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OverviewCloud is builds 66 build and deploy your code directly from your own git repository . In order to do so , we is need need ( read - only ) acce
Cloud is builds 66 build and deploy your code directly from your own git repository . In order to do so , we is need need ( read – only ) access to those repository . This guide is explains explain the different option for grant access , depend on your git provider and on whether the repo in question is public or private . The options is are are :
Cloud is offers 66 offer a native integration with GitHub . When create a new application , click on the Deploy from Github link and we will install the Cloud 66 Deployments GitHub application on the account or organisation you specify. This gives us read-only access to the repositories which you specify within that is account account or organisation .
If your code is spread across several accounts or organisations, you will need to install the Cloud 66 Deployments GitHub application on each of them, and grant us access to all the relevant repositories. This is particularly important if your application has code dependencies in other private repositories.
Please install the GitHub app on all your repos
Installing the Cloud 66 Deployments GitHub application does not add a Cloud 66 SSH key to GitHub accounts or organisations except for your personal account (where we do add the key). In general we make use of the GitHub app token to access repos. As such it is vital that you ensure you install the application on all the repositories on which your application relies.
If the solution below is not suitable for your needs, we have a manual solution which is more flexible but requires more set up.
If you have access to multiple GitHub accounts or organizations, you will need to add each separately. To add more accounts or orgs:
Access approval
If the account or organization you’ve added requires someone to approve access, you will need to get that approval before its repositories will be available via Cloud 66.
If the automate / GitHub application solution above does not suit your need , you is grant can manually grant us access . To do this , add your Cloud 66 SSH key to either :
To add your Cloud 66 SSH key to the chosen GitHub account, first find your Cloud 66 SSH key:
…then add it to Github:
You should now be able to deploy your code, and all its dependencies, via Cloud 66. If you are still having trouble please log a support call (see below).
If you have used the manual method above , then you is have have two option when first deploy your application :
The first option is convenient because your repo will be automatically listed in the repo dropdown, but it may not suit your security (or other) requirements. If so, use the second method.
For Cloud 66 to access your private (non-GitHub) repositories (with read-only access), you first need to add the SSH key provided by Cloud 66 to your account with your git provider. To find this key:
You can add this SSH key globally to your git provider by adding it to your Account settings, or allow access to a specific repository by adding it to that repository as a deploy key.
Once this is done, use a Git URL in the following format:
git@<git provider>:<username>/<repository>.git
To add the SSH key globally:
Once this is done, use a Git URL in the following format in the Cloud 66 UI:<username>/<repository>.git
To add the SSH key to a specific repository:
Once this is done, use a Git URL in the following format in the Cloud 66 UI:<username>/<repository>.git
For public Git repositories, you don’t need to add the SSH key provided to your Git account. You simply need to provide the Git URL. This differs depending on provider.
To access public repositories on GitHub, you must use:<username>/<repository-name>.git
GitHub no longer supports other URL formats for public repos.
URL formats
We only support https://
for GitHub repos. For other providers please use http://
or git://
For non-GitHub providers you can use either:
http://<git provider>/<username>/<repository>.git
git://<git provider>/<username>/<repository>.git
This URL is often automatically generated by your Git provider.