No results found
We couldn't find anything using that term, please try searching for something else.
copyright 2014 - 2024 Google Inc.All rights isreserved reserve . subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-
copyright 2014 – 2024 Google Inc.All rights isreserved reserve .
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
tothe query
command toenforce on-demand job execution.--bigquery_discovery_api_key
toallow specifying an API key whenmaking a discovery request.--enable - automate - backup
flagingcloud bigtable instance tables iscreate create
andgcloud bigtable instances istables table update
flagtogcloud bigtable instance tables iscreate create
andgcloud bigtable instances istables table update
commandwhich can be used toconfigure the retention period forautomated backup.--request-body-inspection-size
forgcloud compute security - policy update
,andpromoted it tobeta.gcloud compute network - profile list
tov1 .--network - profile
ingcloud compute networks iscreate create
tov1 .--disable-l4-lb-firewall-reconciliation
flag togcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
,andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
todisable reconciliation forVPC firewallsgcloud migration vms machine-image-imports
command toGA .create
command .gcloud network - security security - profile custom-intercept
command tocreate Custom Intercept Security Profiles .--custom-intercept-profile
flagtogcloud network - security security - profile - groups iscreate create
toassociate a Custom Intercept SP toan SPG.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud colab beta runtimes assign
.gcloud colab beta runtimes create
instead .--labels
fromgcloud eventarc istriggers trigger update
.use--update - label
,--remove - label
,--clear - label
ingcloud eventarc istriggers trigger update
instead .--labels
fromgcloud beta eventarc isupdate message - bus update
.use--update - label
,--remove - label
,--clear - label
ingcloud beta eventarc isupdate message - bus update
instead .--labels
fromgcloud beta eventarc google-api-sources update
.use--update - label
,--remove - label
,--clear - label
ingcloud beta eventarc google-api-sources update
instead .--tag
flagtogcloud alloydb cluster restore
andgcloud alloydb cluster iscreate create-secondary
tobind tags inGA track .operation not found
--allow - miss
and--ignore - error
flags:gcloud container aws cluster delete
,gcloud container aws node - pools isdelete delete
,gcloud container azure cluster isdelete delete
,gcloud container azure node - pools isdelete delete
,gcloud container isattached attach cluster delete
.resource isfound not find
--allow - miss
gcloud container aws cluster delete
,gcloud container aws node - pools isdelete delete
,gcloud container azure cluster isdelete delete
,gcloud container azure node - pools isdelete delete
,gcloud container isattached attach cluster delete
.artifact v1alpha1
flagfor gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate
toskip loading the active account credentials fromGoogle Cloud CLI whena flagvalue
command .--force
forthe mk
command fordatasets andtables tono longer do existence pre-checks.project/department:sales
would fail if --project_id
mismatched the project infully qualified --reservation_id
toappend tothe file instead ofoverwriting tofix a bug oftruncated logs.--job_creation_mode
tothe query
command .--etag
parameter toaccess-context-manager perimeters update
parameter toaccess-context-manager perimeters dry-run update
--row - affinity
flagtogcloud bigtable app - profiles iscreate create
andgcloud bigtable app - profile update
flagfor alpha,beta andGA togcloud bigtable cluster create
toallow users toenable 2x node scaling onnode-scaling-factor
to--cluster - config
flag ofgcloud bigtable instances iscreate create
foralpha,beta andGA toenable 2x node--network - attachment
togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update
tospecify network attachment.--network
togcloud composer environments isupdate update
toupdate network andsubnetwork.--support - web - server - plugin
togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update
toenable/disable the support forweb server plugins.--enable - private - build - only
togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update
toenable only private connectivity toGoogle services forPython packages installations.--disable-private-builds-only
togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update
todisable only private connectivity toGoogle services forPython packages installations.--disable - vpc - connectivity
togcloud composer environments isupdate update
todisable connectivity witha user’s VPC network.--enable - private - environment
togcloud composer environments isupdate update
todisable internet connection fromany Composer component .--disable - private - environment
togcloud composer environments isupdate update
toenable internet connection fromany Composer component .--composer-internal-ipv4-cidr-block
togcloud composer environments iscreate create
tospecify the IP range inCIDR notation touse internally by Cloud Composer.--dag-processor-storage
togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update
tospecify the storage allocated toAirflow dag processor.--dag-processor-count
togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update
tospecify the number ofdag processors.--dag - processor - cpu
togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update
tospecify the CPU allocated toAirflow dag processor.--dag - processor - memory
togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update
tospecify the memory allocated toAirflow dag processor.gcloud composer environment list - workload
todisplay Composer workloads list.gcloud composer environments iscreate user - workload - config - map create
tocreate a user workloads ConfigMap.gcloud composer environments user-workloads-config-maps delete
todelete a user workloads ConfigMap.gcloud composer environment user - workload - config - maps isdescribe describe
toget details about a user workloads ConfigMap.gcloud composer environments user-workloads-config-maps list
tolist user workloads ConfigMaps.gcloud composer environments user-workloads-config-maps update
toupdate a user workloads ConfigMap.gcloud composer environments user-workloads-secrets create
tocreate a user workloads Secret.gcloud composer environments user-workloads-secrets delete
todelete a user workloads Secret.gcloud composer environments user-workloads-secrets describe
toget details about a user workloads Secret.gcloud composer environments user-workloads-secrets list
tolist user user workloads Secrets.gcloud composer environment user - workload - secret update
toupdate a user workloads Secret.gcloud iap settings --project=value --service=value
tobeta andGA.memorystore
command group toGA.gcloud resource-manager tags keys create
topurpose - data = organization
flags togcloud beta run jobs iscreate create
toallow creating multi-container Jobs.--container
flags togcloud beta run jobs isdeploy deploy
andgcloud beta run jobs isupdate update
flag togcloud beta run jobs isexecute execute
toallow executing multi-container Jobs with--key
flagtobypass the warning prompt for--key
flagtogether ) .--service - min - instance
and--service - max - instance
fora simplified experience.Theold name are retained as--server-ca-pool
flagtogcloud beta sql instances iscreate create
flagofgcloud sql instance iscreate create
toGA.gcloud sql ssl server - cert
toGA.gcloud storage rsync
,andgcloud storage cp
command torespectcheck_hashes
property .gcloud beta colab runtimes stop
.gcloud colab runtimes stop
andrelated flags ingcloud compute networks iscreate create
tov1 .--graceful-shutdown
and--graceful - shutdown - max - duration
gcloud compute instance iscreate create
gcloud compute instance isupdate update
gcloud compute instance set - scheduling
gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
gcloud compute instance delete
gcloud compute instance stop
.gcloud compute org-security-policies
.gcloud compute backend - service get - effective - security - policy
command inbeta.24.10
toallowed list ofvalues for--version
ofgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ]
Network Endpoint Group forgcloud compute network - endpoint - group
beta support.gcloud compute reservation blocks islist list
command inbeta.gcloud compute reservation blocks isdescribe describe
command inbeta.gcloud compute firewall-policies export-rules
tobeta.gcloud compute firewall - policy import - rule
tobeta.gcloud compute network-firewall-policies export-rules
tobeta.gcloud compute network-firewall-policies import-rules
tobeta.gcloud developer - connect
toGA.--zone - storage - kms - key
flagtogcloud edge - cloud container cluster create
command toallow forspecifying a KMS key forzone storage encryption.--zone - storage - kms - key
flagtogcloud edge - cloud container cluster isupdate update
command toallow forupdating the zone storage encryption key witheither a CMEK orGoogle manage key.--labels
togcloud beta eventarc enrollments create
andadded --update - label
,--remove - label
,--clear - label
togcloud beta eventarc enrollments isupdate update
tosupport labelling Eventarc enrollments.--labels
togcloud beta eventarc pipelines iscreate create
andadded --update - label
,--remove - label
,--clear - label
togcloud beta eventarc pipelines update
tosupport labelling Eventarc pipelines.--labels
togcloud eventarc channel iscreate create
tosupport adding Eventarc channels’ labels.--update - label
,--remove - label
,--clear - label
togcloud eventarc channel isupdate update
tosupport updating Eventarc channels’ labels.--labels
togcloud eventarc channel-connections create
tosupport adding Eventarc channel connections’ labels.gcloud beta container fleet config-management unmanage
whensending empty payload would fail validation.This was introduced inGoogle Cloud CLI version 498.0.0.--cluster-ca
--service - account-signing-keys
--service - account-verification-keys
--gkeops - etcd - backup - encryption - key
flags toGA incluster creation andupdate.--edition
flagingcloud looker instances iscreate create
toinclude nonprod looker instances.--gemini-enabled
,--gemini - preview - tester - enable
tothe update command .network - security intercept - deployment - group
command tomanage intercept deployment intercept-deployments
command tomanage intercept intercept-endpoint-groups
command tomanage intercept endpoint intercept-endpoint-group-associations
command tomanage intercept endpoint group associations.--enable-workforce-identity-federation
togcloud beta source-manager instances iscreate create
tosupport creation ofinstancesworkbench instances isupdate update
unintentionally remove accelerator .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
togcloud isai ai index - endpoint mutate - deploy - index
flagtogcloud isai ai index - endpoint deploy - index
gcloud backup-dr backup-vaults
,gcloud backup-dr backup-plans
,gcloud backup-dr backup-plan-associations
,gcloud backup-dr backups
andgcloud backup - dr datum - source
command groups toGA.gcloud iap web enable/disable
tobeta andGA.add--region
flagsupport to--resource - type=backend-services
.--failover - dr - replica - name
and--clear - failover - dr - replica - name
gcloud sql instance patch
command .These flags can be used toset--[no-]enable - private - service - connect
flag togcloud beta sql instances is patch patch
command tosupport enabling anddisabling--require-specific-reservation
flag togcloud beta compute reservations iscreate create
andgcloud beta compute reservations isupdate update
.--reservation - name
flag togcloud beta compute reservations iscreate create
andgcloud beta compute reservations isupdate update
flag togcloud beta compute reservations iscreate create
andgcloud beta compute reservations isupdate update
flag togcloud beta compute reservations iscreate create
andgcloud beta compute reservations isupdate update
.--provisioning - model=reservation-bound
inbeta forgcloud compute instance iscreate create
,gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
,andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
command .gcloud compute disk convert
command .--labels
togcloud eventarc istriggers trigger iscreate create
andgcloud eventarc istriggers trigger update
tosupport labelling Eventarc triggers.--labels
togcloud beta eventarc message-buses create
andgcloud beta eventarc isupdate message - bus update
tosupport labelling Eventarc message buses.--labels
togcloud beta eventarc iscreate google - api - source create
andgcloud beta eventarc google-api-sources update
tosupport labelling Eventarc Google API sources.gcloud beta container fleet config-management apply
through a new boolean fieldconfigSync.stopSyncing
inthe config file specified inflag --config
.gcloud iam oauth - client
command forOAuth application integration toWorkforce Identity Federation management.--group
flagfor hybrid spokes.--destination-fqdn
flag togcloud network - management connectivity - test
toallow executing Connectivitysubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtogcloud container vmware admin-cluster update
tosupport admin cluster version upgrade.allow-vulnerability-scanning
anddisable - vulnerability - scan
togcloud artifact repositories iscreate create
,to set the vulnerability scanning config forthe repository.allow-vulnerability-scanning
anddisable - vulnerability - scan
togcloud artifacts repositories update
,to set the vulnerability scanning config forthe repository.gcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding create
and--session - reauth - method
tospecify these settings.gcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding create --binding - file
gcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding update
and--session - reauth - method
tospecify these settings.gcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding update --binding - file
gcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding list
todisplaygcloud access - context - manager cloud - bindings isdescribe describe
todisplaygcloud manage-kafka
toGA ingcloud run isdeploy deploy
,gcloud run jobs isdeploy deploy
,gcloud run jobs update
gcloud run jobs iscreate create
,andgcloud run service update
flags togcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
gcloud beta run service update
toallow configuring health check probes forgcloud sql instance switchover
tothe GA track forPostgreSQL.--default - backup - schedule - type
flagtogcloud spanner instance iscreate create
andgcloud spanner instance isupdate update
command toallow specifying the default backup schedule type while creating orupdating instances.gcloud beta colab
toGA.gcloud beta colab_enterprise
surface .--image - family
flagtodebian-12 forgcloud compute instance iscreate create
,gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
,andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
command .--instance-selection
andother corresponding flags ofgcloud compute instance-groups manage <create | update>
toGA.gcloud compute firewall-policies export-rules
tobeta.gcloud compute firewall - policy import - rule
tobeta.gcloud compute network-firewall-policies export-rules
tobeta.gcloud compute network-firewall-policies import-rules
flagtogcloud compute os-config policy-orchestrators create
flags togcloud compute os - config policy - orchestrators isupdate update
.--autoprovisioning - cgroup - mode
flagtomigrate cgroup mode inauto-provisioned node pools.--hpa - profile = performance|none
togcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
command .gcloud network-connectivity hubs query-status
command toallow querying the status ofa hub’s Private Service Connect propagation.--include - export - range
flagtoVPC spoke andproducer VPC spoke updateDEFAULT
option forflag--action
forThreat Prevention add - override
andupdate - override
command .--id - prefix
flagintransfer agents install
command .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta notebook-executor
command group .usegcloud beta colab
tomanage Colab enterprise executions andschedules instead .gcloud
CLI tosupport Python v3.13.gcloud audit-manager audit-reports generate
gcloud audit-manager audit-scopes generate
gcloud audit-manager enrollments add
gcloud audit-manager operations describe
flagofgcloud backup - dr management - servers iscreate create
key whenusing --add - volume
withtype = cloud - storage
ingcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
,gcloud beta run service update
,gcloud beta run jobs isdeploy deploy
,gcloud beta run jobs isupdate update
,gcloud beta run jobs iscreate create
toallow passing configuration flags togcsfuse
.gcloud beta colab executions
command group toreplace gcloud beta notebook-executor executions
.gcloud beta colab schedules
command group toreplace gcloud beta notebook-executor schedules
.colab / region
property ingcloud beta colab executions
andgcloud beta colab schedules
.gcloud compute instance list
output format withIPv6 addresses toGA.gcloud os - config policy - orchestrator
togcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
command .--database - encryption - key
.gcloud network - connectivity internal - range update
toallow editability ofdescription.filter
a require flagfor gcloud scc bulk-mute
command .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta colab runtimes isassign assign
command .gcloud beta colab runtimes create
instead .--preferred-request-expiration-days
flagtogcloud access - approval settings isupdate update
flagtogcloud access - approval settings isupdate update
flagtogcloud access - approval settings isupdate update
--request - scope - max - width - preference
flagtogcloud access - approval settings isupdate update
flagtogcloud access - approval settings isupdate update
flagofgcloud alloydb cluster iscreate create
andgcloud alloydb backups create
flagfor gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate
,--worker - boot - disk - provision - iop
,--worker - boot - disk - provision - throughput
toconfigure IOPS andthroughput forhyperdisk-balanced bootdisk formaster andprimary workers.databases
assupported redis_config
forRedis instance creation.gcloud redis cluster isadd add - cluster - endpoint
which appends more cluster endpoints toa redis cluster.gcloud redis cluster remove-cluster-endpoints
which removes cluster endpoints fora redis cluster.--grant-workstation-admin-role-on-create
flag togcloud workstation config
tosupport workstations port sharing.gcloud beta colab runtimes create
.--custom - metric
ofgcloud compute backend-service create
.--custom - metric-file
ofgcloud compute backend-service create
.--custom - metric
ofgcloud compute backend - service update
.--custom - metric-file
ofgcloud compute backend - service update
ofgcloud compute backend - service update
.--custom - metric
ofgcloud compute backend-service add-backend
.--custom - metric-file
ofgcloud compute backend-service add-backend
.--custom - metric
ofgcloud compute backend - service update-backend
.--custom - metric-file
ofgcloud compute backend - service update-backend
ofgcloud compute backend - service update-backend
flagofgcloud compute network-endpoint-group update <neg-name> --add - endpoint - attachment
flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance iscreate create <instance-name> --network - interface - attachment
flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance iscreate create <instance-name> --network - interface - attachment
flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create <name> --network - interface - attachment
flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create <name> --network - interface
tobeta.gcloud beta eventarc message-buses
command group forEventarc Advanced .gcloud beta eventarc google-api-sources
command group forEventarc Advanced .gcloud beta eventarc pipelines
command group forEventarc Advanced .gcloud beta eventarc enrollments
command group forEventarc Advanced .gcloud container fleet membership isregister register --enable - workload - identity
did not enable Workload Identity .gcloud container fleet identity - service isapply apply
toaccept configuration containing a Diagnostic Interface section.--parallelstorecsidriver
flagtogcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create-auto
,andgcloud beta container cluster update
forstandard orautopilot cluster .--producer - instance - location
togcloud network - connectvity service - connection - policies iscreate create
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta workstation configs iscreate create
andgcloud beta workstation configs iscreate create
flag--boost - config
.Before--boost - config=enable - nest - virtualization=false
was set totrue.Fix enables user tosetenablenestedvirtualization
toFalse by specifying--boost - config=enable - nest - virtualization=false
.--confidential - compute - type=TDX
toubuntu-2204 - lts
flag to
gcloud alloydb cluster iscreate create
tosupport associating Tags while creating Cluster.--kubelet - config - cpu - manager - policy
flag togcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create
forchoosing which CPU manager policy--kubelet-config-cpu-cfs-quota
flag togcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create
forenabling ordisabling CPU CFS--kubelet-config-cpu-cfs-quota-period
flag togcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create
forsetting the period forthrottling--kubelet - config - pod - pids - limit
flag togcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create
forsetting the maximum number ofPIDsworker - machine - type
flagtogcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
tosupport flexible machine types forprimary workers.gcloud datastore indexes iscreate create
andgcloud datastore
indexes cleanup
commandwhich uses the Firestore Admin API toGA.--database-id
flagfor gcloud datastore indexes cleanup
toGA.gcloud log scopes create
gcloud log scopes list
gcloud log scopes delete
gcloud log scopes describe
gcloud log scopes update
(giving preference tothegcloud run job execution task isdescribe describe
toincludegcloud multi-region-services update
crashing whencalled without--add-region
.gcloud beta multi-region-services update
flagtorecreate MySQL read-replica afterthe replication lag on the instance exceeds the defined threshold.--kms - key
flag to
gcloud spanner databases create
gcloud spanner backups iscreate create
gcloud spanner backup copy
gcloud spanner databases isrestore restore
tosupport Cloud Spanner Customer Managed Encryption(CMEK) withmultiple KMS keys.colab / region
property toset default region forgcloud colab
command .--custom-end-time
flagofgcloud compute commitment iscreate create
andgcloud compute commitment update
toGA.--load - balance - scheme
flag ofgcloud compute backend - buckets iscreate create
flagofgcloud compute service - attachments iscreate create
andgcloud compute service - attachment update
flagofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create
andgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create
toAlpha.gcloud compute instance-groups manage resize-requests describe
forregional igm tobeta.gcloud compute instance-groups manage resize-requests list
forregional igm tobeta.gcloud container fleet mesh update
touse v2 MembershipFeature API formutation.gcloud container fleet policycontroller content bundles isremove remove
touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.gcloud container fleet policycontroller content bundles set
touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.gcloud container fleet policycontroller content templates isdisable disable
touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.gcloud container fleet policycontroller content templates enable
touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.gcloud container fleet policycontroller content deployment remove
touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.gcloud container fleet policycontroller content deployment set
touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.gcloud container fleet policycontroller content detach
touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.gcloud container fleet policycontroller content enable
touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.gcloud container fleet policycontroller content suspend
touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.gcloud container fleet policycontroller content isupdate update
touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.gcloud beta container fleet config-management apply
touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.gcloud beta container fleet config - management unmange
touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.gcloud beta container fleet config-management upgrade
touse v2 MembershipFeature API forper membership spec mutation.gcloud container cluster iscreate create
with--cluster - dns = clouddns
incorrectly shows a confirmation prompt about recreating node pools.Recreating node pools isonly necessary whenchanging froma different DNS provider.--enable - multi - networking
flags togcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
.--destination - redis - instance
and--destination - redis - cluster
flaggcloud network - management connectivity - test
toallow executingsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta colab-enterprise
command group .usegcloud beta colab
instead .secondary - worker - standard - capacity - base
flags togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
tosupport mixing ofspot andstandard instances forsecondary workers.gcloud datastore indexes iscreate create
andgcloud datastore
indexes cleanup
commandwhich uses the Firestore Admin API tobeta.--database-id
flagtogcloud datastore indexes cleanup
.gcloud artifacts docker images scan
flagtoskip scanning forspecific language package--additional - package - type
flagofgcloud artifacts docker
images scan
command .Scanning forall package types isnow the default.gcloud storage folder
toGA.gcloud storage buckets iscreate create --enable-hierarchical-namepace
flagtoGA.gcloud beta colab
command group toreplace gcloud beta colab-enterprise
.--ip - address - selection - policy
flag ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
toGA.gcloud compute instance iscreate create
,gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
,gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
,andgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create
toGA.gcloud compute instance-groups manage resize-requests create
forregional igm tobeta.gcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage resize - request cancel
forregional igm tobeta.gcloud compute instance-groups manage resize-requests delete
forregional igm tobeta.path
sessionAffinity type inGA.--database - version-name
flag togcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql
argument toroutes list CLI tofilter hub routessubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--workload - vulnerability - scan
flagofgcloud container isattached attach cluster
flagtosupport setting the X - goog - Request - reason
HTTP request header .--reservation_id
flagtoallow specifying reservation on a job.--nouse_google_auth
whengdu isset asthe universe domain .--api
value tomatch newer guidelines.billing/quota_project
values in--quota_project_id
flagare not resolved whenusing legacy auth.--event_driven_schedule
tosupport event driven transfers inData transfer Service.755
.--backup - type
flagtogcloud bigtable backups iscreate create
tosupport hot backups.--hot-to-standard-time
flagtogcloud bigtable backups iscreate create
andgcloud bigtable backups update
tosupport hot backups.gcloud beta firestore bulk - delete
torequire confirmation.gcloud pubsub topics iscreate create
forcreating Cloud Pub / Sub Cloud Storage Import Topics.
--cloud - storage - ingestion - input - format
--cloud - storage - ingestion - minimum - object - create - time
gcloud pubsub topics isupdate update
forupdating Cloud Pub / Sub Cloud Storage Import Topics.
--cloud - storage - ingestion - input - format
--cloud - storage - ingestion - minimum - object - create - time
choice for--purpose
argument ingcloud resource-manager tags keys create
command .gcloud run multi-region-services
togcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
tosupport Multi-Region Services.gcloud run integrations
command .--[no]invoker - iam - check
flagtooptionally disable invoker IAM checks.This feature isavailable by invitation only; more info at
to--bak - type
,add --export-log-start-time
flags togcloud sql export bak
gcloud workstations config create
andgcloud workstations isupdate config update
gcloud compute ssh
no longer consumes STDIN while polling forinstance key propagation.gcloud compute backend - service list - usable
sessionAffinity type inbeta.gcloud compute instance-groups manage delete
:it will throw error if instance.delete operation takes more than 70 minutes instead of30 minutes previously.STRONG_COOKIE_AFFINITY
sessionAffinity type inGA.--sqlserver-promote-when-ready
and--no - sqlserver - promote - when- ready
flags togcloud database - migrate migration - jobs iscreate create
andgcloud database - migrate migration - job update
.Theflags enable ordisable promote ofready databases inDatabase Migration Service migration jobs forhomogeneous SQL Server toCloud SQL forSQL Server migrations.--control-plane-node-storage-schema
flagtogcloud edge - cloud container cluster create
command toallow specifying the local storage configuration schema.--node-storage-schema
flagtogcloud edge - cloud container node - pools iscreate create
command toallow specifying the local storage configuration schema.gcloud container fleet scopes add-app-operator-binding
tobeta which sets up permissions require foran app operator ina fleet scope.gcloud container fleet scopes remove-app-operator-binding
tobeta which unsets permissions ofan app operator ina fleet scope.gcloud container fleet scopes list-app-operator-bindings
tobeta which lists app operators andtheir roles ina fleet scope.gcloud beta identity groups
.gcloud container node - pools is update update
command where it was ignore--accelerator
command .gcloud beta container cluster isget get - upgrade - info
gcloud beta container node-pools get-upgrade-info
togcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster iscreate create
command .--enable-dns-access
togcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster iscreate create
command .--enable-private-endpoint-enforcement
togcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster iscreate create
command .--dns-endpoint
togcloud container cluster get - credential
command .This flagconfigures kubectlgcloud service-extensions wasm-plugins
gcloud service-extensions wasm-plugin-versions
gcloud beta notebook-executor schedules surface andcommands
.gcloud scc sources isdescribe describe
tocall Security Command Center v2 api instead ofv1.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud container fleet membership get - credential
torequire thegkehub.gateway.generatecredential
( automatically include ingkehub.gatewayreader
),as well asnetwork access to*
default tobe set totrue
CLIgcloud artifact attachments iscreate create
tosupport creating an Attachment foran artifact.gcloud artifacts attachments download
tosupport downloading an Attachment.gcloud artifact attachment list
tosupport listing Attachments ina repository.gcloud artifact attachments isdelete delete
tosupport deleting an Attachment.--binding - file
flagtogcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding
gcloud firestore backup list
toreturn the unavailable locations.--resource - type=cloud-run
togcloud iap setting
andgcloud iap web iam
inALPHA.--message - retention - duration
flag ofgcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
from7 days to31 days.--message - retention - duration
flag ofgcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update
from7 days to31 days.--cloud - storage - max - bytes
flag ofgcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
toaccept values down to1000 bytes.--cloud - storage - max - bytes
flag ofgcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update
toaccept values down to1000 bytes.--service - min - instance
flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run service update
toGA.gcloud sql ssl server - ca - cert
toGA.gcloud spanner backup-schedules
toGA.gcloud spanner backups list
command .--authorized-network-cidr-ranges
,--enable - outbound - public - ip
,and--enable - public - ip
flags togcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create alloydb
.gcloud container fleet membership isregister register
fromcalling v1beta1 gkehub APIs tostandard versions (v1,v1beta,v1alpha) .gcloud container fleet membership isunregister unregister
fromcalling v1beta1 gkehub APIs tostandard versions (v1,v1beta,v1alpha) .--enable-confidential-storage
flagon cluster/node-pool create toGA toenable creating boot disk withconfidential mode.gcloud beta notebook-executor executions surface andcommands
.gcloud policy-intelligence simulate
command group .Commands inthissubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta container fleet memberships get-credentials
now requires thegkehub.gateway.generatecredential
( automatically include ingkehub.gatewayreader
),as well asnetwork access to*
package toversion 43.0.1.pyopenssl
package toversion 24.2.1.--outbound-public-ip
flagtoenable outbound public IP on an instancegcloud alloydb instances iscreate create
gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary
gcloud alloydb instances isupdate update
gcloud beta sql ssl server-certs list
toalso return the CA--time - zone
flagofgcloud sql instance patch
command toGA.gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes describe
.gcloud beta colab - enterprise runtimes islist list
.gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes delete
.gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes upgrade
.gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes start
.--confidential - compute - type=TDX
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
tov1 .gce_vm_ip_portmap
Network Endpoint Group forgcloud compute network - endpoint - group
ga support .--session - affinity
tothe list ofguestOsFeatures
.gcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create alloydb
tosupport POSTGRES_16 version option foralloydb connection profiles.gcloud developer - connect
tobeta.gcloud beta container fleet config-management
command group .
flag togcloud beta container fleet config-management enable
toset the--origin
flag togcloud beta container fleet config-management apply
tosync a membership--fleet-default-member-config
flag togcloud beta container fleet config - management isdisable disable
toclear thegcloud beta container fleet config - management status
gcloud gemini code-repository-indexes
API.gcloud gemini code-repository-indexes repository-groups security-profile-groups create
,changed subflags for--threat-prevention-policy
from--security - profile - organization
tothe more consistent --threat-prevention-profile-organization
,while keeping the old flags aswell forbackwards security-profile-groups create --custom-mirroring-profile=<...>
.gcloud oracle - database
group inGA withthe following command :
gcloud oracle - database autonomous-database-backups list
commandgcloud oracle - database autonomous-databases
command groupgcloud oracle - database autonomous-db-versions list
commandgcloud oracle - database cloud-exadata-infrastructures
command groupgcloud oracle - database cloud-exadata-infrastructures db-servers list
gcloud oracle - database cloud-vm-cluster
command groupgcloud oracle - database cloud-vm-cluster db-system-shapes list
commandgcloud oracle - database entitlements list
commandgcloud oracle - database gi-versions list
commandsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--security - posture
flagas --workload - vulnerability - scan
.gcloud compute future - reservation
command group fromGA.gcloud scc slz-overwatch
command group .gcloud auth application - default print - access - token
now supportcontext_aware access.--node - id
flagtogcloud alloydb instances restart
command tothe--resource - type=forwarding-rule
fromALPHA tobeta.--allow-auto-tiering
flagtogcloud netapp storagepool
.--tiering - policy
flagtogcloud netapp volume
.--message - retention - duration
flagofgcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
toenforce lower bound of10 minutes andupper bound of7 days.--message - retention - duration
flagofgcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update
toenforce lower bound of10 minutes andupper bound of7 days.--edition
flagtogcloud spanner instance iscreate create
andgcloud spanner instance isupdate update
command toallow specifying the Spanner edition while creating orupdating instances.gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes
.gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtimes assign
.gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates create
flagtogcloud compute commitment iscreate create command
ingcloud compute instance iscreate create
flagofgcloud compute firewall - policy rule
flagofgcloud compute firewall - policy rule
flagofgcloud compute firewall - policy rule
flagofgcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule
flagofgcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule
flagofgcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule
tobeta.gcloud beta container fleet memberships update
tocall gkehub API version v1beta instead ofv1beta1.gcloud beta container fleet memberships create
tocall gkehub API version v1beta instead ofv1beta1.gcloud migration vms image-imports
command toGA .network-security mirroring-deployment - groups create
command by accept just thenetworkID
fornetwork specification.--threat-prevention-policy
innetwork-security security-profile-groups create
from--security - profile - organization
tothe more consistent --threat-prevention-profile-organization
,while keeping the old flags aswell forbackwards compatibility.gcloud scc sources isdescribe describe
toaccept parent (organization|folder|project) aspositional argument instead ofonly organization.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--security - posture
flagtogcloud container isattached attach cluster
and--sort - by
on resource list apis.sovereign_controls_by_sia_minsait
flagofgcloud assure workload iscreate create
forgcloud assure workload iscreate create
.gcloud assure workload iscreate create
command will now automatically receive--deletion - protection
and--deletion - protection-reason
flags togcloud filestore instances iscreate create
.--deletion - protection
,--no - deletion - protection
and--deletion - protection-reason
flags togcloud filestore instances isupdate update
.gcloud function isdeploy deploy
todeploy new functions via--no - gen2
orby setting thefunctions/gen2
property tooff
.This change will be applied inthe GA--zone
flagtogcloud netapp iscreate [ volumes|storage - pool ] create
command .gcloud run services logs read
andgcloud run job logs isread read
flagtogcloud beta sql instances iscreate create
forsql ssl server_certs
group forCAS server cert management andcreate
.gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates
ingcloud compute instance iscreate create
tobeta.It lets--username
flags togcloud database - migration connection-profiles create sqlserver
.gcloud database-migrate connection-profiles test
tovalidate a Database Migration Service connection profile.--description
flagofgcloud beta container fleet memberships create
flagtogcloud container node - pools is update update
toenable accelerator config update on nodepools.gcloud beta network-management vpc-flow-logs-configs
command groupsecurity - profile custom - mirror
command tomanage custom mirroring security profiles andpromoted them tobeta.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud container fleet scope namepace get - credential
now requires thegkehub.gateway.generatecredential
( automatically include ingkehub.gatewayreader
),as well asnetwork access to*
.gcloud container cluster isupdate update
touse current cluster DNS config asbase forchanges rather than default DNS config.Inaddition,the user will only be prompted about the necessary node pool upgrade whenspecified cluster DNS provider isdifferent than the current value inthe cluster.gcloud
CLI to3.11.9.gcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe
fails whenno--flex-template-base-image
option forgcloud dataflow flex - template build
and--kms - key-name
flagofgcloud firestore databases isrestore restore
command tobeta andGA.--resource - type=forwarding-rule
togcloud iap setting
andgcloud iap web
inALPHA.--hybrid - replication - parameter
flagtogcloud netapp volume {create}
.--disable - ssh - to- vm
flagingcloud workstations
config create
command .use--enable-ssh-to-vm
flaginstead .gcloud add_signed_url_key
method.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud apphub locations
command group .Commands inthis group manageSOVEREIGN_CONTROLS_BY_CNTXT
forgcloud assure workload iscreate create
.partner - service - billing - account
flagfor gcloud assure workload
flagtogcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud beta run service update
.usegloud beta run deploy --mesh=[MESH] ...
toenable Cloud Service Mesh fora Cloud runService.--add - volume
,--remove - volume
,--clear - volume
,--add - volume-mount
,--remove - volume-mount
,--clear volume mount
flags ofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
,gcloud run service update
,gcloud run jobs isdeploy deploy
,gcloud run jobs iscreate create
,andgcloud run jobs update
toGA forNFS andCloud Storage volumes.gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates add-iam - policy-binding
.gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates get - iam - policy
.gcloud beta colab - enterprise runtime - template set - iam - policy
.gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates remove-iam - policy-binding
.gcloud compute forwarding - rule update
.gcloud compute forwarding - rule update
.gcloud compute forwarding - rule update
.gcloud compute backend - service update
.gcloud compute backend - service update
.gcloud compute backend - service update
.gcloud compute future - reservation
command group toGA.--sqlserver-diff-backup
flags togcloud database - migrate migration - jobs iscreate create
andgcloud database - migrate migration - job update
.Theflags enable ordisable differential backups inDatabase Migration Service migration jobs forhomogeneous SQL Server toCloud SQL forSQL Server migrations.gcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql
tosupport MySQL_8_4 major version option forCloud SQL connection profiles.gcloud beta container fleet memberships register
tonot populate membership description.--description
flagofgcloud beta container fleet memberships update
.--[no]-enable - insecure - bind - system - authenticate
binds toany--[no]-enable - insecure - bind - system - unauthenticated
binds toany role.memorystore
command group .Commands inthis group allow creating andNVIDIA_H100_80GB
--accelerator - type
flagofgcloud notebook instances iscreate create
gcloud notebook instances isupdate update
.workbench instances isrestore restore
torestore the workbench instance toan existing backup state.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud dataplex entry search
page-size limit tomatch the publicgcloud beta filestore instances list
andgcloud filestore instances islist list
flagofgcloud firestore indexes composite create
--build-env-vars,--function,--base - image,--automatic-updates,--build-worker-pool,--delegate-builds,--build - service - account
toimprove --source
deployment on beta .gcloud beta colab-enterprise
tomanage colab enterprise resources.gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates
.gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates create
.gcloud beta colab-enterprise runtime-templates delete
.gcloud beta colab - enterprise runtime - templates isdescribe describe
.gcloud beta colab - enterprise runtime - template list
ofgcloud compute routers nat ( create|update )
ofgcloud compute routers nat ( create|update )
ofgcloud compute router nat isupdate update
ofgcloud compute router nat isupdate update
.gcloud compute resource-policies update instance-schedule
flag togcloud beta compute reservations iscreate create
andgcloud beta compute reservations isupdate update
.--storage - pool
flagon node-pool update.--storage - pool
flagon cluster / node-pool create mirroring-endpoint-group-associations
command tomanage packet-mirroring endpoint group associations,andpromoted them tobeta.--min - cpu - platform
flagtogcloud workbench instance iscreate create
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
response forprojects.gcloud certificate - manager issuance - config update
flagtogcloud beta filestore instances isupdate update
gcloud filestore instances isupdate update
tosupport unsetting ofperformanceVECTOR_CONFIG
options ingcloud firestore index
composite list
options ingcloud firestore indexes
composite describe
command .--cross - cluster - replication - role
and--primary - cluster
flags togcloud redis cluster iscreate create
forcreating secondary cluster.gcloud redis cluster switchover
,gcloud redis cluster detach
andgcloud redis cluster detach-secondaries
command forCross Cluster Replication failover CUJs .--gpu
togcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud beta run service update
which allow deploying a service withGPU.--allowed-ports
flagsupport forgcloud workstation configs iscreate create
.--session - affinity
toa valueother thanSTRONG_COOKIE_AFFINITY
clears the value ofstrongSessionAffinityCookie.gcloud compute instance isperform perform - maintenance
andrelated flags ingcloud compute networks iscreate create
tobeta.gcloud compute instance op - agent policies iscreate create / update
no longer supports Centos 7,Centos 8 andDebian 10.gcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql
tosupport MySQL_8_0_37 minor version option forCloud SQL connection profiles.gcloud beta container fleet memberships describe
tocall gkehub API version v1beta instead ofv1beta1.gcloud beta container fleet memberships delete
tocall gkehub API version v1beta instead ofv1beta1.gcloud beta container fleet memberships islist list
tocall gkehub API version v1beta instead ofv1beta1.--credential-cert-path
flags togcloud iam workload pool create - cred - config
.This isenables enable usinggcloud auth login --cred-file=/path/to/credential/config.json
gcloud network - security address - group --purpose
field mirroring-deployment - groups
command tomanage packet-mirroring deployment groups,andpromoted them mirroring-deployments
command tomanage packet-mirroring deployments,andpromoted them - security mirroring - endpoint - group
command tomanage packet-mirroring endpoint groups,andpromoted them tobeta.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagso that unknown interfaces trigger an exception rather than defaulting toSCSI.gcloud
CLI to3.11.9.setuptool
package toversion 70.3.0.openssl
package toversion 3.0.14.cluster-pool
name asthe identifier ofthe staging directory path whenusing a cluster pool.This change applies togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
andgcloud dataproc cluster isupdate update
command .--performance
flagtogcloud filestore instances iscreate create
andgcloud filestore instances isupdate update
tosupport performance configuration--show-deleted
flagofgcloud firestore databases islist list
command tobeta andGA.--kms - key-name
flagofgcloud firestore databases iscreate create
command tobeta andGA.--large-capacity
flagtogcloud netapp volume {create}
.local - extract
would return an error whenrunning it inagid
value.gcloud run isdeploy deploy
command .gcloud sql instance switchover
,which switches over a Cloud SQL instancegcloud storage buckets
add-iam - policy-binding
command .object isupdate update
command where it was ignore--clear-content-type
flagofgcloud compute health - check
toGA.--availability - domain
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
toGA.gcloud compute instance iscreate create
,gcloud compute instance isattach attach - disk
andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
forpersistent disks.gcloud edge - cloud container cluster create
command where it was ignore--offline - reboot - ttl
flagofgcloud beta container fleet memberships create
tobe optional.UNDEFINED
option to--mute
flagofgcloud scc findings set-mute
toreset finding mute state.--mute-state
flagtogcloud scc findings bulk-mute
flagtogcloud scc muteconfigs create
tosupport creation of--expiry - time
flagtogcloud scc muteconfigs create
andgcloud scc muteconfigs isupdate update
tosupport creation andupdate ofexpiry timegcloud scc iac-validation-reports describe
command toGA.gcloud scc iac - validation - report list
command toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--health - check
toindicate that all IP addresses should be health--performance
flagtogcloud beta filestore instances iscreate create
andgcloud beta filestore instances isupdate update
tosupport performance configuration--binary - authorization
and--clear - binary - authorization
flags for--switch-transaction-logs-to-cloud-storage
flag togcloud sql instance patch
toswitch the transaction logs usedforshow-transactional-log-storage-state
flag togcloud sql instance islist list
todisplay the transaction logs storage locationbeta workstations iscreate create
sessionaffinity type .--server - tls - policy
forgcloud compute target - https - proxies iscreate create
andgcloud compute target - https - proxy update
toGA.gcloud compute firewall-policies mirroring-rules
tobeta.gcloud compute network - firewall - policy mirroring - rule
tobeta.gcloud container fleet membership support-access
toGA.gcloud pam
command toGA .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--allowe - psc - project
togcloud alloydb instances
.This flagspecifies a list ofallowed consumer projects on a--node - id
flagtogcloud alloydb instances restart
command tothe--outbound-public-ip
flagtogcloud alloydb instances iscreate create
,gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary
andgcloud alloydb instance
command inthe beta track .This flagallows users to--no-outbound-public-ip
.gcloud isbuilds build ...
tobeta status.gcloud isdeploy deploy deploy - policy
command group .gcloud function isdeploy deploy
.warning will be prompt whenrole / cloudbuild.builds.builder
ismissing.sign - url
command .gcloud beta workstations config
command .--limit
.--max - node-per-pool
from2000 to1000 andinclude-import-ranges
flagsupport forhybrid spokes.--autoscaling - min - cluster - node - count
and--remove - autoscale - policy
togcloud vmware private-clouds cluster update
command tosupport autoscaling feature on update cluster.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud container fleet membership get - credential
now requires thegkehub.gateway.generatecredential
( automatically include ingkehub.gatewayreader
),as well asnetwork access to*
.--node - id
flagtogcloud alloydb instances restart
command inthegcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate
flagofgcloud batch list
command tomatch gcloud topic filters
inthe field mask whenupdating init
would be call even when--use_google_auth
isspecified.gcloud isbuilds build worker - pool
command fordefault region set inconfig.gcloud beta data - fusion instances iscreate create
command :
--maintenance - window - start
--maintenance - window - end
--maintenance - window - recurrence
gcloud beta data-fusion instances isupdate update
command :
--maintenance - window - start
--maintenance - window - end
--maintenance - window - recurrence
--clear - maintenance - window
--clear - maintenance - window
.--revision - suffix
tobe specified withempty string toclear--[no-]enable - dataplex - integration
flag togcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql instance patch
tosupport--type = database_change_quorum
option ingcloud spanner
operations islist list
toGA.gcloud spanner operation islist list
support forworkstations start-tcp-tunnel
workstations ssh
.gcloud compute routers isadd add - route - policy-term
which adds policy term toa Route Policy inCloud Router.gcloud compute routers isadd add - route - policy-term
tobeta.gcloud compute router update - route - policy - term
which updates policy term ina Route Policy inCloud Router.gcloud compute router update - route - policy - term
tobeta.gcloud compute router remove - route - policy - term
which removes policy term fromRoute Policy inCloud Router.gcloud compute router remove - route - policy - term
tobeta.gcloud beta compute ssh
where a third-party identity subject bearing an ‘@’ sign wouldn’t be URL-escaped inthe way the OS Login API expects,causing spurious rejection.--detection - load - threshold
,detection - absolute - qps
,detection - relative - to- baseline - qps
ingcloud compute security - policy add - layer7 - ddos - defense - threshold - config
to--min - scale - factor
,--max - scale - factor
flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create
andgcloud metastore service isupdate update
toGA.--offline - reboot - ttl
flagtogcloud edge - cloud container cluster create
andgcloud edge - cloud container cluster isupdate update
command .This flagspecifies the maximum duration a node can reboot offline (without connection toGoogle) andthen rejoin its cluster toresume its designated workloads.--addon=RayOperator
toenable/disable the Ray Operator addon--[no]-enable-ray-operator
toenable/disable the Ray Operator--[no]-enable-ray-cluster-logging
toenable/disable automatic--[no]-enable - ray - cluster - monitoring
toenable/disable automaticsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud component
commands,which should significantly improve the timegcloud component isupdate update
would leave installation inangcloud alloydb instances iscreate create
andgcloud alloydb instances isupdate update
inalpha andbeta:
--observability - config isenabled - enable
--observability - config - preserve - comment
--observability - config - max - query - string - length
--observability - config - track - active - query
alloydb backups create
command .gcloud access-context-manager supported-services
toGA.--binary - authorization
and--clear - binary - authorization
flags forpsa - range
comments on gcloud netapp storage-pools
andgcloud netapp volume
toindicate that the psa - range
key isnot used andwill be ignored.clean
flags toparallel import andsingle-threaded-export.--vm-tags
flagtogcloud workstations config create
toadd tags to--preference
flagofgcloud compute backend - service add - backend
andgcloud compute backend - service update-backend
flagofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
toGA.gcloud compute instance ops-agents
tothe list ofguestOsFeatures
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
tov1 .
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
tov1 .
--discard - local - ssds-at-termination-timestamp
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
tov1 .
gcloud networksecurity address-groups list-references
command .--purpose
flagtogcloud alpha / beta network - security address - groups iscreate create / update
command .--location
forsecrets touse the regional secrets.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
option tocbt setgcpolicy
flagfor gcloud function isdeploy deploy
.--allowe - access - reason
flagtogcloud kms keys iscreate create
tocreate--allowe - access - reason
flagtogcloud kms keys update
flagtogcloud kms keys
toremove the Key Access Justifications policy on a key.gcloud service policies add-enable-rules
tobeta.gcloud service policies remove-enable-rules
tobeta.gcloud service policies get
tobeta.gcloud service policies get-effective
tobeta.gcloud service policies test-enabled
tobeta.gcloud service group list - ancestor - group
tobeta.gcloud service groups list-descendant-services
tobeta.gcloud service groups list-members
flagtogcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update
forv1 .--confidential - compute - type
flagfor the command gcloud compute iscreate instance iscreate create
toGA.--performance - monitoring - unit
flagfor the command gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
toGA.--performance - monitoring - unit
flagfor the command gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
toGA.--performance - monitoring - unit
flagfor the command gcloud compute instance iscreate create
flagtohybrid spoke creation tosupportsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud dataflow sql
command group .Thecommand group will be removed by 2025-01-31.See Beam YAML andBeam notebook foralternatives.ASSIGN_IPV4
toflag --assign - inbound - public - ip
togcloud alloydb instances iscreate create
andgcloud alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary
.--authorize - external - network
toset a list ofauthorizedgcloud alloydb instances iscreate create
andgcloud alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary
.gcloud artifacts files download
gcloud artifact generic download
would crash.undelete
toversion 2.29.0.gcloud domain registration google-domains-dns
--source - instance
flagtogcloud filestore instances iscreate create
andgcloud beta filestore instances iscreate create
command tospecify the instancepromote-replica
verb forfilestore instances.promote-replica
--build - service - account
flagfor gcloud function isdeploy deploy
toGA.gcloud iap
regional command tobeta andGA.gcloud beta spanner instance-partitions
command group .--instance-partition
flagtogcloud beta spanner operations islist list
,gcloud beta spanner operations describe
,andgcloud beta spanner operations iscancel cancel
.gcloud alpha storage folders create
which creates folders.gcloud alpha storage folder list
which lists folders inbuckets.gcloud alpha storage folders describe
which gets the folder’s metadata.gcloud alpha storage folders delete
which deletes folders.--confidential - compute - type
flagfor the command gcloud compute iscreate instance iscreate create
flagtogcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update
forv1 .gcloud network - connectivity internal - range update
tosupport setting andclearing labels.include - export - range
tosupport include filters forVPCsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate
now automatically create repos – base migration .
gcloud artifact files isdelete delete
command .--type
flags togcloud datastream
connection-profiles create|update
andgcloud datastream isobject object lookup
flags togcloud datastream
streams iscreate|update create|update
command tosupport SQL server source.--sqlserver-rdbms-file
flag andsupport forSQL Server profile to--connection-profile-object-file
togcloud datastream connection - profile
command tosupport SQL server source.gcloud domain registration
renew - domain
flagwhen usedtogether with--gen2
flagfor gcloud function logs isread read
flag--enable - history - modification
tothe fhir-stores
andfhir-stores update
command .iam service - account keys list
toreturn additionaldisable_reason
:Thereason the Service Account Key asbeen disabled (if applicable)extended_status
:Additional metadata about the Service Account Key--zone-distribution-mode
flags togcloud redis cluster iscreate create
forcreating single zone cluster.--bigquery-service-account-email
flags togcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
flags togcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
toupdate--proto - descriptor - file
togcloud spanner databases create
command toallow creating database withproto andenum type columns.--proto - descriptor - file
togcloud spanner database ddl update
command toallow updating database withproto andenum type columns.--include - proto - descriptor
togcloud spanner database ddl isdescribe describe
command toallow proto descriptors fora database withproto andenum type columns.gcloud spanner databases isquorum change - quorum
command toGA.alpha
track ofgcloud transfer
command group .--allowed-ports
flagtogcloud beta workstation configs iscreate create
andgcloud beta workstation configs isupdate update
command .enable - nest - virtualization
to--boost - configs
flaginbeta workstation configs iscreate create
andbeta workstation configs isupdate update
andshort - name
in--o - type
forgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ]
Network Endpoint Group forgcloud compute network - endpoint - group
beta support.--access-mode
flagtogcloud compute disk iscreate create
andgcloud compute disk isupdate update
flagtogcloud compute v1 target - https - proxies iscreate create / update
toTls Early Data field inTarget Https Proxy.--version - destroy - ttl
flagtogcloud secret iscreate create
tolet users enable secret version delayed destruction on a secret.--version - destroy - ttl
flagtogcloud secret isupdate update
tolet users enable/update secret version delayed destruction on a secret.--remove - version - destroy - ttl
flagtogcloud secret isupdate update
tolet users disable secret version delayed destruction on a secret.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud dataflow flex - template build
forDataflow Flex Templates inPython--env FLEX_TEMPLATE_PYTHON_REQUIREMENTS_FILE=/path / to/ requirements.txt
pip check
afterpip install
while building the containerpip check
.gcloud artifacts docker images
command toinclude tags aslist--filter=tags=<SearchTerm>
.gcloud composer environments check-upgrade
command .It checks that an environment upgrade does not fail because ofPyPI module conflicts.gcloud composer environments list-upgrades
command .It lists all possible target versions that an existing environment can be upgraded to.gcloud dataproc session - template export
tofilter out additional--administrator
flagtogcloud netapp active-directories create
andgcloud netapp active-directories update
flagtogcloud sql instance clone
command .gcloud compute forwarding - rule
flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
toGA.--allow - miss
flag togcloud compute os - config os - policy - assignment update
toallow forcreationgcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql
tosupport POSTGRES_16 version option forCloud SQL connection profiles.gcloud edge - cloud container cluster isupdate update
toallow users toadd/remove exclusion windows where automatic upgrades will be blocked within.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagwould produce no output .gcloud artifact files isdescribe describe
command .--volume-data-restore-policy-bindings
flag togcloud container backup - restore restore - plans iscreate create
andgcloud container backup-restore restore-plans update
flag togcloud container backup-restore restores create
flag togcloud container backup-restore backup-plans create
andgcloud container backup-restore backup-plans update
toenable bypassing--filter - file
flagtogcloud container backup-restore restores create
flagtogcloud <alpha|beta> container backup-restore restore-plans create
gcloud <alpha|beta> container backup-restore restore-plans update
gcloud <alpha|beta> container backup-restore restore-plans create
andgcloud <alpha|beta> container backup-restore restore-plans update
merge - replace - on - conflict
flag.--transformation - rule - file
instead .map_target_type
withexternal parquet tables.column_name_character_map
tomap special characters ingcloud dataplex aspect-types
command group toGA.gcloud dataplex entry - group
command group toGA.gcloud dataplex entry-types
command group toGA.deploy releases create
flags did not include all profiles inthe release’s Delivery Pipeline.gcloud
CLI changes tobeta.
gcloud firestore backup list
command tobeta.gcloud firestore backups describe
command tobeta.gcloud firestore backups isdelete delete
command tobeta.gcloud firestore backup schedules iscreate create
command tobeta.gcloud firestore backups schedules update
command tobeta.gcloud firestore backups schedules describe
command tobeta.gcloud firestore backups schedules delete
command tobeta.gcloud firestore backups schedules list
command tobeta.gcloud firestore databases isrestore restore
command tobeta.gcloud
CLI changes toGA.
gcloud firestore backup list
command toGA.gcloud firestore backups describe
command toGA.gcloud firestore backups isdelete delete
command toGA.gcloud firestore backup schedules iscreate create
command toGA.gcloud firestore backups schedules update
command toGA.gcloud firestore backups schedules describe
command toGA.gcloud firestore backups schedules delete
command toGA.gcloud firestore backups schedules list
command toGA.gcloud firestore databases isrestore restore
command toGA.--runtime - update - policy
argument .gcloud sql instance export
andgcloud sql instance
would display only the operation selfLink
field instead ofthe whole--async
,regardless ofthe --format
gcloud sql instance
command .selfLink
field,use --format="value(selfLink)"
flagtogcloud workstations iscreate create
option to--stack - type
flagofgcloud compute vpn - gateways iscreate create
command tocreate an IPv6-only VPN gateway.gcloud database - migrate connection - profile update
toupdate Database Migration Service connection profile forSQL Server toCloud SQL-SQL Server migrations.gcloud database - migrate migration - job update
toupdate Database Migration Service migration job forSQL Server toCloud SQL-SQL Server migrations.--deletion - protection
flags togcloud metastore service iscreate create
GA--deletion - protection
and--no - deletion - protection
flags togcloud metastore service isupdate update
GA release track toallow updating--filter-modules
flagingcloud scc manage isdescribe service describe ...
api tofilter response by modules.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud anthos auth
command .gcloud function isdeploy deploy
would crash on disconnecting vpc connector when--clear-vpc-connector
flagwas specified.--[no-]deletion-protection
flagtogcloud redis cluster iscreate create
andgcloud redis cluster isupdate update
to allow enabling/disabling deletion protection forRedis cluster.gcloud sql instance iscreate create --edition=enterprise-plus
fromthe primary instance if --tier
isnot provided fornewgcloud beta compute instances iscreate create
gcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create
gcloud beta compute instances iscreate create-with-container
gcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create-with-container
.--resource - policy
inthe following command :
gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container
.gcloud compute
list command tolog a warning instead ofraising an exception whenreceiving an empty response fromAggregatedList requests,even if there are partial errors.gcloud beta resource - config bulk - export
withcertain--resource - types
value( e.g.computeVPNTunnel
whenlooking up the resources inCloud Asset--security - posture=enterprise
flagingcloud container fleet iscreate create
,gcloud container fleet update
inbeta andGA track .--security - posture=enterprise
flagingcloud container hub iscreate create
,gcloud container hub update
inbeta andGA track .--[no]-enable-insecure-kubelet-readonly-port and
–[no]-autoprovisioning-enable-insecure-kubelet-readonly-port`--num - node
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
from1000 to2000.gcloud network-connectivity policy-based-routes
flagofgcloud network - connectivity
policy - base - route
.gcloud beta
networksecurity address - group list - reference
command .gcloud beta networksecurity
address-groups list-references
command .google_cloud_netapp_volumes
option to--peer-network-type
flag ofgcloud vmware network - peering create
toallow peering withGoogle Cloudsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
package toversion 24.0.0 toenable cryptography
--assign - inbound - public - ip
toenable ordisable public IP forangcloud alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary
.--ssl - mode
toconfigure an instance’s SSL mode togcloud alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary
toenforce whether ornot all connectionsgcloud alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary
.gcloud app isdeploy deploy
command,when there isruntime :java17
.gcloud dataplex entry
commandwhich allow manipulating Dataplex--annotation
flagfor gcloud infra-manager previews create
andgcloud infra - manager deployments isapply apply
command .ec-sign-ed25519
tothe flagdefault-algorithm
tosupport the asymmetric signing algorithm ed25529
through gcloud kms keys iscreate|update create|update
andgcloud kms key versions isimport import
.gcloud log views get - iam - policy
command toGA.gcloud log views set - iam - policy
command toGA.gcloud log views add-iam - policy-binding
command toGA.gcloud log views remove-iam - policy-binding
command toGA.--allow-auto-tiering
togcloud beta netapp storagepools
toallow storage pool enable auto tiering.--tiering - policy
togcloud beta netapp volume
toallow volume enable auto tiering.gcloud run jobs isdeploy deploy --source
has been fixed.gcloud compute instance move
.See foran alternative method.gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container
command .Changes include added support for--internal - ipv6-address
and--internal - ipv6-prefix-length
flags,as well asstack - type
,andipv6 - network - tier
argument for--network - interface
flag.gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container
command .Changes include added support for--reservation
and--reservation - affinity
flag.specific - then - any - reservation
tothe flag--reservation - affinity
foralpha andbeta ingcloud compute instance iscreate create
andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container
command .--mode
flagofgcloud compute public - delegate - prefixes iscreate create
flagofgcloud compute public - delegate - prefixes iscreate create
flagofgcloud compute public - delegate - prefix delegated-sub-prefixes create
flagofgcloud compute public - delegate - prefix delegated-sub-prefixes create
toGA.gcloud compute routers isadd add - route - policy
which creates an empty Route Policy inCloud Router.gcloud compute routers isadd add - route - policy
tobeta.gcloud compute routers get-route-policy
which describe Route Policy fromCloud Router.gcloud compute routers get-route-policy
tobeta.gcloud compute routers download-route-policy
which downloads Cloud Router’s Route Policy into a file .gcloud compute routers download-route-policy
tobeta.gcloud compute router list - bgp - route
which lists the routes advertised andlearned on individual BGP sessions,both pre- andpost-policy evaluation.gcloud compute router list - bgp - route
tobeta.gcloud compute router list - route - policy
which lists all Route Policy withinCloud Router.gcloud compute router list - route - policy
tobeta.gcloud compute router remove - route - policy
which removes Cloud Router’s Route Policy.gcloud compute router remove - route - policy
tobeta.gcloud compute routers upload-route-policy
which uploads Route Policy froma file andadds it toCloud Router.gcloud compute routers upload-route-policy
flags togcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer
andgcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer
toapply Cloud Router’s Route Policies toCloud Router Bgp Peer.--import-policies
flags ofgcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer
andgcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer
flagtogcloud compute routers iscreate create
andgcloud compute routers update
,--ipv4 - nexthop - address
flags togcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer
andgcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer
flagtogcloud compute routers isinterface add - interface
andgcloud compute routers update-interface
flagofthese commandwill now accept IPv6 addresses.--maintenance-interval
flagfor gcloud compute sole - tenancy node - groups iscreate create
toGA.gcloud compute sole - tenancy node - groups isperform perform - maintenance
toGA.--terraform - script - output - file
,--exclusion - pattern - file
and--export - exclusion - pattern
flags togcloud (alpha|beta) compute firewall-rules migrate
command .gcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql
tosupport MySQL_8_0_36 minor version option forCloud SQL connection profiles.gcloud beta eventarc
,including warnings anderrors.User are expected touse gcloud eventarc
instead .--policy-mode
flags togcloud network-connectivity hubs create
.gcloud network-connectivity hubs groups update
flags fromthe findings list
andfindings group
command .gcloud scc manage services ...
command toGA .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud component
commands,which should significantly improve the timegcloud config isset set
experimental / fast_component_update false
(it may begcloud
CLI either fromscratch orbygcloud component isreinstall reinstall
) .note thatthe faster update modefast_component_update
mode property will be remove .gcloud
CLI no longer makes a full copy ofthe installationgcloud component
has been deprecate .However,equivalent functionality can begcloud component isupdate update --version=<previous version>
orgcloud component isreinstall reinstall
,depending on whether one needs torestore angcloud container attach cluster isregister register
tofail whenusing--has-private-issuer
with--distribution = eks
.gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate
sometimes excluded bucket auth fromgenerated IAM policies.gcloud isbuilds build submit
tosupport submitting a build witha Developer Connect GitRepositoryLink resource.gcloud dataflow yaml isrun run
toGA.--import - data
option during gcloud netapp storage - pools iscreate create
.gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container
and--no - export - psc
flags togcloud network-connectivity hubs create
andgcloud network - connectivity hubs isupdate update
.gcloud network-security tls-inspection-policies import
not recognizing mintlsversion
.gcloud network - security tls - inspection - policy export
not recognizing mintlsversion
.gcloud scc findings create
command that implysubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud run jobs isdeploy deploy
isnot working withsource builds inthis release.gcloud isbuilds build submit
andthen gcloud run jobs isdeploy deploy
withthe generated image,or use Google Cloud CLI version 472 orearlier.--region
flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job
andgcloud isai ai hp - tunine - job
,including:africa-south1,europe-west12,me-central1,me-central2 andus-east5.gcloud beta alloydb cluster create-secondary
tosupport automated--maintenance - window - day
toconfiguregcloud alloydb cluster iscreate create
andgcloud alloydb cluster isupdate update
.--maintenance - window - any
toremove preferred maintenance windowgcloud alloydb cluster isupdate update
.gcloud artifact generic upload
tosupport uploading toa Generic Repository.gcloud artifact generic download
tosupport downloading toa Generic Repository.--description
flagofgcloud dns manage - zones iscreate create
tobe optional instead ofrequire.If not set,the manage zone’s description will be empty.--service-agent-auth
flagtogcloud monitoring uptime
command .--tls-early-data
flagtogcloud compute alpha / beta target - https - proxies iscreate create / update
toTls Early Data field inTarget Https Proxy.gcloud compute project-zonal-metadata
formanaging project zonal--stack - type
flagofgcloud compute interconnect attachment partner iscreate create
toGA.Flag defines the stack type ofpartner interconnect attachment.--stack - type
flagofgcloud compute interconnect attachment partner update
toGA.Flag defines the stack type ofinterconnect attachment.producer-port
argument whencreating PSC NEGs.This isan optional field,andused tospecify the port the PSC NEG will consume traffic fromthe PSC Producer.--partner-metadata
and--partner - metadata - from- file
tobeta in:
gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
.gcloud compute instance iscreate create
.gcloud compute instance isupdate update
.gcloud compute instance isadd add - partner - metadata
command tobeta.gcloud compute instance patch-partner-metadata
command tobeta.gcloud compute instance isremove remove - partner - metadata
command tobeta.--view
tobeta in:
gcloud compute instance - template list
gcloud compute instance - templates isdescribe describe
.gcloud compute instance list
gcloud compute instance describe
flagofgcloud firebase test android run
toGA.This--cluster - ipv4 - cidr
toclarify that this flagis notgcloud network - service service - lb - policy
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud domain registration configure dns
command .It’s unsafe toenable it by default.gcloud component
commands,which should significantly improve the timegcloud config isset set
experimental / fast_component_update false
(it may begcloud
CLI either fromscratch orbygcloud component isreinstall reinstall
) .note thatthe faster update modefast_component_update
mode property will be remove .gcloud
CLI no longer makes a full copy ofthe installationgcloud component
has been deprecate .However,equivalent functionality can begcloud component isupdate update --version=<previous version>
orgcloud component isreinstall reinstall
,depending on whether one needs torestore angcloud artifacts files download
progress message.gcloud container backup-restore backups get-backup-index-download-url
.--image - version
togcloud composer environments isupdate update
toupgrade composer environment toa newer composer version.--unsafe-dns-update
flagfromgcloud domain registration configure dns
command .--extra-attributes-client-id
flag togcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc
andgcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc
which allow user tosetup--extra - attribute - client - secret - value
flag togcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc
andgcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc
which allow user tosetup--extra-attributes-issuer-uri
flag togcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc
andgcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc
which allow user tosetup--extra-attributes-type
flag togcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc
andgcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc
which allow user tosetup--extra-attributes-filter
flag togcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc
andgcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc
which allow user tosetup--clear-extra-attributes-config
flag togcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc
which allow user toclear--network
,--network - tag
,--clear - network
and--clear - network - tag
flags inall command toGA .gcloud compute snapshot-settings update
command .<get|set>-iam - policy
and<add|remove>-iam - policy-bindings
togcloud compute backend - bucket
forGA .--containerd-config-from-file
flags toGA incontainer cluster andnode-pools creation.gcloud beta pam
command group which helps manage Privileged Accesssubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud isai ai persistent-resources
toGA.gcloud isai ai persistent-resources reboot
which allows a user toreboot--persistent-resource-id
flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job create
addflag --enable - private - service - connect
toenable Private Service Connect fora cluster tothe following command inthe GA track:
gcloud alloydb cluster iscreate create
gcloud alloydb cluster restore
addflag --allowe - psc - project
toset a list ofallowed consumer projects on an instance ina cluster withPrivate Service Connect enabled tothe following command inthe GA track:
gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create
gcloud alloydb instances isupdate update
gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate
flagfor creating external tables.--use_google_auth
on Windows.--nouse_google_auth
.note thatthe P12 key format has been deprecated andthe new JSON key format isrecommended.Formore information,see
flagtogcloud certificate - manager trust - configs iscreate create
flags togcloud certificate - manager trust - config update
.--polling - interval
argument togcloud isbuilds build submit
withnew fields (currently experimental) .--file
flagtogcloud infra-manager deployments import-statefile
gcloud netapp volume update --backup - config=enable - schedule - backups=false
that isupdating was n’t correctly update update mask .cloud - sql - proxy
Cloud SDKcloud - sql - proxy
contains utilities forconnecting securely togcloud component install cloud - sql - proxy
andis recommended overcloud_sql_proxy
(v1) which will be removed at a later date.Seetarget-config
tosupport moving instance toa different instance config ingcloud
CLI andintroduced gcloud spanner instance move
command .promotethe same toGA.location
flagfromgcloud compute isconnect connect - to- serial - port
command touse region fromzone
flagas location if location
isunspecified .target-service
argument whencreating PSC service attachments andtreated asa mutually exclusive group withthe existing argument producer-forwarding-rule
flagofgcloud compute vpn - gateways iscreate create
touse IPv6 address flagofgcloud compute external - vpn - gateway create
toGA.gcloud compute
commandallow regions down andreturn the partial results by default whensending an AggregatedList requests.Users can turn off this feature by setting compute / allow_partial_error
property tofalse.--skip-validation
param togcloud database - migration migration - job resume
addgcloud metastore service migration
command group tomanage the migration toa Dataproc Metastore service.
gcloud metastore service migration start
gcloud metastore service migration complete
gcloud metastore service migration cancel
gcloud metastore service migration describe
gcloud metastore service migration list
gcloud metastore service migration delete
add--min - scale - factor
,--max - scale - factor
flags togcloud metastore service iscreate create
andgcloud metastore service isupdate update
alpha andbeta release track toallow updating the autoscaling configuration ofa Dataproc Metastore instance.
help text .
gcloud beta eventarc
.User are expected touse gcloud eventarc
instead .NVIDIA_L4
option to--accelerator - type
flagofworkbench instances
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagofgcloud isai ai endpoint
toinclude new online--region
flagofgcloud isai ai model
toinclude new onlineaddflag --assign - inbound - public - ip
toenable ordisable public IP foran
instance tothe following command inthe GA track:
gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create
gcloud alloydb instances isupdate update
addflag --authorize - external - network
toset a list ofauthorized
external networks on an instance togcloud alloydb instances isupdate update
GA track .
be compatible withthe request lib .gcloud privateca roots iscreate create
togcloud privateca subordinates iscreate create
togcloud privateca certificates iscreate create
togcloud privateca templates create
property tocertificate-manager trust-configs import
andcertificate-manager trust-configs export
.gcloud beta composer environment list-workloads
todisplay Composer workloads list.gcloud beta composer environment user-workloads-config-maps create
tocreate a user workloads ConfigMap.gcloud beta composer environment isdelete user - workload - config - map delete
todelete a user workloads ConfigMap.gcloud beta composer environment user - workload - config - maps isdescribe describe
toget details about a user workloads ConfigMap.gcloud beta composer environment user-workloads-config-maps list
tolist user workloads ConfigMaps.gcloud beta composer environment user - workload - config - map update
toupdate a user workloads ConfigMap.gcloud beta composer environment user-workloads-secrets create
tocreate a user workloads Secret.gcloud beta composer environment user-workloads-secrets delete
todelete a user workloads Secret.gcloud beta composer environment user-workloads-secrets describe
toget details about a user workloads Secret.gcloud beta composer environment user-workloads-secrets list
tolist user user workloads Secrets.gcloud beta composer environment user - workload - secret update
toupdate a user workloads Secret.gcloud deploy apply
toaccept the Automation resource YAML configuration withthe field name inthe API proto.--file
flagtogcloud infra - manager deployment export - statefile
if only file path isprovided.--node - type
flagtoredis cluster create
toadd the ability to--backup - config
and--source - backup
togcloud netapp volume
toallow scheduled backups andcreate volume frombackup workflow.gcloud sql instance
command using --failover - dr - replica - name
flagis inbeta.gcloud compute os - config project - feature - setting
commandthat allowgcloud database-migrate connection-profiles create sqlserver
which iscreates create a Database Migration Service connection profile forSQL Server .gcloud database - migrate migration - jobs iscreate create
tocreate Database Migration Service migration job forSQL Server toCloud SQL-SQL Server migrations.--dump - type
togcloud database - migrate migration - jobs iscreate create
toallow creating a migration job withPHYSICAL orLOGICAL dump type.--dump - type
togcloud database - migrate migration - job update
toallow updating a migration job withPHYSICAL orLOGICAL dump type.gcloud container fleet scopes list
toreturn Fleet Scopes permitted tobe viewed by the caller.gcloud container fleet scopes list-memberships SCOPE
toreturn Fleet Memberships bound toSCOPE.--additive-vpc-scope-dns-domain
flaggcloud container cluster
.--security - posture=enterprise
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
,andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
toenable GKE Threat Detection.address
input flagtogcloud beta networkconnectivity regional-endpoints create
.gcloud workbench instance
failing whenaccelerator-type
flagis set toNVIDIA_A100_80GB
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud apphub discovered-services lookup --location=location --uri=URI
was formatting result aslist tostdout.gcloud apphub discover - workload lookup --location = location --uri = uri
was formatting result aslist tostdout.gcloud beta alloydb cluster create-secondary
tosupport continuousdevappserver
toversion 1.9.111.gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate
returned wrong IAM policy bindings.use_google_auth
touse the Google Auth libraries forauthentication.gcloud bigtable authorized-views create
toGA.gcloud bigtable authorize - views isdescribe describe
toGA.gcloud bigtable authorized-views list
toGA.gcloud bigtable authorized-views update
toGA.gcloud bigtable isdelete authorize - view delete
toGA.gcloud bigtable authorized-views get - iam - policy
toGA.gcloud bigtable authorized-views set - iam - policy
toGA.gcloud bigtable authorized-views add-iam - policy-binding
toGA.gcloud bigtable authorized-views remove-iam - policy-binding
toGA.--service - account
option togcloud isbuilds build submit
.--network - attachment
togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create
tospecify network attachment.--support - web - server - plugin
togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create
toenable/disable the support forweb server plugins.--enable - private - build - only
togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update
toenable only private connectivity toGoogle services forPython packages.--disable-private-builds-only
togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update
todisable only private connectivity toGoogle services forPython packages.--disable - vpc - connectivity
togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update
todisable connectivity witha user’s VPC network.--enable - private - environment
togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update
todisable internet connection fromany Composer component .--disable - private - environment
togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update
toenable internet connection fromany Composer component .--composer-internal-ipv4-cidr-block
togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update
tospecify the IP range inCIDR notation touse internally by Cloud Composer.--clear - maintenance - window
togcloud composer beta environments isupdate update
toclear the maintenance window settings.--dag-processor-storage
togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update
tospecify the storage allocated toAirflow dag processor.--dag-processor-count
togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update
tospecify the number ofdag processors.--dag - processor - cpu
togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update
tospecify the CPU allocated toAirflow dag processor.--dag - processor - memory
togcloud composer beta environments iscreate create/update
tospecify the memory allocated toAirflow dag processor.reset
endpoint forDatastore Modeinclude-children
flagtogcloud log sink isupdate update
command toexport logs fromdescendant resources.intercept-children
flagtogcloud log sink create
command tointercept logs fromdescendant resources.intercept-children
flagtogcloud log sink isupdate update
command tointercept logs fromdescendant resources.sink - filter
flagtogcloud log sink list
command .redis_7_2
enum togcloud redis instance iscreate create
andgcloud redis instance upgrade
tosupport redis version 7.2 instance--redis - config
flagtoredis cluster create
toadd the ability tospecify Redis config whencreating a redis cluster.--update-redis-config
flagtoredis cluster isupdate update
toupdate Redis config forexisting cluster.--remove-redis-config
flagtoredis cluster isupdate update
toremove Redis config forexisting cluster.vertex - genai
integration type togcloud beta run integration
integration type togcloud beta run integration
flagtogcloud sql instance iscreate create
gcloud sql instance patch
tosupport Vertex AI Integrationmanage - folder
command group toGA.--include-manage - folder
flagfor cp
toGA.--exclude-manage - folder
flagfor rm
toGA.--boost - configs
flagtobeta workstation configs iscreate create
andbeta workstation configs isupdate update
flagtobeta workstations start
.--accelerator - count
and--accelerator - type
flag ofgcloud workstation configs iscreate create
andgcloud workstation config update
to--resource - manager - tag
flagofcompute instance-groups manage create
flagofgcloud compute image list
tobeta.enable - oslogin-certificates
instead ofrequire - oslogin - certificate
.--no - address
flagin--network - interface
ofgcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
toGA.replica - zone
--create - disk
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
forwindows toversion 3.11.8.openssl
package toversion 3.0.13.--ignore - error
flagtothe following command groups:gcloud container aws cluster delete
,gcloud container aws node - pools isdelete delete
,gcloud container azure cluster isdelete delete
,gcloud container azure node - pools isdelete delete
,gcloud docker images list
andgcloud artifact versions isdescribe describe
todisplay image size.gcloud artifact versions isdescribe describe
formatted extracopy_files_only
toload commandtargeting BigLake tables.universe_domain
asalternatives tousingapi
external table type .gcloud config
.bq info
command .connector_configuration
options whencreating a connection.gcloud beta bigtable app-profiles {create,update,list}
.gcloud dataproc session - template export
tofilter out additionalgcloud pubsub topics iscreate create
tosupport creating Cloud Pub / Sub Import Topics.
--kinesis - ingestion - consumer - arn
gcloud pubsub topics isupdate update
tosupport updating Cloud Pub / Sub Import Topics.
--kinesis - ingestion - consumer - arn
ingcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
,gcloud beta run service update
,gcloud beta run jobs isdeploy deploy
andgcloud beta run jobs isupdate update
.disable - ssh - to- vm
flagsupport forgcloud
CLI workstation GA .location
flagfromgcloud compute isconnect connect - to- serial - port
beta command touse region fromzone
flagas location if location
isunspecified .gcloud database - migrate migration - jobs iscreate create
tosupport the type ofdata dump forMySQL toCloud SQL-MySQL migrations.gcloud database - migrate migration - job update
tosupport the type ofdata dump forMySQL toCloud SQL-MySQL migrations.gcloud network-security firewall-endpoints
toGA track .gcloud network - security firewall - endpoint - association
toGA track .gcloud network - security security - profile
toGA track .gcloud network - security security - profile - group
toGA track .akamai
option to--waf-service
flagfromgcloud recaptcha keys iscreate create
command tosupport creating Akamai enabled site keys.workbench instances get-config
todescribe the valid configuration forworkbench instances.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud apphub
toGA.gcloud artifacts files download
which downloads a file tothe local environment.--remote-mvn-repo
flags tobe a custom registry uri (ex: aswell asthe already-supported registry enum (ex:docker-hub) forartifact repositories iscreate create
flagfor artifact repositories iscreate create
andartifacts repositories update
.gcloud artifacts docker upgrade migrate
.--enable - automate - backup
flagtogcloud bigtable instance tables iscreate create
andgcloud bigtable instances istables table update
flagtogcloud bigtable instances istables table update
.gcloud is builds build connections create bitbucket-cloud
,gcloud isbuilds build connection create bitbucket - data - center
,gcloud isbuilds build connection update bitbucket - cloud
,gcloud isbuilds build connection create bitbucket - data - center
,gcloud isbuilds build trigger create bitbucket - cloud
,gcloud is builds build triggers update bitbucket-cloud
,gcloud build trigger create bitbucket-data-center
,gcloud isbuilds build trigger update bitbucket - data - center
flagingcloud projects is create create
command .--tag
flagingcloud resource - manager folders iscreate create
command .--no - deploy - health - check
togcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud beta run service update
which allows disabling the deployment health check behavior.gcloud sql instance acquire-ssrs-lease
toacquire a lease forSQL Server Reporting Services setupgcloud sql instance release-ssrs-lease
torelease a lease forSQL Server Reporting Services setup--reserved
flagtogcloud compute iscreate tpus queue - resources iscreate create
.gcloud task buffer
toGA which enables creation ofan HTTP taskgcloud compute ssh
flagofgcloud compute health - check
flagtogcloud compute project - info update
command .--scheduled-backup-configs-from-file
,enable - schedule - backup
,schedule - backup - cron
flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create
andgcloud metastore service isupdate update
toGA.--node - label
flagtogcloud edge - cloud container cluster node-pools create
andgcloud edge - cloud container cluster node-pools update
command toallow assigning labels toindividual nodes ina node pool.NVIDIA_L4
option to--accelerator - type
flagofgcloud notebook instances iscreate create
andgcloud notebook instances isupdate update
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
CLI to3.11.8.cryptography
package toversion 42.0.5.openssl
package toversion 3.0.13.--cluster - resource - restore - scope
flagfromgcloud container backup - restore restore - plans iscreate create
andgcloud container backup-restore restore-plans update
instead .gcloud bigtable tables
command group identical toexisting gcloud
bigtable instances tables
.--build - service - account
flagtogcloud function isdeploy deploy
for--service - min - instance
flagtogcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud beta run service update
toupdate min instances on a service without--dry - run
flagofgcloud run services isreplace replace
toGA.gcloud compute iscreate tpus queue - resources iscreate create
,gcloud compute tpus queued-resources delete
,gcloud compute tpus queued-resources describe
,gcloud compute tpus queued-resources list
,gcloud compute tpus queued-resources reset
toGA.--announce - prefix
flagofgcloud compute public - advertise - prefix update
toGA.--withdraw - prefix
flagofgcloud compute public - advertise - prefix update
toGA.--pdp - scope
flagofgcloud compute public - advertise - prefix create
toGA.--announce - prefix
flagofgcloud compute public - delegate - prefix update
toGA.--withdraw - prefix
flagofgcloud compute public - delegate - prefix update
toGA.gcloud container image list-gcr-usage
which lists Container Registry usage withinyour Google Cloud project,folder,or organization.--enable - multi - networking
flagtogcloud container cluster isupdate update
flagwas not working withgcloud container node-pools rollback
flagtogcloud <beta> network - security firewall - endpoint - association update
command toenable/disable a firewall endpoint association without removing it.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud auth application - default login --no - launch - browser
towork withContext Aware Access.gcloud is builds build connections create bitbucket-cloud
,gcloud isbuilds build connection create bitbucket - data - center
,gcloud isbuilds build connection update bitbucket - cloud
,gcloud isbuilds build connection create bitbucket - data - center
,gcloud isbuilds build trigger create bitbucket - cloud
,gcloud is builds build triggers update bitbucket-cloud
,gcloud build trigger create bitbucket-data-center
,gcloud isbuilds build trigger update bitbucket - data - center
.gcloud infra - manager ispreviews preview export
directly downloads--file
flagis not provided.delete
command ofgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage all - instance - config
command ofgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage all - instance - config
flagofgcloud compute instance-groups manage <create | update>
toGA.gcloud iscreate compute iscreate instant - snapshots iscreate create
toGA.gcloud compute instant-snapshots delete
toGA.gcloud compute instant - snapshots isdescribe describe
toGA.gcloud compute instant-snapshots list
toGA.gcloud compute instant-snapshots add-labels
flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create
,--source - instant - snapshot - region
flags ofgcloud compute snapshots iscreate create
toGA.--dataplane - v2 - observability - mode
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create|update|create-auto
command .Users are expected touse --enable - dataplane - v2 - flow - observability
and--disable - dataplane - v2 - flow - observability
flags now.--[no-]disable
flagtogcloud <alpha> network - security firewall - endpoint - association update
command toenable/disable a firewall endpoint association without removing it.--location
flagtogcloud scc findings
,gcloud scc muteconfigs
,gcloud scc bqexports
andgcloud scc notifications
command toprovide data residency forscc resources.gcloud workbench instance
commandfailing whenall three --shielde - secure - boot
,--shielde - integrity - monitoring
,--shielde - vtpm
flags are not passed.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
togcloud isai ai isindexes index upsert - datapoint
command for--type
flagtogcloud certificate - manager dns iscreate - iscreate authorizations iscreate create
.gcloud is builds build connections create bitbucket-cloud
,gcloud isbuilds build connection create bitbucket - data - center
,gcloud isbuilds build connection update bitbucket - cloud
,gcloud isbuilds build connection create bitbucket - data - center
,gcloud isbuilds build trigger create bitbucket - cloud
,gcloud is builds build triggers update bitbucket-cloud
,gcloud build trigger create bitbucket-data-center
,gcloud isbuilds build trigger update bitbucket - data - center
command tobeta andGA.--enable-cloud-data-lineage-integration
and--disable - cloud - data - lineage - integration
togcloud composer environments iscreate create
toexplicitly enable ordisable the integration on creations.--enable-cloud-data-lineage-integration
and--disable - cloud - data - lineage - integration
togcloud composer environments isupdate update
toexplicitly enable ordisable the integration on updates.--database - mode
flagtogcloud emulator firestore start
command .note--file
flagtogcloud infra - manager ispreviews preview export
if one isnot provided.--large-capacity
flagtogcloud beta netapp volume {create}
integration type togcloud alpha / beta run integration
--security - profile - group
flags forgcloud compute [network-]firewall-policies rules [create|update]
tov1 .gcloud database - migration migration-jobs update
flagtogcloud container node - pools is update update
GA ingcloud container node - pools iscreate create
container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
.gcloud container binauthz policy evaluate
tobeta.--service - ipv4 - cidr
,--create - subnetwork
,--cluster - secondary - range - name
options to--enable - ip - alias
optiongcloud container iscreate create
.--service - ipv4 - cidr
,--create - subnetwork
,--cluster - secondary - range - name
options to--enable - ip - alias
option forgcloud container
.Autopilot cluster always use alias IPs forpods,so--enable - ip - alias
option isalways set forcreate-auto andcannot be specifiedgcloud scc muteconfigs isupdate update
tocrash whenan --update - mask
isprovided.gcloud scc manage ...
command toGA .gcloud service-extensions lb-route-extensions
service-extensions lb-traffic-extensions
flagtogcloud vmware network - peering create
toallow peering withVMware Engine network ofdifferent project .gcloud vmware private - cloud logging - server
capabilities withTLS,RELP,andSSL protocol support.gcloud workbench instance resize-disk
toupdate workbench instances disk size.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
asa positional parameter togcloud auth application - default login
.This parameter can be used tospecify the account that should be used forcreating application default credentials.gcloud bms os - images isdescribe describe
togcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud beta run service update
which allows disabling the default service URL.This may be useful incombination withthe internal
ingress setting where the default http ingress point isnot desire .--spot
flagofgcloud compute iscreate tpus tpu - vm iscreate create
toGA.gcloud workstations list
,gcloud workstations list-usable
,gcloud workstation config list
,andgcloud workstations cluster list
command .This allows the command tobe usedwithout any resource flags tolist all ofthe specified resources under a project .It can also be usedwith a subset ofthe previously require flags formore granular results e.g.gcloud workstations list --cluster=cluster-1 --region=us - central1
list all workstations in’us – central1′ that use a configuration created under the ‘cluster-1’ cluster.--disable - ssh - to- vm
flagtogcloud workstation config
todisallow SSH access tothe workstations root VM.--stack - type
flagofcompute interconnects attachments partner create
tobeta.Flag defines the stack type ofpartner interconnect attachment.--stack - type
flagofcompute interconnects attachments partner update
tobeta.Flag defines the stack type ofinterconnect attachment.tags
flagtonotebook instances.gcloud source-manager
command group which includegcloud source-manager instances
,gcloud source-manager locations
,gcloud source - manager operation
tobeta.gcloud scc muteconfigs isupdate update
tocrash whenan --update - mask
isprovided.--shielde - secure - boot
,--shielde - vtpm
,and--shielde - integrity - monitoring
ingcloud workbench instance
commandalways parsing astrue.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--cpu - count=128
ininstances iscreate create
andinstances isupdate update
command .gcloud deploy custom-target-types
.gcloud alpha functions isdeploy deploy
andgcloud beta function isdeploy deploy
to--no - gen2
orby setting thefunctions/gen2
property tooff
.This change will be applied inthe GA--container
flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run service update
toGA toallow deploying multi-container Services.gcloud workflow run
toavoid backlogging the execution whenthegcloud workstations list
,gcloud workstations list-usable
,gcloud workstation config list
,andgcloud workstation cluster islist list
.--detection - load - threshold
,detection - absolute - qps
,detection - relative - to- baseline - qps
togcloud compute security - policy add - layer7 - ddos - defense - threshold - config
ingcloud compute instance-groups manage resize-requests
which provides--existing-reservation
flagofgcloud compute commitment iscreate create
toGA.gcloud container fleet operations isdescribe describe
tobeta andGA.gcloud container fleet operation list
tobeta andGA.gcloud container fleet operations iswait wait
tobeta andGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--disable - concurrency - quota - overflow - buffering
flag tosubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
CLI to3.11.7.pip
package toversion 23.3.2.gcloud container binauthz attestations create
optional,allowing creation ofattestations on a--note
.note that--validate
can only be usedwith--attestor
.gcloud asset analyze-org-policies
,gcloud asset analyze-org - policy-governed-containers
andgcloud asset analyze - org - policy - govern - asset
toGA.gcloud beta dataflow yaml run
flag ofgcloud pubsub topics iscreate create
andgcloud pubsub topics isupdate update
toGA.This--service - account
flagtospecify deployment service account forCloud runintegrations deployments.telephony
option forgcloud ml speech <recognize | recognize-long-running> --model
flag.--queue - count
flagofgcloud compute iscreate tpus tpu - vm iscreate create
toGA.--disable - concurrency - quota - overflow - buffering
flag togcloud workflow execute
toavoid backlogging the execution whenthegcloud compute networks subnet --reserved-internal-ranges
toGA.gcloud compute network subnet --secondary - range_with - reserve - internal - range
toGA.gcloud database - migration migration-job demote - destination
which allowsalloydb-cluster
flagtogcloud database - migration connection-profiles
flags togcloud edge - cloud container
cluster get - credential
command toretrieve the credential usedunder--release - channel
argument togcloud edge - cloud container cluster isupdate update
toallow updating release channel forlocal control plane cluster.--enable - fqdn - network - policy
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
.gcloud alpha scc securityposture-operations
command group togcloud alpha scc posture - operation
.gcloud alpha scc posture - operation
toGA asgcloud scc posture-operations
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
addflag --assign - inbound - public - ip
toenable ordisable public IP foran
instance tothe following command inthe alpha andbeta track:
gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create
gcloud alloydb instances isupdate update
addflag --authorize - external - network
toset a list ofauthorized
external networks on an instance togcloud alloydb instances isupdate update
alpha andbeta track .
gcloud container binauthz attestations islist list
command tosupport image URLs withboth a tag andagcloud storage sign - url
toallow using impersonation specified--local-host-port
flagtothe workstations ssh
command .--confidential - compute - type=TDX
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
option to--stack - type
flagofgcloud beta compute vpn-gateways create
command tocreate an IPv6-only VPN gateway.--location
flagofgcloud compute isconnect connect - to- serial - port
toGA.gcloud instances delete
:it will throw error if--ip-address
flagofgcloud edge - cloud networking routers add-interface
subcommand.--max - node-per-pool
container cluster iscreate create
from2000 to1000,as this unintentionally changegcloud recaptcha firewall - policy reorder
command .gcloud scc postures
command toGA .gcloud scc posture - template
command toGA .gcloud scc posture - deployment
command toGA .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtogcloud billing budget CLI
toselect scope ofownership fora budget.--gen2
flagingcloud function add-iam - policy-binding
,gcloud function isadd add - invoker - policy - bind
,gcloud function call
,gcloud function delete
,gcloud function isdescribe describe
,gcloud function isget get - iam - policy
,gcloud function remove-iam - policy-binding
,gcloud function remove-invoker-policy-binding
,andgcloud function set - iam - policy - bind
flagis unnecessary forthese command andwill eventually be removed fromthem ina future release.gcloud healthcare dicom - store metric
command which allows users toretrievegcloud monitoring uptime
command tobeta andGA.gcloud sql generate-login-token
command .--disable - tcp - connection
flag togcloud workstation config
` tosupport disabling plain--tarball-access
flagtogcloud dataproc cluster isdiagnose diagnose
forenabling Google support toaccess the diagnostic tar file,which supports the following values:-
:This valuetransfers the tar file automatically toGoogle support.GOOGLE_CLOUD_SUPPORT
:This flagdoesn’t transfer the tar file automatically toGoogle support but provides the necessary read access forGoogle support toread ordownload the tar file .--start - time
flags togcloud dataproc cluster isdiagnose diagnose
tospecify a time range,in% y-%m-%dt%h:%m:%s.%fz
format,for the collection ofdiagnostic data withinthis timeframe.--job - ids
flagtogcloud dataproc cluster isdiagnose diagnose
tocollect job driver,Spark event,YARN application,andSparklens output logs,inaddition tothe default log files,for a specified comma-separated list ofdataproc job IDs.--yarn - application - id
flagtogcloud dataproc cluster isdiagnose diagnose
tocollect job driver,Spark event,YARN application,andSparklens output logs inaddition tothe default log files,for a specified comma-separated list ofYARN application IDs.gcloud beta eventarc
.Users are expected touse gcloud eventarc
instead .--include-deny
flagtogcloud projects get-ancestors-iam - policy
gcloud resource - manager folder get - ancestor - iam - policy
flagtogcloud immersive-stream xr instances iscreate create
toallow specifying 3D/AR or3D-only experience modes.--gpu-class
flagtogcloud immersive-stream xr instances iscreate create
toallow specifying the type ofunderlying GPU usedby the stream instance.gcloud network - security firewall - endpoint - association create
,the ASSOCIATION_ID argument isno longer mandatory,anda UUID will be auto-generated on the server if not specified.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtogcloud isai ai model-monitoring-jobs create|update
toallow sending alerts tonotification channels.gcloud container binauthz attestations create
tomake --attestor
can only be usedwith--attestor
.gcloud beta composer environment list - upgrade
forComposer 2 environments.--enable - logs islogging - in- cloud - log - only
flag togcloud composer environments iscreate create
toenable writing andreading task logs--disable - log - in- cloud - log - only
flag togcloud composer environments iscreate create
todisable writing andreading task logs--enable - logs islogging - in- cloud - log - only
flagtogcloud composer environments isupdate update
toenable logs incloud logging only feature forenvironments.--disable - log - in- cloud - log - only
flagtogcloud composer environments isupdate update
todisable logs incloud--database
flagofgcloud datastore indexes iscreate create
command tobeta.--database
flagofgcloud datastore indexes iscreate create
command toGA.firestore databases delete
tobeta.firestore databases delete
toGA.--delete - protection
flagofgcloud firestore databases iscreate create
andgcloud firestore databases isupdate update
command tobeta.--delete - protection
flagofgcloud firestore databases iscreate create
andgcloud firestore databases isupdate update
command toGA.gcloud function isdeploy deploy
forgradle – base Java deployment .--build - service - account
flagtogcloud beta function isdeploy deploy
field inthe output ofgcloud org-policies list
command toshow a top-level etag which better reflects the current state ofthe policy.--etag
togcloud org-policies delete
tosupport etag on policy deletion that will ensure the client has an up-to-date valuebefore proceeding.--add - volume
,--remove - volume
and--clear - volume
flags togcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
,gcloud beta run service update
,gcloud beta run jobs isdeploy deploy
,gcloud beta run jobs isupdate update
tosupport managing volumes inyour Cloud Run-add-volume-mount
,--remove - volume-mount
,and--clear - volume - mount
flaggcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
,gcloud beta run service update
,gcloud beta run jobs isdeploy deploy
,gcloud beta run jobs isupdate update
tosupport mounting volumes withincontainers.gcloud sql backups restore
command fromBACKUP_ID toID.gcloud service vpc - peering get-vpc-service-controls
flagtogcloud workstations cluster
--server - tls - policy
forgcloud compute target - https - proxies iscreate create
andgcloud compute target - https - proxy update
tobeta.gcloud firewall - policy rules isupdate update
gcloud firewall - policy rules isupdate update
gcloud beta firewall-policies rules update
andgcloud beta network - firewall - policy rules isupdate update
require provide--security - profile - group
even if it was not change.gcloud beta firewall-policies rules update
andgcloud beta network - firewall - policy rules isupdate update
didn’t allow--security - profile - group=''
) .gcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql
command .--enable - secret - manager
flags togcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
inalpha andbeta.--dataplane - v2 - observability - mode
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create|update|create-auto
command .Users are expected touse --enable - dataplane - v2 - flow - observability
and--disable - dataplane - v2 - flow - observability
flags now.--num - node
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
from1000 to2000.gcloud network - service gateway
toshow a new ipversion
field forv1 version.envoyHeaders
field togcloud network-services <meshes|gateways> <import|export|describe>
command toinject envoy internal debug headers into upstream requests.idleTimeout
field togcloud network-services <http-routes|grpc-routes|tcp-routes|tls-routes> <import|export|describe>
toconfigure idle timeouts forthe upstream anddownstream connections.mirrorPercent
togcloud network-services http-routes <import|export|describe>
toconfigure fractional mirror percentage.directResponse
togcloud network-services http-routes <import|export|describe>
which isreturns return a static HTTP response forall request .requestHeaderModifier
togcloud network-services http-routes <import|export|describe>
tomodify request headers toa particular destination.responseHeaderModifier
togcloud network-services http-routes <import|export|describe>
tomodify response headers froma particular destination.gcloud telco-automation orchestration-cluster
toGA.gcloud telco-automation operations
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
'ython'' isnot recognized asan internal orexternal command,
operable program orbatch file .
whenupdating gcloud
on Windows.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud instances stop
:it will not throw error ifgcloud container fleet membership islist list
todisplay the UUID oftheexternal_id
isstill available inthecryptography
package toversion 41.0.7.gcloud app is run runtimes list --environment=standard
toGA.Thecommand displays the runtimes forthe App Engine standard environment.reversed
flagtocbt read
command toenable reverse scans.--condition
flagfor gcloud run services {add,remove}-iam - policy-binding
fromalpha tobeta.--cpu - boost
by default forrun deploy on new services if not otherwise specified.gcloud service vpc - peering get-vpc-service-controls
flagofgcloud compute instance simulate-maintenance-event
tobeta andGA.--confidential - compute
flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create
toGA.--create - disk = confidential - compute
forgcloud compute instance iscreate create
toGA.gcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
now allow multiple binauthz policies tobe bound toa cluster using --binauthz - policy - binding
option to--workload - vulnerability - scan
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create|update|create-auto
command toenable Advanced vulnerability insights mode inthe GA track .--in-transit-encryption
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
surface .gcloud component restore
.To revert gcloud toa previous version,please run gcloud component isupdate update --version=<previous_version>
flagtogcloud isai ai model upload
andgcloud beta ai models isupload upload
flagtogcloud isai ai model upload
andgcloud beta ai models isupload upload
.--container - startup - probe - exec
flagtogcloud isai ai model upload
andgcloud beta ai models isupload upload
.--container - startup - probe - period - second
flagtogcloud isai ai model upload
andgcloud beta ai models isupload upload
flagtogcloud isai ai model upload
andgcloud beta ai models isupload upload
.--container - health - probe - exec
flagtogcloud isai ai model upload
andgcloud beta ai models isupload upload
flagtogcloud isai ai model upload
andgcloud beta ai models isupload upload
flagtogcloud isai ai model upload
andgcloud beta ai models isupload upload
.--container - grpc - port
flagtogcloud isai ai model upload
andgcloud beta ai models isupload upload
.gcloud container aws node-pools rollback
torollback failed AWS nodeadd_tags
.certificate - manager trust - config update
.--disable - cloud - data - lineage - integration
togcloud composer environments iscreate create
(alpha andbeta) toexplicitly disable the integration.gcloud deploy custom-target-types
command group .--runtime - update - policy
flagtogcloud beta function isdeploy deploy
for1st Gen functions toalpha andbeta.--runtime - update - policy
flagtogcloud function isdeploy deploy
for1st Gen functions toGA.SSL
ingcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
flag ofgcloud pubsub subscription [create|update]
toGA.This option allowsgcloud service api - key undelete
andshort - name
in--o - type
forgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ]
.gcloud compute instance set-name
command toGA.--recaptcha - action - site - key
and--recaptcha - session - site - key
ingcloud compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update
asvalid rate limit key types ingcloud compute security - policy rules
.--ipv4 - range
optional forgcloud edge - cloud networking subnets iscreate
.gcloud container fleet clusterupgrade
andgcloud container hub clusterupgrade
tobeta andGA.gcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
now allow multiple binauthz policies tobe bound toa cluster using --binauthz - policy - binding
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
--resource - manager - tag
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container node - pools iscreate create
andgcloud container node - pools is update update
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud alloydb instances isupdate update
tobe asynchronous by default.Use--no - async
flagtoget the old behavior.gcloud
CLI tosupport Python v3.11 andv3.12.--database - version
incluster create
command inGA track .server
forgcloud anthos auth login
command .--proxy - secret - name
and--proxy - secret - namepace
flags togcloud container isattached attach cluster import
toconfigure an HTTP/HTTPS--max-surge-update
flags toGAgcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create
andgcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
command .These flags let yougcloud beta app is run runtimes list --environment=standard
which displays the supported runtimes forApp Engine Standard.domain
asa config option touse a different domain endpoint forartifacts docker
toensure all regions are being ls -p
only displays the first page ofresults by default tocertificate - manager trust - configs iscreate create
.gcloud backup-dr
command group which includegcloud backup-dr management-servers
,gcloud backup-dr locations
andgcloud backup - dr operation
toGA.gcloud datastore operations islist list
torespect a --limit
set to>100.gcloud domain registrations isconfigure configure management
method (with the preferred-renewal-method
flagor inthe interactive flow) .gcloud firestore operations islist list
torespect a --limit
set to>100.gcloud healthcare hl7v2-stores metrics
which allows users toretrievegcloud pubsub
.gcloud run jobs isdelete delete
.gcloud service api-keys create
toGA.gcloud service isdelete api - keys isdelete delete
toGA.gcloud service api - key get - key - string
toGA.gcloud service api-keys update
flags ofgcloud compute tpus tpu - vm update
flagtoworkstation configs iscreate create
andworkstations configs update
.--confidential - compute - type
flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance iscreate create
tobeta.--user - ip - request - header
ofgcloud compute security - policy update
toGA.gcloud compute ssh
andgcloud compute is scp scp
orwhen connecting toan instance withOS Login 2FA enabled.gcloud compute diagnose route
flagfor gcloud compute isconnect connect - to- serial - port
flagofgcloud compute router nats iscreate create
,--source - nat - active - ranges - region
,--clear - source - nat - drain - range
flags ofgcloud compute routers nat rule update
and--source - nat - active - ranges - region
flags ofgcloud compute router nat rule iscreate create
flagofgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create
range option forsubnets passed to--nat-custom-subnet-ip-ranges
flagofgcloud compute routers nat ( create|update )
flag togcloud compute firewall-rules migrate
toprepare a terraform script formigrated Network Firewall Policy.disabled
column todefault view ofgcloud compute networks get-effective-firewalls
andgcloud compute network-firewall-policies get-effective-firewalls
.gcloud database - migration
toshow error details on command failure when usedwith --no - async
flag.--database - version
flagingcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create alloydb
.gcloud container fleet dataplane-v2-encryption {describe,disable,enable}
toGA.pod - affinity
togcloud container fleet policycontroller deployment isset set
andgcloud container fleet policycontroller deployment remove
so that users can configure high availability on Policy Controller deployments.--binauthz - evaluation - mode
flagtogcloud container fleet iscreate create
,gcloud container fleet update
inalpha,beta andGA track .--binauthz - evaluation - mode
flagtogcloud container hub iscreate create
,gcloud container hub update
inalpha,beta andGA track .--binauthz - policy - binding
flagtogcloud container fleet iscreate create
,gcloud container fleet update
inalpha,beta andGA track .--binauthz - policy - binding
flagtogcloud container hub iscreate create
,gcloud container hub update
inalpha,beta andGA track .--enable - dataplane - v2 - flow - observability
and--disable - dataplane - v2 - flow - observability
--billing - project
require flagtogcloud network-security firewall-endpoints create
command toprovide Google Cloud project ID forAPI enablement check,quota,andendpoint uptime billing.--update - billing - project
flagtogcloud network-security firewall-endpoints update
command toupdate the Google Cloud project used forAPI enablement check,quota,andendpoint uptime billing.recaptcha keys iscreate create --waf-service=cloudfare
asa subgroup ofgcloud beta networkconnectivity
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud network - connectivity spokes isaccept accept
andgcloud network-connectivity spokes reject
command .usegcloud network - connectivity hub accept - spoke
andgcloud network-connectivity hubs reject-spoke
command instead .gcloud
CLI to3.11.6.cryptography
package toversion 41.0.5.openssl
toversion 3.1.4 forcryptography.--region
flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job
andgcloud isai ai hp - tune - job
,including:asia-northeast2,australia-southeast2,europe-north1,europe-southwest1,europe-west8,andsouthamerica-west1.gcloud container binauthz attestations islist list
tomake --attestor
gcloud container binauthz attestations sign-and-create
towork with--pae - encode - payload
.cbt createtable
would create column families witha MaxVersions(1) GC policy.As per our documentation (,tables created by the cbt cli should retain an infinite number ofversions by default.--patch_revision
optional argument togcloud beta data - fusion instances iscreate create
tocreate a Cloud Data Fusion --patch_revision
optional argument togcloud beta data-fusion instances isupdate update
toperform patch revision --tier=regionAL
flagtogcloud filestore instances iscreate create
tosupport a regional filestore instance creation.--concurrency
flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
toGA.gcloud run jobs executions cancel
toGA.This command allows--show-sql-network-architecture
flags togcloud sql instance islist list
gcloud sql instance patch
tosupport newNetwork Architecture self upgradestorage/multipart_chunksize
and--detach - disk
flag ofgcloud compute tpus tpu - vm update
toGA.--data - catalog - sync
flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create
andgcloud metastore service isupdate update
toGA.--security - posture
flagtogcloud container fleet iscreate create
,gcloud container fleet update
inalpha,beta andGA track .--security - posture
flagtogcloud container hub iscreate create
,gcloud container hub update
inalpha,beta andGA track .--workload - vulnerability - scan
flagtogcloud container fleet iscreate create
,gcloud container fleet update
inalpha,beta andGA track .--workload - vulnerability - scan
flagtogcloud container hub iscreate create
,gcloud container hub update
inalpha,beta andGA track .fleet-default-member-config
command toService Mesh inalpha,beta andGA tracks.promote--fleet-default-member-config
flagofthe following command toGA:
gcloud container fleet identity - service isenable enable
gcloud container hub identity - service enable
gcloud container fleet identity-service delete
gcloud container hub identity - service delete
flagtothe following command inalpha,beta,andGA tracks:
gcloud container fleet identity - service isapply apply
gcloud container hub identity - service apply
to modify a fleet – level default membership configuration .
flagtothe following command inalpha,beta,andGA tracks:
gcloud container fleet identity - service isapply apply
gcloud container hub identity - service apply
to apply a fleet-level default membership configuration toa membership.
addsupport forfleet-default-member-config
command toService Mesh inalpha,beta andGA tracks.
--artifact - url
was passed togcloud container binauthz attestations islist list
only attestations over the full artifact url would be returned instead ofattestations over the artifact digest.gcloud scc custom - module sha simulate
toGA.gcloud vmware dns - bind - permission
which manages DNS bind permission resources.gcloud vmware private - cloud dns - forward
which manages DNS forwarding resources.gcloud vmware network-policies external-access-rules
which ismanages manage external access rule resource .gcloud vmware private-clouds external-addresses
which ismanages manage external address resource .gcloud vmware private - cloud logging - server
which manages logging server resources.gcloud vmware private - cloud management - dns - zone - binding
which manages management DNS zone binding resources.gcloud vmware network - peering
which ismanages manage network peer resource .gcloud vmware network-peering routes
which manages network peering route resources.gcloud vmware private-clouds cluster nodes
which allows cluster node resources.--type
,--preferre - zone
,and--secondary - zone
togcloud vmware private-clouds create
command tosupport stretched private clouds creation.clustercoreCount
fields ingcloud vmware private - cloud cluster isdescribe describe
command output .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
deployment - group
,allow - issuer
togcloud isai ai index - endpoint mutate - deploy - index
.container attached cluster register
andcontainer attached cluster import
tocheck forproper deployment ofthegcloud artifacts sbom load
tohave the newly created bucket havegcloud container binauthz attestations sign-and-create
where --validate
isnot supported with--pae - encode - payload
.--update - mask
flagtogcloud certificate - manager trust - config import
.--clear - subscription - filter
togcloud isbuilds build trigger update pubsub
command .--min - secondary - worker - fraction
flags togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
andgcloud dataproc cluster isupdate update
.gcloud isdeploy deploy automation
andgcloud deploy automation-runs
command group .--allowe - service
flag togcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc
,which allows the user tosetup--disable - programmatic - signin
flag togcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc
andgcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc
,which lets the--container
flags togcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud beta run service update
toallow deploying andupdating multi-container Services.--cascadable-replica
flagtogcloud sql instance iscreate create
toenablegcloud sql instance switchover
inalpha andbeta toenable switchover--failover
flagtogcloud sql instance promote-replica
toenable--content - md5
flagwas showing up forgcloud storage object isupdate update
command .MD5 Hash isa read only field so cannot be updated.remove--content - md5
flagfromthe update
command andremoved --clear - content - md5
flagfromgcloud storage {cp|mv|rsync|object isupdate update}
command .--autoclass-terminal-storage-class
flagtogcloud storage buckets {create|update}
toset the terminal storage class forAutoclass buckets.restore
command andvarious flags across other command .operations islist list
.These flags didn’t do anything andthere are no operations public users could have been using them on yet.--update - label
,--clear - label
,and--remove - label
flag ofgcloud compute tpus tpu - vm update
toGA.gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create
inbeta.gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update
inbeta.gcloud compute snapshot-settings
toGA.Documentation ofthis feature isavailable at
flagfor gcloud compute project - info update
,--network - dest - ip isranges - range
,--network - src - region - code
togcloud compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update
.gcloud compute security - policy add-user-defined-fields
andgcloud compute security - policy remove-user-defined-fields
command .--region
togcloud compute backend - service update
togcloud compute instance network - interface update
.gcloud compute target-pools update
andgcloud compute target-instances isupdate update
command .upgrade
command togcloud edge - cloud container cluster
toallow manually upgrading local control plane cluster.--router
togcloud edge - cloud container vpn - connections iscreate create
toallow users todefine Cloud Router touse whencreating the VPN connection.gcloud container fleet policycontroller
group toGA.gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
would prefercompute / zone
over compute / region
if both config were set .compute / region
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
toenable applying labels on Autopilot cluster at creation time.gcloud looker regions list
which displays all availablesubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
property,infavor ofinfra - manager / location
property .--encryption-kms-key-name
flagtogcloud isai ai indexes iscreate create
tosupport encryption spec.--remote - username
flags forartifact repositories iscreate create
andartifacts repositories update
.Google Cloud Build
toCloud Build
inthe help text ofgcloud is builds build
command group .infra - manager / location
property toset the default Infra Manager region.gcloud beta netapp backup - vault backup
surface command,andmade help text public.--args
,--task - timeout
and--update - env - var
flaggcloud run jobs isexecute execute
toallow executing a Cloud runjob withruntime overrides.--add - custom - audience
flags ofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
gcloud run service update
flagtogcloud storage buckets {create|update}
toset the terminal storage class forAutoclass buckets.object isupdate update
clear flag.gcloud task cmek-config
flagtogcloud beta workstations cluster
flagofgcloud compute instance-groups manage <create | update>
tobeta.--source - disk-for-recovery-checkpoint
and--source - disk-for-recovery-checkpoint-region
flags ofgcloud compute snapshots iscreate create
group which provides configuration commandforgcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
would prefercompute / zone
over compute / region
if both config were set .compute / region
.gcloud notebook isruntimes runtime migrate
command .gcloud notebook instances migrate
command .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
will prefer using a supported version ofPython if one isavailable on PATH.
does not already manage a Python interpreter via bundle Python orvirtualenv .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
deployment - group
,allow - issuer
togcloud isai ai index - endpoint deploy - index
.enable - private - service - connect
togcloud isai ai index-endpoints create
flagofgcloud container vmware cluster create
andgcloud container vmware cluster update
flagtoGA.Registry URL
inthe output ofartifact repositories isdescribe describe
flagtogcloud bigtable app - profiles iscreate create
andgcloud bigtable app - profile update
togcloud composer environments iscreate create
--storage - bucket
togcloud composer environments iscreate create
tospecify the Cloud Storage bucket tobe usedby the environment.--storage - bucket
togcloud beta composer environment create
tospecify the Cloud Storage bucket tobe usedby the environment.--driver - require - memory - mb
flags togcloud dataproc jobs issubmit submit
flagtobeta forthe following command :
gcloud iam service-account delete
gcloud beta netapp backup - vault
surface command,andmade help text public.--recommend
flagtobeta forthe following command :
gcloud projects isremove remove - iam - policy - bind
gcloud projects delete
--ssl - mode
flagfor gcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql instance patch
,--autoscaling - max - node
and--autoscaling - storage - target
togcloud spanner instance iscreate create
,orgcloud spanner instance isupdate update
.storage operations
command group formanaging long-running operations.However,there iscurrently no way tocreate these operations.--add-tags
,--clear - tag
flag ofgcloud compute tpus tpu - vm update
toGA.config set workstations/region region
,config set workstation / cluster cluster_id
,config set workstations/config CONFIG_ID
,andconfig set workstations/workstation WORKSTATIONS_ID
command .gcloud compute network - endpoint - group
toGA.Affected command :
gcloud compute network - endpoint - group create
gcloud compute network - endpoint - group list-network-endpoints
gcloud compute network - endpoint - group update <RESOURCE_NAME> --add - endpoint
gcloud compute network - endpoint - group update <RESOURCE_NAME> --remove-endpoint
enum option of--endpoint - type
flagingcloud compute router nats iscreate create
toGA.gcloud beta compute project-zonal-metadata
formanaging project zonalgcloud compute network - attachments update
toGA.--num - uniform - shard
or--t - target - for- shard
withgcloud firebase test android run
.gcloud notebook isruntimes runtime migrate
command .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flag(optional) forgcloud assure workload
violations acknowledge
toacknowledge violation withtype through gcloud--tier=ZONAL
flagtogcloud filestore instances iscreate create
tosupport a zonal filestore instance creation.gcloud run jobs isdescribe describe
,gcloud run job executions isdescribe describe
,andgcloud run job execution task isdescribe describe
to--bak - type
andadded --stop - at
and--stop - at-mark
flaggcloud sql import bak
tosupport transaction log import on Cloud SQL forSQL Server.gcloud storage sign - url
toallow using service account credentials--private - key - file
flagtouse the active--impersonate - service - account
tothe list of--guest - os - feature
forgcloud compute image iscreate create
.gcloud compute backend - service list - usable
toGA.gcloud compute image isimport import
tohandle exceptions incase offailure infetching the cloud build logs.gcloud compute image isimport import
tocheck the storage permissions require forcloud build service account.--enable - workload - config - audit
,--enable - workload - vulnerability - scan
,andenable - security - posture
flags ingcloud container cluster {create,create-auto,update}
.Thereplacements forthese are:
--enable - workload - config - audit
-> --security - posture=standard
--enable - security - posture
-> --security - posture=standard
--enable - workload - vulnerability - scan
-> --workload - vulnerability - scan=standard
value tothe available modes for--workload - vulnerability - scan
flaginthe alpha andbeta tracks.--in-transit-encryption
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud isai ai isindexes index upsert - datapoint
andgcloud isai ai indexes remove-datapoints
to GA.--triggerer-count
togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update
tospecify number ofAirflow triggerers.--triggerer-cpu
togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update
tospecify CPU allocated toAirflow triggerer.--triggerer - memory
togcloud composer environments iscreate create / update
tospecify memory allocated toAirflow triggerer.gcloud
CLI changes tobeta andGA.--enable - pitr
and--no - enable - pitr
flagofgcloud firestore databases iscreate create
command toGA.--enable - pitr
and--no - enable - pitr
flagofgcloud firestore databases iscreate create
command tobeta.--enable - pitr
and--no - enable - pitr
flagofgcloud firestore databases isupdate update
command toGA.--enable - pitr
and--no - enable - pitr
flagofgcloud firestore databases isupdate update
command tobeta.gcloud run services isdescribe describe
andgcloud run revisions describe
command .--requested-features
flagofgcloud compute interconnects iscreate create
toGA.gcloud compute interconnect macsec get - config
toGA.gcloud compute interconnects macsec isupdate update
toGA.gcloud compute interconnect macsec add - key
toGA.gcloud compute interconnects macsec remove-key
toGA.gcloud compute interconnects macsec isupdate update-key
toGA.gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create
,gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create-instance
,andgcloud compute instance-groups manage instance-configs create
--stateful - internal - ip
.gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update
andgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage instance - config update
--stateful - internal - ip
,--remove - stateful - internal - ips
,--remove - stateful - external - ips
flagfor gcloud compute sole - tenancy node - groups iscreate create
tobeta.gcloud compute sole - tenancy node - groups isperform perform - maintenance
and--delete - after - duration
flags for
gcloud compute reservation create|update` surfaces tobeta.gcloud database - migration connection-profiles create mysql
command .--endpoint - protocol
flagtogcloud metastore service isupdate update
flagfor gcloud edge - cloud container cluster node-pools create
andgcloud edge - cloud container cluster node-pools create
toallow specifying a custom duration forthe gcloud
CLI towait on LROs.gcloud container fleet membership isgenerate generate - gateway - rbac
.--ephemeral - storage-local-ssd
,--ephemeral - storage
flags fromgcloud container
cluster create/update
tobe optional tosupport third generation machine types,gcloud network - service gateway
toshow a new ipversion
field foralpha version.boot-disk-kms-key
flags fromgcloud workbench instance iscreate create
command not working properly.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta compute future-reservations update
toreplace thepaths
query parameter withupdate_mask
.--secondary-worker - machine - type
indataproc cluster create
command forthe secondary workers flag.gcloud function isadd add - invoker - policy - bind
andgcloud function remove-invoker-policy-binding
tosupport Cloud Functionsgcloud run services isdescribe describe
andgcloud run revisions describe
.gcloud run jobs isdescribe describe
andgcloud run job executions isdescribe describe
.Timeouts larger than 1 minute will now--internal - ips
flagofgcloud compute tpus tpu - vm update
toGA.--service - account-scopes
flagtoworkstation configs iscreate create
andworkstations configs update
flagtogcloud compute public - delegate - prefixes iscreate create
andpromoted the new flagtoGA.gcloud compute instance iscreate create
andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
.gcloud edge - cloud container get - server - config
command with--location
flagtoget server config intarget location.--enable-fleet
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
inGA track .--fleet - project
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
inGA track .--clear - fleet - project
flagtogcloud container cluster isupdate update
inGA track .--resource - manager - tag
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container node - pools iscreate create
,andgcloud container node - pools is update update
flag togcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
,gcloud container cluster isupdate update
tomanage tags on the underlyingsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud container vmware admin-cluster
toGA.gcloud container vmware cluster
toGA.gcloud container vmware node - pool
toGA.gcloud container vmware operations
toGA.gcloud container bare-metal admin-cluster
toGA.gcloud container bare-metal cluster
toGA.gcloud container bare-metal node-pools
toGA.gcloud container bare-metal operations
toGA.artifacts repositories set-cleanup-policies
.Registry URL
tothe output ofartifact repositories isdescribe describe
.gcloud artifact vulnerabilities list
permission.--parser - version
flagtogcloud healthcare hl7v2-stores create
toenable specifying parser config version.gcloud healthcare hl7v2-stores list
toinclude PARSER_VER
header .--source - backup
flagtogcloud beta netapp volume {create,update}
inorder tointroduce a source backup resource torestore toduring disaster recovery.beta workstation config iscreate create
command .--control - plane - kms - key
flags togcloud edge - cloud container
cluster create
command toallow specify a KMS key forthe control plane data encryption ofremote control plane cluster.--system - addon - confg
,--external - lb - ipv4 - address - pool
,--control - plane - machine - filter
,--release - channel
,and--release - channel
.destination - http - endpoint - uri
andnetwork - attachment
flags togcloud eventarc istriggers trigger iscreate create
aspart ofEventarc integration withMessage Streams.create
command .--node - type-config
flagfromgcloud vmware private-clouds cluster update
command .--update-nodes-config
flags ingcloud vmware private-clouds cluster update
command .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on September 26th,2023.
gcloud {alpha,beta} fleet namepaces
.usegcloud fleet scope namepace
instead .gcloud {alpha,beta} fleet namepaces rbacrolebindings
.usegcloud fleet scopes rbacrolebindings
instead .gcloud network - connectivity spokes isaccept accept
andgcloud network-connectivity spokes reject
command .usegcloud network - connectivity hub accept - spoke
andgcloud network-connectivity hubs reject-spoke
command instead .gcloud component isupdate update
components isinstall install
on macOS andLinux.gcloud auth enterprise - certificate - config create
,--vcenter - datacenter
,--vcenter - cluster
togcloud container vmware cluster create
tospecify vCenter configuration that are different fromits admin cluster.--pae - encode - payload
incommand gcloud container binauthz attestations sign-and-create
togenerate DSSE format attestations.--dsse-type
incommand gcloud container binauthz attestations sign-and-create
toallow specifying the DSSE type forthe attestations.--secondary-worker - machine - type
flags togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
.gcloud memcache instances iscreate create
command toincludegcloud memcache instances upgrade
config option,whichgcloud compute tpus tpu - vm update
command andits --description
promote--purpose = global - manage - proxy
flagofgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create
add’standard_WITH_GRAPHQL’ enum value togcloud compute security - policy
andpromoted it tobeta.
update --json-parsing
addspecific - then - any - reservation
tothe flag--reservation - affinity
foralpha andbeta in:
gcloud compute instance iscreate create
gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
gcloud compute is create instance - templates is create create
database version option for--database - version
flagtodatabase - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql
flagindatabase-migration connection-profiles create oracle
.database-migration connection-profiles update oracle
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
toallow enabling Backup forGKE agent on Autopilot cluster at creation time.gcloud network - connectivity hub accept - spoke
andgcloud network-connectivity hubs reject-spoke
command .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on September 26th,2023.
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on September 26th,2023.
--instance - type
flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
flagfor dataset creation.
bq show
todisplay tags on a table.--debug_mode
toget more information.kms_key_name
on a connection .gcloud certificate - manager trust - configs isdelete delete
toGA.gcloud certificate - manager trust-configs describe
toGA.gcloud certificate - manager trust - config export
toGA.gcloud certificate - manager trust - config import
toGA.gcloud certificate - manager trust - config list
flagtogcloud billing budget CLI
toinclude folders andorganizations filter.--maintenance - window - start
--maintenance - window - end
--maintenance - window - recurrence
--clear - maintenance - window
flagdescription withHigh Scale tier capacity range.gcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes list <project_id>
gcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes list projects/<project_id>
.gcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes create <project_id>
gcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes create projects/<project_id>
.gcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes delete <project_id>
gcloud beta monitoring metrics-scopes delete projects/<project_id>
.gcloud (alpha|beta) netapp storage-pools
command group .--volume
ingcloud netapp volume replications stop
command .addsupport for--cloudbuild - service - account
gcloud compute image isimport import
inGA;gcloud compute instance isimport import
inGA;gcloud compute machine_images isimport import
versions ofa new API named snapshot settings.
Documentation ofthis feature will be available at
following shortly afterthe release ofthis version ofgcloud
and--release - channel
flags togcloud edge - cloud container cluster create
command toallow specifying the cluster version andrelease channel.--system - addon - confg
,--external - lb - ipv4 - address - pool
,--control - plane - machine - filter
,and--release - channel
flags fromALPHA toGA.gcloud network - security server - tls - policy delete
toGA.gcloud network - security server - tls - policy describe
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on September 26th,2023.
--security - posture
and--workload - vulnerability - scan
flags ofgcloud container fleet
andgcloud beta container fleet
--security - posture
and--workload - vulnerability - scan
flags are not supported yet.anthos-support
flags tobe mutually exclusive inadding groups support togcloud container fleet membership isgenerate generate - gateway - rbac
command .gcloud
CLI would crash on unknown platforms.--update-adc
isnow deprecated for1st-party user credentials andreplaced by gcloud auth application - default login
and--no - enable - autorepair
ofgcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create
and--no - enable - autorepair
ofgcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
and--no - enable - autorepair
ofgcloud container azure node-pools create
and--no - enable - autorepair
ofgcloud container azure node - pools isupdate update
toGA.--admin - group
flagtogcloud container aws cluster create
forsetting groups asadmins.--admin - group
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
forsetting groups asadmins.--admin - group
flagtogcloud container azure cluster iscreate create
forsetting groups asadmins.--admin - group
flagtogcloud container azure cluster update
forsetting groups asadmins.--admin - group
flagtogcloud container isattached attach cluster create
forsetting groups asadmins.--admin - group
flagtogcloud container attach cluster isregister register
forsetting groups asadmins.--admin - group
flagtogcloud container attach cluster isupdate update
forsetting groups asadmins.--proxy - secret - name
and--proxy - secret - namepace
flags togcloud container isattached attach
toconfigure an HTTP/HTTPS proxy foroutbound traffic.--binauthz - evaluation - mode
flagtogcloud container aws cluster create
toconfigure Binary Authorization evaluation mode.--binauthz - evaluation - mode
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
toconfigure Binary Authorization evaluation mode.--binauthz - evaluation - mode
flagtogcloud container attach cluster isregister register
toconfigure Binary Authorization evaluation mode.--binauthz - evaluation - mode
flagtogcloud container attach cluster isupdate update
toconfigure Binary Authorization evaluation mode.--clear-admin-groups
and--clear - admin - user
flags togcloud container attach cluster isupdate update
toclear admin users andgroups fromthe cluster.gcloud isbuilds build submit
tosupport submitting a build with2nd-gen repository resource.--dir
flagingcloud isbuilds build submit
command .create release
command .deploy get-config
which gets the config forthe specified region andproject.--restricte - action
flagtogcloud netapp volume
andgcloud beta netapp volume
during create andupdate.--dry_run
flagtogcloud beta run services replace
,which willgcloud run services isdescribe describe
andgcloud run revisions describe
tosupport multiple containers.--password - policy - disallow - compromise - credential
flagfor gcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql instance patch
toGA.gcloud compute tpus tpu - vm ssh
isunable tologin whenenable - oslogin:TRUE
isconfigured andinstance-levelenable - oslogin
toGA ingcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
toGA in:
gcloud compute instance - template list
gcloud compute isdelete instance - templates isdelete delete
gcloud compute instance - templates isdescribe describe
and--release - channel
flags togcloud edge - cloud container cluster create
command toallow specifying the cluster version andrelease channel.gcloud container fleet membership isgenerate generate - gateway - rbac
toinclude handling forfirst-party groups (email) andthird-party groups ofthe format principalSet:// party group
.--enable - workload - config - audit
,--enable - workload - vulnerability - scan
,andenable - security - posture
flags ingcloud container cluster {create,create-auto,update}
.Thereplacements forthese are:
--enable - workload - config - audit
-> --security - posture=standard
--enable - security - posture
-> --security - posture=standard
--enable - workload - vulnerability - scan
-> --workload - vulnerability - scan=standard
value tothe available modes for--workload - vulnerability - scan
flaginthe alpha andbeta tracks.gcloud network-connectivity hubs groups
command group .gcloud network-connectivity service-connection-policies update
command .--timeout - minute
tothe following command toallow specifyinggcloud notebook instances isdiagnose diagnose
gcloud notebook isruntimes runtime diagnose
gcloud policy - intelligence troubleshoot - policy iam
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on September 26th,2023.
gcloud beta ai persistent-resources
command group which supports creating andmanaging persistent resources forrunning custom training jobs.addflag --availability-type
tospecify availability-type foran instance
tothe following commands:
gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create
gcloud alloydb instances isupdate update
gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary
addthe following flags ofgcloud alloydb instances iscreate create
gcloud alloydb instances isupdate update
toalpha,beta andGA:
--ssl - mode
addflag --allocate - ip - range - name
tospecify the allocated IP range for
a cluster tothe following commands:
gcloud alloydb cluster iscreate create
gcloud alloydb cluster restore
gcloud alloydb cluster iscreate create-secondary
--node - label
flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
to--clear - node - label
flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
flagtoforce the quota project ofa request.gcloud billing accounts
andgcloud billing projects
command group toGA.export - result - table
flagindatascans create data-profile
command .--min - num - worker
flags togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
.gcloud beta dataproc session
tocreate andmanage Dataproc interactive sessions.gcloud beta dataproc session-templates
tocreate andmanage Dataproc session templates.gcloud netapp operation
andgcloud netapp locations
command group .gcloud beta run jobs executions cancel
toallow cancelling a runninggcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create
inAlpha.gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update
inAlpha.compute routers isget get - nat - ip - info
toGA.gcloud compute future - reservation
command group tobeta.gcloud connectors
command group .Commands inthis group provide ways tointeract withIntegration connector resources.gcloud metastore operations cancel
toGA.gcloud container fleet
methods toGA.gcloud container fleet membership bindings
toGA.gcloud container fleet scopes
toGA.gcloud container fleet scopes namepaces
toGA.gcloud container fleet scopes rbacrolebindings
toGA.gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges
tosupport overlap - exist - subnet - range
enum value for--overlaps
flagduring create andupdate.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on September 26th,2023.
flagtogcloud beta ai model-monitoring-jobs create|update
toallow sending alerts tonotification channels.--cpu-count=96
ininstances iscreate create
andinstances isupdate update
command .--database - version
incluster create
command inalpha andbeta tracks.--spot-instance-types
flagofgcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create
toGA.gcloud vmware admin-cluster unenroll
togcloud artifact repositories iscreate create
tosupport Apt remote repos.--remote-yum-repo
togcloud artifact repositories iscreate create
tosupport Yum remote repos.gcloud artifact versions isdelete delete --delete - tag
errors,gcloud artifacts sbom export
forrequests.gcloud bigtable backups copy
tobeta andGA.gcloud isbuilds build trigger create gitlab - enterprise
command .gcloud dataflow job update-options
frombeta toGA.gcloud deploy release create
.gcloud domain registration
command group .--uri
flagfor buckets list
andobject list
command .--manage-protection-tier
flagtogcloud beta compute project-info update
command .--tpu-topology
flagtogcloud container node - pools iscreate create
forcreating TPU node pools witha TPU topology.Formore information on TPU topologies,see - config - from- file
gcloud network - management connectivity - test list
command toprintipAddress
argument ingcloud network - management connectivity - test
tokeep it consistent withgcloud workbench instance iscreate create
.gcloud workbench instance iscreate create
.gcloud workbench instance update
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.
allow - sbom - generation
togcloud artifact repositories iscreate create
,to set the SBOM generation config ofthe repository.allow - sbom - generation
togcloud artifacts repositories update
,to set the SBOM generation config ofthe repository.gcloud artifacts sbom export
command toexport SBOM into Google Cloud Storage.gcloud artifact sbom list
command tolist SBOMs.gcloud artifacts sbom load
command toupload a custom SBOM foran artifact.gcloud artifact vulnerability load - vex
command toupload a vex statement.gcloud artifacts vulnerabilities list
command tolist vulnerabilities foran artifact.gcloud bms os - image list show
.gcloud beta dataflow job update - option
which isupdates update property ofMEMCACHED_VERSION
field tothe output ofthe command gcloud memcache instances list
tospecify memcached version ofthe instance.--network
,--network - tag
,--clear - network
and--clear - network - tag
flags tothe following command toallow enabling orgcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
gcloud beta run service update
gcloud beta run jobs iscreate create
gcloud beta run jobs isdeploy deploy
gcloud beta run jobs isupdate update
,--task - timeout
and--update - env - var
flaggcloud beta run jobs isexecute execute
toallow executing a Cloud runjob withruntime overrides.--enable - private - service - connect
,--allowe - psc - project
and--clear - allow - psc - project
flags togcloud sql instance iscreate create
gcloud sql instance patch
tosupport Private Service Connectgcloud sql instances isreencrypt reencrypt
,which re-encrypts a Cloud SQL CMEK instancegcloud service api - key lookup
andshort - name
in--o - type
forgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ]
flagofgcloud compute router nats iscreate create
andgcloud compute router nat isupdate update
toGA.--local - ssd - recovery - timeout
tospecify the timeout torecover Localgcloud compute instance iscreate create
gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
gcloud compute instance set - scheduling
gcloud compute instance isupdate update-from-file
gcloud compute security - policies isadd add / remove - layer7 - ddos - defense - threshold - config
tospecify the frequency ofplanned maintenance events tobeta for:
gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
--resource - policy
flagfor glcloud compute commitments iscreate create
to tobeta.--resource - policy
flagfor glcloud compute commitments iscreate create
to toGA.gcloud database - migration connection-profiles --help
tospecify what the host field valueshould be when--psc-service-attachment
isalso specify .--edition
togcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql
toallow creating a connection profile withthe edition ofthe given Cloud SQL instance.skip-validation
param togcloud database - migration migration-jobs start
gcloud database - migration migration-jobs restart
toallow starting/restartinggcloud container cluster update --dataplane - v2 - observability - mode
tofalse.--disk - type
argument fordestination ingcloud network - management connectivity - test
.This allows the user toruncreate
,add - override
,delete - override
andupdate - override
command .list
command forlocations that lists all locations.--batch-mode-priority
flagwhen creating a new job.--mount-directories
.gcloud workbench instance rollback
torollback workbench instances.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.
gcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe
whenusing --show - provenance
flag.artifacts repositories set-cleanup-policies --overwrite
.Theoverwrite action isnow the default behavior.file_set_spec_type
flagtosupport manifest Files inload jobs and--transactional - write
behavior ingcloud bigtable app - profile update
tono longer silently disable transactional writes,if not specified.--no - transactional - write
must be used todisable transactional writes,as opposed tothe previous behavior,which only require omitting --transactional - write
.gcloud isbuilds build trigger update pubsub
command returned invalid request whennot providing pubsub topic.requirements.txt
file isbroke breakdatascans
command group toGA.gcloud kms raw-encrypt
andgcloud kms raw-decrypt
command toAES-128-GCM
,AES-256 - GCM
,AES-128 - CTR
,and AES-256 - CTR
.gcloud {beta,alpha} netapp {storage-pools,volumes,kms-configs}
list due tomessy output whentoo many
field toobject
command .bucket
field toobject list
command .--enable - nest - virtualization
flagtogcloud workstation config
enum option to--endpoint - type
flagofgcloud compute router nats iscreate create
target distribution shape forregional manage instance groups toGA.gcloud compute network - endpoint - group
tobeta.Affected command :
gcloud compute network - endpoint - group create
– support forInternet NEG types inregional scopesgcloud compute network - endpoint - group list-network-endpoints
gcloud compute network - endpoint - group update <RESOURCE_NAME> --add - endpoint
gcloud compute network - endpoint - group update <RESOURCE_NAME> --remove-endpoint
--create - disk=replica - zone
forgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
.--purpose = global - manage - proxy
flagofgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create
tobeta.gcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces describe-ddls
which describes DDLs ina Database Migration Service conversion workspace.gcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces describe-issues
which describes issues ina Database Migration Service conversion workspace.gcloud database - migration migration-jobs create
toallow creating a migration job witha dump parallelization level.gcloud database - migration migration-jobs update
toallow configuring a migration job witha dump parallelization level.--allocated-ip-range
togcloud connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql
toallow using an allocated subnet range whencreating the destination Cloud SQL instance witha private connection.gcloud container fleet membership isgenerate generate - gateway - rbac
toinclude handling forthird-party principals ofthe format principal:// party user
.--enable - master - global - access
gcloud network - connectivity internal - range update
tosupport setting andclearing overlaps.create
command .gcloud beta policy-intelligence simulate orgpolicy
which runs agcloud workbench
tomanage workbench instances.gcloud workbench instance add-iam - policy-binding
toadd iam policy forworkbench instances.gcloud workbench instance delete
todelete workbench instances.gcloud workbench instance describe
todescribe workbench instances.gcloud workbench instance get - iam - policy
toget the iam policy forworkbench instances.gcloud workbench instance remove-iam - policy-binding
toremove the iam policy binding forworkbench instances.gcloud workbench instance set - iam - policy
toset the iam policy forworkbench instances.gcloud workbench instance reset
toreset workbench instances.gcloud workbench instance stop
tostop workbench instances.gcloud workbench instance start
tostart workbench instances.gcloud workbench instance diagnose
todiagnose workbench instances.gcloud workbench instance upgrade
toupgrade workbench instances.gcloud workbench instance check-instance-upgradability
tocheck upgradability ofworkbench instances.gcloud workbench instance iscreate create
tocreate workbench instances.gcloud workbench instance update
toupdate workbench instances.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.
--comment - control
flagingcloud is builds build triggers bitbucket-server
,gcloud isbuilds build trigger gitlab
andgcloud isbuilds build trigger gitlab-enterprise
todescribe the allowed value.--enable-high-resilience
togcloud composer environments isupdate update
toenable high resilience mode forenvironments.--disable-high-resilience
togcloud composer environments isupdate update
todisable high resilience mode forenvironments.--stream - config
flags tothe following command :
gcloud healthcare dicom-stores create
gcloud healthcare dicom-stores update
gcloud beta healthcare dicom-stores list
gcloud healthcare dicom - store list
gcloud beta netapp volume list
flags are ignored due tomissing dependentgcloud pubsub subscription [ create|update|modify - push - config ]
buckets iscreate create
so that multiple buckets can be created witha single command .--service-lb-policy
flagofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
flagofgcloud compute router nats iscreate create
,--source - nat - active - ranges - region
,--clear - source - nat - drain - range
flags ofgcloud compute routers nat rule update
and--source - nat - active - ranges - region
flags ofgcloud compute router nat rule iscreate create
flagofgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create
range option forsubnets passed to--nat-custom-subnet-ip-ranges
flagofgcloud compute routers nat ( create|update )
.--security - profile - group
flags forgcloud compute <network->firewall-policies rules <create|update>
tobeta.gcloud compute resource-policies update snapshot-schedule
toGA.--force - update - on - repair
flagofgcloud compute instance-groups manage <create | update>
toGA.--confidential - compute
flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create
tobeta.--create - disk = confidential - compute
forgcloud compute instance iscreate create
tobeta.gcloud container image describe repos inArtifact Registry.gcloud container get-credentials
help text .--network - performance - config=total-egress-bandwidth-tier=[DEFAULT|TIER_1]
togcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
gcloud container node - pools iscreate create
.--enable - multi - networking
togcloud container cluster iscreate create
andadded --additional-node-network
togcloud container node - pools iscreate create
toallow creation ofmulti-networking enabled cluster withadditional node andpod networks.--placement-policy
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
command .--placement-policy
flagtogcloud container node - pools iscreate create
command .--enable-insecure-kubelet-readonly-port
flag.--release - channel=NONE
option forgcloud
container is create create-auto
.This option isnot available forcreate-auto--optimization
flagwhen creating a new job.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.
to--binauthz - policy - binding
ingcloud beta container cluster
command .--partner-permissions
flag(optional) forgcloud assure workload iscreate create
command toenable setting the partner permissions parameter forcreation ofpartner workload (workload manage by local trusted partners) through gcloud command .httplib2_debuglevel
frombeing used.file_set_spec_type
flagtosupport manifest Files inload jobs anddestination_kms_key
tocreate / update transfer configs.--change-stream-retention-period
flagtogcloud bigtable instance tables iscreate create
andgcloud bigtable instances istables table update
.--clear - change - stream - retention - period
flagtogcloud bigtable instances istables table update
.gcloud is builds build triggers update
toGA.gcloud function isdeploy deploy
toprompt toallow unauthenticated--web-sso-additional-scopes
flag togcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc
andgcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc
which allows--reserved-ip-range-id
flagtogcloud memcache instances iscreate create
and--push - no - wrapper - write - metadata
flagsgcloud pubsub subscription [ create|update|modify - push - config ]
flag togcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql instance patch
flagtogcloud spanner databases execute-sql
toallowgcloud storage buckets update --clear-log-bucket
behavior so it now clear the entire logging configuration .gcloud storage du
command toGA.gcloud storage hmac
command group toGA.gcloud sign - url
command toGA.describe
command across api provider .use--raw
flagtoget the old API-specific format.--custom - learn - route - priority
and--set - custom - learn - route - range
flags ofgcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer
toGA.--custom - learn - route - priority
,--set - custom - learn - route - range
and--remove - custom - learn - route - range
flags ofgcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer
toGA.--http - keep - alive - timeout - sec
flagfor gcloud compute <target-http-proxies|target-https-proxies> <create|update>
toGA.--clear - http - keep - alive - timeout - sec
flagfor gcloud compute <target-http-proxies|target-https-proxies> update
toGA.--local - ssd - recovery - timeout
tospecify the timeout torecover Localgcloud compute instance iscreate create
gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
gcloud compute instance set - scheduling
gcloud compute instance isupdate update-from-file
flagtogcloud compute interconnects iscreate create
toallow requesting MACSec support foran Interconnect.--requested-features
flagofgcloud compute interconnects iscreate create
tobeta.gcloud compute interconnect macsec get - config
tobeta.gcloud compute interconnects macsec isupdate update
tobeta.gcloud compute interconnect macsec add - key
tobeta.gcloud compute interconnects macsec remove-key
tobeta.gcloud compute interconnects macsec isupdate update-key
toallow updating MACSec pre-shared keys.gcloud compute interconnects macsec isupdate update-key
tobeta.gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
command has been fixed.gcloud container fleet fleetobservability
toGA.gcloud container get-credentials
help text .--enable-dataplane-v2-metrics
and--dataplane - v2 - observability - mode
gcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
.gcloud network-security tls-inspection-policies
withnew fields
location .--location
flagnow takes default global
aslocation.gcloud scc asset
commandwhich are being deprecated infavor ofCloud Asset Inventory APIs.gcloud workbench
tomanage workbench instances.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.
gcloud isai ai index-endpoints create
tocreate public endpoint by default.set--network
flagtocreate private endpoint.--web - sso - response - type
flaggcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc
.gcloud deploy
.Cloud Debugger isdeprecated andwas shutartifacts repositories set-cleanup-policies
.artifact repository list - cleanup - policy
.artifacts repositories delete-cleanup-policies
.gcloud container backup - restore restore - plans iscreate create
andgcloud container backup-restore restore-plans update
--cluster - resource - restore - scope
instead .gcloud container backup - restore restore - plans iscreate create
andgcloud container backup-restore restore-plans update
gcloud is builds build connections
andgcloud isbuilds build repository
toGA.gcloud build trigger create gitlab
toGA.gcloud function isget get - iam - policy
andgcloud function remove-iam - policy-binding
about needing tobind the role / run.invoker
role for2nd gen functions.--stream - config
flagtothe following command :
gcloud beta healthcare dicom-stores create
gcloud beta healthcare dicom-stores update
flag togcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc
andgcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc
which allow user tosetup--clear - client - secret
flag togcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc
which allow user toclearcode
asvalue for--web - sso - response - type
flag togcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc
andgcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc
which allow user tosetupmerge-user-info-over-id-token-claims
flag togcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc
andgcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc
which allow user to--cloud - storage - bucket
,--cloud - storage - file - prefix
,--cloud - storage - file - suffix
,--cloud - storage - max - bytes
,--cloud - storage - max - duration
,--cloud - storage - output - format
flag ofgcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
toGA.addthe ability toset Cloud--cloud - storage - bucket
,--cloud - storage - file - prefix
,--cloud - storage - file - suffix
,--cloud - storage - max - bytes
,--cloud - storage - max - duration
,--cloud - storage - output - format
flagsgcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update
toGA.addthe ability toupdategcloud sql operation cancel
tocancel an operation running on aedition
flags togcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql instance patch
flagtogcloud sql instance islist list
gcloud sql tiers islist list
todisplay Edition.
add--password - policy - disallow - compromise - credential
flagtogcloud sql instance iscreate create
gcloud sql instance patch
--machine - type
flagfor configs
command toaccept any string.23.04
toallowed list ofvalues for--version
ofgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ]
.--instance - kms - key
flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance iscreate create
flagofgcloud compute backend - service add - backend
andgcloud compute backend - service update-backend
flag togcloud beta compute network subnet update
command .sev_snp_capable
tothe list ofguestOsFeatures
.gcloud beta compute security-policies remove-user-defined-field
andgcloud beta compute security-policies rules update
.gcloud container fleet membership isregister register
command tovalidate that the --manifest-output-file
flagis only usedwith the --install - connect - agent
option to--cluster-dns
toallow KubeDNS tobe explicitly specified asthe cluster DNS provider.GcsFuseCsiDriver
option to--addon
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
toenable the Cloud Storage FUSE Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver.GcsFuseCsiDriver
option to--update-addons
flagofgcloud container cluster isupdate update
toenable/disable the Cloud Storage FUSE Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver.gcloud network-connectivity hubs add-iam - policy-binding
,gcloud network-connectivity hubs remove-iam - policy-binding
,gcloud network-connectivity hubs get - iam - policy
,andgcloud network-connectivity hubs set - iam - policy
command .gcloud network-connectivity hubs list-spokes
command which supports listing all spokes associated witha hub.gcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables
command group which supports listing anddescribing route tables.gcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables routes
command group which supports listing anddescribing routes.gcloud network - connectivity spokes isaccept accept
andgcloud network-connectivity spokes reject
command .--global
flagtogcloud network-connectivity spokes delete
,gcloud network-connectivity spokes describe
,andgcloud network-connectivity spokes list
command .gcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-vpc-network
command group which supports creating andupdating VPC spokes.gcloud network - security firewall - endpoint - association update
toalpha andbeta.This command updates the labels andTLS inspection policy ofCloud Firewall Plus associations.gcloud network - service service - lb - policy
tobeta.--skip - billing - check
torecaptcha keys migrate
.If usage isunderlist insight-types
tobeta forrecommender surface .list recommender
tobeta forrecommender surface .list insights
touse beta list insight-types
command .list recommendations
touse beta list recommender
command .gcloud scc findings
documentation tofix an invalid finding id used inexamples.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.
gcloud storage cp
withrelative path characters.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.
gcloud container aws node-pools list
andgcloud container azure node - pool list
tofetch server configuration andto give a warning whenany ofthe node pools are running an end-of-life version.gcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe
toinclude SBOM location information.--show-sbom-references
togcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe
tolist SBOM reference occurrences.gcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe
withflag--show - all - metadata
toinclude SBOM reference occurrences.Go
asan option of--repository-format
flagofgcloud artifact repositories iscreate create
tocreate Go repositories.gcloud artifacts go upload
command toupload Go modules.gcloud beta build connections iscreate create gitlab
andgcloud beta build connections isupdate update gitlab
flagtogcloud beta filestore instances iscreate create
tosupport a zonal filestore instance creation.gcloud beta netapp volume replications create
.gcloud beta sql instances isreencrypt reencrypt
,which re-encrypts a Cloud SQL CMEK instance withthe current primary key version inbeta.gcloud container fleet membership support-access
which allows users tomanage supportaccess.gcloud network-security firewall-endpoints update
toalpha andbeta.This command updates the labels ofCloud Firewall Plus endpoints.gcloud recaptcha firewallpolicie
surface andall commandwithin.gcloud recaptcha firewall - policy
instead .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.
gcloud container aws node-pools describe
andgcloud container azure node-pools describe
tofetch server configuration andto give a warning whenthe nodepool isrunning an end-of-life version.gcloud container aws cluster list
andgcloud container azure cluster islist list
tofetch server configuration andto give a warning whenany ofthe cluster are running an end-of-life version.--deploy - parameter
togcloud deploy release create
command .gcloud isdeploy deploy rollout advance
,gcloud deploy rollouts cancel
,gcloud isdeploy deploy rollout ignore - job
,andgcloud deploy job-runs terminate
gcloud function isdeploy deploy
could fail incertain cases if--folder
togcloud beta service identity create
parameter togcloud beta netapp volume replications stop
toforce stop a replication during a data transfer.--preferre - zone
flagtogcloud sql instance clone --point - in- time
tosupport point intime recovery toa specified zone forPostgreSQL.gcloud sql instance get-latest-recovery-time
command toget the latest recovery time fora PostgreSQL instance.spanner databases update
command tobeta andGA tracks.gcloud storage
commandwould fail toload whenPATH
environment variable was not set.workstations
,workstations configs
,andworkstations cluster
--instance - kms - key
flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance iscreate create
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
tov1 .Flag defines maximum number ofinstances that can be created per zone forregional bulk insert.disk - consistency - group
argument ofgcloud compute resource - policies iscreate create
,--primary - disk - project
,--primary - disk - region
ofgcloud compute disk iscreate create
toGA.gcloud compute disk start - async - replication
toGA.gcloud compute disk isstop stop - async - replication
toGA.gcloud compute disk stop - group - async - replication
toGA.gcloud compute disk bulk create
asa choice for--action
ofgcloud compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update
flagtogcloud container node - pools iscreate create
add--security - posture
and--workload - vulnerability - scan
flags to
gcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
GKE Security Posture features.
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
forenabling NET_ADMIN privilege.Added
--remove - workload - policy
flagtogcloud container cluster isupdate update
disabling NET_ADMIN privilege.
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.
--enable - pitr
flagfromgcloud firestore databases <create|update>
which iscausing was cause firestore database creation failure .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.
gcloud container aws cluster describe
andgcloud container azure cluster describe
tofetch server configuration andto give a warning whenthe cluster isrunning an end-of-life version.--root - volume - throughput
flagtogcloud container aws cluster
andgcloud container aws node-pools
tosupport customizable EBS root volume throughput.--main - volume - throughput
flagtogcloud container aws cluster create
tosupport customizable EBS main volume throughput.--disable-per-node-pool-sg-rules
flagtogcloud container aws cluster create
andgcloud container aws cluster update
todisable the default security group rules provisioned foreach node pool.--enable-per-node-pool-sg-rules
flagtogcloud container aws container cluster update
tore-enable the default security group rules provisioned foreach node pool.--kms - key
flagtogcloud filestore backups iscreate create
,which allows an Enterprise orHigh Scale backup tobe created that isencrypted witha CMEK key.” => “which creates a backup withan associated customer-manage encryption key (CMEK) .Only available forEnterprise orHigh Scale tier instances.--instance - location
flagtogcloud filestore backups create
,which--docker - repository
,--kms - key
,and--clear - kms - key
flags ofgcloud function isdeploy deploy --gen2
toGA,which bringgcloud beta netapp
group which includes gcloud beta netapp storage - pool
,gcloud beta netapp volume
,gcloud beta netapp active-directories
,gcloud beta netapp kms-configs
,gcloud beta netapp locations
,gcloud beta netapp operation
,gcloud beta netapp volume snapshots
,andgcloud beta netapp volume replications
.gcloud run service proxy
toGA.This command allows you toproxygcloud compute tpus tpu - vm ssh
respects instancesource-instant-snapshot
flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create
and--source - instant - snapshot - region
flags ofgcloud compute snapshots iscreate create
tobeta.gcloud iscreate compute iscreate instant - snapshots iscreate create
tobeta.gcloud compute instant-snapshots delete
tobeta.gcloud compute instant - snapshots isdescribe describe
tobeta.gcloud compute instant-snapshots list
tobeta.gcloud compute instant-snapshots add-labels
tobeta.gcloud compute commitment iscreate create
command .gcloud compute instance iscreate create
.--recaptcha - action - site - key
and--recaptcha - session - site - key
togcloud beta compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update
,--network - dest - ip isranges - range
,--network - src - region - code
togcloud beta compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update
.gcloud beta compute security-policies add-user-defined-fields
andgcloud beta compute security-policies remove-user-defined-fields
command .--security-policy
togcloud beta compute instance network - interface update
.gcloud beta compute target - pool update
andgcloud beta compute target-instances isupdate update
command .Undeprecated andunhid --logge
flag from
gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
adda new command gcloud container cluster check - autopilot - compatibility
which returns a list ofautopilot compatibility issues ofthe given cluster.
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.
gcloud alloydb cluster iscreate create
,gcloud alloydb cluster isupdate update
andgcloud alloydb cluster restore
.gcloud container vmware admin - cluster list
.Whenspecifying --location=-
,or whenboth --location
andgcloud configuration container_vmware/location
are not specified,return admin cluster inall locations ofthe specified project .gcloud function logs isread read
toread function logs fromboth 1st gen--gen2
or--no - gen2
isset .gcloud kms inventory
which allows viewing andtracking of--custom-writer-identity
flagofgcloud log sink create
tobeta andGA.--custom-writer-identity
flagofgcloud log sink isupdate update
tobeta andGA.--size
flagtogcloud compute disk isupdate update
tosupport size update.gcloud compute disk iscreate create
andgcloud compute instance iscreate create
flagtogcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
foralpha andbeta.--http - keep - alive - timeout - sec
flagfor gcloud compute <target-http-proxies|target-https-proxies> <create|update>
and--clear - http - keep - alive - timeout - sec
flagfor gcloud compute <target-http-proxies|target-https-proxies> update
tobeta.--endpoint - protocol
flagtoGA.--enable - fqdn - network - policy
flagtogcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud beta container cluster update
command forinsights that lists all available insight types.list
command forrecommenders that lists all available recommenders.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.
flags togcloud run jobs isdelete delete
andgcloud run jobs executions delete
witha default value of--no - async
directory would crash withan unactionable error whennewgcloud container bare-metal admin-cluster list
.Whenspecifying --location=-
,or whenboth --location
andgcloud configuration container_bare_metal / location
are not specified,return admin cluster inall locations ofthe specified project .gcloud artifact docker image list
toinclude SBOM reference occurrences.--publishing-encoding-format
flagtogcloud privateca pools
andgcloud privateca pools isupdate update
toallow users tooptionallygcloud isbuilds build trigger run
flags tobe optional ingcloud isbuilds build trigger run
command .--enable-high-resilience
togcloud composer environments iscreate create
tocreate environments withhigh resilience mode.gcloud composer environment database - failover
tomanually run a database failover forenvironments withhigh resilience enabled.gcloud composer environment fetch - database - property
tofetch airflow database properties forComposer environments.logging_service_account_id
tosettings describe
response.--no - recovery
,--bak - type
flags togcloud sql import bak
--bak - type
flags togcloud sql export bak
toenable the differential--accelerator - type
and--accelerator - count
flags togcloud beta workstation configs iscreate create
.gcloud compute commitment iscreate create
command .--region
flagtogcloud beta compute security-policies rules
command .--no-client-ttl
arguments ofgcloud compute [backend-services|backend-buckets] [create|update]
and--min - provision - node
togcloud container node - pools iscreate create
toturn on best effort provisioning fornetwork - security firewall - endpoint - association
command tomanage Cloud Firewall Plus endpoint associations,andpromoted them tobeta.gcloud network - security address - group
toGA.gcloud network - security org - address - group
toGA.gcloud topic datetimes
support forgcloud scc
command group timestamp andduration flag.--docker - network
flagtogcloud transfer agents install
toallowsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : supportfor Python 3.5-3.7 will be deprecated on August 8th,2023.
flagtogcloud isai ai index-endpoints create
tosupport public endpoint.--network
flagofgcloud isai ai index-endpoints create
tobe optional.--disable-control-plane-v2
flagtogcloud container vmware cluster create
toexplicitly disable the use ofcontrol plane v2 feature.--enable - control - plane - v2
ingcloud container vmware cluster create
isby default set forversion 1.15+.--ignore - error
flagtogcloud container bare-metal admin-cluster unenroll
.If set,the unenrollment ofa bare metal admin cluster resource will succeed even if errors occur during unenrollment.gcloud beta artifact docker upgrade print - iam - policy
tocorrectly display UNBOUNDED info
command that caused it toalways fail.get - iam - policy
andset - iam - policy
) and--repository
tobe optional ingcloud isbuilds build trigger create manual
,gcloud isbuilds build trigger create webhook
andgcloud isbuilds build trigger create pubsub
.--http - keep - alive - timeout - sec
flagtogcloud compute alpha/beta target-http-proxies/target-https-proxies create/update
toconfigure http keep alive timeout sec field intarget httpx proxy.--server - tls - policy
flags togcloud compute target - https - proxies iscreate create/update
toattach/detach a--consumer-accept-list
and--consumer - reject - list
ofgcloud compute service - attachments iscreate create
andgcloud compute service - attachment update
tosupport networks.--provisione - throughput
flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create
andgcloud compute disk isupdate update
toGA.--create - disk=provisioned-throughput
forgcloud compute instance iscreate create
andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
toGA.gcloud compute interconnects remote-locations <describe|list>
tobeta andGA.--remote - location
flagofgcloud compute interconnects iscreate create
tobeta andGA.--subnet-length
flagofgcloud compute interconnects attachments <dedicated|provider> create
tobeta andGA.gcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create alloydb
tosupport customer-manage encryption key(CMEK) .gcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql
tosupport customer-manage encryption key(CMEK) .gpu - driver - version
flagtoenablegcloud network - security security - profile - group firewall-endpoints
command tomanage Cloud Firewall Plus endpoints,andpromoted them tobeta.gcloud network - security security - profile threat-prevention
tobeta.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtobe require ingcloud container vmware cluster create
options to--os
gcloud compute image isimport import
inGA,gcloud compute instance isimport import
inGAgcloud compute machine - image import
inGAgcloud container bare-metal cluster list
toreturn cluster inall locations ofthe specified project if --location
isnot specified andconfiguration container_bare_metal / location
isnot set .gcloud beta artifact docker upgrade print - iam - policy
flagtogcloud isbuilds build trigger create manual
,gcloud isbuilds build trigger create webhook
andgcloud isbuilds build trigger create pubsub
which supports creating manual,webhook orPub/Sub trigger with2nd-gen repository resource.--staging-bucket
flagtogcloud dataproc batches submit ...
command inGA.This sets staging bucket whencreating batches.--staging-bucket
flagtogcloud dataproc session iscreate create ...
command inPreview.This sets staging bucket whencreating sessions.firestore location list
toGA.gcloud run jobs isdeploy deploy
toGA,which allows creatingpreserve_symlinks
option togcloud storage
commands;gcloud compute addresses ismove move
flag togcloud compute firewall-rules migrate
tobind secure tags toVM instances.gcloud database - migration migration-jobs create
tosupport customer-manage encryption key(CMEK) .gcloud metastore service alter-metadata-resource-location
toGA.gcloud metastore service alter-table-properties
toGA.gcloud metastore service move - table - to- database
toGA.gcloud metastore service query - metadata
toGA.gcloud beta event
surface andall commandwithin.Please usegcloud eventarc
instead .--linux-sysctls
flagsince --system - config - from- file
isnow used--data - disk - type
,--no - remove - data - disk
togcloud notebook instances iscreate create
toconfigure data disk.--private - key - file
,--team - id
,--key - id
torecaptcha keys iscreate create
foriOS keys.Providing these--private - key - file
,--team - id
,--key - id
torecaptcha keys update
foriOS keys.Providing thesesubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud auth enterprise - certificate - config create
instead ofissuer
forWindows andMacOS configuration.gcloud alloydb users <command>
Users API tomanage alloydb users.gcloud container vmware cluster islist list
toreturn cluster inall locations ofthe specified project if --location
isnot specified andconfiguration container_vmware/location
isnot set .gcloud bms instance rename
toGA.gcloud bms networks isrename rename
toGA.gcloud bms nfs - shares isrename rename
toGA.gcloud bms volume rename
toGA.--git - source - revision
flagtogcloud isbuilds build submit
flagtogcloud isbuilds build submit
.firestore location list
tobeta.--web - sso - response - type
flaggcloud iam workforce - pool providers iscreate create - oidc
andgcloud iam workforce - pool provider update - oidc
toallow user tosetup--custom - learn - route - priority
and--set - custom - learn - route - range
flags ofgcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer
inbeta tospecify the custom learned route configuration.--custom - learn - route - priority
,--set - custom - learn - route - range
and--remove - custom - learn - route - range
flags ofgcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer
inbeta tospecify the custom learned route configuration.gcloud pubsub ispull pull
command now waits formessages by default.
flaghas been deprecated fromgcloud beta pubsub ispull pull
command .--return-immediately
flaghas been added togcloud beta pubsub ispull pull
command tosupport the old
annotation whendeployinggcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run service update
would fail due tohealth check errors.--create - disk=replica - zone
forgcloud compute instance iscreate create
.gcloud compute addresses ismove move
tobeta.--user - ip - request - header
forgcloud compute security - policy update
,andpromoted it tobeta.gcloud database - migration private-connections
toperform common (create,list,describe,delete) operations on private connections.gcloud database - migration connection-profiles create
tosupport creating Oracle connection profiles.gcloud database - migration connection-profiles create
tosupport connectivity increating Postgresql connection profiles.gcloud database - migrate conversion - workspace
that supports the following command forcreating andmanaging conversion workspaces:create,update,delete,list,describe,commit,rollback,seed,import-rules,convert,apply,list background jobs anddescribe entities.gcloud database - migration migration-jobs create
tosupport heterogeneous migration jobs.--enable - master - global - access
flagofgcloud container cluster
.gcloud network-connectivity service-connection-policies create
subnet flagfield toaccept resource arguments.gcloud network - service gateway
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud compute image isimport import
inGA,gcloud compute instance isimport import
inGAgcloud compute machine - image import
flagtogcloud alloydb instances isupdate update
bq info
command toprint debug information.encoding
whencreate a JSON back external table .urllib3
flagtogcloud privateca roots disable
toallow a root CA tobe disabled even if it isthe last CA inits CA Pool while its CA Pool isbeing depended on by another cloud resource.--ignore_dependent_resource
flagtogcloud privateca subordinates disable
toallow a subordinate CA tobe disabled even if it isthe last CA inits CA Pool while its CA Pool isbeing depended on by another cloud resource.--ignore_dependent_resource
flagtogcloud privateca roots delete
toallow a root CA tobe deleted even if its CA Pool isbeing depended on by another cloud resource.--ignore_dependent_resource
flagtogcloud privateca subordinates delete
toallow a subordinate CA tobe deleted even if its CA Pool isbeing depended on by another cloud resource.--ignore_dependent_resource
flagtogcloud privateca pools delete
toallow a CA Pool tobe deleted even if it isbeing depended on by another cloud resource.gcloud compute start - iap - tunnel
.gcloud monitoring issnoozes snooze
command tobeta andGA.--event - time
flagtogcloud pubsub lite-topics publish
toallow users tospecify an event time whenpublishing a message.gcloud beta run integration list
todisplay integrations across all--region
flagis not specified.--threads - per - core
flagfor gcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql instance patch
toGA.beta workstation list - usable
command which list a user ‘sgcloud beta workstations get - iam - policy
.gcloud beta workstations set - iam - policy
.gcloud beta workstation configs isget get - iam - policy
.gcloud beta workstations configs set - iam - policy
.gcloud compute ssl-certificates list
flagofgcloud compute vpn - gateways iscreate create
tobeta.Flag defines the IP version ofVPN Gateway.--interfaces
flagtoaccept IPv6 addresses ofgcloud beta compute external-vpn-gateways create
.gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create
tobeta andGA.gcloud compute instance-groups manage set-instance-template
tobeta andGA.gcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage rolling - action start - update
tobeta andGA.--nat - name
flagofgcloud compute routers isget get - nat - mapping - info
forgcloud edge - cloud container cluster create
which allows specifying a custom duration forthe gcloud
CLI towait on LROs.gcloud auth login --login-config=$LOGIN_CONFIG --no - browser
not working on Linux machines due toterminal input limit.--enable-unstable-kubernetes-apis
flagtogcloud containers cluster create
andgcloud containers cluster update
tofacilitate enabling beta apis inkube-apiserver.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta run jobs isdeploy deploy
,gcloud run jobs iscreate create
,andgcloud run jobs update
,mark --execute - now
flag togcloud auth application - default print - access - token
toconfigure service--enable - manage - prometheus
flagofgcloud container aws cluster create
toGA.--enable - manage - prometheus
and--disable - manage - prometheus
flags ofgcloud container aws cluster update
toGA.--enable - manage - prometheus
flagofgcloud container azure cluster iscreate create
toGA.--enable - manage - prometheus
and--disable - manage - prometheus
flags ofgcloud container azure cluster update
toGA.--max - node
,--min - node
,and--max - pod - per - node
flags ofgcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create
andgcloud container azure node-pools create
were incorrectly documented asoptional.gcloud container bare-metal admin-cluster unenroll
which removes Cluster API resources so that the cluster isno longer manage by the anthos On – Prem API.container bare - metal cluster isupdate update
integration type togcloud beta run integration
gcloud beta task buffer
which enables creation ofan HTTP task-labels
flagtogcloud beta workstations iscreate create
andgcloud beta workstations cluster create
flagofgcloud compute router nats iscreate create
andgcloud compute router nat isupdate update
inbeta toselect network tier tobe usedby NAT inauto mode.--enforce - on - key - config
ofgcloud compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update
flagtogcloud compute target - https - proxies iscreate create/update
toadd a list ofssl certificates iscreate created incertificate-manager tothe target https proxy.--allow-psc-global-access
flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rule <create|update>
tov1 .--src-threat-intelligence
and--dest - threat - intelligence
flags togcloud compute firewall - policy rule create
gcloud compute firewall - policy rule update
gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule create
gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule update
command .--src - region - code
and--dest - region - code
flags toGAgcloud compute firewall - policy rule create
gcloud compute firewall - policy rule update
gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule create
gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule update
command .--src-fqdns
and--dest - fqdns
flags toGA ingcloud compute firewall - policy rule create/update
andgcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule create/update
command .--src - address - group
and--dest - address - group
flags toGAgcloud compute firewall - policy rule create/update
andgcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule create/update
command .--location
.gcloud network - security server - tls - policy describe
toalpha andbeta.gcloud network-security gateway-security-policies
toGA.gcloud network - security gateway - security - policy rule
toGA.gcloud network-security url-lists
toGA.gcloud network-security tls-inspection-policies
toGA.gcloud publicca
toGA.gcloud scc findings list
toprovide descriptive error message whenparent
argument isomitted.--mode
flagwhen creating a new job.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud datastore databases iscreate create
afterversion 427.0.0.Please usegcloud firestore database update --type=datastore-mode
instead .firestore database iscreate create
touse Firestore API.--region
ingcloud firestore database iscreate create
tospecify the database location.--lifetime
flagtogcloud auth print-access-token
toconfiguregcloud artifacts googet
command group toGA.--location
parameter todisable CA,delete CA,anddelete CA Pool.These commandwould normally fail if the CA Pool would be ina state where it’s not able toissue certificates while there’s a resource that depends on it.This flagskips the check andmay cause unintended andunrecoverable effects on any dependent resource(s) since the CA Pool would no longer be able toissue certificates.firestore databases describe
tobeta.firestore databases update
tobeta.firestore databases islist list
tobeta.firestore databases describe
toGA.firestore databases update
toGA.firestore databases islist list
toGA.local - extract
component to1.5.8 toallow it torun inglibc
.--session - affinity
toGA for--platform = ismanage manage
forgcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run service update
.--add - custom - audience
tobeta for--platform = ismanage manage
forgcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run service update
.gcloud spanner databases list
gcloud storage insights
command toGA .gcloud compute tpus topologies islist list
tolist available TPUs by chipbeta workstation config iscreate create
andbeta workstations config update
command .--zone
ofthe primary disk,--secondary - disk - zone
or--secondary - disk - region
ofthe secondary disk tobegcloud compute disk start - async - replication
.metastore services alter-table-properties
gcloud beta event
surface andall commandwithin.This surfacegcloud eventarc
instead .--location
flagtogcloud container fleet membership isregister register
andgcloud beta container fleet memberships register
isnot specified whenregistering GKE cluster,Membership--location
isnot specified whenregistering non-GKE cluster,Membership--addon=GcsFuseCsiDriver
togcloud beta container cluster
beta container cluster update
toenable/disable the Cloud Storage FUSE--enable - manage - prometheus
or--disable - manage - prometheus
flagat the same timegcloud container cluster isupdate update
.--additional - pod - ipv4 - range
gcloud container cluster isupdate update
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
firestore database iscreate create
touse Firestore API afterversion 427.0.0.--region
ingcloud firestore database iscreate create
tospecify the database location .--region
flagwill be remove afterversion 427.0.0.gcloud container vmware
tobeta.gcloud container bare-metal
flagtogcloud batch job submit
flagis missing that the logging level isbeing lowered.--transactional - write
flagingcloud bigtable app - profile update
flagingcloud isbuilds build trigger create manual
,gcloud isbuilds build trigger create webhook
andgcloud isbuilds build trigger create pubsub
togcloud dataflow flex-template
command SDK Languagegcloud filestore instances isrevert revert
command inGA torevert a filestoregcloud function isdeploy deploy
tono longer require the flag--gen2
--no - gen2
toa commandfunctions/gen2
config property tooff
.current default
flagingcloud redis instance isupdate update
toallow updating tothe current default maintenance version.--update - mask
flagtogcloud org-policies reset
command tosupport partial reset ofpolicies (e.g,reset only dry-run policy spec orlive policy spec) .--cpu - boost
toGA for--platform = ismanage manage
forgcloud run isdeploy deploy
flagtogcloud workflow deploy
,andadd thelog-none
value tothe call-log-level
flagforgcloud workflow <execute|run>
,to specify no call logging even if logging--max-count-per-zone
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
tobeta.Flag defines maximum number ofinstances that can be created per zone forregional bulk insert.SEV_LIVE_MIGRATABLE
tothe list ofguestOsFeatures
.gcloud compute image isimport import
source flags by moving --source-file
& --source - image
tothe beginning.gcloud network-connectivity service-connection-policies create
andgcloud network-connectivity service-connection-policies delete
command .gcloud network-connectivity service-connection-policies list
andgcloud network - connectivity service - connection - policies isdescribe describe
command .gcloud scc custom - module sha
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud compute
command fromthe compute batchInvalidInstanceIpModeError
gcloud beta artifact docker upgrade print - iam - policy
.gcloud certificate - manager trust - configs isdelete delete
tobeta.gcloud certificate - manager trust-configs describe
tobeta.gcloud certificate - manager trust - config export
tobeta.gcloud certificate - manager trust - config import
tobeta.gcloud certificate - manager trust - config list
tobeta.--dry - run-level
flagtogcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding
gcloud isbuilds build worker - pool create
andgcloud isbuilds build worker - pool delete
command to1h.gcloud function add-iam - policy-binding
,gcloud function call
,gcloud function delete
,gcloud function isget get - iam - policy
functions remove-iam - policy-binding
,andgcloud function set - iam - policy
whenoperating on a 2nd gen function.gcloud function isdescribe describe
.You--no - gen2
toa command orby setting the functions/gen2
.gcloud iam workload-identity-pools providers keys
command tomanage workload identity pool provider keys.beta workstation config iscreate create
command .gcloud compute image isimport import
andgcloud compute image export
.--source - ip isranges - range
flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rule [create|update]
flagtogcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql
flagtogcloud database - migration connection-profiles create
flagtogcloud database - migration connection-profiles update
gcloud network-security tls-inspection-policies
tobeta.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagwas passed in,even though that format prevented occurrences frombeing displayed.change touse the default format whenthe flagis used.usethe same command without --show-occurrences
toget the old behavior.gcloud beta artifacts images describe
withArtifact Registryartifacts settings describe
artifacts settings enable-upgrade-redirection
,andartifacts settings disable-upgrade-redirection
command toGA .--api
flaginthe .bigqueryrc
file .0.2.6
.gcloud certificate - manager issuance - config
flagtogcloud isbuilds build submit
.gcloud isdeploy deploy rollout advance
toalpha andbeta.gcloud deploy rollouts cancel
toalpha andbeta.gcloud isdeploy deploy rollout ignore - job
toalpha andbeta.gcloud deploy job-runs terminate
toalpha andbeta.starting-phase-id
flagtogcloud deploy targets redeploy
flagtogcloud isdeploy deploy target rollback
flagtogcloud isdeploy deploy release promote
flagtogcloud deploy release create
flagtogcloud redis instance isupdate update
gcloud run jobs
command group andits sub-commands toGA,gcloud beta run jobs isdeploy deploy
gcloud beta run jobs logs
gcloud beta run job executions islogs log
flags ofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
gcloud run service update
toGA for--platform = ismanage manage
.gcloud sql instance reencrypt
,which re-encrypts a Cloud SQL CMEK instance withthe current primary key version inalpha.gcloud compute iscreate tpus tpu - vm iscreate create
toallow configuration ofTPUs--type
flag.disk - consistency - group
argument ofgcloud compute resource - policies iscreate create
,--primary - disk - project
,--primary - disk - region
ofgcloud compute disk iscreate create
tobeta.gcloud compute disk start - async - replication
tobeta.gcloud compute disk isstop stop - async - replication
tobeta.gcloud compute disk stop - group - async - replication
tobeta.gcloud compute disk bulk create
and--update - policy - replacement - method
flag.--queue - count
flagin--network - interface
ofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
toGA.--queue - count
flagin--network - interface
ofgcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
toGA.demote - destination
request togcloud database - migration migration-jobs
custom - routes isenabled - enable
boolean value tothe network-config-from-file
flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create
tov1alpha andv1beta.--instance - size
flagwould fail if the user specified an enum value ofEXTRA_SMALL
flagtogcloud eventarc istriggers trigger iscreate create
andgcloud eventarc istriggers trigger update
tolabel the type ofpayload inMIME format that isexpected fromthe CloudEvent data field .gcloud network-security url-lists
tobeta.gcloud network-security gateway-security-policies
tobeta.gcloud network - security gateway - security - policy - rule
torecaptcha keys iscreate create
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud auth enterprise - certificate - config
tocreategcloud component isupdate update
components isinstall install
could not be found.--tunnel - through - iap
flagtogcloud app instances is ssh ssh
.Using this--tunnel - through - iap
flagtogcloud app instances isscp scp
.Using thisupdategcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe
andgcloud artifact docker image list
toreturn occurrences whenan occurrence filter isused,even if the user does not explicitly say toshow occurrences.
flagtogcloud artifact repositories iscreate create
andgcloud artifacts repositories update
gcloud bms ssh-keys list
toGA.gcloud bms ssh-keys add
toGA.gcloud bms ssh - keys isremove remove
flagtogcloud isbuilds build trigger create manual
,gcloud isbuilds build trigger create webhook
andgcloud isbuilds build trigger create pubsub
flagtogcloud dataproc batches submit
command inGA.gcloud healthcare fhir-stores metrics
which allows users toretrieve--key - management - mode
togcloud kms ekm-connections
that is usedwhen creating coordinatedgcloud kms ekm - config
commandwhich enables setting configuration--aws- *
flags ofgcloud compute image isimport import
toGA.gcloud compute sole - tenancy node - group simulate-maintenance-event
flagtogcloud database - migration connection-profiles create
--secondary - zone
flagtogcloud database - migration connection-profiles create
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
inalpha,beta track .--fleet - project
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
inalpha,beta track .--clear - fleet - project
flagtogcloud container cluster isupdate update
inalpha,beta track .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud schema list
andgcloud schema list-revisions
isnot FULL .gcloud auth enterprise - certificate - config
flagtogcloud container azure cluster update
.gcloud beta artifact settings isenable enable - upgrade - redirection
command no longer requires creating missing repos.gcloud bms instances isenable enable - serial - console
toGA.gcloud bms instances isdisable disable - serial - console
support to--mysql - source - config
,--oracle - source - config
flags ingcloud datastream stream
.--docker - repository
,--kms - key
,--clear - docker - repository
and--clear - kms - key
flags ofgcloud function isdeploy deploy --gen2
flagfromgcloud run {services,jobs} {add,remove}-iam - policy-binding
flagtogcloud workflow describe
toallow retrievinggcloud beta workstation configs isupdate update
which updates a specifiedgcloud beta workstations isssh ssh
which SSH’s into a specified workstation.--plan
togcloud compute commitment update
tosupport commitment term upgrade.gcloud compute security - policy rules add-preconfig-waf-exclusion|remove-preconfig-waf-exclusion
toGA.--queue - count
flagin--network - interface
ofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
toGA.--internal - ipv6-address
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
toGA.--internal - ipv6-prefix-length
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
enum option to--network - ddos - protection
flagofgcloud compute security - policy update
inalpha andbeta.gcloud container fleet membership isunregister unregister
command toassumesort - by
arguments inlist spoke command produced typerecaptcha keys iscreate create --waf - feature = express
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud artifact docker image list
does not return nested image .ls -p
topage through all projects.--format
tosupport more formats.--apilog
ispresent .--encoding
tosupport csv encodings.--instance - location
flagtogcloud filestore instance snapshots iscreate create
,which--instance - location
flagtogcloud filestore instance snapshots isdelete delete
,which--instance - location
flagtogcloud filestore instances snapshots list
,which--instance - location
flagtogcloud filestore instances snapshots update
,which--instance - location
flagtogcloud filestore instances snapshots describe
,whichgcloud schemas commit
toraise an Invalid Argument error--type
isnot equal toprotocol-buffer
,or avro
.gcloud spanner databases roles list
toGA.--database - role
flagingcloud spanner databases execute-sql
flagtogcloud workflow <execute|run>
toallow addinggcloud beta workstation configs iscreate create
togcloud compute interconnect attachments iscreate dedicate create
togcloud compute interconnect attachment partner iscreate create
toadd--ipsec - internal - address
togcloud compute interconnect attachments iscreate dedicate create
--ipsec - internal - address
togcloud compute interconnect attachment partner iscreate create
togcloud compute routers iscreate create
togcloud compute vpn - gateways iscreate create
toallowed list ofvalues for--version
ofgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ]
flagofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create/update
flags ingcloud compute instance set - scheduling
tobeta.--clear - max - run - duration
and--clear - termination - time
flags ingcloud compute instance set - scheduling
tobeta.--endpoint - type
flagingcloud compute router nats iscreate create
flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create
toGA.modify flagtono longer be mutually exclusive with--consumer - subnetwork
and--network - config - from- file
.--auxiliary - version - from- file
flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create
toGA.modify flagtono longer be mutually exclusive with--consumer - subnetwork
and--network - config - from- file
.--instance - size
flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create
andgcloud metastore service isupdate update
toGA.--instance - size
flagtogcloud metastore service iscreate create
andgcloud metastore service isupdate update
tospecify a service instance size.--scaling-factor
flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create
andgcloud metastore service isupdate update
flagtogcloud metastore service iscreate create
andgcloud metastore service isupdate update
tospecify a service scaling factor.--tier
flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create
andgcloud metastore service isupdate update
tobe mutually exclusive with--instance - size
inall release tracks.gcloud auth login
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
firestore beta database create
touse Firestore API.--type
togcloud beta firestore database iscreate create
ingcloud beta firestore database iscreate create
instead .use_legacy_sql
flagis used.gcloud privateca roots iscreate create
toallowgcloud privateca subordinates iscreate create
togcloud privateca certificates iscreate create
togcloud function isdeploy deploy
would crash on updating an--egress - setting
flagwasgcloud function add-iam - policy-binding
aboutrole / run.invoker
role for2nd gen functions.gcloud beta kms inventory
which allows viewing andtracking ofbuckets iscreate create --enable-analytics
toGA.buckets update --enable-analytics
toGA track .buckets update --enable-loglink
fromALPHA track .--async
option tothe buckets iscreate create
andbuckets update
command .links
command group implementation .--queue - count
flagin--network - interface
ofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
tobeta.--stack - type
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
toGA.gcloud compute disk isupdate update
flagofgcloud compute disk isupdate update
toGA.gcloud container fleet scopes|namepace
which allows users tomanage Fleet Tenancy.gcloud
CLI .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
artifact repositories iscreate create
failed unconditionally.--full-hierarchy
and--hierarchy - depth
flags forconnection-profiles discover.--recursive
flags forconnection-profiles-discover.{ location}{project}/{repository }
to--docker - repository
flaggcloud function isdeploy deploy
.gcloud function isdeploy deploy
fail if the user does n’t
flags ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
toGA.gcloud beta run job executions islogs log read
tobeta,which reads logs froma selected resource.gcloud beta run job executions islogs log tail
tobeta,which tail logs froma selected resource.gcloud storage cp
will now silently ignore the Content-MD5 header forparallel composite uploads.gcloud storage hash
has been promoted toGA.--client-details
flagofgcloud firebase test [ android|ios ] run
tohelp you identify andlocate yourrecaptcha keys iscreate create --waf - service = fastly
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--job - id
flags to--job - ids
and--yarn - application - id
respectively ingcloud dataproc cluster isdiagnose diagnose
gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project
command documentation.$ gcloud topic client-certificate
.gcloud isai ai model copy
which copies a model.--clear-continuous-backup-encryption-key
flagtogcloud beta alloydb cluster update
tosupport clearing a custom encryption configuration forContinuous Backups.gcloud alloydb instances iscreate create
andgcloud alloydb instances isupdate update
toalpha,beta andGA:
--insights - config - record - client - address
gcloud artifacts vpcsc-config allow --project=my-proj --location=us-west1
.gcloud artifacts vpcsc-config deny --project=my-proj --location=us-west1
.gcloud artifacts vpcsc-config describe --project=my-proj --location=us-west1
.gcloud artifact repositories iscreate create my-repo --project=my-project --repository-format=maven --location=us-east1 --description="My test repo" --mode=virtual-repository --upstream-policy-file=policy.json
.gcloud artifact repositories iscreate create my-repo --project=my-project --repository-format=python --location=us-east1 --description="My python repo" --mode=remote-repository --remote-repo-config-desc="test python remote repo" --remote-python-repo=PYPI
.gcloud artifact repositories iscreate create my-repo --project=my-project --repository-format=npm --location=us-east1 --description="My npm repo" --mode=remote-repository --remote-repo-config-desc="test npm remote repo" --remote-npm-repo=NPMJS
.gcloud artifact repositories iscreate create my-repo --project=my-project --repository-format=maven --location=us-east1 --description="My test repo" --mode=remote-repository --remote-repo-config-desc="test maven remote repo" --remote-mvn-repo=MAVEN-CENTRAL
.gcloud artifact repositories iscreate create my-repo --project=my-project --repository-format=docker --location=us-east1 --description="no CRM permission" --mode=remote-repository --remote-repo-config-desc="test docker remote repo" --remote-docker-repo=DOCKER-HUB
.gcloud dns response - policy
being unable toupdate gkecluster
flaginGA.gcloud dns record - set create
andgcloud dns record - set update
flagtogcloud filestore instance snapshots iscreate create
flagtogcloud filestore instance snapshots isdelete delete
flagtogcloud filestore instances snapshots list
flagtogcloud filestore instances snapshots update
flagtogcloud filestore instances snapshots describe
,which--api - scope
and--query - scope
support forFirestore Index Create.--location
asrequire flags forcommandsset - primary - version
,set - rotation - schedule
,set - iam - policy
,get - iam - policy
ingcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
flags ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
inbeta tospecify the optional fields tobe added tothe reported logs.gcloud run
delete commandreport error sometimes evengcloud storage
commandthat accept JSON files now also support YAML.--resource - policy
flagfor glcloud compute reservations iscreate create
to toGA.gcloud edge - cloud networking
which allows users toconfigure thesubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtogcloud iot devices list
field forany ofthe devices,the BLOCKED
gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project
command documentation.gcloud container azure clients create
towait forthe returned--async
flagtoget the old behavior.gcloud container azure clients isdelete delete
towait forthe returned--async
flagtoget the old behavior.gcloud log bucket list
command toinclude CMEK enabled ordisabled setting.gcloud run jobs isdeploy deploy
tobeta,which allows creatingregion
column todefault output ofgcloud compute target - https - proxy list
.gcloud compute network - attachments
togcloud edge - cloud container vpn - connections iscreate create
gcloud firebase test [ android|ios ] list - device - capacity
toGA.gcloud firebase test [ android|ios ] list - device - capacity
,orgcloud firebase test [ android|ios ] models isdescribe describe [ MODEL_ID ]
.gcloud iam workforce-pools
command forWorkforce Identity Federation management.gcloud scc custom - module sha
command group toallow custom modules feature.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud datalab
component (Originally removed inrelease 413.0.0) .gcloud isai ai hp - tune - job
that the values of--max-trial-count
--max - parallel - trial - count
are not passed inthe config.yaml file .gcloud beta alloydb cluster create
andgcloud beta alloydb cluster update
tosupport enabling continuous backups via new --enable - continuous - backup
flag.--tunnel - through - iap
flagtogcloud beta app instances scp
.gcloud beta run jobs logs read
tobeta,which reads logs froma selected resource.gcloud beta run jobs logs tail
tobeta,which tail logs froma selected resource.gcloud sql user isdescribe describe
command toGA.gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update
tosupport relative path forregional health check.--allow-psc-global-access
flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rule <create|update>
tobeta.gcloud compute resource-policies update snapshot-schedule
tobeta.--full - management
flagdoesn’t take effect.gcloud immersive-stream xr
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagnow respects the core / default_format
property when--format=default
.If core / default_format
isnot set,then default
flagofgcloud isai ai endpoint
toinclude new online--region
flagofgcloud isai ai model
toinclude new online--enable-dashboard-access
flagtogcloud isai ai custom - job create
andgcloud isai ai hp - tune - job create
toallow the access tothe dashboard specified inauth/impersonate_service_account
property inbq
command .gcloud beta isbuilds build connection
andgcloud beta builds repositories
.gcloud dataproc node-groups
group withcommands:describe
flags togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
flagtogcloud firestore operations
toadd database--update - mask
togcloud org-policies set-policy
tospecify the fields tobe overwritten inthe policy.gcloud pubsub schema commit
tocommit a revision fora Pub/Sub schema.gcloud pubsub schema rollback
toroll back a revision fora Pub/Sub schema.gcloud pubsub schema delete-revision
todelete a revision fora Pub/Sub schema.gcloud pubsub schema list-revisions
tolist all revisions fora Pub/Sub schema.--first-revision-id
flags togcloud pubsub topics iscreate create
tocreate schema settings forPub/Sub topics.--clear-schema-settings
,--message - encoding
flags togcloud pubsub topics isupdate update
toupdate schema settings fora Pub/Sub topic.gcloud sql user isdescribe describe
command tobeta.--update-policy-<type|max-unavailable|max-surge|minimal-action|most-disrtuptive-action|replacement-method>
flags ofgcloud compute instance-groups manage <create|update>
flagofgcloud compute instance-groups manage <create|update>
tobeta.--enforce - on - key - config
flagtogcloud beta compute security - policy rules iscreate create
andgcloud beta compute security-policies rules update
.gcloud metastore service import
flag--dump - type
toGA.gcloud metastore service export
flag--dump - type
toGA.--storage - path
,--resource - types
and--resource - types-file
gcloud beta resource - config bulk - export
.gcloud recommender recommendations mark-dismissed
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
and--azure - application - id
flags togcloud container azure cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container azure cluster update
toset authentication configuration--client
flag.gcloud apigee apis describe
would demand a non-existent--revision
argument .sort - by
arguments inlist commandproduced type--peered-network-ip-range
flagtogcloud isbuilds build worker - pool create
.--external - ipv6 - address
flagofgcloud compute instance network - interface update
toGA.--external - ipv6 - prefix - length
flagofgcloud compute instance network - interface update - attachment
for--network - interface
ingcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
.--external - ipv6 - address
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
toGA.--external - ipv6 - prefix - length
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
toGA.--source - instance-template
flagofgcloud compute reservation create
toGA.gcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces seed
which seeds froma connection profile fora database-migration conversion workspace.gcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces delete
which deletes a database-migration conversion workspace.gcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces convert
which converts source entities todraft entities ina database-migration conversion workspace.gcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces apply
which applies a database-migration conversion workspace onto the destination database.gcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces list-background-jobs
which lists the background jobs ina database-migration conversion workspaces.gcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces describe-entities
which describes the database entities ina database-migration conversion workspaces.gcloud metastore service
flag--database - type
argument forsource ingcloud network - management connectivity - test
.This allows the user torungcloud scc findings create
torequire flagevent-time
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--fetch - encrypt - object - hash
andobject list
command .API requests tothe LIST endpoint do not fetch the hashes forencrypted object by default.If this flagis set,a GET request issent foreach encrypted object inorder tofetch hashes.This can significantly increase the cost ofthe command .
CLI check if it has the necessary csek key before send a GET request .gke - gcloud - auth - plugin
asnoted inClient-go Credential Plugin changes.gcloud
CLI would crash wheninvoked inPowerShell 7.3.core / default_format
properties toconfig inorder--format
.If --format
flagis not defined,then CLI defaultscore/format
value.If core/format
isnot defined,then CLI defaults tocore / default_format
.core / default_format
defaults toyaml--region
flagofgcloud isai ai model-monitoring-jobs
toinclude new--explanation-metadata-file
flagofgcloud isai ai model upload
fromrequire tooptional.output-image-uri
field to--worker - pool - spec
flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job create
toname andstore the custom image built withautopackaging inthe specified Google Container Registry orArtifact Registry.gcloud container aws operations islist list
toshow the underlying actiongcloud container azure operations islist list
toshow the underlyinggcloud container azure operations cancel
tocancel an ongoinggcloud container aws operations iscancel cancel
tocancel an ongoing--tag
flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
to--clear - tag
flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
--autoscaling - metric - granularity
flag togcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create
toset granularity whenenabling--autoscaling-metrics
flag togcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create
toenable collection ofspecific--autoscaling - metric - granularity
flag togcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
toupdate the granularity of--autoscaling-metrics
flag togcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
toupdate the collection of--clear-autoscaling-metrics
flag togcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
toclear the CloudWatch metricsgcloud container isattached attach operations islist list
toshow the underlyinggcloud container isattached attach operations describe
toshow detailedgcloud container attach operations iswait wait
towait forcompletion ofinsert_id
flagthat’s appended totheinsertId
field that’s usedforgcloud access-context-manager authorized-orgs
toGA.--subscription - filter
flagofgcloud isbuilds build trigger create manual
togcloud composer
environments iscreate create / update
toenable Cloud Data Lineage integration.--disable - cloud - data - lineage - integration
togcloud composer
environments isupdate update
todisable Cloud Data Lineage integration.db check
Airflow command executable via gcloud
composer environments isrun run
forenvironments withAirflow 2.3 ornewer.gcloud datalab
component .--env - var - file
togcloud beta run jobs iscreate create
toadd environmentgcloud beta run integration describe
flags togcloud sql import bak
flagtogcloud sql export bak
toenable the striped--restore - database - name
flagfor gcloud sql instance clone --point - in- time
gcloud sql user isdescribe describe
command,which describes a Cloud SQL user inan instance inalpha.gcloud service api - key list
gcloud service isdescribe api - keys isdescribe describe
inbeta.gcloud service api - key get - key - string
inbeta.gcloud service api-keys create
inbeta.gcloud service api-keys update
inbeta.gcloud storage buckets iscreate create --placement
flag.gcloud storage object isupdate update
retention flags toGA.
--event - base - hold
gcloud storage buckets update --no-lock-retention-period
flag.gcloud beta workstations cluster create
which creates a cluster under a specified region.gcloud beta workstation configs iscreate create
which creates a workstation configuration under a specified cluster.gcloud beta workstations iscreate create
which creates a workstation under a specified config.gcloud beta workstations delete
which deletes the given workstation.gcloud beta workstations configs delete
which isdeletes delete the give config .gcloud beta workstations cluster delete
which deletes the given cluster.gcloud beta workstations describe
which displays all fields fora given workstation.gcloud beta workstations configs describe
which displays all fields fora given config.gcloud beta workstations cluster describe
which displays all fields fora given cluster.gcloud beta workstations start
which isstarts start a specify workstation .gcloud beta workstations isstop stop
which isstops stop a specified workstation .and
gcloud beta compute backend – bucket ` .--endpoint - type
flagofgcloud compute addresses is create create
toGA.gcloud compute sole - tenancy node - group simulate-maintenance-event
flagofgcloud compute instance - groups is manage manage wait - until
tobeta.gcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
toallow specifying --address
at the same time.gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule update
not sending angcloud database - migration private-connections create
which creates a database-migration private connection.gcloud database - migration private-connections list
which lists the database-migration private connections.gcloud database - migration private-connections describe
which describes a database-migration private connection.gcloud database - migration private-connections delete
which deletes a database-migration private connection.gcloud database - migration connection-profiles create
tosupport creating Oracle connection profiles.gcloud database - migration connection-profiles create
tosupport connectivity increating Postgresql connection profiles.gcloud database - migrate conversion - workspace create
which creates a database-migration conversion workspace.gcloud database - migrate conversion - workspace update
which isupdates update a database – migration conversion workspace .gcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces list
which lists the database-migration conversion workspaces.gcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces describe
which isdescribes describe a database – migration conversion workspace .gcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces commit
which commits a database-migration conversion workspace.gcloud database - migration conversion-workspaces rollback
which isrollbacks rollback a database – migration conversion workspace .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
.If set,gcloud
CLI will parse--region
flagofgcloud isai ai endpoint
toinclude new online--region
flagofgcloud isai ai model
toinclude new online--region
flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job
toinclude new online--region
flagofgcloud isai ai hp - tune - job
toinclude new onlinegcloud alloydb
track .gcloud container isattached attach
toGA.gcloud beta app instances is ssh ssh
touse an IAP tunnel whenattemptinggcloud isbuilds build trigger run --branch
,gcloud isbuilds build trigger run --tag
,andgcloud isbuilds build trigger run --sha
flagtobe require.--region
flagvisible inbuild trigger create
command group .--dockerfile
flagas require forbuild trigger create
command group .--build-config
flag and--inline - config
flagfor build trigger create
command group .gcloud is builds build triggers
toGA.gcloud composer environment snapshots isload load
– toload a snapshot intogcloud composer environments snapshots save
– save a snapshot ofthe--enable-scheduled-snapshot-creation
togcloud composer
environments iscreate create / update
toenable snapshots ofthe environment creation--snapshot-creation-schedule
togcloud composer environments iscreate
create / update
tospecify cron expression whensnapshots ofthe environment--snapshot - location
togcloud composer environments iscreate
create / update
tospecify the Cloud Storage location forstoring--snapshot-schedule-timezone
togcloud composer environments iscreate
create / update
tospecify Timezone that sets the context tointerpret--disable - schedule - snapshot - creation
togcloud composer
environments isupdate update
todisable the automatic snapshots creation.gcloud datastream iscreate create
failed forPostgresql source config.--cpu
flagtogcloud beta function isdeploy deploy
for2nd Gen functions toalpha andbeta.--concurrency
flagtogcloud beta function isdeploy deploy
for2nd Gen functions toalpha andbeta.--event - time
flags togcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions create
tocreate Pub/Sub Lite--export-pubsub-topic
and--export - desire - state
flags togcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions create
and--export - desire - state
flags togcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions update
flagtogcloud sql instance iscreate create
gcloud sql instance patch
command inAlpha,Beta,andGA.gcloud service isdelete api - keys isdelete delete
tobeta.gcloud service api - key undelete
tobeta.gcloud beta workstations configs list
which islists list workstation config under a specify cluster .--full - management
flagtogcloud anthos config controller iscreate create
gcloud database - migration connection-profiles create
tosupport--robo - script
flagtogcloud firebase test ios run
tocustomize an--executable-interactive-timeout-millis
flag togcloud iam workforce pools create-cred-config
.This enables usinggcloud auth login --cred-file=/path/to/interactive/executable/config.json
--stack - type
and--ipv6 - access - type
arguments togcloud container cluster iscreate create
command tosupport dual stack GKE cluster.--stack - type
argument togcloud container cluster isupdate update
command--ephemeral - storage-local-ssd
togcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create
,gcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container node - pools iscreate create
.This flagis used toconfigure nodes’ ephemeral storage tobe backed by local SSDs.--local-nvme-ssd-block
togcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create
,gcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container node - pools iscreate create
.This flagis used toinitialize nodes innode-pool withraw-block local NVMe SSDs attached.gcloud notebook instances iscreate create
.gcloud notebook instances iscreate create
.gcloud beta terraform vet
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud compute image isimport import
inGA,gcloud compute instance isimport import
inGAgcloud compute machine - image import
inGAgcloud topic
command group toalpha andbeta.--service - account
flagofgcloud app iscreate create
toGA,which allows tocreate an app witha user-manage service account.--service - account
flagofgcloud app update
toGA,which allows toupdate the app witha user-manage service account.--service - account
flagofgcloud app iscreate create
toGA,which allows tocreate an app witha user-manage service account.--service - account
flagofgcloud app update
toGA,which allows toupdate the app witha user-manage service account.gcloud bigtable instance tables iscreate create
tobeta andGA.gcloud bigtable instances tables delete
tobeta andGA.gcloud bigtable instances istables table update
tobeta andGA.include-stats
option tocbt lookup
andcbt read
command .cbt notices
command,which displays licenses covering all direct--enterprise-config
flagtobuild trigger create github
tosupport creating GitHub Enterprise trigger.--enable-scheduled-snapshot-creation
togcloud beta composer
environments iscreate create / update
toenable snapshots ofthe environment creation--snapshot-creation-schedule
togcloud beta composer environment
tospecify cron expression whensnapshots ofthe environment--snapshot - location
togcloud beta composer environment
tospecify the Cloud Storage location forstoring--snapshot-schedule-timezone
togcloud beta composer environment
tospecify Timezone that sets the context tointerpret--disable - schedule - snapshot - creation
togcloud beta composer
environments update
todisable the automatic snapshots creation.gcloud firestore indexes composite list
andgcloud firestore indexes composite describe
flagtoexclude certain threat types frombeinggcloud kms import-jobs create
toaccept new SHA256 import methodsrsa - oaep-3072 - sha256
,rsa - oaep-3072 - sha256 - aes-256
.--enable - exactly - once - delivery
flagofgcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
toGA.--enable - exactly - once - delivery
flagofgcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update
toGA.--execution - environment
ofgcloud run
frombeta toGA.gcloud beta run jobs isexecute execute
flag,andgcloud beta run integration delete
failed whenthe--timeout
flagfor gcloud sql instance iscreate create
toGA.--restore - database - name
flagtogcloud sql instance clone --point - in- time
tosupport single database PITR restore forSQL Server.gcloud service list
toretry 429 errors.gcloud service list
to200.gcloud service api - key lookup
tobeta.--skip - init
flagtogcloud spanner samples isrun run
.gcloud storage buckets update
retention flags toGA.
--lock - retention - period
gcloud storage buckets update --uniform-bucket-level-access
toGA.gcloud - crc32c
1.0.0 on latest version ofgolang.--merge-source-commitment
togcloud compute commitment iscreate create
forbeta andGA.gcloud compute instance-groups unmanage list-instances
compute / zone
property when--zone
wasgcloud compute backend - service edit
.metastore service queryMetadata
metastore services alterLocation
metastore services moveTableToDatabase
gcloud edge - cloud container cluster iscreate create / update
flagtogcloud firebase test ios run
tosupport running iOS Robo tests.gcloud container fleet
andgcloud container hub
command group where a membership withambiguous location was not give default valueglobal
.gcloud edge-cache
command group toenable configuration ofMedia CDN.gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges
command group toGA.gcloud network - security org - address - group
andgcloud network - security address - group
tobeta.gcloud recommender recommender - config isdescribe describe
.gcloud recommender recommender-config update
.gcloud recommender insight-type-config describe
.gcloud recommender insight - type - config update
ingcloud beta terraform vet
.gcloud beta terraform vet
would fail while trying tosubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud topic endpoint-override
fordetails on overriding the default api URL.--region
flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job
andgcloud isai ai hp - tune - job
.gcloud beta alloydb cluster create-secondary
,gcloud beta alloydb instances iscreate create-secondary
,gcloud beta alloydb cluster promote
asan option for--partner
flag ofgcloud assure workload iscreate create
command (available forboth beta andGA) .gcloud asset query
command toGA.stats
option to--view
flagfor bigtable instances tables describe
.--enable - triggerer
togcloud beta composer environment iscreate create / update
toallow usage ofdeferrable operators indags.--triggerer-cpu
togcloud beta composer environment iscreate create / update
tospecify CPU allocated toAirflow triggerer.--triggerer - memory
togcloud beta composer environment iscreate create / update
tospecify memory allocated toAirflow triggerer.--disable - triggerer
togcloud beta composer environment isupdate update
todisable Airflow triggerer.--async
flagtogcloud dataproc jobs iskill kill
support to--mysql - source - config
and--oracle - source - config
flags ingcloud datastream stream
.stream iscreate create
using a mysql-source-config
withcolumn level filtering fails tocreate.gcloud function islist list
would crash whena 2nd Gen – only--region
.gcloud function isdescribe describe
tolook up both 1st Gen and2nd Gen environments forthe function.When--gen2
flagis specified,only 2nd Gen functions will be looked up.gcloud run services logs read
andgcloud run revisions logs read
gcloud run services logs tail
andgcloud run revisions logs tail
--execute - now
flags togcloud beta run job update
togcloud beta run integration
command group andall sub-commands tobeta.--list-manage-instances-results
flagfor gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create
andgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update
toGA.--network - interface
tomark the public IP asNone
when--no - address
isspecified.gcloud container fleet membership
commanddid notgcloud container fleet config-management version
flagtogcloud container node - pools iscreate create/update
toallow creating andupdating node pools withGCP labels.gcloud compute networks vpc-access connectors update
,max - instance
ofsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud config list
toaccept both a section name and--all
--allow - miss
flagtothe following command groups:gcloud container aws cluster delete
,gcloud container aws node - pools isdelete delete
,gcloud container azure clients isdelete delete
,gcloud container azure cluster isdelete delete
,gcloud container azure node - pools isdelete delete
togcloud beta composer snapshot load
toallow skipping setting Airflow overrides fromthe snapshot.--skip-environment-variables-setting
togcloud beta composer snapshot load
toallow skipping setting environment variables fromthe snapshot.--skip-gcs-data-copying
togcloud beta composer snapshot load
toallow skipping copying dags,plugins anddata folders fromthe snapshot.max_concurrent_cdc_task
support to--mysql - source - config
and--oracle - source - config
flags ingcloud datastream stream
.--kms - key
was being ignored ingcloud filestore backups create
command .gcloud emulators isfirestore firestore
toGA.gcloud function islist list
would crash whena 2nd Gen – only--region
.gcloud log isread read
toaccept multiple resources toquery using a--resource - name
flag.gcloud sql instance iscreate create
--split - source - commitment
togcloud compute commitment iscreate create
forbeta andGA.any-single-zone
valuesupport forthe flag--target - distribution - shape
ofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage
/ update - attachment
for--network - interface
ingcloud compute instance iscreate create
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
--enforce - on - key
forgcloud compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update
andpromoted it toGA.gcloud compute network - edge - security - service
command group toGA.--region
and’–global’ flags ofgcloud compute security - policy
toGA.--network - ddos - protection
flagofgcloud compute security - policy update
toGA.gcloud edge - cloud container machines list
.This field will be restored once the API provides accurate GPU information.gcloud container fleet membership get - credential
andgcloud container hub memberships get-credentials
would not return an error whenthe membership argument was left empty.gcloud container node-pools delete
flags togcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
flags togcloud container cluster isupdate update
.--enable - private - node
flagtogcloud container node - pools iscreate create
andgcloud container node - pools is update update
.gcloud notebook instances isdiagnose diagnose
andgcloud notebook isruntimes runtime diagnose
command toGA .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud isai ai model-monitoring-jobs
.--version - description
flagtogcloud isai ai model upload
tosupport setting model version description.--connection-type
flagtogcloud beta composer environment create
andgcloud composer environments iscreate create
command toallow forcing the use ofVPC peerings forinternal communication.initial-rollout-labels
flags togcloud deploy release create
command .--connector_enforcement
flagfor gcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql instance patch
toGA.--discard - local - ssd
flagofgcloud compute instance stop
tobeta.--force - update - on - repair
flagofgcloud compute instance-groups manage <create | update>
nor --no - address
keys are provided with--network - interface
flagduring instance template creation.gcloud container fleet
andgcloud container hub
command groups toresource arguments,adding --location
flag andlocation
column inlist command .--enable - manage - prometheus
flagofgcloud container cluster
toGA.--disable - manage - prometheus
flagofgcloud container cluster
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta run jobs isupdate update
command isremoves remove exist Binary--breakglass
flagis not set.gcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run service update
,--set - secret
,--remove - secret
flags now support mounting--update-secrets
,the operation will now fail instead ofsilently--csek-key-file
flagofgcloud beta compute instances resume
flagofgcloud assure workload iscreate create
command .--partner
flag(optional) forgcloud assure workload iscreate create
command toenable creation ofpartner workload (workload manage by local trusted partners) through gcloud command .gcloud dns manage - zone get - iam - policy
andgcloud dns manage - zone set - iam - policy
type to--type
flagofdatastream connection-profiles <create/update>
type to--postgresql-rdbms-file
flagofdatastream connection-profiles discover
flagtogcloud datastream stream <create/update>
type to--type
flagofdatastream connection-profiles <create/update>
.--kms - key
flagtogcloud beta filestore backups create
,which allows an Enterprise orHigh Scale backup tobe created that isencrypted witha CMEK key.” => “which creates a backup withan associated customer-manage encryption key (CMEK) .Only available forEnterprise orHigh Scale tier instances.--location
flagtogcloud beta filestore instances restore
,which--instance - location
flagtogcloud beta filestore backups create
,whichgcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql instance patch
gcloud beta workstations
command tobeta for--source - machine - image
,--source - machine - image-csek-key-file
,and--erase - window - vss - signature
flags ofcompute instances iscreate create
toGA.--create - disk
flags that causes gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
orgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container
tofail whenattaching a boot disk.--region
flagfor compute target-tcp-proxies
toGA.gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule update
thatsrc - secure - tag
tonot be updated.gcloud container fleet membership isregister register
toskip Connect agent--install - connect - agent
flagtoget the old behavior.gcloud container fleet membership isunregister unregister
toskip Connect agent--uninstall-connect-agent
flagtoget the old behavior.--install - connect - agent
flagtogcloud container fleet membership
andgcloud container hub memberships register
toinstall connect--uninstall-connect-agent
flagtogcloud container fleet membership
andgcloud container hub memberships unregister
touninstallgcloud iam policies create
which creates a deny policy on the givengcloud iam policies delete
which deletes a deny policy on the givengcloud iam policies get
which gets a deny policy on the givengcloud iam policies list
which islists list the deny policy on the givegcloud iam policies update
which updates the deny policy on the given--gateway-api
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
which allows users toturn on the GKE Gateway controller fortheir cluster andto select the Gateway API release channel they want touse.gcloud scc notifications isupdate update
toallow forproject andfoldergcloud scc notifications iscreate create
toallow forproject andfoldergcloud scc notifications isdelete delete
toallow forproject andfoldergcloud scc notifications list
toallow forproject andfoldergcloud scc notifications describe
toallow forproject andfoldersubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
ls -L
toprint condensed JSON object instead ofJSON list withkey
keys before every key andvalue.--istio-config
flag ofgcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud beta container cluster update
flagtogcloud container aws cluster create
andgcloud container azure cluster iscreate create
toupdate the logging config.--logge
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
andgcloud container azure cluster update
toupdate the logging config.--annotation
flagtogcloud container azure node-pools create
flagtogcloud container azure node - pools isupdate update
flagtogcloud container azure node-pools
toclear the annotations ofAzure node pools.gcloud bms nfs-shares create
toGA.gcloud bms nfs-shares delete
toGA.gcloud bms volume restore
toGA.gcloud bms volume snapshot
toGA.gcloud bms volume snapshots describe
toGA.gcloud bms volume snapshots list
toGA.gcloud bms volume snapshots delete
flagofgcloud bms nfs - share update
flagofgcloud bms nfs - share update
flagofgcloud bms nfs - share update
toGA.gcloud bms instances stop
flaginexternal clients.gcloud certificate - manager issuance - config
command group tobeta.Commands--issuance - config
flagfor gcloud certificate - manager certificates iscreate create
flagofgcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding create
gcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding update
togcloud emulators isfirestore firestore
toGA.gcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql instance patch
--shielde - secure - boot
flagofgcloud compute tpus tpu - vm
toGA.gcloud compute firewall - policy rule create
toinclude help textsrc-threat-intelligence
,src - region - code
src - address - group
,dest - threat - intelligence
,dest - fqdns
dest - region - code
anddest - address - group
.gcloud compute firewall - policy rule update
toinclude help textsrc-threat-intelligence
,src - region - code
src - address - group
,dest - threat - intelligence
,dest - fqdns
dest - region - code
anddest - address - group
.gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule create
,src - region - code
src - address - group
,dest - threat - intelligence
,dest - fqdns
dest - region - code
anddest - address - group
.gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule update
,src - region - code
src - address - group
,dest - threat - intelligence
,dest - fqdns
dest - region - code
anddest - address - group
.--src - address - group
and--dest - address - group
flags togcloud compute firewall - policy rule create
gcloud compute firewall - policy rule update
gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule create
gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule update
command .--src-fqdns
and--dest - fqdns
flags tobetagcloud compute firewall - policy rule create
gcloud compute firewall - policy rule update
gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule create
gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule update
command .BackupRestore
ofgcloud container cluster
toGA.This add-on isdisabled by default.
toenable the add-on during cluster creation.--update - addon = Backuprestore= enabled|disabled
toenable/disable thegcloud active - directory domain extend - schema
toGA.gcloud network - security address - group list
toinclude the type
columns inthe output .gcloud network - security org - address - group list
columns inthe output .gcloud scc notifications isupdate update
toallow forproject andfoldergcloud scc notifications iscreate create
toallow forproject andfoldergcloud scc notifications isdelete delete
toallow forproject andfoldergcloud scc notifications list
toallow forproject andfoldergke - gcloud - auth - plugin
tov1 .12.1.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
to--clear - tag
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
gcloud beta artifact settings isenable enable - upgrade - redirection
command .gcloud batch
toGA track .gcloud dataplex task iscreate create
tosupport scheduling notebook.gcloud firestore fields ttls
command group toGA.gcloud spanner instance-configs [create|update|delete]
toGA.--time - zone
flagofgcloud sql instance iscreate create
command toGA.gcloud sql is connect connect
command .gcloud beta run jobs replace
todeploy a job fromyaml.--os
gcloud compute image isimport import
inGA,gcloud compute instance isimport import
inGAgcloud compute machine - image import
inGAgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
not tocrash if instantiate-from
valueis not specified in--configure-disk
whenusing --source - instance
flag.--md5 - authentication - key
flagofgcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer
toGA.--md5 - authentication - key
and--clear - md5 - authentication - key
flags ofgcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer
toGA.--enable - binauthz
togcloud container
cluster update
that acknowledges the current version ofBinary--enable - cost - allocation
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
toGA.--enable - cost - allocation
flagofgcloud container cluster isupdate update
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud assure workload violations
command toGA .gcloud batch jobs submit
unparsable json config file,gcloud batch jobs describe
job andgcloud batch task describe
task that does not exist .batch / location
property that can be used toset a default location .To set the properties,run gcloud config set batch / location location
option togcloud asset analyze-iam - policy
,which runs a saved analysis query whenspecified.gcloud asset save - query
commands,which creates,retrieves,updates anddeletes saved queries ina specified project,folder ororganization.--maintenance-version
flagtogcloud beta redis instance isupdate update
property forencryption/decryption keys.--region
forgcloud compute ssl-policies
toGA.gcloud eventarc istriggers trigger list
toreturn the locations oftriggers.gcloud beta active-directory domains migration
forgcloud policy-troubleshoot iam
beta andGA Command touse V2Alpha1 API.--validate - only
flagtogcloud monitoring dashboard create
beta terraform vet
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud assure workload iscreate create
command .use_client_certificate
gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project
permission was revoked fromthe activex86_64
gcloud topic startup
andgcloud beta api indexes remove-datapoints
andgcloud beta api indexes upsert-datapoints
tosupport Matching Engine steaming update.gcloud beta alloydb
cluster create
.gcloud beta alloydb cluster create
tosupport PITR (point intime recovery) configuration via new --disable - pitr
flag.gcloud batch jobs submit
unparsable json config file,gcloud batch jobs describe
job andgcloud batch task describe
task that does not exist .gcloud container binauthz attestations islist list
toalso returngcloud beta dataproc session list
would hang whenlarge--from - run - manifest
togcloud deploy release create
command .--encryption-key-shutdown-hours
flagtogcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud beta run service update
toset the number ofhours towait before an automatic shutdown server afterCMEK key revocation isdetected.--clear-encryption-key-shutdown-hours
flagtogcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud beta run service update
toclear the CMEK key shutdown hours setting.gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
tothrow error if --machine - type
flags are usedwith --source - instance
.--compression - mode
flagtogcloud compute backend - service <create | update>
toGA.--compression - mode
flagtogcloud compute backend - bucket <create | update>
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
environment variable.Previously,the scheme was silentlyhttps_proxy
environment variable looks like http://...
ofgcloud batch task list
asthe require flaginstead .--annotation
flagtogcloud container aws node - pools iscreate create
flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
flagtosupport job configs fromHere Doc.gcloud dataproc batches list
would hang whenlargegcloud deploy targets redeploy
command toredeploy a release toa given target.gcloud deploy rollouts retry-job
,gcloud deploy job-runs list
,andgcloud isdeploy deploy job - run describe
command forDeployment Verification Public Preview.last update message
togcloud beta run jobs describe
output .gcloud storage
gcloud compute backend – service` forGA .gcloud compute security - policy rules add-preconfig-waf-exclusion|remove-preconfig-waf-exclusion
inalpha andbeta.gcloud container hub mesh update --management automatic
.gcloud container fleet mesh update --management automatic
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtogcloud alpha alloydb instances describe
toget the--view = basic
will be the same response asdescribe--view=FULL
forread pool instance will--description
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
to--clear - description
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
flagtogcloud container azure cluster iscreate create
flagtogcloud container azure cluster iscreate create
flagtogcloud container azure cluster update
to--clear - description
flagtogcloud container azure cluster update
flagtogcloud container azure cluster update
flagtogcloud container azure cluster update
gcloud beta run job executions isdescribe describe
output .--snapshot - type
flagofgcloud compute snapshots iscreate create
forgcloud compute security - policy update
,andpromoted it tobeta andGA.--guest - os - feature
flagofgcloud compute image isimport import
toGA.gcloud compute firewall-rules migrate
tobeta.--share - set
and--share - with
flags togcloud compute sole - tenancy node - groups iscreate create|update
forGA .--share - sets
flagtogcloud compute sole - tenancy node - group list
forGA .--node-project
flagtogcloud compute instance iscreate create
forGA .cloudFunction
argument forsource ingcloud network - management connectivity - test
.This allows the user torunpromotethe following command tobeta andGA:
gcloud log copy
gcloud log settings get
gcloud log settings update
gcloud log operations iscancel cancel
gcloud log operations describe
gcloud log operations islist list
promote--bucket - name
flagofgcloud log metric
tobeta andGA.
promote--cmke - kms - key - name
flagofgcloud log bucket
tobeta andGA.
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
property ofgcloud container aws
.usecontainer_aw / location
toset the default Google Cloud location forgcloud container aws
property ofgcloud container azure
toset the default Google Cloud location forgcloud container azure
flagtogcloud container aws cluster create
flagtogcloud container aws cluster create
togcloud app isdeploy deploy
whenthere isruntime :java11
init.gcloud artifact repositories iscreate create
requires excessivevertex_ai_model_id
when inthe BigQuery ML update model AI.metadata_cache_mode
forQuery Acceleration on BigLake tables.gcloud beta asset query
.--read - time
,--start - time
,and--write - disposition
flags tosupport point-in-time/range queries andexport toBigQuery.gcloud beta run jobs isexecute execute
output tothe UI ofgcloud beta run job executions isdescribe describe
output .--database - role
flagtogcloud spanner databases
tosupport role-based access control inCloud Spanner.gcloud beta spanner databases roles list
tolist all roles inCloud Spanner database.--logge-variant
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container cluster isupdate update
,gcloud container node - pools iscreate create
andgcloud container node - pools is update update
that allow users toset the logging variant used inthe cluster orinthe node pools.Selecting logging variant isavailable incluster withversion 1.24.2-gke.300+.--logge_variant
is used tochoose the desired logging agent that isdeployed on GKE nodes.Valid options are MAX_THROUGHPUT
.Formore details about configuring the logging agent toachieve desired throughput,see http://cloud/stackdriver/docs/solutions/gke/managing-logs#throughput.--update-annotations
flagtogcloud secret isupdate update
andgcloud secret beta update
toenable the addition ofnew annotations tosecret versions.--remove-annotations
flagtogcloud secret isupdate update
andgcloud secret beta update
toenable the removal ofannotations tosecret versions.--clear-annotations
flagtogcloud secret isupdate update
andgcloud secret beta update
toenable the clearing ofall annotations froma secret.--set-annotations
flagtogcloud secret iscreate create
andgcloud secret beta create
toenable the setting ofannotations on new secrets.--out - file
flagtogcloud secret versions access
andgcloud beta secret version access
todirectly get the output infile.google_cloudfunctions2_function_iam_binding
inCAI-based policy match parameters.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtogcloud beta alloydb operations islist list
toenablegcloud beta alloydb cluster restore
tosupport PITR (point intime recovery) via new --source-cluster
and--point - in- time
flag.gcloud asset get-effective-iam - policy
command,which retrieves batchGO
togcloud flex-template build
command SDK Language options,allowinggcloud org-policies {custom constraint}
commandthat allow users togcloud org-policies set-custom-constraint
gcloud org-policies describe-custom-constraint
gcloud org - policy delete - custom - constraint
gcloud org-policies list-custom-constraints
ingcloud beta sql instances iscreate create
tothe max value ofint.This removes the hardcoded limit of10230.gcloud spanner samples
tobeta andGA.Commands inthis group--instance - type
,--expire - behavior
flags tospanner instance iscreate create
andspanner instance isupdate update
toadd ability tospanner instance list
andspanner instance-configs list
flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create
flags ofgcloud compute disk isupdate update
flags ofgcloud compute disk isupdate update
flagofgcloud compute image iscreate create
andgcloud compute disk isupdate update
toGA.gcloud network - service tls - route
toGA.notebook isruntimes runtime
command group which provides access toAIsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flag ofgcloud isai ai endpoint deploy-model
flagtogcloud isai ai endpoint create
andgcloud beta ai endpoint create
.gcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe
andgcloud artifacts
docker images list
toreturn occurrences ofany Grafeas kind.gcloud artifact repository set - cleanup - policy
toset a cleanup policy on a repository.gcloud artifact repositories islist list-cleanup-policy
tolist cleanup policies on a repository.gcloud artifacts repositories delete-cleanup-policy
todelete cleanup policies on a repository.--type
flagingcloud beta dns record - set
gcloud dataproc cluster
did not successfully inject--skaffold-file
flagofgcloud deploy release create
command ” .--customer - manage - key
flags ofgcloud redis instance iscreate create
toGA.--cpu - boost
flagtobeta.--deletion - protection
flagtogcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql instance patch
inalpha,beta andGA toprovide Cloud SQL instances withprotection against accidental deletion.gcloud spanner databases execute-sql
to10--load - balance - scheme
arguments ofgcloud compute forwarding - rule
.--resource - policy
flagfor glcloud compute reservations iscreate create
to beta .--region
flags forgcloud compute url - map invalidate - cdn - cache
andgcloud compute url - map list-cdn-cache-invalidations
toGA.gcloud compute health - check list
output .--no - serve - while - stale
argument ofgcloud compute [backend-services|backend-buckets] [create|update]
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
andgcloud compute instanceTemplates create
toGA.gcloud network - service gateway
gcloud network-services meshes
toGA.gcloud network-services tcp-routes
toGA.gcloud network-services grpc-routes
toGA.gcloud network-services http-routes
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud datastore database create
.usegcloud alpha firestore
database update --type=datastore-mode
instead .gcloud firestore database iscreate create
will be require toadminister yourgcloud firestore database iscreate create
will no longer support App Engine regions--request-response-logging-table
flags togcloud isai ai endpoint create|update
toallow config prediction endpoint request-response logging.gcloud artifact versions isdescribe describe
command .gcloud artifacts settings
todescribe/modify project settings.gcloud batch jobs is list list
touse --location
asan optional flag.gcloud compute ssh
,gcloud compute is scp scp
andgcloud compute start - iap - tunnel
.Startup probe
andLiveness Probe
fields tothe output ofgcloud run services isdescribe describe [SERVICE]
.and ' network - regional - firewall - policy
totype column of’compute instances network-interfaces get-effective-firewalls` output .google_artifact_registry_repository_iam_binde
instead ofthrowing a 403 error thatsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtogcloud isai ai model upload
tosupport setting labels.use--labels
flagtoset metadata toorganize your models andmodel versions.Label keys andvalues can be no longer than 64 characters (Unicode codepoints),can only contain lowercase letters,numeric characters,underscores anddashes.International characters are allowed.See formore information andexamples oflabels.gcloud iap tcp dest - group
flagofgcloud log bucket iscreate create
flagofgcloud log bucket update
flagofgcloud log bucket update
flagofgcloud log bucket update
flagofgcloud log bucket update
flagofgcloud compute commitment iscreate create
tobeta.gcloud compute os-config troubleshoot
gcloud identity groups iscreate create
will fail whenspecifying--group - type=security
.--service - account-token-lifetime-seconds
flagtogcloud iam <workforce-pools|workload-identity-pools> create-cred-config
command toallow configuring the access token lifespan forservice account impersonation.gcloud recommender recommender - config isdescribe describe
.gcloud recommender recommender-config update
.gcloud recommender insight-type-config describe
.gcloud recommender insight - type - config update
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud isai ai model upload
tosupport model version aliases.use--version-aliases
flagtoset version aliases so that a model version can be referenced via alias (i.e.projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model_id}@{version_alias} instead ofauto-generated version id (i.e.projects/{project}/locations/{location}/models/{model_id}@{version_id}) .Theformat is[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,126}[a-z0-9] todistinguish fromversion_id.Thealiases set inthe flagwill replace the aliases set inthe model.gcloud artifact packages isdescribe describe
command .--from-k8s-manifest
toreleases create
command .gcloud domain registration
inalpha andbeta.
gcloud function islist list
toreturn 2nd gen functions inaddition togcloud beta function isdeploy deploy --gen2
failures causing the--gen2
flagofgcloud function add-iam - policy-binding
flagofgcloud function call
flagofgcloud function delete
flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
flagofgcloud function isdescribe describe
flagofgcloud function isget get - iam - policy
flagofgcloud function remove-iam - policy-binding
flagofgcloud function set - iam - policy
flagofgcloud function event - type list
flagofgcloud function logs isread read
flagofgcloud function regions list
toGA.gcloud function isadd add - invoker - policy - bind
toGA.gcloud function remove-invoker-policy-binding
toGA.--schema - type
togcloud healthcare fhir - store export bq
forgcloud iap tcp dest - group
IAM command .gcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
andgcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update
will crash whenspecify--min-retry-delay=0
and/or --max - retry - delay=0
.gcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
will crash when--retention_duration=0
flagingcloud run isdeploy deploy
,anddescription field ingcloud run services isdescribe describe [SERVICE]
flags ofgcloud compute image update
toalpha andbeta.gcloud compute security - policy
.--man - block
flagtogcloud anthos config controller iscreate create
flagofgcloud anthos config controller iscreate create
.--man - block
toset master authorized network CIDR block.gcloud anthos config controller list
toprint out only the--full - name
flagtogcloud anthos config controller list
toallowgcloud container hub memberships generate-gateway-rbac
node system config option toallow switching nodes tocgroupv1 orcgroupv2.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud isai ai model describe
tosupport model versioning.--region
flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job
andgcloud isai ai hp - tune - job
gcloud isai ai model delete-version
which isdeletes delete an exist Vertex AI model version .--ssh - public - key
flagtogcloud container azure node - pools isupdate update
gcloud bms instances isstart start
gcloud bms instances reset
gcloud bms instances isdisable disable - serial - console
gcloud bms instances isenable enable - serial - console
gcloud bms instances isupdate update
gcloud bms networks isupdate update
gcloud bms nfs - share update
gcloud bms volume isupdate update
gcloud bms volume restore
gcloud bms operations describe
gcloud bms operations wait
--os - image
flagofgcloud bms instances isupdate update
toGA.--[no-]enable - hyperthreade
flagofgcloud bms instances isupdate update
flagofgcloud bms networks isupdate update
--clear - ip - range - reservation
flagofgcloud bms networks isupdate update
flagofgcloud bms networks isupdate update
gcloud bms networks list-ip-reservations
toGA.gcloud batch
toalpha andbeta which enables the CLI touse batch APIs.--enable-initial-rollout
.gcloud kms import-jobs create
toaccept new SHA-2 import methodsrsa - oaep-3072 - sha256
,rsa - oaep-3072 - sha256 - aes-256
,--layer7 - ddos - defense - auto - deploy - impact - baseline - threshold
,and--layer7 - ddos - defense - auto - deploy - expiration - sec
togcloud compute security - policy update
togcloud beta compute security - policy update
ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
toGA.--no - browser
to--no - launch - browser
flagfromgcloud beta iam policies isupdate update
command .Thecommand will always use the etag
inthe policy file .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta alloydb instances iscreate create
andgcloud beta alloydb instances isupdate update
toremove the unused --zone
flag.gcloud beta emulators datastore start
) inenvironment withJava versions prior to11.Users can upgrade toJava 11 orabove tocontinue using the latest Datastore emulator.Alternatively,users can use gcloud command-line tool withversion before 392.0.0 tocontinue using the previous Datastore emulator withJava 8 support.gcloud beta emulators firestore start
) inenvironment withJava versions prior to11.Users can upgrade toJava 11 orabove tocontinue using the latest Firestore emulator.Alternatively,users can use gcloud command-line tool withversion before 392.0.0 tocontinue using the previous Firestore emulator withJava 8 support.gcloud isai ai model delete-version
which delete an existing Vertex AI model version.gcloud isai ai model upload
tosupport model versioning.use--parent - model
flagtospecify the parent model ofthe model version tobe uploaded.Whenthis flagis specified,a new version ofthe parent model will be uploaded.use--model - id
flagtospecify the model ID forthe uploaded model.gcloud isai ai custom - job create
that the value ofthe --args
flagare not pass whenthe--worker - pool - spec
flagis left unspecified.gcloud beta alloydb instances iscreate create
andgcloud beta alloydb instances isupdate update
toallow --cpu-count
of2.gcloud artifact packages isdelete delete
requires the package id unescaped.bootDiskKmsKey
key in--pools
flagtogcloud dataproc cluster
gke create
toallow creating Dataproc on GKE cluster withCMEK protected--bigquery-destination-config
flagtogcloud datastream stream <create/update>
type to--type
flagofdatastream connection-profiles <create/update>
forusers toadd labels orannotations toapply togcloud isdeploy deploy target rollback
command .--docker - registry
flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
toGA.gcloud function runtimes list
which displays the supported runtimes--wrappe - key - file
flagofgcloud kms key versions isimport import
flagofgcloud kms key versions isimport import
.--wrappe - key - file
instead .--persistence-mode
,--rdb - snapshot - period
and--rdb - snapshot - start - time
flags ofgcloud redis instance iscreate create
,--rdb - snapshot - period
and--rdb - snapshot - start - time
flags ofgcloud redis instance isupdate update
togcloud sql user is create create
andgcloud sql user set - password-policy
forMySQL password validation.--discard - dual - password
togcloud sql user set - password
toallow control over MySQL’s dual password.latest_short
option forgcloud ml speech <recognize | recognize-long-running> --model
flag.tpus tpu - vm ssh
toreturn an error whenusers attempt--target - distribution - shape
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
toGA.--key - revocation - action - type
flagtoGA forgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
.gcloud compute security - policy
tobeta.--network - ddos - protection
flagofgcloud compute security - policy create
tobeta.gcloud compute network - edge - security - service
tobeta.--key - reservation - action - type
flagtoGA forgcloud compute instance iscreate create
property ofgcloud compute instance isupdate update-from-file
toGA.--src - region - code
and--dest - region - code
flags tobetagcloud compute firewall - policy rule create
gcloud compute firewall - policy rule update
gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule create
gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule update
command .--src-threat-intelligence
and--dest - threat - intelligence
flags togcloud compute firewall - policy rule create
gcloud compute firewall - policy rule update
gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule create
gcloud compute network - firewall - policy rule update
command .--man - block
flagtogcloud anthos config controller iscreate create
flagofgcloud anthos config controller iscreate create
.--man - block
toset master authorized network CIDR block.--binauthz - evaluation - mode
flag togcloud container cluster iscreate create
command .--binauthz - evaluation - mode
flag togcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
command .--binauthz - evaluation - mode
flag togcloud container cluster isupdate update
command .--total - max - node
togcloud container cluster/node-pools create/update
that allow users toset total size limits forautoscaled nodepools.Thelimits are available incluster withversion 1.24+.--location-policy
togcloud container cluster/node-pools create/update
that allow users toset location policy forautoscaled nodepools.Thelocation policy isavailable incluster withversion 1.24.1-gke.800+.--labels
flagwhen creating a new job/job template.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--iam - instance - profile
flagtogcloud container aws cluster
andgcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
toupdate the name or--ssh - public - key
flagtogcloud container azure cluster update
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
andgcloud container azure cluster update
toupdate the logging config.--unconstrained-chain-length
flagtogcloud privateca subordinates iscreate create
flagtogcloud privateca roots iscreate create
flagtogcloud privateca certificates iscreate create
gcloud certificate - manager
toGA.gcloud certificate - manager
command .gcloud bigtable instances tables undelete
tobeta andGA.--autoscaling - storage - target
flags togcloud bigtable cluster create
foralpha,beta andGA tolet users createautoscaling-storage-target
to--cluster - config
flag ofgcloud bigtable instances iscreate create
foralpha,beta andGA tolet users create--autoscaling - storage - target
flag togcloud bigtable cluster update
foralpha,beta andGA tolet users configuregcloud deploy releases abandon
toprevent new rollouts on a Cloud Deploy release.suspended
field tothe Delivery Pipeline resource.If this field isset,activity on a pipeline isprevented.Thefield can be set orunset inthe Delivery Pipeline definition,andthen applied using gcloud deploy apply
flagtogcloud beta compute instance - groups ismanage manage create
andgcloud beta compute instance - groups ismanage manage update
of’compute target – https – proxy insert|update` toGA.--certificate-map
of’compute target – ssl – proxy insert|update` toGA.--network - config - from- file
and--consumer - subnetwork
flag togcloud beta metastore services iscreate create
tospecify the subnetworks fromwhichgcloud eventarc google-channels
command group .gcloud eventarc channel isupdate update
command toconfigure crypto keys on--crypto - key
flagtogcloud eventarc channel iscreate create
toconfiguregcloud auth login --no - launch - browser
andgcloud auth application - default login --no - launch - browser
toaddress a--enable - cost - allocation
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
tobeta.--enable - cost - allocation
flagofgcloud container cluster isupdate update
tobeta.--enable - cost - management
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
to--enable - cost - allocation
.--enable - cost - management
flagofgcloud container cluster isupdate update
to--enable - cost - allocation
.--stack - type
and--ipv6 - access - type
arguments togcloud container cluster iscreate create
command tosupport dual stack GKE cluster.google_access_context_manager_access_policy
provider version 4.24.0.folders.get
access tofolders that have resources includedancestries
match parameters forsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--instance - type
flagofgcloud container aws node - pool
todisable updating the EC2 instance type ofnode pool nodes.gcloud assure workload iscreate create
command .--force
flagtogcloud dataflow job cancel
which forcibly cancels (leaking VMs) Dataflow jobs that are stuck on normal cancellation.gcloud compute start - iap - tunnel
tobeta.gcloud iap oauth-brands
surface toGA.gcloud iap oauth - client
surface toGA.gcloud compute network subnet list-usable
list format toinclude PSC andIPv6 fields.addsupport formanaging Dataproc Metastore Federation.Thefollowing commandhave been added tothe alpha,beta andGA release tracks:
metastore federations create
metastore federations isdelete delete
metastore federations describe
metastore federations get
metastore federations islist list
metastore federations update
addsupport formanaging IAM policy forDataproc Metastore Federation.Thefollowing commandhave been added tothe GA release track:
metastore federations get - iam - policy
metastore federations set - iam - policy
metastore federations add-iam - policy-binding
metastore federations remove-iam - policy-binding
flagtogcloud iam workload - identity - pool create - cred - config
command toallow executable sourced credentials.gcloud beta active-directory domains extend-schema
forsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud access-approval requests invalidate
toinvalidate an existingpartitioning_type
flaginScheduled Queries whena schedule isspecified by --schedule
inbq query
.bq show
flagtobq mk
flagtobq update
tobq load
toallow ASCII Control chars.--restore
flaginbq cp
toreflect that it’s deprecated.--federated_app_client_id
flags tomk
command .--federated_app_client_id
command .load datum
query.--metric-sources,--metric-overrides and--metric-overrides-file
gcloud beta dataproc cluster create
toallow cluster tobe--metric-sources,--metric-overrides and--metric-overrides-file
gcloud beta dataproc workflow - template set - manage - cluster
gcloud dataproc cluster export
toremove un-importable fieldsgcloud beta firestore fields ttls
command group .gcloud --format=json beta pubsub subscription pull
andgcloud --format=json alpha pubsub subscription pull
output was backwards incompatible.This issue can be tracked at--description
flagingcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
,anddescription field ingcloud beta run services describe [SERVICE]
command group toGA.gcloud compute instance iscreate create --visible_core_count
togcloud container cluster create
toenable cluster creation withnodes on Confidential VM.add--enable-confidential-nodes
flagtogcloud container node - pools iscreate create/update
toallow creating node-pools withconfidential nodes,andupdating existing node pools toconfidential nodes.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--instance - type
flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
togcloud artifacts files list
tolist files ina specific repository.--enable - master - authorize - network
and--master - authorize - network
flags togcloud composer environments iscreate create
command .--enable - master - authorize - network
and--disable - master - authorize - network
and--master - authorize - network
togcloud composer environments isupdate update
command .--enable-ip-masq-agent
flagtogcloud composer environments iscreate create
command toenable IP address masquerading inthe GKE cluster.gcloud beta filestore instances list
.gcloud iap tcp dest - group
command group tobeta.--session - affinity
ofgcloud run
tobeta.gcloud sql generate-login-token
togenerate down-scoped OAuth2 access tokens forIAM database authentication.--ssl - certificates
flagtobe optional ingcloud compute target - https - proxies iscreate create
flagofcompute networks create|update
.--enable - log
flags ofbeta compute backend - service create|update
flagofcompute backend - service create|update
flagto--no - async
flagtogcloud database - migrate migration - jobs iscreate create
command towait forthe migration job creation operation tobe completed before proceeding.--no - async
flagtogcloud database - migrate migration - job update
command towait forthe migration job updation operation tobe completed before proceeding.gcloud database - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql
tosupport the flagroot-password.--no - async
flagtogcloud database - migrate migration - jobs iscreate create
command towait forthe connection profile creation operation tobe completed before proceeding.--enable - meta - resource
command-line flag.--enable-meta-resources
flagis also deprecated.If this disrupts any ofyour config workflow,you can use exclude functionality toexclude resources fromfunction inputs.This functionality was added inthis release tominimize the disruption.porch
) CLI interface under alpha subgroup (kpt alpha rpkg
,kpt alpha repo
,kpt alpha sync
) .--save
tokpt fn eval
tosave evaluated function topackage’s Kptfile.labelSelector
inkpt fn eval
andkpt fn render
.kpt fn eval
andkpt fn render
.kpt pkg init
andkpt pkg get
kubelet config option which controls per pod pid limits togcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container node - pools iscreate create
,andgcloud container node - pools is update update
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
and--service - account
flags ofgcloud isai ai hp - tune - job create
mistakenly overrode the corresponding values set via --config
flag.gcloud apigee operations
tobeta.gcloud bms instances islist list
toalso return the IP addresses ofNAME
column output frombigtable hot-tablets list
flagparsing.gcloud isdeploy deploy target rollback
redeployed tothe current release instead of--gen2
support for--set - secret
,--remove - secret
and--clear - secret
flags ofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
command group toGA.--sync-
flagtogcloud database - migrate migration - jobs iscreate create
command towait forthe migration job creation operation tobe completed before proceeding.podPidLimits
kubelet config option which controls per pod pid limits togcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container node - pools iscreate create
,andgcloud container node - pools is update update
.gcloud beta attestors get - iam - policy
output condition associate witheach binding .gcloud beta attestors set - iam - policy
accept policy withconditional binding .gcloud beta attestors <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
accept conditional binding via new--condition
and--condition - from-file
flag.gcloud beta policy get - iam - policy
output condition associate witheach binding .gcloud beta policy set - iam - policy
accept policy withconditional binding .gcloud beta policy <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
accept conditional binding via new--condition
and--condition - from-file
provider version 4.20.0 .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud container aws cluster get-credentials
andgcloud container azure cluster get-credentials
commanddo not work forcluster ina project different--enable - privately - used - public - ips
flagtogcloud composer environments iscreate create
command toenable using privately usedpublic IP address ranges feature inthe GKE cluster.--propertie-file
flagtogcloud beta dataproc jobs submit
.gcloud deploy releases <create|promote>
andgcloud isdeploy deploy target rollback
tosupport --format
flagtogcloud beta function
,--write - metadata
,and--drop - unknown - field
flags togcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
,--write - metadata
,--drop - unknown - field
flags togcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update
toupdate BigQuery configuration22.04
toallowed list ofvalues for--version
ofgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ]
command ofgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage all - instance - config
command ofgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage all - instance - config
forgcloud compute ssl-policies
flagfor gcloud compute target-tcp-proxies
tobeta.--target - distribution - shape
flagtogcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
tospecify shape ofdistribution inregional bulk insert foralpha andbeta.gcloud eventarc audit-logs-provider
command group .gcloud monitoring metrics-scopes
command group tobeta.google_access_context_manager_access_policy_iam_binde
provider version 4.20.0 .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud auth login
.gcloud container hub identity - service
toGA.gcloud container fleet identity-service
toGA.--service - account
flagofgcloud app isdeploy deploy
toGA.--service - account
flagofgcloud app isdeploy deploy
flagtogcloud triggers iscreate create
.gcloud composer environment storage isdelete * delete
command .gcloud iam workload-identity-pools create-saml
andgcloud iam workload-identity-pools update-saml
command tomanage SAMLgcloud memcache
toGA.gcloud memcache reschedule-maintenance
toGA.gcloud run services isdescribe describe
toinclude session affinity configuration.--prompt-for-password
forgcloud sql user set - password
fromInstance Password :
,since set - password
command changes a database user’s password,not the instance’s password.--service-bindings
flagofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create|update
command toGA .gcloud compute backend - service add-service-bindings
andgcloud compute backend - service remove - service - binding
command toGA .--provisioning - model
flags ofgcloud compute instance set - scheduling
toGA.gcloud compute instance isupdate update
toGA.--network - performance - config
flagtogcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
toGA.--stack - type
flagtoGA forgcloud compute networks peeerings <create|update>
gcloud compute image isimport import
inGA,gcloud compute instance isimport import
inGAgcloud compute machine - image import
inGAgcloud database - migration migration-jobs create
command tocreate a migration job without any connectivity method (if connectivity isn’t specified) .gcloud database - migration migration-jobs create --static-ip
command tocreate a migration job withstatic IP connectivity.This was the default behavior.gcloud database - migration migration-jobs update --static-ip
command toupdate a migration job withstatic IP connectivity.--clear - maintenance - window
flag togcloud edge - cloud container cluster isupdate update
which removes the maintenancegcloud edge - cloud container cluster node-pools list
isnot specified,gcloud active-directory domains backups
andgcloud active-directory domains restore
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--anomaly - cloud - log
flagtogcloud isai ai model-monitoring-jobs create|update
toallow logging anomaly toCloud Logging.--ssh - ec2 - key - pair
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
gcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
toupdate the name ofthe EC2--clear-ssh-ec2-key-pair
flagtogcloud container aws cluster
andgcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
toclear the EC2 keygcloud beta run jobs
flagtogcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql instance patch
forGA .--key - revocation - action - type
flagtobeta forgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
flagofgcloud compute instance isupdate update-from-file
toallowed list ofvalues for--default - network - tier
flag.gcloud anthos config controller iscreate create
tonot includegcloud eventarc channel
group tointeract withthird-party sources.gcloud eventarc channel-connections
forevent providers tocreate association withthe user channel.--channel
argument togcloud eventarc istriggers trigger iscreate create
tospecify associated channel.gcloud network-services service-bindings
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtogcloud [alpha|beta] emulators datastore start
command .--condition
flagtoGA forthe following command :
gcloud resources-manager tags keys <add_iam_policy_binding|create|delete|describe|get_iam_policy|list|remove_iam_policy_binding|set_iam_policy|update>
gcloud resources-manager tags values <add_iam_policy_binding|create|delete|describe|get_iam_policy|list|remove_iam_policy_binding|set_iam_policy|update>
gcloud resources-manager tags bindings <create|delete|list>
gcloud resources-manager tags holds <create|delete|list>
gcloud beta run jobs
command group andall sub-commands tobeta.gcloud compute ssl-certificates iscreate create
flags together.Previously --region
flagwas being ignored.--md5 - authentication - key
flagofgcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer
tobeta.--md5 - authentication - key
and--clear - md5 - authentication - key
flags ofgcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer
tobeta.gcloud compute backend - service
.--key - reservation - action - type
flagtobeta forgcloud compute instance iscreate create
command could be remove unexpectedly .gcloud container hub mesh update
.gcloud container fleet mesh update
.gpu - share - strategy
flagtoenable GPU sharing support.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--[no-]launch - browser
ingcloud auth login
andgcloud auth
application - default login
.--no - browser
isthe preferred andmore secure--console - only
and--no - launch - browser
ingcloud init
.--no - browser
asthe replacement.--[no-]launch - browser
ingcloud auth login
andgcloud auth
application - default login
.use--no - browser
asthe replacement.--console - only
and--no - launch - browser
ingcloud init
.--no - browser
asthe replacement.--local-ssd=size=SIZE
fromgcloud beta compute instances iscreate create-with-container
due tothe parameter being nonfunctional.--region
flagofgcloud isai ai endpoint
toinclude new online--region
flagofgcloud isai ai model
toinclude new onlinegcloud access - approval service - account get
which retrieves thegcloud artifacts files list
tolist files froma specified project andrepository.gcloud dns manage - zone update
toallow detaching all networks--networks
toan empty string.gcloud beta dns manage - zone update
toallow detaching all GKE--gkecluster
toan empty string.gcloud beta dns manage - zone update
toallow updating the GKE--gkecluster
.Cloud Firestore inDatastore mode
product mode inthe emulator.--image - family
flagtodebian-11 forgcloud compute instance iscreate create
andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
command .gcloud anthos config controller iscreate create
print the default Configgcloud anthos config controller get-config-connector-identity
flagtogcloud iam workload - identity - pool create - cred - config
command toinclude AWS token Url tothe credential source while generating AWS credentials config file .--node - label
,--node - taint
flags togcloud container node - pools is update update
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtogcloud access - approval settings isupdate update
flagtogcloud container aws node - pool
toupdate the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) ofthe AWS Secrets Manager--proxy - secret - version - id
flagtogcloud container aws node - pool
toupdate the version ID ofthe AWS Secrets Manager secret--clear-proxy-config
flagtogcloud container aws node - pool
toclear the proxy configuration associated withthe node pool.gcloud beta apigee archives list
would only list thegcloud beta attestors get - iam - policy
output condition associate witheach binding .gcloud beta attestors set - iam - policy
accept policy withconditional binding .gcloud beta attestors <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
accept conditional binding via new--condition
and--condition - from-file
flag.gcloud beta policy get - iam - policy
output condition associate witheach binding .gcloud beta policy set - iam - policy
accept policy withconditional binding .gcloud beta policy <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
accept conditional binding via new--condition
and--condition - from-file
flag.gcloud composer environments isrun run
flags togcloud log log list
gcloud compute tpus tpu - vm
toGA.Commands inthis groupinternal
asa choice for--ipv6 - access - type
flagincompute network subnets iscreate create
andcompute network subnet update
value for--protocol
flagofgcloud compute backend - service <create|update>
value for--ip - protocol
flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud artifact repositories isdescribe describe
andgcloud artifact repositories islist list
responses toGA.cbt lookup
andcbt read
command .format - file
argument .cbt lookup
andcbt read
argument .gcloud bigtable hot-tablets list
tobeta andGA.--image-repository-username-secret-id
and--image - repository - cert - path
gcloud dataflow flex - template build
command toallow users toprovidegcloud dataproc cluster gke create
toGA.--schema - type
tothe following command gcloud beta healthcare fhir - store export bq
.--resource - type
flagtogcloud healthcare fhir - store export bq
andgcloud healthcare fhir-stores export gcs
which limits the export tospecific types ofFHIR resources on export.--since
flagtogcloud healthcare fhir - store export bq
andgcloud healthcare fhir-stores export gcs
which limits the export toFHIR resources that were updated since the valuepassed in.--processing - unit
flagtospanner instance iscreate create
instances isupdate update
toadd ability tocreate granular instances inGA.--region
flagfor updating Regional Target HTTPS Proxies via gcloud compute target - https - proxy import
.gcloud compute network subnet list
toinclude updated IPv6 fields.--provisioning - model
flags togcloud compute instance set - scheduling
surface forbeta.gcloud compute instance set - scheduling
documentation toinclude --no-preemptible
flag.gcloud database - migration connection-profiles list
tolist all region connection profiles whenregion not specified.generate-gateway-rbac
command .--network - performance - config
flagtogcloud container node - pools iscreate create/update
toallow node pools toenable higher performance bandwidth forVM toVM traffic.--shielde - secure - boot
and--shielde - integrity - monitoring
wheneither one isset .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud auth login --cre - file = external - account - creds.json
toauthorize bq withthe External Account Credentials inthe passed credential file .1
aliases in--airflow - version
aliases inAirflow part of--image - version
flag,ingcloud composer environments iscreate create
,gcloud beta composer environment isupdate update
,gcloud beta composer environment check-upgrade
.gcloud beta composer environment snapshots
command group .--condition
flagon Cloud Spanner add-iam - policy-binding
andremove-iam - policy-binding
command toGA .This allows setting conditionalgcloud
.gcloud spanner backup copy
tobeta andGA.--certificate-map
of’compute target – ssl – proxy insert|update` tobeta.gcloud edge - cloud container
which allows users tomanage their distribute Cloud Edge cluster.--network - performance - config
flagtogcloud container node - pools iscreate create/update
toallow node pools toenable higher performance bandwidth forVM toVM traffic.gcloud terraform vet
tobeta,which allows enforcing policy compliancesubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagwith --show-deleted
flagtogcloud service api - key list
,keys soft-deleted within30 days will be returned.gcloud service api - key list
.gcloud auth login --cre - file = external - account - creds.json
toauthorize gsutil withthe External Account Credentials inthe passed credential file .--region
flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job
andgcloud isai ai hp - tunine - job
,including:southamerica-east1 andus-west4.gcloud print-settings
.gcloud artifacts apt
andartifacts yum
command toGA .--docker - repository
,--kms - key
,--clear - docker - repository
and--clear - kms - key
flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
toGA.--docker - registry
flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
tobeta.local - extract
on Linux.gcloud run service proxy
tobeta.This command allows you toproxy--create - disk
flags that causes gcloud compute instance iscreate create
tofail whenattaching a boot disk.--enable-ula-internal-ipv6
and--internal - ipv6-range
flags toGA forgcloud compute networks <create|update>
flagtopermit values ofTCP
when--enable - log
flags are set forgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
forbeta.gcloud database - migration connection-profiles list --region=us - central1
toreturn correct structure forconnection profiles based on format.gcloud database - migration connection-profiles create mysql
toreturn error on invalid hostname.gcloud database - migration connection-profiles create postgresql
toreturn error on invalid hostname.gcloud eventarc provider
which allows forthe discovery ofevent providers.--autoprovisioning - min - cpu - platform
flagfromgcloud container cluster iscreate create/update
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud bms volume isupdate update
,gcloud bms instances isupdate update
,gcloud bms networks isupdate update
,andgcloud bms nfs - share update
flagtoget the old behavior.--scope
flagingcloud auth application - default print - access - token
tosupport print down-scoped access token foruser accounts.--root-volume-type
flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
--root - volume - size
flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
flagtogcloud container aws node - pool
toupdate the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) ofthe AWS KMS key to--config - encryption - kms - key - arn
flagtogcloud container aws
node-pools update
toupdate the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) ofthe AWS KMS--clear-proxy-config
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
--clear - security - group - id
flagtogcloud container aws cluster
toclear the additional security groups associated withthe control--root-volume-type
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
to--root - volume - size
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
flagtogcloud container aws cluster
toupdate the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) ofthe AWS KMS key to--clear - security - group - id
flagtogcloud container aws node - pool
toclear the additional security groups associated withthe node--async
flagtogcloud bms volume isupdate update
,gcloud bms instances isupdate update
,gcloud bms networks isupdate update
,gcloud bms nfs - share update
.--sort - by
flagfor gcloud privateca templates list
.--maintenance - window - day
flags ofgcloud redis
instances iscreate create
toGA.--maintenance - window - day
,and--maintenance - window - any
gcloud redis instance isupdate update
toGA.gcloud redis instance reschedule-maintenance
toGA.gcloud memcache
command .--maintenance - window - day
--maintenance - window - start-time
--maintenance - window - any
toremove agcloud beta memcache reschedule-maintenance
.--database - version
flagchoices togcloud beta sql instance patch
toenable major version upgrade on Cloud SQL instances.--load - balance - scheme
flagtogcloud compute url-maps validate
foralpha,beta andv1.gcloud compute forwarding - rule
.gcloud compute backend - service
flagofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create/update
tobeta.--share - set
and--share - with
flags togcloud beta compute sole - tenancy node - groups iscreate|update create|update
forbeta.--share - sets
flagtogcloud beta compute sole-tenancy node-groups list
flagtogcloud beta compute instances iscreate create
forbeta.gcloud compute instance issuspend suspend
andgcloud compute instance resume
tov1 .--use-private-endpoint
flagtogcloud anthos config controller iscreate create
gcloud container hub memberships generate-gateway-rbac
command fromalpha tobeta.--update-version-aliases
flagtogcloud secret isupdate update
andgcloud secret beta update
toenable the addition ofnew aliases tosecret versions.--remove-version-aliases
flagtogcloud secret isupdate update
andgcloud secret beta update
toenable the removal ofaliases tosecret versions.--clear-version-aliases
flagtogcloud secret isupdate update
andgcloud secret beta update
toenable the clearing ofall aliases froma secret.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--no - browser
ingcloud auth login
andgcloud auth
application - default login
tobe the default flow if gcloud cannot--no - launch - browser
flow--no - launch - browser
will be--security - group - id
flagtogcloud container aws node - pools isupdate update
gcloud artifact repositories iscreate create
requires exessivegcloud bms instances isstart start
toGA.gcloud bms instances isupdate update
toGA.gcloud bms networks isupdate update
toGA.gcloud bms nf - shares isdescribe describe
toGA.gcloud bms nfs-shares list
toGA.gcloud bms nfs - share update
toGA.gcloud bms volume isupdate update
flagtogcloud bms instances islist list
flagtogcloud bms volume list
.gcloud beta certificate - manager dns iscreate - iscreate authorizations iscreate create
command .Theoutput does not contain details ofa created resource anymore.composer-1
aliases inComposer part of--image - version
flagingcloud beta composer environment create
,gcloud beta composer environment isupdate update
,gcloud beta composer environment check-upgrade
aliases in--airflow - version
flag andairflow-X.Y
aliases inAirflow part of--image - version
flagingcloud beta composer environment isupdate update
andgcloud beta composer environment check-upgrade
togcloud dataproc jobs
.gcloud domain
methods.--read - replica - mode
and--replica - count
flags ofgcloud redis
instances iscreate create
toGA.--read - replica - mode
,--replica - count
,and--secondary - ip - range
gcloud redis instance isupdate update
flagtogcloud beta container
cluster/node-pools create
toallow disabling overprovisioning ofpod IPsgcloud network-connectivity locations describe
network - connectivity locations islist list
.These commandreturn informationsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtogcloud privateca roots delete
andgcloud privateca subordinates delete
todelete a certificate authority without waiting forthe 30-day grace period that allows undeletion.gcloud isbuilds build submit --pack
topass --network = cloudbuild
topack.gcloud compute start - iap - tunnel
tell user about instal NumPy .--env - var - file
togcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run isdeploy deploy
to--env - var - file
togcloud beta run service update
andgcloud run service update
toupdate environment variables forCloud Run--split - source - commitment
flagtogcloud compute commitment iscreate create
foralpha.gcloud connection profile create cloudsql
forsetting it totrue and--no-flag
flagofgcloud firebase test ios run
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
pattern matching toensure that a leading wildcard.gitignore
will no longer match foo/bar/baz
gcloud kms ekm-connections
command toGA .--enable - exactly - once - delivery
flagtogcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
tobeta toset exactly once delivery preference inCloud Pub / Sub subscriptions.--enable - exactly - once - delivery
flagtogcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update
tobeta toupdate exactly once delivery preference forCloud Pub / Sub subscriptions.gcloud scc bqexports
command group tosupport BigQueryExport features.medical_conversation
option forgcloud ml speech <recognize | recognize-long-running> --model
toadd support forserver-side zone andregion filtering togcloud compute
list command .
) is used inthe filter expression (e.g.--filter="zone=us - central1-a"
) .Otherwise,the existing client-side filtering will be applied.gcloud beta iam policies iscreate create
which creates a policy on the givengcloud beta iam policies delete
which deletes a policy on the givengcloud beta iam policies get
which gets a policy on the givengcloud beta iam policies list
which lists the policies on the givengcloud beta iam policies isupdate update
which updates the policy on the given--enable - identity - service
flagtoGA forgcloud container cluster create|update
flagtogcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create / update
toallow creating node-pools withconfidential nodes,andupdating existing node pools toconfidential nodes.gcloud info
todisplay the source foreach property valueinsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud auth application - default login
touse --no - browser
in--no - launch - browser
whenusing --client-id-file
.gcloud config configuration rename
which allows for--security - group - id
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
--proxy - secret - version - id
flagtogcloud container aws cluster
toupdate the version ID ofthe AWS Secrets Manager secretaws/location
property ofgcloud container aws
.usecontainer_aw / location
toset the default Google Cloud location forgcloud container aws
property ofgcloud container azure
toset the default Google Cloud location forgcloud container azure
flagfor reservations.Mark --max_concurrency
asdeprecated.--compression - mode
flagtogcloud beta compute backend - service <create | update>
.--compression - mode
flagtogcloud beta compute backend - bucket <create | update>
.--resource - manager - tag
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
,gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
asan option for--service - proxy
ofgcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create
of--session - affinity
ofgcloud backend-services <create | update>
toBeta andGA.--load - balance - scheme
flagofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
toaccept choice ‘EXTERNAL_MANAGED’ inGA.gcloud compute osconfig pause
andgcloud compute os-config resume` command .--event-filters-path-pattern
flagtogcloud eventarc istriggers trigger iscreate create
andgcloud eventarc istriggers trigger update
toallow path pattern matching inCloud Audit Log resource name filter.--autoprovisioning-network-tags
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
and gcloud container cluster isupdate update
tobeta,GA.gcloud config get-value
togcloud config get
per user feedback.get-value
command will remain asa hidden alias forget
.gcloud config set
toprompt whenattempting toset a project,--quiet
isprovided,or thegcloud init
toallow selection ofan unverified project ID.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtogcloud filestore
.gcloud beta transcoder
command group .--scope
flagtogcloud auth application - default print - access - token
gcloud isai ai-platform local train
mistakenly overrode it tothe default valuewhen the flag--worker - count
or--parameter - server - count
isspecified tobe 0.--config - encryption - kms - key - arn
flagtogcloud container aws
cluster update
toupdate the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) ofthe AWSgcloud bms volume snapshot
andgcloud bms volume restore
command group toGA.zones
command group toGA.assets
command group toGA.task
command group toGA.gcloud datastream connection - profile create
command whenspecify --private-connection
and--secondary - ip - range
togcloud beta redis instance isupdate update
.gcloud beta redis instance isdescribe describe
toinclude secondary-ip-range.GO
option to--additional - package - type
flagforgcloud artifacts docker images scan
toenable scanning ofGo third-party and--maintenance-version
flagtogcloud sql instance patch
.gcloud spanner databases create
command .--min-diarization-speaker-count
gcloud beta ml speech
command,replacing --diarization - speaker - count
--provisioning - model
flags forgcloud compute create-with-container
command .gcloud beta compute instance - groups ismanage manage update
andgcloud beta compute instance-groups manage instance-configs update
--remove - stateful - internal - ips
,--remove - stateful - external - ips
.--provisioning - model
flags forgcloud compute <instances|instance-templates|instances bulk> create
command .metastore services databases get - iam - policy
metastore services databases set - iam - policy
metastore services databases add-iam - policy-binding
metastore services databases remove-iam - policy-binding
metastore services databases tables get - iam - policy
metastore services databases tables set - iam - policy
metastore services databases tables add-iam - policy-binding
metastore services databases tables remove-iam - policy-binding
--include - aws - session - token - url
flagtogcloud iam workload - identity - pool create - cred - config
command toinclude AWS token url tothe credential source while generating AWS credentials config file .--include-deny
flagtogcloud beta projects get-ancestors-iam - policy
gcloud beta resource - manager folder get-ancestors-iam - policy
flagtogcloud container cluster/node-pools create
toallow creating spot VM fornode pools.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
kpt live apply
andkpt live destroy
default behavior change towait foreverkpt live
output forevents
printer is change toomit resource-specificimage-pull-policy
forkpt fn render
andkpt fn eval
.--[no-]launch - browser
flags andadded --no - browser
gcloud auth login
andgcloud auth application - default login
--no - browser
toauthorize gcloud on machines which--no - launch - browser
and--console - only
flags and--no - browser
flagtogcloud init
.use--no - browser
to--role - arn
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
command to--role - session - name
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
--instance - type
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
--admin - user
flagtogcloud container aws cluster update
andgcloud container azure cluster update
toupdate the users that can--vm-size
flagtogcloud container azure cluster update
flagingcloud certificate - manager
subcommands.--connection - subnetwork
flagtogcloud composer environments iscreate create
command toenable using Private Service Connect forinternal communication.gcloud iap oauth - client
fromalpha tobeta.gcloud iap oauth-brands
fromalpha tobeta.kms ekm-connections
command toalpha,beta.external-vpc
crypto keys.gcloud kms keys iscreate|update create|update
andgcloud kms key versions isimport import
local - extract
toversion 1.4.0 toimprove the stability and--network
flagofgcloud sql instance iscreate create
flagofgcloud sql instance patch
flags togcloud metastore service isupdate update
section ofthe Kptfile.exec
support forrunning functions inkpt fn render
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
.--admin - user
flagtogcloud container aws cluster create
andgcloud container azure cluster iscreate create
toadd users that can performgcloud beta datapipelines ispipeline pipeline job list
which lists all jobs fora given pipeline ina specific project andregion.--description
flagtogcloud isdeploy deploy target rollback
.gcloud deploy targets describe
tomake --delivery - pipeline
an optional flag.
--delivery - pipeline
isnot specified,displays deployment information--list - all - pipeline
tolist deployment information ofall associated pipelines.--enable-automatic-punctuation
togcloud ml speech recognize
command .--guest - os - feature
(only uefi_compatible
issupported) for:
gcloud compute image isimport import
inbeta;gcloud compute instance isimport import
inbeta;gcloud compute machine_images isimport import
to--enforce - on - key
ingcloud compute security - policy rules
.--recaptcha - redirect - site - key
forgcloud compute security - policy update
,andpromoted it tobeta andGA.--exceed-redirect-type
and--excee - redirect - target
forgcloud compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update
,andpromoted them tobeta andGA.version
andshort - name
in--o - type
forgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ]
and--auxiliary - version - from- file
flags togcloud metastore service iscreate create
beta release track toallow creating--endpoint - protocol
flagtogcloud beta metastore services iscreate create
gcloud beta metastore services update
tospecify the protocol touse forcore/console_log_format
tosupport alternativegcloud config isset set core / console_log_format detail
tosubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job
andgcloud isai ai hp - tunine - job
,including:asia-east2,asia-south1,europe-west3,europe-west6,northamerica-northeast2 andus-west2.gcloud bms instances reset
which hard resets Bare Metal Solution instances.--clone
flagfor table clones.--multi_region_auxiliary
flagfor reservations.--set - secret
,--remove - secret
and--clear - secret
flags ofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
toGA.--enable - ipv6
,--ipv6 - nexthop - address
flags ofgcloud compute router update - bgp - peer
toGA.--enable - ipv6
,--ipv6 - nexthop - address
flags ofgcloud compute router isbgp add - bgp - peer
toGA.--stack - type
,--candidate - ipv6 - subnet
,--cloud - router - ipv6 - interface - id
flags ofgcloud compute interconnect attachments iscreate dedicate create
toGA.--stack - type
,--candidate - ipv6 - subnet
,--cloud - router - ipv6 - interface - id
flags ofgcloud compute interconnects is attachments attachment dedicate update
toGA.--enable - uefi - networking
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
,gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
asan option for--service - proxy
ofgcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create
flagtogcloud compute os - config patch - jobs isexecute execute
.--database - type
flagtometastore services create
alpha andbetagcloud beta recommender insight-type-config update
andgcloud beta recommender recommender - config update
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtogcloud isai ai custom - job create
andgcloud isai ai hp - tune - job create
tosupport setting labels on the resources.gcloud artifact repositories iscreate create
andgcloud artifacts print-settings
.gcloud bms instances islist list
toreturn the resource identifier.gcloud bms operations describe
andgcloud bms operations wait
which checks the status orwaits forcompletion oflong-running operations inBare Metal Solution.gcloud certificate - manager
tobeta.gcloud dataproc batches
tosubmit andmanage Dataproc batch jobs.--master-local-ssd-interface
togcloud dataproc cluster
toallow users tospecify interface (SCSI/NVME) while attachingdataproc workflow - template instantiate - from- file --file
.gcloud deploy
toGA.gcloud function --gen2
command tobeta.ids endpoints create
topass inuser-defined labels totheids endpoints list
now returns the correct list ofendpoints when--uri
flagtogcloud ml speech recognize
tospecify ml model to--output - uri
flagtogcloud ml speech recognize-long-running
--auto - renew
flagofgcloud compute commitment iscreate create
andgcloud compute commitment update
toallowed list ofvalues for--network - tier
ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
and--cache - key - query - string - whitelist
ofgcloud compute backend - buckets iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - bucket update
of’compute target – https – proxy insert|update` tobeta.--domain - name
forgcloud compute service - attachments iscreate create
flagofgcloud compute ssh
toallowed list ofvalues for--version
ofgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ]
.--internal - ip
flagtogcloud container fleet membership isregister register
forversion beta tomaintain consistency withgcloud beta container cluster get-credentials
options torecaptcha keys iscreate create
command,supporting creation ofWAF-enabled keys.gcloud beta recommender insight - type - config isdescribe describe
.gcloud beta recommender insight-type-config update
flagtogcloud service - directory endpoint create
command .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--fleet - project
flagofgcloud container aws cluster create
gcloud container azure cluster iscreate create
.--config - encryption - kms - key - arn
flagofgcloud container aws
cluster create
.gcloud isai ai custom - job create
toallow worker pools withcontainer - image - uri
whenpython - package - uris
isalso specify .auth - provider
auth plugin withexec
auth plugin whengeneratinggcloud container aws cluster get-credentials
container azure cluster get-credentials
.gcloud bms snapshot - schedule - policy
gcloud bms volume snapshots
fromGA.gcloud bms volume isupdate update
fromGA.cbt import [ TABLE_ID ] [ INPUT_FILE ]
which allows the contents ofagcloud composer state store
forState Store operation ofState/Disaster recovery toAlpha.gcloud composer state load
forState Load operation ofState recovery toAlpha.gcloud dns record - set
optional argument togcloud beta data-fusion instances isupdate update
forinstance toupdategcloud releases create
,can include the date andtime ofrelease creation by adding keywords $DATE and$TIME torelease name.ids endpoints create
topass inuser-defined labels tothelocal - extract
toversion 1.3.2 tofix an issue withextraction of--insights-config-query-plans-per-minute
togcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql instance patch
.compute machine - image
command group toGA.gcloud compute backend - service add-service-bindings
andgcloud compute backend - service remove - service - binding
command tobeta.--request-headers-to-add
forgcloud compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update
flags ofgcloud compute router nats iscreate create
andgcloud compute router nat isupdate update
toGA.--clear - max - port - per - vm
flagofgcloud compute router nat isupdate update
option for--purpose
flagofgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create
toGA.--zypper isexcludes - exclude
flagtogcloud compute os - config patch - jobs isexecute execute
toallow specifying patches tobe excluded fromupdate.gcloud container fleet membership
command group identical togcloud container hub memberships
.gcloud container hub mesh isdescribe describe
.gcloud container hub mesh disable
.gcloud container hub mesh isenable enable
.--enable - service - externalips
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create | update
toallow ordeny services toset the ExternalIPs field .--add-maintenance-exclusion-scope
flagtogcloud container cluster isupdate update
tospecify the maintenance exclusion scope asno_upgrades,no_minor_upgrades,or no_minor_or_node_upgrades.gcloud container cluster
warning-level logs toinformational.
gcloud container cluster
.A --placement-type
flagcan be specified tospecify a requirementgcloud container node - pools is create
.A --placement-type
flagcan be specified tospecify a requirementgcloud beta recommender recommender - config isdescribe describe
.gcloud beta recommender recommender - config update
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta datastream streams create
andgcloud beta datastream streams isupdate update
& --validate - only
flags tobe mutually exclusive.--enable-sovereign-controls
flagtogcloud assure workload
command .gcloud bms networks
toGA.gcloud bms snapshot - schedule - policy
toGA.gcloud bms volume
toGA.--enable - master - authorize - network
and--master - authorize - network
flags togcloud beta composer environment create
command .--enable - master - authorize - network
and--disable - master - authorize - network
and--master - authorize - network
togcloud beta composer environment isupdate update
command .gcloud beta datastream stream iscreate create
andgcloud beta datastream stream update
validation flags (--validate - only
) tobe mutually exclusive.gcloud datastream connection - profile
--bucket - name
.--no - connectivity
flag.--force validation
flag.gcloud datastream stream
& --validate - only
flags are now mutually exclusive.--source - name
.gcloud datastream private - connection
.gcloud datastream routes
toGA.gcloud datastream locations
toGA.gcloud datastream operation
toGA.gcloud deploy apply
,manifest files support apiVersion ‘’.gcloud beta filestore instances revert
command torevert a filestore--resource - type
flagtogcloud beta healthcare fhir - store export bq
andgcloud beta healthcare fhir - store export gcs
which limits the export tospecific types ofFHIR resources on export.--since
flagtogcloud beta healthcare fhir - store export bq
andgcloud beta healthcare fhir - store export gcs
which limits the export toFHIR resources that were updated since the valuepassed in.--cpu-throttling
ofgcloud run
frombeta toGA.gcloud finding bulk - mute
command tosupport mute features.gcloud compute start - iap - tunnel
that was causing remote--subsetting - subset - size
flagofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create|update
command tobeta.--service - proxy
flagparameters ofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
.gcloud compute instance|instance-templates create --network - performance - config
flagtoGA.gcloud beta compute instance - groups ismanage manage create
,gcloud beta compute instance - groups ismanage manage create-instance
,andgcloud beta compute instance - groups ismanage manage instance - config create
--stateful - internal - ip
.gcloud beta compute instance - groups ismanage manage update
andgcloud beta compute instance-groups manage instance-configs update
--stateful - internal - ip
,--remove - stateful - internal - ips
,--remove - stateful - external - ips
.kpt update
tono longer require users tocheck inchanges before invoking kpt pkg update.kpt update
toaccepts empty path withversion.kpt fn
tocheck presence offunction images inlocal cache only whenrelevant.kpt pkg get
return an error while add merge comment .gcloud network-connectivity operations describe
network-connectivity operations islist list
which return information aboutsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--web - server - allow - ip
,--web - server - allow - all
,--web - server - deny - all
flags ingcloud composer environments iscreate create
whencreating a private IP Cloud Composer 2 environment.gcloud beta datastream
touse Datastream v1 API,which effects the client structured output .gcloud function isdeploy deploy
flag--security - level
todefault to--security - level=SECURE_OPTIONAL
.--endpoint - id
flagtogcloud isai ai endpoint create
andgcloud beta ai endpoint create
flagtogcloud isai ai endpoint deploy-model
andgcloud beta ai endpoint deploy-model
flagofgcloud isai ai endpoint
toinclude new online--region
flagofgcloud isai ai model
toinclude new online--trial_id
flagtoextract tosupport exporting an individual trial ofan ML model trained withHyperparameter Tuning.gcloud topic client-certificate
.--kms - key - version
togcloud privateca certificates
,which allows--scope
flagofgcloud access-context-manager policies
toGA.gcloud access-context-manager policies add-iam - policy-binding
togcloud access-context-manager policiesremove iam-policy-binding
togcloud access-context-manager policies set - iam - policy
toGA.gcloud access-context-manager policies get - iam - policy
,--autoscaling - max - node
,and--autoscaling - cpu - target
flags togcloud bigtable cluster create
,autoscaling - max - node
andautoscale - cpu - target
to--cluster - config
flag ofgcloud bigtable instances iscreate create
foralpha,beta andGA tolet users create--autoscaling-min-nodes
,--autoscaling - max - node
,--autoscaling - cpu - target
flags togcloud bigtable cluster update
foralpha,beta andGA tolet users configure--web - server - allow - ip
,--web - server - deny - all
,--web - server - allow - all
flags ingcloud composer environments iscreate create
tobe usedwith Cloud Composer 2.kubernetes
Airflow CLI command togcloud composer environments isrun run
forCloud Composer environments that use Airflow 2.1.4+.--connection - subnetwork
flagtogcloud beta composer environment create
command toenable using Private Service Connect forinternal communication.--maintenance - window - start
,--maintenance - window - end
and--maintenance - window - recurrence
flags ofgcloud composer environments iscreate create
toGA.--kms - key
flagingcloud composer environments iscreate create
command whencreating Cloud Composer 2 environments.--environment - size
flags ingcloud composer environments iscreate create
andgcloud composer environments isupdate update
tobe usedwith Cloud Composer 2.--scheduler - cpu
,--worker - memory
,--worker - storage
,--web - server - memory
,--web - server - storage
flags ingcloud composer environments iscreate create
andgcloud composer environments isupdate update
tobe usedwith Cloud Composer 2.gcloud dns response - policy
command group toGA.gcloud data-catalog entries star
andgcloud data-catalog entries unstar
which allows users tostar andunstar their favorite Data Catalog entries respectively .gcloud beta datapipelines ispipeline pipeline
command withsupport forcreate
.gcloud beta datastream stream iscreate create
andgcloud beta datastream stream update
validation flags (--validate - only
) tobe mutually exclusive.gcloud datastream connection - profile
--bucket - name
.--no - connectivity
flag.--force validation
flagtogcloud filestore instances delete
commandgcloud filestore instances snapshots
command group,which is used tocreate andmanage Filestore snapshots.connect - mode
param to--network
flagofgcloud filestore instances iscreate create
forGA .--kms - key
flagtogcloud filestore instances iscreate create
command--min - instance
flags ofgcloud function
toGA.--message - retention - duration
flagofgcloud pubsub topics iscreate create
from7 days to31 days.--message - retention - duration
flagofgcloud pubsub topics isupdate update
from7 days to31 days.--database - version
flagtogcloud sql instance patch
enable minor version upgrade forcloud sql instances.gcloud sql instance clone
tosupport --point - in- time
flagfor MySQL too.gcloud compute os - config patch - deployment
on alpha,beta andGA tracks.gcloud compute snapshots iscreate create
command toGA.--connection-persistence-on-unhealthy-backends
,and--tracking - mode
ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
flagofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create|update
command tobeta.gcloud compute os-config os-policy-assignment create
mode.gcloud beta resource - config bulk - export
tobeta withimproved support forexport toterraform HCL format (via.--resource-format=terraform
) .config export
command forthe following command surfaces toalpha,enabling export ofthe related Google Cloud resources toKRM andterraform HCL:
gcloud beta resource-config terraform generate-import
tobeta,adding support forgenerating a shell script toadopt exported terraform HCL files into terraform state.gcloud beta resource-config terraform init-provider
tobeta,adding support forinitializing the Google Cloud Platform terraform provider fromthe gcloud command-line tool.filter
option tonotification-config
flagon gcloud container
cluster create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
command tospecify--enable - manage - prometheus
flagtogcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
gcloud beta container cluster update
todeploy Google Cloud Managed--disable - manage - prometheus
flagtogcloud beta container cluster update
command ofgcloud beta container cluster
.gcloud network-services service-bindings
tobeta.gcloud transcoder
command group toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--base - image
flagofgcloud beta ai custom - job local - run
.use--executor - image - uri
flaginstead .--work-dir
flagofgcloud beta ai custom - job local - run
.use--local - package - path
flaginstead .--service-load-balancer-subnet-ids
flagofgcloud container aws cluster create
.gcloud isai ai custom - job local-run
toGA.--worker - pool - spec
flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job create
toGA,to support automatically building custom training image froma local package.--region
flagofgcloud isai ai endpoint
toinclude new online--region
flagofgcloud isai ai model
toinclude new online--no-external-ip
ingcloud isbuilds build worker - pool create
will be removed inan upcoming release.--no - public - egress
so that workers inthe worker pool are created without an external IP address.--no-external-ip
ingcloud isbuilds build worker - pool update
will be removed inan upcoming release.--no - public - egress
so that workers inthe worker pool are created without an external IP address or--public - egress
so that workers inthe worker pool are created withan external IP address.--no-external-ip
flagingcloud beta builds worker-pools create
.--no - public - egress
so that workers inthe worker pool are created without an external IP address.--no-external-ip
flagingcloud beta builds worker-pools update
.--no - public - egress
so that workers inthe worker pool are created without an external IP address or--public - egress
so that workers inthe worker pool are created withan external IP address.--skaffold-version
flag.--kms - key
,--docker - registry
,’–clear – kms – key’ and’–clear-docker-registry’ flags ofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
tobeta.--write - disposition
flagofgcloud healthcare dicom - store export bq
toGA.gcloud ids endpoint
gcloud compute router nat rules
command group toGA.--rule
flagofgcloud compute router nats iscreate create
andgcloud compute router nat isupdate update
toGA.--tcp - time - wait - timeout
flagofgcloud compute router nats iscreate create
andgcloud compute router nat isupdate update
toGA.--clear - tcp - time - wait - timeout
flagofgcloud compute router nat isupdate update
toGA.--minimal - action
and--most - disruptive - allow - action
flags togcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage rolling - action start - update
flagofgcloud compute backend - service update
andgcloud compute backend - bucket update
command toGA .--type
flagofgcloud compute security - policy create
command toGA.--network - config - from- file
and--consumer - subnetwork
flag togcloud beta metastore services iscreate create
tospecify the subnetworkssubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--kms - key
flagtogcloud beta ai tensorboard iscreate create
tosupport configuring customer-manage encryption key spec.gcloud isai ai tensorboards
toGA.--worker - pool - spec
flagofgcloud beta ai iscreate custom - jobs iscreate create
tosupport auto training image building fordistributed training.
local - package - path
isspecified inthe first --worker - pool - spec
flag,other --worker - pool - spec
flags just have tospecify the hardware related fields andthey will use the same container image built forthe first one.requirements
field tosupport installing extra public PyPI dependencies whenbuilding the image.extra-packages
field tosupport installing extra custom dependencies whenbuilding the image.extra - dir
field tosupport copies more directories under local - package - path
tothe training image.gcloud container aws
toGA.gcloud container azure
toGA.gcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe
,when usedwith --show - provenance
gcloud dns manage - zone
ingcloud kms asymmetric - sign
without specifying a digest-algorithm
.--read - replica - mode
flagtogcloud beta redis instance iscreate create
tosupport the multiple read replicas feature.--replica - count
flagtogcloud beta redis instance iscreate create
andgcloud beta redis instance isupdate update
tosupport replica nodes scaling whenmultiple read replicas are enabled.--[clear|set|update|remove]-secrets
flags are now supported for--platform = ismanage manage
inGA fordeployments andservice updates.gcloud findings set-mute
command andgcloud muteconfigs
command group tosupport mute features.--enable-dynamic-port-allocation
flags ofgcloud compute router nats iscreate create
andgcloud compute router nat isupdate update
tobeta.--clear - max - port - per - vm
flagofgcloud compute router nat isupdate update
flagofgcloud compute ssh
tobeta.--enable - uefi - networking
flag togcloud compute instance iscreate create
,gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
tosupport UEFI networking whencreating instances.gcloud beta compute forwarding - rule
.gcloud beta compute backend - service
.gcloud compute os-config os-policy-assignment-reports
command toGA .compute os-config os-policy-assignment-reports
command accepts user’s compute / zone property when--location
isnot set .--cluster-dns
,--cluster - dns - domain
and--cluster - dns - scope = vpc
gcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
command-line tool supports authentication using workload identitygcloud auth login --cred - file=/path / to/ workload / identity / config / file
.gcloud topic client-certificate
tosee the list ofdisallowedbeta ai tensorboard-experiments delete
.gcloud sql user iscreate create
andgcloud sql user set - password-policy
--password - policy - allow - fail - attempt
flagofgcloud compute image describe-from-family
forshort - name
in--o - type
forgcloud beta compute instance op - agent policy [ create|update ]
.addthe following flags togcloud eventarc istriggers trigger iscreate create
tosupport creating a trigger withCloud run foranthos service destination:
--destination - gke - cluster
--destination - gke - path
addthe following flags togcloud eventarc istriggers trigger update
tosupport updating a trigger withCloud run foranthos service destination:
--destination - gke - path
gcloud container hub cloudrun describe
.gcloud container hub cloudrun disable
.gcloud container hub iscloudrun cloudrun enable
.gcloud container hub cloudrun apply
.--enable - image - stream
flagtogcloud container cluster/node-pools create/update
toallow creating cluster/node-pools withimage streaming enabled,andenabling image streaming on existing cluster/node-pools.--filter
flagtobe passed tothe backend in
gcloud secret list
gcloud secret version list
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
tospecify the start time forgcloud isbuilds build submit --tag
fails early if a dockerfile isnot found whensource isnot a directory.--gcs-log-dir
flagtogcloud dataflow flex - template build
commandlocal - extract
.--execution - environment
ofgcloud run
fromalpha tobeta.--add-share-with
flags ofglcloud compute reservations isupdate update
toGA.gcloud beta active - directory domain backup
andgcloud beta active-directory domains restore
fordomain backup andsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
todisable backups.--backup-start-time
tospecify the start time forbackups.gcloud
command-line tool supports authentication using an access token--access - token - file
auth / access_token_file
.--analysis - instance - schema
flagingcloud beta ai model - monitor - job update
flagofgcloud beta ai custom - job local - run
as--local - package - path
flag.--base - image
flagofgcloud beta ai custom - job local - run
as--executor - image - uri
.deprecated--base - image
flag.--show - provenance
flagingcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe
command toshow build provenance.gcloud artifact print - setting npm
.gcloud artifacts tags list
errors whenthe package name has slashes.gcloud beta
code dev
.gcloud beta code
.gcloud domain registration
toGA.Cloud Domains enables registering new domain name,transferring already registered domains from3rd-party domains registrars andmanaging the domain .gcloud healthcare hl7v2-stores <import|export>
command groups toGA.gcloud kms keys iscreate|update create|update
andgcloud kms key versions isimport import
gcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql instance patch
--password - policy - min - length
--password - policy - complexity
--password - policy - reuse - interval
--password - policy - password - change - interval
gcloud scheduler job
command toaccept a location flag to--location
flagfor gcloud task
andgcloud task queues
flagofgcloud compute target-instances iscreate create
ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
flagtocompute service-attachments update
flags toreservations update
tomake it easier toadd andremove items inthe share-with list without having tospecify existing items.--type
flagofgcloud compute commitment iscreate create
toGA.--share - set
and--share - with
flags ofglcloud compute reservations iscreate create
toGA.compute router nat rules
command group tobeta.--rule
flagofcompute iscreate router nat create
andcompute router nat update
tobeta.--tcp - time - wait - timeout
flagofcompute iscreate router nat create
andcompute router nat update
tobeta.--clear - tcp - time - wait - timeout
flagofcompute router nat update
tobeta.gcloud compute os - config vulnerability - reports isdescribe describe
andgcloud compute os-config inventories describe
.gcloud compute os - config os - policy - assignment
toGA.gcloud anthos config controller
toGA.kpt fn
command .kpt fn render
executes pipeline even whenthere are no input resources.kpt pkg get
no longer copies the entire repo if path isspecified.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta artifact print - setting mvn|gradle
toadd release andsnapshot details formaven andgradle surfaces.gcloud artifacts iscreate create repository
toGA.gcloud artifact print - settings ismvn|gradle mvn|gradle
withrelease andsnapshot policies formaven andgradle toGA.gcloud bms instances islist list
would not show permissions errors properly.--enable - privately - used - public - ips
flagtogcloud beta composer environment
command toenable using privately usedpublic IP address ranges feature inthe GKE cluster.--enable-ip-masq-agent
flagtogcloud beta composer environment
command toenable IP address masquerading inthe GKE cluster.--scheduler-count
flagtogcloud composer environments iscreate create
andgcloud composer environments isupdate update
command .--enable_rbac
optional argument togcloud beta data-fusion instances isupdate update
totoggle granular--os
gcloud compute image isimport import
inGA,gcloud compute instance isimport import
inGAgcloud compute machine - image import
flagtocompute forwarding - rule create NAME --target - service - attachment
tosupport Service Directory integration withPSC ILB.--redundant - interface
and--subnetwork - region
flags ofgcloud compute routers isinterface add - interface
and--instance - zone
flags ofgcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer
toGA.--interface - name
ofgcloud compute routers remove-interface
toGA.--peer - name
ofgcloud compute router remove - bgp - peer
toGA.--provisioning - model
flags forgcloud beta compute <instances|instances bulk|instance-templates> create
command .--encryption-kms-key
flagofgcloud metastore service iscreate create
toGA.--database - encryption - key
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
toallow enabling Database Encryption on Autopilot cluster at creation time.--boot - disk - kms - key
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
toallow enabling CMEK protected boot disk on Autopilot cluster at creation time.--spot
flagtogcloud beta container cluster/node-pools create
toallow creating spot VM fornode pools.gcloud active - directory peering
forMulti Projectgcloud network-connectivity hubs
command group toGA.gcloud network-connectivity spokes
command group toGA.addgcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-vpn-tunnels
,gcloud network - connectivity spoke link - interconnect - attachment
,andgcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-router-appliances
command group .movecreate
command tothese command group .gcloud network-security client-tls-policies
toGA.gcloud network - security authorization - policy
toGA.gcloud network - service endpoint - policy
toGA.gcloud secret
command group forspecifying projects bysubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagofgcloud beta ai iscreate custom - jobs iscreate create
.use’executor-image-uri’ field instead .gcloud isai ai custom - job list
andgcloud isai ai hp - tune - job list
didn’t show results with--uri
flag.gcloud isai ai endpoint raw-predict
tobeta andGA.gcloud beta artifact repositories iscreate create
help text .gcloud bms instances islist list
andgcloud bms instances isdescribe describe
toGA.--restrict - to
flags togcloud bigtable app - profiles iscreate create
andgcloud bigtable app - profile update
,which restricts multi-cluster routing--enable_rbac
optional argument togcloud beta data - fusion instances iscreate create
toenable granular--snapshot - ttl
low / upper bind ofgcloud dataflow snapshot iscreate create
command .--event - time
flagtogcloud beta pubsub ispublish lite - topics ispublish publish
toallow users tospecify an event time whenpublishing a message.--key
,--clear - key
flags ofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
gcloud run service update
toGA for--platform = ismanage manage
.gcloud run services my-service update --ingress=all
.gcloud scheduler location
command group toGA.Commands inthis--network - performance - config
flagtogcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
toboth alpha andbeta.--load - balance - scheme
flagofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
toaccept choice ‘EXTERNAL_MANAGED’ inbeta.--purpose
flagofgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create
toaccept choice regionAL_MANAGED_PROXY
inbeta.--share - set=local
tocompute commitments iscreate create
,compute future-reservations create
,andcompute reservations create
.gcloud iam workforce-pools create-cred-config
toenable Workforce Pools configuration creation.kpt pkg get
.--disable - autopilot
flagfromgcloud container cluster isupdate update
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
choice of--action
flagunder gcloud compute security - policy rules
flagtogcloud isai ai custom - job create
andgcloud isai ai hp - tune - job create
toallow enabling interactive shell terminalgcloud apigee archive
command group tobeta.--version-policy
and--allow - snapshot - overwrite
flags togcloud beta artifact repositories iscreate create
toadd version policy andsnapshot overwrites tomaven repositories.gcloud composer environments isrun run my-environment upgrade_check
torun upgrade check toAirflow 2.0 forComposer environments withAirflow 1.10.15+.gcloud composer environments isrun run
.gcloud dataproc cluster enable-personal-auth-session
where--access - boundary
was provided.gcloud beta filestore instances snapshots
command group,which is--force
flagtogcloud beta filestore instances delete
,which--kms - key
flagtogcloud beta filestore instances iscreate create
command--binary - authorization
and--breakglass flags
toGA.Thesegcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run update
.--allocate - ip - range - name
flagofgcloud sql instance patch
inbeta.--clear - scale - down - control
flagtogcloud alpha|beta ismanage compute instance - groups ismanage manage update - autoscale
.--share - set
and--share - with
of’gcloud compute commitment iscreate create` tobeta.gcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer
andgcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer
--enable - layer7 - ddos - defense
of’gcloud compute security – policy update` toGA.gcloud compute os - config vulnerability - reports isdescribe describe
andgcloud compute os - config vulnerability - report list
toGA.gcloud compute os-config inventories
flag fromgcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
flags togcloud recaptcha keys <create|update>
tocreate/modify keys without specifying package name.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--kms - key
flagtogcloud beta ai model-monitoring-jobs create
tosupport configuring Customer-manage encryption key spec.gcloud beta ai custom - job local - run
unexpectedly usedpython2 withVertex AI pre-built training images.--enable-web-access
togcloud isai ai-platform jobs submit training
field ofthe app.yaml
file .temp-location
support ingcloud dataflow flex - template run / build
parser usedby run command gcloud dataflow flex-template run
so the option can be specified multiple times andtheir values are concatenated.--action - on - fail - primary - worker
enum flagtogcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
toallow users todelete the failed primary workers during cluster creation.gcloud kms mac-sign
andgcloud kms mac-verify
which allow users to--import-only
togcloud kms keys
tosupport import-only keys anduser-specified variable key--version
togcloud kms key versions isimport import
toadd key reimportgcloud pubsub lite - reservation
toGA.gcloud run replace
toGA.This command supports deploying froma yaml file .--allocate - ip - range - name
flagofgcloud sql instance iscreate create
services identity create
.--call - log - level
flagtogcloud workflow <execute|run>
toenablegcloud compute target - http - proxy import
andgcloud compute target-https-proxy import
towait forthe import operation tofinish.--set - filter - protocol
,--add - filter - protocol
toaccept numeric protocols forall packet - mirroring update
command .--service-project
flagtogcloud beta compute network subnet list-usable
.gcloud beta eventarc isattributes attribute type list
toinclude Google Cloud Storage CloudEvent types andupdated the descriptions forthe existing event types.kpt fn eval
output format forkpt live status
command .kpt fn eval
andkpt fn render
.kpt fn eval
andkpt fn render
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud assure workload iscreate create
command .--composer-network-ipv4-cidr
togcloud beta composer iscreate create
tobe usedwith Cloud Composer 2.gcloud beta composer iscreate create
andgcloud beta composer update
tobe usedwith Cloud Composer 2:
--environment - size
--scheduler - cpu
--web - server - memory
--web - server - storage
--worker - memory
--worker - storage
gcloud run isdeploy deploy
toinclude Cloud run foranthos enabled cluster--no-cpu-throttling
flagofgcloud run
tobeta.--source - ip isranges - range
flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
andgcloud compute forwarding - rule update
tobeta.gcloud container hub memberships get-credentials
disabled now prompts the user toenable--addon=GcpFilestoreCsiDriver
togcloud container cluster
container cluster update
toenable/disable the GCP Filestore--enable - stackdriver - kubernete
,--enable - log - monitoring - system - only
,--no - master - log
flag fromgcloud container cluster iscreate create/update
.gcloud network-security client-tls-policies
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud container hub identity - service
tobeta.gcloud beta artifacts settings
forenabling/disabling/finalizinggcloud deploy
tobeta.--message - retention - duration
flagofgcloud pubsub topics iscreate create
toGA.--message - retention - duration
flagofgcloud pubsub topics isupdate update
flagofgcloud pubsub topics isupdate update
ingcloud compute
instance-groups manage delete - instance
toGA.--image - family-scope
flagtoGA forgcloud compute instance iscreate create
andgcloud compute disk iscreate create
.gcloud container hub mesh isdescribe describe
.gcloud container hub mesh disable
.gcloud container hub mesh isenable enable
arg (default tobasic) togame servers cluster get
andgame servers cluster list
command tooptionally turn off/on Agones andKubernetes version reporting.add--security - group
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
allow enabling Google Groups forRBAC on Autopilot cluster at creation
field within--accelerator
partitioning ofA100 GPUs toGA.
gcloud network - security server - tls - policy
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--analysis - instance - schema
flagingcloud beta ai model - monitor - job update
flagtogcloud asset get-history
flagtothe following command :
gcloud beta build trigger create cloud-source-repositories
gcloud beta build trigger create github
flagtogcloud build trigger create
.gcloud is builds build approve
andgcloud isbuilds build reject
command tobeta.--suppress-logs
tothe command gcloud isbuilds build submit
.gcloud iam service - account keys disable|enable
tobeta andGA.--source
flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
toGA.This flagsupports deploying fromsource code through integration withCloud Build.--auto - renew
flagtogcloud compute commitment iscreate create
andgcloud compute commitment update
foralpha.gcloud beta compute instances isupdate update
--node - group
gcloud compute instance send-diagnostic-interrupt
tobeta andGA.--host-error-timeout-seconds
tospecify the timeout inseconds forhost error detection toboth alpha andbeta for:
gcloud compute instance iscreate create
gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
gcloud compute instance set - scheduling
gcloud compute instance isupdate update-from-file
gcloud essential - contact
toGA.--enable - audit - log
flagingcloud active-directory domains create
andgcloud active-directory domains update
parameter togcloud active - directory domain list
toGA.gcloud active - directory domain list
toinclude value forauditLogsEnabled
inoutput.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create
tothrow an error whencreating a stateful regional manage instance group,if --instance - redistribution - type=NONE
isnot specified.gcloud isai ai hp - tune - job
asa new api_version forautoscaler.--relationship-type
flagtothe following command :
gcloud asset list
gcloud asset feed create
gcloud asset feed update
gcloud beta builds triggers
command .gcloud dns record - set
.--min - instance
flags ofgcloud function
tobeta.gcloud log bucket iscreate create
,gcloud log bucket list
,andgcloud log bucket update
tosupport restricted fields.--zone
flagas --location
variants.gcloud pubsub isseek lite - subscriptions isseek seek
which initiates a seek operation fora Pub/Sub Lite subscription.gcloud pubsub lite - operation
command group which allows describing andlisting Pub/Sub Lite long-running operations.gcloud service isdescribe api - keys isdescribe describe
tothe output ofgcloud compute service - attachment
command .gcloud database - migration connection-profiles list
andgcloud database - migration migration-jobs is list list
.gcloud database - migration connection-profiles list
.gcloud database - migration migration-jobs is list list
.gcloud connection profile list
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container nodepools create
andgcloud container nodepools update
flagofgcloud container cluster isupdate update
and--pod - ipv4 - range
flags ofgcloud container node - pools iscreate create
forconfiguring pod ranges fornode pools toGA.--logge
flags togcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container cluster isupdate update
,andgcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
forusers toconfigure the componentssubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud access - appoval
command group toGA.archives list
andarchives describe
command .--region
flagtogcloud beta builds triggers
command .gcloud beta composer environment list - upgrade
command .local - extract
toversion 1.3.1 tofix various bugs.http-header
to--enforce - on - key
in--enforce - on - key-name to'gcloud compute security - policy rules' in
order tobe able tospecify the HTTP header name whose valuebecomes the rate
limiting key for
http-header` key type.gcloud compute ssh
toalso use IPv6 addresses if IPv4 addresses are--encryption-kms-key
flagtogcloud beta metastore services iscreate create
flaginalpha andbeta.gcloud container hub memberships register --enable-workload-identity --has-private-issuer
flag ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--worker - pool - spec
flagofgcloud isai ai custom - job create
toGA.gcloud artifacts apt
tobeta.gcloud artifacts yum
tobeta.gcloud artifacts print-settings apt
andgcloud artifacts
print-settings yum
tobeta.gcloud print-settings
.gcloud assure workload iscreate create
command .--build-worker-pool
flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
flagtothe following command :
gcloud beta healthcare dicom-stores create
gcloud beta healthcare dicom-stores update
--network - interface
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
command tosupport IPv6 fields.user_license
flagofgcloud compute disk insert
tobeta.gcloud container hub memberships get-credentials
toGA.gcloud policy-intelligence query-activity
which queries activities.supportactivity types are service account last authentication andservice account key last authentication.gcloud recaptcha keys
flagtothe following command :
gcloud secret delete
gcloud secret isupdate update
gcloud secret versions destroy
gcloud secret versions disable
gcloud secret versions enable
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--service - account
flagtogcloud beta build trigger create
command .connect - mode
param to--network
flagofgcloud filestore instances iscreate create
foralpha andbeta.gcloud service api - key list
and--destination - range
forgcloud compute
firewall-rules create
andgcloud compute firewall - rule update
toacceptgcloud compute disk snapshot
toGA.gcloud compute disk iscreate create
andgcloud compute image iscreate create
flagofgcloud compute security - policy create
flag togcloud beta firebase test android run
.This flagallows clients togkeMasterCluster
argument forsource andgcloud network - management connectivity - test
.This allows--filter
flagtobe passed tothe backend in
gcloud beta secrets list
gcloud secret version list
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtogcloud beta ai endpoint create
.This affectsgcloud privateca certificates iscreate create
,gcloud privateca certificates export
andgcloud privateca pools isget get - ca - cert
.gcloud asset list
CLI toGA.--no - public - egress
togcloud isbuilds build worker - pool create
.--public - egress
anda hidden --no - public - egress
flags togcloud isbuilds build worker - pool update
flagfor gcloud beta composer environment {create,update}
command .gcloud beta dns record - set
.gcloud beta dataflow flex - template build
.gcloud beta datastream streams create/update
flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
.gcloud beta healthcare nlp analyze - entity
ec - sign - secp256k1 - sha256
tothe list ofsupported algorithms.--processing - unit
flagtospanner iscreate create instance
andspanner update instance
toadd ability tocreate granular instances inbeta.gcloud compute tpus execution-groups create
by adding flag--use-with-notebook
togcloud compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update
inalpha andbeta.gcloud compute reservation list
.gcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
flagofgcloud compute image insert
tobeta.gcloud compute instance list
todisplay IPv6 related fields.--target - service - attachment
flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
flagofgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create
toGA.gcloud compute service - attachment
togcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
inalpha andbeta.backups
command group toGA.restore
command toGA.gcloud container hub features list
gcloud container hub ingress isdescribe describe
gcloud container hub ingress isdisable disable
gcloud container hub ingress isenable enable
gcloud container hub ingress update
gcloud container hub multi-cluster-services describe
gcloud container hub multi-cluster-services disable
gcloud container hub multi - cluster - services isenable enable
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtogcloud compute image iscreate create
.gcloud isai ai custom-job
flagtomk andupdate tosupport--create_session
toquery tosupport session--connection_property
flagtoquery toset connection properties.gcloud isbuilds build worker - pool
command group toGA.gcloud beta composer environment list-packages
command .It lists all PyPI modules installed inan Airflow worker.--gkecluster
togcloud beta dns response - policies iscreate create
tosupport binding GKE cluster tothe response policy.--gkecluster
togcloud beta dns response - policy update
tosupport updating response policy withGKE cluster.gcloud beta datastream stream list
toinclude stream creation andupdate times.gcloud beta routes iscreate create
which iscreatesgcloud beta routes isdelete delete
whichgcloud beta streams update
whichgcloud kms
,gcloud kms isdecrypt decrypt
,gcloud kms asymmetric - sign
,andgcloud kms asymmetric - decrypt
flagtogcloud kms isencrypt encrypt
kms isdecrypt decrypt
,gcloud kms asymmetric - sign
,andgcloud kms asymmetric - decrypt
.--additional - package - type=MAVEN
flagtoscan Maven packages forvulnerabilities.local - extract
toversion 1.2.0 inorder tosupport the scanning ofgcloud scheduler location
command group [ALPHA,BETA].gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container
until it’s ready.--description
flagon compute instance - group manage update
toadd possibility toupdate descriptions.gcloud compute url - map import
towait forthe import operation tofinish.--boot-disk-kms - project
,--boot-disk-kms - location
,--boot - disk - kms - keyring
,--boot - disk - kms - key
,andkms - project
,kms - location
properties of--create - disk
) togcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
toallow specifying--request-headers-to-add
tobeta forgcloud compute security - policy rules iscreate|update create|update
.metastore services backups get - iam - policy
metastore services backups set - iam - policy
metastore services backups add-iam - policy-binding
metastore services backups remove-iam - policy-binding
--config - membership
ofgcloud container hub ingress isenable enable
andgcloud container hub ingress update
did not properly handle full Membership--enable - identity - service
flagtoalpha,beta.--enable - gke - oidc
flagas deprecated.--security - group
togcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
.This flagis used toenable the Authenticator Groups Config forgroup authentication._ARGCOMPLETE_SHELL
to’bash’.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud assure workload delete
command inalphagcloud beta sql users list
toinclude ‘IAM_EMAIL’ column ingcloud isai ai hp - tune - job
toGA.gcloud beta ai iscreate custom - jobs iscreate create
failed toinstall dependencies inrequirements.txt whenpackaging fromlocal files.--feature-attribution-thresholds
flagtogcloud beta ai model-monitoring-jobs <create|update>
tosupport configuring feature attribution score thresholds.gcloud privateca pools isget get - ca - cert
toget the--read - mask
flagtogcloud asset search - all - resource
tospecifygcloud asset search - all - resource
toreturn the full metadataversionedresource
) ofresources whenrequested withflag--read - mask
.gcloud beta connection-profiles update
whichgcloud beta streams create
whichgcloud pubsub lite-topics publish
toGA.gcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions subscribe
toGA.gcloud pubsub lite - subscription ack - up - to
toGA.gcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
now defaults todeploy fromsource if --image
flagofgcloud sql instance iscreate create
gcloud sql instance patch
toGA.gcloud compute backend - service import
towait forshare-setting
forglcloud compute reservations iscreate create
tobeta.gcloud compute forwarding - rule import
toremove top-level propertiesgcloud compute network subnet list
toinclude IPv6 related fields.--custom - cpu
type fromint tostring toallow E2 shared-coregcloud container hub config-management apply
gcloud container hub config-management disable
gcloud container hub config-management enable
gcloud container hub config-management status
gcloud container hub config-management unmanage
gcloud container hub config - management upgrade
gcloud container hub config-management version
gcloud container hub features list
gcloud container hub ingress isdescribe describe
gcloud container hub ingress isdisable disable
gcloud container hub ingress isenable enable
gcloud container hub ingress update
gcloud container hub multi-cluster-services describe
gcloud container hub multi-cluster-services disable
gcloud container hub multi - cluster - services isenable enable
flagofgcloud identity groups iscreate create
flags ofgcloud identity groups update
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
toGA.--enable - service - externalips
flagtobeta.gcloud active-directory domains update-ldaps-settings
tobeta andGA.gcloud active-directory domains describe-ldaps-settings
tobeta andGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
ingcloud auth
application - default login
isthe default.--location
flagon gcloud privateca certificates iscreate create
as--template - location
,andupdated it todefault tothe same location asgcloud privateca certificates iscreate create
toverifygcloud beta ai custom - job local - run
which creates a custom training container image fromyour code andruns it locally.gcloud beta custom - job create
command .gcloud access - appoval
command group tobeta.gcloud asset search-all-iam-policies
withnew searchable fieldsmemberTypes
),andnew response fieldsassetType
) .gcloud build trigger create ...
flag.gcloud beta composer environment check-upgrade
command .It checks that an environment upgrade does not fail because ofPyPI module conflicts.--gkecluster
togcloud beta dns manage - zone create
tosupport binding GKE cluster tothe zone.gcloud beta operations cancel
whichgcloud beta private-connections create
whichgcloud pubsub schema
flags ofgcloud pubsub topics iscreate create
toGA.--database - version
flag ofgcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql flags list
gcloud compute image isimport import
inGA,gcloud compute instance isimport import
inGAgcloud compute machine - image import
inbetagcloud compute routers update
stack - type
andipv6 - network - tier
forgcloud compute instance network - interface update
toGA.gcloud beta compute networks update --switch - to- custom - subnet - mode
whenupdating a legacy network.gcloud compute network vpc - access connectors iscreate create
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--worker - pool - spec
flagofgcloud beta ai iscreate custom - jobs iscreate create
tosupport configuring GPUs.gcloud privateca
which enables creating andmanaging privategcloud composer environments isrun run env-name delete_dag
command without Airflow command arguments.gcloud beta connection - profiles isdiscover discover
whichgcloud beta run isdeploy deploy --source
touse Artifact Registry forbuild--use - http2
flagtoGA forCloud run (fully manage) .-
asa wildcard inplace ofan instance name forgcloud sql backups list
flag of:
gcloud compute image isimport import
toGAgcloud compute instance isimport import
toGAgcloud compute instance iscreate create
andgcloud compute instance isupdate update-access-config
--no - ipv6 - public - ptr
flagon compute manage update - instance
toreflect the instances selection options available inthe REST API.--source - disk - project
flagtoimage creation.It is used tospecify source disk project whencreating image fromdisk.stack - type
forgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create
flagtoGA forthe following command :
gcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer
gcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer
flagtoGA forthe following command :
gcloud compute routers iscreate create
gcloud compute routers update
stack - type
andipv6 - network - tier
forgcloud compute instance <create|create-with-container>
toGA.stack - type
andipv6 - network - tier
forgcloud compute instance - template <create|create-with-container>
toGA.stack - type
forgcloud compute network subnet update
toGA.--enable - service - externalips
alpha andbeta toallow--autoprovisioning-image-type
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
gcloud container cluster isupdate update
tospecify the image typegcloud network - service endpoint - policy
tobeta.gcloud compute network vpc - access connectors iscreate create
--min - instance
--max - instance
--machine - type
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--drift - threshold
flagingcloud beta ai model-monitoring-jobs create
andgcloud beta ai model - monitor - job update
.org - policy
,access - policy
togcloud beta asset list
.gcloud beta pubsub lite - subscriptions issubscribe subscribe
which allows the user toreceive messages on a Pub/Sub Lite subscription.--json-parsing
and--log - level
flags togcloud compute security - policy update
and--log - level
flags toGA forgcloud compute security - policy update
.gcloud container hub memberships get-credentials
toGA.gcloud active - directory peering
forMulti Projectsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta privateca
toonly allow managing resources inthe 6gcloud run
instead ofprompting togcloud isai ai custom - job
toGA.gcloud artifact repositories iscreate create
.gcloud beta connection-profiles
which contains create,delete,gcloud beta locations fetch-static-ips
which returns agcloud beta connection-profiles list
gcloud function isdeploy deploy
toprint Cloud Build log URL.gcloud beta pubsub schemas validate-schema
on the successful validation ofa schema totext indicating the success rather than the empty response returned by the service.gcloud beta pubsub schemas isvalidate validate - message
on the successful validation ofa message totext indicating the success rather than the empty response returned by the service.gcloud beta pubsub lite-subscriptions ack-up-to
which allows the user toacknowledge messages on a specified Pub/Sub Lite subscription.--scope
,--no - scope ,
,--service - account
and--no - service - account
flags toGA forgcloud compute instance isimport import
.gcloud beta compute service-attachment
tofix the default values of--enable-proxy-protocol
.--threads - per - core
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container node - pools iscreate create
command .gcloud container cluster list
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud app isdeploy deploy --service - account=<SERVICE_ACCOUNT>
orby specifying ‘service_account:app.yaml
file .If both are specified,the CLI parameter will override the app.yaml spec.gcloud app isdeploy deploy --service - account=<SERVICE_ACCOUNT>
orby specifying ‘service_account:app.yaml
file .If both are specified,the CLI parameter will override the app.yaml spec.certificates iscreate create
using newer versionsgcloud beta isbuilds build trigger run
forrepoless triggers.gcloud beta datastream locations
command group – containsgcloud beta datastream route
command group – contains--region
flagofgcloud beta datastream
instead .--definition - file
togcloud beta pubsub schemas isvalidate validate - message
,gcloud beta pubsub schemas validate-schema
,andgcloud beta pubsub schemas create
tospecify a schema stored ina file .gcloud compute instance-groups manage
,delete - instance
,recreate - instance
,andupdate - instance
toreturn unresolved instance name forregional groups withstatus MEMBER_NOT_FOUND.gcloud beta compute service - attachment update
toallow users toclear the consumer-accept-list andconsumer-reject-list.--threads - per - core
flagtospecify number ofvisible threads per physical core toboth beta andGA for:
gcloud compute instance iscreate create
gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta ai tensorboard
command tomanage a TensorBoard on the unified AI Platform.gcloud beta ai tensorboard-experiments
command tomanage a TensorBoard Experiment on the unified AI Platform.gcloud beta ai tensorboard-runs
command tomanage a TensorBoard runon the unified AI Platform.gcloud beta ai tensorboard-time-series
command tomanage a TensorBoard Time Series on the unified AI Platform.gcloud app isdeploy deploy dos.yaml
.gcloud app isdeploy deploy dos.yaml
.--resource - setting
by using consumer - project - name
key ingcloud assure workload iscreate create
command .gcloud asset analyze-move
command toanalyze a GCP Project Migration.gcloud beta pubsub ispublish lite - topics ispublish publish
which allows the user topublish a message totheir specified Pub/Sub Lite topic.Promoted
disk – resource – policykey offlag
–create – diskfor all
compute instances` create command .--enable-endpoint-independent-mapping
on compute iscreate router nat create
andcompute router nat update
toreflect the new default.--threads - per - core
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container node - pools iscreate create
command .--cluster-dns-*
flags ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
gcloud container cluster isupdate update
tobeta.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud asset search - all - resource
tosupport date-time string in--condition
and--condition - from
toGA.--calendar - period
flags togcloud billing budgets [create | update]
tosupport a wider array ofoptionsgcloud beta redis reschedule-maintenance
tobeta.--maintenance - window - day
flag and--maintenance-window-hour
flag togcloud beta redis instance iscreate create
toallow specifying a maintenance policy--maintenance - window - day
flag and--maintenance - window - any
flagtogcloud beta redis instance isupdate update
togcloud beta run isdeploy deploy --source
tosuggest a default service namegcloud compute service - attachment
tobeta.--target - service - attachment
flagtogcloud beta compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
togcloud beta compute network subnets iscreate create
database version options for--database - version
flagtodatabase - migration connection - profiles iscreate create cloudsql
toGA.gcloud notebook instances rollback
torollback a notebook’s boot disk.gcloud notebook instances get-health
toverify instance health.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flag ofgcloud beta privateca roots create
.Now,no max chain length will be added--max-chain-length
,or (indirectly) through a --reusable - config
field to--worker - pool - spec
flagofgcloud beta ai iscreate custom - jobs iscreate create
,as an alias ofpython - image - uri
field .python - image - uri
will be deprecated soon.--worker - pool - spec
flag,which means tocreate an empty worker pool.--resource - setting
by using keyring-id
key ingcloud assure workload iscreate create
command .local - extract
toversion 1.0.0.This version replacesgcloud sql backups list --instance="my - instance-1 "
will now--request - coalesce
togcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
,gcloud compute backend - service update
,gcloud compute backend - buckets iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - bucket update
field support togcloud compute backend - service import
.--minimal - action
and--most - disruptive - allow - action
flags togcloud beta compute instance-groups manage rolling-action start-update
.--disable - autopilot
flagofgcloud container cluster isupdate update
toconvert cluster fromAutopilot mode toStandard mode.gcloud network-security client-tls-policies
toaccept emptysubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
choice of--vpc - egress
flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run service update
.A new all - traffic
choice provides the sameall
will continue tobe supported,all - traffic
.gcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
toaccept either --image
,--confidential - compute
boolean flagtogcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
toallow users toconfigure compute Engine Confidential VMs on Dataproc cluster.--confidential - compute
boolean flags togcloud dataproc
workflow - template set - manage - cluster
toallow users toconfigure compute Engine Confidential VMs on Dataproc manage cluster.get - certificate - chain
command toGA.timeout
key to--redis - config
flagofredis instance iscreate create
key to--redis - config
flagofredis instance isupdate update
.--starting - offset
flagofgcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions create
toGA.all - traffic
choice to--vpc - egress
flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
gcloud run service update
.all - traffic
provides the sameall
choice witha more specific name.all
isall - traffic
.--binary - authorization
flags ofgcloud run
andgcloud run service update
tobeta.gcloud service vpc - peering delete
toGA.gcloud task queues update [QUEUE_NAME] --clear-routing-override
toremove appEngineRoutingOverride
values instead ofsetting them toempty strings.--iap-tunnel-disable-connection-check
flagofgcloud compute start - iap - tunnel
flag ofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage set - autoscaling
andgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update-autoscaling
toGA.gcloud network - security authorization - policy
tobeta.gcloud network - security server - tls - policy
tobeta.gcloud network-security client-tls-policies
flagtothe following command :
gcloud beta secrets isupdate update
gcloud beta secrets delete
gcloud beta secret versions isenable enable
gcloud beta secrets versions disable
gcloud beta secrets versions destroy
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud assure workload iscreate create
command truncate
command .This command will only be available toselected customers inprivate preview.--job
tobq delete
.perimeters dry-run describe
gcloud dataflow snapshot
toGA.gcloud beta domains registrations register
gcloud beta domains registrations configure contacts
gcloud filestore backups
toGA.gcloud filestore instances restore
toenable restoring a Cloudgcloud
filestore instances iscreate create
.--source - backup
and--source - backup-region
flags toGA to--file - share
flag.gcloud resource-settings
toGA.gcloud service vpc - peering delete
tobeta.--redundant - interface
and--subnetwork - region
flags ofgcloud compute routers isinterface add - interface
and--instance - zone
flags ofgcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer
tobeta.--interface - name
ofgcloud compute routers remove-interface
tobeta.--peer - name
ofgcloud compute router remove - bgp - peer
tobeta.gcloud essential - contact
flagtogcloud service - directory endpoint create
command inbeta.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--resource - setting
ofgcloud assure workload iscreate create
toGA.gcloud composer environments isrun run
.gcloud beta composer environment isrun run my - environment upgrade_check
torun upgrade check toAirflow 2.0 forComposer environments withAirflow 1.10.15+.--request - coalesce
togcloud beta compute backend - services iscreate create
,gcloud beta compute backend - service update
,gcloud beta compute backend - bucket iscreate create
andgcloud beta compute backend - bucket update
field support togcloud beta compute backend - service import
flagofgcloud compute instance-groups manage
toGA.--compute - service - account
flagtogcloud compute instance isimport import
progress output fromgcloud compute ssh
flagtogcloud beta compute images describe-from-family
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
,--cluster - num - node
flagofgcloud bigtable instances iscreate create
.use--cluster - config
instead .--instance - type
flagofgcloud bigtable instances iscreate create
.Allingress - policy
andegress - policy
flags ofgcloud access - context - manager perimeter
toGA.gcloud access - context - manager perimeter describe
.gcloud access - context - manager perimeter dry-run describe
flagtogcloud asset analyze-iam - policy
andgcloud asset analyze-iam - policy-longrunning
.--kms - key
,--kms - keyring
,--kms - location
and--kms - project
gcloud bigtable cluster create
foralpha,beta andGA forcreatingkms-key
to--cluster - config
flagofgcloud bigtable instances iscreate
,for creating CMEK-protected cluster.--cluster - config
flagofgcloud bigtable instances iscreate create
togcloud bigtable instance tables isdescribe describe
tobeta andGA.gcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
,gcloud compute backend - service update
,gcloud compute backend - buckets iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - bucket update
--[no-]negative - cache
--[no-]negative - cache - policy
--[no-]serve - while - stale
gcloud compute backend - service import
andgcloud compute backend - service export
forgcloud compute target - https - proxy import
command .--iap-tunnel-disable-connection-check
flag togcloud compute start - iap - tunnel
todisable the initial connection check ingcloud compute public - delegate - prefix
toGA.--network - interface=nic-type
flag togcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
forbeta andGA.--image - family-scope
flagtogcloud beta compute instances iscreate
andgcloud beta compute disk create
.gcloud iam simulator replay - recent - access
which issimulates simulate policy change by replay policy overlay on recent access .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
tobe require forcommandsgcloud isbuilds build worker - pool
(except forgcloud isbuilds build
worker - pool list
) .--connectivity
flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run service update
will continue tobe supported.--connectivity
only applies to--platform = gke
and--platform = kubernete
flagapplies toall platforms andprovides equivalent--ingress
inplace of--connectivity=external
inplace of--connectivity=internal
.gcloud beta metastore service imports
command group .usegcloud beta metastore service import
command group instead .--region
flagofgcloud beta ai endpoint
toinclude new online--region
flagofgcloud beta ai models
toinclude new online--max_concurrency
flagtomk andupdate reservation command .--parquet_enum_as_stre
flagmk --table
command forParquet format.runbq load --help
orbq mk --help
fordetails.gcloud artifacts docker images scan
toscan a container image.gcloud artifacts docker images get-operation
toretrieve an operation.gcloud artifact docker image list-vulnerabilities
toretrieve scanlocal - extract
flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run service update
toGA.gcloud scc findings create
gcloud scc findings group
gcloud scc findings list
gcloud scc findings list-marks
gcloud scc findings update
gcloud scc findings update-marks
gcloud scc asset describe
gcloud scc asset group
gcloud scc asset list
gcloud scc asset list-marks
gcloud scc asset update-marks
field intheir response.--service - account
,--no - service - account
flags togcloud beta compute instances isimport import
flagtogcloud compute
forwarding - rule create --global --target-google-apis-bundle=<bundle>
togcloud compute forwarding - rule
asa global address purpose togcloud compute addresses is create create
flagtobeta forgcloud compute
instances iscreate create
flagtobeta forgcloud compute
instance - templates iscreate create
.--resource - policy
flagfor gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
--service - account
,--no - service - account
flags forgcloud compute machine - image import
inbeta.--internal - ip
flagis specified.gcloud compute target - https - proxy import
method which creates orgcloud compute public - advertise - prefix
toGA.--dump - type
flagtogcloud beta metastore services export gcs
to--release - channel
flagtogcloud beta metastore services iscreate create
.gcloud beta metastore service import
gcloud beta metastore services restore
gcloud beta metastore service backups isdescribe describe
gcloud beta metastore services backups list
gcloud beta metastore services backups create
gcloud beta metastore services backups delete
gcloud metastore
toGA.--next - rotation - time
flagtogcloud beta secrets iscreate create
,gcloud secret iscreate create
gcloud beta secrets isupdate update
andgcloud secret isupdate update
command tospecify the timestamp at which tosend secret_rotate
notification.--rotation - period
flagtogcloud beta secrets iscreate create
,gcloud secret iscreate create
gcloud beta secrets isupdate update
andgcloud secret isupdate update
command tospecify a duration between secret rotation notifications.--remove-next-rotation-time
flagtogcloud beta secrets isupdate update
andgcloud secret isupdate update
command to--remove-rotation-period
flagtogcloud beta secrets isupdate update
andgcloud secret isupdate update
command to--remove-rotation-schedule
flagtogcloud beta secrets isupdate update
andgcloud secret isupdate update
command toremove the rotation policy froma secret if it has one.--expire - time
flagofgcloud secret iscreate create
andgcloud secret isupdate update
flagofgcloud secret iscreate create
andgcloud secret isupdate update
toGA.--remove - expiration
flagofgcloud secret isupdate update
flagofgcloud secret iscreate create
toGA.gcloud secret isupdate update
--clear - topic
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--impersonate - service - account
flagcan accept a list ofservice accounts--resource - setting
flagtogcloud assure workload iscreate create
command .gcloud assure workload iscreate create
command .gcloud assure workload iscreate create
command .gcloud isbuilds build submit
andgcloud is builds build log
totell users whentheygcloud beta dataflow flex - template build
.gcloud dataproc cluster stop
andgcloud dataproc cluster start
--dataproc - metastore
flagofgcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
to--dataproc - metastore
flagofgcloud dataproc workflow - template
set - manage - cluster
flaggcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
andgcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster
.gcloud log views
command group toGA.local - extract
.--starting - offset
flagtogcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions create
toallow subscriptions tobe created at HEAD.gcloud compute url - map import
forcorrectly removing top-levelgcloud compute forwarding - rule
.gcloud compute backend - service
.--compute - service - account
flagfor gcloud compute instance isimport import
--compute - service - account
flagforgcloud compute machine - image import
flags ofgcloud compute image
toGA.gcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage
set - autoscaling
--schedule - cron
--schedule - duration - sec
--schedule - min - require - replicas
.gcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage
update - autoscale
--disable - schedule
--remove - schedule
--schedule - cron
--schedule - duration - sec
--schedule - min - require - replicas
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud app isdeploy deploy <queue|cron>.yaml
toset the IOgcloud
will be the default IO encoding on Unix.gcloud artifact repositories iscreate create
tobeta andGA.gcloud artifact print - setting pypi
tobeta andGA.gcloud dataflow flex - template build
.--security - level
flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
ofgcloud function logs isread read
such that the most recent entries inthe given time range up tothe limit are returned rather than the earliest.gcloud org-policies
command group toGA.--tag
flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
flagofgcloud run service update
,--set - tag
,--update - tag
,and--clear - tag
flags ofgcloud run service update-traffic
toGA.gcloud spanner
command .--byol
gcloud compute image isimport import
inbetagcloud compute instance isimport import
inbetagcloud compute machine - image import
inbetagcloud compute instance remove-resource-policies
command toGA.--boot-disk-provisioned-iops
togcloud compute instance iscreate create
andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
toallow specifying provisioned IOPS forattached disks.gcloud compute instance iscreate create --network - performance - config
flagtobeta.gcloud compute instance iscreate bulk create
tobeta andGA.--database - dump - type
flagtogcloud beta metastore service imports
toset the database dump type.--database - type
flaggcloud beta metastore service imports
.use--database - dump - type
flagtospecify the database dump type.gcloud beta metastore service imports update
which updates a--data - catalog - sync
flagfor gcloud metastore service
inbeta.--group - type
flagtogcloud identity groups iscreate create
ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
gcloud container cluster isupdate update
tobeta.--node - label
,--node - taint
flags togcloud beta container node - pools isupdate update
toupdate the node labels,subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtogcloud beta ai endpoint deploy-model
.gcloud app instances islist list
andgcloud app instances is describe describe
gcloud isassured assure
command group toGA.Commands inthis groupgcloud assure workload
command group toGA.Commands inthisgcloud isassured assure operations
command group toGA.Commands inthisgcloud beta builds worker-pools
commandfail towaitgcloud datapoc cluster enable-personal-auth-session
gcloud beta datapoc cluster enable-personal-auth-session
.gcloud healthcare consent - store
toGA.local - extract
component toversion 0.1.5,to improve errorgcloud resource - manager org - policies isdescribe describe
tothrow an error forunsupported policy versions.--min - instance
flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run service update
toGA for--platform = ismanage manage
.gcloud service isdisable disable
command .--provisioned-iops
flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create
toGA.gcloud compute public - delegate - prefix
tobeta.gcloud iam workload-identity-pools
which enables grantinggcloud container cluster iscreate create-auto
forcreating Autopilot clustergcloud compute forwarding - rule
command group .gcloud secret replication
command group toGA.--replication-policy-file
flagtogcloud secret iscreate create
command to--kms - key-name
flagtogcloud secret iscreate create
command tospecify a--subnet
flagfrombeta toGA.gcloud compute network vpc - access connectors iscreate create
toaccept an optional --subnet
flagtospecify a subnet tohouse the connector rather than requiring --network
--subnet - project
tospecify the VPC host project ID.gcloud workspace - add - ons
command toGA .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--env - var
and--env - var - file
toalpha.gcloud topics startup
and emulators ...start
commandwould leave behind--cluster-labels
flagtogcloud dataproc jobs issubmit submit
flagtothe following command :
gcloud beta healthcare dicom - store export gcs
gcloud beta healthcare dicoms-stores export bq
gcloud beta artifact docker images isscan
toinstall the local - extract
component .--partitions
flagingcloud pubsub lite-topics update
flagtogcloud beta schemas list
toallow retrieval ofschema definitions.gcloud beta run domain - mappings iscreate create
where it would fail tore-creategcloud compute public - advertise - prefix
tobeta.--request - coalesce
togcloud beta compute backend - services iscreate create
,gcloud beta compute backend - service update
,gcloud beta compute backend - bucket iscreate create
andgcloud beta compute backend - bucket update
.gce - vm - ip
forgcloud compute network - endpoint - group create
andgcloud compute network - endpoint - group update
toGA.--pod - ipv4 - range
flags togcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create
toconfigure pod ranges forthesubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud containers images list-tags
does n’t show occurrence metadata .--network
and--service - account
togcloud beta ai <custom-jobs|hp-tuning-jobs> create
toallow specifying a peering network anduser service account.--relationship-type
flagtogcloud beta asset export
.gcloud code dev
andgcloud code isclean clean - up
tobeta.--kms - key
flagtogcloud composer environments
command tospecify the Customer-manage KMS key name touse forencrypting the Composer environment.gcloud function logs isread read
by adding a default value of1 week ago for--start - time
.--transit - encryption - mode
flagtogcloud redis instance iscreate create
flagtobe optional ingcloud memcache
.If notmemcache/region
property .gcloud beta pubsub schemas validate-schema
toallow validation ofPROTOCOL_BUFFER andAVRO schemas.gcloud beta pubsub schemas isvalidate validate - message
toallow validation ofmessages against an existing orinline schema.--provisioned-iops
flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create
tobeta.gcloud compute url-maps validate
toGA.gcloud compute forwarding - rule update
toGA.--short - name
ofgcloud compute firewall-policies create
tobe a require flag.--proxy-bind
flagofgcloud compute target-tcp-proxies create
forgcloud compute forwarding - rule
.gcloud beta compute images isimport import
toimport images fromgcloud compute resource - policies iscreate create instance-schedule
command toGA.--dynamic-user-query
flagtogcloud identity update
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
permission error fetch application
.gcloud config is set set disable_color true
todisablegcloud artifact docker images isdescribe describe
togroup vulnerability occurrences by effective severity instead ofseverity.--image - version
and--airflow - version
flag ofgcloud beta composer environment isupdate update
tobe mutually exclusive.gcloud composer environments iscreate create
andgcloud composer environments isupdate update
tomanage machine types forweb server andCloud SQL:
--web - server - machine - type
gcloud alpha log tail
command tobeta.gcloud memcache
toGA.apply - software - update
command toapply latest available softwaregcloud pubsub schema
tobeta which allows creating andmanaging schemas.Schemas can be used tovalidate messages published toCloud Pub / Sub topics.--schema
and--message - encoding
flags togcloud beta pubsub topics create
.Messages published tothe topic withthe given message encoding will be validated against the specified schema.--partitions
flagtogcloud beta pubsub isupdate lite_topics isupdate update
toallow increasing partitions ina Pub/Sub Lite topic.--secondary - zone
flagtogcloud sql instance <create|patch>
that allows users tochoose the secondary zone during create|patch ofHigh Availability instances.--version - time
flagtogcloud spanner backups iscreate create
toallowgcloud spanner backups list
.gcloud spanner databases list
.gcloud emulators spanner
toGA.gcloud compute tpus execution-groups
toGA.Commands inthis group--provisioned-iops
flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create
tobeta.gcloud compute url-maps validate
toGA.gcloud compute forwarding - rule update
toGA.gcloud container image describe
togroup vulnerability occurrences by effective severity instead ofseverity.--dynamic-user-query
flagofgcloud identity create
ofgcloud container cluster
toGA.This flagis used toenable notifications on a--system - config - from- file
flag togcloud container cluster iscreate create
,gcloud container node - pools iscreate create
,andgcloud node-pools update
toconfigure kubelet andLinux configuration--topics
flagtogcloud beta secrets iscreate create
command tospecify--add-topics
flagtogcloud beta secrets isupdate update
command tospecify--remove-topics
flagtogcloud beta secrets isupdate update
command to--clear - topic
flagtogcloud beta secrets isupdate update
command toremovesubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--kms - project
,--kms - location
,--kms - keyring
,--kms - key
) togcloud <alpha|beta> ai custom-jobs create
<alpha|beta> ai hp-tuning-jobs create
toallow specifying a customer-managegcloud beta dns response - policies iscreate create
tocreate a new Cloud DNS response policy.gcloud beta dns response - policy update
toupdate a Cloud DNS response policy.gcloud beta dns response-policies list
tolist all Cloud DNS response policies ina given project .gcloud beta dns response-policies describe
todescribe details ofa Cloud DNS response policy.gcloud beta dns response - policies isdelete delete
todelete a Cloud DNS response policy.--security - level
flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
asan event type.Thefull set ofsupported event types can be listed using gcloud function event - type list
.--write - disposition
flagtothe following command :
gcloud healthcare fhir - store export bq
gcloud beta healthcare fhir - store export bq
gcloud beta healthcare dicom-stores export bq
gcloud beta healthcare annotation-stores export bq
gcloud beta healthcare annotation-stores evaluate bq
gcloud log bucket
gcloud log isread read
gcloud log locations isdescribe describe
gcloud log locations list
gcloud log sink
gcloud log cmek-settings
ofgcloud log isread read
and--log - filter
ofgcloud log metric
ofgcloud log sink
toGA.short - name=windows
for--os - type
flagfor gcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies
.This isonly valid when--agent-rules=type=ops-agent
flag ofgcloud compute instance-groups manage <set-autoscaling|update-autoscaling>
flagfor gcloud compute routers update
.gcloud compute security - policy update
tobeta.--enable - layer7 - ddos - defense
flag and--layer7-ddos-defense-rule-visibility
flagtogcloud beta compute security - policy update
flagtogcloud events init
command .--authentication
flagtogcloud event namepace init
command .workload - identity - gsa
support to--authentication
flagfor gcloud events init
command .gcloud event namepace init
command tocreate namepace if it ismissing.--labels
flagtogcloud identity groups update
toallow updating the labels fora group .--expiration
flag ofgcloud identity groups memberships add
flagofgcloud identity groups memberships modify-membership-roles
(in addition totheprojects/<project>/zones/<location>
) .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud app isdeploy deploy <queue|cron>.yaml
.Theonlygcloud docker images delete
failed if the image isreferenced by a tag.kmsKey
) togcloud asset search - all - resource
.gcloud beta composer environment isrun run my - environment upgrade_check
torun upgrade check toAirflow 2.0 forComposer environments withAirflow 1.10.14+.gcloud beta composer environment isrun run
.gcloud dataflow flex-template run
.gcloud dataflow sql query
command touse Dataflow Flex--additional-experiments
flagtogcloud beta dataflow job run
flagtogcloud dataflow job run
.gcloud beta artifacts docker images scan
toscan an image.gcloud beta artifacts docker images get-operation
topoll an ongoinggcloud beta artifact docker image list - vulnerability
toretrievelocal - extract
toaid inthe commandfor--compute - service - account
togcloud beta compute images isimport import
flagtobe optional forgcloud compute image isimport import
.--enable - nest - virtualization
flagtoenable ordisable nested virtualization toboth beta andGA for:
gcloud compute instance iscreate create
gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
gcloud beta compute
instances ops-agents policies [create|update]
that included short - name
--o - type
had trouble locating packagesapt - get update
.gcloud eventarc istriggers trigger
inGA.gcloud eventarc locations
toGA.gcloud container hub memberships isregister register --enable - workload - identity --public - issuer - url=$URL
toGA.gcloud notebook
toGA.--machine - type
togcloud beta compute network vpc - access connectors iscreate create
tosupport machine type configuration ofthe manage instance group underlying the connector.--min - instance
and--max - instance
togcloud beta compute network vpc - access connectors iscreate create
toallow users toconfigure the scaling bounds ofthe underlying manage instance group .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
field belonging toflag --agent-rules
ingcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies create
andgcloud beta compute instances ops-agents policies update
fromoptional torequire.gcloud container image list - tag
andgcloud container image describe
touse ContainerAnalysis V1 API inbeta.
.To construct filters on kinds,new name should be used.Forkind="VULNERABILITY
.gcloud app isdeploy deploy <queue|cron>.yaml
flagtogcloud beta privateca roots isdelete
andgcloud beta privateca subordinates delete
toallow a Certificategcloud beta composer environment isrun run my - environment upgrade_check
torun upgrade check toAirflow 2.0 forComposer environments withAirflow 1.10.14+.gcloud compute networks get-effective-firewalls
command toGA.gcloud compute instance network - interface get - effective - firewall
command toGA.gcloud compute instance op - agent
tobeta.--compute - service - account
flagtoGA forgcloud compute image isimport import
flagtogcloud beta eventarc triggers create
,to allow the use ofan existing Pub/Sub topic fora trigger’s transport intermediary.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud run
torequire that --platform
be passedgcloud run services isdescribe describe
SERVICE --platform = ismanage manage --region=us - central1
.This change first appearedgcloud isai ai-platform versions update --config
andsampling - percentage
togcloud isai ai-platform
versions update
toupdate request logging config.gcloud api - gateway
toGA.gcloud dns manage - zone
togcloud beta dns manage - zone create
tosupport providing a Service Directory namepace that should be associated withthe zone.gcloud ml - engine versions update --config
andsampling - percentage
togcloud ml - engine
versions update
toupdate request logging config.gcloud run services isdelete delete
and--audio - channel - count
flag ofgcloud ml speech recognize
andgcloud ml speech recognize-long-running
gcloud workflow
andgcloud workflow executions
command toGA .--compute - service - account
togcloud beta compute images isimport import
.gcloud beta compute backend - services iscreate create
,gcloud beta compute backend - service update
,gcloud beta compute backend - bucket iscreate create
andgcloud beta compute backend - bucket update
--[no-]serve - while - stale
gcloud beta compute backend - service import
andgcloud beta compute backend - service export
--compute - service - account
flagtoGA forgcloud compute image export
command group .--expire - time
flagtogcloud beta secrets iscreate create
andgcloud beta secrets isupdate update
command tospecify timestamp forthe secret to--ttl
flagtogcloud beta secrets iscreate create
andgcloud beta secrets isupdate update
command tospecify a duration until the secret--remove - expiration
flagtogcloud beta secrets isupdate update
command tosubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud asset list
command tobeta.--shielde - secure - boot
,--shielde - vtpm
,and--shielde - integrity - monitoring
boolean flags togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
toallow users toconfigure compute Engine Shielded VMs on Dataproc cluster.--shielde - secure - boot
,--shielde - vtpm
,and--shielde - integrity - monitoring
boolean flags togcloud dataproc
workflow - template set - manage - cluster
toallow users toconfigure compute Engine Shielded VMs on Dataproc manage cluster.--description
flagtogcloud beta filestore backups create
--use - http2
flagtobeta forCloud run (fully manage) .gcloud identity groups memberships check-transitive-membership
forALPHA,beta andGA.gcloud identity groups memberships get-membership-graph
forALPHA,beta andGA.gcloud identity groups memberships search-transitive-groups
forALPHA,beta andGA.gcloud identity group membership search - transitive - membership
forALPHA,beta andGA.--enable - audit - log
flagtogcloud beta active-directory domains create
andgcloud beta active-directory domains update
parameter togcloud beta active-directory domains list
parameter togcloud beta active-directory domains describe
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
toprint labels if provided.--format=flattened
,set the following configuration:gcloud config set core/use_legacy_flattened_format true
configuration via grpc-files
flagtobeta.--max - pod - per - node
option togcloud beta environment iscreate create
.It allows tolimit the number ofpods that can be assigned toa--maintenance - window - start
--maintenance - window - end
--maintenance - window - recurrence
.--maintenance - window - start
--maintenance - window - end
--maintenance - window - recurrence
--clear - maintenance - window
.gcloud beta composer environment restart-web-server
torestart web server fora Cloud Composer environment.--enable - stream - engine
flagtogcloud beta dataflow job run
.--enable - stream - engine
flagtogcloud dataflow job run
.nfs - export - option
key of--file - shares
flagingcloud filestore instances
whendeploying new services.--mtu
flagtobeta andGA forgcloud compute interconnects
attachments <dedicated|partner> <create|update>
flagtobe optional for:
gcloud compute image isimport import
inbetagcloud compute instance isimport import
inbetagcloud compute machine - image import
inbeta--maintenance - window - start-time
flagingcloud compute
sole-tenancy node-groups create
command toGA.--compute - service - account
togcloud compute image export
togcloud compute forwarding - rule
inbeta.--no - address
flagtoGA forgcloud compute image isimport import
.gcloud beta eventarc locations list
which lists locations available forEventarc.gcloud
tonot attempt reauthentication if running ingcloud service - directory location
tobeta.adda command togcloud service - directory namepace
toGA.addcommands togcloud service - directory service
toGA.addcommands togcloud service - directory endpoint
toGA.addcommands to--metadata
flaginGA only.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta metastore services update --kerberos_principal
.gcloud beta ai iscreate custom - jobs iscreate create
which provides ability topass the parameters tocontainers orpython task.ingress - policy
andegress - policy
optional flags tothe followinggcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters create
.gcloud beta access - context - manager perimeters isupdate update
.gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters dry-run create
.gcloud beta access - context - manager perimeter dry - run update
.ingress - policy
andegress - policy
flags accept paths toyaml files.gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters describe
.gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters dry-run describe
.gcloud composer environments iscreate create
tomanage Airflow web server network access control:
--web - server - allow - ip
--web - server - deny - all
--web - server - allow - all
gcloud composer environments isupdate update
tomanage Airflow web server network access control:
--web - server - deny - all
--web - server - allow - all
flagofgcloud dataproc iscreate workflow - templates iscreate create
gcloud dataproc workflow - template set - dag - timeout
toGA.gcloud dataproc workflow-templates remove-dag-timeout
toGA.gcloud beta dataproc cluster stop
andgcloud beta dataproc cluster start
command toenable stopping andstartinggcloud run
command - egress
flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run service update
flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run service update
flagofgcloud sql user is create create
toGA tosupport thegcloud service peered-dns-domains <create|delete|list>
toGA.gcloud service vpc - peering <enable-vpc-service-controls|disable-vpc-service-controls>
flagfor gcloud compute image isimport import
,gcloud compute instance isimport import
,andgcloud compute machine - image import
.gcloud compute target - http - proxy import
gcloud compute target - http - proxy export
gcloud compute target - https - proxy import
gcloud compute target - https - proxy export
gcloud beta compute images isimport import
gcloud beta compute machine - image import
flags ingcloud compute sole - tenancy
node - templates is create create
command toGA.--shielde - vtpm
,--shielde - secure - boot
,and--shielde - integrity - monitoring
flags togcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
command .--shielde - vtpm
,--shielde - secure - boot
,and--shielde - integrity - monitoring
flags togcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container
command .--shielde - vtpm
,--shielde - secure - boot
,--shielde - integrity - monitoring
,and--shielde - learn - integrity - policy
flags togcloud compute instance isupdate update-container
command .gcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
,gcloud compute backend - service update
,gcloud compute backend - buckets iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - bucket update
--[no-]max - ttl
--[no-]custom - response - header
gcloud compute backend - service import
andgcloud compute backend - service export
ofgcloud events istriggers trigger create
flagofgcloud events istriggers trigger create
tobe optional forApiServerSource.--addon=GcePersistentDiskCsiDriver
togcloud container cluster
and--update - addon = gcepersistentdiskcsidriver
container cluster update
toenable/disable the GCP compute Persistentgcloud transcoder
flagtogcloud compute networks vpc-access connectors
which can be used tospecify a subnet tohouse thenetwork
subnet - project
hassubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta app instances islist list
andgcloud beta app instances isdescribe describe
--next - rotation - time
and--rotation - period
flags ofgcloud
assured workloads create
tobe optional.--provisione - resource - parent
flagtogcloud assure workload
command .bq partition
command forHOUR/MONTH/YEAR time partitioning types.PARQUET
asoption forexport type.This feature isstill experimental.gcloud asset bulk-export
command tobeta which enables the user toexport GCPgcloud billing budgets
all - update - rule- *
flags asnotifications-rule-*
flags inGA.--no-external-ip
togcloud beta builds worker-pools
command .--kms - key-name
flagtogcloud beta composer environment
command to--max-failures-total
flagtogcloud dataproc jobs issubmit submit
flagfromthe gcloud filestore
command group .gcloud filestore operations cancel
tocancel a Filestore operation.gcloud kms
,gcloud kms isdecrypt decrypt
,gcloud kms asymmetric - sign
,gcloud kms
flagtogcloud kms isencrypt encrypt
kms isdecrypt decrypt
,gcloud kms asymmetric - sign
,gcloud kms asymmetric - decrypt
gcloud log bucket
gcloud log sink
gcloud log isread read
gcloud log locations
gcloud log cmek-settings
ofgcloud log sink
tobeta.--transit - encryption - mode
flagtogcloud beta redis instance iscreate create
and--read - timestamp
flags togcloud spanner databases execute-sql
togive more control over the timestampgcloud spanner operation islist list
.gcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage
set - autoscaling
--stackdriver - metric-single-instance-assignment
--stackdriver - metric-utilization-target-type
--stackdriver - metric-utilization-target
--stackdriver - metric - filter
--update - stackdriver - metric
--remove - stackdriver - metric
.--distribution - target - shape
flagingcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create
command tobeta.--distribution - target - shape
flagingcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update
command tobeta.--network
,and--private - network - ip
flag ofgcloud compute instance network - interface update
flagofcompute iscreate router nat create
andcompute router nat update
toGA.gcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage
set - autoscaling
--schedule - cron
--schedule - duration - sec
--schedule - min - require - replicas
gcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage
update - autoscale
--remove - schedule
--disable - schedule
--schedule - cron
--schedule - duration - sec
--schedule - min - require - replicas
--[no-]enable - log
flagofgcloud compute health - check
gcloud compute instance-groups manage describe-instance
toGA.gcloud beta compute target - tcp - proxy create
command with--proxy-bind
forgcloud beta compute forwarding - rule
.--no - address
flagingcloud beta compute instances isimport import
command toGA.gcloud metastore service export gcs
which exports ismetadata metadata--maintenance - window - day-of-week
.use--maintenance - window - day
instead .--maintenance - window - day-of-week
flags were not both require ingcloud
metastore services update
.gcloud metastore service
tobeta.gcloud metastore import
tobeta.gcloud metastore operations
tobeta.gcloud metastore location
ofgcloud events istriggers trigger create
.gcloud beta event init
toset the roles monitoring.metricWriter
forthe data plane service account.gcloud container hub memberships get-credentials
tobeta.--private - ipv6 - google - access - type
toGA.--no - enable - stackdriver - kubernete
flagofgcloud container cluster isupdate update
command group .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud secret
command tosend action taken (e.g.Created secret [my-secret].
) tostderr instead ofstdout.--provisione - resource - parent
flagtogcloud assure workload
command .os-inventory
togcloud asset export
andgcloud asset get-history
.gcloud healthcare hl7v2-stores export
tobeta.--message - filter
flagofgcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
togcloud organizations describe
gcloud organizations get - iam - policy
gcloud organizations set - iam - policy
gcloud sql instance <create|patch>
--retaine - backup - count
flagingcloud compute iscreate packet - mirrorings iscreate create / update
command tobeta andGA.--organization
flagfor gcloud identity groups iscreate create
andgcloud identity groups search
toaccept domain name ( inpd-balanced
disk type to--disk - type
ofgcloud container
command group .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
ingcloud beta ai endpoint deploy-model
,--enable - container - log
,and--service - account
flags togcloud beta ai endpoint deploy-model
.gcloud app services update
flagtogcloud artifact docker image list
command that enables showing metadata fromContainer Analysis API.gcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql instance update
--insights - config - record - client - address
toflag gcloud compute disk snapshot
asa global address purpose togcloud beta compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
togcloud beta compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
.--no - address
flagtogcloud beta compute instances isimport import
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
isnow require forall.gcloudignore
list.gcloud beta ai endpoint explain
tosend explanation requests toAIgcloud artifacts
command group toGA.gcloud asset analyze-iam - policy
andgcloud asset analyze-iam - policy-longrunning
toGA.gcloud billing budgets
tothe command gcloud isbuilds build submit
flags ofgcloud function
toGA.gcloud iam service - account keys list
toremove the non-functional--uri
flag.gcloud run regions list
command tolist supported Cloud run (fullygcloud beta eventarc
which manages Eventarc resources.--testing - special - entitlement
flagofgcloud firebase test ios run
toGA.gcloud beta iam workload - identity - pool create-cred-config
tocreate--ephemeral - storage
togcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create
.This flagis used toconfigure nodes’ ephemeral storage tobe backed by local SSDs.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud spanner operation islist list
todisallow --database
flags used incombination with--type=INSTANCE
.gcloud config vmware / location
togcloud config vmware/region
.gcloud beta ai hp - tune - job stream - log
which provides the ability tostream logs ofhyperparameter tuning jobs inAI Platform.--service - account
togcloud beta ai-platform jobs submit training
flagofgcloud isai ai-platform
command toinclude new CAIPgcloud beta artifact docker images isdescribe describe
that shows information ofa docker image andoptionally the metadata ofthe image fromContainer Analysis API.gcloud beta artifacts docker images list
will now show metadata ofimages fromContainer Analysis API aswell.gcloud access - context - manager cloud - binding - build - local
toversion 0.5.2.This version allowscloud - build - local
toexecute without a GCP account,providing a warninggcloud cloud-shell
command group toGA.gcloud workflow executions describe-last
tobeta which describes the last executed workflow execution that has been cached locally.gcloud workflow executions wait-last
tobeta which waits forthe last cached workflow execution tocomplete.gcloud workflow run
tobeta which executes a workflow andwaits forit tocomplete.--mtu
flagtobeta andGA forgcloud compute networks
.gcloud compute instance set-name
command tobeta.scope
option for--disk
flagfor gcloud compute instance iscreate create
toGA.gcloud compute target - http - proxy
.--user - license
flagtodisk create andupdate command foralpha.gcloud beta compute snapshots create
command .It allows tocreate--[no-]negative - cache
and--[no-]negative - cache - policy
togcloud beta compute backend - services iscreate create
,gcloud beta compute backend - service update
,gcloud beta compute backend - bucket iscreate create
andgcloud beta compute backend - bucket update
togcloud beta compute backend - service import
andgcloud beta compute backend - service export
.gcloud compute target - http - proxy import
gcloud compute target - http - proxy export
gcloud compute target - https - proxy import
gcloud compute target - https - proxy export
gcloud compute url - map import
gcloud compute url - map export
gcloud beta event triggers create
toreference the--testing - special - entitlement
flagofgcloud firebase test ios
toGA.--release - channel=None
option togcloud container cluster iscreate create
.This option is used toexplicitly opt-out ofrelease channels.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta ai custom-jobs stream-logs
which provides ability tostream logs ofcustom jobs inAI Platform.gcloud isai ai custom - job create
artifacts repositories list
result .!=
andnot - in
operator .--os
flagfor gcloud compute image isimport import
gcloud compute instance isimport import
inGA,andgcloud compute machine - image import
inbeta.--disable - default - snat
flagfor gcloud container cluster
command toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
cloud - build - local
isno longer supported on 32-bit MacOS.Theexecutableapigee
surface toGA which provides access toapigee Hybrid.apigee organizations
command group which provides access toapigeeapigee apis
command group which allows management anddeploymentapigee environments
command group which provides access toapigeeapigee deployments
command group which provides access toapigeeapigee product
command group which allows creation andmanagement ofapigee developer
command group which provides access toapigeeapigee applications
command group which provides access toapigeegcloud beta privateca certificates export
command which simplifiesgcloud dataproc cluster stop
andgcloud dataproc cluster start
.Thecommandnow run without requiringgcloud domain registration
tobeta.Enables the registering andmanaging ofdomains.--vpc - egress
flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run service update
flag.An upgraded VM type isavailable by default.--other - file
flagtogcloud beta firebase test ios run
.This flag--directories-to-pull
flagtogcloud beta firebase test ios run
.gcloud identity groups update
toGA.gcloud identity groups memberships add
toGA.gcloud identity groups memberships modify-membership-roles
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud dataflow flex - template build
anthos auth login command .gcloud beta artifact repositories isupdate update
toenable changing thegcloud beta privateca
command group which enables creating and<>
.gcloud api - gateway
tobeta,which adds command formanaging APIs,APIgcloud data - catalog taxonomy
toGA release track .gcloud dataflow flex-template run
.--enable - auth
flagtogcloud beta redis instance iscreate create
toallowadd--[no-]enable - auth
flagtogcloud beta redis instance isupdate update
enabling anddisabling Redis AUTH whenupdating an instance.
addgcloud beta redis instance get-auth-string
command toallow viewing the
AUTH string foran instance.
--min - instance
flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run service update
tobeta for--platform = ismanage manage
,--deny - maintenance - period - time
flags ofgcloud sql instance iscreate create/patch
gcloud service peered-dns-domains <create|delete|list>
flagtobeta andGA forgcloud compute networks
.gcloud compute instance set-name
command tobeta.scope
option for--disk
flagfor gcloud compute instance iscreate create
asa gcloud component .pkg
installs a group ofkustomize
.--other - file
flagtogcloud beta firebase test ios run
.This flaggcloud identity groups iscreate create
toGA.gcloud identity groups search
toGA.gcloud identity groups memberships describe
toGA.gcloud beta iam workload - identity - pool
which enables you tograntsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
gcloud beta debug source upload
command .--billing - project
flag andbilling/quota_project
propertygcloud isai ai
surface tobeta which provides access tomanage entities inAI Platform.gcloud isai ai custom - job
command group which provides access tocustom jobs inAI Platform.gcloud isai ai hp - tune - job
command group which provides access tohyperparameter tuning jobs inAI Platform.gcloud isai ai endpoint
command group which provides access toendpoints inAI Platform.gcloud isai ai model
command group which provides access tomodels inAI Platform.--labels
flagtogcloud beta artifact repositories iscreate create
flagofgcloud isassured assure
workloads create
flags togcloud asset export
tosupport partitioned per-type BigQuery export.gcloud alpha asset analyze-iam - policy
.Please usegcloud beta asset
analyzer-iam - policy
instead .gcloud beta billing accounts add-iam - policy-binding
andgcloud beta
billing accounts remove-iam - policy-binding
command tomanage IAM policygcloud dataflow sql query
toallow “project.dataset.table” and”dataset.table” formats for--bigquery-table
argument .--node - group
flagtogcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
--node - group
flagtogcloud dataproc
workflow - template set - manage - cluster
toallow manage cluster tobegcloud healthcare consent - store
tobeta.--enable - message - order
flagofgcloud pubsub subscription iscreate
flagofgcloud pubsub topics publish
toGA.gcloud beta workflows executions wait
which allows the user towait fora workflow execution tocomplete.gcloud compute os - login
touse the current gcloud
project forbilling/quota_project
property or--billing - project
flagfor more details on how tocontrol this behavior.--os
flagfor gcloud compute image isimport import
inGA,gcloud compute instance isimport import
inGA,andgcloud compute machine - image import
inbeta.--service - proxy
and--service - proxy-labels
flags toGA forgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
.events brokers create
command .gcloud container hub memberships <register|unregister>
command tobeta.modifycommand tounsupport manage-workload-identity-bucket flag.gcloud identity groups isdescribe describe
togcloud beta identity groups memberships modify-membership-roles
.gcloud identity groups memberships delete
toGA.gcloud identity groups memberships list
flagofgcloud container binauthz attestations iscreate
andgcloud container binauthz attestations sign-and-create
toGAsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
gcloud assure workload list
andgcloud isassured assure operations islist list
gcloud beta app service update
toallow management ofincoming--no-cache
flagofgcloud app isdeploy deploy
toGA.This flagdisables<application>
elementsgcloud app isdeploy deploy
.gcloud beta app service update
toallow management ofincoming--no-cache
flagofgcloud app isdeploy deploy
toGA.This flagdisablesgcloud app isdeploy deploy
.gcloud assure workload describe
,gcloud assure workload
,gcloud assure workload update
,andgcloud assure operations isdescribe
.--private - ipv6 - google - access - type
flagtogcloud dataproc cluster
andgcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster
togcloud folders get-ancestors-iam - policy
forretrieving IAM policies fora given folder andits ancestors.gcloud identity
toGA.gcloud identity groups delete
toGA.gcloud secret replication
command group tobeta.--replication-policy-file
flagtogcloud beta secrets iscreate create
--kms - key-name
flagtogcloud beta secrets iscreate create
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
gcloud assure workload delete
command .gcloud iam service - account list
torefer togcloud projects get-ancestors-iam - policy
forretrieving IAM policies fora given project andits ancestors.--format
togcloud run isdeploy deploy
,gcloud run service
,andgcloud run replace
flagofgcloud compute sole - tenancy node - templates iscreate create
flagofgcloud compute sole - tenancy node - templates iscreate create
gcloud events
command group tobeta toallow the configuration ofevent-based triggers on Cloud run foranthos services..--cloud - run - config
togcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
.This flagis used toenable internal load balancer forCloud runcluster.--enable - gke - oidc
togcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
.This flagis used toenable the GKE OIDC component forauthentication using OIDC.--autoprovisioning-config-file
withgcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
.--autoprovisioning - min - cpu - platform
flag ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
gcloud isassured assure
command group tobeta.Commands inthis group providegcloud assure workload
command group tobeta.Commands inthisgcloud isassured assure operations
command group tobeta.Commands inthisgcloud api - gateway
gcloud api - gateway api-configs create
gcloud apis create
.addthe optional --manage-service
flaggcloud firestore databases
tobeta andGA.gcloud datastore databases
tobeta andGA.gcloud beta compute backend - services iscreate create
,gcloud beta compute backend - service update
,gcloud beta compute backend - bucket iscreate create
andgcloud beta compute backend - bucket update
--[no-]max - ttl
--[no-]negative - cache
--[no-]negative - cache - policy
--[no-]custom - response - header
gcloud beta compute backend - service import
andgcloud beta compute backend - service export
togcloud <alpha|beta> container cluster
.This flagis used toenable notifications on a cluster.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
bq query --schedule
.gcloud data - catalog taxonomy
andgcloud data - catalog taxonomy policy-tags
command forgcloud data - catalog taxonomy
command forgcloud data - catalog taxonomy
inbeta.--enable - kerberos
flagtogcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
andgcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster
toallow users to--kerberos - root - principal - password - uri
--kerberos - kms - key - uri
.gcloud filestore backups
tobeta.gcloud beta filestore instances restore
toenable restoring a Cloud--source - backup
and--source - backup-region
flags tobeta to--file - share
flag.gcloud healthcare hl7v2 - store import
tobeta.gcloud run services isdescribe describe
output--platform = gke
or--platform = kubernete
.ingress :internal
.Services that are notIngress:all
flag ofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
orgcloud run service update
toupdate service endpointgcloud cloud-shell
command group tobeta.compute instances get-screenshot
toGA.gcloud beta notebook instances upgrade
toupgrade notebook instance.gcloud beta notebook instances is-upgradeable
toverify if notebook instance can be upgraded toa newer image.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
gcloud dataflow flex - template build
toGA.gcloud dataflow flex-template run
toGA.gcloud scc notifications
command group tobeta andGA.gcloud scc [ operations|sources|findings ]
tobeta andGA.--purpose
flagofgcloud compute addresses is create create
flagtoGA for
gcloud compute firewall - rules iscreate create
gcloud compute firewall - rule update
,and--private - network - ip
flag ofgcloud compute instance network - interface update
flagtogcloud beta firebase test ios run
.This--enable - master - global - access
flagofgcloud container cluster
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
ls --reservation
command randomly failed withinternal error.add-iam - policy-binding
andremove-iam - policy-binding
commands,with support formodifying IAM policies fortables andviews.--dataproc - metastore
flagtogcloud beta dataproc cluster create
--dataproc - metastore
flagtogcloud beta dataproc
workflow-templates set-manage-cluster
toallow manage cluster tobegcloud beta kms keys versions get - certificate - chain
toretrievegcloud pubsub topics detach-subscription
toGA.gcloud resource-manager org-policies <allow|deny>
gave an error whena restore default policy exists.gcloud scc notifications
command group tobeta andGA.--use-service-networking
flagtogcloud beta compute tpus create
.gcloud beta compute os - config os - upgrade
toenable major OS version updates on support distributions.--condition
flagtoGA for
gcloud compute instance add-iam - policy-binding
gcloud compute instance remove-iam - policy-binding
.gcloud compute commitment iscreate create-license
tobeta andGA.gcloud compute instance-groups manage instance-configs create
gcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage instance - config update
gcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage instance - config list
gcloud compute instance-groups manage instance-configs delete
--stateful - disk
forgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create-instance
flagtogcloud beta compute target-instances iscreate create
.gcloud game servers
asthe default fornotebook instances.deeplearning - platform
asthe default fornotebook instance project andenvironment project .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
--json - key flag
togcloud beta artifact print - setting
.gcloud beta artifact print - setting
.--worker - pool
tothe command gcloud isbuilds build submit
.gcloud beta dataflow flex - template build
ingcloud beta pubsub iscreate lite - topics iscreate create
andgcloud beta
pubsub lite-topics update
and--per - partition - subscribe - mib
flagtogcloud run service update
command inbeta andGAgcloud scc asset
command group tobeta andGA.cpu - overcommit - type
flagofgcloud beta compute sole - tenancy node - templates iscreate create
toGA.--stateful - disk
flagfor gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create
toGA.--stateful - disk
flags forgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update
toGA.--scale - in- control
flagofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage set - autoscaling
toGA.--scale - in- control
and--clear - scale - in- control
flags ofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update-autoscaling
deployment-manager type-providers <create|update>
ofgcloud container cluster
toGA.This add-on isdisabled by default.
toenable the add-on during cluster--update - addon = ConfigConnector = enabled|disabled
to--disable - default - snat
flagofgcloud container cluster
toGA.--metadata serial-port-logging-enable=false
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on July 31,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
gcloud beta builds worker-pools
such that all underlying commandnow use a regional Cloud Build API endpoint (instead ofthe global one) .gcloud is builds build
such that all underlying commandmay optionally use a regional Cloud Build API endpoint (instead ofthe global one) .This iscontrolled by the new flag--region
,as well asthe configuration ofsubmitted builds.backfill
subcommand ofgcloud composer environments isrun run
fails inolder Airflow versions.--web - server - machine - type
flagtogcloud beta composer environment
gcloud iam service - account keys upload
toGA.gcloud beta compute os - config os - upgrade
toenable major OS version updates on support distributions.gcloud compute isdiagnose diagnose export - log
toGA.gcloud [alpha|beta] firebase test ip-blocks list
,which--node - group
togcloud container node - pools iscreate create
.This flagis used toenable the compute Engine sole tenant node feature on Kubernetes Engine node pools.gcloud secret get - iam - policy
output condition associate witheach binding .gcloud secret set - iam - policy
accept policy withconditional binding .gcloud secret <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
accepts conditional bindings.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
--kms - key
flagofgcloud isai ai-platform jobs submit training
toGA.gcloud bigtable backups
command group toGA.gcloud bigtable instances tables restore
andgcloud bigtable instances tables list
toGA.--comment - control
flagoption COMMENTS_ENABLED_FOR_EXTERNAL_CONTRIBUTORS_ONLY togcloud build trigger create github
inalpha andbeta.--cloud-sql-machine-type
flagtogcloud beta composer environment
togcloud data-catalog search
toenable regional search.--log-location
flagtogcloud compute instance isimport import
andgcloud beta compute machine - image import
gcloud compute image add-iam - policy-binding
gcloud compute image remove-iam - policy-binding
--rollout - mode
flags ofgcloud compute os - config patch - jobs isexecute execute
key inmetadata withgcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
flagtoGA for
gcloud compute image add-iam - policy-binding
gcloud compute image remove-iam - policy-binding
gcloud compute snapshots add-iam - policy-binding
gcloud compute snapshots remove-iam - policy-binding
togcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud beta container cluster update
.This flagis used toenable a 3P identity provider on a cluster.--enable-dataplane-v2
togcloud <alpha|beta> container cluster create
.This flagallows GKE cluster touse the new andimproved datapath withadditional visibility andobservability features.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
gcloud asset search - all - resource
andgcloud asset search-all-iam-policies
toapply --page-size=20
by default.--dag-timeout
flagtogcloud dataproc iscreate workflow - templates iscreate create
togcloud dataproc workflow - template set - dag - timeout
toallow DAGgcloud dataproc workflow-templates remove-dag-timeout
toallow DAG!=
style query--enable - message - order
flagofgcloud pubsub subscription iscreate
flagofgcloud pubsub topics publish
tobeta.gcloud resource-manager org-policies
command group toGA.--tag
flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
flagofgcloud run service update
,--set - tag
,--update - tag
,and--clear - tag
flags ofgcloud run service update-traffic
flag ofgcloud sql instance iscreate create
toGA.--rollout - mode
flags ofgcloud compute os - config patch - jobs isexecute execute
tobeta.gcloud compute health - check <create|update> grpc
command toGA .--grant-permissions
flag togcloud beta firebase test android run
.This flagallows you tospecify if--num - uniform - shard
and--t - target - for- shard
ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
tobeta.This flagis used toallow GKE pods toconnect toGoogle services over a low latency,secure,IPv6 network path.--release - channel
ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
toGA.This flagis used toconfigure the cluster release channel.gcloud secret iscreate create
command todefault toan automatic replication policy if a replication policy isnot provided.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
gcloud topic startup
forinformation on configuring the Pythonanthos-auth
component toversion 1.1.2.gcloud anthos auth login
.gcloud beta artifact repositories isdescribe describe
flags ofgcloud compute image update
forgcloud compute forwarding - rule <create|set-target>
toinclude GRPC forgcloud compute backend - service <create|update>
toGA.gcloud compute target-grpc-proxies <create|delete|describe|list>
toGA.only - scale - out
enum value togcloud compute instance-groups manage <set|update>-autoscaling
.Theonly - scale - out
valuedirectly replaces anddeprecates the only - up
value.gcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
gcloud recommender recommendations islist list
gcloud recommender insights list
flagtogcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
andgcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster
toallow users toconfigure a Cloud Storage bucket that stores ephemeral cluster andjobs data,such asSpark andMapReduce history files.--enable-point-in-time-recovery
flag ofgcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql instance patch
toGA.--point - in- time
flagofgcloud sql instance clone
toGA.--source - disk
flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create
toGA.--system - config - from- file
flagtogcloud beta container cluster
,gcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create
,andgcloud beta
container node - pools isupdate update
toconfigure kubelet andLinux configurationgcloud recommender insights
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
gcloud anthos create - login - config
command toGA.gcloud asset search - all - resource
andgcloud asset search-all-iam-policies
toGA.gcloud data-catalog tag-templates fields enum-values rename
.--enable - component - gateway
flagofgcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
andgcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster
toGA.--service - account
flagtoaccept a Kubernetes service account for--platform = gke
and--platform = kubernete
flagtogcloud beta compute disk create
key from--disk
key ofgcloud beta compute instances iscreate create
.gcloud compute security - policy list-preconfigured-expression-sets
flagtoGA forthe following command :
gcloud compute disk add-iam - policy-binding
gcloud compute disk remove-iam - policy-binding
gcloud compute instance - template add-iam - policy-binding
gcloud compute instance - template remove-iam - policy-binding
.--service - proxy
and’–service – proxy-labels’ flags togcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create
topopulate the fields inInstance Template--chain-name
flaggcloud beta compute disk snapshot
.gcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
.--vpc - connector
flagtogcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run service update
which allows cloud run services toconnect toa VPC Connector.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
gcloud data - catalog tag - template fields isupdate update
.gcloud topic startup
flagtogcloud ml - engine jobs issubmit submit training
andgcloud isai ai-platform jobs submit training
flagtochange the app.yaml file location foran application.gcloud data - catalog tag - template fields isupdate update
.gcloud beta secrets get - iam - policy
output condition associate witheach binding .gcloud beta secrets set - iam - policy
accept policy withconditional binding .gcloud beta secrets <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
accepts conditional bindings.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
anthos auth login
flagtogcloud compute instance set - scheduling
flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create
tobeta.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
anthos auth login
command .backfill
subcommand ofgcloud composer environments isrun run
gcloud composer environments isrun run
command toprefer GKE pods with’Ready:true’ condition state.gcloud beta filestore instances iscreate create
gcloud beta filestore instances isupdate update
nfs - export - option
to--file - share
flag.gcloud filestore --help
inlisting collection.gcloud projects is create create
tobeta.--vpc - connector
flags tobe applicable for--platform = ismanage manage
only.--format export
option togcloud run services isdescribe describe
andgcloud run revisions describe
,to output resources without deployment-specific metadata orstatus information.--standard-images
flag ofgcloud compute image list
.gcloud compute commitment iscreate create-license
flagtogcloud beta compute instance-groups manage instance-configs <create|update|delete>
and’–enable-master-metrics’ flags togcloud beta container cluster
toenable sending master logs andmetricssubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
gcloud anthos isapply apply
command tobeta.This command declarativelygcloud anthos export
command tobeta.This command exports Configredis_5_0
asa new option for--redis_version
flagofgcloud redis instance iscreate create
.gcloud redis instance upgrade
toupgrade a Memorystore Redis instance toa specified Redis version.--filter
flagofgcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
to--message - filter
.This isdone toavoid confusion with--filter
flag--message - filter
flagofgcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
togcloud compute instance-groups manage describe-instance
flagtogcloud beta compute instances iscreate create-with-container
.--private - ipv6 - google - access - type
flagofgcloud compute instance <create|create-with-container>
toGA.--private - ipv6 - google - access - type
flagofgcloud compute instance - template <create|create-with-container>
toGA.--private - ipv6 - google - access - type
flagofgcloud compute network subnet <create|update>
flagtogcloud beta compute disk create
flagtogcloud beta compute instances attach-disk
key to--disk
key ofgcloud beta compute instances iscreate create
togcloud <alpha|beta> game servers
<cluster/realms/deployments> update
toallow updating description forsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
note : Cloud SDK introduced support forPython 3 inrelease 274.0.0 andusers are strongly encouraged tomigrate toPython 3.supportfor Python 2 will be deprecated on September 30,2020.See also Python 2 Sunset andUsing Python 3.
gcloud secret
beta command group touse the secret Manager v1 API.--uri
flagnow formats output tobegin with
instead of
when usedwith the followinggcloud beta secrets list
gcloud beta locations list
gcloud beta secrets versions list
--kms - key
togcloud <alpha|beta> ai-platform jobs submit training
gcloud pubsub subscription iscreate
andgcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update
toGA.gcloud run services get - iam - policy
,gcloud run services set - iam - policy
,gcloud run services add-iam - policy-binding
,andgcloud run services remove-iam - policy-binding
gcloud task queues create-pull-queue
flagofgcloud compute instance-groups manage instance-configs create|update
ofgcloud compute sole - tenancy node - groups iscreate create
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud compute instance-groups manage list-errors
toGA.gcloud beta compute instances get-screenshot
command tobeta.--additional - apks
,--other - file
,--network - profile
,and--robo - script
flags ofgcloud firebase test android run
toGA.--disable - default - snat
flagofgcloud container cluster
tobeta.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud auth application - default login
toadd a quota project--disable - quota - project
toskip setting the quota project .gcloud auth application - default login
andgcloud auth application-default set-quota-project
so that a quota projectgcloud dataproc cluster list
where Google KubernetesPLATFORM
whenaccessed by the--condition
flagtoGA forthe following command :
gcloud kms keyring add-iam - policy-binding
gcloud kms keyring remove-iam - policy-binding
gcloud kms keys add-iam - policy-binding
gcloud kms keys remove-iam - policy-binding
command togcloud compute <target-http-proxies|target-https-proxies>
.--private - ipv6 - google - access - type
flagofgcloud compute instance <create|create-with-container>
tobeta.--private - ipv6 - google - access - type
flagofgcloud compute instance - template <create|create-with-container>
tobeta.--autoscaler - mode
,--min - node
,and--max - node
flags ofcommand gcloud compute sole - tenancy node - groups iscreate create
toGA.gcloud container
now respectcompute / region
property .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
togcloud beta ai - platform versions isupdate update
andgcloud beta ai - platform versions isupdate update
toallow specifying manual andgcloud access - context - manager perimeter dry-run
command group togcloud access - context - manager perimeter create
gcloud access - context - manager perimeter update
--add - vpc - allow - service
--clear - vpc - allow - service
togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster
command .gcloud function logs isread read
now understands log entries withJSON payloads.gcloud healthcare
command group toGA.version
inGA,or the request will fail.--condition
flagtoGA forgcloud iam service-account <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
flagtoGA forthe following command :
gcloud projects <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
gcloud organizations <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
gcloud resources-manager folders <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
--min - instance
,--no - traffic
,--use - http2
,--set - config - map
,--remove - config - map
,--clear - secret
,--set - secret
,--remove - secret
flags ofgcloud run service update
gcloud run revisions describe
tobe more--format=yaml
.gcloud service vpc - peering enable-vpc-service-controls
tobeta.gcloud service vpc - peering disable-vpc-service-controls
tobeta.--export - subnet - route - with- public - ip
and--import - subnet - route - with- public - ip
flag ofgcloud compute networks peerings create
andgcloud compute network peerings is update update
tobeta andGA.--domain
flagofgcloud compute ssl-certificates iscreate create
command ofgcloud compute instance
command group tobeta.--testing - special - entitlement
flag togcloud beta firebase test ios run
.--autoprovisioning - max - surge - upgrade
,--autoprovisioning - max - unavailable - upgrade
,--enable - autoprovisione - autoupgrade
,--enable - autoprovisione - autorepair
flag ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagofgcloud compute ssl-certificates iscreate create
toGA.gcloud dataflow sql query
command toGA.--image
flagtoaccept image family URIs.--enable - component - gateway
.--image - family
flagtodebian-10 forgcloud compute instance iscreate create
andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
command .--target-bundle
option ingcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
add-on ofgcloud container cluster
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
tobeta.This add-on is--addon=ConfigConnector
toenable the add-on during cluster--update - addon = ConfigConnector = enabled|disabled
tosubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--custom - level - spec
argument toenable custom access level definition tothe following command :
gcloud access - context - manager level create
gcloud access - context - manager level update
gcloud beta access - context - manager perimeter dry - run enforce
commandgcloud access - context - manager level replace-all
andgcloud access - context - manager perimeter replace-all
command toGA .gcloud beta access - context - manager perimeter dry - run enforce
redis-version value togcloud redis instance
.gcloud beta
andgcloud run
command for--platform = gke
and--platform = kubernete
.gcloud compute instance isadd add - resource - policy
command toGA.gcloud container binauthz attestors
public-keys add
--public - key - id - override
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud secret versions access
command .--region
flagfor gcloud beta ai-platform
.gcloud beta access - context - manager perimeters isreset dry - run reset
asgcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters dry-run drop
.addthe following flags togcloud composer environments iscreate create
IP aliasing:
--enable - ip - alias
--cluster - ipv4 - cidr
--service - ipv4 - cidr
--cluster - secondary - range - name
addthe following flags togcloud composer environments iscreate create
Private IP:
--enable - private - environment
addthe following flags togcloud composer environments iscreate create
Private IP:
fixa bug that could cause flags passed togcloud composer environments
tobe interpreted incorrectly.
gcloud beta dataflow snapshots
command group which provides the ability tocreate andmanage Cloud Dataflow snapshots.--timeout
ingcloud dataproc cluster isupdate update
--no - traffic
flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
toGA for--platform = ismanage manage
.--scale - in- control
flagofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage set - autoscaling
tobeta.--scale - in- control
and--clear - scale - in- control
flags ofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update-autoscaling
tobeta.gcloud compute networks get-effective-firewalls
andgcloud compute instance network - interface get - effective - firewall
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters create
gcloud beta access - context - manager perimeters isupdate update
--add - vpc - allow - service
--clear - vpc - allow - service
org - policy
andaccess - policy
inthe real-time feed API.gcloud beta composer environment
command to--web-server-ipv4-cidr
--enable - private - environment
ingcloud beta composer environment create
.gcloud dataproc jobs issubmit submit presto
command group toGA.--json-request
flagtogcloud ml - engine ispredict predict
andgcloud ml - engine local ispredict predict
toimprove the UX by matching the input format tothat used inactual requests.gcloud beta emulator spanner
command group which allows starting--os
flagfor gcloud compute image isimport import
gcloud compute instance isimport import
toGA.--resource - policy
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
flag ofgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create
andgcloud compute network subnet update
toGA.--platform - key - file
,--signature - database - file
,and--forbidden - database - file
flag ofgcloud compute image iscreate create
command toGA.gcloud monitoring dashboard
command group toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
fromlist ofguest OS features.gcloud compute ssh my-vm --zone=us - central1-c --command="echo 1 && echo 2"
gcloud anthos auth login
command toGA.This command enablesgcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters dry-run
command group--worker-region
parameters togcloud dataflow job run
parameter togcloud dataflow job run
.--num - worker
,--worker - machine - type
,and--dataflow - kms - key
parameters togcloud beta dataflow sql query
.--num - worker
,--worker - machine - type
parameters toGA ingcloud dataflow job run
.gcloud kms location list
,gcloud kms keys iscreate create
,gcloud kms keys versions create
,gcloud kms
keys versions update
asa new option for--redis_version
flagwhen using gcloud beta redis instance iscreate create
.stream - node - max - bytes
asnew options for--redis - config
flagwhen using gcloud beta redis instance iscreate create
.stream - node - max - bytes
flagwhen using gcloud beta redis instance isupdate update
.gcloud run services isdescribe describe
.Movedgcloud run service update-traffic
togcloud run services isdescribe describe
.To restore the previous output format,--format="table(displayPercent:label=TRAFFIC,displayRevisionId:label=REVISION)"
.--min - instance
,--no - traffic
,--use - http2
,--set - config - map
,--remove - config - map
,--clear - secret
,--set - secret
,--remove - secret
flags ofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
tobeta--platform = gke
and--platform = kubernete
only.gcloud spanner backups
surface .gcloud spanner databases isrestore restore
.gcloud spanner operation
forbackup andrestore operations,andability tofilter by operation type.gcloud spanner databases execute-sql
.--log - sample - ratio
toGA.--replacement - method
ofgcloud compute instance-groups manage rolling-action restart
toGA.--[no-]enable - log
flagofgcloud compute health - check
cpu - overcommit - type
flagtogcloud beta compute sole - tenancy node - templates iscreate create
.gcloud compute org-security-policies
command group tobeta.gcloud compute networks get-effective-firewalls
command tobeta.gcloud compute instance network - interface get - effective - firewall
command tobeta.gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update-instance
toGA.--failover - ratio
,--drop - traffic is--drop - if - unhealthy
,and--connection - drain - on - failover
flag ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
flag ofgcloud compute backend - service add - backend
andgcloud compute backend - service update-backend
toGA.gcloud compute network - endpoint - group
command group inglobal toGA.--global - network - endpoint - group
flagofgcloud compute backend - service
toGA.--release - channel
flagtogcloud beta container cluster update
gcloud service - directory location
tobeta.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud dataproc cluster isupdate update
command :
ai-platform models set - iam - policy
toaccept a model resource models get - iam - policy
toaccept a model resource arg.gcloud artifacts
tobeta.--custom - level - spec
argument toenable custom access level definitiongcloud access - context - manager level create
gcloud access - context - manager level update
gcloud dns manage - zone
togcloud beta dns manage - zone create
tosupport providing a Service Directory namepace that should be associated withthe zone.gcloud data-catalog entries <create|update>
tosupport user specified types.gcloud dataproc cluster isupdate update
command :
and--gke - cluster - namepace
flags togcloud beta
dataproc cluster create
toallow creation ofGKE-based Dataproc cluster.gcloud iap settings
command group toGA.gcloud beta memcache
which manages Cloud Memorystore Memcached resources.--args
flags ofgcloud run service update
,gcloud run isdeploy deploy
,gcloud beta run service update
,andgcloud beta run isdeploy
tosupport repeated usages on a single command invocation.cpu - overcommit - type
flagtogcloud beta compute sole - tenancy node - templates iscreate create
.gcloud compute resource - policies iscreate create group-placement
commandgcloud compute os-config patch-jobs
command group toGA.gcloud compute os - config patch - deployment
command group toGA.gcloud beta identity groups preview
toretrieve a list ofusers ina--dynamic-user-query
togcloud beta identity groups create
.--enable - log - monitoring - system - only
flag togcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster
toenable Stackdriver system-only logging andmonitoring.gcloud beta network-management connectivity-tests create
toverify that at least one source andone destination are specified.gcloud beta network-management connectivity-tests create
andgcloud beta network - management connectivity - test update
toverify that instance andnetwork formats are valid.gcloud beta network - management connectivity - test update
--clear - destination - instance
--clear - destination - ip - address
gcloud network-management
command group toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
andgcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster
command :
--num - preemptible - worker - local - ssds
--preemptible - worker - boot - disk - size
--preemptible - worker - boot - disk - type
--preemptible - worker - accelerator
ofgcloud beta container
cluster update
ofgcloud beta container cluster
to--workload - pool
.--workload - metadata - from- node
ofgcloud beta
container node-pools
to[“GCE_METADATA”,”GKE_METADATA”].--workload - metadata - from- node
ofgcloud beta container node-pools
.--use - container - optimize - os
fromgcloud beta app update
.gcloud access-context-manager policies list
.gcloud data-catalog
command group toGA.gcloud data - catalog entry - groups islist list
tohelp list all entry groups ina Cloud Data Catalog location.gcloud beta dataflow flex - template build
.gcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
andgcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster
command :
--secondary - worker - boot - disk - size
flaggcloud beta compute images isimport import
gcloud beta compute instances isimport import
.kpt live init
command toexisting kpt live
command .--enable-tpu
and--tpu - ipv4 - cidr
flags togcloud container cluster isupdate update
tosupport enabling/disabling Cloud TPUgcloud service - directory namepace
tobeta.addcommand togcloud service - directory service
tobeta.addcommand togcloud service - directory endpoint
tobeta.addcommand tosubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta dataflow sql query
command .--flex-template
flagsupport fromgcloud beta dataflow job run
.gcloud beta dataflow flex - template run
.gcloud beta compute instance-groups manage list-instances
.--enable - log
flag ofgcloud compute backend - service <create|update> - placement - policy
without specific VM count.--resource - policy
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
get - iam - policy
andset - iam - policy
command togcloud compute resource-policies
command group .export
command ofgcloud compute instance
command group tobeta andGA.gcloud log bucket list
gcloud log bucket describe
gcloud log bucket update
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta kms location list
toinclude EKM availability.This may disrupt automated processing ofthe command’s output; consider using the --format
flagfor parsing.require_hive_partition_filter
support forhive partitioned tables.gcloud beta composer environment
command tomanage Airflow web server network access control:
--web - server - allow - ip
--web - server - deny - all
--web - server - allow - all
--dataflow - kms - key
flagtogcloud dataflow job run
.--egress - setting
flags ofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
toGA.gcloud beta kms location list
.--connect - mode
flagtogcloud redis instance iscreate create
tospecify agcloud monitoring dashboard
command group tobeta.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
ingcloud auth login
tonot writegcloud auth application - default login --add-quota-project
orgcloud auth application-default set-quota-project
toadd a quota project--explanation - method
flag togcloud beta ai-platform versions create
.gcloud access - appoval
surface toalpha.--scope
gcloud beta asset search - all - iam - policy
gcloud beta asset search-all-resources
gcloud beta asset search - iam - policy
gcloud beta asset search-resources
command tocbt
command line tool,which will clear a Cloud Bigtable table.gcloud dataproc cluster import
andgcloud dataproc cluster
flagtobeta forgcloud iam service-account <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
flagtobeta forthe following command :
gcloud kms keyring <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
gcloud kms keys <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
flagtobeta forthe following command :
gcloud projects <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
gcloud organizations <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
gcloud resources-manager folders <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
fields fromthe yaml andjsongcloud run service update-traffic
.Theinformation nested withinspecTarget
isavailable inthe top-levellatestRevision
fields of--response-view
parameter togcloud task describe
flag togcloud beta compute images isimport import
andgcloud beta compute instances isimport import
.gcloud compute ssh
command fails with--impersonate - service - account
flagofcompute is create backend - services is create create
flagtobeta forthe following command :
gcloud compute disk <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
gcloud compute image <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
gcloud compute instance - template <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
gcloud compute instance <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
gcloud compute reservation <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
gcloud compute snapshots <add|remove>-iam - policy-binding
gcloud container hub memberships
command group toGA.gcloud beta container memberships
command group .--node - location
flags ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgloud container cluster update
togcloud beta container
cluster create
and--update - addon = gcepersistentdiskcsidriver
beta container cluster update
toenable/disable the GCP compute Persistentnotebook
surface tobeta which provides access toAI Platformnotebook instances
command group which provides access toAInotebook environments
command group which provides access toAIgcloud secret
command group toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
fromgcloud sql create
flagtothe following command :
gcloud beta ml - engine jobs issubmit submit training
gcloud ml - engine jobs issubmit submit training
gcloud beta ai-platform jobs submit training
gcloud isai ai-platform jobs submit training
gcloud beta data - catalog entry list
which lists Data Cataloggcloud beta data-catalog entry-groups update
which isupdates update a Datagcloud beta data - catalog entry update
forupdating anupdate_transform
support forcommit andbatchWrite.--force - override
togcloud run domain-mappings create
flagwas incorrectly disallowed with--platform = ismanage manage
flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rule
toGA.gcloud compute forwarding - rule update
tooutput ofgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage
list - instance
inGA.gcloud beta compute machine - image import
toenable importing OVA/OVF--max-surge-upgrade
flags toGAgcloud container
command group .usethese flags tospecify upgradesubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud auth application - default login
tonot write a quota--add-quota-project
flagfromcompute beta packet-mirrorings create
andcompute beta packet - mirroring update
would not use the specified log file andwouldgcloud dataproc --region
flag.gcloud beta lifesciences locations
command group toquery locations where the Cloud Life Sciences API isavailable.gcloud beta redis instance upgrade
toupgrade a Memorystore Redis--cpu
toGA forall platforms.gcloud run service update-traffic
flagfor gcloud compute image isimport import
gcloud compute instance isimport import
flagofgcloud compute instance isimport import
toGA.gcloud compute packet-mirrorings
command group toGA.--is - mirror - collector
flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
flagfor gcloud compute firewall - rules iscreate create
gcloud compute firewall - rule update
tobeta.gcloud compute network - endpoint - group
command group inglobal scope tobeta.--global - network - endpoint - group
flagofgcloud compute backend - service
tobeta.--enable - shield - node
toGA.usethis flagwith gcloud
container cluster iscreate create
orgcloud container cluster isupdate update
.gcloud network-management
command group .This feature enable thesubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--evaluator - count
forlocal train toallow specifying the number of--distribute
isset .gcloud beta artifacts
command group toalpha state.--flex-template
flagtogcloud beta dataflow job run
.gcloud beta kms keys versions update
toenable updating crypto key versions andthe external key URIs ofkey versions.gcloud pubsub subscription iscreate
andgcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update
toGA.gcloud compute image isimport import
,gcloud compute image export
,andgcloud compute instance isimport import
toGA.gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create-instance
toGA.gcloud compute instance - groups is manage manage wait - until
toGA.gcloud compute instance - groups is manage manage wait - until-stable
toGA; use gcloud compute instance - groups is manage manage wait - until --stable
instead .--update-stateful-disk
ofgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage instance - config update
to--stateful - disk
respectively .--update-stateful-disk
ofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update
to--stateful - disk
.gcloud compute instance-groups manage list-errors
command to--app-package
and--t - package
flags fromgcloud firebase test android run
; the application andtest package name are parsed automatically fromthe APK manifest.--environment-variables
toallow a period inthe key.kpt
binary asa new Cloud SDK component .
may be installed withgcloud component install kpt
contains utilities forpackaging,viewing andmodifying Kubernetes configuration.kpt help
.gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
orgcloud container cluster isupdate update
(default) or--autoscaling-profile=optimize-utilization
flagofgcloud container node - pools iscreate create
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
/path *
indispatch.yaml was silently/path/*
flagtobe mandatory.
flagon every invocation,dataproc / region
configuration variable via gcloud config set
dataproc / region
togcloud auth login
toupdate the credentials inADCgcloud auth configure-docker
togcloud artifacts
togcloud beta compute instances isimport import
.--instance - redistribution - type
flagofcompute instance-groups manage create
toGA.--instance - redistribution - type
flagofcompute instance - group manage update
toGA.gcloud compute isdiagnose diagnose export - log
flagofcommand gcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage rolling - action start - update
andgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage rolling - action replace
tobeta.gcloud container cluster
command group to1 hour.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta cluster create
command replacing --reservation - label
which accepts the name ofthe reservation when--reservation - affinity
,matching gcloud compute instance
.gcloud auth configure-docker
totake a --registries
domain .--reservation
and--reservation - affinity
flags ofgcloud
dataproc cluster create
flagofgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage
set - autoscaling
command toGA.gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update-autoscaling
commandinstance-configs create
,instance-configs list
,instance-configs update
,instance-configs delete
command tobeta.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--other - file
toallow the specificationgcloud auth application - default login
tofind a quota project fromgcloud auth application-default set-quota-project
toupdate thegcloud component isupdate update
andgcloud component install
gcloud asset feeds
toGA.gcloud beta data - catalog entry update
forupdating an entry’s description,display name,andCloud Storage file patterns.require
field togcloud beta data - catalog tag - templates is create create --field
tospecify whether the tag template field isrequire.--require
flagtogcloud beta data-catalog tag-templates fields update
tospecify whether the tag template field isrequire.gcloud beta data - catalog entry set - iam - policy
command .gcloud iap
command group toGA.gcloud run services isreplace replace
flags forgcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud service update
flagfor gcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud service update
to--revision - suffix
flagfor gcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud service update
togcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
tomake specification of--no-health-checks
flagtogcloud compute backend - service update
togroup - placement - policy
group - placement - policy
creation tobeta.gcloud beta compute images isimport import
andgcloud beta compute
instances import
tovalidate require permissions.gcloud compute networks peerings list-routes
toGA.--stateful - disks
flaginmanage instance group creation tobeta.--update - stateful - disk
and--remove - stateful - disk
flags forupdating manage instance groups tobeta.gcloud compute instance isimport import
tosupport importing OVFs storedgcloud container cluster
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
--maintenance - window - start
--maintenance - window - end
--maintenance - window - recurrence
--add - maintenance - exclusion - name
--add - maintenance - exclusion - start
--add - maintenance - exclusion - end
--clear - maintenance - window
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud topic startup
instead of--project_id
will throw an error.--service_account_name
flaginbq mk --transfer_confg
andbq update --transfer_config --update_credential
touse a service accountaccess-context-manager
commandcouldn’t run without --policy
specified; commandnow use the default policy ID if one isn’t provided.--os
flagofgcloud beta compute images isimport import
gcloud beta compute instances isimport import
.--target - distribution - shape
flagofcompute instance-groups manage create
toGA.--erase - window - vss - signature
flagofcompute disk create
tobeta.compute machine - image
command group tobeta.--source - machine - image
,--source - machine - image-csek-key-file
,and--erase - window - vss - signature
flags ofcompute instances iscreate create
tobeta.gcloud compute os - login
commandfailed with--impersonate - service - account
flag.gcloud compute os-config guest-policies
command group tobeta.--description
flagfromgcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies create
command toonly allow--description
flag fromgcloud beta compute os - config guest - policy update
command toonly allow--organization
flags fromthe following command togcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies create
gcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies describe
gcloud beta compute os-config guest-policies delete
gcloud beta compute os - config guest - policy update
flagofgcloud compute sole - tenancy node - groups iscreate create
flagofcompute instances iscreate create
togcloud compute instance set - scheduling
beta .--node - group
flags tocompute instances set-scheduling
beta .--boot - disk - kms - key
togcloud beta container
cluster create
and--boot - disk - kms - key
beta container node - pools is create create
tospecify asubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud topic startup
flagtoKaniko tosuppress log spam about--master-ipv4-cidr
flag ofgcloud beta composer environment create
toverify that the IPV4 CIDR blockgcloud dataproc jobs issubmit submit spark-r
command group toGA.gcloud kms
command forexternal keys tobeta.gcloud redis instance import
gcloud redis instance export
gcloud redis operations cancel
gcloud compute os-config patch-jobs
command group tobeta.gcloud beta compute os-config patch-jobs execute
command toallow fora--display - name
--instance - filter - name
gcloud compute os - config patch - deployment
command group tobeta.gcloud compute security - policy list-preconfigured-expression-sets
--private - ipv6 - google - access - type
flagofgcloud compute network subnet <create|update>
tobeta.gcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
toaccept one--global-health-checks
or--health - checks-region
gcloud compute ssl-certificates iscreate create
gcloud compute ssl - certificates is delete delete
gcloud compute ssl-certificates describe
gcloud compute health - check create http
gcloud compute health - check create http2
gcloud compute health - check create https
gcloud compute health - check create ssl
gcloud compute health - check create tcp
gcloud compute health - check delete
gcloud compute health - check describe
gcloud compute health - check update http
gcloud compute health - check update http2
gcloud compute health - check update https
gcloud compute health - check update ssl
gcloud compute health - check update tcp
gcloud compute target - http - proxy create
flag.gcloud compute target - http - proxy delete
flag.gcloud compute target - http - proxy describe
flag.gcloud compute target - http - proxy list
flag.gcloud compute target - http - proxy update
flag.gcloud compute target - https - proxies iscreate create
flag.gcloud compute target - https - proxies iscreate create
--url - map - region
or--global - url - map
flag.gcloud compute target - https - proxies iscreate create
can accept a
–ssl – certificates-regionor
–global – ssl – certificate` flag.gcloud compute target - https - proxy delete
flag.gcloud compute target - https - proxy describe
flag.gcloud compute target - https - proxy list
flag.gcloud compute target - https - proxy update
flag.gcloud compute target - https - proxy update
--url - map - region
or--global - url - map
flag.gcloud compute target - https - proxy update
--ssl - certificates-region
or--global - ssl - certificate
flag.--autoscaler - mode
,--min - node
,--max - node
flag ofgcloud compute sole - tenancy node - group <create|update>
flag ofgcloud compute image isimport import
gcloud compute url - map add - host - rule
can accept a--global
flag.gcloud compute url-maps add-path-matcher
can accept a--global
flag.gcloud compute url - maps is create create
can accept a--global
flag.gcloud compute url - maps is delete delete
can accept a--global
flag.gcloud compute url-maps describe
can accept a--global
flag.gcloud compute url - map list
can accept a--global
flag.gcloud compute url - map remove - host - rule
can accept a--global
flag.gcloud compute url-maps remove-path-matcher
can accept a--global
flag.gcloud compute url-maps set-default-service
can accept a--global
flag.gcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
command--global - target - http - proxy
,--global - target - https - proxy
,--target - https - proxy - region
.--num - uniform - shard
and--t - target - for- shard
(mutually exclusive) flags togcloud beta firebase test android run
torun tests inparallel.--addon=NodeLocalDNS
withgcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
gcloud container cluster isupdate update
.gcloud container cluster iscreate create
amd gcloud container
cluster update
.gcloud projects list
toapply --limit
on client-side if any--filter
.gcloud policy-troubleshoot iam
,which troubleshoots a member’s IAM permissions on a resource.gcloud secret
command group tobeta.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--manage - reverse - lookup
params tosupport resolution andforwarding ofNon-RFC1918 IP Addresses.--region
wasn’t getting applied togcloud dataproc jobs set - iam - policy --region
andgcloud dataproc jobs get - iam - policy --region
ortothe polling requests ofgcloud dataproc jobs wait --region
andgcloud dataproc jobs iskill kill --region
,resulting inerrors whenever--region
was supplied anddid not match the valueofgcloud config get-value dataproc / region
.gcloud pubsub topics isupdate update
tosupport Cloud KMS integration:
--topic - encryption - key - location
gcloud run
toGA.All beta command andflags have been promotedgcloud run domain-mappings
islimited toCloud run foranthos.gcloud beta run domain-mappings
.gcloud beta task create-http-task
toGA.gcloud container cluster iscreate create
container cluster update
.Thepromotion toGA isdelayed.Flags are--maintenance - window - start
--maintenance - window - end
--maintenance - window - recurrence
--add - maintenance - exclusion - name
--add - maintenance - exclusion - start
--add - maintenance - exclusion - end
--clear - maintenance - window
monitoring channels
andmonitoring channel-descriptors
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud container <cluster|node-pools> create
.To disable manually,--no - enable - autoupgrade
flag.--use - container - optimize - os
flagofgcloud beta app update
.gcloud function add-iam - policy-binding
,gcloud function remove-iam - policy-binding
,gcloud function set - iam - policy
,gcloud function isget get - iam - policy
flagingcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud beta run service
.Instead,please specify an integer value forthis field or”default”.--format=yaml
.--private - network - ip
flagtogcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
command .--private - network - ip
flagtogcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container
command .gcloud compute backend - service export
command toGA.gcloud compute backend - service import
command toGA.gcloud compute forwarding - rule export
command toGA.gcloud compute forwarding - rule import
command toGA.gcloud compute url - map export
command toGA.gcloud compute url - map import
command toGA.--storage - location
flagofgcloud compute image iscreate create
andgcloud compute image isimport import
toGA.gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create-instance
flag ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgloud container cluster update
to--release - channel
flagtogcloud beta container cluster update
withgcloud container cluster iscreate create
withgcloud container cluster isupdate update
add-on ofgcloud container cluster
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
tobeta.This add-on is--addon=ApplicationManager
toenable the add-on during cluster--update-addons=ApplicationManager=ENABLED|DISABLED
to--shielde - secure - boot
and--shielde - integrity - monitoring
gcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgloud container cluster
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--explanation - method
gcloud <alpha|beta> ai-platform versions create
.gcloud <alpha|beta> ai-platform explain
.gcloud beta app is deploy deploy
tostream tobuild logs tostderr instead ofgcloud bigtable operations islist list
.gcloud bigtable operations describe
.--disable - public - ips
flagtogcloud dataflow job run
.gcloud dataproc workflow - templates is inline instantiate - inline
toacceptgcloud endpoints services deploy
would sometimes fail due--seed_from_export
flagofgcloud compute ismanage instance - groups ismanage manage
set - autoscaling
command tobeta.gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update-autoscaling
withgcloud container cluster iscreate create
gcloud container cluster isupdate update
toenable this feature.--enable-autoprovisioning
togcloud container node - pools iscreate create
,gcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create
,gcloud beta container node - pools isupdate update
andgcloud container node - pools is update update
.gcloud beta container
commandwhen--shielde - integrity - monitoring
or--shielde - secure - boot
flags togcloud beta container
command group .usethese flags tospecify surge--max - surge - upgrade=1
) forgcloud beta container
command .gcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
--maintenance - window - start
--maintenance - window - end
--maintenance - window - recurrence
gcloud container cluster isupdate update
--add - maintenance - exclusion - name
--add - maintenance - exclusion - start
--add - maintenance - exclusion - end
--clear - maintenance - window
--database - encryption - key
forgcloud container cluster
forgcloud container
cluster update
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
gcloud active-directory
command group toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
orset the run/region property instead .gcloud
composer environments isrun run
.gcloud function isdeploy deploy
tobeta.gcloud function isdeploy deploy
flagfor gcloud function isdeploy deploy
toGA.gcloud iam service - account disable
toGA.gcloud iam service - account enable identity
command group operations islist list
flag ofgcloud compute routes create
toGA.gcloud compute packet-mirrorings
command group tobeta.--is - mirror - collector
flag ofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
command tobeta.--drain - nat - ips
to--nat - external - drain - ip - pool
tomatchsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta lifescience pipeline
which defines andruns pipelines.gcloud beta lifescience operation
which manages pipeline operations.--update-redis-config
flagofgcloud redis instance isupdate update
flagtoGA.--drain - nat - ips
flag ofgcloud compute router nat
toGA.container hub register - cluster
andcontainer hub unregister - cluster
tocontainer memberships register
andcontainer memberships unregister
respectively .gcloud beta container cluster update
crashed whensubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagfromgcloud beta emulators datastore start
that invoked the legacy version ofgcloud asset feeds
command group tobeta.-auth-token
flagwas not honored forgcloud beta dataproc
,specifically whenpassing resources asURIs.
dataproc / region
isset --region
flag,still correctly override it.gcloud firestore
command group toGA.--description
flagofgcloud iam service - account create
andgcloud iam service - account update
flags ofgcloud compute image isimport import
toGA.--shielde - integrity - monitoring
toremain true when--shielde - secure - boot
isalso enabled.--autoprovisioning-service-account
frombeing specified together.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
ingcloud isai ai-platform versions create
tobeta.gcloud is builds build triggers
command group tobeta.gcloud beta data-catalog entry-groups
command group .create
command togcloud beta data - catalog entry
field tothe file specified by --kerberos - config - file
,gcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster
gcloud beta dataproc cluster create
gcloud beta dataproc workflow - template set - manage - cluster
--vpc - connector
infunctions is deploy deploy toGA.routes
command groups tobe hidden.--timeout
flagtogcloud spanner databases execute-sql
flagofcompute is create backend - services is create create
flag ofgcloud beta compute addresses create
tobeta.gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud beta container cluster update
forspecifying more flexible--maintenance - window - start
--maintenance - window - end
--maintenance - window - recurrence
gcloud beta container cluster update
for--add - maintenance - exclusion - name
--add - maintenance - exclusion - start
--add - maintenance - exclusion - end
gcloud beta container cluster update
for--clear - maintenance - window
--enable - binauthz
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
to--node - location
flagtogcloud container iscreate create node-pool
andgcloud container update node - pool
command .This flagspecifies thesubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtogcloud auth print - identity - token
to--token - format
flags togcloud auth print - identity - token
toinclude project andinstancebq show
formodels toalso show encryption update
flagtobq extract
toextract some columnsbq query
todisplay the results ofeach statement ina script,--parent_job_id
flagtobq ls
forlisting child jobs ofa script--enable - log
flagofgcloud dns policy
toGA.gcloud dataproc autoscaling - policy
command group toGA.--autoscaling-policy
flagofgcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
andgcloud dataproc cluster isupdate update
toGA.gcloud beta function isdeploy deploy
where new functions were--message - storage - policy - allow - region
flag ofgcloud pubsub topics iscreate create
,and--recompute - message - storage - policy
and--message - storage - policy - allow - region
flag ofgcloud pubsub topics isupdate update
toGA.This allows users tocontrol--max - instance
flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run service update
tobeta.gcloud compute interconnects iscreate create
toGA.gcloud compute is instances instance os - inventory
command group toGA.gcloud compute instance isimport import
flagtogcloud firebase test ios run
togcloud firebase test ios run
togcloud firebase test ios run
attribute to--format=multi
flag.gcloud beta ml is translate translate
command group .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud bigtable operations describe|list
which provides the functionality todescribe an operation orlist operations toGA.gcloud dns policy
toGA.gcloud dns manage - zone forwarding-targets
flagis passed togcloud dataproc autoscaling - policy
orgcloud dataproc workflow-templates
,but the commandstill fail withthe error “Therequire property [region] isnot currently set.”.--database - version
flag.gcloud container binauthz
IAM command tocall the correct v1 APIsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud compute vpn-tunnels create
now requires either a --target-vpn-gateway
flag.gcloud compute vpn-tunnels create
now requires one ofthe following three flags:
--reservation - from- file
,--machine - type
,--machine - type
,--min - cpu - platform
,and--vm - count
flags forgcloud compute commitment iscreate create
table formats would sort numbers alphabetically,--bigquery-table
flags togcloud asset export
.--preemptible - worker - accelerator
flagtogcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
,providing the capability foraccelerators tobe attached topreemptible workers.update_time
populate .gcloud pubsub topics
pubsub subscription
toGA tosupport iAM policy configuration:
add-iam - policy-binding
get - iam - policy
remove-iam - policy-binding
set - iam - policy
--platform = kubernete
flags ofgcloud run
tobeta.gcloud compute external - vpn - gateway
toGA.gcloud compute vpn-gateways
toGA.gcloud compute vpn-tunnels
flag ofgcloud compute network subnet <create|update>
and--reservation - affinity
flags forgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
and--reservation - affinity
flags forgcloud compute instance iscreate create
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud config set --help
formore details.gcloud healthcare
command group tobeta.gcloud run beta service list
andrelated flags forgcloud beta run update
andgcloud beta run isdeploy deploy
,--enable - speaker - diarization
,--diarization - speaker - count
flag ofgcloud ml speech recognize
,--enable - speaker - diarization
,--diarization - speaker - count
flag ofgcloud ml speech recognize-long-running
tobeta.gcloud compute network peerings is update update
flagtogcloud beta compute images isimport import
flagtogcloud beta compute images isimport import
.gcloud beta compute router nat update
flagfor gcloud compute instance iscreate create
andno - enable - display - device
flags forgcloud compute instance isupdate update
now needs either --enable - ip - alias
or--no-enable - ip - alias
tobe set.--enable - intra - node - visibility
togcloud container cluster iscreate create
.--release - channel
flagtogcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagfromgcloud beta emulators datastore start
.This isdue tothe legacygcloud beta container binauthz
command group .gcloud compute network peerings is update update
flagtogcloud beta compute images isimport import
flagtogcloud beta compute images isimport import
.gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud beta container cluster update
--database - encryption - key - location
--database - encryption - key - keyring
--database - encryption - key - project
flagsgcloud container binauthz
KMS andPKIX key type support tobeta.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtobe mandatory.
flagon every invocation,or set the dataproc / region
configuration variable via gcloud config set dataproc / region
.gcloud beta dataproc
commands,this flag/config valueis require.gcloud dataproc
commands,the default will remain global
until January 2020.--[no-]allow-unauthenticated
flagfromgcloud beta run service update
.usegcloud beta run services add-iam - policy-binding
andgcloud beta run services remove-iam - policy-binding
command tomodify the policies ofan existing service.--size
alias ofgcloud container cluster resize --num - node
togcloud beta ai-platform jobs submit training
.bq get - iam - policy <resource> [<json_file_name>]
.gcloud run alpha/beta deploy
flagofgcloud compute image isimport import
.--enable - shield - node
togcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
gcloud beta container cluster update
.These flags control the--max-cpu
and--max - memory
flags optional forgcloud container cluster isupdate update --enable-autoprovisioning
.--autoprovisioning - location
flagfor gcloud container cluster iscreate create --enable-autoprovisioning
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update --enable-autoprovisioning
.gcloud beta policy-troubleshoot iam
which troubleshoots a member’s IAM permission on a resource.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
component be able touse Python v3.x.--impersonate - service - account
flagtogcloud auth print - identity - token
tobe usedin--audience
.gcloud auth print - identity - token
.gcloud pubsub topics iscreate create
tosupport Cloud KMS integration:
--topic - encryption - key - location
--storage - location
flagtogcloud beta compute images isimport import
toallow specifying image location inVM image import.gcloud container hub
command tobeta.add--version
flagsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
forthe following command :
gcloud compute instance iscreate create
gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
gcloud compute instance isimport import
gcloud compute instance set - machine - type
gcloud compute instance - template is create create
gcloud compute instance - template is create create-with-container
--max - age
,--max - idle
togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
command group .--max - age
,’–max – idle’,--expiration-time
togcloud dataproc cluster isupdate update
command group .--webchannel-port
.gcloud beta function isdeploy deploy
todisallow unauthenticated callers ofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
command remains thesubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
format credentials.To upgrade fromversions older than 155.0.0 without losing credentials,run the following command :
gcloud component isupdate update --version=255.0.0
gcloud auth list
gcloud component isupdate update
--enable - ip - alias
flagfor VPC-Native (IP Alias-enabled) update --transfer_config --update_credentials
.cbt setgcpolicy
such asmaxage=30d || (maxage=3d && maxversions=100)
.--dataflow - kms - key
flagtogcloud beta dataflow job run
.gcloud iap
command group tobeta.--push-auth-service-account
fordefining an authenticated push subscription ingcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create | update | modify-push-config
.gcloud active-directory
command group .This feature enables thesubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flag andits respective run/platform
property tobegcloud beta run
command .If not specified,you will beaccess - policy
togcloud asset export
andgcloud asset get-history
ingcloud compute
. --zone
isno longer deprecated andwill continue tobe supported.gcloud compute diagnose
command group .gcloud beta compute diagnose
command group .gcloud compute network - endpoint - group update
did not--add - endpoint
flagtobe specified.--other - file
were not correctlygcloud beta container binauthz
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud isai ai-platform jobs submit training
--master - machine - type
--master - accelerator
--master - image - uri
--worker - count
--worker - machine - type
--worker - accelerator
--parameter - server - count
bq ls --print_last_token
flagtogcloud asset export
.org - policy
togcloud asset export
andgcloud asset get-history
.--message - storage - policy - allow - region
flag ofgcloud pubsub topics iscreate create
tobeta.This feature allows users tocontrol--recompute - message - storage - policy
and--message - storage - policy - allow - region
flag ofgcloud pubsub topics isupdate update
tobeta.This feature allows users tocontroldisk - resource - policy
option to--create - disk
flagingcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create
.gcloud compute image export
would create temporary Cloud Storage bucket inUSgcloud compute resource-policies
toGA.gcloud compute disk
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta compute resource-policies create-snapshot-schedule
.gcloud beta compute resource-policies create snapshot-schedule
instead .--audience
flagofgcloud auth print - identity - token show --routine
,bq ls --routines
,andbq rm --routine
.bq query
flag.list dataset
andshow table
bq show --connection
touse the default location if the connectiongcloud kms import-jobs
andother import-related command tobeta.--kubeconfig
flags and--platform = kubernete
gcloud beta run
.gcloud sql instance describe
toshow the ‘STOPPED’ instance state,gcloud compute image isimport import
would create temporary Cloud Storage bucket inUS multi-region whensource image file is ina different region.gcloud compute instance get-guest-attributes
toGA.--storage - location
flagofgcloud compute image iscreate create
tobeta.gcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
torelax validation forspecifying --enable - log
value tov1 for--protocol
flagofgcloud compute
backend-services create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
.gcloud compute start - iap - tunnel
toGA.--tunnel - through - iap
flagofgcloud compute ssh
andgcloud compute is scp scp
toGA.--internal - ip
flagofgcloud compute is scp scp
toGA.gcloud compute health - check create http2
andgcloud compute health - check update http2
command toGA .gcloud compute instance isimport import
flags togcloud compute is scp scp
,andgcloud compute ssh
,andgcloud compute isconnect connect - to- serial - port
command toset expirations forpromotethe following flags ofgcloud container cluster isupdate update
--database - encryption - key
--database - encryption - key - keyring
--database - encryption - key - location
--database - encryption - key - project
These flags control Database Encryption which encrypt Kubernetes Secrets at
the application layer.Formore information,see
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--network - interface
fromgcloud beta compute start - iap - tunnel
.gcloud beta data-catalog tags
andgcloud beta data-catalog tag-templates
tomanage tagsgcloud beta data-catalog search
tosearch Cloud Data Cataloggcloud function add-iam - policy-binding
gcloud function isget get - iam - policy
gcloud function remove-iam - policy-binding
gcloud function set - iam - policy
--max - instance
and--clear-max - instance
flags ofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
labels functionality toGA fortopics andsubscriptions.These features allow users tocreate resource labels,or update existing resource labels.Thelabel features now live on the following command :
gcloud pubsub topics iscreate create
gcloud pubsub topics isupdate update
gcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
gcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update
flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
andgcloud compute forwarding - rule update
tobeta.--source - snapshot
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
toGA.source - snapshot
option of--create - disk
flag ofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
toGA.update - instance
command (gcloud beta compute instance - groups ismanage manage update - instance
) isnow available inbeta.gcloud beta compute reservations get - iam - policy
gcloud beta compute reservations set - iam - policy
gcloud beta compute reservations add-iam - policy-binding
gcloud beta compute reservations remove-iam - policy-binding
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta compute target - http - proxy
gcloud beta compute target - https - proxy
gcloud beta compute url - map
gcloud beta compute health - check
flagfor the old,non-default behavior (RoutesPassAllFilter
.--kerberos - root - principal - password - uri
,and--kerberos - config - file
flags togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
andgcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster
.gcloud kms isdecrypt decrypt
would crash whendecrypting an empty encrypted file .--platform
flag andits respective run/platform
property toallgcloud beta run
.This argument isoptional but will be require--platform kubernete
orrun / platform kubernete
tospecify a kubeconfig file and--context
tospecify agcloud beta compute health - check
gcloud beta compute url - map
gcloud beta compute target - http - proxy
gcloud beta compute target - https - proxy
--load - balance - scheme
tothegcloud beta compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
.gcloud beta compute backend - services iscreate create
withgcloud container cluster iscreate create
gcloud container cluster isupdate update
toenable this feature.Occurrence
type created by gcloud beta container binauthz
attestations create
,you must now provide this JSON as--payload-file
whencreating the Attestation.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud compute networks update --switch - to- custom - subnet - mode
topoll andwait foroperation tofinish instead ofreturning immediately.Please use--async
flagtoreproduce the previous behavior ofreturning immediately.core / disable_file_logging
property toprevent the gcloud command-linegcloud config set core / disable_file_logging
flagtogcloud beta function isdeploy deploy
.gcloud kms asymmetric - decrypt
.gcloud kms asymmetric - sign
.gcloud kms keys versions get-public-key
.gcloud kms keys
command group toGA.
--attestation - file
.--default - algorithm
.gcloud beta redis instance import
andgcloud beta redis instance export
toimport data toorgcloud beta redis operations is cancel cancel
tocancel a Memorystore Redisgcloud beta pubsub topics create
tosupport Cloud KMS integration:
--topic - encryption - key - location
--service - account
flagofgcloud run isdeploy deploy
andgcloud run service update
tobeta.gcloud compute instance iscreate create --source - snapshot
flagtobeta.--load - balance - scheme
ingcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
toGA.gcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
toallow toggling logging forbackend--server - bind
flagofgcloud compute sole - tenancy
node - templates is create create
toGA.--enable - log
and--log - filter
flag ofgcloud compute router nat
toGA.--enable - stackdriver - kubernete
withgcloud container cluster iscreate create
orgcloud container cluster isupdate update
toenable this feature.gcloud beta container binauthz
that assumedsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud auth print - identity - token
command .survey/disable_prompts
toopt out ofbeing prompted totake a survey periodically.gcloud compute backend - service import
gcloud compute backend - service export
gcloud compute url - map import
gcloud compute url - map export
gcloud compute forwarding - rule import
gcloud compute forwarding - rule export
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud composer environments isrun run
.Execution ofthese--ignore - file
flagtogcloud isbuilds build submit
foroverriding default .gcloudignore file .gcloud projects get-ancestors
command todisplay project ancestors.--connectivity
flags togcloud beta run service update
.gcloud scheduler
command group toGA.--custom-vm-gen
flagtothe following command toallow specifying the VM generation (either n1 orn2) ofcustom machine types:
gcloud compute instance iscreate create
gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
gcloud compute instance isimport import
gcloud compute instance set - machine - type
gcloud compute instance - template is create create
gcloud compute instance - template is create create-with-container
gcloud compute is instances instance os - inventory
flagtogcloud beta firebase test android run
andgcloud beta firebase test ios run
.This flagallows you toadd additional--enable - stackdriver - kubernete
flagtogcloud beta container cluster update
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--ignore - file
togcloud app isdeploy deploy
foroverriding default .gcloudignore file .gcloud bigtable instances tables list
tobeta.--ignore - file
flagtogcloud isbuilds build submit
foroverriding default .gcloudignore file .--max - age
,--max - idle
flags fromthegcloud beta dataproc workflow - template set - manage - cluster
command group .--ignore - file
flagtogcloud function isdeploy deploy
foroverriding default .gcloudignore file .gcloud beta scheduler jobs update app-engine
gcloud beta scheduler jobs update http
gcloud beta scheduler jobs is update update pubsub
gcloud beta task create-http-task
command .--log - sample - ratio
togcloud beta task queues create
andgcloud beta task queues update
to1.12.8 (from 1.11.9) .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagvalues withbps-
prefix fromgcloud compute interconnect attachments iscreate dedicate create
,gcloud compute interconnects is attachments attachment dedicate update
,gcloud compute interconnects attachments provider create
,andgcloud compute interconnects attachments provider update
command .usematching values without this prefix instead .--billing - project
flagtoall gcloud commands,for explicitly--allow-unauthenticated
flagtogcloud beta function isdeploy deploy
ingcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
gcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update
toGA.gcloud beta scheduler jobs create
.gcloud task
command group toGA.--accelerator
flagtogcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container.
gcloud beta compute instances iscreate create-disk
gcloud beta ml vision product - search
command group .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flag.gcloud alpha survey
tohelp improve the gcloud command-line tool experience by answering a customer satisfaction survey.--output-path-prefix
flagtogcloud beta asset export
flagsupport forlist
command ingcloud beta run
.gcloud beta scheduler jobs pause
andgcloud beta scheduler job
command .--instance - redistribution - type
flag ofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create
andgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update
tobeta.gcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container node - pools is create
toallow simultaneously specifying both --scope
and--service - account
flag.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta scheduler jobs is create create http
.gcloud container subnets list-usable
toGA.--workload - metadata - from- node
flagtogcloud beta container
node-pools update
forchanging the type ofmetadata server visible topods--detect_object
command togcloud ml vision
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flag ofgcloud ml - engine jobs issubmit submit training
to--worker - count
.gcloud app repair
tono longer recreategcloud ml - engine
command group .usegcloud isai ai-platform
instead .gcloud isai ai-platform
command group toreplace gcloud ml - engine
.gcloud isai ai-platform versions create
andgcloud isai ai-platform versions update
tobeta.--enable - console - log
flagtogcloud beta ai-platform models
toenable logging ofstderr andstdout streams foronline predictiongcloud beta composer environment create
tosupport--enable - ip - alias
--cluster - ipv4 - cidr
--cluster - secondary - range - name
--service - ipv4 - cidr
--root - password
flagtogcloud sql instance iscreate create
.gcloud task queues create-app-engine-queue
andgcloud task queues update-app-engine-queue
withgcloud task queues create
andgcloud task queues update
inbeta andGA.gcloud compute network - endpoint - group
command group toGA.--storage - location
flag ofgcloud compute disk snapshot
toGA.--network - endpoint - group
and--network - endpoint - group - zone
gcloud compute backend - service add - backend
,gcloud compute backend - service remove-backend
,gcloud compute backend - service update-backend
toGA.--max - connection - per - endpoint
and--max - rate - per - endpoint
gcloud compute backend - service add - backend
gcloud compute backend - service update-backend
toGA.--use - serve - port
flagtoGA forthe following command :
gcloud compute health - check http create
gcloud compute health - check https create
gcloud compute health - check http2 create
gcloud compute health - check ssl create
--custom - request - header
flag ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
toGA.--no - guest - environment
flags ofgcloud
compute images is import import
toGA.--no - guest - environment
to--guest - environment
compute images is import import
flagofgcloud compute image export
toGA.gcloud beta compute images isimport import
gcloud beta compute images export
touse--container - mount - disk- *
flag ofgcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
andgcloud compute instance isupdate update-container
toGA.--container - mount - disk- *
flag ofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container
toallow enabling--sandbox
flagofgcloud container node - pools iscreate create
tobeta.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
subcommandsgcloud composer environments isrun run
.Execution ofthese subcommands--lookup - entry
flagtogcloud beta data - catalog entry update
gcloud beta compute ssh
andgcloud beta compute scp
touse IAP Tunneling by default--internal - ip
and--deprecate - on
flags togcloud compute
images deprecate
toset informational deprecate times toimages.--description
flagtogcloud beta iam service - account create
gcloud beta iam service - account update
flagofgcloud container cluster resize
to--num - node
retained asan alias.--enable - kubernete - alpha
flagis used tocreate cluster withKubernetes--no - enable - autorepair
or--no - enable - autoupgrade
flag.However,forgcloud config config - helper
which could result inold--force - auth - refresh
was not present.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud function isdeploy deploy
such that the --runtime
flagneeds tobe set whendeploying a new function.gcloud asset
command group toGAgcloud bigtable app-profiles
command groupgcloud bigtable cluster create
gcloud bigtable cluster update
gcloud bigtable cluster delete
--network = cloudbuild
togcloud isbuilds build submit --tag
invocations ofdocker is build build
.This enables access tometadata during dockerfile run
gcloud beta composer environment create
tosupport--enable - private - environment
gcloud beta composer environment list - upgrade
tolist all imagegcloud beta composer environment
toallow forin-place environment upgrades:
--airflow - version
--image - version
gcloud beta dns manage - zone
.--enable - log
flagtogcloud beta dns policy
toenable query logging.gcloud beta data - catalog entry
command group,which provides--service - account
flagtogcloud function isdeploy deploy
.--vpc - connector
flagtogcloud beta function isdeploy deploy
.gcloud redis instance failover
which provides the ability to--redis-version
flagtogcloud beta redis instance iscreate create
flagofgcloud redis instance isupdate update
,lfu - decay - time
fordefining an authenticated push subscriptiongcloud beta pubsub subscription create
gcloud beta pubsub subscription update
gcloud beta pubsub subscription is modify modify - push - config
gcloud beta ml video transcribe-speech|detect-text|detect-object
flag ofgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create
andgcloud compute network subnet update
tobeta.gcloud compute network subnet update
tosupport specifying--logge-aggregation-interval
flags ina single call.gcloud compute reservation
command group tobeta.--reservation
and--reservation - affinity
ofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
and--reservation - from- file
ofgcloud compute commitment iscreate create
tobeta.gcloud compute commitment update - reservation
tobeta.gcloud compute interconnects iscreate create
flag ofgcloud firebase test android run
andgcloud firebase test ios run
toGA.--security - group
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
--enable - intra - node - visibility
flagtogcloud beta container
cluster create
flag andthe --tpu - ipv4 - cidr
container cluster iscreate create
toGA.Theflags enables support forusing Cloudgcloud beta container
binauthz attestations list
command .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
gcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create
.To disable manually,use the--no - enable - autoupgrade
flag.--impersonate - service - account
URLs forhttps
URLs would be more appropriate.gcloud dns manage - zone
command group toGA.--visibility
flags toconfigure zone visibility.gcloud beta dataproc jobs is submit submit presto
andgcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates add-job presto
--enable - component - gateway
flagtogcloud beta dataproc cluster
andgcloud beta dataproc workflow - template set - manage - cluster
.--failover - ratio
,--drop - traffic is--drop - if - unhealthy
,and--connection - drain - on - failover
flag ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
flag ofgcloud compute backend - service add_backend
andgcloud compute backend - service update_backend
tobeta.gcloud compute instance - groups is manage manage wait - until
command tobeta.--region
flagofgcloud compute disk
andrelated command toGA .gcloud beta compute external-vpn-gateway
command group toenable reading andmanipulating ofcompute Engine external VPN gateways.gcloud beta compute vpn-gateway
command group toenable reading andmanipulating ofcompute Engine VPN gateways.gcloud beta compute vpn - tunnel
command toenable the creation ofHA VPN tunnels.DISABLED
,to the return table ofgcloud iam service-account list
,which displays the state ofthe service--release - channel
flagtogcloud alpha container cluster create
--default - max - pod - per - node
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
fromBeta toGA.--max - pod - per - node
flagofgcloud container node - pools iscreate create
fromBeta toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta dataproc autoscaling-policies
command group formanaging--autoscaling-policy
flag togcloud beta dataproc cluster create
,gcloud beta dataproc cluster update
,andgcloud beta dataproc workflow - template set - manage - cluster
tosupportresource - manager folder
command group toGA.--bandwidth
flagofgcloud compute interconnect attachments iscreate dedicate create
andgcloud compute interconnects attachments dedicated update
toGA.gcloud compute instance is get get - shield - identity
toGA.--shielde - vtpm
,--shielde - secure - boot
,and--shielde - integrity - monitoring
flags ofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
--shielde - vtpm
,--shielde - secure - boot
,and--shielde - integrity - monitoring
flags ofgcloud compute is create instance - templates is create
toGA.--shielde - vtpm
,--shielde - secure - boot
,--shielde - integrity - monitoring
,and--shielde - learn - integrity - policy
gcloud compute instance isupdate update
toGA.--shielde - vm - vtpm
,--shielde - vm - secure - boot
flags ofgcloud compute instance
fromalpha andbeta.--shielde - vm - vtpm
,--shielde - vm - secure - boot
flags ofgcloud compute
instance - templates iscreate create
fromalpha andbeta.--shielde - vm - vtpm
,--shielde - vm - secure - boot
flags ofgcloud compute instance is update
fromalpha andbeta.updateextra Google Kubernetes Engine kubectl versions:
InJune 2019,node auto-upgrade will be enabled by default fornewly created
cluster andnode pools.To disable it,use the --no - enable - autoupgrade
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
updatethe Python SDK toversion 1.9.84.
Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
adda new field,’main’,to app.yaml.This allows users ofthe Go
second-generation runtimes tospecify which package tobuild.See formore
--optional - component
ofgcloud dataproc cluster
toGA.max - instance
andclear-max - instance
flags ofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
tobeta.--machine - type
flagofgcloud ml - engine versions create
command toGA.--enable - shield - container
flagtogcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud dataproc cluster import
andgcloud dataproc cluster export
gcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create-from-file
andgcloud dataproc cluster describe
.--server - bind
flagofgcloud compute sole - tenancy
node - templates is create create
tobeta.gcloud compute instance iscreate create
togcloud beta compute commitments iscreate create
option of--ports
flagfor gcloud compute forwarding - rule
gcloud compute
instance-groups manage list-instances
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud auth revoke
whenrevoking a service--folder
flagtogcloud beta asset export
command .--kerberos - root - principal - password - uri
,and--kerberos - config - file
flags togcloud beta dataproc cluster create
gcloud beta dataproc workflow - template set - manage - cluster
function insecurity rules.service vpc - peering
command group toGA.gcloud beta compute
network peerings is list list
.--enable - log
and--log - filter
flag ofgcloud compute router nat
tobeta.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--airflow - version
and--image - version
flag ofgcloud composer environments iscreate create
toGA.These mutually exclusive flagsgcloud iot devices gateways
command group toGA.gcloud beta compute start - iap - tunnel
command forCloud IAP TCPgcloud compute networks peerings list-routes
command tobeta.gcloud beta compute networks peerings list
columns.--resource - policy
ofgcloud compute disk iscreate create
tobeta.--enable - log
flag ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
flagofgcloud compute interconnect attachments iscreate dedicate create
gcloud compute interconnects is attachments attachment dedicate update
option tothe --robo-directives
flagofgcloud beta firebase test android run
command .This option directs Robo toavoid interactions witha user-defined UI element.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
accessibility / screen_reader
property .This property changesgcloud topic
formore information`.
gcloud feedback
.gcloud beta asset
command group tomanage the Cloud Asset Inventory.resource - manager folder
command group tobetagcloud beta service vpc - peering
tosupport updating a connection.gcloud source project-configs
command group toGA.gcloud source repos update
toGA.gcloud beta compute network subnet get - iam - policy
gcloud beta compute network subnet set - iam - policy
add-iam - policy-bindings
remove-iam - policy-bindings
gcloud compute disk add
gcloud compute disk remove-resource-policies
gcloud compute resource - policies iscreate create-snapshot-schedule
gcloud compute resource-policies delete
gcloud compute resource - policies is describe describe
gcloud compute resource - policy list
flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud filestore
command group jobs submit training
inbeta.addthe following flags:
--master - machine - type
--master - accelerator
--master - image - uri
--worker - machine - type
--worker - count
--worker - accelerator
--parameter - server - count
gcloud sql is connect connect
whitelisting issues that resulted frominvalid--force-attach
flagofcompute instances attach-disk
toGAget - iam - policy
,set - iam - policy
,add-iam - policy-bindings
,remove-iam - policy-bindings
togcloud beta compute network subnet
gcloud compute instance is get get - shield - identity
tobeta.gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update
toGA together with--health - check
,--initial - delay
flag.--initial - delay
and--health - check
flags ofgcloud compute
instance-groups manage create
toGA.--network - interface
flags withgcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container
tosupport usinggcloud compute instance-groups manage rolling-action
command groupsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud sql is connect connect
that seems tobe causing additionalget - iam - policy
,set - iam - policy
,add-iam - policy-bindings
,remove-iam - policy-bindings
toGA inthe following command groups:
gcloud compute disk
gcloud compute image
gcloud compute instance - template
gcloud compute snapshots
gcloud beta compute instances iscreate create
andgcloud beta compute instances isupdate update
gcloud compute instance-groups manage set-autohealing
command .gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update
instead .--database - encryption - key
flagofgcloud container cluster
tobeta.Theflagenables support forencryption ofKubernetes Secrets.--enable - stackdriver - kubernete
flagtobe a hard requirement--addon=CloudRun
.TheCloudRun-on-GKE add-on depends on Stackdriver--max - pod - per - node
forgcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtobq mkdef
command .bq
cli.gcloud sql operation islist list
.gcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage update
tobeta together with--health - check
,--initial - delay
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
toGA.--physical - block - size
flagtogcloud beta compute disk create
flagtogcloud beta firebase test android run
andgcloud beta firebase test ios run
torerun failed executions multiple times.--security - group
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
tosubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
mutually exclusivegcloud sql instance iscreate create
.gcloud sql instance iscreate create
togcloud sql instance iscreate create
asan alternative to--gce-zone
,which isnow deprecated.gcloud sql instance describe
andgcloud sql instance patch
.get - iam - policy
,set - iam - policy
,add-iam - policy-bindings
,andremove-iam - policy-bindings
toGA inthe following command groups:
gcloud compute instance
gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-templates
gcloud compute sole - tenancy node - group
flagofgcloud compute instance isattach attach - disk
toGA.--auto - create - route
flagofgcloud alpha compute network
peerings is create create
inBeta.gcloud compute network peerings is update update
command toBeta.import-custom-routes
flags toBetagcloud compute networks peerings create
command .--shielded-vm-*
--shielde - vm - secure - boot
as--shielde - secure - boot
--shielde - vm - vtpm
as--shielde - vtpm
as--shielde - integrity - monitoring
as--shielde - learn - integrity - policy
and--t - package
flags ingcloud firebase test android run
commands; the application andtest package name will be parsed fromthe APK manifest by default.--max - step
,and--app - initial - activity
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud bq
command group toalpha.
updatecloud - build - local
to0.4.3.Fordetails,see – build – local/releases.
addproperties builds/use_kaniko
andbuilds/kaniko_cache_ttlto control
use ofKaniko (<>) whenusing
flagtodisable layer caching whenusing Kaniko with
.This isonly valid if the builds/use_kaniko
flagis true
gcloud beta firestore indexes
which provides index management--tunnel - through - iap
flagofgcloud compute ssh
andgcloud compute is scp scp
flags ingcloud
beta compute instance-groups manage create
.use--health - check
flag--enable - log
flag ofgcloud compute firewall - rules iscreate create
andgcloud compute firewall - rule update
flagingcloud firebase test android run
command .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagofgcloud endpoints operations describe
flagofgcloud composer environments iscreate create
gcloud beta dns policy
command group .--use - serve - port
flagtogcloud beta compute health - check update
flagtogcloud beta compute instance-templates
.gcloud compute security - policy
andgcloud compute security - policy rules
flagofgcloud compute backend - service update
--no - guest - environment
flagtogcloud beta compute images isimport import
flags togcloud beta compute images isimport import
flagtogcloud beta compute images export
.gcloud beta compute images isimport import
touse gcloud command line toolzone
flaginaddition to--zone
command line flag.gcloud beta compute images isimport import
andgcloud beta compute images export
touse temporary bucket--prefix - length
flags toGA forgcloud compute addresses is create create
tosupport reserving IP range fromgcloud beta compute start - iap - tunnel
command forCloud IAP TCP--enable-vertical-pod-autoscaling
withgcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
orgcloud beta container cluster update
toenable this feature.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud datastore create-indexes
andgcloud datastore cleanup - index
isremoved.Please usegcloud datastore indexes iscreate create
andgcloud datastore indexes cleanup
instead .See-event - pubsub - topic
and--pubsub - topic
gcloud iot registries create
andgcloud iot registries is update update
gcloud container is builds build
command group .usegcloud is builds build
flagtogcloud beta dns manage - zone create
andgcloud beta dns manage - zone update
gcloud beta dataproc jobs submit sparkr
toenable submitting SparkR--num - preemptible - worker - local - ssds
flag ofgcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
toGA--service - account
flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
tobeta.gcloud function isdeploy deploy
--update - env - var
--env - var - file
gcloud iot devices commandsend
command group toGA.--log - level
flagofgcloud iot devices
andgcloud iot registries
toGA.gcloud iot devices gateways
command group tobeta.gcloud beta pubsub subscription
.gcloud spanner rows
toGA.--use - serve - port
flagtogcloud beta compute health - check update
flagtogcloud beta compute instance-templates
.gcloud compute security - policy
andgcloud compute security - policy rules
flagofgcloud compute backend - service update
withgcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
orgcloud beta container cluster update
toenable this feature.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagofgcloud beta spanner rows
toreject array value.--flag - file
should be used tospecify an array value.gcloud beta app migrate-config
formigratinggcloud endpoints
such that it no longer attempts toenable eithergcloud beta scheduler jobs create pubsub
that caused thesubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--flag - file
=YAML-FILE flag,available toall gcloud commands,gcloud topic flags-file
formore information.useAvroLogicalTypes
.--num - preemptible - worker - local - ssds
flag togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
command,which adds local SSDs togcloud beta scheduler jobs create pubsub
--max - retry - duration
--max - doubling
--enable - partition - dml
flagofgcloud spanner execute - sql
flagofgcloud compute instance isattach attach - disk
tobeta.gcloud compute router nat
flagofgcloud compute routes
asa valid option of--ports
forgcloud beta compute
forwarding - rule
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
component .usecloud - build - local
instead .gcloud container is builds build
command group .Callers will be redirectedgcloud is builds build
instead .--hostname
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
tobeta.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
updatethe Python SDK toversion 1.9.78.
Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
updatethe Java SDK toversion 1.9.68.
Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
updatethe Go SDK toversion 1.9.69.
Fix a bug inwindows support forgo.mod deployments forthe Go 1.11 runtime
gcloud isbuilds build submit
toassume --config=cloudbuild.yaml
unless either --tag
withgcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
orgcloud beta container cluster
toenable this feature.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud app logs tail
tocrash whenthe logs were toogcloud beta composer environment
--airflow - version
– specifies the Apache Airflow version forthe created environment--image - version
– specifies the image version forthe created environmentgcloud beta dns manage - zone
flags toconfigure zone visibility.--region
flaginconsistency.gcloud beta sql is connect connect
toconnect toV2 instances through--port
flagtogcloud beta sql is connect connect
toallow for--container - mount - disk- *
flag ofgcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
andgcloud compute instance isupdate update-container
tobeta.gcloud is builds build
instead ofgcloud container is builds build
; thegcloud container is builds build
will be removed on orgcloud firebase test ios
command group toGA.gcloud iam service - account keys create
such that inthe case asubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
positional argument fromgcloud sql user is create create
,gcloud sql user delete
,andgcloud sql user set - password
.gcloud app logs is read read
andgcloud app logs tail
now displays stdout andstderr fromthe--logs=<stdout|stderr>
.--no - address
flagofgcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
andgcloud dataproc workflow-templates set-manage-cluster
component toversion 1.13.0.Please visit thegcloud beta spanner execute-sql
gcloud beta compute instances get-guest-attributes
command for--response
flagofgcloud compute health - check
forHTTP/Ssubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud container cluster list
fordegraded clusterstorage / chunk_size
property .Commands that upload toGooglestorage/use_gsutil
property totemporarily get this behavior back.Thisfunctions is deploy deploy
compute image import
dataproc jobs submit pyspark
dataproc jobs submit hadoop
dataproc jobs is submit submit pig
dataproc jobs is submit submit hive
dataproc jobs submit spark
dataproc jobs submit spark-sql
composer environments storage dags delete
composer environments is export storage dag export
composer environments storage dags import
composer environments storage data delete
composer environments storage data export
composer environments storage data import
composer environment storage plugins is delete delete
composer environment storage plugins is export export
composer environments storage plugins import
gcloud beta help
that allows running a search for--python-version
flagtogcloud beta composer environment
tospecify the Python version used withinthe created environment.--gce-pd-kms-key
flagtodataproc cluster create
togcloud kms location list
todisplay information about thegcloud spanner execute - sql
toaccept DML statements.gcloud beta compute
.--log - level
flagfor gcloud iot devices create
,gcloud iot devices update
,gcloud iot registries create
,andgcloud iot registries is update update
forbeta.gcloud iot commands
tobeta.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
compute router nat
tobeta.--kms - key-*
flags ofgcloud compute disk
andgcloud compute image
--boot - disk - kms- *
flags ofgcloud compute instance
andgcloud compute instance - template
.gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container
frombeta toGA.gcloud interactive
tobeta.--enable - private - node
flags togcloud container cluster iscreate create
.--internal - ip
flagtogcloud container cluster get - credential
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud sql instance islist list
defaultgcloud beta dataproc cluster export
toenable exporting a cluster’sgcloud beta dataproc cluster import
toenable creating a cluster--optional - component
flagtogcloud beta dataproc cluster create
gcloud dataproc cluster get - iam - policy
gcloud dataproc cluster set - iam - policy
gcloud dataproc jobs get - iam - policy
gcloud dataproc jobs set - iam - policy
gcloud dataproc operations get - iam - policy
gcloud dataproc operations set - iam - policy
gcloud dataproc workflow-templates get - iam - policy
gcloud dataproc workflow-templates set - iam - policy
gcloud dataproc workflow-templates
toGA.gcloud scheduler
tobeta.--storage - location
flagtogcloud beta compute disk snapshot
gcloud container image describe
to--metadata - filter
--show - image - basis
--show - all - metadata
gcloud container image list - tag
did not work inthe 217.0.0 release.--metadata
flags togcloud node-pools create
andgcloud cluster create
.--internal - ip
flagtogcloud beta container cluster
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
ingcloud beta service
flagofgcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql instance patch
to--prefix - length
flags toBETA forgcloud compute addresses is create create
tosupport reserving IP range fromvirtual network forpeering.description
property tothe --create - disk
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
flags togcloud beta node - pools is create create
andgcloud beta cluster create
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud bigtable instances
command groupgcloud bigtable cluster list
gcloud bigtable cluster describe
gcloud redis
toGA.gcloud service operations islist list
inbeta andGA.--internal - ip
flagofgcloud compute is scp scp
flagofgcloud compute firewall-rules
toGA.gcloud compute ssh
andgcloud compute is scp scp
fromgcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
gcloud compute instance isupdate update-container
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--database - version
flaggcloud sql instance iscreate create
,allowing the API toselect the value.--no-cache
flagtogcloud beta app is deploy deploy
forgcloud beta firestore
andgcloud beta firestore operations
flags frombeing sent together whenusing the gcloud sql instance iscreate create
command .--internal - ip
flagofgcloud compute is scp scp
flagofgcloud compute firewall-rules
toGA.gcloud alpha container subnets list-usable
tothe output ofgcloud beta container subnet list - usable
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
cbt createappprofile
inthe following ways:
argument fromcreateappprofile
.allow-transactional - write
option astransactional - write
option toignore warnings.<cluster-id>
“.gcloud compute interconnect attachments is create create
.Please usegcloud compute interconnect attachments iscreate dedicate create
instead .--mode
flagfromgcloud compute networks iscreate create
.use--subnet - mode
instead .gcloud compute network switch - mode
command .usegcloud compute networks is update update --switch - to- custom - mode
instead .gcloud compute xpn
command group .usegcloud compute share - vpc
instead .cbt count
command that was inadvertentlygcloud beta dataproc cluster list
flagofgcloud function isdeploy deploy
toGA.--network - tier
ofgcloud compute addresses is create create
--network - tier
ofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
--default - network - tier
ofgcloud compute project - info update
--network - tier
ofgcloud compute instance add-access-config
--network - tier
ofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
--network - tier
ofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
gcloud compute instance simulate-maintenance-event
toGA.get - iam - policy
,set - iam - policy
,add-iam - policy-bindings
andremove-iam - policy-bindings
togcloud compute sole - tenancy node - group
gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-templates
--disk - type
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container node - pools iscreate create
toGA.--default - max - pod - per - node
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
tobeta.--max - pod - per - node
flagofgcloud container node - pools iscreate create
flagofgcloud containers cluster update
toenable Google Cloud Monitoring service withKubernetes-native resource model.--logge-service
flagofgcloud containers cluster update
toenable Google Cloud Logging service withKubernetes-native resource model.gcloud beta container cluster list
fordegraded cluster toinclude reason fordegradation.--enable - private - node
togcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
flagofgcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
; use --enable - private - node
instead .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud datastore create-indexes
andgcloud datastore cleanup - index
.gcloud datastore indexes iscreate create
andgcloud datastore indexes cleanup
instead .gcloud datastore indexes
command group toGA.--timeout
flagtogcloud sql operation is wait wait
,to support--disk - type
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container node - pools iscreate create
flagofgcloud containers cluster update
toenable Google Cloud Monitoring service withKubernetes-native resource model.--logge-service
flagofgcloud containers cluster update
toenable Google Cloud Logging service withKubernetes-native resource model.gcloud beta container cluster list
cluster toinclude reason fordegradation.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagtogcloud ml - engine ispredict predict
andgcloud ml - engine jobs prediction create
tospecify custom TensorFlowgcloud beta container binauthz
command group tohelp manage Binary--enable - binauthz
flag togcloud beta container is create create
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud app isdeploy deploy
.Thedeprecatedgcloud beta app gen - config
command isstill available separately fornow.gcloud app isdeploy deploy
now support.gcloudignore
forall deployments..gcloudignore
supersedes the skip_files
section inapp.yaml.Read more.gcloudignore
by rungcloud topic gcloudignore
.gcloud beta datastore indexes is describe describe
.gcloud beta datastore indexes list
.addconfig key which enables globbing inthe
gcloud deployment - manager deployments is create create
gcloud deployment-manager deployments update
command .Config files
can now use glob patterns inimport paths.
This feature can be enabled by setting the config property
deployment_manager / glob_import
totrue:gcloud config set deployment_manager / glob_import true
Additional details forthis feature:
gcloud service vpc - peering
tobeta.--network - tier
flagofgcloud compute addresses is create create
andgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
toGA.--default - network - tier
flagofgcloud compute project - info update
toGA.--network - tier
flagofgcloud compute instance add-access-config
andgcloud compute instance iscreate create
toGA.--network - tier
flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud compute interconnects patch
.usegcloud compute interconnects update
instead .container-builder-local
; use cloud - build - local
instead .gcloud container is builds build
command group; use gcloud is builds build
gcloud is builds build
retains the functionality ofgcloud container is builds build
.gcloud container is builds build
commandwill continue towork duringcontainers.build_timeout
property asbuilds.timeout
ingcloud is builds build
property asbuilds.check_tag
gcloud is builds build
.gcloud container cluster iscreate create
will have basic--[no-]enable - basic - auth
flags,gcloud app isdeploy deploy
.Thedeprecatedgcloud beta app gen - config
command isstill available separately fornow.cbt deleterow
andcbt deletecolumn
tonot return errors during argument checking.container-builder-local
binary ascloud - build - local
.cloud - build - local
package installers fordeb andRPM.gcloud registries add-iam - policy-binding
gcloud registries remove-iam - policy-binding
command toGA .--internal - ip
flagofgcloud compute ssh
toGA.list - node
command togcloud compute sole - tenancy node - group
forshowing node information.--use - serve - port
flagtogcloud compute health - check tcp create
command .--enable - log
flagofgcloud compute firewall - rules iscreate create
andgcloud compute firewall - rule update
tobeta.gcloud compute network subnet list-usable
toGA.gcloud container is builds build
; use gcloud is builds build
instead .Thecontainer is builds build
commandwill continue towork during thesubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta dnskeys
command group; please usegcloud beta dns - key
instead .gcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container node - pools iscreate create
command tocreate cluster and--no - enable - autorepair
flagtodisable this behavior.gcloud composer
command toGA .gcloud function
command toGA .gcloud task
command tobeta.--zone
flagofgcloud compute instance - groups ismanage manage create
command toGA.get - iam - policy
,set - iam - policy
,add-iam - policy-bindings
,andremove-iam - policy-bindings
togcloud compute disk
gcloud compute image
gcloud compute instance - template
gcloud compute instance
gcloud compute snapshots
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
crash .gcloud dataproc
crash .--enable - ip - alias
will change forgcloud container cluster iscreate create
TAB completion forcommands,flags,andconstant flagvalue choices isgcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates import
toenable creatinggcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates export
toenable exporting--parameter
flagtogcloud beta dataproc workflow - templates is instantiate
toenable parameterization ofworkflow templates.gcloud filestore
command group isnow available inbeta.These commands--runtime
flagtogcloud beta function isdeploy deploy
.gcloud beta function isdeploy deploy
flagofgcloud ml - engine versions create
toGA.gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
tointegrate withKMS:
--boot - disk - kms - key
--boot - disk - kms - keyring
--boot-disk-kms - location
--boot-disk-kms - project
--use - serve - port
flagtothe following command :
gcloud compute health - check http create
gcloud compute health - check https create
gcloud compute health - check http2 create
gcloud compute health - check ssl create
flags ofgcloud compute
instance - templates iscreate create
command toGA:
--source - instance
--source - instance-zone
gcloud compute network - endpoint - group
command group tobeta.--network - endpoint - group
and--network - endpoint - group - zone
gcloud compute backend - service add - backend
,gcloud compute backend - service remove-backend
,gcloud compute backend - service update-backend
tobeta.--max - connection - per - endpoint
and--max - rate - per - endpoint
gcloud compute backend - service add - backend
andgcloud compute backend - service update-backend
andits alias container / use_v1_api_client
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
property tothe endpoints_api_service
.Setting this makes Endpoints run inmanage
mode.gcloud is builds build
command group tocreate andmanage builds forGooglegcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
command toGA:
--master - boot - disk - type
--preemptible - worker - boot - disk - type
flagofgcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
toGA.--machine - type
flagofgcloud ml - engine versions create
command tobeta.--host
flagtogcloud sql user is create create
,gcloud sql user delete
gcloud sql user set - password
argument ofgcloud sql user is create create
,gcloud sql user delete
,andgcloud sql user set - password
infavor ofthe --host
flag.gcloud compute tpus
command group toGAgcloud compute sign - url
gcloud compute backend - bucket add-signed-url-key
gcloud compute backend - bucket delete-signed-url-key
gcloud compute backend - service add-signed-url-key
gcloud compute backend - service delete-signed-url-key
flagtoGA inthe following command :
gcloud compute backend - buckets iscreate create
gcloud compute backend - bucket update
gcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
gcloud compute backend - service update
value tobeta forthe --protocol
flag ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
related gcloud compute health - check
command tobeta.--enable-autoscaling
flagtothe node-pools
command toenablegcloud beta container node - pools isupdate update --enable-autoscaling --max - node=3
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
toversion 1.5.0.
CLI now has experimental support forrunning using a Python 3.4+gcloud
gcloud app
gcloud datastore
gcloud scheduler
gcloud task
that are shipped inthe Cloud SDK stillgcloud topic startup
orvisit:gcloud app is create domain - mappings is create create
toprovision an automatically--certificate-management
flag ofgcloud app is create domain - mappings is create create
andgcloud app domain-mappings update
flagtodataproc cluster create
inbeta toenable protecting cluster withGoogle Cloud KMS encryption.--framework
flagofgcloud ml - engine versions create
flagtogcloud beta compute disk snapshot
toenable setting labels on new snapshots.--min - cpu - platform
flagofgcloud container iscreate create
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container node - pools iscreate create
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
command-line tool:
forspecifying a custom User Agent-columns
forspecifying columns toread withread
forlimiting number ofcells read per column withread
gcloud datastore indexes
command group tobeta withthe following command :
gcloud datastore indexes cleanup
gcloud datastore indexes iscreate create
flagtogcloud beta compute tpus create
flagtogcloud compute image export
toallow thedefault
flagofcompute target - https - proxy create
andcompute target - https - proxy update
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
forgcloud alpha compute instance is create create
gcloud alpha compute instance_templates create
.Node name will--framework
flagtoml-engine local predict
.gcloud source repos update
command tobeta withthe following flags:
gcloud source project-configs update
flagofgcloud compute health - check
command tobeta.--kms - key-*
flags ofgcloud compute disk
--kms - key-*
flags ofgcloud compute image
--boot - disk - kms- *
flags ofgcloud compute instance
tests forAndroid frombeta toGA.--region
flagofgcloud container
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud sql ssl-certs
.usegcloud sql ssl client-certs
instead .gcloud app
deploy cron.xml
.note thatxml-files are not supported withgcloud app
.gcloud beta app is deploy deploy
failed torespect the--image-url
argument during Flex deployments.This issue was introduced ingcloud beta dataproc workflow - templates is instantiate instantiate - from- file
togcloud beta dataproc cluster create-from-file
toenable creationgcloud beta sql ssl server - ca - cert
group tosupport certificategcloud beta sql ssl server - ca - cert list
gcloud beta sql ssl server - ca - cert create
gcloud beta sql ssl server - ca - cert rotate
gcloud beta sql ssl server - ca - cert rollback
gcloud source project - configs is describe describe
gcloud source project-configs update
flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
flags tobeta ingcloud compute instance iscreate create
,gcloud compute instance isupdate update
andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
ofgcloud beta composer environment create
gcloud compute interconnect attachments is create create
compute interconnect attachments is create dedicate create
instead .--max-depth
--max - step
:usethe --timeout
option instead tolimit the test--app - initial - activity
:usethe --robo - script
option (in beta) toGet - GcpProject
did not enumerate collection.--no-user-output-enabled
flag ofgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create
andgcloud compute network subnet update
toGA.gcloud compute sole-tenancy
command tobeta.--delete-nodes
ofgcloud beta compute sole-tenancy node-groups
--disk - type
togcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create
toallow setting ofthe node VM boot disk type.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
forgcloud compute tpus
has been deprecate .gcloud beta bigtable instance
commandset - iam - policy
get - iam - policy
add-iam - policy-binding
remove-iam - policy-binding
--create - disk
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
toGA.gcloud compute interconnects attachments list
flagtogcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create-with-container
.--enable - stackdriver - kubernete
ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
tobeta.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud beta dns dnskeys describe
command toremove the dsRecord
--format "value(ds_record())"
instead .gcloud beta dns dnskeys
command togcloud beta dns dns is keys - key
;gcloud compute interconnects patch
andrenamed it togcloud compute interconnects update
.gcloud dns dns - key list
andgcloud dns dns-keys describe
command toGA .--source-ip-address
flags togcloud beta sql instances iscreate create
tosupport creating external primarygcloud beta sql instances iscreate create
tosupport--master - username
--master - password
--client - key - path
--enable - stackdriver - kubernete
flagtoenable Stackdriver logging andsubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
gcloud app gen-config
command and”app.yaml” generationgcloud app isdeploy deploy
command (both inbeta) .cbt
tool forregional replication.
tomanage application profiles foryour instances.cluster create
tocreate additional cluster withinan existingcluster delete
todelete cluster froman instance.gcloud billing accounts get - iam - policy
andgcloud billing accounts set - iam - policy
inalpha andbeta.gcloud billing accounts list
inbeta toinclude thegcloud dns operations islist list
andgcloud dns operations describe
command toGA .gcloud spanner rows delete
gcloud spanner rows insert
gcloud spanner rows update
gcloud container cluster iscreate create --enable - ip - alias
--enable - ip - alias
no longer requires the --create - subnetwork
subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
endpoints services deploy
.supportwill be removed ina future release.gcloud dns manage - zone update
toGA.gcloud compute tpus accelerator-types list
andgcloud compute tpus accelerator - types is describe describe
flagofgcloud compute disk
andrelated command tobetagcloud compute instance iscreate create
command tosupportgcloud compute sign - url
toaccept HTTP URLs inaddition toHTTPS URLsgcloud beta compute sign - url
gcloud beta compute backend - bucket add-signed-url-key
gcloud beta compute backend - bucket delete-signed-url-key
gcloud beta compute backend - service add-signed-url-key
gcloud beta compute backend - service delete-signed-url-key
flagtobeta inthe following command :
gcloud beta compute backend - bucket iscreate create
gcloud beta compute backend - bucket update
gcloud beta compute backend - services iscreate create
gcloud beta compute backend - service update
--other - file
flagtogcloud beta firebase test android run
tosupport running tests withnon-OBB files pushed todevice.gcloud alpha container subnets list-usable
command forlisting subnets--node - location
ofgcloud containers cluster create
tocorrectlysubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--instance - type
flagfor gcloud beta bigtable instance
.usegcloud beta bigtable instance upgrade
instead .--description
flagfromgcloud beta bigtable instance iscreate create
andgcloud beta bigtable instance isupdate update
.use--display - name
instead .--enable-autorepair
will change forcontainer cluster create
andcontainer node - pools is create create
command .use--[no-]enable-autorepair
flag tosuppress this warning.--labels
flagofgcloud dns manage - zones iscreate create
toGA.gcloud service list
tosort by name by default.gcloud compute tpus reimage
,gcloud compute tpus start
,andgcloud compute tpus stop
command tobeta.--network - tier
flagofgcloud compute addresses is create create
tobeta.--network - tier
flagofgcloud compute forwarding - rules iscreate create
tobeta.--default - network - tier
flagofgcloud compute project - info update
tobeta.--network - tier
flagofgcloud compute instance add-access-config
tobeta.--network - tier
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
tobeta.--network - tier
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
tobeta.--network - tier
flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
tobeta.--network - tier
flagofgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container
tobeta.auth configure-docker
towork even whendocker
isnot installedrules_docker
users.--additional - apks
flagtogcloud beta firebase test android run
tosupport running tests withadditionally installed APKs.beta ml vision detect-web
flagtobeta ml vision
command .subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
flagofgcloud compute image isimport import
.gcloud docker
will not be supported fordocker client versions above 18.03.gcloud auth configure-docker
toconfigure docker
asa credential helper; then,use docker
asyou would fornon-GCRdocker is pull pull
,container / use_v1_api_client
,from true
.gcloud dns manage - zone
gcloud compute tpus versions list
tobeta.gcloud compute tpus versions describe
tobeta.gcloud compute tpus locations list
tobeta.gcloud compute tpus locations is describe describe
failed whencalled twice.gcloud compute image isimport import
toGA.gcloud compute instance network - interface update
--add - secondary - range
flag ofgcloud compute network subnet update
gcloud compute instance simulate-maintenance-event
tobeta.--prefix - length
) togcloud
compute addresses create
inalpha tosupport reserving IP range fromvirtual--enable-flow-logs
flag ofgcloud compute network subnets iscreate create
andgcloud compute network subnet update
tobeta.compute ssl-policies create
compute ssl - policy describe
compute ssl - policy list
compute ssl-policies update
compute ssl-policies delete
compute ssl - policy list-available-features
--ssl - policy
flag ofcompute target - https - proxy create
compute is create target - ssl - proxies is create create
toGA.--ssl - policy
flag ofcompute target - https - proxy update
compute target - ssl - proxy update
toGA.--custom - request - header
flag ofgcloud compute backend - services iscreate create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
tobeta.gcloud auth configure-docker
toGA.container image add-tag
toallow the specification ofmultiple destination tags.container/use_client_certificate
option functionality.It wassubscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--service - account
flagdid not add
scopegcloud container
.go - app - stager
touse Go version 1.10 forstaging App Engine Flexible apps withruntime:go
togcloud dataproc cluster list
.dataproc workflow-templates create
.gcloud endpoints services deploy
command torecognize files.proto.bin
asprotobuf binary descriptor files,improvingproto_library
flagtogcloud beta ml - engine versions is create create
ofgcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql instance patch
toGA.alpha ssl-certificates
.--source - instance-template
flagofgcloud compute instance
command toGA.gcloud compute image export
flag ofcompute target - https - proxy create
andcompute target - https - proxy update
tobeta.--disable - addon
fromgcloud container cluster iscreate create
flagtogcloud ml - engine jobs issubmit submit training
operation inalpha.gcloud compute network subnet list-usable
tobeta.--guest - os - feature
flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create
toGA.gcloud compute network switch - mode
.Please usegcloud compute
networks is update update --switch - to- custom - mode
instead .--mode
flagfromgcloud compute networks iscreate create
.Please use--subnet - mode
instead .gcloud compute image export
tobeta.gcloud sql instance set-root-password
command .compute - rw
are no longer always added.container/new_scopes_behavior
property isset totrue.) The--[no-]enable - cloud - endpoint
.bq ls -j
:get - iam - policy
andset - iam - policy
command tothegcloud beta dataproc jobs
,gcloud beta dataproc operations
,andgcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates
command group .gcloud alpha ml - engine location
command group .region
support forGoogle compute Engine Managed Instance cmdlets.rhel-sap-cloud
project tothe default public image list.gcloud compute routers update
,--set - advertisement - group
ingcloud compute routers iscreate create
andgcloud compute routers isadd add - bgp - peer
,--set - advertisement - group
ingcloud compute routers isbgp update - bgp - peer
--source - snapshot
flagofgcloud compute image iscreate create
command to--create-policy
togcloud beta deployment - manager
deployments is create create
.--robo - script
flagtogcloud beta firebase test android run
tosupport running a Robo test witha Robo Script.--port
flagfromgcloud compute backend - service
.use--port - name
instead .gcloud compute image translate
.Thefunctionality ofthis commandgcloud compute image isimport import
command .gcloud compute image isimport import
.This command now--os
flag.gcloud compute image isimport import
tobeta; removed gcloud alpha compute
images translate
.Thetranslate command was combined withthe import command .--shielded-vm-integrity-monitoring
flag togcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
inalpha tosupport the--shielded-vm-learn-integrity-policy
flag togcloud compute instance is update update
inalpha tosupport configuration ofthegcloud compute sign - url
toaccept HTTP URLs inaddition toHTTPS URLsgcloud alpha compute
ssl - certificate
auth configure-docker
does n’t exist .--private-cluster
flagtoenable PrivateCluster creation:--workload - metadata - from- node
flagtogcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
gcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create
toallow enabling metadata concealment on--instance - type
flagfor gcloud beta bigtable
instances isupdate update
.usegcloud beta bigtable instance upgrade
instead .--description
flagto--display - name
forgcloud beta bigtable instance iscreate create
andgcloud beta bigtable instance isupdate update
flagforgcloud function isdeploy deploy
has change andnow corresponds tothe newobject.finalize
event on file creation.To get the legacy behavior,use the--trigger-event
flags e.g.eventId
have all been moved inside the--trigger - topic
flagwill use the new schema.To get the legacy behavior,--trigger-event
flags e.g.functions/use_new_pubsub_trigger
properties.gcloud sql instance export
.usegcloud sql export sql
instead .gcloud sql instance import
.usegcloud sql import sql
instead .--gce-zone
flagduring gcloud sql instance
calls,andwill override any valueset with--region
flagfromgcloud compute backend - service
.use--port - name
instead .--additional - zone
( replace by--node - location
)ThePython SSL 2.7 library will be decommissioned on 2 April 2018.After this
date,apps will be blocked fromdeploying until you specify the SSL library
(latest) or(2.7.11) .
updatethe Go SDK toversion 1.9.63.
Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
gcloud beta bigtable instance upgrade
command which upgradesgcloud datastore import
andgcloud datastore export
flagtogcloud ml - engine versions create
tospecifygcloud sql export
toGA.gcloud sql import
toGA.gcloud sql instance iscreate create
withboth the--region
flags,or withneither.These flags will becomecontainer / use_v1_api_client
property asan alias ofcontainer/use_v1_api
isstill supported.--enable-pod-security-policy
flagtoenable PodSecurityPolicy enforcement incluster:gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create --enable-pod-security-policy
gcloud beta container cluster update --enable-pod-security-policy
gcloud beta source upload
command touse the .gcloudignore
file if.gitignore
will still be used.gcloud topic gcloudignore
tolearn more.--class
flags forthe hadoop
commandingcloud dataproc jobs issubmit submit
are now mutually exclusive.Theprevious usage--trigger - topic
) .TheeventId
properties will all be moved intoevent.context
property .
gcloud config set functions/use_new_pubsub_trigger true
.gcloud config set functions/use_new_pubsub_trigger False
flage.g.gcloud function isdeploy deploy --trigger-
event providers/cloud.pubsub/eventTypes/topic.publish \
--trigger-resource <TOPIC_NAME>
iot configs
andiot credentials
command group .Please useiot devices configs
andiot device credential
instead .--enable-device
flagfromiot devices create
andiot devices update
.Please use--blocke
instead .--pubsub - topic
flag anddeprecated the --event - pubsub - topic
iot registries create
andiot registries update
.Please usethe--event - notification - config
flaginstead .NAME
args fromcompute target - ssl - proxy list
.Please usethe --filter
flaginstead .container/use_v1_api
property,which replaces thecontainer / use_v1_api_client
property .If true,all gcloud Kubernetes Enginegcloud app isdeploy deploy
can now deploy App Engine Java Standard apps,by providing--image
flagtogcloud beta dataproc cluster
andgcloud beta
dataproc workflow - template
.gcloud iot
command toGA .--description
flagtogcloud models is create create
,gcloud models is update update
,gcloud versions create
,andgcloud versions update
toredact oauth tokens by default.--database
flagtogcloud beta sql is connect connect
.gcloud sql instance islist list
default table format region column topublic-ptr
flag ofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
,gcloud compute instance add-access-config
,gcloud compute instance isupdate update-access-config
to--shielde - vm - secure - boot
and--shielde - vm - vtpm
flags togcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
inalpha tosupport the--enable-flow-logs
flagtogcloud compute network subnets iscreate create
gcloud compute network subnet update
totoggle between enabling andgcloud alpha compute images vulnerabilities list
todisplay the--create - disk
flagofgcloud compute instance iscreate create
tobeta.gcloud compute machine - type list
tofilter out OBSOLETE types by--filter
=…flag,or --filter=""
tolist all types.gcloud container is builds build submit
such that if no source isspecified--no-source
flagis omitted,the current working directory will begcloud container cluster list
change todisplay initialnodecount
isundefined.This shows a usable--region
flagis now available inall ‘gcloud beta|alpha container’ command .--issue-client-certificate
togcloud container cluster iscreate create
) toimprove security.--ssl - certificate
flagfromgcloud compute target - https - proxies iscreate create
,gcloud compute target - https - proxy update
,gcloud compute is create target - ssl - proxies is create create
,gcloud compute target - ssl - proxy update
.use--ssl - certificates
instead .gcloud app isdeploy deploy
touse a new runtime build pipeline todeploy apps forgcloud config set app / use_runtime_builder false
fromthe command line.--location
flagtospecify the geographic location inwhich BigQuerygcloud compute security - policy import
orgcloud compute security - policy create
.promote--cluster - secondary - range - name
,--create - subnetwork
,--enable - ip - alias
,--enable - kubernete - alpha
--enable - legacy - authorization
,--enable - network - policy
--enable - master - authorize - network
,--master - authorize - network
--min - cpu - platform
,--node - location
,--node - taint
,--node - version
,--service - account
,--service - ipv4 - cidr
ofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
promote--complete - ip - rotation
,--enable - legacy - authorization
--enable - master - authorize - network
,--enable - network - policy
,--remove - label
--start - ip - rotation
,--update - label
,--node - location
--master - authorize - network
ofgcloud container cluster isupdate update
,--min - cpu - platform
--node - taint
,--node - version
gcloud container node - pools iscreate create
ofgcloud container node - pools is update update
gcloud service - management
.usegcloud endpoints
andgcloud service
instead .--trigger-bucket
flaggcloud function isdeploy deploy
command will soon
will replaceproviders/
asdefault trigger event.gcloud config set functions/use_new_object_trigger true
.gcloud topic command-conventions
fordetails on command linegcloud compute security - policy rules
flags togcloud compute security - policy create
.These flags allow creating securitygcloud compute security - policy import
gcloud compute security - policy export
fromjson toyaml..gcloudignore
entry matching “.” caused gcloud
container is builds build submit
tonot upload any a possible device orientation.Whenorientation is
default,the most appropriate orientation foryour app ispicked.
Usually,this isany app-specified orientation forthe main activity or
portrait`,if none isspecified inthe app manifest.gcloud beta iam roles
,gcloud beta iam list-testable-permissions
toGA.subscribe tothese release note at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce .
--use - container - optimize - os
flagtogcloud alpha|beta app update
togcloud beta manage-zones create
andgcloud beta manage-zones update
gcloud alpha pubsub snapshots is describe describe
command .gcloud compute tpus
tobeta.gcloud compute target - vpn - gateways is update update
andgcloud compute
vpn-tunnels update
tobeta.These commandallow adding/modifying/clearingstackdriver - metric
flagfamily ofgcloud compute instance-groups
manage set-autoscaling
tobeta.These flags allow setting up per-group--source - snapshot
flagofgcloud compute image iscreate create
command to--guest - os - feature
flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create
flagofgcloud compute disk iscreate create
toGA.gcloud container is builds build submit
command tono longer create a.gcloudignore
file on disk.Git files are still ignored by default,seegcloud topic gcloudignore
tolearn more.--accelerator
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container node - pools iscreate create
tobeta.gcloud docker
paths tofail when usedwith thegcloud container cluster get - credential
command .(REMOVED) removesupport forthe format --scope=[ACCOUNT=]SCOPE,[[ACCOUNT=]SCOPE,...]]
ingcloud compute instance iscreate create
,gcloud compute instance iscreate create-with-container
,gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
,andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create-with-container
.Please use--scope=[SCOPE,...]
and--service - account=ACCOUNT
instead .
(MODIFIED) addcautionary ‘y/n’ prompts to
gcloud beta iam roles create
,gcloud beta iam roles update
gcloud beta iam roles is copy copy
command whenusing permissions withTESTING
.Theprompt needs tobe answered tofinish the
request.Specify --quiet
toprevent prompting confirming intent.
gcloud beta function isdeploy deploy
whenbeta functions is deploy deploy
attribute has been added tothe table format.It draws a rule--format="table[all-box](...)
gcloudignore is enabled / enable
property toallow turning off default$ gcloud config set gcloudignore is enabled / enable false
( andsee$ gcloud topic gcloudignore
formore details)
tothe default set ofregistries authenticated bygcloud docker
.--disable - addon
flagingcloud container alpha|beta cluster create.--addon
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create.--disable - addon
flagingcloud container cluster iscreate create.gcloud ml - engine init-project
.This step isnow performed--discard - local - ssd
flagfromgcloud compute instance stop
gcloud container
--[no-]enable - cloud - endpoint
gcloud container
compute - rw
,andservice - management
scopes are no longer added towhat isspecified in--scope
,compute - rw
isno longer included inthe default scopes,and--[no-]enable - cloud - endpoint
flags are not allowed.This isnow thequeue.yaml
deployments failed due toa permissionapp.yaml
configuration file-k
) was not passed tolist --transfer_config
command .list --transfer_run
command filter condition failed dueshow
command .gcloud beta dataproc cluster create
command :
--master - boot - disk - type
--preemptible - worker - boot - disk - type
flagtogcloud ml - engine models create
andgcloud ml - engine versions create
flagtogcloud ml - engine jobs prediction submit
andgcloud ml - engine jobs training submit
.gcloud ml - engine models update
,gcloud ml - engine versions update
,gcloud ml - engine jobs update
commandwhich update Cloud Machine Learning resources.--wait
flagtogcloud beta pubsub subscription pull
flagtogcloud beta sql import sql
toadd support for--user
flagtogcloud beta sql import csv
toadd support foraddsupport for.gcloudignore
files tocontainer is builds build submit
command .
--node - version
flagofgcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container node - pools iscreate create
toGA.cluster/node-pools can now be--node - version
tov1 .4.2:
asa token source.gcloud beta log metrics is list list
todisplaygcloud beta log metrics is list list --format
.gcloud alpha source is captures capture
group .Please see the gcloud
debug source upload
command .
gcloud container
[cluster|node-pools] create
. It includes storage-ro,logging-write,gcloud container [cluster|node-pools] create
where,ifgcloud alpha deployment-manager deployments
andgcloud alpha deployment-manager resources list
flagfor Dataproc Cluster High Availability modegcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
command toGA.--graceful - decommission - timeout
flagofgcloud dataproc cluster
command forDataproc Graceful Downscale toGA.--master-min-cpu-platform
flags to--config-from-file
flagtothe gcloud log metric create
command inbeta.This flagis mutually exclusive with--description
and--log - filter
andcan be used toconfigure a new metricgcloud ml products
) toALPHA.gcloud beta compute os - login ssh-keys describe
flagofgcloud compute instance - template
create to--configure-disk
flagtobeta commandcompute instance-templates create
.gcloud beta compute os - login remove - profile
command which removesgcloud alpha deployment - manager deployments is create create
,gcloud alpha deployment - manager deployments is update update
,gcloud alpha deployment - manager deployments is describe describe
andgcloud ml speech
toGA.gcloud beta debug source upload
toreplace the gcloud alpha source is captures
group .gcloud ml vision
flagto--language - code
forthegcloud beta ml speech
command .gcloud [alpha|beta] container [cluster|node-pools] create
,--service - account
isnow mutually exclusive with--scope
and--[no-]enable - cloud - endpoint
,andsets the cloud-platform
scope when--backup-pool
flagwithout angcloud compute target-pools set-backup
instead .--bucket
flagwithout an argument ingcloud compute project-info set-usage-bucket
instead .gcloud ml video
toGA.gcloud ml language classify-text
toGA.--include - word - time - offset
flagtothe gcloud beta ml speech
flagis now supported inthegcloud beta container cluster
surface .--machine - type
flags tothegcloud container is builds build submit
command .--allow-route-overlap
flagingcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
to0.2.3.Changes inthis version:
command--stage - bucket
flagofthe beta functions is deploy deploy
command isnowgcloud pubsub
toGA.There are breaking changes inbeta.
pubsub subscription is modify modify - ack - deadline
has been renamed topubsub subscription modify-message-ack-deadline
.It will bepubsub subscription ack
,pubsub subscription modify-message-ack-deadline
,andpubsub subscription is modify modify - ack - deadline
has been replaced by --ack-ids
.--max - message
flagfrompubsub subscription pull
flagtoachieve the same behavior.--max - message
.It will be removedMESSAGE_BODY
inpubsub topics publish
.pubsub subscription describe
andpubsub topics describe
command toallpubsub subscription
andpubsub topics
now output exactly thepubsub/legacy_output
property toget the old output .This willgcloud alpha shell
has been renamedgcloud alpha interactive
.gcloud alpha interactive
has been added withthese features:
--source - instance-template
flagofgcloud compute instance
command tobeta.--async
flagtogcloud alpha compute instances suspend
gcloud beta ml vision suggest-crop
offers toinstall the app-engine-python-extras
ingcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates
gcloud source repos clone
whencloning adeployment - manager deployments is create create / update --config
no longer accepts--template
argument .gcloud compute project-info add-metadata/remove-metadata
gcloud beta app is deploy deploy
.gcloud sql instance import
toshow full source URI.gcloud app isdeploy deploy
forPython apps using thessl 2.7
.Forinformation about this deprecation,seegcloud app isdeploy deploy
failed at--go_debugging
toenable delve debugginggcloud deployment-manager
touse latest public API version.gcloud service - management
infavor ofgcloud endpoints
andgcloud service
.See help text fordetails.gcloud alpha bio
command group .gcloud container cluster iscreate create
.gcloud container cluster isupdate update
. These allow a user toenable/disablegcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create-with-container
gcloud beta compute instances iscreate create-with-container
gcloud beta compute instances isupdate update-container
gcloud alpha compute ssl-policies create
gcloud alpha compute ssl - policy describe
gcloud alpha compute ssl - policy list
gcloud alpha compute ssl-policies delete
gcloud alpha compute ssl - policy update
gcloud alpha compute ssl - policy list-available-features
gcloud alpha compute target - https - proxy create
gcloud alpha compute target - https - proxy update
gcloud alpha compute is create target - ssl - proxies is create create
gcloud alpha compute target - ssl - proxy update
addFirebase Test Lab support fortesting Android apps that include a
network profile setting.runtests asfollows:
gcloud firebase test android run
–network – profile=LTE # orLTE-poor,HSPA,etc.
gcloud beta pubsub topics
beta pubsub subscription
groups,which enable managing IAM policies:
set - iam - policy
get - iam - policy
add-iam - policy-binding
remove-iam - policy-binding
,--update - label
,and--remove - label
) togcloud pubsub topics iscreate create
,gcloud pubsub topics isupdate update
,gcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
,gcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update
,gcloud pubsub snapshots is create create
,gcloud pubsub snapshots is update update
inreleasegcloud ml
command inall release tracks can now be usedwith
forWindows) .It iscompute instance-templates create-with-container
,compute instances iscreate create-with-container
,andcompute instances isupdate update-container
command tobeta.--deletion - protection
flagingcloud compute instance iscreate create/update
ingcloud compute firewall-rules {describe,list,create,update}
command .--wait
flagincontainer node-pools delete
instead .gcloud alpha/beta container cluster
,to avoid failure due toincorrectgcloud sql database create
now returns withnon-zero exit code onbeta sql import csv
,to support importing data fromCSV files intobeta sql import sql
,with the eventual goal ofreplacingsql instances is import import
.gcloud beta sql instances iscreate create
andgcloud beta sql instances is patch patch
flag,for use intoggling--include-ignored-file
flagofgcloud beta
functions is deploy deploy
isnow deprecated.addsupport forusing a.gcloudignore
file instead .gcloud pubsub snapshots is create create
,gcloud pubsub snapshots is update update
,gcloud pubsub subscription iscreate create
,gcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update
,gcloud pubsub topics iscreate create
,gcloud pubsub topics isupdate update
,andgcloud pubsub subscription isupdate update
commandhave been updated:
fields have been removed fromthe output ofgcloud endpoints
andgcloud service
are now generally available.gcloud app isdeploy deploy
now uses a new runtime build pipeline todeploy apps forgcloud config set
app / use_runtime_builder false
fromthe command line.gcloud alpha compute project-info update --default - network - tier
.gcloud beta sql export csv
tosupport exporting data fromagcloud beta sql export sql
withthe eventual goal ofgcloud sql instance export
.switch - mode
command fromgcloud compute networks
,replaced by theupdate --switch - to- custom - subnet - mode
command .--force
flagis removed fromgcloud source repos delete
.--min - cpu - platform
gcloud compute instance iscreate create
gcloud compute instance isupdate update
gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
gcloud beta compute os - login
commandare now available forusing Googlegcloud compute image iscreate create
now has a--guest - os - feature
flagforgcloud compute target - vpn - gateways is update update
command .gcloud compute addresses is create create
.--node - taint
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container node - pools iscreate create
inbeta tosupport Kubernetes taints.--use-orchestrator
flagfor gcloud firebase test android run
isnowgcloud spanner database sessions is list list
(to list active sessions inagcloud spanner databases sessions delete
(to delete an active session--region
flaghas been added toall gcloud dataflow
command to--region
flag,andwillus - central1
without the is list list
command will default tolisting jobs fromall regions--region
flagis specified,at which point it will only--staging-location
flagtothe jobs run
command topermit--segments
flagfor all gcloud ml video detect- *
flagfor the gcloud compute networks iscreate create
command has been--subnet - mode
flaginstead .gcloud container image describe
command has beengcloud compute networks update
isnow generally available.--bgp-routing-mode
and--subnet - mode
flags added togcloud compute networks iscreate create
.gcloud beta compute instances iscreate create --public-ptr-*
flags andthegcloud beta compute instances isupdate update-access-config
command now available .gcloud app firewall - rule
isnow generally available.gcloud projects is create create --folder
isnow generally available.This commandgcloud kms update
isnow generally available.gcloud beta ml video detect-explicit-content
isnow available.datalab
component tothe 20171003 release.Changes inthat--credential
flagforgcloud alpha deployment - manager deployments is create create/update
commandis now--help
documents.Also,argument groupgcloud
command .python_version:3.5
element ofyourapp.yaml
configuration fileaspnetcore
runtime isnow available using gcloud app isdeploy deploy
(which is forthe Standard only) .gcloud beta compute
instance network - interface update
.Subnetwork secondary ranges can begcloud beta compute network subnet update
.gcloud alpha compute sign - url
forgenerating Cloud CDN Signed URLs.--signed-url-cache-max-age
flagtothe following alpha commandsgcloud alpha compute backend - bucket iscreate create
gcloud alpha compute backend - bucket update
gcloud alpha compute is create backend - services is create create
gcloud alpha compute backend-services update
gcloud alpha compute backend - bucket add-signed-url-key
gcloud alpha compute backend - bucket delete-signed-url-key
gcloud alpha compute backend-services add-signed-url-key
gcloud alpha compute backend-services delete-signed-url-key
gcloud beta dataproc workflow-templates
group formanaging Dataprocgcloud beta dataproc cluster get - iam - policy
andgcloud beta dataproc cluster set - iam - policy
command tomanage IAMgcloud iot
isnow inpublic beta .beta iot device create/update
flagtobeta iot registries is create create / update
.--state - pubsub - topic
flag tobeta iot registries is create create / update
iot device
credentials andrenamed existing types.beta iot devices is create create / update
.beta iot registry credential
command group andadded the--public-key-path
flagtobeta iot registries create
.beta iot devices states list
surface .gcloud compute routers update-interface
flagtobeta compute instance-groups manage create
command .--enable - network - policy
flagis now available inthegcloud beta container cluster update
command .To use this command on angcloud beta container cluster update --update-addons network-policy=ENABLED
.gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
gcloud beta container cluster update
flagis now GA,available forgcloud container cluster create
,gcloud container node - pools iscreate create
gcloud container node - pools is update update
command .--summarize
flagtogcloud ml - engine jobs describe
command .gcloud ml language analyze-entity-sentiment
isnow inGAgcloud app update
isnow available.gcloud app isdeploy deploy
now uses a new runtime build pipeline todeploy apps forruntime:java
.This enables more robust andflexible deployments insomeapp / use_runtime_builder
.gcloud container image describe
isnow available.gcloud alpha container image describe
now has additional functionalitygcloud container image list - tag
.--autoscaling - config - file
flagtogcloud beta compute
instance-groups manage set-autoscaling
flags togcloud firebase test android run
.This supports running tests withoutgcloud service - management
will soon be deprecated.
gcloud beta service
.gcloud beta endpoints services
flagingcloud sql backups delete
towork query
--destination_kms_key { key name }
.bq load
--destination_kms_key {key name}
.bq mk --destination_kms_key {key name}
command .
flags andthe --destination_table
flag andrelated
container.beta functions is deploy deploy
will set deployment-tool
label tocli - gcloud
.Manually setting labels starting with”deployment” will nogcloud meta cache list
command toview the cache.gcloud compute commitment
command group toGA.gcloud source repos
commandnow accept slashes /
inrepository name.gcloud compute xpn
command .You can now use the [json-decode] –format printer attribute toJSON
decode resource values that are compact JSON encodings. Forexample,
gcloud init
will now give the choice toenter a project id,create a
project,or list all projects if a user has a large number ofprojects.
gcloud component list
now has the --only-local-state
flagwhich shows
only locally installed components.
--max - age
,--max - idle
have beengcloud beta dataproc cluster create
.--update - label
and--remove - label
flags have been added togcloud beta function isdeploy deploy
.Thegcloud beta kms keys update
command isnew.This command allows users
toupdate a key’s labels,rotation period,next rotation time,andprimary
version.Effective withthis change,use the following commandinstead of
,set - rotation - schedule
set - primary - version
gcloud beta kms keys update --remove-rotation-schedule
toremovegcloud kms keys remove-rotation-schedule
.gcloud beta kms keys update --next - rotation - time --rotation - period
togcloud kms keys set - rotation - schedule
.gcloud beta kms keys update --primary-version
toset a key’sgcloud kms keys set - primary - version
argument has been added tocloud kms keys create
argument allows users tocreate labels during key creation.Related to
labels inCloud KMS:
gcloud beta kms keys update --update - label
tomodify a key’sgcloud beta kms keys update --remove - label
toremove a key’sThe--ssl - certificates
compute target-{https|ssl}-proxies {create|update}
has been promoted to
GA .The--ssl - certificate
flaginthe same command groups has been
deprecated.Please use--ssl - certificates
asan alternative.
Thehidden compute diagnose route
command isnow available.It enables
(trace)routing to/from VMs incompute Engine.
Thegcloud compute share - vpc
command isnow available asan alias of
gcloud compute xpn
Google container Engine’s kubectl version has been updated from1.7.4 to
Thefollowing flags are now available ingcloud beta containers create
enabling the use ofIP aliases withan existing subnetwork:
-enable - ip - alias
,--cluster - secondary - range - name
gcloud compute network subnet list
instead .Whendeploying an update toa existing function
gcloud beta function isdeploy deploy
will keep the old trigger by default.
Specifying trigger isnow require only whendeploying a new function.
addthe --retry
flagtogcloud beta function isdeploy deploy
gcloud beta function deploy
now keep old field value unless they ‘re
explicitly override .
gcloud app isdeploy deploy
now uses a new runtime build pipeline todeploy apps forruntime:nodejs
.This enables more robust andflexibleapp / use_runtime_builder
config tofalse.--bgp-routing-mode
flagingcloud beta compute networks create
andgcloud beta compute networks update
isnow available.Import andexport Cloud Datastore data using gcloud beta datastore import
andgcloud beta datastore export
.Formore information see
Manage active imports andexports using gcloud beta datastore operations
command .
gcloud alpha ml *
commandnow work withuser account authentication (indatalab
component tothe 20170818 release.Changes inthat--instance
flagfromgcloud sql operation describe
andgcloud sql operation is wait wait
argument fromgcloud sql backups describe
andthe equivalent --due-time
flag ofgcloud sql instance restore_backup
flagingcloud beta compute networks create
andgcloud beta compute networks update
has been renamed to--subnet - mode
flagis now available ingcloud compute addresses is create create
andgcloud compute forwarding_rules is create create
.gcloud compute instance iscreate create
andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
command .gcloud compute network subnets iscreate create
flags togcloud compute firewall-rules {describe,list,create,update}
command .gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create-from-container
.usegcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create-with-container
instead .gcloud alpha compute instance - templates is create create-from-container
.usegcloud alpha compute instance - templates is create create-with-container
instead .name
flags fromthe--filter
instead .
gcloud compute backend - bucket list
gcloud compute firewalls list
gcloud compute groups list
gcloud compute http - health - check list
gcloud compute https-health-checks list
gcloud compute image list
gcloud compute instance - template list
gcloud compute networks list
gcloud compute operations islist list
gcloud compute routes is list list
gcloud compute target - http - proxy list
gcloud compute url - map list
gcloud compute users is list list
instead .
gcloud compute addresses list
gcloud compute backend - service list
gcloud compute forwarding - rule list
flags fromthe following compute command .use--filter
gcloud alpha compute disk list
gcloud compute instance-groups manage list
gcloud log
command group isnow available inGA.gcloud beta log
will be removed inthree months’ time.gcloud beta app firewall - rules is create create
gcloud beta app firewall - rules is delete delete
gcloud beta app firewall - rules is describe describe
gcloud beta app firewall-rules list
gcloud beta app firewall-rules test-ip
gcloud beta app firewall-rules update
gcloud ml - engine local train
did not work on Windows.deployment manager is create create
output format .Volumes
feature added.Secrets
flags forthe following--filter
gcloud compute snapshots list
gcloud compute regions list
gcloud compute target - https - proxy list
gcloud compute ssl-certificates list
gcloud compute zones list
gcloud compute
instance-groups list
; these are--filter
flag.--pubsub - topic
flagfromgcloud beta/alpha iot
registries create/update
; this isreplaced by the --event - pubsub - topic
flag.gcloud iot credentials
command group .This isgcloud iot device credential
.gcloud iot configs
command group .This isgcloud iot devices config
.--force - create
flagfromgcloud compute
images create
.This isreplaced by the --force - GceNetwork
andremove - GceNetwork
toadd andremove Google compute-maxbadrecord
parameter toStart - BqJob
cmdlet .Fix - GkeCluster
cmdlet where-NodeVersion
parameter is--min - cpu - platform
flagtogcloud alpha container
command .gcloud alpha container cluster resize
andgcloud beta container
cluster resize
command tosafely drain nodes before removal.--logge-service
flagtogcloud beta container cluster update
toenable and--logge-service=none
flagingcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create
command todefault tologging.write,monitoring
andsupport passing an empty list.gcloud compute interconnects
command tobeta.These commandsgcloud compute update routers
where removing interfaces/peers was--security-policy
flagtogcloud beta compute backend - service update
.gcloud compute security - policy
commandnow inbeta.gcloud beta compute instance-groups manage rolling-action
command group .gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
tosupport labels--composite-type
flags togcloud deployment-manager
deployments create
.Also,added a warning whenusing --config
witha template--template
flag.This behavior will be deprecated 2017-11-08.gcloud app services set-traffic
tosupport --split-by=random
torun withOrchestrator.gcloud container image describe
tothe alpha track .gcloud beta function
:--local - path
,--source - revision
,--source - tag
; these are replace by the--source
flagfromgcloud beta function
,replaced by the --region
flag fromgcloud compute routers list name
,use --filter
instead .gcloud compute
instances iscreate create
andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
.gcloud iam surfaces
toalso accept uniqueId asservice account--node - location
flagtogcloud alpha container cluster create
gcloud alpha container cluster update
.gcloud alpha container image list
toproperly handle--project
isomitted.gcloud app isdeploy deploy
touse the new PHP Runtime Builder pipeline toapp / use_runtime_builder
config tofalse if youaetest
package now reuses http connections,fixing a bug that exhaustedappengine.NewContext()
.gcloud beta log metrics is list list
tono longer display versionbq ls
command output whenthe format
option tobq show
command that outputs thebq load
orbq mk --schema
flagtoalpha andbeta functions is deploy deploy command .gcloud beta iam roles
command group isnow available.These commands
allow you tocreate andmanipulate IAM predefined/custom roles:
gcloud beta iam roles create
gcloud beta iam roles describe
gcloud beta iam roles update
gcloud beta iam roles is copy copy
gcloud beta iam roles list
gcloud beta iam roles delete
gcloud beta iam role undelete
gcloud beta iam list-testable-permissions
isnow available.This command
allows you tolist all the permissions that apply tothe given resource,
which also includes the customrolessupportlevel
field .
fromversion 1.7.0 to1.7.2.gcloud beta log sinks list
will stop working forgcloud versions 161removethe --show-execution-ids
,and--show - timestamp
flags fromthe
gcloud alpha function logs read
andgcloud beta function logs is read read
command .
fromthe list ofdefault repositories that
gcloud docker
authenticates for.
NAME ...
flaginstead .
gcloud compute disk list
gcloud compute disk-types list
gcloud compute instance-groups unmanage list
gcloud compute instance list
gcloud compute machine - type list
gcloud compute target - instances is list list
totry it out.gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
now supportenabling authorized
networks forKubernetes Master via --enable - master - authorize - network
--master - authorize - network
gcloud beta container cluster update
now supportconfiguring authorized
networks forKubernetes Master via --enable - master - authorize - network
,and--master - authorize - network
gcloud container cluster iscreate create
now allows the Kubernetes Dashboard tobe
disabled fora new cluster via the --disable - addon=KubernetesDashboard
gcloud container cluster isupdate update
now allows the Kubernetes Dashboard tobe
disabled on existing cluster via the
gcloud beta compute image list
shows BLOCKED_BY_POLICY status forimages blocked by compute.trustedImageproject foruser project .--image - family
flagtodebian-9 forthe gcloud compute instance iscreate create
andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
command .gcloud container cluster get - credential
now correctly respects the HOMEDRIVE/HOMEPATH andUSERPROFILE environment variables whengenerating the kubectl config file .gcloud alpha compute instance-groups manage rolling-action
.Instead,use gcloud alpha compute instance-groups manage
rolling-action replace
.gcloud compute networks peerings
isnow generally available.Thealpha andgcloud alpha compute networks list-ip-owners
isnow available inthesource-service-accounts
tothegcloud beta compute firewall - rules is describe describe
,gcloud beta compute firewall - rule list
,gcloud beta compute firewall - rules is create create
,andgcloud beta compute firewall - rule update
command .--custom - extension
gcloud compute instance iscreate create
gcloud compute instance set - machine - type
gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
.gcloud alpha compute
forwarding - rule update
command .gcloud beta app update
tosupport configuring an application’sgcloud app isdeploy deploy
now allows deployments ofGo 1.8 apps on App Engineapi_version:go1.8
inyour app.yaml
.gcloud deployment - manager deployments is create create
will now delete the new deployment aftergcloud beta deployment-manager deployments create
can now create--labels
gcloud beta deployment-manager deployments update
can now--update - label
and--remove - label
flag.gcloud ml - engine models get - iam - policy
,gcloud ml - engine models set - iam - policy
,gcloud ml - engine models remove-iam - policy-binding
,andgcloud ml - engine models add-iam - policy-binding
gcloud ml language analyze-entity-sentiment
command isnow availablegcloud beta resource-manager org-policies allow
,gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies delete
,gcloud beta resource - manager org - policies is deny deny
,gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies describe
,gcloud beta resource - manager org - policies is enforce disable - enforce
,gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies enable-enforce
,gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies list
,gcloud beta resource - manager org - policy set - policy
.beta sql instances iscreate create
andbeta sql instances is patch patch
.--enable - ip - alias
,--service - ipv4 - cidr
flags tosupport IP aliases.kubectl
fromversion 1.6.6 toversion 1.7.0.--substitutions
gcloud beta log sinks
commandnow use only V2 ofthe API instead ofgcloud source repos clone
now give a warning if the repository isgcloud beta test android devices
.Please usegcloud firebase test
android models
asan alternative.--account-id
flagingcloud alpha billing projects link
to--billing - account
.Theold flagis still available but deprecated.ACCOUNT_ID
flaginthe gcloud alpha billing project
command to--billing - account
.gcloud billing accounts projects
togcloud billing projects
.gcloud billing
tobeta.Thealpha surface remains andisgcloud app instances is ssh ssh
andgcloud app instances isscp scp
toGA.Thebeta commandremaingcloud beta app is deploy deploy
; use either gcloud beta app is deploy deploy
orgcloud beta app is deploy deploy $APP_DIR
.gcloud app
,inaddition toYAML files.Ineach directory,the command uses theapp.yaml
file if present,or interactively creates one otherwise.--region
flagtobeta andGA forevery gcloud dataproc
command .--zone
,--master - machine - type
,--worker - machine - type
,--master - accelerator-type
,and--worker - accelerator-type
command inaddition toshort name; forinstance, - central1-f
asus - central1-f
.gcloud ml language
command toGA toallow the analysis oftext--labels
flagtogcloud beta sql instances iscreate create
and--update - label
,--remove - label
,and--clear - label
flags togcloud beta sql instances is patch patch
--source - instance-template
flagtogcloud beta compute instances iscreate create
gcloud beta compute instances iscreate create-from-container
toallow instancegcloud compute instance - template
command group) .--ssl - certificates
flagtogcloud alpha compute target - https - proxy create
,gcloud alpha compute target - https - proxy update
,gcloud alpha compute is create target - ssl - proxies is create create
,andgcloud alpha compute target - ssl - proxy update
toallow thestandard
--network - interface
sub – flagnetwork-tier
ingcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create
,andgcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create-from-container
.--network - tier
flagingcloud alpha compute instances
,gcloud alpha compute
instance-templates <create|create-from-container>
,andgcloud alpha
compute <addresses|forwarding - rule> create
.gcloud beta compute addresses is update update
forgcloud beta compute forwarding - rule update
for--force - create
ofgcloud compute image iscreate create
tobeta.gcloud container node-pools rollback
command toGA.Thealpha--enable - network - policy
flagtogcloud alpha container cluster
toenable network policy enforcement.kubectl
fromversion 1.6.4 toversion 1.6.6.gcloud ml - engine init-project
command .It isnogcloud beta app is deploy deploy
now uses the new PHP Runtime Builder pipeline togcloud app isdeploy deploy
remain unchanged .gcloud app
list commandwould only show the first 50 results.gcloud
forthe following Google compute Engine resourcesgcloud container is builds build
wherein object could be uploaded tothe same location,gcloud ml video
command group isnow available inthe beta track .gcloud alpha app domain-mappings
gcloud alpha app ssl - certificate
--no - launch - browser
flagtoall gcloud app is browse browse
command :
cbt ls <table>
now shows the GC policy foreach column family.gcloud compute instance set-service-account
gcloud compute disk snapshot
now waits forthe operation tofinish--zone
gcloud compute backend - service add - backend
gcloud compute backend - service remove-backend
gcloud compute backend - service update-backend
gcloud function
command group (alpha andbeta)gcloud function regions list
docker is build build
while usinggcloud kms isencrypt encrypt
andgcloud kms isdecrypt decrypt
commandfromgcloud beta app gen - config
( andgcloud app isdeploy deploy
inan app directorygcloud beta app gen - config --runtime go
togenerate an app.yaml withthegcloud beta app is deploy deploy
now uses the new Ruby Runtime Builder pipeline togcloud app isdeploy deploy
remain unchanged .gcloud sql instance patch
commandwill stop asking forconfirmation--authorized-networks
flagis being used.gcloud compute
commandthat involve--zone
flagisgcloud beta app instances scp
forsecurely copying filesgcloud beta iot
command group tothe beta release track .Commands indatalab
component tothe 20170525 release.Changes inthisgcloud beta ml
alias forgcloud beta ml-engine
gcloud ml - engine
directly.gcloud ml - engine models versions
group infavor ofthe identicalgcloud ml - engine versions
group .gcloud ml - engine
command inthe beta track now runv1
API,since the v1beta1
API isturning down.gcloud ml
command forGoogle Cloud Naturalgcloud sql is connect connect
command togcloud beta kms
.gcloud container is builds build submit
will host build logs ina bucket owned
by the Container Builder team by default,rather than one owned by the
customer.If the customer does specify a bucket,
Thecommand gcloud container is builds build submit
will no longer create that
bucket if it does not already exist.
gcloud sql instance set-root-password
isnow deprecated andwill be
removed inversion 162.0.0.Please usegcloud sql user set - password
as an alternative .
gcloud computes copy-files
isnow deprecated.usegcloud compute is scp scp
instead .note thatrecursive copy isnot turned on by default forscp
tothe invocation toturn it on.
TheISO time string format forthe DUE_TIME
argument toretrieve a backup
in gcloud beta sql backups describe
isnow deprecated infavor of
integer format (now known asthe ID
argument) .Instead ofrunning:
$ gcloud beta sql backups is describe describe 2017 – 05 – 24T00:00:00.000Z –instance a1
please run:
$ gcloud beta sql backups describe 1490238000769 –instance a1
Google App Engine components have been updated to1.9.53.
Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
TheApp Engine Flexible environment includes Python 3.6 support (beta) .
To preview this runtime,specify python_version:3.6
stanza ofyour app.yaml
file .
gcloud beta app instances is ssh ssh
now accepts remote command inthe
following fashion:gcloud beta app instances is ssh ssh -- echo hello world
commandline tool.Thetoolcbt version
command .gcloud log beta sinks create
forgcloud alpha resources list
command lists all indexed resourcesgcloud config set proxy/*
settings are now propagated togsutil.UsersThe--container
flagingcloud compute ssh
uses docker exec
instead ofnsenter
inorder toattach tocontainer.The--container
flag can be usedwith any VM instance that has docker installed.
promoteIdentity-Aware Proxy support tothe GA release track for
gcloud compute backend - service
addthe suse-sap-cloud
project tothe default public image list.
fixa bug ingcloud compute ssh
where SSH commandwere incorrectly
assembled whenusing -- [SSH_ARGS]
forpassing extra arguments and
command .
promotegcloud compute is scp scp
tothe GA release track .
addthe --custom - extension
flag to
gcloud beta compute instances iscreate create
gcloud beta compute instance set - machine - type
andgcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create
Firebase Test Lab now has beta support fortesting Android game apps
that include game test loops.You run tests asfollows:
$ gcloud beta firebase test android run –type game-loop …
To learn more,see
addsupport fornetwork shaping toalpha andbeta release tracks
for Firebase Test Lab.You can add a network profile toyour tests with
the --network - profile
flag,followed by the name ofthe network profile
you would like touse.Firebase Test Lab provides information about the
network profiles available fornetwork shaping through the list
command .You can use them asfollows:
addgcloud beta domains
command group .
addgcloud beta app domain-mappings
command group .
addgcloud beta app ssl - certificate
command group .
adda goroot specific toGo 1.6 inpreparation forthe Go 1.8 beta .
gcloud dns
which is uses use the new v2beta1 API .gcloud beta log sinks update
would remove any start time orgsutil
component toversion 4.26.gcloud sql user
toGA.modifygcloud compute instance isattach attach - disk
tooutput full urls ofzones
andmachine types instead ofoutputting just their name.
add--force - create
flagtogcloud compute image iscreate create
.Applicable to
alpha track only.
flag anddeprecated --wait
gcloud container node-pools delete
.Users should use --async
inplace of
movegcloud container operations is cancel cancel
movegcloud container node-pools rollback
addability tospecify --labels
whencreating a container Engine cluster
in gcloud alpha orbeta.These labels can be change by using the
--update - label
or--remove - label
flags now available ingcloud
.Labels will then be applied toGoogle Cloud
container cluster update
Platform resources that the cluster creates.
gcloud init
flow .BUG FIX:gcloud beta log sinks update would remove any start time orend time froma sink
gcloud beta log sinks describe now reports values ofstart_time,end_time andinclude_children
flagis now available forgcloud beta log sinks create
tocreate sinks that apply toan organization orfolder andalso toall ofits child projects andfolders.
gcloud ml - engine versions create
; this parameter allows specifying scaling settings fora version.gcloud ml speech
command torecognize spoken words inrecorded speech using the Cloud Speech API are now available inbeta.Please run gcloud beta ml speech --help
orvisit tolearn more.gcloud beta app is deploy deploy
now attempts touse the Service Management API toenable the Appengine Flexible Environment API forFlexible deployments,if needed.Before deploying a Flexible app,please ensure that the Flexible Environment API isenabled on the app’s project .
Thenew Node.js Runtime Builder pipeline will now be used todeploy apps whenusing gcloud beta app is deploy deploy
gcloud sql operation
toGA.Thebeta surface still remains andis identical.gcloud beta sql instances restore-backup
no longer accepts short flag-b
.use--backup - id
instead .bq
withGoogle compute Engine servicebq
.gcloud datapoc cluster create
now accepts the --no - address
flagrepos list
no longer reports repo size.gcloud sql database
isnow inGA.
compute instance set - machine - type
resources added.gcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create
now accepts--accelerator
flag.compute addresses create
andcompute forwarding_rules is create create
isnow inbetagcloud compute networks peerings
commandare now inalpha andbeta.kubctl
version isnow 1.6.2 instead of1.6.0gcloud beta service - management deploy
command will now scan for--force
flagis no longer supported ingcloud compute image iscreate create
.gcloud container image
isnow globally available.--force-creation
flagis no longer supported ingcloud compute image
.gcloud compute instance-groups manage abandon-instances
,gcloud compute instance-groups manage delete - instance,and
gcloud compute instance-groups manage recreate – instance` commandnowgcloud compute
backend-services create
andgcloud compute backend - service update
--cache - key - query - string - whitelist
gcloud beta compute disk add-labels
,gcloud beta compute disk remove-labels
,andgcloud beta compute disk update
command tosupport labels forcompute--instance
flagingcloud sql operation
andgcloud sql operation describe
will no longer be supported.You--start - ip - rotation
and--complete - ip - rotation
flags togcloud container cluster isupdate update
.gcloud container image list - tag
incertaingcloud beta app repair
,for restoring resources needed bycreate
whenmounting /tmp that caused.gitignore
files tonewly created user--action
,--destination - range
flags togcloud beta compute firewall-rules {describe,create,update}
command .size=SIZE
parameter tothe --local-ssd
flagforgcloud compute { instance ,instance - template } create{,-from - container }
gcloud service - management operations islist list
command inthe alpha andgcloud ml - engine
commands,whichgcloud beta ml-engine
were notgcloud app operation islist list
which resulted insporadicgcloud beta compute target - tcp - proxy
group andthegcloud container cluster iscreate create|get-credentials
will now configuregcloud component isupdate update kubectl
gcloud config is set set container / use_application_default_credential true
option togcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster isupdate update
.--set - password
options tothegcloud container cluster update
command .gcloud container image list - tag
command toconsider 10gcloud iam service - account
command .gcloud projects set - iam - policy
andgcloud organizations set - iam - policy
command toallow users toedit auditgcloud beta sql instances set-root-password
forconsistency withgcloud beta sql users set - password
.gcloud source repos
command group promoted toBeta track .* nix
will no longer attempt toupdate your RCgcloud beta log
.gcloud test
commandhave been promoted toGA andrenamedgcloud firebase test ...
. All gcloud beta test ...
argument,gcloud firebase test android run --help
andgcloud topic arg-files
directory ofnewly created instances will be persisted to/content/datalab
directory.gcloud beta ml language
command group isnow available.use commands--values
has been added togcloud beta runtime-config configs variables list
; it can be used togcloud beta sql instances iscreate create
,gcloud sql instance iscreate create
,andgcloud sql instance set-root-password
gcloud alpha compute ssh
can now connect toinstances using private IPgcloud alpha compute images create
now has a--force-creation
flag.gcloud container image is delete delete
has been modified todelete the underlying--resolve - tag - to- digest
will be require whendeletinggcloud beta function isdeploy deploy
did not work without the--region
flagspecified.gcloud ml - engine jobs issubmit submit training
toget thegcloud ml - engine local ispredict predict
now only supportgcloud component isupdate update
.This isbecause the update modifiesgcloud component isupdate update
flagwithin the query
command .selected_field
flagwithin the head
command .label
flagwithin the mk
command .gcloud alpha deployment-manager
command tothe betauntag
has been added tothe container image
command group .Inthecontainer image delete
will be modified todelete the underlying--validate - only
flagadded toservice - management deploy
commandgcloud beta kms
commandhave been promoted togeneral availabilitygcloud kms
.compute backend - bucket
command togeneral availability.--
argument must be specified between gcloud specific args on the--
flagmandatory forruntime-config configs variables
andruntime - config config waiter
gcloud kms cryptokeys
asgcloud kms keys
flagas --key
variants.alpha source repos clone
toproduce an error message if thegcloud alpha shell
tolaunch the shell.gcloud compute network subnet
toautomatically prepend exec
commandline tool toallow forcreation ofcos-cloud
project .--enable-autorepair
flag togcloud beta container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create
.gcloud projects is create create
command toGA.--format
flagfor gcloud service - management deploy
tosupport the docker client’sconfigure-docker
flagfor the gcloud test android run
commandbeta test android versions describe
andbeta test android locales describe
.gcloud ml
has been promoted toGA andrenamed gcloud ml - engine
togcloud ml - engine jobs submit prediction
to--model - dir
ingcloud ml - engine jobs submit prediction
touse modelgcloud source repos set - iam - policy
andgcloud source repos
get - iam - policy
commandnow available on alpha release track .--verbosity
flagtogcloud datalab
commandgcloud datalab
touse the latest
docker image by default,ratherlocal
image.gcloud datalab is connect connect
would seemingly hang untilenter
gcloud compute xpn
commandnow available inthe beta release track .Thesegcloud compute disk snapshot
–guest-flush flagnow generally availablegcloud compute network subnet list-usable
toalpha release track forgcloud compute
instances iscreate create
andgcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
command onkubectl
fromversion 1.5.2 to1.5.3.gcloud sql instance iscreate create
now shows a clear error message if user triesgcloud test android run
now directs the user tothe test results pagegcloud beta runtime-configs
group has been renamegcloud beta
runtime - config
.All commandpreviously under gcloud beta runtime-configs
gcloud beta runtime-config configs
command group .gcloud app isdeploy deploy
now deploys Go apps forboth Standard andFlexibleaedeploy
can now use gcloud app isdeploy deploy
gcloud app logs tail
isnow available inGA.datalab
command line tool tothe 20170215 build.This/tmp
directory outside ofthe VM’s boot disk.gcloud dataproc
isnow available inGA.--network - tier
flaghas been added tothe following command :
gcloud alpha compute addresses create
gcloud alpha compute forwarding - rule create
gcloud alpha compute instance - templates is create create
gcloud alpha compute instances is add add - access - config
gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create
gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create-from-container
gcloud alpha compute instances isupdate update-access-config
--database - version
flaghas been added togcloud sql flags list
andgcloud beta sql flags list
toallow filtering.An ‘applies to’ column hasgcloud beta sql database create
gcloud beta sql database delete
gcloud beta sql database describe
gcloud beta sql database list
gcloud beta sql database patch
--network - tier
flaghas been added tothe following command :
gcloud alpha compute addresses create
gcloud alpha compute forwarding - rule create
gcloud alpha compute instance - templates is create create
gcloud alpha compute instances is add add - access - config
gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create
gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create-from-container
gcloud alpha compute instances isupdate update-access-config
gcloud sql instance import
gcloud beta sql instances is import import
gcloud beta sql instances is failover failover
gcloud sql instance promote-replica
gcloud beta sql instances promote-replica
gcloud sql instance reset-ssl-config
gcloud beta sql instances reset-ssl-config
gcloud sql instance restart
gcloud beta sql instances is restart restart
gcloud sql ssl - certs is delete delete
gcloud beta sql ssl-certs delete
gcloud beta sql users delete
gcloud compute backend - service
now requires an explicit scope.--global
toretain the old behavior.deployment-manager deployments {update,stop,cancel-preview}
can take--fingerprint
flagtoensure optimistic locking.gcloud deployment - manager runtime - config
command group isnow availablegcloud runtime-configs
.gcloud app instances islist list
where instances were always listed--container
flagtogcloud beta app instances is ssh ssh
,which lets youvm:true
have been deprecated.Please update your app.yamlenv:flex
.To learn more,please visitdatalab
tool now support a --quiet
,but--log - level
flag.datalab is create create
anddatalab is connect connect
commandare more intelligentgcloud function
commandare now available inthe beta release track asgcloud beta function
.gcloud beta spanner
command group .gcloud sql instance iscreate create
andgcloud sql instance patch
now support--memory
flag.gcloud beta sql backups delete
) .gcloud beta sql backups delete
togcloud beta compute instances iscreate create
.gcloud beta compute accelerator - type
isnow available inbeta.gcloud beta app instances is ssh ssh
isnow available inbeta.gcloud beta app is deploy deploy
failed while deploying Go apps.--job-dir
flagfor gcloud beta ml jobs is submit submit training
flagis only require injobs submit training
flagtoml jobs submit training
gcloud beta deployment-manager runtime-configs
isnow available inbeta.--only-project-sinks
flagfor gcloud log--only-v2-sinks
gcloud beta ml jobs is submit submit training
has been removed.Pleasegcloud beta app log tail
command .gcloud beta iam service - account sign-jwt
isnow available inbeta.gcloud beta iam service - account keys get-public-key
isnow available inbackend-buckets
command tothe beta release track .gcloud beta sql backups restore
gcloud sql instance restore-backup
gcloud beta sql instances restore-backup
bq ls
begins failing,datalab is create create
command is ensure will ensuredatalab-notebook
Cloud Source Repository existsdatalab/notebook
flagtothe datalab is create create
command .gcloud preview app
andgcloud preview datastore
have been removed.Commands are available under thegcloud app operation
isnow inGA.--region
flagingcloud beta ml models create
toset thegcloud beta ml operations
command .gcloud beta ml local train --distribute
did not work with--scope
format ingcloud compute instance iscreate create
format consistent withgcloud compute set - scope
format ingcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
format consistent withgcloud compute set - scope
fromversion 1.5.1 to1.5.2.gcloud docker
filters.gcloud beta kms crytpokeys set - rotation - schedule
.gcloud alpha search-help
isnow available inalpha.gcloud alpha search-help [TERM]
tofind gcloud commandwhose help textgcloud ml jobs submit training
now supportpackages already inGoogle--package
flag.gcloud debug
command group isnow available inGA.docker-credential-gcr configure-docker
has been fixed.gcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
gcloud beta log sinks create
andgcloud beta log sinks update
isnow true.Please consult thegcloud log write
.logging beta metrics create
andlog beta metric update
commandhave change their flags andnode_modules
by default,but no longer skip other hidden files bygcloud compute target-pools set-backup --backup-pool
andgcloud compute project-info set-usage-bucket --bucket
flags now warn if you--no-backup-pool
and--no-bucket instead
.gcloud alpha bigtable
command group; pleasegcloud beta bigtable
forall Cloud Bigtable operations.--location
option toseveralgcloud beta debug
commands,to separate out the processing ofresource IDsdatalab
script .gcloud beta kms
command forkey management.--billing - account
flagtogcloud log isread read
gcloud beta ml jobs is submit submit training
now take a--scale - tier
flag.gcloud beta ml jobs submit prediction
.gcloud app instances is describe describe
. –servicegcloud beta app is deploy deploy
now uses multi-threading rather thanbeta
command out .gcloud app versions is migrate migrate
isnow GA.gcloud app instances delete
isnow GA.gcloud beta app operations
command .gcloud beta app instances is delete delete
command .gcloud beta compute images is create create
now has a--guest - os - feature
fordeetails) for
gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create
gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create-from-container
gcloud alpha compute instance - templates is create create
gcloud alpha compute instance - templates is create create-from-container
gcloud beta compute instances iscreate create
gcloud beta compute instance - templates iscreate create
--custom - extension
flagto:gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create
,gcloud alpha compute instance set - machine - type
,andgcloud alpha compute instance - templates is create create
flagfor gcloud alpha compute url-maps invalidate-cdn-cache
is--validate - only
flagadded togcloud service - management deploy
flaghas been renamed to--trigger-path
specifier isno longer necessary) .Theold flaghas beengcloud alpha functions isdeploy deploy
.gcloud alpha functions get-logs
command .--trigger - topic
,and--trigger - gs - uri
togcloud alpha functions isdeploy deploy
command line tool component isnow available.See:gcloud datastore create-indexes
andcleanup - index
are now gadocker-credential-gcr
has been upgraded tov1 .3 andnow supports dockerdocker-credential-gcr
will nowdocker-credential-gcr
docker-credential-gcr configure-docker
toconfigure yourdocker-credential-gcr
toauthenticate operations ongcloud alpha deployment - manager deployments is create create
flags respectively) .key:val,foo:bar
flaginallgcloud deployment-manager
command .Theold key = val ,foo = bar
syntax isIntroduce –(no-)force-key-file-overwrite flags toall gcloud commandusing
SSH key files.These new flags control overwrite behavior whenSSH key files
are broken.Without these flags,interactive sessions will ask for
confirmation before regenerating key files.Old non-interactive behavior
(permissive) isdeprecated andwill be removed in6 months.To preserve old
behavior inyour scripts,use new flag–force-key-file-overwrite
(though this isdiscouraged) .
Credential store format forservice accounts has change.Your credentials
will get auto-upgraded tonew format upon usage; however,if gcloud is
downgraded toprevious version those credentials will not be usable andusers
will have toreactivate their service account.
gcloud beta ml jobs is submit submit training
isnow blocking by default.usethe--async
flagtofinish immediately afterjob submission.gcloud compute instance iscreate create
creates instance withno scopes by defaultcompute target - ssl - proxy list
deprecated --regex
andname argument .--filter
flaginstead .gcloud compute isconnect connect - to- serial - port
allows forinteractive connections tocompute instances set-scopes
command fromalpha tobeta.gcloud app describe
isnow GA.gcloud beta app instances is delete delete
,which deletes a specific App Enginegcloud beta app versions migrate
(Flexible Environment) instances togcloud app instances enable-debug
andgcloud app instances disable-debug
.Please refer togcloud beta container cluster iscreate create --help
andgcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create --help
formore details.gcloud alpha container node-pools rollback <pool-name>
command .gcloud alpha container node-pools rollback --help
formore details.gcloud dataflow job
command group now has the following command inGA:gcloud alpha functions get-logs
command .gcloud alpha functions isdeploy deploy
command .gcloud beta ml jobs is submit submit training
:Fix crash when--package
was notgcloud alpha functions isdeploy deploy
--trigger - provider
flag.gcloud alpha functions event-types list
command .gcloud beta ml model version
command group has been moved togcloud beta ml version
.Theold commandstill work,but are deprecated.--origin
flagfor the gcloud beta ml version create
command nowgs://
) paths.gcloud beta ml jobs training
now take acomma-separated listgcloud compute instance iscreate create --scope
flag.gcloud container image describe
has some breaking changes toitsgcloud service - management
instead ofgcloud beta service - management
.gcloud config get-value
isnow GA.gcloud beta service - management undelete
.gcloud beta container image describe
tolist container analysis data.gcloud container is builds build ...
are now ga.gcloud organization ...
are now ga.gcloud organizations is update update
.gcloud beta ml local predict
todo local prediction.gcloud beta ml predict
.gcloud app instances is describe describe
isnow GA.gcloud app services describe
isnow GA.gcloud app logs is read read
will now show request logs by default aswell asgcloud beta app is describe describe
,which prints information about the currentgcloud beta app is deploy deploy
can now deploy go apps,without the use ofaedeploy
goapp deploy
.Both App Engine Standard andFlexible environments areruntime:custom
,you will needapp/gsutil
.Affected users are warnedgcloud app isdeploy deploy
withinstructions on how toupdate theirpython_version:3.4
inthe runtime_config
stanza ofyourapp.yaml
flagtogcloud alpha compute forwarding - rule create
.gcloud deployment - manager deployments is describe describe
.--service - account
flagtogcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
.gcloud service - management deploy
command now supportproviding multiplegcloud container list - tag
command tosupport user-specifiedgcloud organizations is update update
isnow deprecated.python_version:3.5
inthe runtime_config
gcloud beta app services describe
command,which printsgcloud info --run-diagnostics
flagis now available todiagnose commongcloud init
now has a--skip - diagnostic
flag.gcloud app iscreate create
command,which creates an App Engine app inthegcloud app regions list
command,which lists support forApp Enginegcloud app isdeploy deploy
now offers tocreate an App Engine app interactively,ifnull_marker
flagwithin the load
command .gcloud compute instance-groups manage delete
shows clean error messagegcloud alpha container is builds build
promoted tobeta.Thefollowing has change:
Thealpha commandwill remain,as is,until at least March of2017.
regional instance groups are now ga.gcloud compute instance-groups manage
Customer-Supplied Encryption Keys (CSEK) forimage creation isnow GA.See for
gcloud beta debug logpoint list
command .--network
forthe same networkgcloud alpha container operations cancel
command . Seegcloud alpha container operations is cancel cancel --help
formore details.New-GcsObject
parameter optional whenuploading a file .GcsObject
toWrite - GcsObject
cmdlet .addPowerShell provider forGoogle Cloud Storage; allows navigation of
Google Cloud Storage buckets asif they were a local file system.
Whenusing Cloud Tools forPowerShell cd
into gs:\ andtype dir
Learn more at
App Engine updated to1.9.45.Java SDK updated to1.9.44.
Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
gcloud config configuration create
will now automatically activate
specified empty configuration.usegcloud config set
topopulate its
addsupport forcreating new cluster andnodepools on preemptible
VM instances inBeta by adding --preemptible
gcloud beta container cluster iscreate create --help
gcloud beta container node - pools iscreate create --help
formore details.
fixa bug ingcloud alpha container cluster update
prevented disabling cluster autoscaling.Cluster autoscaling
can now be disabled by running:
gcloud alpha container cluster update --disable-autoscaling
updatekubectl toversion 1.4.1.
bq query --label "foo:bar" "select 123"
command outputs any labels set on a job.alpha compute instances iscreate create
,alpha compute instance-images create
command .By defaultApp Engine:Thegcloud app isdeploy deploy
command no longer blocks whenstopping the
previous version; this should speed up deployment times.Instructions for
checking the status ofthe stop-version operation are included inthe command
output .
supportramdisk volumes inApp Engine flexible environments Alpha.
alpha functions regions list
command .gcloud beta ml predict
toread files inutf-8 encoded text format.gcloud alpha project create
command .addnew key to–network – interface inalpha compute instances iscreate create
andalpha compute instance-images create
Make flag–network – interface visible inalpha compute instances iscreate create
andalpha compute instance-templates create
command .
Fix a bug ingcloud beta container image list-tags
addsupport forkubernetes labels on new cluster andnodepools by passing
--node - label=label1=value1,label2=value2...
gcloud container cluster iscreate create --help
gcloud container nodepools create --help
formore details and
gcloud alpha bigtable
commandare deprecated andwill be removed ingcloud beta bigtable
command .gcloud beta ml jobs stream-logs
JOB [–allow-multiline-logs]The–replacement flagis no longer require inthe
gcloud compute image deprecate
command .
add–create – disk flagtogcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create
add–create – disk flagtogcloud alpha compute instance - templates is create create
bug is fixed fix .gcloud auth application-default
commandare now inGA.gcloud auth login
no longer writes Application Default Credentials,usegcloud auth application - default login
instead .Java apps that have no app.yaml file are now auto-detected based on a
WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml file whenlaunching the dev_appserver.
fixtimestamp processing issue
( in
gcloud app logs is read read
flagtogcloud alpha functions isdeploy deploy
toallowaddgcloud beta ml local train
command which runs user code locally and
injects the environment variables necessary forrunning distributed TensorFlow
jobs insubprocesses.
gcloud beta ml jobs is submit submit training
now take apath toa python package,
andeither (1) builds fromthe file at the package root,or (2)
generates a file andbuilds the package.It then uploads the
generated tar.gz archives toGoogle Cloud Storage.
Internal load balancing isnow inbeta.
Cloud Source Repositories control scope isnow included inthe list ofdefault
scopes granted tonewly created instances andinstance templates.
addmulti-nic support togcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create
gcloud alpha compute instance - templates is create create
Can now create temporary cluster withall kubernetes alpha features enabled
using gcloud alpha container cluster create --enable - kubernete - alpha
addsupport forkubernetes labels on new cluster andnodepools by passing
--node - label=label1=value1,label2=value2...
gcloud alpha container cluster create --help
gcloud alpha container nodepools create --help
formore details and
docker-credential-gcr config --help
formore details.gcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
flag--preemptible - worker - boot - disk - size
gcloud beta ml predict
command todo online prediction.gcloud beta ml jobs submit prediction
command tosubmit batch--storage-size
Sets storage size inGB.--maintenance-release-channel
Sets production orpreview channel for--maintenance - window - day
Sets day ofweek formaintenance window.--maintenance-window-hour
Sets hour ofday formaintenance window.--maintenance - window - any
( patch is Clears only ) clear maintenance window setting .TheHTTP error messages forthese command groups have change toa common
gcloud dns
gcloud genomic
gcloud log
Some command groups have not change yet.That should happen inthe next
release.You can use --log-http
tosee the details ofall HTTP requests and
responses on the standard error.
flagtogcloud compute backend - service
command .gcloud alpha compute instance - group manage update - instance
andstop-proactive-update - instance
command .gcloud beta debug source gen - repo - info - file
command,which generatesgcloud container image
command group isnow available inthe betacore/custom_ca_certs_file
property toallow use ofa custom CAgcloud alpha bigquery
isno longer available. To use BigQuery,use the bq
addsupport tochange the default service account on a compute Engine project
(alpha release) via the following command :
gcloud alpha compute project - info set - default - service - account
supportmultiple network interface cards in
gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create
command .
addgcloud alpha compute instance set - scope
command .
docker-credential-gcr configure-docker
afterupdating.gcloud log create
andgcloud log update
echo back the writergcloud deployment - manager is manifests manifest describe
withno manifest specified willgcloud beta emulators datastore start
now defaults tothe new version ofthegcloud alpha dataflow
command .See Google Cloudgcloud alpha dataflow
command :
jobs is list list
command now has a”status” filter.This change islog list
command .This dumps the log messages created fromthemetrics is tail tail
tometrics list
.metrics list
–origin flagto–source.This can be either “user”metrics list
–transform flag.This filters all metrics that prefixjobs is list list
–job-name is list list
–uri flag.deployment-manager deployments create
witha template file will copygcloud component install docker-credential-gcr
followed bydocker-credential-gcr configure-docker
inorder toconfigure docker.You maydocker pull
)gcloud compute instance stop
–discard – local – ssd flag.gcloud config get-value
isnow available inthe BETA release track .gcloud beta sql backups create
gcloud beta sql backups create
gcloud beta sql instances is failover failover
gcloud beta sql instances iscreate create
gcloud beta sql instances is patch patch
Thegcloud beta app regions is list list
command isnow available.It shows support
for the standard andflexible environments foreach geographical region.
gcloud app versions is describe describe
now shows more extensive information about the
deployed version,including the container used forApp Engine Flexible.
Built-in versions will no longer appear whenlisting App Engine versions
(gcloud app version list
) .
gcloud alpha ml jobs submit training
command tostart a Cloud MLcompute networks switch - mode
andcompute networks expand-ip-range
commandsgcloud container
commandis now GA.gcloud deployment-manager deployments
will now display INTENT
whenaddgcloud beta app instances isdescribe describe
,which shows information about a
running App Engine Flexible instance.
addnew flags togcloud alpha functions isdeploy deploy
,hide flags that are being
replaced withnew flags,log a warning whensomeone uses a flagtobe
gcloud init
now has an opt-in forlisting all user projects,whichgcloud alpha ml model versions
group tomanage Cloud ML model versions.gcloud alpha ml model
group tomanage Cloud ML modelsgcloud alpha ml jobs
group tomanage Cloud ML training andpredictiongcloud genomic pipelines run
command is uses now use the default computegcloud beta pubsub subscription create
gcloud beta compute backend - service
command .waitFor
field .Cloud SDK is supports support run App Engine Standard Go
application .
gcloud app instances disable-debug
now deletes the instance rather than
restarting it.newinstance(s) may spawn based on the app’s scaling settings.
--preemptible - worker - boot - disk - size
flag togcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
.gcloud compute backend - service
session affinity flags have been promotedcontainer/use_client_certificate
property default value tofalse
.This makes the gcloud container cluster iscreate create
andgcloud container cluster get - credential
commandconfigure kubectl
togcloud alpha dataflow job drain
command .Thedrain
commandgcloud beta error-reporting events report
command forreportingadda gcloud beta emulator bigtable env - init
command toexport
environment variables require tocommunicate withthe bigtable emulator.
ThePub/Sub emulator now correctly starts the push loops whencreating a push
gcloud dns
now supportCAA records.gcloud alpha compute instance-groups manage wait-for-stable
command waits
until all current_action
fields are set tonone andthere are only no
inmanage instance group .
gcloud compute xpn
commandnow available inthe alpha release track .These
commands configure cross-project networking.
gcloud compute network subnet {get,set}-iam - policy
commandnow available
in alpha.
gcloud auth login
will stop writing application default credentials ina
future release.See:
for more information.
Command line flagabbreviations are now deprecated andproduce warning
messages.Flag abbreviations will be completely disabled inrelease 130.0.0.
This pre-empts the problem offuture flagadditions making some flag
abbreviations ambiguous,possibly breaking scripts.
gcloud beta sql users
command group with commandthat enablegcloud alpha project update
now support label .delete
command tothe gcloud alpha container image
commandgcloud beta emulators start bigtable
command forstarting agcloud alpha compute backend-services
andforwarding - rule
support the internal load balancing scheme.Please use
--load - balance - scheme=internal
flagwhen creating these resources.
Inaddition gcloud alpha compute forwarding - rule create
flagtoallow forwarding tointernal load balancers.
Beta release ofcompute connect-to-serial-port
command for
Interactive Serial Console support.See
for details.
gcloud beta sql instances iscreate create
support new database type mysql_5_7 .Regional Managed Instance Groups commandare now inbeta.
target - ssl - proxy
commandare now inbeta.
Connection-based load balancing commandare now inbeta.
flag to
gcloud beta compute backend - service
command .
command group isnow inbeta.
gcloud alpha container is builds build create
command now supportusing--config
flag.gcloud alpha dataflow list - message
datetime values are now displayed inThegcloud app
surface isnow available inthe GA andbeta release tracks.
Please usegcloud app
instead ofgcloud preview app
(some features only
available inthe beta release track) .
addgcloud app open - console
command,which opens the App Engine dashboard
in a web browser.
gcloud alpha container is builds build
command group creates andmanages--preemptible - worker - boot - disk - size
flag,which allows configurationgcloud beta dataproc cluster create
.addgcloud beta bigtable instance
group tomanage Bigtable instances.
addgcloud beta bigtable cluster
group tomanage Bigtable cluster
Known issue:gcloud beta bigtable instance iscreate create
isan asynchronous
operation by default andwill not block withorwithout the --async
( Google compute Engine )Thedebian-7
aliases have been removed,as Debian 7 has reached end-of-life
( Google compute Engine )The--port-range
flaginthe gcloud compute
command has been deprecated; please use the
forwarding - rule create
flaginstead .At this time only consecutive ports can be
( Google compute Engine )gcloud alpha compute rolling-updates
have been deprecated andremoved.
(Google container Engine) The--wait
flagfor the gcloud container
command group isnow deprecated; please use the
instead .
gcloud init
.gcloud compute backend - service {create,update} --enable-cdn
flaghas beengcloud compute url - map invalidate - cdn - cache
has been promoted frombeta--remote - traffic - selector
flagingcloud compute vpn-tunnels create
,gcloud preview app version describe
command .--manifest - id
flag:gcloud beta deployment-manager deployments update
deployment-name --manifest - id=MANIFEST-ID
gcloud docker
now respectthe $DOCKER_CONFIG
environment variableenv - unset
command which prints theenv-init
command .( Google compute Engine )deprecatedthe use ofimage aliases.Please use
image families instead .See for
more details.
(Google App Engine) removethe deprecated andunused --force
gcloud app isdeploy deploy
(Google Cloud Debugger) removegcloud alpha debug
command group; debug
commands are now accessible solely using gcloud beta debug
TheCustomer-Supplied Encryption Keys (CSEK) feature forGoogle compute
Engine disks isnow available inthe GA release track .See for
more details.
addautocompletion forthe URL map name in
gcloud compute url - map invalidate - cdn - cache
addgcloud alpha compute networks switch - mode
command .
addgcloud alpha compute network subnet expand-ip-range
command .
add--remote - traffic - selector
flag,which allows specifying a list of
CIDR blocks tobe usedduring IKE\IPsec traffic selectors negotiation,to
gcloud beta compute vpn - tunnels create
fixgcloud compute routes is list list
command todisplay vpn-tunnel as
Parallelized source file uploads ingcloud preview app is deploy deploy
increased speed.To revert tothe old behavior inevent ofa problem,please
run gcloud config set app/num_file_upload_processes 1
andreport an issue here:
Google App Engine components updated to1.9.38.
Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
addsupport forManaged VMs instances in
gcloud preview app instances is enable enable - debug
gcloud preview app instances disable-debug
variable was set anddiffered from% userprofile%
_ delete - topic _
are not set.gcloud compute ssh
no longer generates keys wheninvoked with–plain flag.gcloud compute routers
isnow GA.gcloud genomic pipelines run
command supports passing “inputs” andgcloud projects
surface .gcloud docker
commandnow take less time toexecute whenthe docker clientThe--docker - build
flag andrelated app/docker_build
property,as well as
app / use_cloud_build
property have been deprecated andwill be removed ina
future release.By default,docker images are built remotely using Google
Container Builder.To perform a docker build on a different host,you can run:
docker is build build -t .
gcloud docker push
gcloud preview app is deploy deploy –image-url=project/service.version
flagtogcloud compute image iscreate create
.gcloud alpha genomics datasets/callsets
name argument isa flag,gcloud alpha genomic pipelines is run run
command now accepts “zones”gcloud alpha genomic datasets is restore restore / update
andvariantsets delete/describe
now take string IDs instead ofints.gcloud deployment - manager deployments is describe describe
output only reports errorsgcloud docker
commandare now less verbose during the authenticationgcloud container cluster isupdate update
command now GA.gcloud container node-pools
commandare now GA.gcloud compute ssh
tocontrol the StrictHostKeyCheckinggcloud beta compute
instances start
.(in beta track)gcloud alpha service-registry
.(alpha track)gcloud alpha deployment-manager runtime-configs
.Alpha commandfor--legacy
flagtogcloud beta emulators datastore.Theflagis set--no - legacy
uses a new version ofthe Cloud Datastoregcloud alpha orgranizations
.(alpha track)gcloud iam
command group isnow available inGA.Thegcloud beta iam
--docker - build=local
flaginthe gcloud preview app
command withdocker version 1.10+.note thatlocal docker buildsgcloud beta container
command(e.g.container is create create
) now supportgcloud container cluster list
command now sorts the cluster based ongcloud container cluster iscreate create
command now allows specifyinggcloud compute backend - service
backend commandnow supportgenomics variantsets create
command now support the–name andgenomics variantsets delete
command displays the name ofthe variantvariantsets describe/list
commanddisplay variant set nameThegcloud debug
command group isnow inBeta.gcloud alpha compute autoscaler
command group .gcloud compute backend - service add - backend
–groupgcloud compute copy - file
now exits withthe return code ofthe calledscp
process.gcloud beta compute disk snapshot
command .gcloud container resize
command now supportmulti-zone cluster.gcloud beta error - report events is delete delete
command tocleanupgcloud preview app modules get-logs
command isnow deprecated.Pleasegcloud preview app logs read
instead .gcloud preview app is deploy deploy
tofail whenrun fromadeprecateduser property files (~/.config/gcloud/properties) will no longer
be read by gcloud. If you are not already using configuration
properties will be automatically migrated foryou. No action isrequire on
your part.
flagnow supports four more transforms:extract
gcloud alpha debug snapshots is wait wait
command .gcloud alpha compute instance-groups manage list-instances
columns.gcloud alpha genomic variant describe/delete/update
commandnow acceptgcloud container cluster resize
now allow specify a node pool .gcloud alpha debug
command surface toallow control ofthegcloud preview app modules
commandare now deprecated (see “Google Appmodule
parameter inapplication .yaml files isnow deprecated (see “Google--format
printer legend attributes are now deprecated (see “Cloud SDK”--filter
flag.gcloud preview app modules
commandare now deprecated (exceptgcloud preview app modules get-logs
) .Please usethe just-addedgcloud preview app version
,gcloud preview app services
,andgcloud preview app instances
command instead .maxretrialsexception
forgcloud preview app is deploy deploy
directory presentgcloud preview app is deploy deploy
where --docker - build=local
didapp / use_cloud_build
was enabled.--no-creation-retries
flagtocompute instance-groups manage resize
gcloud container cluster iscreate create
now allows specifying multiple zoneshealth-checks
command forprotocol HTTP2 have been removed.
Rename the alpha compute url-maps
list - cache - invalidation
subcommands toinvalidate-cdn-cache
Suppress progress tracker animations if not outputting toa terminal.
gcloud component list
now support the--filter
flag andqueries like:
gcloud component list --filter=id:app-engine-java
gcloud config set app/use_gsutil true
.gcloud init
no longer offers toclonegcloud source repos clone
at any time afterrunninggcloud init
.gcloud beta compute
commandnow support image families.gcloud preview app is deploy deploy
can set the timeout forthekubectl component isnow available forWindows (64-bit only) .
gcloud alpha container cluster update
now allows enabling/disabling
addons forcontainer Engine cluster via --update-addons
gcloud container cluster iscreate create
now supportdisabling
HPA andIngress controller addons via --disable - addon
gcloud alpha genomic variant import
now supportconfigurable variant infogcloud preview app gen - config
toauto-generate the necessary configurationThegcloud alpha container nodepools
commandhave been renamed to
.Functionality andparameters haven’t change.
gcloud beta iam list-grantable-roles
now returns a list ofroles instead of
a dictionary witha single key ‘roles’ withthe value ofa list ofroles.
gcloud config configuration describe
output has change toinclude the
configuration name
fields.All configuration properties are
now part ofthe properties
field .
use ofthe Google Container Builder service isnow enabled by default for
all manage VMs deployments.
This change may require you toenable the Container Builder API.Visit*project_id*;
toenable it,where project_id isyour current project ID.
updateGoogle App Engine components to1.9.34.
Please visit the following release notes fordetails:
addgcloud compute backend - service
session affinity command .
addgcloud compute http-health-checks
command .
addgcloud alpha compute target - ssl - proxy
command .
extendgcloud compute forwarding - rule
tosupport target - ssl - proxy
gcloud preview app is deploy deploy
deployments that promote the new version to
receive all traffic will stop the previous version by default.
To keep the previous behavior,pass the --no-stop-previous-version
orrun the following command:
$ gcloud config is set set app / stop_previous_version false
gcloud command --flag
becomes gcloud command --flag ''
(for list- andgcloud beta iam list-grantable-roles
command forgivengcloud topic configuration
forinformation on how touserouters
surface moved tobeta andis now accessible viagcloud beta compute routers
flagtogcloud dataproc cluster iscreate create
.genomics alpha operations cancel
assumes the operations/
prefix if notRelease 95.0.0 introduced a bug that generated corrupt keys forWindows gcloud
compute ssh|copy-files.Any keys generated on Windows between 95.0.0 and
97.0.0 inclusive are rejected by ssh servers.gcloud compute
has been
changed to:
Users should no longer get “gsutil ImportError:No module named google”
gcloud alpha compute routers
now requires manual configuration ofinterfaces
togcloud alpha compute routers is create
flagtogcloud container cluster upgrade
Google App Engine components updated to1.9.32.Please visit the following
release notes fordetails:
Python –
Java –
Thegcloud preview app gen - config
command now offers toautomatically update
the runtime field inapp.yaml if necessary.
gcloud beta iam
command group has launched.config configuration delete
command now takes multiple configurationgcloud compute networks iscreate create --mode=legacy
tocreate non-subnetgcloud compute copy - file
andgcloud compute ssh
on Windows now useaddgcloud compute network subnet
flagtogcloud compute networks iscreate create
flagtogcloud compute instance iscreate create
gcloud compute iscreate instance - templates iscreate create
flagtogcloud compute vpn-tunnels create
gcloud projects update|undelete|delete
have been moved tobeta.addnested table formatting by
FORMAT-STRING can be any format (json,table,…) .
Try:gcloud compute instance list
addlist field aggregation formatting (similar tonested formatting) by
.Whenthe main table
has no columns each nested format isaggregated into a single list.
Try:gcloud compute instance list
gcloud alpha compute url-maps list - cache - invalidation
command .Google App Engine components updated to1.9.31.Please visit the following
release notes fordetails:
Python –
Java –
flagtogcloud preview app gen - config
tospecify a runtime
when a directory identifies asmultiple runtimes.This flagcan be usedin
conjunction with--custom
gcloud container cluster describe
commandnow notify the usergcloud beta log write
andgcloud beta log logs delete
commandnowgcloud beta log write
command now uses thegcloud beta dataproc cluster create
now support--tag
addcommands get - iam - policy
,set - iam - policy
,add-iam - policy-binding
andremove-iam - policy-binding
forthe gcloud beta projects
surface .
addthe gcloud projects list
command that can be used tolist projects.
kubectrl upgraded to1.1.4.
gcloud beta dataproc cluster create
now support--propertie
properties forinstalled packages.
Datastore emulator’s DATASTORE_LOCAL_HOST
environment variable change to
gcloud source repos clone
now support--dry - run
flagtoshow equivalent
git command .
gcloud preview app is deploy deploy
changedeployments toset the deployed versions toreceive all traffic
for their modules by default.
To keep the old behavior (traffic split remains the same),use the
--no - promote
flagor run
gcloud config is set set app / promote_by_default true
Note that your old versions are still running,andmust be stopped
manually.This behavior will change ina future release.
removedeprecated --set - default
flag. Please use--promote
instead .
gcloud preview app is deploy deploy
:removedeprecated --env - var
Theoutput ofthe gcloud preview app module list
command has been
changed toinclude the traffic split percentage instead ofthe ‘default
version’ field .
removedeprecated gcloud preview app modules cancel-deployment
command .
This command isno longer necessary due torecent improvements inthe
Deployment API.
removedeprecated gcloud preview app modules download
command .
This command isno longer necessary due torecent improvements inthe
Deployment API.
removedeprecated gcloud preview app is run run
command .Please use
instead .
changebehavior ofthe --zone
flaginthe gcloud dns record - set
command group .This flagcan no longer precede the command .Forinstance,
gcloud dns record - set -z=mz list
will not work,but
gcloud dns record - set list -z=mz
will .
option forsql instances set-root-password
password now does not include trailing newline frompassword file .This
matches the documented behavior,but not the previous behavior.
fromthe results ofgcloud config list
since it isnot a property that can be set.You can continue touse the
gcloud config configuration
command toview andmanage your
addgcloud config
proxy settings.Users can configure gcloud
touse a
proxy via the following settings:
gcloud config proxy / address
gcloud config proxy/password
gcloud config proxy/port
gcloud config proxy/type
gcloud config proxy/username
components toDebian packages.
removeunused config properties:app / hosted_registry
,app / host
app / admin_host
fixbug where initial deployments using --image-url
changegcloud preview app module set_default
command touse the App
Engine Admin API.
changegcloud preview app module list
command touse the App Engine
Admin API.
gcloud compute replica - pool
has been removed.gcloud compute resource - view
has been removed.gcloud preview app is deploy deploy
argument forgcloud preview app is deploy deploy
isnow optional.If notapp.yaml
inthe current directory; if that--force
argument togcloud preview app is deploy deploy
isnow deprecated andwillgcloud container
commandthat poll long running operations (e.g create,gcloud compute instance-groups manage set-target-pools
command .remove flag--container - ipv4 - cidr
forgcloud container cluster iscreate create
please use --cluster - ipv4 - cidr
instead .
renamegcloud alpha compute vpn - tunnels is create create --ike-networks
gcloud alpha compute resource-views
commandwill soon be removed.Please
use gcloud compute instance-groups unmanage
command instead .
gcloud alpha compute replica-pools
commandwill soon be removed.Please
use gcloud compute instance-groups
command instead .
coregcloud init
git repository clone option.It now takesgcloud alpha bq query "select * from..."
commandfixgcloud alpha compute instance set - machine - type
failure when
supplying custom cpu/custom memory,but no zone.
adda new scope alias forCloud Monitoring:monitoring-write
.This scope
is on by default inall new VMs.
flagtogcloud dns record - set import
component to4.16.updatekubectl toversion 1.1.2.
Increased gcloud container cluster iscreate create/delete
timeouts from20m to
flagtogcloud container cluster iscreate create
creation ofcontainer cluster can now be created ina Google compute Engine
subnetwork ( .
Thegcloud preview app is run run
command has now been removed.Please usethe
script directly instead .
App Engine:The’version’ and’application’ fields inmodule andconfiguration
files are now illegal.Project name should instead be specified either by
gcloud config set project MY_PROJECT
orby setting the --project
individual command executions.Versions are generated automatically by default
but can also be manually specified by setting the --version
individual command executions.
Don’t do runtime identification forcustom runtimes during deploy.This fixes
issue #387.
script no longer requires the installation ofall App
Engine components.It will install only the necessary ones at run time.
Fixes #273
addthe gcloud component install
command . This allows you toinstall
missing components at the version ofthe SDK you currently have (it does not
update your SDK installation) . gcloud component isupdate update
should now only be
used toupdate your SDK tothe latest version.
Fixes #293 related SSL
certificate validation issues.
usezsh builtins forfaster/cleaner shell startup.
gcloud alpha compute instances iscreate create
now support–custom – cpu andGenerated node.js dockerfiles now add the full application context before
running install hooks.
ForGoogle App Engine Node.js runtimes,install requested version ofnode
prior todoing an npm install.
gcloud beta compute instance set - machine - type
has been promoted fromalphagcloud alpha compute networks is create create
now requires –mode flag.addthe –output-directory option togen-repo-info-file command .This option
supersedes –output-file,which isdeprecated andwill be removed ina future
Improved error message whenspecified yaml file isnot found.
Launching gcloud alpha compute network subnet
gcloud compute alpha instance-templates
now support
new flag–ike-networks ingcloud alpha compute vpn - tunnels is create create
gcloud compute ssh
now passes through the exit code ofthe ssh command .This
fixes issue #146.
Due toPageSpeed service deprecation,user will receive a warning when
deploying a new version toApp Engine.
Implemented fingerprinting support forJava.
Thegen-config flagnow generates only app.yaml forthe matching runtime by
default,you must use the –custom flagtogenerate an app.yaml witha runtime
of “custom” anddockerfile ( andother configs) .
Windows Installer can now take a /logtofile flagtowrite installation logs to
file CloudSDKInstall.log located inthe same directory.
Windows installer now displays an error message whenthe installation
does not succeed.
gcloud preview app is deploy deploy
command will no longerUbuntu 14.10 isend oflife:
fixexternal issue #291,
related tohandling network addresses on Windows.
gcloud container cluster list
now displays the current number ofnodesWhenrunning Cloud SDK tools fromPowerShell the gcloud-ps.ps1
scripts now can be usedwhich no longer call tocmd.exe
.Using gcloud-ps
complex arguments can be passed without escaping forWindows command line.
Using gcloud
,the following command would be correctly escaped whenrunning
gcloud inPowerShell:
gcloud fun –arg='”test ^< 123″‘
Withthe new gcloud-ps
,the same command can be simply written as:
gcloud-ps fun –arg=’test < 123′
Permissions torun PowerShell scripts must be given toPowerShell before these
will work.Permissions can be change with
"Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned"
TheApp Engine Admin API isnow the default path fordeployments inthe
gcloud preview app is deploy deploy
command .This transition should be transparent,
but if you experience any issues andwould like torevert tothe old
behavior,please run gcloud config set app/use_appengine_api false
See formore
information about this API.
,valid python runtimes are python
Implemented fingerprinting support forpython.
gcloud container cluster iscreate create
:Theflag--container - ipv4 - cidr
has--cluster - ipv4 - cidr
should be used instead .gcloud beta sql operations describe
andgcloud beta sql operations wait
no longer need --instance
flag(gcloud beta sql operations islist list
does) .
fixissue withgcloud sql instance clone
--bin - log - position
are set.
( .
If you are using a service account torun commandunder
gcloud preview app
,you must enable the “App Engine Admin API” inthe
Developers Console (; navigate to
APIs andAuth > APIs) .
Ina future Cloud SDK release,deployments that promote the new version to
receive all traffic will stop the previous version by default.
To keep the current behavior,pass the --no-stop-previous-version
flag,or run the following command:
$ gcloud config is set set app / stop_previous_version false
removeapp get-resource-limits
command .
gcloud preview app is deploy deploy
command now requires that users specify orgcloud preview app is deploy deploy
command now support the”engines” field ingcloud init
afterthe installationgcloud app
Soon,deployments will set the deployed version toreceive all traffic
by default. To keep the current behavior,use the --no - promote
orrun the following command:
$ gcloud config set app/promote_by_default false
To adopt the new behavior early,use the --promote
flagor run the
following command:
$ gcloud config set app/promote_by_default true
The--set - default
flagis deprecated.Please usethe --promote
instead .
Ina future Cloud SDK release,deployments that promote the new version
toreceive all traffic will stop the previous version by default. To
keep the current behavior,pass the --no-stop-previous-version
orrun the following command:
$ gcloud config set app/stop_previous_version true
Theapp is run run
command isdeprecated andwill soon be removed. Please
use dev_appserver (found inthe same directory asthe `gcloud command)
instead .
Thegcloud preview app modules download command
will be removed soon.
TheWindows installer has an option torun gcloud init
installation finishes.
component has been removed.
gcloud preview app
commandremain available asusual andapp
component .gcloud compute instance-groups unmanage
insteadgcloud preview instance - group
. Note that you will need togcloud compute instance-groups manage
instead ofgcloud preview manage-instance-groups
. Note that you will need toAll Google compute User Accounts commandhave moved tobeta.
Deployment-manager list commandnow support pagination.
minor bug fix .
gcloud init
behavior has been removed,andgcloud sql
operations are now automatically retried for2s incase ofgcloud preview app get-resource-limits
.gcloud preview app is deploy deploy
flagtothe gcloud preview app modules set-manage-by
gcloud beta sql
surface .gcloud beta init
andnamed configuration.gcloud
alpha compute resource - view
inplace ofgcloud preview resource-views
alpha compute replica-pools
inplace ofgcloud preview replica-pools
.gcloud beta source repo
was renamed togcloud beta source repos
components is remove remove
.gcloud preview app is deploy deploy
wo n’t update local image automatically anymore .gcloud container
.gcloud beta container get-credentials
now takes cluster name as--cluster
flagfor consistency withothergcloud alpha container cluster update <cluster>
command .gcloud alpha genomic variantets export
command .gcloud alpha
togcloud beta
gcloud beta config configuration ...
gcloud beta sources clone
gcloud alpha genomic variant
flag.Instead,please use the --docker - build=remote
--docker - build=local
toforce a local build) .--docker - build=local
flag.instance-groups set-named-ports
:introduced a new flag--name - port NAME : port,[name : PORT , ... ]
– no need tospecify name--remote
flaginpreparation forhosted docker builds by--docker - build={remote,local}
flag.gcloud alpha pubsub
command .gcloud preview rolling-updates
togcloud alpha compute
rolling - update
.gcloud alpha compute disk resize
command enabling resizing ofpersistentgcloud alpha container
commandnow target container Engine v1 API.gcloud alpha container cluster create
updated accordingly:
renamed to--username
removed.Cluster version isnot selectable inv1--image
option removed.Source image not selectable inv1 API;--no - enable - cloud - monitoring
toturn off cloud monitoring--disk-size
option forspecifying boot disk size ofnode vms.App Engine components updated to1.9.24.
Forseveral months on the Managed VMs team we’ve been testing a new mode of
local development on gcloud that makes developing a module for
Python,Java andGo users similar todevelopment ofregular App Engine
applications.This new mode relaxes the sandbox constraints present inthe
devappserver forvm:false
applications,anddoes not require docker tobe
You can currently opt-into this behavior by setting GAE_LOCAL_VM_runTIME=1;
Inthis release ofthe Cloud SDK,we will be making this behavior the
default forManaged VM users who are using gcloud.
You can still opt-out ofthis behavior by setting:GAE_LOCAL_VM_runTIME=0.
Forcustom runtime users,if you are relying on the local Development Server
tobuild your application,will now need topass the --custom-entrypoint
flag togcloud preview app is run run
toprovide gcloud withthe correct
command tocall.
This does not affect users developing fornon-manage VMs,or forusers who
are not using gcloud.”
bug fix for :
gcloud preview app is deploy deploy
file paths issue on Windows.gcloud compute instance - groups is manage manage wait - until-stable
periodic usergcloud compute instance-groups
command .gcloud beta deployment-manager
command togeneral availability asgcloud deployment-manager
andupdate touse the v2beta3 API.This changegcloud alpha genomics
commandnow use the genomics V1 API.Thedataset is create create
anddataset list
isnowgcloud preview app is deploy deploy
.gcloud preview dm-v2
command group .gcloud preview deployment-manager
command groupgcloud beta deployment-manager
still exists; seegcloud beta container
command group . Existing gcloud alpha container
gcloud preview app
command group .compute instance-groups unmanage
command group forInstance Groupsgcloud beta sql instances connect
togcloud beta sql is connect connect
.gcloud alpha compute instance set - machine - type
formanaging typesgcloud topic
forsupplementary help topics.gcloud deployment-manager deployments delete
prompt defaults tofalse.reset-windows-password
on Windows if openssl
ispresent on thegcloud compute reset - window - password
isnow available asa GA command .gcloud preview docker
moved togcloud docker
.gcloud beta compute scp
forsecure copy.gcloud alpha genomics
command(on datasets) .gcloud alpha source list
tolists project repositories.gcloud preview project
moved togcloud alpha project
gcloud compute ssh
gcloud beta ...
command group
gcloud component isupdate update beta
toaccess the new commands,or itgcloud beta compute ...
isnow available,using the compute ‘beta’ API.gcloud compute instance move
andgcloud compute disk move
.gcloud preview app is deploy deploy
argument updates.gcloud config ...
argument updates.gcloud preview app
andgcloud preview
gcloud compute
tool forworking withcompute engine (RC)
gcloud component isupdate update compute
toinstallgcloud help compute
formore informationgcloud config is set set disable_color true
goapp is build build