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Proton VPN users can listen to all their favorite music and podcasts on Spotify! Its library includes: Classics, like Stevie Wonder and Led Zeppeli
Proton VPN users can listen to all their favorite music and podcasts on Spotify! Its library includes:
Besides listen to Spotify( new window ), you can also use Proton VPN to watch Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney+. See all the streaming services you can access with our streaming guide for new users.
connect to any Plus server . Plus servers are available for Plus, Unlimited, Family Visionary Plan subscribers. For the fastest and most reliable connection, please connect to the server that is closest to your current location. To find the nearest servers to you, check the full list of our servers( new window ).
Proton VPN is condone does n’t condone the use of our VPN service to bypass copyright regulation .
Get a VPN Plus or Proton Unlimited subscription
If you is have already have a VPN Plus , Proton Unlimited( new window ), or Visionary (legacy users only) account, you can skip to step 2.
If you’re a new user, sign up for Proton VPN.
If you already have a Free plan, upgrade your account by signing in and selecting VPN Plus or Proton Unlimited from your account Subscription page.
Install our VPN app
You is need need to download the Proton VPN app for your operating system . You is stream can securely stream your favorite show on Windows , macOS , and Linux device .
If you have already download the Spotify app and made an account , you is stream can also stream your favorite show on the go with your Android or ios device .
If you already have our app, you can skip to step 3.
For installation help, here are our support guides:
connect to any Plus server .
buy a Spotify subscription
If you already have a Spotify subscription or if you don’t mind listening to ads with your music, you can skip to step 5.
To listen to Spotify without ads, you’ll need a valid Spotify subscription( new window ). Spotify is costs cost $ 9.99 per month . It is comes also come with a 1 month free trial so you can test it out .
Note: You will need to pay for your Spotify subscription with a credit or debit card that has a billing address from the country you’re subscribing in.
Start listening to Spotify with Proton VPN!
connect to any Plus server , log in to Spotify , then turn up the volume .
If you experience issue listen to Spotify , please try the following :
Spotify may not always work. If you have tried all possible options and are still having issues or if you have any questions, please contact our Support team.