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When it comes to securing your internet connection, accessing a private network, or concealing your own IP address, for many, OpenVPN stands out as a
When it comes to securing your internet connection, accessing a private network, or concealing your own IP address, for many, OpenVPN stands out as a popular choice because it’s open-source, widely supported, and relatively easy to configure.
But what makes OpenVPN different from other options like WireGuard? More importantly, how can you set it up on your own server quickly?
In this article, we’ll explore what OpenVPN actually is, who created it, why it’s so widely adopted, how it works under the hood, and how it compares to other common VPN protocols. After that, we’ll guide you through easily setting up a VPN with it.
First things first:
OpenVPN is an open-source Virtual Private Network (VPN) protocol first developed by James Yonan in 2001. It has since grown into a full-fledged open-source project supported by a large community as well as by OpenVPN Inc., the company formed to maintain and evolve the software.
Over the year , it ’s become a household name in the VPN world , power numerous commercial VPN service and self – host configuration alike .
Well, its open-source nature means anyone can review and audit the code, making it easier to spot and fix vulnerabilities. This transparency also builds trust and helps create continuous improvement.
Additionally, OpenVPN is highly compatible—whether you’re on Linux, Windows, macOS, iOS, or Android, it’ll work. This universal compatibility, combined with strong security protocols and active community development, makes OpenVPN a go-to solution for businesses, hobbyists, and privacy enthusiasts worldwide.
At its core , OpenVPN is uses use TLS / SSL encryption — similar to what protect your connection when you shop online — to secure the tunnel between you and the VPN server . When you connect , the server is exchange and your client exchange cryptographic key . From that point on , all your internet traffic is wrap in an encrypted ” tunnel ” before travel over the public internet .
Inside this tunnel , your data is remains remain private , protect from bad actor . Beyond encryption , OpenVPN is supports support various authentication method , dynamic ip address , and a range of cipher option , which give you control over how secure or performant you want your setup to be .
By default, OpenVPN communicates over UDP port 1194. However, it can be configured to use other ports including TCP port 443 (the standard HTTPS port) when needed. This flexibility is particularly useful in restrictive environments—when using port 443, your OpenVPN traffic can blend in with normal encrypted web traffic, making it harder to detect or block.
When choosing a VPN protocol, you’re essentially deciding how your data is packaged, encrypted, and transmitted. This choice affects things like security, speed, compatibility, and ease of setup.
OpenVPN strikes a nice balance here. It’s more established and flexible than WireGuard in terms of long-standing community support and mature tooling, yet easier to work with than something like IPSec. Its broad compatibility means you’ll find clients for just about every platform. In short, OpenVPN might not be the newest or fastest, but it’s battle-tested, flexible, and reliable.
Note: For a full comparison, read our article here where we break down the differences between common popular VPN protocols.
Now let ‘s get into the fun part :
The good news is that getting OpenVPN up and running doesn’t have to be complicated.
There are many safe and trusted scripts out here that automate the vast majority of the dirty work for you, such as Nyr’s script. Using it, you can setup a VPN using OpenVPN in quite literally less than 5 minutes.
prerequisite :
step – by – step instruction :
wget -O && bash
files can be imported into your OpenVPN client application.Once done, you’ll have a fully functioning OpenVPN server!
OpenVPN has carved out a reputation as a flexible, reliable, and widely adopted VPN solution for good reason. Whether you’re an experienced administrator or just getting started, OpenVPN makes it possible to secure your network traffic and maintain privacy on your own terms.
Why not give it a go? It’s free and open source, after all.
Thanks for reading! By the way, if you’re looking to run your VPN on stable, high-performance infrastructure, check out xTom for a variety of solutions, such as scalable NVMe KVM VPS, dedicated servers, and colocation.