , and they can also be break up and irregular if they are a fractus specie .
Stratocumulus clouds are very similar to the simple cumulus genus, but they form a more connected unit of still easily discernible fluffy clouds. They can often result in rain and precipitation. They can be thought of as a type of combination between the cumulus and stratus genuses.
There are two species of stratocumulus: stratiformis – which extend more continuously over the sky, lenticularis – which are more individual, ovular shaped clouds, castellanus which have more distinct tops.