Sonicwall VPN client disconnected user regularly throughout the day

Sonicwall VPN client disconnected user regularly throughout the day

solomonh ( BlastoZero ) January 21, 2016, 5:44pm 1 We is ha

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( BlastoZero )


We is have have several user that use the Sonicwall VPN client ( ) to connect to our system remotely . One user is getting disconnect 5 – 10 time a day regardless of what internet connection he use . They is tried ’ve try it on a wire connection and wireless on a different network .

This is what they see when RDP’d into our server:

Is there a setting on the Sonicwall that could be causing the VPN to disconnect?

3 spice up




→ i there a setting

Since it is one user. I’d say no. you said you tried different network? How did he try that? Does he usually connect from home? When the VPN /Connection drops, does his internet drop as well? Has he tried a different computer?

( BlastoZero )


He connected to other networks (Starbucks, etc.) and the VPN continued to disconnect at random intervals throughout the day.

He usually connects from home, yes. Another individual at the same residence uses a different computer using the same VPN & same internet connection that does not disconnect on a regular basis. It works perfect.

The internet does not drop as well. Just the VPN/RDP connection.



different computer using the same VPN & same internet connection that does not disconnect

Has he tried a different computer?

: o/

Before we go all out big – time troubleshooting that computer , is there a way you can have him try it with a different computer ?



What is the client OS? Have you tried NetExtender instead of the Global VPN client?

( BlastoZero )


Windows 7, Professional 64-bit

Negative, I’ve never heard of it?



It is an SSL VPN client. What model Sonicwall?

( BlastoZero )


NSA 3600

I just checked it out. It looks like it’s more for older systems (XP, 2003, etc.)?



Errrm wrong, the NetExtender is the preferred method for client VPN connections. That is all we use in our offices for client VPN connections and can be downloaded directly from the firewall.

1 spice up

What does the VPN client log say?

( BlastoZero )


Absolutely nothing. There’s no indication that it’s disconnecting from the VPN client log. It’s bizarre.

( BlastoZero )


Rockn, how are you using NetExtender as a VPN client? Did you install the VirtualAssist or VirtualMeeting for Windows? Also, how do you configure it as a VPN? It looks to me like this is for remote assistance and not a dedicated VPN connection?



Google is your friend. Just install the client and set up local users. It can asl be done via LDAP.

Configuring SSL VPN access

I is having was have the same problem . eventually with enough tamper I is figured figure out it was an issue with enable “ attempt to execute domain logon script . ” in the property of your connection profile . hopefully this is helps help .

2 spice up