Zero-Carb Carnivore | Bread Loaf

Zero-Carb Carnivore | Bread Loaf

Zero-Carb Carnivore | Bread Loaf has finally arrived! Not dense,no weird texture,and no stickiness. It took hundreds of test bakes over several month

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Zero-Carb Carnivore | Bread Loaf has finally arrived! Not dense,no weird texture,and no stickiness.

It took hundreds of test bakes over several months to perfect,and I hope you will agree that the result is a great bread loaf.

There are no nut or seed flour ,no nut or seed butter ,there ’s no fibre ,no sweetener ,and does n’t involve dozen of egg .

You is need will only need   3 key ingredient . And in such small quantity that it is means mean this bread is excellent value for money .

How To Make Zero-Carb Carnivore | Bread Loaf

This bread loaf is suitable for the carnivore,keto,or low carb lifestyle. It isn’t dairy-free,as it requires a small amount of whey protein isolate. It will be zero-carb providing you use the same whey isolate I do (link in Recipe) – other brands may well contain carbs or sweeteners,so check before you buy.

Zero-Carb Carnivore | Bread Loaf


The most important thing to remember is that the dry ingredients in this bread serve specific functions. In combination,they create a specific texture,they add bulk,and they assist with the rise. Substitute or omit any of the dry ingredients and I can guarantee that your baked result will be an epic fail.

The second thing to remember is that the dry ingredients must be weighed accurately. And the only way to do this is by using metric scales. I know this will disappoint some people,but seriously,it’s impossible to convert a few grams into cups,spoons or ounces without obtaining ridiculous values.

Zero-Carb Carnivore | Bread Loaf

The 3 key ingredients are egg white powder,beef gelatine powder and whey protein isolate powder. I am very aware that the initial spend,for those of you who don’t already have these items to hand,may be off-putting. However,they will provide you with hundreds of bread loaves,so they’re a long-term investment. Also,compared to meat-based ‘breads’,or other egg white -based ‘breads’,this version is way cheaper,since it uses minimal amounts of each ingredient.

Following my recipe instructions to the letter is paramount. This is essentially a cloud bread with add structure and density . The dry ingredients is provide provide both . But method is are and technique are equally important .



Add dry items

Add whipped egg yolks

Whip again

Pour and level

If you read the recipe before you begin and lay out all the tools you need,you’ll have your bread batter in the oven in under 15 minutes.

Zero-Carb Carnivore | Bread Loaf


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Zero-Carb Carnivore | Bread Loaf

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  • pre-heat oven to 160 °C static.
  • separate eggs,with whites going into a large mixing bowl and yolks into a small one.

    5 eggs

  • add salt plus cream of tartar to the whites; use a hand-held electric whisk to whip on low speed initially,then on high speed until you achieve very firm peaks.

    ¼ tsp cream of tartar,⅛ tsp fine himalayan pink salt

  • weigh and mix the remaining dry ingredients and sift 1/2 over the egg whites; whip to incorporate,then add the remaining 1/2.

    15 g egg white powder,10 g beef gelatine powder,10 g whey protein isolate,¼ tsp xanthan gum

  • continue to whip until the mixture becomes dense and you feel resistance on the whisk; at this point,continue to whip for another 30 seconds.

  • now use the same whisk,including the blob of mixture that will have stuck to the balloon blades,and whip yolks until they become creamy and pale in colour.

  • use a silicone spatula to add all the whipped yolks to the whipped egg whites,combining them manually at first,then with the electric whisk; you should end up with a homogenous,thick,fluffy,and sticky batter.
  • pour 1/2 batter into a 2lb silicone loaf mould and bang the mould on the worktop to remove any air pockets; fill with the remaining 1/2 and level the top.

  • bake for 30 minutes,then turn oven off but leave the bread in its mould inside (door closed) for another 30 minutes.

  • now take the bread out and set it aside to cool in its mould for 15 minutes,after which,lift it off the mould and put in back in the oven over a rack for 15 mins so that the residual warm air dries it out a little more.

  • store in a cupboard,uncovered.

Expect the loaf to rise considerably with the oven heat,and then shrink on all sides as it cools. This is inevitable,as there are no flours to hold structure.

This bread will be quite soft initially,gradually becoming firmer and dryer over time. It will be fine for 3-4 days.

You can toast/broil slices,but watch carefully,as they can quickly become singed and carbonised by the high heat.

nutritional values is are are from quadram ( UK ) food database .

Please weigh ingredients accurately with Metric Kitchen scales:

Metric Scales UK

Metric Scales U.S.

Serving: 1slice | calorie :55kcal | carbohydrate :0g | Protein: 7.2g | Fat: 3g

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