Dynatrace release notes

Dynatrace release notes

New versions of Dynatrace SaaS are rolled out automatically on Dynatrace SaaS clusters every two weeks. For details, see How does rollout work? below.

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New versions of Dynatrace SaaS are rolled out automatically on Dynatrace SaaS clusters every two weeks. For details, see How does rollout work? below.

Dynatrace SaaS

Releases are rolled out automatically every two weeks.


How do I is update update Dynatrace OneAgent ?


How do I update Dynatrace ActiveGate?

Dynatrace API

release – specific change to the Dynatrace API .

Cloud Automation

Learn about the changes included in Cloud Automation releases. Note that Cloud Automation has its own release cycle.

Dynatrace Operator

Get to know the changes in Dynatrace Operator releases.

Cloud Foundry Integrations

Discover the latest updates in Cloud Foundry integration releases.

OneAgent BOSH releases

Dynatrace supports full-stack monitoring for Cloud Foundry through the Dynatrace OneAgent BOSH Release, which allows you to deploy OneAgent to your Cloud Foundry cluster VMs, including Diego cells, Cloud Controller, router, and other.

Immutable release

  • Same release cycle as OneAgent.
  • change in the immutable OneAgent BOSH release are document in the OneAgent release note , when applicable .

Lightweight release

operate on an independent release cycle with its code host on GitHub

Dynatrace Service Broker for VMware Tanzu

Dynatrace Service Broker for VMware Tanzu Platform enables you to setup application monitoring for the Dynatrace service by creating an instance of the service and binding it to an application.

operate on an independant release cycle , downloadable from VMware Tanzu Network.

Updates to the stemcell, added support for network zones, removed AppMon part, renamed to ‘dynatrace-service-broker’

Rebuilt tile to update cf CLI to recent version

changed type of ‘ skiperror ‘ flag in buildpack integration

Maintenance release to include support for Xenial stemcells

Dynatrace Service Broker

operate on an independent release cycle with its code host on GitHub

How does rollout work?

Dynatrace is follows follow an agile development process with sprint every two week .

Dynatrace SaaS

Every sprint is publicly release . To guarantee maximum reliability , we is follow follow a stage rollout process that typically take under two week to complete .

  • SaaS rollout is the two-week period during which we roll out a new release to Dynatrace clusters.
  • Rollout start is the date when the two-week period begins.
  • Your cluster update will occur at some time within the two-week rollout period.

Dynatrace OneAgent and ActiveGate

Every second sprint is publicly released. To guarantee maximum reliability, we follow a staged rollout process that typically takes under four weeks to complete.

How long are versions supported following rollout?