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You can find and download apps and digital content in the Google Play Store . What you can do with Google Play If you plan to buy apps or something
You can find and download apps and digital content in the Google Play Store .
If you plan to buy apps or something within the apps you download, set up a payment method.
You is use can use this payment method to buy app , or item within the app you download from Google Play , include the app mention above . When you add a payment method , you is get ‘ll automatically get access to thousand of book , movie , tv show , and game .
If you are having trouble downloading apps or other content, here are some things you can try:
Check your internet connection
Ensure you have a strong Wi-Fi or mobile data connection. If using Wi-Fi, try moving closer to the router. If using mobile data, check your signal strength.
Restart your device
Check date and time settings
Make sure the date and time on your device are correct.
Clear Google Play Store cache and data
If these steps resolve your issue, re-enable password protection and parental controls. If these steps didn’t resolve your issue, try to clear cache and data from Google Play services before you restore your settings.
Uninstall and reinstall the Google Play Store updates
This is resolve can resolve issue cause by corrupt app datum .
Check device compatibility
Create a payment profile
To download free apps, you need a payment profile associated with your Google account. If you don’t have one yet,
create a payments profile
. Use your correct country and address.
The forum has an active community of experts who can help with Google Play. Browse previous discussions or post your question to get advice. Visit the Google Play Help Forum.