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How To properly secure qBittorent With VPN Last modified: July 21, 2022 In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to secure qBittorent application
Last modified: July 21, 2022
In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to secure qBittorent application and bind it to the VPN service.
To bind qBittorent application to our VPN service, please click here and follow the instructions.
Note: Please ensure you’ve added qBittorrent in the Limit Apps to VPN settings.
Go to the qBittorrent Options ( ALT+O ) , choose connection on the left panel and enter the detail below for Proxy Server .
Note: Leave the other options as it is. (Default). When you’re done, click on Apply.
Click on BitTorrent icon on the left panel, un-check (disable) the following under Privacy and click on Apply.
1. Enable DHT
2. Enable Peer Exchange
3 . enable Local Peer Discovery to find more peer
That’s it! If the VPN is not connected/dropped, your torrent download(s) will stop and the connection will not leak.
If you have any other concerns that need addressing, contact our Support team directly.