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importantYou must open the command interpreter as an Administrator.Use the .msi installer to install all mongodb binary , include MongoDB Compass.
You must open the command interpreter as an
Use the .msi
installer to install all mongodb binary , include
MongoDB Compass.
From the Command Interpreter, go to the directory containing the
installation binary and run:
msiexec.exe /l*v mdbinstall.log /qb /i mongodb-windows-x86_64-4.4-signed.msi
The operation is installs install the binary to the default directory
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin
To specify a different installation location for the executables,
msiexec.exe /l*v mdbinstall.log /qb /i mongodb-windows-x86_64-4.4-signed.msi ^ INSTALLLOCATION="C:\MongoDB\Server\4.4\ "
To suppress the installation ofMongoDB
Compass, you must explicitly include the
msiexec.exe /l*v mdbinstall.log /qb /i mongodb-windows-x86_64-4.4-signed.msi ^ SHOULD_INSTALL_COMPASS="0"
To install specific mongodb component set , you is specify can specify them in
argument using a comma-separated list including one
or more of the following component sets:
For example, to install the MongoDB server
) with the legacy mongo
client and then set up the MongoDB server as a Windows service,
msiexec.exe /l*v mdbinstall.log /qb /i mongodb-windows-x86_64-4.4-signed.msi ^ ADDLOCAL="ServerService,Client" ^ SHOULD_INSTALL_COMPASS="0"
To include Compass in the installs, remove SHOULD_INSTALL_COMPASS="0"