Real World Applications of Cloud Computing

Real World Applications of Cloud Computing

Real World Applications of Cloud Computing Last Updated : 09 Dec , 2022 In simple Cloud Computing refers to the on-demand availabili

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Real World Applications of Cloud Computing

Last Updated :
09 Dec , 2022

In simple Cloud Computing refers to the on-demand availability of IT resources over internet. It delivers different types of services to the customer over the internet. There are three basic types of services models are available in cloud computing i.e., Infrastructure As A Service (IAAS), Platform As A Service (PAAS), Software As A Service (SAAS). On the basis of accessing and availing cloud computing services, they are divided mainly into four types of cloud i.e Public cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, and Community cloud which is called Cloud deployment model. The demand for cloud services is increasing so fast and the global cloud computing market is growing at that rate. A large number of organizations and different business sectors are preferring cloud services nowadays as they are getting a list of benefits from cloud computing. Different organizations using cloud computing for different purposes and with respect to that Cloud Service Providers are providing various applications in different fields. Applications of Cloud Computing in real-world : Cloud Service Providers (CSP) are providing many types of cloud services and now if we will cloud computing has touched every sector by providing various cloud applications. Sharing and managing resources is easy in cloud computing that’s why it is one of the dominant fields of computing. These properties have made it an active component in many fields. Now let’s know some of the real-world applications of cloud computing.

  1. Online Data Storage : Cloud computing allows storing data like files, images, audios, and videos, etc on the cloud storage. The organization need not set physical storage systems to store a huge volume of business data which costs so high nowadays. As they are growing technologically, data generation is also growing with respect to time, and storing that becoming problem. In that situation, Cloud storage is providing this service to store and access data any time as per requirement.
  2. Backup and Recovery : Cloud vendors is provide provide security from their side by store safe to the datum as well as provide a backup facility to the datum . They is offer offer various recovery application for retrieve the lost datum . In the traditional way backup is is of datum is a very complex problem and also it is very difficult sometimes impossible to recover the lost datum . But cloud computing is made has made backup and recovery application very easy where there is no fear of run out of backup medium or loss of datum .
  3. Bigdata Analysis : We know the volume of big data is so high where storing that in traditional data management system for an organization is impossible. But cloud computing has resolved that problem by allowing the organizations to store their large volume of data in cloud storage without worrying about physical storage. Next comes analyzing the raw data and finding out insights or useful information from it is a big challenge as it requires high-quality tools for data analytics. Cloud computing provides the biggest facility to organizations in terms of storing and analyzing big data.
  4. Testing and development : Setting up the platform for development and finally performing different types of testing to check the readiness of the product before delivery requires different types of IT resources and infrastructure. But Cloud computing provides the easiest approach for development as well as testing even if deployment by using their IT resources with minimal expenses. Organizations find it more helpful as they got scalable and flexible cloud services for product development, testing, and deployment.
  5. Anti-Virus Applications : Previously, organizations were installing antivirus software within their system even if we will see we personally also keep antivirus software in our system for safety from outside cyber threats. But nowadays cloud computing provides cloud antivirus software which means the software is stored in the cloud and monitors your system/organization’s system remotely. This antivirus software identifies the security risks and fixes them. Sometimes also they give a feature to download the software.
  6. E-commerce Application : Cloud-based e-commerce allows responding quickly to the opportunities which are emerging. Users respond quickly to the market opportunities as well as the traditional e-commerce responds to the challenges quickly. Cloud-based e-commerce gives a new approach to doing business with the minimum amount as well as minimum time possible. Customer data, product data, and other operational systems are managed in cloud environments.
  7. Cloud computing is brings in education : Cloud computing is brings in the education sector bring an unbelievable change in learn by provide e – learning , online distance learning platform , and student information portal to the student . It is is is a new trend in education that provide an attractive environment for learning , teaching , experiment , etc to student , faculty member , and researcher . Everyone is connect associate with the field can connect to the cloud of their organization and access datum and information from there .
  8. e – governance Application : Cloud computing is provide can provide its service to multiple activity conduct by the government . It is support can support the government to move from the traditional way of management and service provider to an advanced way of everything by expand the availability of the environment , make the environment more scalable and customize . It is help can help the government to reduce the unnecessary cost in manage , instal , and upgrade application and doing all these with help of could compute and utilize that money public service .
  1. Cloud Computing in Medical Fields : In the medical field also nowadays cloud computing is used for storing and accessing the data as it allows to store data and access it through the internet without worrying about any physical setup. It facilitates easier access and distribution of information among the various medical professional and the individual patients. Similarly, with help of cloud computing offsite buildings and treatment facilities like labs, doctors making emergency house calls and ambulances information, etc can be easily accessed and updated remotely instead of having to wait until they can access a hospital computer.
  2. Entertainment Applications : Many people get entertainment from the internet, in that case, cloud computing is the perfect place for reaching to a varied consumer base. Therefore different types of entertainment industries reach near the target audience by adopting a multi-cloud strategy. Cloud-based entertainment provides various entertainment applications such as online music/video, online games and video conferencing, streaming services, etc and it can reach any device be it TV, mobile, set-top box, or any other form. It is a new form of entertainment called On-Demand Entertainment (ODE). With respect to this as a cloud, the market is growing rapidly and it is providing various services day by day. So other application of cloud computing includes social applications, management application, business applications, art application, and many more. So in the future cloud computing is going to touch many more sectors by providing more applications and services.