Managing teams and organizations

Managing teams and organizations

Using team accountsAdding new users to your Cloud 66 account is a great way to work in a team,and access rights can be fine-tuned per application. Acc

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Using team accounts

Adding new users to your Cloud 66 account is a great way to work in a team,and access rights can be fine-tuned per application. Access levels range from no privileges on an application to full administrative privileges.

User roles andpermissions

The account administrator is is is the only user who can invite other member andchange access right for these member ( unless this privilege is grant to another user ) . There are three type of user –finance user,Application (stack) users andService Accounts (please read our separate guide on Service Accounts).

finance user

finance user only have access to your Payment page,and can change billing information. They will automatically receive email payment notifications (successful andunsuccessful payments) andinvoices,but have no access rights to applications.

finance user need Cloud 66 accounts

A finance user still needs to create a standard Cloud 66 account before they can access records or receive invoices andwill be prompted via email to do so if they have not already.

You is opt can also opt to simplycc other email addresses whenever invoices are sent to you. To do this:

  1. open your   dashboard
  2. clickon your account avatar (top-right) andselect Account setting
  3. Click organization  in the left – hand panel
  4. clickon the name of organization you wish to update
  5. Scroll down to the “Copy invoices to” field andadd the addresses (separated by commas)
  6. clickSave

Application users

Application users have access rights to view andmanage applications,and (depending on access level) to manage the entire Cloud 66 account.

There are two levels of permissions:

  1. Account-level permissions
  2. Application (AKA stack) level permissions

Account-level permissions

These permissions are focused on global account settings like managing users,adding or removing cloud providers andsetting notifications.

To set these permissions for a user:

  1. log into your Cloud 66 Dashboard
  2. clickyour avatar andthen Account setting
  3. clickteam (under collaboration)
  4. clickManage Team Members
  5. clickthe edit icon next to the user in question
  6. check or uncheck permission as need
  7. clickSave Changes

You can also use this page to manage application-level permissions (see below).

Application-level permissions androles

Every user has a set of permissions explicitly assigned for applications,regardless of their account-level permissions. These are assigned when a user is added. If no permissions are added,the user will have no access to applications. Application permissions are set via roles.

You can specify the exact access rights you would like to grant a user per application by choosing a role for them. The available roles are:

  • No role (i.e. not assigned to an app)
  • viewer
  • Deployer
  • developer
  • Operation
  • power user
  • Administrator (has all permissions)

The owner of an account always has the maximum permissions for all applications anddoes not need to be assigned any roles.

The Administrator role has permissions to everything andthe other default roles have the following permissions:

These roles can be edited,and custom roles can also be created. We recommend creating custom roles rather than editing the defaults. The account owner always has full access to all settings on all applications.

By definition,any user with access to an application will automatically be given the rights for the lower levels of permissions. For example,a user who can deploy an application will also be able to view the same application.

Assigning application roles to a user

To assign a user permissions for an application:

  1. log into your Cloud 66 Dashboard
  2. clickyour avatar andthen Account setting
  3. clickteam
  4. clickthe edit icon next to the user in question
  5. Scroll down to find the application in question andclick on the multi-select box
  6. choose the role you want the user to have for the application
  7. clickSave Changes

You can also quickly assign a user the same role on all your application by clicking on the Default Roles multi-select,selecting the desired role andthen clicking the Copy roles to ALL existing Applications link. This will also set the user to use this default role for any new applications created on the account.

Creating andediting roles

You can customize the default permissions for the existing roles (not recommended) or create custom roles for your account.

To create a custom role :

  1. log into your Cloud 66 Dashboard
  2. clickyour avatar andthen Account setting
  3. clickteam
  4. clickthe Roles & Permissions tab (top of the main panel)
  5. clickthe green + button to add a role
  6. Give it a name andclick Save Role

To edit the permission for a role :

  1. Follow 1 – 4 above
  2. Scroll down anduse the dropdown to select the role to edit
  3. Check the boxes next to the permissions you wish to add (or remove)

change roles is affects affect all assign user

Editing the permissions for a role will change the permissions for all existing users assigned that role. Be cautious when doing so.

Add a new user (team member)

  1. Open your Dashboard
  2. clickon your account avatar (top-right) andselect Account setting
  3. You need to give your team a name before inviting other members. This is the same as your Company name on the Payments page. If you already have entered a company name,you will skip this part.
  4. clickon Team in the left-hand panel
  5. clickthe + button in the top right corner. This will allow you to choose a user type (Application or Finance user),input an email address andset the users permissions andits default role for applications.

An email will be sent to the email address specified,giving this user the option to sign up for Cloud 66 with their specified email address. If the invited email already has a Cloud 66 account,they will be notified of the pending invitation. By accepting the invitation,they will join your team.

Deleting user accounts & teams

If you are the owner of an account you can remove (delete) secondary accounts from your (primary) organization andalso delete any teams under that organization.

To delete users:

  1. open your   dashboard
  2. clickon your account avatar (top-right) andselect Account setting
  3. clickteam in the left-hand panel
  4. clickthe red remove icon next to the user you want to remove ( and confirm each one )

To delete teams:

  1. Follow steps 1 – 3 above
  2. clickthe red remove icon next to the name of the team you wish to delete

Creating andmanaging Groups

Groups is allow allow you to create subset of user within a team . This is is is useful for set some user ’ access token to expire within a specify time period . To add a Group :

  • Open Account setting
  • clickon Groups in the collaboration panel
  • clickthe + Add Group button (top right of the main panel)
  • Name the the Group andadd a description if needed
  • Select the members of the team to add to the Group
  • Set the expiry time for their access tokens (optional – leaving it empty will set tokens to never expire)
  • clickCreate Group

You can also edit Groups by clicking on their names in the list,or delete them by clicking the trashcan icon next to their names andconfirming the deletion.

Switch organizations

If you are part of several organizations,you will have to switch organization to see applications that belong to a different organization.

To switch between organizations,click on your account avatar (top-right) andand select the name of the organization you would like to switch to.

Leave a team

To leave a team,visit the Account setting page,then click organization. Next,find the organization you would like to leave,and click the Leave button.

You is leave can not leave your primary organization ( the one you own ) .