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report illegal contentcopy linkBe careful with that 1 day option!!! It is a rolling subscription and will charge you every day until you manually can
Be careful with that 1 day option!!!
It is a rolling subscription and will charge you every day until you manually cancel it!
it just keeps turning off all the time.
thank a lot ! It is works work good .
Its not free at all – website only gives me paid options
Не работает
Connection was interrupted
A net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error has occurred. Trying to restore connection…
3 is found out of 3 find this helpful
All is fail of the free one fail .
All is give of the free spot give ” connection fail ” immediately . definitely not pay for premium with this .
1 person found this review to be helpful
“initialization failure
Couldn’t initialize extension. Something went wrong. Please, try again later.”
WHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
initialization failure
initialization failure
1 person found this review to be helpful