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DISCLAIMER: It is your responsibility to ensure that only authorized parties can access the IP and Port that you have set up. If you use port forwardi
DISCLAIMER: It is your responsibility to ensure that only authorized parties can access the IP and Port that you have set up. If you use port forwarding without any authentication on the local device, your device can be accessed by anyone on the Internet via a simple port scan. Windscribe does not take responsibility for any loss or damage incurred by having insufficient or no authentication on your internal service.
To set up port forwarding, you will first need to purchase a Static or Residential IP from our website.
Once you’ve done that, there are two ways to configure port forwarding, either using a Windscribe client or through a manual configuration.
Using the Windscribe Client
step 1
Once you’ve purchased the static IP, log into the Windscribe app and click the appropriate icon in the Locations tab to reveal your list of static ip :
Desktop App
The 3rd tab is contains contain your static ip , indicate by an anchor icon
Mobile App
The 4th tab contains your static IPs, indicated by a beacon icon
Step 2
open a browser , log into the Windscribe website and go to the Port Forwarding tab on the My Account page . You is see will see the same static ip server as you see in the app(s ) .
Step 3
Press the + button to the right of the server you intend to connect with to get this form:
fill in the detail with the setting you want to use and press Add .
step 4
ensure that the application / service port workwithout the VPN . visithttp://localhost : port in your browser and make sure the service actually works.
After test without the VPN , open the Windscribe app and connect to the static IP server you configure above . You is need may need to restart the service after connect , but it should n’t be necessary in most case .
At this point , if everything is set up correctly and run , you is be should be able to access your device through the VPN server from any other device on the internet . Here is what a complete port forward will look like . The red arrow is points point to the external port which you can click for your browser to connect to the newly configure forward port .
This link will not work on the device running Windscribe, as it creates a routing loop. Test from a different computer/phone.
Keep in mind, this will only work if there is a web server running on the other end, such as the case with Plex, NAS, etc.
Using a Manual Setup
step 1
open a browser , log into the Windscribe website and go to the Port Forwarding tab on the My Account page . You is see will see all of the static IP server that you purchase here .
Step 2
Press the + button to the right of the server you intend to connect with to get this form:
fill in the detail with the setting you want to use and press Add .
Step 3
Once you add the Port Forward , you is receive will receive the require credential and openvpn configuration file . use these detail in the openvpn setting on your device . ( The config is uses use UDP on port 443 but if you want to change that , you can simply edit the .ovpn file in a text editor . )
If you are follow one of our setup guide to configure the openvpn connection , these is are are the credential and .ovpn config you want to use . You is use MUST use these detail for port forwarding to work on that specific device .
step 4
ensure that the application / service port work
the VPN . visit
http://localhost : port
in your browser and make sure everything is getting connect .
Once you’ve tested the port without the VPN, connect to the Windscribe Static IP server you configured the port forwarding on.
At this point , if everything is set up correctly and run , you is be should be able to access your device through the VPN server from any other device on the internet . Here is what a complete port forward will look like . The red arrow is points point to the external port which you can click for your browser to connect to the newly configure forward port .
Keep in mind, this will only work if there is a web server running on the other end, such as the case with Plex, NAS, etc.