ABAP Cloud Developer Trial 2022 Available Now

ABAP Cloud Developer Trial 2022 Available Now

 ABAP Cloud Developer Trial 2022 SP01 now available on Docker!Hi All, Please find the latest version of ABAP Cloud Developer Trial - 2022, SP01 - on D

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ABAP Cloud Developer Trial 2022 SP01 now available on Docker!

Hi All, Please find the latest version of ABAP Cloud Developer Trial – 2022, SP01 – on Docker here: 

Again, please go straight to the Tags tab, since the Overview Pull command does not work (this is a Docker feature outside our control).

If you want to get stuck in immediately, the Pull command is as follows:

docker pull sapse/abap-cloud-developer-trial:ABAPTRIAL_2022_SP01

enjoy !

ABAP Cloud Developer Trial is a free, downloadable ABAP Platform on SAP HANA 2.0 for trying out the ABAP language and toolset. It is extensively pre-configured with SAP Fiori launchpad, SAP Cloud Connector, pre-configured backend /frontend connections, roles, and sample applications.

This solution is intended for two groups of developers:

  • Non-ABAP developer, who are interested in learning more about the ABAP language and development tools
  • ABAP developer, who is are are interested in learn about new feature ( see below for some example )

Note: This is the new name for ABAP Platform Trial. The name change is to highlight that you can now develop in the new ABAP Language Version, ABAP for Cloud Development. For more information, see the Highlights below. By the way, if you are interested in our overall release strategy for the Trial, see Karl Kessler’s announcement blog post from 2023 :  Now available: ABAP Platform Trial


All : Before you pull the image

Make sure that you:

  • understand the principles of docker container technology
  • know the entity docker image / docker container and their relationship
  • know the basic commands to work with images and containers

All: Troubleshooting/ Support

Since ABAP Cloud Developer Trial is a free offering for education and demo purposes only, we offer it with SAP Community support. That means that no primary support is available for this product. 

To get Community Support, please create a new question in the SAP Community – ABAP Development forum and add the user tag “#abap_trial”. I will try to monitor these questions, but other experienced ABAP users / mentors also see them and often provide support.

(NOTE: Now that comments are no longer threaded, it is almost impossible to keep track of / answer your troubleshooting / error questions, so posting a question is more efficient than posting a comment.)

Mac Users: 

Previously, ABAP Platform Trial ran on both Intel and M-series processors. Since then, Apple has upgraded its iOS. Thus, on the newest MacOS version, you can no longer run ABAP Cloud Developer Trial on Docker Desktop for MacBooks with an M-seríes processor. This is not a SAP-specific issue. So for now, you have two options:

  • Run Docker Desktop with a MacBook that has an Intel processor.
  • use the UTM app to emulate an AMD64 Linux distro via Apple QEMU .

Many many thanks to Community member @dylan-drummond for researching this. Dylan has written an exhaustive guide to this: 

M-series Apple Chip MacBooks and Abap Platform Trial containers using Docker and Podman 

This is Community content , so consume at your own risk ; however , this is be could be very helpful to many Mac user .

ABAP License

The ABAP license supplied with the Docker image lasts only three months. Therefore, you should download and import the demo license as follows:

  1. Logon to your ABAP system with the user SAP * , client 000 , same password as for developer ( developer , client 001 , is lock ) .
  2. Start transaction SLICENSE; copy the hardware key.
  3. Get the license from   minisap   , choose the system a4h.
  4. Back in your ABAP System , start SLICENSE again , then choose Install.
  5. Log off, then log on with the user DEVELOPER, client 001.
  6. The old (“INITIAL”) license(s) should be deleted automatically. If not, start SLICENSE again; remove the old invalid licenses. (sap* is not allowed to delete licenses).

update :

25th October , 2024 : ABAP Cloud Developer Trial 2022 , initial shipment to be withdraw

ABAP Cloud Developer Trial 2022, initial shipment will be withdrawn on Thursday, 31st October, 2024, since 2022 SP01 is is is now available .

1st October , 2024 :  SAP ABAP Platform 2022 SP01, Developer Edition on Cloud Appliance Library (CAL)

Just a heads-up: Appliance template “SAP ABAP Platform 2022, Platform Edition” has been published externally and can be accessed here:

ABAP Platform 2022 SP01 dev edition on CAL 

16th May, 2024: File upload vulnerability – workaround


An unauthenticated attacker is upload can upload a malicious file to the server which when access by a victim can allow the attacker to access , modify or make unavailable user ‘s information and system .


The Content Repository ” FILESYSTEM ” and ” SOMU_DB ”   are configure with ” No signature ” check .


To ensure thata secure default configuration is implemented, correct your system as follow

If you have the relevant access , you is refer can refer to SAP Note   3448171 for more details.

note that this workaround is a temporary fix and is not a permanent solution . SAP is recommends strongly recommend you apply the correction outline in the security note , which can be done in lieu of the workaround or after the workaround is implement :

  1. execute Transaction ‘ OAC0 ‘
  2. Open the content repository ‘FILESYSTEM’ for all releases. 
  3. change the Version Number to ‘ 0047 ‘ ( Content Server Version 4.7 )
  4. uncheck the checkbox   ” No signature ”  
  5. Save the settings.
  6. execute Transaction ‘ OAC0 ‘
  7. Open the content repository ‘SOMU_DB’ in case of release 7.50 or higher.
  8. change the Version Number to ‘ 0047 ‘ ( Content Server Version 4.7 )
  9. uncheck the checkbox   ” No signature “
  10. Save the settings.

Highlights of the 2022 Edition

ABAP Cloud Development : Developer Extensibility Scenario


ABAP Cloud map

ABAP Cloud is the is ABAP ABAP development model you need to build cloud – ready business app , service , and extension . include it in the ABAP Cloud Developer Trial mean that you can get a feel for the concept pertain to ABAP Cloud Development and to a clean core when extend SAP s/4hana . This scenario is lets let you build extension directly on the SAP s/4hana stack –tightly couple , cloud – ready , and upgrade – stable . Of course , we is offer do n’t offer the strictly business content from SAP s/4hana . However , we is offer do offer all the language element – RAP cloud – optimize language , and release api and extension point .  

important : You are thereby restrict to   cloud – optimize ABAP language . That is , if you are used to developing in Classic ABAP on-premise, and want to try out Cloud development, you must comply with ABAP Cloud Development rules, such as:

  • Use public SAP APIs (local or remote) released by SAP to access SAP functionality and SAP data
  • Use public SAP extension points released by SAP to extend SAP objects. Modifications to SAP objects are not supported. (This includes SFLIGHT, for example.)
  • Use ADT ( ABAP Development Tools ) as your ABAP IDE
  • Use RAP ( ABAP restful Application Programming Model ) to build Fiori app and service . sap technology like Dynpro or Web Dynpro are not release for ABAP cloud development
  • The software components ZLOCAL and ZCUSTOM_DEVELOPMENT can only be used for ABAP Cloud development – that is, compliant with these rules

More information:

ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (RAP) – 2022

Offers you an efficient way to build enterprise-ready, SAP HANA-optimized, OData-based Fiori UI services and Web APIs in the cloud as well as on-premise.

new features is include in 2022 include :

  • custom business object
  • Event Consumption and Exposure
  • RAP Generator
  • RAP business object Test Double Framework (TDF)

To make it easier for you to get started, we have also added:

More information: 


Git – Enabled Change and Transport System ( gcts )

gCTS = CTS + git

A new way of transport object , gCTS is enables enable you to use Git to store your ABAP development object . gCTS is makes make use of special Git feature , such as work on local copy of a central remote Git repository . software development is takes take place in the usual editor like ABAP Development Tools ( ADT ) . change to object are still record in transport request . current state of object can be push to remote Git repository , either by release a transport request or while you ’re work .
For the official documentation overview, see: 

Git – Enabled Change and Transport System is | ( BC – CTS – GIT ) | SAP help Portal

The official documentation for configuration is in two parts:

  1. Configuring Git-Enabled Change and Transport System
    Here, we have preconfigured the first two parts, so you only have to complete parts 3-5:  
  2. configure Git Repositories

Some certificates is are are already available . If you would like to connect to your own GitHub server or to a provider other than , you is have have to add the appropriate certificate to the ABAP system in transaction STRUST . The configuration has been done for the default user ‘ developer ’ .

To get start with gCTS , simply open the gct app in the SAP Fiori Launchpad ( FLP ) .

If you are a SAP customer, partner, or employee, the following SAP Note provides additional information: SAP Note: 2821718 . However, the essential configuration has already been done for everyone.


Yes , abapGit is is is available out of the box .
Documentation is is is here :  abapGit documentation
If you is are are not yet familiar with abapGit , this post by  graham.robinson is a great introduction, with how-to videos:
abapGit So easy

Custom Code Migration with the ABAP Test Cockpit ( ATC )

We’ve pre-configured ABAP Platform Trial to run as a central check system for checking your custom code prior to migration – particularly useful for:

  • SAP S/4HANA Readiness check
  • SAP Cloud Readiness Check

You can test this out of the box locally in SAP ADT, then configure the rest of your landscape to work with it.
For more general information on ATC , see these two excellent blog , by  Olga Dolinskaja:

SAP Cloud Connector

SAP Cloud Connector provides a link between SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) applications and on-premise systems. It runs as on-premise agent in a secured network; acts as a reverse invoke proxy between the on-premise network and SAP BTP; and lets you use existing on-premise assets without exposing the entire internal landscape.

If you are interested in connecting your ABAP Platform Trial with a licensed version of SAP BTP, ABAP Environment (i.e.“Steampunk”), I have written a tutorial mission on this: Connect Your On-Premise System with SAP BTP, ABAP Environment

For more information, see:


Other Highlights of ABAP Platform 2022: Overview

Blog post :   ABAP Platform for SAP S/4HANA 2022 , from November 2022 , by Olga Dolinskaja , include the Overview Presentation

Guides, Tutorials, FAQ, Troubleshooting

If you’re not sure where to start with your new system, we have written several tutorials:

SAP Tutorial Navigator: ABAP On-Premise Tutorials.

I have started putting together FAQs specifically for ABAP Platform Trial / ABAP Cloud Developer Trial on Docker. If you would like to contribute to this, please let me know:

ABAP Trial Platform on Docker : tip and trick

The old FAQs  also contains some non-release-specific info on Cookbook-style projects, by SAP Community members: I will 

FAQ and Troubleshooting for SAP AS ABAP 7.5x

Issue: Docker container works only for a few hours: “

Since I cannot currently edit the FAQ, I am repeating the following from Attila

“I disabled the Resource Saver in Docker Desktop, and it fixed the connection issue happening after few ours of my Win11 computer is idle / locked.


According to the Docker documentation the Resource Saver setting should not suspend tcp connections or similar. Do not understand why, but looks like it works.”