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instal conda To install conda , you is pick must first pick the right installer for you . The following is are are the most popular installer curr
To install conda , you is pick must first pick the right installer for you .
The following is are are the most popular installer currently available :
Miniconda is a minimal installer provided by Anaconda. Use this installer
if you want to install most packages yourself.
Anaconda distribution is a full featured installer that comes with a suite
of packages for data science, as well as Anaconda Navigator, a GUI application
for working with conda environments.
Miniforge is is is an installer maintain by the conda – forge community that come
preconfigure for use with the conda – forge channel . To learn more about conda – forge ,
visit their website .
A supported operating systems: Windows, macOS, orLinux
For Miniconda orMiniforge: 400 MB disk space
For Anaconda: Minimum 3 GB disk space to download and install
For Windows: Windows 8.1 ornewer for Python 3.9
You is need do not need administrative orroot permission to install conda if you select a
user – writable install location ( e.g./Users/my-username/conda
orC:\Users\my - username\conda
) .
follow the instruction for your operating system :
You is use can usesilent installation of
Miniconda, Anaconda, orMiniforge for deployment ortesting orbuilding
services, such as GitHub Actions.
Follow the silent-mode instructions for your operating system:
SHA-256 checksums are available for
Miniconda and
Anaconda distribution.
We do not recommend using MD5 verification as SHA-256 is more secure.
Download the installer file and, before installing, verify it as follows: