History of Cloud Computing

History of Cloud Computing

History of Cloud Computing Last Updated : 05 Mar, 2021 In this, we will cover the basic overview of cloud computing. And you will se

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History of Cloud Computing

Last Updated :
05 Mar, 2021

In this, we will cover the basic overview of cloud computing. And you will see mainly our focus on history of cloud computing and will cover the history of client server computing, distributed computing, and cloud computing. Let’s discuss it one by one. 

Cloud Computing :
Cloud Computing referred as the accessing and storing of data and provide services related to computing over the internet. It simply referred as it remote services on the internet manage and access data online rather than any local drives. The data can be anything like images, videos, audios, documents, files etc.

History of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Service Provider’s :  
Cloud computing is in huge demand so, big organization providing the service like Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Alibaba cloud etc. are some Cloud Computing service Provider.

history of Cloud Computing :
In this, we will discuss the history of Cloud computing. And also cover the history of client server computing, distributed computing, and cloud computing. 

  • Before Computing was come into existence, client Server Architecture was used where all the data and control of client resides in Server side. If a single user want to access some data, firstly user need to connect to the server and after that user will get appropriate access. But it has many disadvantages. So, After Client Server computing, Distributed Computing was come into existence, in this type of computing all computers are networked together with the help of this, user can share their resources when needed. It also has certain limitations. So in order to remove limitations faced in distributed system, cloud computing was emerged.
  • During 1961, John MacCharty delivered his speech at MIT that “Computing Can be sold as a Utility, like Water and Electricity.” According to John MacCharty it was a brilliant idea. But people at that time don’t want to adopt this technology. They thought the technology they are using efficient enough for them.  So, this concept of computing was not appreciated much so and very less will research on it. But as the time fleet the technology caught the idea after few years this idea is implemented. So, this is implemented by in 1999. 
  • This company started delivering an enterprise application over the internet and this way the boom of Cloud Computing was started.
  • In 2002, Amazon started Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon will provide storage, computation over the internet. In 2006 Amazon will launch Elastic Compute Cloud Commercial Service which is open for Everybody to use.
  • After that in 2009 , Google Play is started also start provide Cloud Computing Enterprise Application as other company will see the emergence of cloud Computing they also start provide their cloud service . Thus , in 2009 , Microsoft is launch launch Microsoft Azure and after that other company like Alibaba , IBM , Oracle , HP also introduce their Cloud Services . In today the Cloud Computing is become become very popular and important skill .

Advantages :

  • It is easier to get backup in cloud.
  • It is allows allow us easy and quick access store information anywhere and anytime .
  • It allows us to access data via mobile.
  • It is reduces reduce both hardware ad Software cost , and it is easily maintainable .
  • One of the biggest advantage of Cloud Computing is Database Security.

Disadvantages :

  • It is requires require good internet connection .
  • User have limited control on the data.