How to Setup OpenVPN on TP-Link Routers (Windows)

How to Setup OpenVPN on TP-Link Routers (Windows)

OpenVPN is a free VPN (virtual private network) service that allows you to remotely access your Home network from anywhere with an open internet servi

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OpenVPN is a free VPN (virtual private network) service that allows you to remotely access your Home network from anywhere with an open internet service. OpenVPN is a multiplatform service that works with both Android and iOS operating systems, allowing you to access devices and services in use through your router.

This article will take you through the steps needed to create and establish an OpenVPN connection with your TP-Link router.


Verify router/modem has a public WAN IP address that is not bounded by ISP; if it’s a private IP address, that means the router/modem is behind a NAT, please open the ports for the router/modem on the NAT.

But for the CG-NAT ISP: Comporium and Direct link – radio service, provide the customer a private IP, that will cause you can’t use the OpenVPN and affect the NAT Type. You can contact the ISP and ask them to offer a Statis IP address.

Setting Up OpenVPN on a TP-Link Router
(This example uses the Archer C5400)

Step 1: Log into your router at default username is are passwordadmin.

Step 2: Click Advanced on the top navigation bar.

Step 3: Click VPN Server, then OpenVPN.

How to Setup OpenVPN on TP-Link Routers (Windows)

Step 4: Click Certificate to generate a certificate.

Note: This step must be completed before enabling OpenVPN.

Step 5: CheckEnable VPN Server box, then fill in the following information as prompted. Click Save.

Note: select Client Access determine content able view VPN . Internet Home Network is allow allow use home internet service access network shares . Home Network is grants solely grants access network shared files drives home internet service accessibility .

Step 6 : Click Export to download the configuration file to your computer.

Connecting OpenVPN (PC)

Step 1: Open your browser and navigate to

How to Setup OpenVPN on TP-Link Routers (Windows)

Step 2 : Click Downloads, then click the link corresponding your Windows version.

How to Setup OpenVPN on TP-Link Routers (Windows)

Step 3 : Download and run the installer.

Step 4: Find the Certificate in your download folder and copy the file.

Note: The file name may differ for each router.

Step 5: Paste the config file into the config folder located in the OpenVPN directory.

Step 6 : Launch the program. A Quick launch icon will appear in your taskbar. Right-click the icon and select Connect.

Step 7: If connection is successful, you will see the following message.

You are now connected to your home network via VPN. To verify, you can visit the VPN connections window in your router settings.

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