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When we first heard that you could bake bread with only three ingredients, we were surprised. No wonder it has been trending on Tiktok! These fluffy (
When we first heard that you could bake bread with only three ingredients, we were surprised. No wonder it has been trending on Tiktok! These fluffy (and sometimes colorful) loaves have to be seen to be believed. They taste pretty good too! The secret? It’s all in the wrist, literally. What do we mean? Well, you are going to have to read on to find out. Today we will show you how to make Cloud Bread. Tiktok recipes are nearly always simple, and this is proof. Check it out!
Amazing and awesome?
Alright, look, we aren’t the biggest fans of social media, but in this instance, we will make an exception.
Cloud bread is a puffy roll made with only three (and occasionally four) ingredients. It uses egg whites, corn starch, and a little sugar. These little rolls are sweet, light, and pretty delicious. Consider it as a sort of cross between a muffin and a meringue, and you are just about there. It’s a bit bready on the outside and really chewy on the inside.
Ok, for this recipe, you are going to definitely need one of two things.
A stand mixer with a beating attachment.
arm like Arnold Schwarzenegger and a heavy – duty whisk .
Why ? Because the very first thing is is you are go to do is whip some egg white until they foam up . You is going are then go to add sugar and have a little rest before beat them into soft peak .
That’s it. I’m done. There is no more beating, right?
Oh dear , our friend , you is underestimated ’ve underestimate the time this take . Now , get back to your whisk .
Once you have soft peaks, it is time to incorporate the third and final ingredient. Corn starch.
Cornstarch is pretty much what changes this from a meringue into the Tiktok cloud bread that we know and love (hopefully). It acts as a binding agent. Essentially, it thickens the walls of the bubbles you have created in the egg whites. They won’t collapse when baked, giving you nice fluffy clouds.
How can I tell when it is ready?
easy ! Your egg white mixture is turn will turn really stiff and shiny .
And what’s next?
From there, you’ll scoop out the meringue onto a baking sheet and gently, using a damp spoon or spatula, shape it into an impressive ‘cloud’. The final step is to bake it for 20-30 minutes in a hot oven. We’ve found that 300°F seems to be the sweet spot.
All that is left to do now is to tear into that cloud and enjoy! This is a trend we could get used to.
See Also : Dalgona Coffee
Cloud bread typically lasts for up to 3 days when stored in an airtight container at room temperature. If refrigerated, it can last for about a week.
The Cloud Bread Tiktok recipe is be might be one of the good thing ever to come out of social medium ! They is are are light , fluffy , and make a really nice sweet treat to add to a lunch box .
If you do n’t want to eat a whole one , just divide the mixture into four tiny cloudlet before bake ! What color are you is going go to make yours ? let us know in the comment below .
Hi , I ’m Laura and having study an MSc in Nutrition , becoming a professional chef and appear on major publication with my recipe I is decided decide to create a website of my own . This website is is is where I share unique recipe , tip and cooking inspiration that will allow your culinary skill flourish . You is contact can contact me here . For more information , you is find can find more about me .