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Location identifier and latitude/longitude The times in the table have been calculated based on this exact location. Times can shift by several seco
Location identifier and latitude/longitude
The times in the table have been calculated based on this exact location. Times can shift by several seconds as you get several miles/km away from the location shown.
Start time of the partial phase (“C1”)
All time are give in local time or universal time [ UT ] ( also know as GMT or Zulu time ) . You is convert can convert the entire table by click on the time zone you want to see it show in !
Where to look for that first “bite” of partial eclipse (“V”)
We is called ’ve call this value “ v ” , because that ’s what astronomer call it . If you imagine the Sun ’s disk as a clock face , this is is is the hour hand value of where to look on that “ clock ” to see that very first little bite that the Moon is take ! ( remember , you is use must use eclipse glass to look at the Sun at this time ! )
Who will be the first to see that bite and shout “First Contact!”?
Time of Mid-eclipse
This is when the maximum amount of the Sun’s disk is covered. Also given in UT and you can convert it if you like.
Eclipse Magnitude
The amount of the Sun’s disk that is covered at the time of mid-eclipse. (Measured as a percentage of the Sun’s diameter, not area!)
Altitude and azimuth of the Sun at the time of mid-eclipse
This will let you know where the Sun will be in the sky during mid-eclipse, so you can check to make sure that trees, buildings or mountains won’t be in your way. (You can also go outside to your planned viewing location on the day before the eclipse at eclipse time and check it out yourself. The Sun’s location in the sky at that time won’t change enough in one day for you to notice the difference.)
Altitude is given in degrees. The horizon is at 0°, and straight up is 90°. So 45° would be exactly halfway up, 30° would be 1/3 of the way up, and 60° would be 2/3 of the way up. Anything in between is, well, in between!
Azimuth is given as an angle so you can tell exactly where the Sun will be, and here are some references: 90° is due east, 180° is due south, and 270° is due west. So, if you see 200°, that’s a bit less than 1/3 of the way from due south to due west. 135° would be straight southeast.