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IP - Displays the requested IP Address security VPN - Determines if IP address is a VPN Proxy - determines if IP address is a Proxy Tor - D
IP – Displays the requested IP Address
VPN – Determines if IP address is a VPN
Proxy – determines if IP address is a Proxy
Tor – Determines if IP address is a Tor Node
Relay – Determines if IP address is a Relay (ex. iCloud Private Relay)
– Displays the approximate city of the IP address location
– Displays the approximate region or state of the IP address location
– Displays the approximate country of the IP address location
– Displays the approximate continent of the IP address location
region Code
– Displays the IP address ISO 3166-1 country code
Country Code
– Displays the IP address region / state code
continent Code
– Displays the IP address continent code
– Displays the latitude of the IP address
– Displays the longitude of the IP address
Time Zone
– Displays the approximate time zone of the IP address
Locale Code
– determine the regional language base on the IP address location
Metro Code
– Displays the metro code based on the IP address location (For US IP addresses)
Is In European Union
– Determines if the IP address is located within the European Union
– Displays which network the IP address belongs to
Autonomous System Number ( ASN )
– Displays the autonomous system number of the network
Autonomous System Organization
– Displays the organization that manages the network