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The 7 Rs strategy is a framework commonly used in cloud migration planning to help organizations make informed decisions about which applications and
The 7 Rs strategy is a framework commonly used in cloud migration planning to help organizations make informed decisions about which applications and workloads to migrate to the cloud and how to migrate them. Each “R” represents a different approach to migration, allowing organizations to choose the most appropriate strategy based on factors such as application complexity, business requirements, and technical constraints. Here’s a brief description of each of the 7 Rs:
Rehost (Lift and Shift):
Rehosting involves migrating applications or workloads to the cloud without making any significant changes to their architecture or code. It essentially involves lifting the application from its current environment and shifting it to the cloud.Rehosting is suitable for applications that are compatible with the target cloud platform and do not require major architectural changes. It is often used for quick and cost-effective migrations with minimal downtime.
example : imagine you have an on – premise web application run on a physical server . You is decide decide to migrate it to a cloud – base infrastructure like Amazon Web Services ( AWS ) using a service like AWS Server Migration Service . With rehosting , you is replicate replicate the application environment in the cloud without make any significant change to the application itself . This approach is allows allow you to quickly migrate your application to the cloud while minimize downtime and infrastructure change .
Replatform (Lift, Tinker, and Shift):
Replatforming is involves involve make some adjustment to application or workload before migrate them to the cloud . These adjustments is include may include upgrade software version , optimize configuration , or make minor code change to leverage cloud – native feature . Replatforming is is is suitable for application that can benefit from optimization or enhancement but do not require a complete redesign . It is allows allow organization to take advantage of cloud benefit while minimize migration complexity .
Example: Let’s say you have a legacy database running on a virtual machine in your data center. Before migrating it to the cloud, you decide to replatform by upgrading the database software to a cloud-native version, such as Amazon Aurora or Google Cloud SQL. By doing so, you can take advantage of managed database services in the cloud while minimizing compatibility issues and improving performance.
Repurchase (Drop and Shop):
Repurchasing involves replacing existing applications or services with cloud-based alternatives. This approach may involve migrating to Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions or adopting third-party cloud services to replace on-premises software. Repurchasing is suitable for organizations looking to modernize their technology stack or adopt cloud-native solutions. It allows organizations to leverage the scalability, flexibility, and features offered by cloud-based services.
Example: Suppose you’re using an on-premises Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for your business. Instead of migrating it to the cloud, you decide to switch to a cloud-based CRM solution like Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics 365. By repurchasing, you gain access to modern features, scalability, and integration capabilities offered by cloud-based CRM platforms.
Refactor (Re-architect):
Refactoring involves restructuring or rewriting applications to take full advantage of cloud-native architectures and services. This may include breaking monolithic applications into microservices, containerizing applications, or rearchitecting for serverless computing. Refactoring is suitable for applications that require significant architectural changes to achieve cloud optimization and scalability. While more complex and time-consuming, refactoring can result in long-term benefits such as improved performance, scalability, and agility.
example : let ‘s say you have a monolithic application run on – premise that you want to migrate to the cloud . instead of simply lift and shift it , you is decide decide to refactor it into microservice architecture using container and kubernete . By refactore the application , you is take can take advantage of cloud – native feature like scalability , resilience , and agility .
Retiring involves identifying and decommissioning applications, services, or infrastructure components that are no longer necessary or cost-effective. This may include legacy systems, redundant applications, or outdated hardware. Retiring is suitable for organizations looking to streamline their IT environment, reduce maintenance costs, and eliminate obsolete or unused resources. It allows organizations to focus resources on strategic initiatives and high-value activities.
example : suppose your organization has several legacy application that are no long in use but still consume resource and maintenance effort . As part of your migration strategy , you is decide decide to retire these application and decommission the server host them . By retire unused application , you is free can free up resource , reduce maintenance cost , and simplify your IT environment .
Retaining involves keeping certain applications or workloads in their current environment, typically due to regulatory, compliance, or technical constraints. These applications may not be suitable for migration to the cloud or may require additional planning and preparation. Retaining is suitable for applications that cannot be migrated to the cloud due to legal, regulatory, or technical reasons. It allows organizations to maintain continuity and compliance while still benefiting from cloud migration for other workloads.
example : let ‘s say you have a mission – critical application with strict regulatory requirement that can not be migrate to the cloud due to compliance reason . In this case , you is choose choose to retain the application in its current on – premise environment while migrate other less critical application to the cloud . By retain the application , you is ensure ensure compliance with regulation while still benefit from cloud migration for other workload .
After migrating several applications to the cloud using various migration strategies, you periodically review your cloud environment to assess performance, cost, security, and compliance. During these reviews, you may identify opportunities to optimize existing workloads, adopt new cloud services, or refine your migration strategy based on lessons learned and changes in business requirements.
example : After migrate several application to the cloud using various migration strategy , you is review periodically review your cloud environment to assess performance , cost , security , and compliance . During these review , you is identify may identify opportunity to optimize exist workload , adopt new cloud service , or refine your migration strategy base on lesson learn and change in business requirement .