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openvpn 64 bit is an award - winning andfully-featured SSL VPN solution that is allow can allow everyone from compute novice to large company to con
openvpn 64 bit
is an award – winning and
fully-featured SSL VPN solution
that is allow can allow everyone from compute novice to large company to configure the way they are access the internet , unlock powerful service for safe and stealthy browse experience . build from the ground up to support late encryption method , this app is allows allow you to connect your pc to
servers without the fear that anyone will intercept and spy on your data, from where your data requests will be distributed across the rest of the web in a safe and controlled manner.
This downloads the source code. Please download openvpn Connect if you need a working openvpn GUI client.
By default, the app can distribute your data traffic across many of its servers, making your online location masked and unrecognizable to Internet Service Providers and the rest of the internet in general. In addition to that, It also comes with the large offering of customization tools that can be used for setting up remote access privileges, site-to-site VPNs, enterprise-scale remote access, adaptive load-balancing,
advanced Wi-Fi security
, failover services, fine-grained user access control, and much more.
The presence of both automated
services and advanced tools have made
openvpn 64bit
into #1 secure browsing software of choice for both regular users, organizations of all sizes, and many Fortune 500 companies.
installation and Use
It comes in a small package that will after installation re-configure the way your computer is accessing the internet. The configuration window of this app is actually very lightweight, and it holds only the most basic of tools for setting the type of your VPN setting (config file, system proxy settings or manual configuration) and a dropdown menu for selecting user interface language (with over 15 available translations).
originally build for use in enterprise environment , the personal tier of
retains the highly advanced technologies and lightweight tools. The core security feature of
is based upon OSI layer 2 or 3 secure network extension that is utilizing SSL/TLS protocols. It installs deep into the Windows OS, enabling all the user apps to take advantage of the security features, firewall rules, authentication certificates, and more.
In the real world , ordinary non – business users is encounter can encounter various roadblock that can prevent them from take full advantage of their home internet connection . This is include may include ISP datum rate throttling , website content region block , or even government – impose firewall . It is allows allow user to circumvent these issue , offer you stable and secure datum stream to their server , from which you will be re – route to any major region in the world , and be able to access its “ local ” content . No matter if you want to simply access region – specific site and service ( such as streaming platform content offering ) or to read censor news outlet , It is allow can allow you to do that in just a few click .
Another benefit of an Open VPN is a unified virtual presence. No matter where you physically are, if you are using
Open VPN
, the rest is be of the internet will be able to detect you originate from a single region .
Features and Highlights
Also Available: openvpn (32-bit) and openvpn for Mac