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First, is your Router password strong enough? If your router password is the default password from the manufacturer, then it can never be strong, and
If your router password is the default password from the manufacturer, then it can never be strong, and it is not secure. Two reasons are responsible for this, the first is that when manufacturers create network passwords, they think more of convenience instead of security.
They tend to go for shorter passwords that can be broken by brute force. However, Urban VPN has developed a strong password generator which is a free internal tool that you can use to solve this problem.
The second problem with passwords from manufacturers is that the router’s default password is printed on the side of the router, and in some cases the username and password are admin and admin; you need to replace it with something strong and unique which you will not expose to anybody.
When you use the Urban VPN to conceal your physical location, you also change your router’s IP address in the process. Here are the steps you need to take to set your router’s IP address with Urban VPN:
By tapping on any country pin, you can change your server to that of the country through Urban VPN smart algorithm.
There are three steps to log into your router:
To configure your router, you first connect the router to the modem, then connect the computer to the router, after going to the router’s default IP address in a browser, you can sign in with the default username and password. The next stage is to open the wireless settings and name your network. You proceed to set an encryption type and passphrase and save your changes.
Ping the ip address or check it using our IP location tool . review the output of the ping request . There should be a ping reply ; then , confirm the output is reply from the IP address you are ping . If , however , there is no reply , enter the command “ arp -a ” on Windows or “ show arp ” on many network device and check to see if you see the ip address and mac address .
If you are using Windows, you send in the command prompt. Use Windows search to search for “cmd” (no quotes). Click to get the Command-Line. On the pop-up box that appears, type “ipconfig” (without quote marks) then return. The result will be more than just the IP address: you’ll see the IPv4 address (and IPv6 if supported), the subnet mask, plus the Default Gateway (that’s your router). Above that row of data in the middle, you will see the type of connection: “Wireless LAN adapter, Wi-Fi.” If you were using a wired connection, the information will appear under “Ethernet adapter.”