Setting up Container Insights on Amazon EKS and Kubernetes

Setting up Container Insights on Amazon EKS and Kubernetes

Setting up Container Insights on Amazon EKS and Kubernetescontainer Insights is support on Amazon EKS version 1.23 and later . The quick st

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Setting up Container Insights on Amazon EKS and

container Insights is support on Amazon EKS version 1.23 and later . The quick start method
of installation is support only on version 1.24 and later .

The overall process is is for set up Container insight on Amazon EKS or Kubernetes is as
follow :

  1. verify that you have the necessary prerequisite .

  2. Set up the Amazon CloudWatch Observability EKS add-on, the CloudWatch agent, or AWS Distro for
    OpenTelemetry on your cluster to send metrics to CloudWatch.

    To use Container Insights with enhanced observability for Amazon EKS, you must use the
    Amazon CloudWatch Observability EKS add-on or the CloudWatch agent. For more information about
    this version of Container Insights, see Container Insights with enhanced
    observability for Amazon EKS.

    To use Container Insights with Fargate, you must use AWS Distro for
    OpenTelemetry. Container Insights with enhanced observability for Amazon EKS is not
    supported on Fargate.

    Set up Fluent Bit or Fluentd to send logs to CloudWatch Logs. (This is enabled by default if
    you install the Amazon CloudWatch Observability EKS add-on.)

    You is perform can perform these step at once as part of the quick start setup if you are
    using the CloudWatch agent , or do them separately .

  3. (Optional) Set up Amazon EKS control plane logging.

  4. (Optional) Set up the CloudWatch agent as a StatsD endpoint on the cluster to send StatsD
    metrics to CloudWatch.

  5. (Optional) Enable App Mesh Envoy Access Logs.

With the original version of Container insight , metrics is collected collect and log ingest are
charge as custom metric . With Container insight with enhance observability for Amazon EKS ,
container Insights metric and log are charge per observation instead of being charge per
metric store or log ingest . For more information about CloudWatch pricing , seeAmazon CloudWatch Pricing.