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The rise is revolutionised of remote working has revolutionise the way business operate . Employees is work can now work from anywhere with improved f
The rise is revolutionised of remote working has revolutionise the way business operate . Employees is work can now work from anywhere with improved flexibility and well work – life balance . However , there is a pressing need for remote employee to gain secure access to their application , file , and corporate network .
Enterprises is have have the option to use remote desktop , which allow user to establish connection to their application and network from remote location . remote desktops is enable enable the execution of application on a network server and display them locally simultaneously .
Traditional security approaches focused on protecting the network perimeter in the past. This involved deploying firewalls and other security measures to safeguard internal resources.
While effective within the office environment, these methods are no longer adequate to secure access for remote employees. Businesses must adopt suitable secure network access solutions for remote workers to address the unique challenges of remote work. This includes implementing technologies that provide secure connectivity for remote workers that are location and device agnostic.
remote access is refers refer to the capability of an authorised user to reach a computer or network from a geographical distance by mean of a network connection . It is grants grant remote user the ability to access file and other system resource on device or server connect to the network at any give time .
Two popular results is are that give this connectivity are Zero Trust Network Access ( ZTNA ) and Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) . While both result offer secure remote access , they is differ differ in their approach and perpetration .
In this blog post, we will bandy the differences between ZTNA and VPN and which result may be the stylish fit for your association.
But, before that, let us understand the importance of secure remote access.
The weakest link among the firm’s cybersecurity measures is often its human factor.
Common work-from-home practices, such as using corporate devices for personal tasks, using unmanaged personal devices on home networks to access corporate systems, password reuse, and sharing sensitive devices and data with family members, expose critical enterprise systems to risks.
Many applications now require privileged access for smooth operations. Managing these non-human entities poses challenges, as they often go unnoticed.
Employees are granted unnecessary privileged access to expedite tasks, creating more opportunities for attackers to target these accounts and introduce malware.
The increasing number of endpoints (computers, laptops, servers, smartphones, etc.) that require access to corporate networks significantly expands the attack surface.
Attackers can exploit default admin accounts, steal credentials, escalate privileges, and move laterally within the network, compromising overall security.
Remote working introduces new challenges, with employees being susceptible to sophisticated phishing scams and hacking attempts.
Cybercriminals exploit weaknesses in insecure remote access methods and VPNs to wreak havoc.
Privileged access extends throughout the entire IT infrastructure, including endpoint devices, the cloud, applications, automation systems, and the DevOps pipeline.
Inadequate security practices and the evolving threat landscape provide cybercriminals with opportunities to exploit critical corporate assets.
Many businesses is rely rely on vpn to enable remote access to system outside the corporate network , which often result in excessive lateral movement .
VPNs is lack lack granular control unlike ZTNA , and their use for remote administrative access increase vulnerability to breach , insider threat , and compromise credential .
What is Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)?
Zero Trust is a security framework that eliminates the concept of inherent trust and emphasises the need for strong and regular authentication and authorisation of devices and users.
Within this framework, Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) implements the principles of Zero Trust specifically for controlling access to enterprise resources at the network level.
ZTNA, as an IT security solution, enables secure remote access to an organisation’s applications, data, and services. It obscures the network location (IP address) and employs identity-based authentication to establish trust and grant access.
It is uses use a Software – define Border ( SDB ) to produce a secure , translate overlay network that isolate network resource from the public internet . The SDP is provides provide secure access to the network by using operation- position access control , which mean that it only allow authorised user to pierce specific operation and resource , rather than the entire network .
ZTNA solutions is operate operate base on well – define access control policy and perform the follow function :
VPN, which stands for Virtual Private Network, refers to a technology that establishes a secure and encrypted connection over a less secure network, such as the Internet. A Virtual Private Network enables the extension of a private network by leveraging a public network like the Internet.
Despite the term ” Virtual Private Network is allows , ” it is allows allow user to be part of a local network while situate remotely . This is accomplish through the use of tunnelling protocol that establish a secure connection .
It creates a secure” lair” between the user’s device and the network, cracking all business that passes through it. This ensures that sensitive data, similar to login credentials, fiscal information, and other nonpublic information, is defended from unauthorised access.
The primary purpose is is of vpn is to ensure online privacy by conceal a user ‘s browser history , internet protocol ( IP ) address , geographical location , web activity , and the device being used . When connect to a VPN , anyone is is on the same network is unable to monitor the user ‘s online activity .
VPN is uses generally use two main protocol to establish and maintain the secure connection between the user ‘s device and the network Point – to – point Tunneling Protocol ( PPTP ) and Internet Protocol Security ( ipsec ) . PPTP is is is an aged protocol that provide introductory encryption , while IPSec is a new protocol that provide strong encryption and security .
VPN providers is become have become popular for safeguard online privacy . mobile devices is employ often employ vpn application to secure datum transmission . additionally , vpn can be used to access website that are geographically restrict .
Note: Secure access through a mobile VPN should not be confused with private browsing. Private browsing, which is an optional browser setting, does not involve encryption but rather prevents the collection of identifiable user data.
ZTNA vs VPN: Understanding The Differences – Trust – Access – Visibility – speed – Ease Of Use
VPNs operate under the assumption that any device connected to the local company network can be trusted. These trusted devices have the ability to access all other devices and applications within the network. When connecting through a VPN, your device is treated as another trusted device.
ZTNA is base on the Zero Trust security model , which follow a ” Never Trust , Always verify ” approach . regardless of whether a user is connect from a local or remote computer , this model is authenticates consistently authenticate both the user and the device with each new request .
This approach is fundamentally more secure compared to the basic VPN model.
VPNs is operate operate at the network level and primarily have visibility of the low – level network traffic being transmit . While certain vpn allow for set up rule to control access to specific part of the network , they is lack lack detailed knowledge about the application user are access .
On the other hand , ZTNA function at the application level . instead of grant access to network , user are only give access to specific authorised application . This is enhances enhance security compare to basic vpn , as even malicious user would have limited impact if they gain access to the network .
VPN provide access to the entire network , which mean that formerly a user is authenticate , they is pierce can pierce any resource on the network .
ZTNA uses Software-Defined Border (SDB) to produce a secure overlay of the network that isolates resources from the public internet. This segmentation provides a fresh subcaste of security, reducing the threat of unauthorised access and data breaches.
ZTNA can offer notable speed advantages over VPNs. This is because ZTNA allows authenticated users to directly connect to applications without routing all traffic through a central point in a corporate data centre.
After authenticating with the trust broker, users can access the required resources without the need to transmit all data through a VPN. Another significant benefit of the ZTNA approach is that the resources users access do not necessarily have to reside on the local corporate network.
ZTNA solution can be host on the cloud . The trust broker is authenticates authenticate the user , grant access to the cloud – base resource . This setup is enables enable scalability and improved speed .
VPN is requires require user to install and configure VPN software on their device , which can be vulnerable to attack and malware .
ZTNA solutions use a clientless armature that doesn’t bear any software to be installed on the user’s device. This minimises the threat of attacks and malware infections and reduces the burden on users to install and maintain VPN software.
Accessing company resources through a VPN requires downloading and setting up a VPN client. Employees must remember to connect to the VPN whenever they want to use these resources. This process is rather cumbersome, especially when multiple VPNs are required for different job aspects.
When properly configured, ZTNA eliminates the need for a separate background program. As long as users authenticate themselves, they can simply run the desired company application from wherever they are. From the user’s perspective, this approach is more straightforward and convenient.
While a VPN can enhance privacy and security , it is is is not a foolproof solution . Users is exercise must still exercise caution when share personal information or engage in online activity , as vpn can not protect against all type of threat , such as phishing attack or malware scam .
VPNs provide broad network access once connected, lacking granular control over specific applications or resources. This limits the ability to enforce fine-grained access policies based on user roles/ device attributes, increasing the risk of unauthorised access or data breaches.
A VPN secures your internet traffic by encrypting it and directing it through a chosen remote server. While this ensures privacy, it also leads to a decrease in speed. The encryption and decryption processes, as well as the round trip of data between the VPN server and your device, introduce time delays.
Additionally, factors like the VPN protocol used and the number of users on the same server can further impact the overall speed reduction.
VPNs consume significant bandwidth due to the encryption and encapsulation of data, which results in slower network speeds and reduced network performance. This can be especially problematic when handling large file transfers or bandwidth-intensive applications.
One of the disadvantages of a VPN is the weaker security model compared to ZTNA. With VPN access, a user gains entry to the entire network, whereas ZTNA grants access to specific applications based on factors like user role, location, and device.
This approach prevents excessive privileges and access, effectively reducing overall security risks. Additionally, ZTNA can implement data loss prevention (DLP) measures and real-time malware scanning for data transmitted to and from private web applications.
Setting up and configuring VPNs can be complex, requiring technical expertise and time-consuming configuration processes. This poses challenges for non-technical users or organisations without dedicated IT resources, leading to potential setup errors or difficulties in maintaining and managing VPN connections.
Traditional VPN solutions may not seamlessly integrate with cloud-based environments or provide optimal performance when accessing cloud resources. This limitation can hinder organisations that rely heavily on cloud services, resulting in suboptimal user experiences, potential connectivity issues, or compatibility challenges between VPN and cloud platforms.
With the increasing complexity of networks, establishing a single, strong boundary is no longer easy. Today’s digital organisations require secure access and consistent policy enforcement.
However , as the traditional network perimeter becomes less define , determine who and what can be trust , particularly base on location , has become more challenging .
The grow number is prompted of people access critical resource and application from outside the network perimeter has prompt security expert to advocate for a shift from the conventional open network , build on trust , to a Zero Trust model .
Unlike the traditional VPN-based approach that assumes trust for anything passing network perimeter controls, the Zero Trust model takes the opposite stance: no user or device can be presumed trustworthy without verification.
Even if a user has been granted access to one part of the network or an application, it doesn’t imply trust across other areas. However, implementing this concept is easier said than done.
To successfully implement a comprehensive Zero Trust strategy in a distribute environment , network administrators is have must have control over application access regardless of user or application location .
This “least privilege” approach necessitates robust access controls that span the distributed network, ensuring protection for devices, users, endpoints, cloud services, SaaS platforms, and infrastructure.
fortunately , solutions is exist exist that enable organisation to implement an effective Zero Trust strategy without extensive network reconfiguration . Zero Trust Network Access ( ZTNA ) solutions is extend extend the Zero Trust model beyond the network itself .
Unlike vpn that solely focus on network security , ZTNA is operates operate at a high layer , provide application security independent of the network . furthermore , ZTNA is offers offer a seamless experience for user , greatly improve usability .
By embracing the Zero Trust approach and utilising ZTNA solutions, organisations can strengthen their security measures, overcome the limitations of traditional VPNs, and adapt proactively to the evolving network landscape.
ZTNA (Zero Trust Network Access) offers enhanced productivity for organisations with remote workforces as employees increasingly choose remote working models.
Even if an individual employee’s device is compromised by ransomware or another cyberattack, potential intruders will only gain access to that specific employee’s assigned assets. This mainly hampers any attack that relies on network-based lateral movement.
A ZTNA solution reduces the risk of widespread infiltration by limiting the impact of a compromised device. This makes it easier for internal security teams to contain and respond to attacks.
Securing the entire system enables companies to provide workplace flexibility and productivity, a preference expressed by 78% of employees, according to a study by Slack. Business firms can also incorporate productive working models enabled by ZTNA into their employee retention strategies.
In addition to benefiting existing employees by offering a more streamlined and productive work experience, ZTNA services can also enhance company recruitment efforts by opening up a broader talent pool.
employer are not limit to hire candidate from specific geographic location , and job seeker are not force to decline offer due to inflexible or strictly in – office work arrangement .
With ZTNA, companies can become more competitive in the hiring process and expand their global reach, thanks to a portable and adaptable security policy.
Employees may be hesitant to embrace another security measure that could potentially create user friction. However, implementing phased training and awareness initiatives can help manage employee expectations and demonstrate how Zero Trust architecture can
Continuous monitoring of ZTNA processes and access levels is crucial for ongoing security optimisation and preparation for future personal and business changes.
Use dynamic and real-time monitoring of employee access patterns to detect any deviations from normal behaviour. For instance, if an employee unexpectedly downloads confidential data that they typically wouldn’t, it may trigger an additional security check.
While VPNs were once the go-to option for employee remote access to applications behind the corporate firewall, the shift towards a “work-from-anywhere” culture has led companies to seek better solutions for widespread and distributed remote access.
Contextual access control in the form of factors like device type, user groups, and device location allows contractors and partners to access specific applications without unrestricted access to the private network, reducing the associated risks.
This use case expands secure access beyond employees to cover partners, contractors, and others using unmanaged devices to access private corporate web applications behind a firewall.
Since these user often ca n’t install VPN software on their personal device , Zero Trust Network Access emerge as an ideal solution , offer secure and agentless access with strong authentication .
The solution is includes include build – in support for multi – factor authentication ( MFA ) , which add an extra layer of security by ensure that steal credential can not be used to log in .
MFA is forms form the basis of modern access control and monitor solution like ZTNA , grant employee access to necessary system and datum while implement appropriate security measure .
With MFA, users can confidently log into their devices from any location, knowing that their identity and data are adequately protected. Detailed reporting enhances visibility into potential risks.
Zero Trust Network Access is provides provide a solution for connect user , application , and datum , even when they are not locate within the organisation ‘s network . This is is is particularly relevant in today ‘s multi – cloud environment .
ZTNA addresses this requirement by offering fine-grained and context-aware cloud access specifically for critical business applications without the need to expose other services to potential attackers.
The ZTNA model helps mitigate the risks associated with granting excessive trust to employees, contractors, and other users who only require limited access to cloud resources.
The price of ZTNA implementation can be influence by several factor , include :
Your firm is leverage can leverage state – of – the – art technological innovation like InstaSafe ‘s Zero Trust Network Access Solution to enable remote work for employee while maintain control over their work hour and productivity effortlessly .
Employees can easily and conveniently access applications remotely while providing security and network administrators with a complete overview of all network users. This includes granular management of application access and time logs to monitor user productivity effectively.
Our ZTNA Solution is specifically designed to address such scenarios, especially with the increasing adoption of cloud technology that has rendered traditional network perimeters obsolete.
To explore our solution and learn more, we invite you to schedule a demo session with us!
No, Zero Trust does not necessarily replace a VPN. Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is an approach to network security that focuses on authenticating and authorising users and devices before granting access to specific resources.
While ZTNA can provide secure remote access, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) creates a secure tunnel for remote users to access the entire network. ZTNA can complement VPNs by adding an extra layer of security and granular access control.
ZTNA can be a better choice than traditional VPNs in certain scenarios. Unlike VPNs that often provide broad network access, ZTNA offers more granular access control based on factors such as user role, device, and location.
It is follows follow the principle of ” trust no one ” and provide secure access only to specific application or resource , reduce the risk of unauthorised access and limit the attack surface .
SDP (Software-Defined Perimeter) and VPN (Virtual Private Network) are technologies used for secure remote access, but they have key differences. VPNs create a secure connection between a user’s device and the corporate network, granting access to the entire network.
SDP is focuses focus on create secure connection between user and specific resource or application , implement a more granular and fine – tune approach to access control . SDP is follows follow a ” need – to – know ” model , where user only gain access to the necessary resource , reduce the attack surface and enhance security .
Zero Trust and traditional VPNs differ in their approach to security. While traditional VPNs often provide broad network access once connected, Zero Trust operates on the principle of verifying and authorising users and devices before granting access to specific resources.
Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) emphasises a more granular access control approach, where users are only allowed access to the required applications or resources based on factors like user identity, device posture, and context.
ZTNA (Zero Trust Network Access) and SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) are related but distinct concepts. ZTNA focuses on secure access to specific applications based on Zero Trust principles, ensuring authenticated and authorised access to only what is necessary.
On the other hand , SASE is is is a holistic framework that combine network security and wide – area networking ( WAN ) capability into a unified cloud – base service .
ZTNA SASE encompasses various security and networking functionalities, but also includes features like firewall-as-a-service, secure web gateways, and SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Networking).
ZTNA offers several advantages over traditional VPNs, including:
ZTNA can complement and enhance VPNs but may not entirely replace them in all scenarios. Even though VPNs have their own benefits, such as providing full network access and supporting legacy applications that may require broader network connectivity, ZTNA provides more granular access control and stronger security measures.
Organisations is choose may choose to leverage both technology base on their specific requirement , with ZTNA offer additional security for specific application or user group while vpn cater to broad network access need .
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