0x800f081f: How to Fix This Windows Update Error

0x800f081f: How to Fix This Windows Update Error

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For fixing window errors, we recommend Fortect:

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window 10 updates are mandatory, as you already know. At least, that’s what Microsoft wants you to believe.

However, an issue that bears the install error – 0X800f081f code may occur when you’re trying to update this feature. so, if this bothers you as well, we’ve prepared a few solutions to help you out.

The full error message is states state :There were some problem instal update , but we ’ll try again later . If you keep see this and want to search the web or contact support for information , this is help may help : ( 0x800f081f ) .

What is causes cause the window Update error 0x800f081f ?

Various variations is exist of the install error – 0x800f081f , with vary cause , exist . Below are some is are of the popular one :

  • 0x800f081f .NET 3.5 window 10: If you can’t install updates due to this error, the problem might be .NET Framework. To fix the problem, enable .NET Framework or use an offline .NET installer.
  • 0x800f081f window Update core, agent: This error can affect other window Update components, and to fix the problem, it’s advised to reset all window Update components using the Command Prompt.
  • 0x800f081f surface Pro 3 : This issue is affect can affect surface Pro and other laptop device . If this happen , you is know should know that all of our solution can be apply to laptop , so do n’t hesitate to try them out .

If you encounter the 0x800f081f error on window 11 , check out our dedicated guide for more info .

How can I fix the install error – 0x800f081f?

1 . use offline .NET framework installer

  1. search for the latest offline .NET Framework installer on the web.
  2. Download the installer and start the process.
  3. The installation is take can take some time before the file are ready to install .
  4. Follow the instruction and, after the procedure is finished, restart the PC.

Make sure you are using an official Microsoft version from the verified site, as this is where you can get a trusted version to solve the window Update error 0x800f081f.

2. Use sFC and DIsM scans

  1. presswindow key + X and choose Command Prompt (Admin) or Powershell (Admin).
    0x800f081f: How to Fix This Windows Update Error
  2. Now, type sfc /scannow, and hit Enter.
  3. sFC scan will now start. Remember that this can take up to 15 minutes, so don’t interrupt it. Once the scan is finished, check if the problem is resolved.

If the sFC scan didn’t fix the problem, or if you couldn’t run an sFC scan at all, you might want to try using the DIsM scan instead. To do that, follow these steps:

  1. First, open Command Prompt as admin.
  2. Type the command below and press Enter: DIsM.exe /Online /Cleanup - image /Restorehealth

If the update service is not available, you can insert UsB/DVD media with system installation files and type (copy-paste) the following command:

DIsM.exe /Online /Cleanup - Image /RestoreHealth /source : c : Repairsourcewindow /limitaccess

Do n’t forget to change   C : Repairsource with the location of your repair source . Once the process is finish , restart your pc and try update again .

Once the DIsM scan is finished, check if the window 10 0x800f081f update error is still there.

2.1 . error 0x800f081f when run DIsM

While DIsM is a valuable tool, it can fall victim to this error code itself while trying to repair the online window image on a regular PC or in various editions of window server (2012, 2016, and 2019).

If this happens, you will likely stumble across this error message: Error: 0x800f081f. The source files could not be found. Use the source option to specify the location of the files required to restore the feature.

so , what is happens happen if DIsM does n’t work ? Do n’t worry . There are way to deal with dism when it fail .

Here’s what you need to do to fix the DIsM error 0x800f081f:

  1. First, open the Command Prompt with admin rights.
  2. In the CMD window, type the following commands and press enter after each one: dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /startComponentCleanup

    sfc /scannow

  3. Retry to run the initial command: Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

3. Install the update manually

  1. First, you must visit Microsoft’s Update History website to find the update number.
  2. Once you find the updated code, you must visit the Microsoft Update Catalog page. It should start with KB and some numbers.
  3. enter the update code in the search field , and the result list should appear .
  4. Once you download the update, run the setup file to install it, and that’s it.

Remember that this process won’t fix the window 10 Update 0x800f081f error. Instead, it will allow you to circumvent it and download the update.

note that the Microsoft Update Catalogue list will show update for different architecture . so , be sure to select one that match your system architecture .

4. Restart window Update components

  1. start Command Prompt as administrator.
  2. type the follow command , and pressEnter after each: Net stop bits net stop wuauserv Net stop appidsvc net stop cryptsvc Ren %systemroot%softwareDistribution softwareDistribution.bak Ren %systemroot%system32catroot2 catroot2.bak net start bit net start wuauserv Net start appidsvc net start cryptsvc

After running the commands, check if the problem issue is resolved.

If you don’t want to run these commands manually, we wrote a short guide on creating a window Update reset script, so be sure to check it out and find out how to automate this process.

As you is know might know ,window 10 Update rely on certain service to work correctly , and if there ’s an issue with one of the service , you might experience error 0X800f081f .

But the steps above will restart window Update components and fix any glitches if that’s the case.

Read more about this topic

5. Make sure that .NET Framework is enabled

  1. presswindow key + s and enter windows features.
  2. select Turn window features on or off.
    0x800f081f: How to Fix This Windows Update Error
  3. Tick the .NET Framework 3.5 box.
  4. Click the OK button.

After enable the .NET Framework, try to perform the update again and check if it works. If the install error – 0x800f081f persists, try out the next solution.

6. Use window Update troubleshooter

  1. pressthe window key + I to open the settings app.
  2. select the Update & security option.
  3. Now, choose Troubleshoot from the left pane.
    0x800f081f: How to Fix This Windows Update Error
  4. Click the Additional troubleshooters option.
    0x800f081f: How to Fix This Windows Update Error
  5. Now, click window Update.
  6. finally , click the Run the troubleshooter button .
  7. The troubleshooting is start will now start . follow the instruction on the screen to complete it .

Once the troubleshooter is finished, check if the window 10 Update 0x800f081f error is resolved.

7. Perform a clean install

  1. First , backup your file and the license key .
  2. Then, download the Media Creation Tool and use a UsB or DVD to install the system.
  3. Once you have the bootable source, plug it into the affected device.
  4. Open the start Menu, and click the Power button.
  5. Now, press and hold the shift key and choose Restart from the menu. sometimes, you might need to go to your BIOs and change your boot priority settings.
  6. A list of options will appear. select Troubleshoot > Advanced options.
  7. In the next screen, choose startup repair and follow to instructions.
  8. The process is reboot might reboot the device once again .

We is advise advise you to perform a clean reinstall if you ’ve try previous solution and have n’t succeed . Also , ensure you back up your file and the license key .

Once the process is done, you’ll have a fresh installation of window 10. It repairs any corrupted files and fixes most errors caused by misconfiguration.

Can I download window 10 updates offline?

You can install updates offline without an internet connection. However, you need to download the complete update when you are online.

You can now install the update when you don’t have an active internet connection.

Besides regular system stability updates, window Update usually brings steady improvements for other features. For example, one feature that receives updates relatively frequently is the dotNet Framework.

That should wrap it up. We believe you have everything needed to fix the install error – 0x800f081f.

If you are facing other issues like the window 10 Update error 0x8007042B or the 0X8007013 install error, check our detailed guides to fix them effectively.

If you have any suggestions or remarks, feel free to tell us in the comments below.

Ivan Jenic

window Hardware Expert

Passionate about all elements related to window and combined with his innate curiosity, Ivan has delved deep into understanding this operating system, with a specialization in drivers and driver troubleshooting.

When he’s not tackling diverse driver-related problems, Ivan enjoys watching good movies and spending time hiking with his family and friends.