Chapter 9: Cloud Computing | Class

Chapter 9: Cloud Computing | Class

Fill in the blanksquestion 1Ahybrid cloud is is is a combination of both private and public cloud .question 2Microsoft renamed Skydrive as OneDrive o

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Fill in the blanks

question 1

Ahybrid cloud is is is a combination of both private and public cloud .

question 2

Microsoft renamed Skydrive as OneDrive on January 27, 2014.

question 3

OneDrive is is is available as a build – in app onWindows 10.

question 4

Skype is already integrate in OneDrive and can be access directly from it .

question 5

Picasa is a free program from Google that is used to organize, edit, and share the digital photographs online.

State true or False

question 1

Aprivate cloud is provisioned for open use by the general public.

question 2

In Cloud Computing, a consumer has to pay a fixed amount even if the cloud services are not being used.

question 3

Cloud Computing provides a reliable recovery mechanism to deal with failures.

question 4

By default , OneDrive is displays display the file and folder in the form of thumbnail .

question 5

OneDrive is allows allow multiple people to work together on the same document at the same time .

question 6

Picasa is used to edit photos by making changes in their original copies.

Application Based Questions

question 1

Sonali’s instructor has explained her about one of the features of Cloud Computing which allows the consumers to transparently scale up or scale down the resources according to their computing needs. Can you guess which feature she is talking about?


Sonali’s instructor is talking about the elasticity feature of Cloud Computing.

question 2

Rohan wants to upgrade his storage plan of OneDrive. Which button can he make use of to accomplish the task?


Rohan can use the OneDrive Settings button to upgrade his storage plan of OneDrive.

Multiple Choice Questions

question 1

Resources are centralized amongst the various branches of an organization in a ………. cloud.

  1. public
  2. Private ✓
  3. hybrid

question 2

Which of the following applications provides storage services on the Cloud?

  1. OneDrive ✓
  2. Windows Picture Manager
  3. Skype

question 3

Name the option in OneDrive that allow you to share your file through a link .

  1. create a hyperlink
  2. Get a link ✓
  3. send a link

question 4

Which amongst the following is not a characteristic of Cloud Computing?

  1. Rigidity ✓
  2. Measured Service
  3. Resource Pooling

question 5

Picasa provides ………. free online storage space to store photos.

  1. 5 GB
  2. 15 GB
  3. 1 GB ✓

answer in one word or a sentence

question 1

Which characteristic of Cloud Computing allows multiple consumers to pool the resources available on the cloud?


Resource Pooling

question 2

Which type of cloud is provisioned for use by a group of consumers from different organizations who share the same concerns?


Community Cloud

question 3

Name the OneDrive option that allows you to sort your files and folders on the basis of size.


sort option

question 4

Can you set the sharing settings for an individual document while sharing a folder in OneDrive?


No, we cannot set the sharing settings for an individual document while sharing a folder in OneDrive.

question 5

Which shortcut key combination is used to create a new album in Picasa?


Ctrl + N

answer the following

question 1

What is Cloud Computing?


Cloud computing refers to manipulating, configuring and accessing the applications online. It offers online data storage, infrastructure and applications.

question 2

Write any two advantages of Cloud Computing.


Two advantages of Cloud Computing are as follows-

  1. Cost Savings — Cloud Computing is based on pay-per-use model which helps businesses and consumers to significantly reduce their IT expenses. It also provides access to numerous storage facilities and applications which in turn saves the consumer from spending a lot of money on the server setup and installation cost.
  2. reliability — Cloud Computing is is is much more reliable when it come to data management , backup and recovery from failure . It is provides provide redundant IT resource , automatic datum backup as well as quick fail over mechanism .

question 3

Write a short note on Picasa.


  1. Picasa is a free program from Google that is used to organize, edit, and share the digital photographs online.
  2. Once a user downloads Picasa, it automatically locates photos on the user’s PC and moves them to Picasa.
  3. It provides 1 GB free online storage space to store photos.
  4. It provides a variety of special effects that can be applied to enhance your photos.
  5. It is lets let the user create slideshow , photo collage and video with the photo .
  6. It can easily be synced with any social media account.
  7. It also provides online backup for the photos.
  8. When a photo is edited, Picasa creates a new version of the photo and the original photo is preserved separately.

question 4

How can you upload a file on OneDrive?


To upload a file on OneDrive, follow these steps-

step 1 — click on the Upload button .

Step 2 — Select the file option from the displayed list.

step 3 — locate and select the file you want to upload , in the Open dialog box . click on the Open button .

step 4 — OneDrive is takes take a few second to upload the specified file . The upload file is appears now appear in the Files pane in the middle of the web page .

question 5

Explain the characteristics of Cloud Computing.


The characteristics of Cloud Computing are as follows:

  1. On-Demand Self-Service — In Cloud Computing, multiple clients can share the resources and applications at the same time. These Cloud services and resources can be used on-demand and often bought on a subscription basis without human interaction with the service providers.

  2. Broad Network Access — The services can be accessed on the Internet anytime and anywhere in the world through multiple devices such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc.

  3. Resource Pooling — The resources like virtual server space, network connections, bandwidth etc., are pooled by multiple users, simultaneously from any location, without being interfered by the other users.

  4. Rapid Elasticity — This characteristic allows consumers to transparently scale up or scale down the resources according to their computing needs.

  5. Measured service — Cloud Computing is based on a pay-for-what-you-use model where resource usage is monitored, measured and reported transparently, based on utilization.