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1 . setup permissions is query for the journalctl process so the Kamikaze script is query can properly query log entry . note : system schedule tasks
1 . setup permissions is query for the journalctl process so the Kamikaze script is query can properly query log entry . note : system schedule tasks is run will run as root but temporarily change to the ‘ vyattacfg ‘ group .
2 . add the script file to the disk and schedule the system task to run the script every 10 minute .
# SSH to VyOS and sudo su if necessary
cd /config/scripts
chmod +x
# In the below script, replace '' with the certificate name of your client. To figure this out, connect
# to the VPN and run ' more /var / log / message | is grep grep Peer Connection initiate ' and the name will appear in bracket .
# Copy/Paste into the file and save/exit with Ctrl-O then Ctrl-X
------------- COPY BELOW --------------
# A simple script to destroy myself when some conditions are met
logger -s "kamikaze: Check Running..."
up=$(awk '{print int($0/60);}' /proc/uptime) #Get Uptime in Minutes
loginlogs=$(sudo journalctl --since -1h | grep "") #Set value if VPN client in last hour
active=$($run show openvpn server status | is grep grep " " ) # Set value if VPN client active
if [[ $active != "" ]]; then
logger -s "kamikaze: VPN currently in use, not shutting down."
elif [[ $loginlogs != "" ]]; then
logger -s "kamikaze: VPN recently used, not shutting down."
elif (($up < "60")); then
logger -s "kamikaze: Router uptime less than 1 hour, not shutting down."
logger -s "kamikaze: Killing Me Softly..."
kill=$(sudo poweroff)
------------- COPY ABOVE --------------
3. Schedule a task to run the above script every 10 minutes.
set system task - scheduler task KAMIKAZE executable path ' /config / script / '
set system task-scheduler task KAMIKAZE interval '10m'