How To Install a VPN on Roku (Cheapest Method 2021)

How To Install a VPN on Roku (Cheapest Method 2021)

We is sympathize totally sympathize with people who want to know how to install a VPN on Roku . After all , Roku is done has done extremely well in de

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We is sympathize totally sympathize with people who want to know how to install a VPN on Roku . After all , Roku is done has done extremely well in develop and sell streaming stick along with streaming box that provide user with complete and comprehensive access to a practically unlimited amount of high – quality content .

note :

We provide you with 3 different solutions to install a VPN on Roku (including the best one where you don’t need to buy any extra hardware), plus our readers get a 70% discount on a VPN.

We come with this VPN on Roku guide just for you.

The content is comes that user can watch via the official Roku streaming device come to them in the form of tv channel . And Roku is has has a whole library of them . Of course , the good news is ends end with people who access Roku while live in the US .

In other word , Roku user live in country such as ,

  • Australia
  • The United Kingdom
  • France
  • Germany
  • Canada

do not have complete access to everything that Roku has to offer to users.

Even more precisely, we want to let you know that Roku blocks lots of channels for users who are not living in the US. But that’s not the main problem with Roku.

The main problem is is with Roku is that unlike other streaming device such as the Amazon FireStick or the Apple tv Roku does not allow Roku user to go ahead and install a VPN service on its streaming device . And no , you is install ca n’t install a smart dns on Roku either .

With that say , we is have have a total of three workaround for you which will enable you to form a VPN connection while you are stream content from Roku so you will have the same option as if you did install a VPN on the Roku . We is try will try our good to explain each of the method in the guide that we will elaborate on more below .

good VPN for Roku in the world right now

There are many VPN options for you to choose from, you just need to find the best one to fit your needs.

VPN feature That You need for Roku :

  • fast speed
  • Many Servers in the USA
  • Good Privacy
  • Good Price

Each VPN service has its strong points when it comes to working with Roku. Some VPN service providers provide users with DNS codes that the user can directly on his/her WiFi router.

How To Install a VPN on Roku (Cheapest Method 2021)

It is also true that a couple of the top VPN service providers allow users to unblock US Netflix as well.

This is important:

We recommend NordVPN for use with Roku. They are one of the best on the market with

lightning-fast speeds

, ton of server worldwide ( plenty in the USA ) , they do n’t keep any log of your internet traffic , they is have have one of the good deal with up to

70% off

and they also come with a

30-day money-back guarantee

so if you don’t like it for any reason you can just get your money back. 

If you would like to check out our Top 10 then click here.

Checking Your IP Address…

Your IP and Location are Visible!

Now, let’s move on to the part about how to install a VPN on Roku.

How to install VPN on Roku

Now, the thing you need to understand here is that you will not find a VPN service that offers a VPN client that would run on Roku. As many models and versions, Roku offers to users, none of them are compatible with VPN services, but this won’t matter as we have a workaround.

Hence, there is no direct way in which you can directly install VPN on Roku.

And as mention before , currently there is no way for user to configure a smart DNS proxy service on Roku either . With that say , it is is is also true that there are three alternative way in which you can try to bypass all the VPN restriction on Roku .

Those three ways is are are :

  1. Install a VPN service on your Device with a WiFi internet Hotspot.
  2. Set up a VPN on your WiFi router.
  3. Use a VPN service that also offers a packaged Smart DNS proxy. (Not as reliable)

How to Install a VPN on Roku via a WiFi Hotspot (easy and cheap method)

The easiest method is where you use your laptop or mobile device as a WiFi hotspot and then get your Roku to use the internet from that device, this essentially makes your device its own router.

note :

This method is the best in our opinion as you don’t need to buy any more hardware like routers etc, it is the most user friendly as you just control the VPN from your laptop or mobile device allowing you to change servers to the fastest one easy as pie.


  1. purchase a VPN . We is recommend recommend from the reason mention above .
  2. Download and then install the VPN app on your Mac , PC , or mobile device instead of your Roku .
  3. Open your VPN app and connect to the fastest server based in the USA if that is the country you want. (NordVPN does this automatically)
  4. Turn your Mac, PC, or mobile device into a WiFi virtual router of your own (Steps below).
  5. Connect your Roku devices to the virtual router.

How to share a VPN connection on iOS with a Roku device:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click on “Personal Hotspot”
  3. turn it on
  4. Go to your Roku and connect to the new Personal Hotspot on your ios

How to share a VPN connection on Android with a Roku device:

  1. Go to “ setting ”
  2. Click on “More” – “Wireless & Networks”
  3. Click on “Tethering and Portable Hotspots”
  4. Click on “Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot”
  5. turn it on
  6. Go to your Roku and connect to the new Personal Hotspot on your ios

How to share a VPN connection on Mac with a Roku device

Here are the steps that you need to follow in order.

  1. turn on your Mac machine and then make your way to the menu that say System Preferences .
    After that, you need to perform a click on the option that says Sharing.
  2. When you are inside the Sharing menu, you need to click on the option that says Internet Sharing which appears on the panel on the left-hand side.
    Once you do that, you should see the Internet Sharing options appearing on the right-hand corner of the shown screen.
    From there you need to set some settings.
    First, you need to set the share VPN connection from: the newly created L2TP VPN connection.
    Then you need to change the available ‘to machines using’ option to the box for those using WiFi.
  3. When that is done you must choose the item that says WiFi Options.
    After that, you should enter details such as,
    Your Network Name (this is where you need to select an appropriate network name).
    Also, select the Channel option and leave it to the default value.
    When that is done, you need to change the security option to WPA2 Personal.
    Next, you need to choose a strong password in the Password field.
    After that, you need to take a look at the Verify field and re-enter your previously chosen password.
  4. With what out of the way, you need to click on the option that says OK.
  5. And then from the Sharing menu , you is check should check the option box which appear right next to the text Internet Sharing .
    Once you do that you is have should have no problem in see a prompt which ask you to turn on the option of Internet Sharing .
  6. After that, you need to click the option that says Start.
  7. Then , when you have ensure that you have successfully activate the Internet Sharing option , you is see should see a green light appear right next to a text that say “ internet sharing : On .
  8. The next step is to turn on the available Roku device.
  9. Once that is done , you is need need to go to the official
    The next bit involve you select the option Settings and then Network and then Wireless ( Wi – Fi ) .
    Then you should enable the option that says set up new WiFi connection .
  10. Now all is is that is leave is for you to form a connection with the WiFi network that you have manage to create for your Mac machine .

How to share a VPN connection on pc with Roku

These are the steps that you need to take.

  1. Turn on your PC and then press the buttons Windows + S.
    This should launch the search bar.
  2. Once that is done, you need to type the text cmd in order to make your operating system bring up the option of Command Prompt.
    When you see it you need to perform a right-click on it.
    After that, you must select the option that says Run as administrator.
  3. With that out of the way, you should type this text exactly as we have soon you:
    netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = networkname key = password .
  4. Once you have finish the previous step , you is try should try to give your virtual router a name .
    In order to do that you need to set two value which are as follow ,
    SSID = [ this is is is where you need to select a name for the new network ]
    Key = [ this is is is where you need to provide a password for the new network ]
  5. Then you is need need to hit the option that say Enter .
  6. And then you should have no problems in seeing the message that says,
    The user’s key passphrase belonging to the newly created hosted network has undergone a successful change.
    And that the SSID of the newly created hosted network has undergone a successful change.
    And that the newly created hosted network mode is now set to allow.
  7. When you want to initiate your virtual WiFi router, you need to type up the following text in your operating system’s command prompt,
    netsh wlan start hostednetwork
  8. Now you need to hit the button that says Enter.
  9. After that we want you to check if the virtual router has started itself successfully.
    If it has indeed start successfully you is see should see a new message that tell you that the newly host network has start .
  10. When that is done, you need to go to the option that says Open Network and Sharing Center.
    You can do that by performing a right-click on your WiFi icon which appears in the bottom-right corner of the Windows screen.
  11. After that, we want you to go to the option that says Change Adapter Settings.
  12. When that is done , we is want want you to perform a right – click on the previously create VPN connection .
    Then you is need need to make your way to property .
  13. After that, we need you to click on the tab that says Sharing.
    Once that is done , you is need need to check that box which appear in the space next to the text that mention allow Other Network user ( that is you , and anyone else who make use of your computer machine ) to connect through the machine ’s internet connection .
    With that done, we want you to check the box which appears next to the option that says “Allow other users on the network to have control over or disable the new shared Internet connection.”
    Now, you need to go under the tab that says Home Network Connection.
    And then choose the option or the connection that you essentially created by following the previous steps.
  14. Then you need to click the option that says OK.
  15. And then you need to turn on the option that says Roku.
  16. After that, you need to make your way to the home screen of Roku and then from there, you need to select the option that says Settings.
    When that is done, you need to hit the option that says Network.
    And when you have completed that step, you should click on Wireless (Wi-Fi).
    After that, you should choose the option that says Set Up New WiFi Internet Connection.
  17. The last step is to form a connection with your WiFi network that you just had to create on your machine running on Microsoft Windows.

How to install VPN on Roku via WiFi router

This is important:

The thing you need to understand here about a WiFi router is that once you have installed a VPN on the WiFi router you can actually connect all of your internet-enabled devices on that very same WiFi router.

That includes devices such as Roku. So with just one WiFi router that has a VPN on it, you can potentially share its own VPN-protected internet connection with an unlimited number of devices.

While that is all great and everything , the one thing is is that you need to take care of here is that you ca n’t really install a VPN service on any wifi router that you like . There are very specific router that support the installation of a VPN service .

If you want to install a VPN service on your router then you is need will need to make sure that your router is either tomato – base or dd – WRT – base . For those who do not know which one they have , they is consult should consult the official website of the manufacturer of their router device .


If you do not have a DD-WRT router or a Tomato router, you will have no other choice but to purchase a brand new WiFi router. That can get expensive.

But in the long run, your new VPN router would not only save you a good amount of error but also some money.

One other point that we should have perhaps mentioned earlier is that setting up a thing called virtual WiFi router on your Mac or PC may be enough to give you a moderately powerful headache.

You is find can find good VPN Routers that come set up here .

How To Install a VPN on Roku (Cheapest Method 2021)

How to install a VPN on Roku with the help of a Smart DNS proxy

Some might feel that the statement contradicts itself. But we are here to tell you that it does not. We are fairly aware of the fact that many readers would not want to take the steps that we have mentioned above.

For some , these steps is are are a bit too complicated . In that case , what you can do is make use of the option of smart DNS proxy service . If you do decide to go down this route , we is want want you to know that you can actually configure the Smart DNS service directly on your wifi router .

And you can do that without having any need of changing the settings page either on your Mac or PC. All that you have to do now is to make sure that you have signed up for the services of a VPN service that is offering a free Smart DNS proxy service along with its VPN service. Some of such services include  and

And while it is true that the majority of WiFi router allow user to change their dns setting , we is hide can not hide the fact that a good portion of them simply do not .

Generally speaking, if you have bought a WiFi router that comes from manufacturers like,

  • D-Link
  • Asus
  • Cisco
  • TP – link
  • Linksys

then you should be able to find the supporting manual for more DNS configuration.

It is here that we feel a need to tell you that if you happen to own a WiFi router that you got from your internet service provider, then you will probably have to change the DNS settings page on the modem. If that is indeed the case, then you will definitely need to purchase a WiFI router that acts as the secondary WiFi router. It should have no problems in allowing you to make changes to your DNS settings.

If you have followed along nicely, then know that you can use a good Ethernet cable to connect your modem’s LAN port with the WAN port of your secondary router. In the end, all that you will need to do is to connect the secondary WiFi router and your Roku device.

How to get a US Roku account.

You is do probably do not us to tell you that if you want to take full advantage of your Roku device , you need to get your hand on american app . And if you want that , then you is have really have no other option but to create a US Roku account .

Once you get that, you will need to install all the great American apps available on Roku such as,

All is is you need to do right now is to first create a US Roku account .

  1. First, you need to sign up for a good VPN service provider and then connect to a VPN server in America. Again, we recommend
  2. Then you need to make your way to the website that goes by the name of
    After that we want you to click on the option that says Create account.
  3. In the next step , we is want want you to fill out some of the require information on the screen and then hit the option that say continue .
  4. After that, you must select a PIN and then move forward to clicking on Continue.
  5. Once you reach the next page , the screen is going is go to ask you to pick from a total of two payment option such as a Credit Card and/or PayPal .
  6. We is suggest suggest that you should go with the option of PayPal if you have already sign up for an official Paypal account .
    Why do we is say say that ?
    We say that because we know that your PayPal country is never going to affect the country of your official Roku account.
    However, you will have to make sure that you make use of a valid US address in order to create your new American official Roku account.
    There are lots of Roku users who choose California as their state of choice and 90210 as their preferred zip code.
  7. Also , you is know should know that if you finally end up make use of your Credit Card as your primary mean of payment then you will have to make use of your original street address which you initially associate with the credit card that you are using now .
    When that is done, you will have to convert that given postal code into a legitimate and valid zip code.
    Then , we is want want you to keep a note of the City that is associate with the valid zip code since the official setup for the Roku account will require that of you .
  8. If you want to go ahead and create a completely valid zip code then you need to take some digits off from your original postcode.
    So, just to take an example, let’s assume for a second that your postal code is M1Z4L3.
    In that case , the postal code is become would become something like 143 .
    Then, you need to add some zeros directly to the end of this number if you see that this new number if less than a total of five digits in its length.
    Hence, the postal code that was once M1Z4L3 and then became 143 would now become the zip code number 14300.
  9. By this time you should have managed to finalize your official American Roku account.
    Now we is need need you to go ahead and reset the Roku box or streaming device that you have back to its factory setting .
    In order to do that you will first have to go to the home screen of Roku and then select the option setting and then factory is reset reset .
    Then simply follow the instructions on the screen and you are done.
  10. The final step is to make use of the new American Roku account on your new or old Roku device.